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Makuhari Girls' High School of Science and Engineering

From Assault Lily Wiki

Makuhari Girls' High School of Science and Engineering (幕張科学技術女子高等学校) is a Garden in Chiba, Japan. It is a specialized Garden for the education of Arsenals and has no separate classes for Lilies[1]. However, its Arsenals undergo the same training as Lilies and, in contrast to the "fighting Arsenals" at some other Gardens like Yurigaoka, consider combat one of their primary duties[2]. The Garden's goal is to have legions consisting entirely of Arsenals[3].

Makuhari Girls' is one of the smallest Gardens to have achieved any level of fame. It accepts only the finest applicants, teaches only one class of students in each school year, and has just over 100 students in total[4]. It has an elementary school[5].

Along with Odaiba, Makuhari Girls' is one of the leading Gardens involved in the development of new Magus equipment[6]. Some, but not all, of their fighting Arsenals use the Valkyria Skirt Magi Reincarnation System[7] developed by Odaiba.

Makuhari's Arsenals are well known for their frequent use of B-type Armaments[8]. Their combat style, which involves fine-tuning their CHARMs' settings in the midst of battle, is sometimes imitated by those Lilies and Arsenals at other Gardens who possess the necessary knowledge[9].

History[edit | edit source]

When the Makuhari area was overrun by the Huge, instructors from Makuhari Girls' set up a temporary Garden in Funabashi, to the north. This temporary Garden was used to make the preparations for the Makuhari Recapture[10].

Legion Gladsheim, the most famous legion at Makuhari Girls', became famous for their accomplishments during the Makuhari Recapture[11].

Though Makuhari Girls' is considered a strong Garden, they have very few Lilies, so they have enlisted the aid of Odaiba Girls' School to defend the Makuhari area[12].

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Makuhari Girls' has a good relationship with Jogashima, another Garden that focuses on the education of Arsenals[3].

References[edit | edit source]

  1. @assault_lily twitter, March 1, 2024
  2. @assault_lily twitter, January 7, 2022. "Q: Do Arsenals in Odaiba also undergo the same strict training as Lilies" "A: Yes. As it is Odaiba and Makuhari's ideology to educate Arsenals as Lilies, instead of fighting Arsenals (i.e. combat being the secondary duty), those in these schools will be made to undergo the same training as Lilies. One example is Kozue" Translation by Hắc.
  3. 3.0 3.1 @assault_lily twitter, March 9, 2023. "Q: Are there rivalry between Jougashima and Makuhari? Both being Arsenal focused Garden." "A: They got good relationship. Both Garden has different direction in their Arsenal education." "Makuhari's concept is to have legions consisting of Combat Arsenal." "Jougashima's concept is to train Combat Arsenal so they can do trials of their own Charm in battle to improve their designs." Translation by rluka.
  4. @assault_lily twitter, March 1, 2024. "Q : What is the smallest Garden?" "A : Out of the famous, that would be Makuhari Science and Technical Girls Academy. Their education is focused on quality rather than quantity and they only have one class per year. The total student is just 100." Translation by rluka.
  5. @assault_lily twitter, April 23, 2023
  6. @assault_lily twitter, July 29, 2021. "MAGUS is short for Magi Appended Generator Unit System. The term refers to external Magi unit systems collectively known as the MAGUS equipment family, and their developments are spearheaded by Odaiba's Arsenal division as well as Makuhari Girls' High school of Science and Engineering. Simply put, it's a Magi generator that works independently of the Crystal Core of a CHARM." Translation by Hắc.
  7. @assault_lily twitter, March 23, 2021. "Q: at Makuhari Girls' Science and Engineering High School the B-type Armament is used, but since they also cooperate with Odaiba, does it mean they also use the Valkyrie Skirt Magi Reincarnation System?" "A: yes, while not all Lilies of the school use the system, a number does" Translation by Hắc.
  8. @assault_lily twitter, April 21, 2020
  9. @assault_lily twitter, April 12, 2024. "Q: What kind of legion is Legion Ginnungagap?" "A: It's an irregular legion set up by members of the Labyrinth Sorority that operates within Yurigaoka. In the past, the strongest Lilies from it also helped with the establishment of Legion Sanngriðr. Ginnungagap's Lilies are well versed in the fighting style of the Dueling Generation, and the leading members also have technical knowledge on par with an Arsenal's. They use this to fine-tune their CHARMs' settings in the midst of battle—a fighting style more closely associated with other Gardens like Makuhari Girls' High School of Science and Engineering." Translation by Letheka.
  10. @assault_lily twitter, April 12, 2024
  11. @assault_lily twitter, January 17, 2021. "LG Glaðsheimr of Makuhari Science Girls' High School" "achieved fame in the battle of Makuhari Recapture, the legion was led by Yoshioka Tomoha" Translation by Hắc.
  12. @assault_lily twitter, August 30, 2021