Translated Assault Lily Tweets (Part 2)
This page contains tweets made by the official Assault Lily twitter account (a.k.a. Fumi-chan) that have been summarized or translated into English by members of the Assault Lily Fan Discord. They were retrieved in February 2023. The links are not guaranteed to be accessible.
The table entries are ordered by the date of the translation, not the tweet. There may be errors; check that the translation properly corresponds to the linked tweet before using it.
You can find ready-to-use reference tags for each translation commented out in the page source, below the visible text.
Date | Japanese Text | Translation | Translator |
July 16, 2021 | 新しく発見されたスキルの命名は誰が行うのでしょうか?
Q: Who gives names to newly-discovered skills
A: When a skill is discovered, it will have been presented by GEHENA or researchers through research papers submitted to associations. It is in this process where the skill is named i.e. the user of the skill has no saying whatsoever |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんって黒色が好きなんですか?
Q: is Shiori's favorite color black, does she adopt black as the key theme of her suits and such
A: Yes. She claims that "an all-black outfit is a good outfit!" |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | 二水ちゃんの百合ヶ丘SSS級LG推しリリィ、LGサングリーズルの推しはどなたですか?
Q: Fumi's oshi in LG Sanngriðr, one of the SSS-rank legions in Yurigaoka
A: you know who |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
レギオンメンバーの反対で汐里ちゃんが控室導入を断念した家具はありますか? |
Q: any furnitures that Shiori had to gave up on putting in the legion room due to objection from her legion mates
A: a black fireplace |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
Q: did Watsuki object to this
A: Of course not, she agreed to her full capacity. |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
怪談が好きなリリィを教えて下さい! |
Q: Lilies who likes horror stories
A: Tsukushi. She doesn't just know a lot about horror stories, but her storytelling is superb as well > *Tsukushi: T-this thing isn't of this world!* > *Aka-nee: Kyaaaaaaaa!!!* |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Fumi's favorite shaved ice flavor
A: matcha |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | メルクリウスのアルテア様と御台場の椛様はカップルのようだと揶揄されていますが、椛様と仲のいい楪様はこの件について何か言ってますか?
Q: Altea from St. Mercury is often referred to as a couple with Momiji of Odaiba, but what does Yuzuriha - who is intimate with Momiji - have anything to say about this
A: Delicate matter, so no comment |
Hắc |
July 16, 2021 | 六角汐里さんの水ようかんの好みは何味ですか?
Q: Shiori's favorite type of mizu-youkan
A: coarse red bean paste |
Hắc |
July 17, 2021 | 漠然とした疑問なんですけど、エレンスゲってバスク系神話の世界観がベースだと思うんですが(他レギオン名とかアウニャメンディシステマス社もスペイン系のようですし)ヘルヴォルだけが北欧神話由来なのは何か理由があるんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん これは根が深い問題なのでどこかで改めて解説いたしますが、端的に言えばアウニャメンディシステマス社がエレンスゲの運営に参加してくる以前は北欧神話系の世界観を持ったガーデンだったのです。トップレギオンヘルヴォルや楯の乙女制度などは引き継がれ残っただけなのです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Herensuge is based on Basque myth, but why is Hervarar the only one with Nordic myth theme?
A: The situation is complicated. Yes, Herensuge, which is based on Basque myth. But the top legion Hervarar, as well as the Shieldmaiden System, exist before Auñamendi System came into the management, when the Garden still adopts Nordic myth theme. |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | 先日13レギオン会議にも登場していた、遠野捺輝様の率いるLGシグルドリーヴァの百合ヶ丘女学院内の評判を教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん 外征時に強行偵察や現地調査を行うレギオンですので敬意を集めていますよ。この隊は特務レギオンですのでガーデンからかなり過酷なトレーニングも課されるため大変ですがそれだけにこの隊に所属していることはかなりの名誉です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How is the view about LG Sigrdrifa in Yurigaoka
A: They are the recon squad sent to investigate condition in the location of expedition mission, so of course they are respected. Moreover, as a Special Operation Legion under direct command from the Garden, their members are subjected to intense training. Being a member would be an honour. |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | シエルリントのリリィの厨二病は在学期間だけですか?
Q: Are the people in Sielulintu only chuunibyou during their time in the Garden?
A: Can't say for sure, but do you really think people who enrol into that Garden would only act like that during their time there? |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | エレンスゲ女学園は、アウニャメンディシステマス社が経営に参加する以前より親GEHENA主義のガーデンだったのですか? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね。イルマ女子と同じくGEHENA穏健派、良識派との提携でしられてました #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is before Auñamendi System joined the management, Herensuge is also a pro-Gehena Garden?
A: Yes. Like Irma, they are in cooperation with the more peaceful faction of Gehena |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃん的に「あの、さっさと契ってください」な感じのペアはいますか? |
Q: Fumi-chan, any couple you believe should have just made their vow already?
A: Not just Fumi. A lot of otaku are waiting for Ena and Ichi pair to make their vow. |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘に救われた、保護された強化リリィの女の子が百合ヶ丘に入る事はよくあるそうですが、そういう子達って、保護された後、改めて入学試験を通って百合ヶ丘に入っているのでしょうか?
Q: Are the Boosted Lilies rescued and protected by Yurigaoka still need to take entrance exam?
A: They're accepted without needing to go through any exam. |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
泳ぎが得意なリリィを教えて下さい(`・ω・´)ゞ |
Q; Lily who are good swimmer?
A: Chikaru. Also Shiori is good at diving. |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘に温室とか、何か植物や花を育てたりするところありますか?
Q: Is there any greenhouse or gardening activities in Yurigaoka?
A: Yes, there is the gardening club who take care of the planters and greenhouse |
rluka |
July 17, 2021 | 百合ケ丘に園芸部はありますか?
Head of the gardening club is Ashihara Konomi from Reginleiv. In addition, Sakua is also a member. | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Which Lily has an interest in video games?
