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GC-13 Murglais

From Assault Lily Wiki

The GC-13 Murglais (ミュルグレス) is a second-generation CHARM manufactured by the Grand Guignol Corporation.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Murglais is a second-generation CHARM developed and tuned by the Grand Guignol Corporation to be the ideal partner to the Tyrant of Mercurius's fierce fighting style, with its emphasis on thrusting.

Its elegant Blade Mode, designed in the fashion of an European sword, is a glorious sight to see and is considered one of Grand Guignol's masterworks by fans of the company.

But it boasts unparalleled function as well as form, and in Shooting Mode is among the top five most powerful CHARMs. The Arsenal who took part in designing the Murglais, Tonegawa Yu, is considered by some the world's foremost expert on creating CHARMs with high-powered cannons.

Users[edit | edit source]

These Lilies are known to have used this CHARM in some medium or at some point.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]