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Ludvico Private Girls' Academy (troupe)

From Assault Lily Wiki

Ludvico Private Girls' Academy (私立ルドビコ女学院), not to be confused with the fictional Ludvico Private Girls' Academy, is a theater troupe founded by Sakuragi Sayaka.

Saint Ludovico Academy[edit | edit source]

The predecessor of Ludvico Private Girls' Academy was "Saint Ludovico Academy" (聖ルドビコ学園), a theater troupe also founded by Sakuragi that was active between 2004 and 2013. It performed plays with connected stories centered on the fictional Saint Ludovico Academy[1]. Unlike Ludvico Private Girls' Academy, the casts of Saint Ludovico Academy's plays were not exclusively female, and regularly included male instructors at Ludovico and boys from a different fictional school, Saint Antonio Academy[2].

Sakuragi, in addition to writing and directing the plays, performed in them as Sakuragi Sayaka, the student council president of Saint Ludovico Academy. Another recurring cast member was Hayashi Shuji (soccer team captain at Saint Antonio Academy), who would later go on to direct the revival versions of the Assault Lily × Ludvico Private Girls' Academy plays[2].

Unconventionally, Saint Ludovico Academy's plays invited the audience to participate as fellow students at the two schools[1].

Ludvico Private Girls' Academy[edit | edit source]

After Saint Ludovico Academy disbanded, Sakuragi formed a successor troupe, Ludvico Private Girls' Academy. She continued to write and direct their plays. Unlike Saint Ludovico Academy, the new troupe's plays had fully female casts and did not include the audience as characters.

Obanazawa Kenei went to see one of these plays in 2015, and subsequently approached Sakuragi about a collaboration, which became Assault Lily × Ludvico Private Girls' Academy.

Extermal links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Assault Lily Magazine vol. 3, pg. 28
  2. 2.0 2.1 Shown on the DVD slipbooks of the plays "時の城のジュリエット" and "白ゆり剣士のみた夢" by Saint Ludovico Academy.