A: That would be the domain of Chemir from St. Mercurius |
FliryVorru |
July 18, 2021 | 某31なアイスクリームのチェーン店で二水ちゃんの好きなアイスのフレーバーはなんですか?
Q: When Fumi goes to Baskin Robbins ice cream, which of the 31 flavors does she get?
A: Chocolate mint |
FliryVorru |
July 18, 2021 | 「甘党」のリリィはいますか?
Q: Which Lily really has a sweet tooth?
A: Miliam loves sweet stuff |
FliryVorru |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: About the capes that Yuyu and Mai wear since they were part of the 1st generation of Alfheimr..... the lining is a different color. Do other members also have different colors?
A: Yeah, each member has a different color. |
FliryVorru |
July 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ケ丘で1番の大食いリリィといえばどなたですか? |
Q: Who's the #1 big eater at Yurigaoka?
A: Soraha and Tazusa are the big eaters. The fastest eater is Shiori. |
FliryVorru |
July 18, 2021 | LGサングリーズルと秦祀隊は仲が悪いと聞きました。
Q: LG Sanngrthr and Hata Matsuri's Legion don't get along. Matsuri's Legion point of contact is Takeda Mimi, but which Sanngrthr member clashes with her?
A: Both the captain and Imagawa Homare |
FliryVorru |
July 18, 2021 | 梢さんは炭酸飲料がお好きらしいですが、特に好きな炭酸飲料がありましたら教えてください!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kozue West really likes carbonated drinks, but is there one in particular that she likes most?
A: Apparently it's the oldest carbonated beverage in America (TL Note: Fumi intentionally not saying brand names here because reasons) |
FliryVorru |
July 19, 2021 | スイーツパラダイスのコラボ商品にチーズ牛丼がありますが、二水ちゃんは食べに行きますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi-chan, there's cheese gyudon in the collaboration event, will Fumi go to taste it?
A: Of course Q: Can we add tabasco to it? A: No idea, so I'm bringing my own |
rluka |
July 18, 2021 | 屋根裏の宮殿にはキッチンがあるらしいですが、コンロの類はIHですか?それともガスですか?
Q: What kind of stove is used in the attic palace?
A: Induction heater stove. They also got portable stove |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
IH使ってると知って気になったんですが眞悠理様の屋根裏部屋の電気配線って素人では手に余ると思うんですけど有資格持ちのアーセナルにでも頼んだんですか? |
Q: Then what about the electric installation? That should be too difficult for amateur. Did Mayuri asks for help from certified Arsenal?
A: That is back when Marei stays in Yurigaoka, so those are her works. |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | ラスバレのイベントストーリー(真夏のエスコートナイト)で、ノインベルト戦術の特殊弾のお値段についてかなり高いという話が出ましたが、目安としてどれくらいのお値段だったりするのでしょうか(・・;) #教えて二水ちゃん このくらいです! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: There's this topic during Last Bullet about special ammo price being very expensive. How much is it?
A: The cheapest one cost at least tens of million Yen. Version with optional effect would cost even more. So just imagine the cost when major legions failed the shot. |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | 先代ジーグルーネの千華様と現ジーグルーネの眞悠理様の仲はどうなんでしょうか…?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How is relationship between Chihana and Mayuri as the previous and current Sigrun?
A: Because Sigrun is selected from member of the Ethics Research Society, their relationship is good. Although they often get into debate in the society, both holds respect each other without animosity. |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | 神宿りが可能、もしくは可能性がある方とは誰ですか??? #教えて二水ちゃん 夢結様、火刈様、そして神宿りの申し子菱田治様が使えます。可能性がある方ですと壱さんはいけるんじゃないかなあと思ってます。依奈様も「壱は夢結に似てる」って仰ってましたし。私の勘ですが #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Who are the Lilies who can do divine possession, or at least have the potential?
A: Yuyu, Hikaru, and the gifted Haru. As for potential, Fumi suspect Ichi, especially because Ena said Ichi is like Yuyu. |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | 祀様のLGエイルは他レギオンからあまり良く思われていないようですが、逆に仲の良いレギオンは一柳隊以外にありますか?
Q: LG Eir are known for having bad relationship with many other legions. But is there any legion they got good relationship with?
A: LG Schwartleite |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんは高い所は好きですか? |
Q: Fumi, you like high places?
A: Not really |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | ルイセさんと弥宙さんには桂さんという共通の知り合いがいますが、ルイセさんと弥宙さんは仲が良かったりするのでしょうか?
特に弥宙さんは桂さんが推しリリィですので^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Luise and Misora are both friends of Katsura, but how is the relationship between both of them?
A: All three of them are close friends. Misora especially, because Katsura is her oshi |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
依奈様はニョロちゃん以外に好き、気になってる魚はいますか? |
Q: Any other Ena's favourite fish other than Nyoro-chan?
A: There are many. There's the betta fish, which Ena said like it's wild or something like that. One that became problem is her red-tailed catfish, which has grown so big, they need to procure larger aquarium for it in Alfheim's room. |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | 閑さんの好きな動物を教えてください #教えて二水ちゃん 閑さんはクマが可愛いわねと言ってましたがそれはテディベアとかそういう意味であって燈さんとは決して同じ意味ではないと思います。確認はしてませんが私は自信があります>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shizu's favourite animal?
