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Legion Herfjötur

From Assault Lily Wiki

Legion Herfjötur (LGヘルフィヨトゥル) is a legion at Yurigaoka Girls' Academy.

Herfjötur is one of the special legions in Yurigaoka. Although, unlike the other specially designated legions who perform special function, Herfjötur is the Garden's keeper of tradition.

Unlike the other legions who decided their name upon formation, the Herfjötur name is passed down through the generations. As the legion that embodied Yurigaoka's tradition, their members are all part of the Yurigaoka Moral Study Council. Secretary of the council, titled Var is also captain of the legion.

Their legion uniform design is also the most similar to the original uniform worn in era when Yurigaoka was established[3], far before it became a Garden[4].

As guardian of moral and tradition, they have very close relationship to the Sigrún. While the Sigrún officially can't lead any legion, Herfjötur supports her completely. The Moral Study Council also has a strong say in the selection of Sigrún as well as head of the public discipline committee.

Relationship[edit | edit source]

Herfjötur has very terrible relationship with Eir. They would even refuse on being sortied together. This was sparked by the conflict between Matsuri and Chihana which resulted in Chihana stepping down from her position as Sigrún[5].

Herfjötur meanwhile has a good relationship with Schwarz Grail, as the current Sigrún, Uchida Mayuri, is a member of Schwarz Grail. So is Kemmochi Noriko, the second most powerful Lily in the Sigrún faction[6].

References[edit | edit source]

  1. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1280881321204543490
  2. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1384172736604344325
  3. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1488893458878459904
  4. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1618983483153747968
  5. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1378727796684464133
  6. @assault_lily twitter, January 6, 2024. "Q: Do Herfjötur and Schwarz Grail have a good relationship?" "A: Yes, because Uchida Mayuri, the current Sigrún, is a member of Schwarz Grail. So is Kenmochi Noriko, the leader of the old dormitory, who is effectively the second most powerful Lily in the Sigrún faction. Everyone in Herfjötur wants nothing more than to be helpful to the Sigrún." Translation by Letheka.