Sielulintu Girls' Conservatory
Sielulintu Girls' Conservatory (シエルリント女学薗) is a Garden in Kamakura, Japan. It is one of the "Big Five Gardens" of Kamakura[1].
Location[edit | edit source]
Sielulintu is located in far southern Yokohama, in the Kanazawa Bunko area, known for its art museum that was once the first organized library in medieval Japan (in the real world, few of the books remain.) The entire city of Yokohama is said to be within its national defense area[2]. However, other sources describe northern parts of present-day Yokohama as being in Yurigaoka's national defense area[3], so it is possible that Yokohama has become smaller in the Assault Lily world.
Overview[edit | edit source]
To the lamb, the guidance of the maleficarum; to the hungry wolf, the malleus of the Black Cruciform… Know that before the reckoning of the guns of Sielulintu, ye Huge be as poppets!—Michikawa Miaki, a very typical Sielulintu student despite being a Madec
Sielulintu's culture differs greatly from that of other Gardens. Its Lilies wear black gothic-lolita uniforms[4], profess themselves to be witches, and use pseudonyms based on flowers or gemstones[5]. They choose these pseudonyms themselves[6]; for example, the student council president goes by the name Houraigyoku (meaning "Jewel of Penglai"[7]). Futagawa Fumi claims that there are no exceptions to these general mannerisms, though many Lilies from Sielulintu are remarkably skilled warriors despite this[1].
It's rumored that those affiliated with Sielulintu hold even everyday conversations in a way that is "practically alien to laypeople[8]." Every Lily is required to have a wide variety of occult paraphernalia, which is made available to them by the Garden[9].
Sielulintu's legions are called "covens"[10]. Lilies can form legions only with other Lilies in the same school year[11], subject to instructor approval. Upon "entering into a compact of allegiance" (becoming legion members with one another), Lilies reveal their true names to each other[12].
Sielulintu has many Madecs, who assist with fighting weaker Huge and ensuring the safety of civilians throughout the Yokohama area[13]. It also has an Arsenal department. Its library, the Bibliotheca, is considered the finest in the world for Magi-related subjects, and Sielulintu Arsenals research not only CHARMs, but fundamental topics such as crystal cores and the relationship between Magi and the Huge[14].
Sielulintu is operated by the Finland-based CHARM manufacturer Linnunrata Electronics, and many of its Lilies use CHARMs made by Linnunrata[15]. Its mythological basis is that of Finnish myth[16].
Among pro-GEHENA gardens, Sielulintu is well-known to play a leading role[2], and is considered one of the most extremist pro-GEHENA factions[17]. It is unusual in that it's had relatively few of the disturbing incidents characteristic of GEHENA research[18].
The Vappunaatto OS[edit | edit source]
Lilies from Sielulintu use a unique variant of the Neunwelt Tactic. It is unknown if the variant has a name, but the CHARM OS that enables it (designed by Linnunrata Electronics) is called the Vappunaatto[19] OS.
The Vappunaatto OS differs from the standard Neunwelt OS in that the Lily who fires the finish shot must first absorb the accumulated Magi fully into her CHARM. She can then fine-tune how she releases that energy, making the attack either more effective against a single target or alternatively against a large group. However, doing this is extremely harsh on the Lily's body, and is thought to be one of the reasons why Sielulintu's Lilies are rarely in good physical condition by the time they graduate.
Only the finish shot is different between the Vappunaatto OS and the the standard Neunwelt OS, so Lilies with the two OSes installed can team up to do a Neunwelt together with no issues[20].
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Sielulintu means "soul bird" in Finnish. In Finnish mythology, the Sielulintu are believed to bring souls to children when they are born, and take them away from the dead. They travel along the Milky Way, known as the Linnunrata (meaning "path of birds".)
- Many Lilies enroll in Sielulintu because they like the uniform[21].
- If you attend the Sielulintu school orientation, which is open to the public, you'll get a commemorative pocket watch[4].
- In contrast to most Japanese Gardens, which are overseen by the Ministry of Defense, Sielulintu is under the jurisdiction of MEXT[22]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 @assault_lily twitter, July 5, 2021. "Q: Famous Lily from Sielulintu must be crazy strong yet chuunibyou aren't they?" "A: Of course, Sielulintu is also one of the big 5 Garden of Kamakura, so they have many excellent Lilies. Although, all of them are chuunibyou without exception. ". Translation by rluka.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 @assault_lily twitter, February 1, 2021
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, June 2, 2022.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 @assault_lily twitter, March 28, 2021. "Q: I'm losing sleep over knowing that the Sierlint uniform is gothic loli-styled. give me a description pls before insomnia claims my life?" "A: it's a black-themed gothic loli uniform. also if you join in the school introduction event (public) then you can get a commemorative pocket watch". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, November 11, 2015.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, April 1, 2021. "Q: are the cool names in Sierlint decided and registered by the students themselves?" "A: yes". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, March 24, 2021. "Q: any famous Lilies from Sierlint?" "A: the president of the student council is one, she goes by the nickname 蓬莱玉 (Houraigyoku, Jewel of Hourai/Penglai)". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, April 4, 2021. "Q: do the top legions or high ranking personnel of Sierlint engage in ordinary conversation using terminologies that are so chuuni they're practically alien to the layperson?" "A: according to rumors, they do, and it's pretty insane. aside from chuuni terminology, they also throw citations from theology and philosophy against one another in what that's supposed to be everyday talk". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, March 31, 2021. "Q: are the following witchery items available at Sierlint: candles, crystal balls, plaster skulls, incense, magic diagram, black mirror and clothes, crooked witch hat, brooms, etc." "A: yes of course. they're required even". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, October 28, 2021
- ↑ Assault Lily World Guide Category 5: Legions, Dengeki Hobby Web. The precise meaning of 同級生 is unclear here (and could mean 'classmate'), but 'student in the same school year' seems like the most sensible assumption.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, November 21, 2021. "Q: If Sielulintu girls introduce themselves by aliases, then when do they reveal their real names?" "A: When they exchange the pact of companionships (i.e. becoming legion members), they'll disclose their real names". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ Assault Lily: Last Bullet, Stigma of the Sinless event story (chapter 1)
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, February 1, 2021 (different tweet)
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, February 3, 2021
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, April 6, 2021. "Q: what's the mythological basis for Sierlint? though seeing that they're the home of chuunis, it feels like it's gonna be a melting pot of all sorts of mythologies" "A: Finnish mythology". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, February 26, 2021. "Q: any infamous pro-GEHENA gardens that are radical in their alignment?" "A: Ludojo and Herensuge first come to mind, but the real pro-GEHENA extremist is Sierlint.". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, February 1, 2021 (yet another different tweet)
- ↑ Finnish for Walpurgis Eve.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, February 2, 2025
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, February 20, 2021. "quite a lot of Lilies enter Sierlint for the uniform.". Translation by Hắc.
- ↑ @assault_lily twitter, August 16, 2020