A: Shizu said Bear is cute, but this means teddy bear, not real bear like Tomoshibi's. Fumi never confirmed about it, but she's quite sure about this. |
rluka |
July 19, 2021 | 天葉様のハンバーグの好みはどんな感じですか?(焼き加減、味付け等)
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Soraha's favourite hamburger style
A: Demi-glace sauce. Kusumi's style seems to be to steam the hamburger after grilling. Soraha likes hamburger prepared in that style, or she probably just love anything Kusumi cooks for her. |
rluka |
July 22, 2021 | ' ちなみにカラドボルグは鞘と本体部分に分離できる第3世代CHARMです。 #御台場女学校 #アサルトリリィ |
3rd generation Charm with separable main body and sheath part | rluka |
July 22, 2021 | ' 舞台 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校編 のCHARMも殆どが公開されましたが、私は今日見てしまいました、1機まだ公開されてない機体があるのを。今日はもう遅いので明日私がとってきた写真を公開します。機体は最新の特殊コア開発でマニアの間で噂されていたウルカヌス社製ガラテイアです おたのしみに |
The last CHARM to be revealed, which has been kept a secret up until now.
Galatea, produced by Vulkanus Industries, which has been rumored among circles of crazy CHARM developers as the latest advancement in special Magi Crystal Core production. |
Hắc |
July 24, 2021 | ' ガラテイアはCHARMメイカーズの一角ウルカヌス・インダストリー社が研究開発する特殊マギクリスタルコアによるマギクリスタルコアが行う「契約代行システム」の試験機体です。形記番号の取得されておらすごく少数のみ生産されテスト運用されてるという噂でした #アサルトリリィ |
Charm Galatea
This is an experimental Charm produced in very limited quantity, it doesn't even have a model number. The purpose it to test the Surrogate Contract System. Normally, a Charm's Magi Crystal Core will perform countless magical contracts on behalf of Lily, allowing them to harness power of Magi. This also means if the Core is damaged, the Lily must retreat from battle. Because a Core can only make contract with one Lily, this means the Lily will be out of commission until they made contract with new core. Losing deployable Lily like this can threatened the situation of battlefield. The Dummy Core system is intended to create Core that can be used by any Lily. Of course, the performance is lower than standard Core, but it compensate that shortcome by allowing a Lily to quickly return to battle even if their Magi Core is damaged, because they can just get a new dummy core. |
rluka |
July 25, 2021 | ' 【新リリィ紹介】 残りの時間で柳都の新リリィをご紹介します。 イラストは本邦初公開、柳都最強とうたわれたLGブローズグハッダの隊長宮入 風舞姫(みやいり・ふぶき)様です。 #アサルトリリィ |
Miyairi Fubuki
Skill: Heavenly Scale, S rank Personification of LG Blóðughadda's streak victories. It is thanks to her fight that Ryuuto managed to hold back Huge from reaching the mainland. Ryuuto also managed to maintain their defensive perimeter thanks to the effort of Fubuki and Nanoha whom she consider her sister. But looking at it another way around, because Fubuki is injured, Ryuuto's battle is in critical situation. Friend of Wakana, Soraha's oneesama. |
rluka |
July 29, 2021 | ' マグスシステムはマギ アペンド ジェネレーター ユニット システムの略でマグス兵装群とよばれる外部マギユニットシステムのことで御台場女学校工廠科と幕張科学技術女子が最先端にいます。端的に言えばCHARMのマギクリスタルコアとは別のマギジェネレータを中心に動く兵装のことです #アサルトリリィ |
MAGUS is short for Magi Appended Generator Unit System. The term refers to external Magi unit systems collectively known as the MAGUS equipment family, and their developments are spearheaded by Odaiba's Arsenal division as well as Makuhari Girls' High school of Science and Engineering. Simply put, it's a Magi generator that works independently of the Crystal Core of a CHARM. | Hắc |
July 29, 2021 | ' 代表的なものは御台場女学校コーストガードなどが使用しているヴァルキュリアスカート・マギ・リンカーネーションシステムになります。これは外部マギジェネレータで負のマギの残滓の除去やリリィの総合支援を行うシステムですね。このベルトのようなものがそれです #アサルトリリィ |
A representative equipment of the MAGUS family is the Valkyria Skirt Magi Reincarnation System adopted by LG Coastguard of Odaiba. It uses an external Magi source to purify negative Magi and provide general support to the user Lily | Hắc |
July 29, 2021 | ' #ラスバレ に登場したマギディヴァイダーも実はマグス兵装の研究をもとにしたものです。マギクリスタルコアは一つでその他はマギジェネレーターなのです。百由様が御台場女学校でこちらの機体を整備していたのは偶然ではないのです。 #アサルトリリィ |
The Magi Divider in the Arsenal Heart event actually is based on MAGUS technology as well. It has only 1 Crystal core, and the rest were MAGUS devices - thus it wasn't a coincidence that Moyu was developing the Magi Divider at Odaiba | Hắc |
July 29, 2021 | ' マギディヴァイダーはより高みを目指しましたが、 マギジェネレーターの技術ををうまく援用してCHARMに仕上げたのがマルミアドワーズといえます。 #アサルトリリィ |
The Magi Divider aimed at reaching for higher peaks with current technology, but when the MAGUS systems are applied into CHARMs and perfected, the result is the Marmyadose | Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | 辛い食べ物が苦手なことで有名なリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: lilies who are famously not good with spicy food
A: Ui. Though she's hiding it from Kiito since Kiito loves spicy stuff |
Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | LGローエングリンの西澤眞子さんは妹島広夢さんのことが好きなのに素直になれず衝突しているようですが、広夢さんは眞子さんのことをどう思っているのでしょうか……?
Q: Nishizawa Mako of LG Lohengrin is gay for Hiromu but can't come to admit it, so she's conflicting with Hiromu instead (a tsundere queen). But how does Hiromu see her in return?
