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Last Bullet:Aizawa Kazuha/Lily Fes! Flower

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Aizawa Kazuha/Lily Fes! Flower

Aizawa Kazuha/Lily Fes! Flower (相澤一葉/りりふぇす!!フラワー) is a Lily costume for Aizawa Kazuha in Assault Lily: Last Bullet.

It can be equipped in a unit to send the Lily into battle wearing this costume, and may possess unique status boosts or other bonuses.

Memoria[edit | edit source]

This Lily costume is not associated with a memoria, or the associated memoria is untranslated in the global version.

Level Bonuses[edit | edit source]

Level Type Bonus
Lv.1 Shared Sp.DEF+25
Lv.2 Inherent Assistance +1%
Lv.3 Shared HP+50
Lv.4 Inherent Assistance +1%
Lv.5 Shared DEF+25
Lv.6 Shared HP+50
Lv.7 Inherent Assistance +1%
Lv.8 Shared Sp.ATK+25
Lv.9 Inherent Assistance +2%
Lv.10 Shared ATK+25
Lv.11 Shared Sp.DEF+50, HP+100
Lv.12 Shared Sp.ATK+50
Lv.13 Shared DEF+50, HP+100
Lv.14 Inherent Assistance +2.5%, ATK+50

Rare Skill[edit | edit source]

Name Description MP Consumption Effect Time
Anti-HUGE Register For a certain period of time, the Attack / Defense Power of all allies are increased. 0 20
Legion Match Register For a certain period of time, the Attack / Defense Power of all allies are increased. 0 35

Support Skill[edit | edit source]

Power Assist A

Increases ATK of 1 ally.

Support skills will activate if you select this Lily costume as a Support Lily, or if you select them as a Support Unit while not using a memoria.

Special Skills[edit | edit source]

This Lily costume has no special skills.

Links[edit | edit source]

"Aizawa Kazuha/Lily Fes! Flower" on LastBullet DB (Japanese)