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Seike Tomoyo

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Seike Tomoyo (清家知世) is a Lily who attends Yurigaoka Girls' Academy. She is a member of Legion Sanngriðr. Her Schutzengel is Imagawa Homare.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Tomoyo is a kind and cheerful person when her stubbornness doesn't get in the way. She's considerate of others, and is nice even to those who are scared of her or clearly dislike her.

It takes a lot to make Tomoyo angry, but when she does get mad (such as when someone belittles the other members of Sanngriðr), the menace that she radiates would undoubtedly make her yakuza family proud.

She's got a boisterous and cheery personality, typical of the Lilies in Sanngriðr, and of those first-year Lilies who only entered Yurigaoka in junior high school, she's settled into the Garden the most of all[1].

History[edit | edit source]

Tomoyo was born to a family that was part of the criminal underworld. The girl, who had a high Skiller Value from a young age, decided early on that she wanted to be a Lily who would fight for everyone's sake. Out of the many Gardens she could have done this at, she set her sights on Yurigaoka—the Garden that her family background gravely impaired her chances of entering.

Yurigaoka has a condition for those it accepts as students: they must come from a household of good moral standing. Anyone from a family like Tomoyo's is thus forbidden to enroll.

The girl began to work diligently, with her goal not that of being accepted to Yurigaoka in the standard fashion, but passing the "Yurigaoka Girls' Academy Junior High School Special Candidate Examination." Only about ten Lilies with immense talent are accepted to Yurigaoka through this method each year. Of all the ways one can enter Yurigaoka, being accepted to their junior high school as a special candidate is considered the most difficult.

Through tireless effort, Tomoyo raised her aptitude with CHARMs to an incredible level while also socializing with everyone she could from Yurigaoka. Chelice Jacobsen, one of the instructors in charge of Yurigaoka's enrollment process, eventually invited Tomoyo to take the Junior High School Special Candidate Examination[1].

The Special Candidate Examination[edit | edit source]

During the practical skills section of the examination, Tomoyo amply demonstrated her skills. "You're more than good enough to be a Yurigaoka Lily... and what's truly amazing is that you became that way on your own," Chelice remarked.

Unfortunately, Tomoyo's lineage was still to haunt her, for it had come to Yurigaoka's notice when she filed the paperwork to take the examination. Not once before had there been an exception to Yurigaoka's rule: "Our Lilies must come from households of good moral standing."

"There's no hope of you entering Yurigaoka, but before we send you home, I'll at least listen to what you have to say for yourself," Chelice told Tomoyo.

"Please!" begged Tomoyo, tears streaming down her face. "Look at me, the person I am, and not at my family! I'll never have anything to do with them ever again!" She then bowed deeply, and stayed that way.

It so happened that Takamatsu Shiera had come to watch the examination. "Hehe. Let's have you enter our junior high school, and during those three years, we shall see whether you—the person you are—can conduct yourself as befits one of our Lilies," she proposed. "I should think that the fault here lies with Chelice for summoning you to be examined without a proper inquiry into your background."

Upon hearing those words, Tomoyo couldn't stop crying, but they were now tears of joy. "Be mindful that you're still a junior high school student," Chelice gently advised her. "Do what you can to prove your worth, and the path to being a Lily shall show itself to you. With that said... welcome to Yurigaoka Girls' Academy."[1]

Meeting Homare[edit | edit source]

When Tomoyo entered Yurigaoka, the student council assigned the older student Imagawa Homare to be her combat instructor. Homare had little interest in anything besides improving her own strength, and at first did the bare minimum when it came to instructing Tomoyo.

Tomoyo was already confident in her CHARM technique, so she challenged Homare to a duel. "Don't doubt you're strong, but if you ain't gonna guide me proper, what other option I got? Or maybe you're scared of a first year whippin' your ass?" she told Homare.

"My goodness," replied Homare. "A spunky little lamb who won't learn unless it's beaten into her. I'll make sure it hurts." She accepted Tomoyo's challenge without hesitation, and the two of them each took up CHARMs designed for mock battles.

Tomoyo brought all her power and skill to bear against Homare, and Homare simply fended her off as she did. "I'll admit I've seen worse," she told Tomoyo. "But you won't be able to surprise me with the way you use that sword. It's a little early for you to be facing me."

With those words, Homare struck back at Tomoyo five times, and Tomoyo couldn't avoid a single one of her blows. But being trounced so thoroughly only delighted her further. "Homare-sama! Please take me as your student!" she exclaimed. "Even if you say no, I'll follow you anyway! So you'd better beat me into being a Lily!"

Homare naturally refused, but Tomoyo started following her around and wouldn't stop. Reluctantly, Homare taught her something now and then, and Tomoyo took her every instruction to heart, becoming a much finer Lily as she did. As time passed, Homare began to truly care for the younger girl.

Eventually, the time came for Yurigaoka to decide whether Tomoyo would be allowed to advance to high school. Homare told the instructors, "If you don't let Tomoyo advance, you will most certainly regret it. Choose wisely."

After Tomoyo was allowed into high school, the two of them took the Schutzengel's Oath together[1].

Combat Style[edit | edit source]

When Tomoyo fights, she dances around like she's cavorting, wielding her CHARM flawlessly as she does. Her CHARM technique is more or less perfect, and it shows itself in her delicate handling of the magiesphere and her unexpected movements that confuse the enemy.

Tomoyo doesn't favor brute force on the battlefield. Her flashy fighting style, full of beautiful CHARM movements, has earned her many fans. She's a Star Lily who shines with her ability to cover a wide area, her keen eye for tactics, and her playful CHARM technique.

As a Testament user, Tomoyo's magie barrier is weaker than that of most Lilies. She counteracts this both by avoiding attacks and actively defending herself, and her unique CHARM, Cruadín, is especially designed to aid her with this[1].

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]