A: Even if Mako clashes with Hiromu, Hiromu still treasures her as her friend. As Hiromu has a frank and open personality, she doesn't hold onto the arguments that Mako has with her. |
Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんが好きなジブリ作品はなんですか!? |
Q: Fumi's favorite Ghibli work
A: *Kiki's Delivery Service* |
Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | 雷が苦手なリリィって居るのですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 汐里ちゃんが特に嫌いですが、わたしも好きじゃないですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies who dislike thunder
A: Shiori hates thunder very much, and Fumi doesn't like it either |
Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | 柳都で一番気が弱い子は誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Ryuuto girl who's the most timid
A: Yuuna, though she's more prone to tears, to be exact. Much like Odaiba, Ryuuto is a garden that values martial prowess, so there are extremely few timid girls |
Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
(社名や作成CHARMの特徴から何となく想像は付きますが。) |
Q: Which country is the CHARM Maker Camelot Castle based in
A: England |
Hắc |
July 30, 2021 | ヒュージの体液を摂取してしまうとヒトにどういう影響があるんでしょうか?
ヒュージになってしまうことってあるんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what effects would the direct consumption of Huge bodily fluids (that blue stuff) have on humans. would humans turn into Huges
A: Details are obfuscated by GEHENA and governments, so everything out there are merely urban legends. However, there's one thing that can be said for sure: there has been **no reports** of "humans *directly* turning into Huges" |
Hắc |
July 31, 2021 | ' 【新キャラ紹介】柳都9大レギオンの中でも佐渡からの撤退戦とその後の防衛ライン確定に大功があったLGウズ隊長今泉吏園様についてお話していきます。彼女は佐渡のGEHENA研究所出身の強化リリィです。レアスキルはファンタズム!イラストは本日公開です! #アサルトリリィ |
Imaizumi Rion
2nd year Captain of LG Uðr Rare skill: Phantasm Sub skill: War God's Blessing LG Uðr is said to contribute greatly in the retreat from Sado island and finalising the defensive line. Boosted Lily from Gehena facility in Sado island. |
rluka |
July 31, 2021 | ' 佐渡陥落はファーヴニルの攻勢が早かった為、当時のウズのサポートメンバーを中心に急造の隊を彼女が率いて撤退戦の殿に入りました。LGドゥーヴァのメンバーとしてただ一人生き残った水晶様と合流、対岸に渡ろうとするヒュージと死闘を繰り広げました #アサルトリリィ |
The lost of Sado Island is because of the suddenness of Fafnir's attack. Rion gathered the support members of LG Uðr and lead them to defend the retreat. They joined with Miki, the sole survivor of LG Dúfa and fight against Huge trying to cross to the mainland.
This battle marks the beginning of a strong friendship between both. While the retreat and formation of defensive line is done by all 9 Legions, LG Uðr, with Miki as temporary member, contribute greatly in this battle retaliating against Huge in Sado island. While Miki is reforming a new LG Dúfa, Rion continues her attempt to retrieve memento left by previous members who falls on the island. For this, Komomo, whom sister was the previous captain of Dúfa, thanked her for the effort. |
rluka |
July 31, 2021 | ' クールな容姿とファンタズム+軍神の加護というスターリリィ特有のスキル構成から下級生からも人気があります。柳都のリリィらしくダメージも恐れません。彼女は必ずヒュージの攻撃を一撃食らってから反撃します。これが柳都のリリィ的には最高にかっこいいらしいです #アサルトリリィ |
With her cool demeanor and skill composition, she is a star lily popular among juniors.
As Ryuuto's Lily, she is not afraid about taking attacks. In fact, she would take an attack before countering. This is what considered cool in Ryuuto. |
rluka |
July 31, 2021 | ' 私には理解できないですが^^; ただ吏園様はちょっと普通じゃない感性をお持ちなので特殊かもです。燈さんのように痛みを受けることで生きている喜びを感じるタイプだそうです。それってHEN、いやなんでもないです!^^;リジェネレーター持ちって大変ですね! #アサルトリリィ |
So, Fumi doesn't really understand it either, but Rion's sense is different from most people. To compare, she's similar type to Tomoshibi who feels alive from experiencing pain. Yes, abnor... forget that. Regenerator also got their own problems. ^^ | rluka |
August 3, 2021 | 誉様のことを何か教えてください!
Q: Something about Homare
A: Homare is a good friend of Touka. LG Sanngriðr at first had a tough time utilizing Homare's high offensive power, but with Touka's entry the legion adopts a transforming variable formation, which benefits Homare |
Hắc |
August 3, 2021 | アールヴヘイムのスーパーサブ三人はユニークCHARMを持っているのでしょうか?
Q: Do the 3 reserve members of 2nd-gen Alfheimr also possess unique CHARMs of their own
A: Yes of course. Kisara's is Hǫfuð, Wakana's is Megingjörð, and Noa's is Gambanteinn |
Hắc |
August 3, 2021 | 内田眞悠理さんと牛田琶月さんはシュッツエンゲル候補の噂が立っているようですが、周りから見ても結構親密そうな雰囲気だったりするのでしょうか?
Q: Mayuri and Watsuki are rumored to be Schutzengel candidates, but do they seem intimate in the eyes of people around them. Both of them seem indifferent to everyone else
A: Both Mayuri and Watsuki are not outwardly friendly, and they only interact with limited people from their inner circle of contacts. Even so, they still periodically get together to discuss about books, so such a rumor appeared. From the outside they don't seem that intimate, but that's just their usual nature. TL: who knows what they do on the inside |
Hắc |
August 3, 2021 | 燈さんの好きなクマさんは動いてるクマさんですか?ぬいぐるみ等の動かないクマさんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Tomoshibi like actual, living bears instead of stuffed teddy bears
A: Of course, she likes those living bears that otherwise can slap your face off |
Hắc |
August 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
楓さんはグランギニョル製以外のCHARMは使いませんか? |
Q: Does Kaede refuse to use CHARMs of other Makers not Gran Guignol
A: No. While she sees Gran Guignol's CHARMs as the best, that doesn't mean she avoids other Makers' products. However, following a battle she never fails to add the line "even so, Gran Guignol's CHARMs are the best" |
Hắc |
August 3, 2021 | 眞悠理様と乃子様は1年生の時から同室だったんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Have Mayuri and Noriko been roommates ever since their 1st year
A: Yes, they've always been together as they're childhood friends |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 各ガーデンの教官でリリィ時代にバリバリの戦闘狂の教官って誰でしたか?
