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From Assault Lily Wiki

Charisma was formerly believed to be a Rare Skill, but has recently been recognized as the subskill version of Laplace.

Charisma is a purification skill that protects the user and other Lilies nearby from negative Magi. Its effect is to invert the Magi of nearby Huge; the Charisma user than absorbs that Magi, and radiates the portion they don't have the capacity to contain as an aura.

As subskills go, Charisma is uncommon[2]. It is highly desired by most Gardens, coming second only to Regista and Phantasm[3].

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Comments made by Obanazawa Kenei at a 2022 showing of Schwester's Prayer imply that Charisma's name is related not just to the English meaning of the word, but to the Christian concept of a charism—a miraculous power, such as that of healing, bestowed by God[4].

Lilies with Charisma[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. The Powers of Lilies: Rare Skills. Assault Lily Official Blog, January 23, 2015.
  2. Assault Lily World Guide Category 6: Rare Skills (first half), Dengeki Hobby Web
  3. @assault_lily twitter, November 15, 2023.
  4. Mentioned during the Schwester's Prayer Showing & Talk Show event on September 24, 2022. 岸本・ルチア・来夢の 『ルチア』が挙げられサンタルチアが由来であり、 少女でありながら色々な人々を癒した事が、 カリスマ使いで色々な人に何故か好かれる来夢にピッタリだと考えた。 (summarized by Twitter user @kuohayu_3998)