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AC-17 Tyrfing type R

From Assault Lily Wiki

The AC-17 Tyrfing type R (ティルフィング R型) is a third-generation CHARM manufactured by Yggdrasil.

Description[edit | edit source]

Tyrfings have three modes: Blade Mode, Buster Cannon Mode, and a Short Blade Mode that is activated by cutting off the turret. Whereas the T-type is built to boost attack power, the R-type boosts a Lily's speed.[1] The CHARM cannot quickly return to Blade Mode from Buster Cannon Mode due to the blade overheating, so it is equipped with a detachment mechanism to allow for the Lily to continue fighting. It can be reattached after recovering from overheating, or retrieved after fighting in Short Blade Mode.[2] While it is not an extremely popular CHARM due to its expensive parts configuration and the craftsmanship applied to each part being unsuitable for mass production, it is still a hot commodity among Lilies. There are plans to distribute Tyrfings to special forces and other Legions that use high-grade CHARMs, but at present, the only ones using this CHARM in actual combat are Rokkaku Shiori, who has the AC-17 Tyrfing Prototype, and Lilies who participate in tests for mass production. It is an extremely rare CHARM with only a few dozen in the world.[3]

Users[edit | edit source]

These Lilies are known to have used this CHARM in some medium or at some point.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]