Q: Garden instructors who were demons on the battlefield during their time as Lilies
A: Nagisa (right) and Cherice (left), instructors of Yurigaoka. During their service, their combat style were close to maniacs on the battlefield |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 燈さんは肉の味付けはどんなものが好みですか。
Q: Tomoshibi's style of seasoning meat
A: salt and pepper only |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 甲斐聖山出身の千香瑠様もマギクリスタル上限解放を習っていたり使用できたりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Did Chikaru, who is from Kaiseizan, learn about and is capable of doing the school's signature technique of unleashing Magi Crystal Cores' upper limit
A: Safe to say that she surely did learn about it. While she herself is humble, it's undeniable that she was one of the much-anticipated Lilies of Kaiseizan, so she should've learned about Core upper limit unleashing |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | LGレギンレイヴ等が陸路で出撃する時でもガンシップはついて行きますか?
Q: When LG Reginleif sorties by land route, then do they still have gunships following them
A: Yes, for dropping CHARM pods with backup CHARMs |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | オールラウンダーなリリィで有名な方はいますか?(例えばどんなポディションでもできるなど)
Q: Famous all-rounder Lilies (i.e. those that can fight in all positions, etc.)
A: Hasebe Touka, one of the members of 1st-gen Alfheimr, famous for her utility and adaptability. She can fight in all positions of a legion, as well as carries many subskills |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 槿さんは甘いものが大好きでコーヒーも好き(ブラックは我慢して飲んでいる)そうですが、千葉のソウルドリンクである激甘コーヒーは好きだったりするのでしょうか……?
Q: Asagao likes sweet stuff, but still tries to drink black coffee. Then how would she do with Chiba's soul drink, the deathly-sweet coffee
A: She only drinks black coffee, and shows off her drinking to others, because she thinks it's cool to drink it. Aside from that, she hates bitter coffee, and perhaps would really like the sweet stuff from Chiba. |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
船田純様はプール等もやはり苦手なのでしょうか? |
Q: Does Kiito hate pools as well
A: Yes. She doesn't just dislike the sea, but pools as well |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 長谷部冬佳さんはかなりのヤキモチ焼きとのことでしたが、実際にヤキモチを焼くとどういう感じになってしまうのでしょうか?
Q: Touka is known to often get jealous, but what is she like when she's actually feeling jealousy
A: She gets depressed and becomes self-condemning, emitting a thick, negative aura in the process. She often goes "Well, how would someone like me even...." then. |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
Q: Lilies who like bugs
A: Tange Honori of LG Geiravor. Recently she's been going around talking about raising newts |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 千華様はアーセナルレベルのCHARM開発技術を持っているとの事ですが、実際に千華様が開発に関わったCHARMとかってあったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: CHARMs that Chihana, who has the CHARM development techniques equivalent to an Arsenal despite not being one, has participated in designing
A: The CHARM that she herself uses, Rhongomyniad. Also other models |
Hắc |
August 5, 2021 | 相模女子のリリィはアステリオンの対となるカーラと言うCHARMをよく使っているそうですが、どこのメーカーが開発したCHARMなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Sagami Lilies often use the CHARM カーラ (Khara? TL note: where the fuck does this name come from? Hinduism? Nordic mythology?) as a counterpart to the Asterion. Which maker is it made by
A: Hihiirokane International |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | 麻嶺様が開発しているという第四世代型CHARMのギャラルホルンって、どんなCHARMですか?
Q: About the Gjallarhorn, the 4th-gen CHARM Marei has been developing
A: It was designed by Marei with her own usage in mind. A 4th-generation CHARM developed by a different approach from that of Moyu's, it was used in the Battle of Ryuuto S-class Nest Extermination. |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | @assault_lily コミカライズ版でラージ級2体との戦闘で負傷した鶴沙さんが血でブレードを作り出していたけど、アレはブーステッドスキルの能力なの?
Q: in the LoG manga, Tazusa created a blade out of her own blood when facing off against 2 Large-classes, but is this the work of a Boosted Skill
A: Yes, Alchemy Trace |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | 天文に詳しいリリィは百合ケ丘にいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 御台場女学校ロネスネスの長沢雪様がお詳しいです。大きな天体望遠鏡もお持ちですよ #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Are there Yurigaoka Lilies who are well-versed in astronomy
A: Nagasawa Yuki of Hronesness, Odaiba. She has a large telescope |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
コーラが好きなリリィを教えて下さい! |
Q: Lilies who like Cola
A: Chemir, it's a gaming drink of hers |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはチョコレートミントがお好きとのことでしたが、日羽梨様の好きなフレーバーがあれば教えてください!
Q: Fumi's favorite cake type is chocolate mint, but how about Hibahiba's
A: Strawberry cheese cake |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | 私生活がだらしないリリィっていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies with a sloppy personal life
A: Tsukushi, whose room is a mess |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | 2代アールヴヘイムで樟美さんの他にお料理が得意なリリィっていますか?
依奈様は綺更様のお弁当を作ったりしてるみたいですけど #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: 2nd-gen Alfheimr girls who are good at cooking, aside from Kusumi. Apparently there's Ena who makes bento for her onee-sama Kisara
A: Akane, though her cooking skill is a hidden gem |
Hắc |
August 8, 2021 | 桂さんのお誕生日教えてください
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Katsura's birthday
A: January 23rd |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘以外の対ゲヘナガーデンにも強化リリィを保護するんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 全ガーデンが保護行動を行うわけではないですが強豪ガーデンは程度の差はありますが行動しています。百合ヶ丘のロスヴァイセもメルクリウスのティシア様の率いる第5飛空艇団ラグエルがモデルになってますのでメルクリウスも同程度に積極的です。御台場はアキラ先生がされてますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Do other anti-GEHENA gardens outside of Yurigaoka also secure and protect Enhanced Lilies from GEHENA's clutches
A: Not all anti-GEHENA gardens do it, but major ones do, albeit with some differences in how far they'd go. As LG Rossweisse of Yurigaoka is modeled after Tecia's 5th Air Cavalry Division "Raguel", it means that St. Mercury is also as active as Yurigaoka in securing and protecting Enhanced Lilies. For Odaiba, it's done by Akira-sensei |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | アサルトリリィの世界には秋葉原ってありますか?
