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Luise Ingels

From Assault Lily Wiki

Luise Ingels (ルイセ・インゲルス) is a Lily who attends Yurigaoka Girls' Academy. She is a member of Legion Sanngriðr.

Luise is a clone of Laura Ingels, a Lily who died during the Antarctic Campaign. She was created with the unanimous consent of the branch of the Ingels family into which she was born. GEHENA, who had samples of Laura Ingels' cells, assisted in creating Luise[4]. Like Ran and Raimu[5], Luise was boosted from the moment of her birth, with her subskills and Boosted Skills carefully planned out by GEHENA.

History[edit | edit source]

After spending her early years in Denmark[6], Luise entered Yurigaoka during elementary school. During those time, the first person she became close to was Katsura who was still attending Yurigaoka[7].

She used to live in the Special Dormitory, but has since then moved to the Regular Dormitory[8].

One day, a group of Yurigaoka elementary school students went outside the Garden walls as a training exercise. When the members of the group were suddenly reshuffled, Luise was included among its number, and as a Boosted Lily, she attracts the Huge to her. Another girl added to the group during the reshuffle was Yamaguchi Chihiro.

A swarm of irregular small-types appeared and attacked the young girls. Luise and Katsura, who were present, showed their innate bravery as they fought against the small-types, but this didn't stop some of the girls from being so grievously injured that they couldn't become Lilies afterwards; a few even lost their lives.

Chihiro, who fought a number of the Huge entirely on her own, eventually collapsed from her wounds. The sight of her fallen form drove Luise battle-mad, and that's when people started to become scared of her.

Following the battle, rumors spread about Luise's true nature, which had been kept secret. Those rumors also claimed that the attack had happened in the first place because Luise was a Boosted Lily. As others started distancing themselves from her, Luise blamed herself for what had happened. It was at that time that Hasebe Touka spoke to Luise, comforting her and gradually helping the smile return to her face[4].

Junior High School[edit | edit source]

Thanks to the support and encouragement of both Touka and her partner Takegoshi Chihana, Luise's years in junior high school were pleasant ones, but then she had to witness another tragedy when Touka fell into a vegetative state.

During this time, Luise visited Touka in the hospital each and every day, not missing a single one. Even after Touka recovered from her injuries, she remained in a vegetative state, but Luise talked to her on a daily basis. She knew Touka had loved to be fashionable, so she did Touka's hair for her and changed her accessories on her every day.

The designer of the fourth-generation CHARM that caused Touka to fall into a vegetative state, Mashima Moyu, felt responsible for what had happened to her. But Luise showed concern for Moyu and tried to encourage her, helping her overcome her guilt. Luise, a fun-loving girl without a shy bone in her body, would often visit Moyu's workshop for no particular reason and let her know how Touka was doing.

While Touka was in the hospital, the first Legion Álfheimr disbanded, leaving her without a legion. Luise was grateful to Touka for having helped her back when she herself was suffering, and so she put her career as a Lily on hold to devote herself entirely to Touka.

Several legions invited Luise to become a provisional member who could join them formally when she entered high school, but she refused them all, saying "I shall wait for Touka-sama to wake up and fight together in the same legion as her."

The Ingels family sent Luise a message: "You must join a legion." But she declined even their request. "Touka-sama means a great deal to me. She helped make me who I am today. I feel ignoring that debt wouldn't suit the honorable Ingels family," she told them.

Later, when Touka finally recovered from her vegetative state, she told Luise that she wanted her as a Schild and proposed that they take the Schutzengel's Oath together. The two of them thus became Schutzengels[4].

Joining Sanngriðr[edit | edit source]

Kondo Misaka's fierce approach convinced Touka to join Legion Sanngriðr, and Luise naturally decided to join it along with her. But at that time, Sanngriðr had a poor relationship with the student council and their longevity was still in question. "Leave that legion, immediately," the Ingels family ordered Luise.

"Join a legion, leave this legion, make up your mind!" Luise retorted. "The only thing I want is to fight by Touka-oneesama's side."

The reaction of the Ingels family was to cut off their financial support for Luise's CHARMs. All of the CHARMs she had at that time were taken away, but Luise didn't care. "One should treasure their CHARM, but treasure people even more," she said[4].

Combat Style[edit | edit source]

Luise is a Boosted Lily who primarily fights using her Magi-Reflector Boosted Skill, even though she also has Regenerator. The Regenerator skill doesn't function without its user being injured, but Luise has adopted a combat style that uses Magi-Reflector (and her CHARMs as well, to a degree) to deflect attacks instead. She meets the enemy head-on and fights them while blocking every attack.

Using her Boosted Skill of Enhancement, Luise can strengthen the subskill Threshold of Madness to the Rare Skill level. With this combination of skills, she can satisfy all of her innate destructive urges during the period they're both active.

Because of her prominent canines, the manner in which her eyes glow gold when she's agitated, and her propensity for going into battle frenzies, others speak of Luise in fear as the "Golden Wolf."

Luise likes to fight up close with gauntlet-style CHARMs, and isn't afraid of getting within punching range of the Huge. "You can't do anything to those big ones without getting up close!" she says.

In Sanngriðr's formation, Luise holds the central BZ position. This is because she wants to fight next to her Schutzengel Touka, who specializes in the right-side BZ herself. She's the newest kind of power-focused Lily.

Touka's partner in the past, Takegoshi Chihana, would often just pass the Magisphere along. Luise prefers taking more direct action by setting up the finish shot. She may suddenly pass the sphere to Misaka, make precision passes forward, or simply fire the finish shot herself.

Sanngriðr has plenty of Neunwelt bullets to spare, so Luise holds the opinion that they should finish Neunwelts as quickly as they can[4].

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The plagiarism issue that centered on Kondo Misaka also affected Luise, because she was drawn in a similar uniform to Misaka's. Her original key visual was never reposted by official Assault Lily accounts.
    • When talking about Luise, Fumi often tweeted a screenshot of her cameo in Assault Lily: Bouquet instead.
    • At the AK-GARDEN 23 convention in June 2023, Luise received a new key visual drawn by Hotaru. Much like her cameo in Bouquet, she is now wearing the standard Yurigaoka uniform with only minor alterations.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1409173754253508610
  2. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1635664273237221376
  3. @assault_lily twitter, April 6, 2021. "Q: info on the Rare skill and Boosted skills of Luise Ingels (LG Sanngriðr)" "A: bearing the nickname "Golden Wolf", her Rare skill is Register. as for Boosted skills, she uses Magi Reflector and Enhancement" Translation by Hắc.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Assault Lily Setting Material: Special Feature on Sanngrithr, pg. 16.
  5. @assault_lily twitter, April 13, 2021. "Q: between Luise and Tomoshibi, who undergone enhancement operation at a younger age" "A: Luise. In fact she's like Ran and Raimu, being an Enhanced Lily from birth" Translation by Hắc.
  6. @assault_lily twitter, April 9, 2021. "Q: where is Luise Ingels' birthplace" "A: Denmark" Translation by Hắc.
  7. @assault_lily twitter, April 9, 2021. "Q: who was Luise's first friend in Yurigaoka" "A: she came to Yuriigaoka from the elementary school stage, and the first person she gotten close with was Hayami Katsura, then expected to become Yurigaoka's star." Translation by Hắc.
  8. @assault_lily twitter, September 17, 2021. "Q: Does Luise still reside in the special dorm now" "A: No, she has moved to the normal dorm" Translation by Hắc.