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Last Bullet:Fierce Lion Sword

From Assault Lily Wiki

Fierce Lion Sword

Fierce Lion Sword (猛る獅子の剣) is a memoria in Assault Lily: Last Bullet.

When equipped to a unit, it increases the unit's status and can be used to activate skills in battle. The skill activated depends on the type of battle being fought.

Basic Data[edit | edit source]

Status[edit | edit source]

Attribute Category Rarity (Maximum) Cost Battle Power (Maximum)
Dark Normal area attack 8★ 21 17138
Base 729 604 709 626
Maximum 5208 3610 4688 3632

The displayed maximum status is after all strengthening, limit breaks, evolution and awakenings possible.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Name Description MP Consumption Effect Time
Anti-HUGE Guard Break D LG Deals great regular damage to 2 enemies, and decreases the enemy’s DEF. 26 0
Legion Match Guard Break D LG Deals great regular damage to 2 enemies, and decreases the enemy’s DEF. 26 0
Legion Match Support Attack: Damage UP / Guard DOWN Ⅲ When attacking, DEF of the enemy is massively decreased with a certain probability. In addition, attack damage is massively increased. 0

Links[edit | edit source]

"Fierce Lion Sword" on LastBullet DB (Japanese)