Q: Does Akihabara still exist in the AL world
A: Yes. It's very close to Hijiribashi University's Affiliated Girls' High School, which is at Ochanomizu |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | 柳都でよく使われるcharmはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ダインスレイフが好まれてますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: The CHARM preferred in Ryuuto
A: Dainsleif |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | 炭酸飲料が苦手なリリィはいらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that don't like carbonated drinks
A: :KAA::ZOO: |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | 千香瑠さんは依奈様から百合ヶ丘への勧誘も受けていましたが、二水ちゃんが考えるに、千香瑠さんが百合ヶ丘に来ていた場合、どこのレギオンで活躍していたと思いますか?
Q: In the occasion that Chikaru accepted Ena's invitation to Yurigaoka, then which legion would she have entered
A: As Chikaru was recommended into the Lily Acquisition List by Ena, if she were to accept the offer she'd have entered Ena's legion i.e. 2nd-gen Alfheimr |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんはLGサングリーズルのメンバーだとどなたと仲が良いですか?
Q: To whom in LG Sanngriðr is Hibari close with
A: She treasures all the members of her legion, but she's especially close with Misaka, who invited her when she was wandering with no place to go after LG Svanhvit's collapse |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
魚が苦手なリリィを教えて下さい! |
Q: Lilies that dislike fish
A: In the sense of disliking fish dishes, then Moyu and Shiori. Moyu likes meat instead. As for Shiori, she doesn't want to eat fish types outside of eels, mackerels and salmons (doesn't apply for sushi tho) |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | パピコが好きなリリィはいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 汐里ちゃんがチョココーヒー味が大好きですね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies that like Papico
A: Shiori, she likes the chocolate coffee flavor |
Hắc |
August 9, 2021 | 健康マニアのリリィはいらっしゃいますか?
Q: Lilies that are nutrition management maniacs
A: Subaru, who never slacks off in training for anything, sees nutrition as also one part of training as well, so she's quite well-versed in it. |
Hắc |
August 10, 2021 | ' 今村咲魅様は今村紫さんの実の姉で御台場女学校の黄金世代「輝ける者たち」の中心のお一人でした。その中でファンタズムに覚醒することを期待されたのが楪様と咲魅様だったのです。特に咲魅様は覚醒がほぼ確実視されていて御台場史上初のファンタズム持ちになるはずでした #アサルトリリィ |
Imamura Sakumi, (supposed to be) 2nd year. She was one among the central figures of Odaiba's "golden generation" - specifically, she was expected to be one of the first prospective Phantasm users of the school, alongside Yuzuriha. In Sakumi's case, her awakening was close to guaranteed, and she could've taken the position of first Phantasm Lily from Nazuna. | Hắc |
August 10, 2021 | ' 早熟で完成されたCHARMテクニックを持ち、将来を嘱望されましたが不治の病に犯されておりリリィとして大成する前にこの世を去りました。楪様がファンタズムに覚醒することにこだわったのも、治様が生徒会長にこだわったのも彼女との友情故なのです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Sakumi's CHARM handling technique blossomed and was perfected early on, and she was expected to have a bright future, but due to an incurable disease, she passed away before succeeding as a great Lily. It was because of her friendship with Yuzuriha and Haru that the former was fixated on awakening Phantasm, and the latter sought to become the Student Council president | Hắc |
August 10, 2021 | ' 逝去される中等科1年の頃のマギ保有量からしてもご存命だったら樟美ちゃんと同時期程度にはファンタズム覚醒したと言われてます。最後まで明るく振舞った彼女でしたので御台場の生え抜きの子たちにとっては特別な方ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
When she passed away in the first year of junior high school, judging by her Magi capacity then, she could've awakened Phantasm at the same age as Kusumi. Up until the last moments of her life, she maintained her bright demeanor, so for Lilies who grew up in Odaiba, she was a special person in their hearts. | Hắc |
August 12, 2021 | 川村楪(ゆずりは) LGヘオロットセインツ 2年
明るく人に好かれリーダーシップを持つ。高いスキラー数値を持つ特待生。ガサツな面もあり幼馴染で生徒会メンバーの月岡椛(もみじ)に度々注意されている。 レアスキル:テスタメント ポジション:TZ as:あわつまい 公演詳細 |
Yuzuriha: "The Jewel of Saints".
She's the iconic key figure that became the basis for Saints' basic tactics "Blitz Pass" and "Zero-top Strategy" |
Hắc |
August 12, 2021 | 菱田治(はる)LGヘオロットセインツ 2年
S級レアスキルを持ち、強化リリィ並みの戦闘力を誇る。「御台場を守る一番のリリィとなる」ことを病死した今村咲魅(さくみ)に誓った。 レアスキル:ゼノンパラドキサ ポジション:AT/TZ/BZ as:林田真尋 【公演詳細】 |
Haru: "Freak Slayer"
She earned this name through being the Lily with the absolute largest kill count of mutant-type Huges throughout the history of Odaiba. When a Huge that seems abnormal appears, then common procedure calls for Haru to handle it. |
Hắc |
August 12, 2021 | 横山梓(あずさ) LGヘオロットセインツ 2年
BZから最前線でのフィニッシュまでいける万能リリィ。中等科では船田予備隊に所属していたが、船田純に叱責され、船田予備隊の解散の原因にもなった。 レアスキル:ヘリオスフィア ポジション:TZ/BZ as:野本ほたる 公演詳細 |
Azusa: "Phantom"
She earned this title from her unpredictable and elusive movements in combat, as if she appears out of thin air. Her wide range of utility, combined with her exceptionally superior movement speed and positioning skill drives the Huges into confusion. |
Hắc |
August 12, 2021 | 鈴木因(ちなみ) LGヘオロットセインツ 1年
圧倒的なパワーとCHARMテクニックを誇るレアスキル「カリスマ」持ち。菱田治(はる)に憧れていて治に可愛がられている河鍋薺(なずな)に嫉妬している。 レアスキル:カリスマ ポジション:AZ/TZ as:白石まゆみ 【公演詳細】 |
Chinami: "Cor Tauri"
Meaning "Heart of the Bull", and also another name of the star Aldebaran (of the constellation Taurus). She earned this title through her tremendous physical strength and stamina. |
Hắc |
August 12, 2021 | 河鍋薺(なずな) LGヘオロットセインツ 1年
家族をヒュージに襲われ亡くし、親戚からも見捨てられた過酷な過去を持つ。頼られキャラを演じているが、実際はすぐに慌ててしまう。可愛がられるタイプ。 レアスキル:ファンタズム ポジション:AZ as:河内美里 【公演詳細】 |
Nazuna: "The Little Wizard"
The very first Phantasm user of Odaiba, normally she's a clumsy girl, but in critical times she'd be the one to bring about miracles, thus her title. |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
御台場女学校の魅力を教えて下さい! |
Q: Attractive points of Odaiba
A: The charming point is their battle style which highly integrates Duelist-era ideologies into the Neunwelt tactic. They gave birth to the zero-top and variable formation strategies, so they're quite refined tactically despite their meathead image |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | ヘオロットセインツとロネスネス、仲が悪いような印象がするのですが実際のところはどうなんですか?
Q: Heorot Saints and Hronesness give off the impression of having a bad relationship, but how do they do in reality
A: There is a difference in the strategies they adopt, and combined with the past relationships between each legion's Lilies, they see each other with a strong sense of rivalry. This is slightly different from outright animosity however - they do not go as far as refusing to cooperate on the same battlefield |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | 内田眞悠理さんのお誕生日っていつですか!!!!?!!!!!!??!!!!
ファンなので是非とも祝いたいので知りたく存じます!!!!!!!!!!!!!! たぶんみんなもジーグルーネの誕生日知りたがってると思います!!!!!!!
Q: Mayuri's birthday
A: December 10th |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | 戸田・エウラリア・琴陽さんはお手合わせが大好きですが、お手合わせを挑まれた時、ノリノリでお手合わせしてくれそうなリリィといえばどんな方でしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kotopi likes dueling, so which Lilies would gladly take her offer
A: Odaiba Lilies that have a penchant for dueling, though they may not hold back |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lilies that like ukiyo-e
A: Kozue |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | ミリアムさんはハチミツやガムシロップなど、甘味料自体を愛好していらっしゃいますが、黒糖のブロックなんかもお好きでしょうか?
Q: Miliam likes sweeteners like honey and gomme syrup, but how about black sugar cubes
A: Yes of course she likes them as well |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | 今年は全国的に暑い日が続きましたが、そういった場所や、逆に寒冷地などでリリィが活動する時に使う特殊な装備とかってあるんですか?
Q: Special equipments for Lilies to use in specific climates, such as cold regions
A: Specially-modified CHARMs for climate-specific usages, such as the cold-region Dainsleif Carbine |
Hắc |
August 13, 2021 | ねえ〜二水ちゃん…乃子様の容貌について教えてもらってもいいですか?お願いよ🙏死ぬほど知りたい。少しだけでもいいよ
Q: Noriko's appearance. A barebone description is fine enough
A: Long hair with curled tips - a hairstyle that gives her a gentle appearance. |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
アルケミートレース持ちの子はリジェネレーターも持っている気がするのですが、この2つは必ずセットなのでしょうか? |
Q: Boosted Lilies with Alchemy Trace also have Regenerator, but are these two skills always paired into a set
A: Not exactly, but since they have good synergy, many Boosted Lilies use both |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | リリィ新聞の編集者は二水ちゃんだけ?
増やす予定はあるのですか〜 #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: is Fumi the only editor of the Weekly Lily Newspaper, does she have plans of expanding the crew
A: She's the sole journalist/editor, and she has no plan to recruit more |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | ノインヴェルト戦術のパス回しが1番早いレギオンはどこでしょうか??
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Legions with the highest Neunwelt passing speed
A: Heorot Saints, 2nd-gen Alfheimr and Hronesness. While speed isn't everything, for legions of rank SS and above, they're all fast to a degree. |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | 例えば元々のガーデンで風紀委員をやっていた方が別のガーデンに転校した際、別のガーデンで再度、学年の途中から風紀委員になる事って可能なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: if a Disciplinary Committee Lily from one garden were to transfer to another, then in that other Garden would she be able to become a Committee member there from the middle of the school year.
A: Yes. All Disciplinary Committee members have to study the ethics of a Lily in seminars provided by places like Touseijuku, so it's not a position attainable by everyone. In return, those that have managed to become a Committee member can easily apply for the same position wherever they go. |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘は途中から工廠科から普通科へ、普通科から工廠科へ変わることは可能なんでしょうか?
Q: Is it possible to switch divisions (normal -> Arsenal or vice versa) after being admitted to one
A: Yes. However, moving to the Arsenal division requires the knowledge of an Arsenal, and switching to the normal division demands a high combat prowess and proficiency in the Neunwelt strategy |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | 哲学に造詣の深いリリィといえばどなたですか?
Q: Lilies well-versed in philosophy
A: Araya and Shizu. Additionally, student council members and the Siegrune also have to study the generals of philosophy, though this is more leaned towards political philosophy |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘で白刃戦が得意なリリィは誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies proficient in swordfighting
A: Homare, the Sword Saint of Yurigaoka |
Hắc |
August 14, 2021 | ローエングリンのリリィ達はコンビニで集まってる姿が印象的でしたが、ローエングリンのメンバーはお嬢様が集まる百合ヶ丘の中でも、意外と庶民派なリリィが多かったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Amidst Yurigaoka - the gathering place of refined high-class ladies - does LG Lohengrin have many commoner-born members, considering their episode in the convenience store (ep 9 anime)
A: Quite the contrary. Even in Yurigaoka, the gathering place of refined high-class ladies, LG Lohengrin has the highest composition of members originating from the higher classes of society, and subsequently has a condensed upper-class atmosphere. Thus the convenience store possibly was a new experience for them, hence the episode there. Also, Yukiyo was the only girl originating from a commoner's family in the legion. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | the wings come out on S-class Rare skill users when they get serious | Hắc |
August 31, 2021 | ' 純様の終盤でのセリフであった「ブーステッドCHARM」ですがこれはCHARMブーストが施された機体のことをこういいます。B型兵装などがその代表格です。マギクリスタルコアをいじる為外見上に変化があり肉眼で確認ができます。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
About Kiito's line in the end of the Odaiba play "That's a Boosted CHARM"
It refers to CHARMs that have been boosted by interfering with the Magi Crystal Core. One such representative is through the use of the B-type Armament (TL: looking at you Ui). Interference to the core causes visible changes, making the core stand out. |
Hắc |
August 31, 2021 | ' CHARMブーストに関しては長らくGEHENAエレンスゲラボが研究をしています。マギクリスタルをいじる研究はリスクが高いものが多く、純様はそこから治様の暴走の理由を推測されたのです。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
For long GEHENA's lab in Herensuge has been conducting experiments with modifying the Magi Crystal Cores of CHARMs. Many of such researches are dangerous ones, and from that Kiito inferred the reason for Haru's rampage | Hắc |
August 31, 2021 | ' ラストの倫夜先生と燈さんの会話で出てきた「原初の開闢」というのは劇中での説明にもあった通り「一番最初に現れたヒュージネスト発生時に確認された現象になります。最初のネストは台北市周辺に出現しています。南極戦役は最初の決戦ですので最初の戦いではないです #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
**What Tomoyo-sensei and Tomoshibi talked about in the end of the play: *"Genesis"***
> *"The phenomena that were first confirmed with the appearance of the very first Huge nest in history, in the vicinity of Taipei city."* This predates the Battle of Antarctica What are the points here: -*"Genesis"* refers to the very first human encounter with Huges i.e. the face-off against the Taipei nest. In contrast, Antarctica was the first *major* battle, not the first battle of all times -Huges didn't appear in Antarctica first. Some reasons allowed them to manifest in the Taipei nest, and it was ***a whole fucking goddamn nest*** that appeared. Not just Huges dropping from the sky like meteors, a nest was formed. This means that they have been on Earth even before then, and only made their appearance by constructing the Taipei nest. -Taipei was the forefront of combating the Huges ever since that nest appeared, all the way until it capitulated in Shenlin's childhood. That's almost 40 years. This literally turned our understanding of the AL world's history upside down. This isn't a ground-breaking bombshell. This is the fucking Tsar bomba. |
Hắc |
September 1, 2021 | ' リリィオタクたちの会話です。 弥宙「ねえ、二人は御台場女学校から誰でも自分のレギオンに獲得できるとしたら誰にオファーする?」 閑「うーん」 二水「そうですねー」 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Lily otaku talk
> Misora: If you can recruit any lily from Odaiba, who would you send the offer for? > Shizu: Hmm… > Fumi: Right > Misora: If it’s me > Shizu: Katsura-san, right? That’s boring, so pick another. > Fumi: Right > Misora: Hmm… give me some time to think. What about Shizu-san? > Shizu: My answer is based on compatibility with my Schwarz Grail and as a lily otaku > Fumi: And that would be > Shizu: Haru-sama > Shizu: Haru-sama doesn’t have any tendency that made her specific to single position, yet she has that legend when taking BZ position. Her understanding of tactics, as well as adaptability to blitz pass and zero top tactics, and her personality who can get along well with everyone. She’s the BZ type Yurigaoka doesn’t have, so naturally my choice falls on her. > Shizu: That’s my answer. Misora, your turn. > Misora: Okay. After much consideration I think Alfheim would benefit from Yukari-san. Our right side back tend to rush forward, so we need at least someone to stabilise the BZ. > Fumi: Tatsuki would cry if she heard you saying that. > Misora: Futagawa Fumi~ > Misora: What about you? I’m not taking any safe answer such as Momiji-sama > Fumi: Ugh > Shizu: You can’t do that kind of retreat defense > Misora: That’s Anti-Neunwelt > Fumi: Let’s see. Ráðgríðr middle field is weak, and > Mai-sama often jumps to the front > Misora: That’s… true > Shizu: You said it > Fumi: So, I want a balanced TZ! Subaru-sama and Chinami-san > Misora: No fair! You called two! > Fumi: XD > Fumi: But I also want to see three top of Yuyu-sama and Funada sisters, or Kaede-san, Yuzuriha-sama, Nazuna-san, and Tazusa-san in a double Linker and double Phantasm set up > Shizu: Really… 😓 > Shizu: In the end, my argument is the most acceptable. > Misora, Fumi: Just so you know, your Haru-sama choice is the most retreat defence > Shizu: What? |
rluka |
September 4, 2021 | ' 御台場迎撃戦は幕張奪還戦の為に各ガーデンの上級生たちが市川に集結していた時に発生しました。 巣無しのアルトラが若洲に現れ大ケイブを展開、ネスト化させようしました。ノインヴェルト戦技交流会で各校の1年生が現地に居たために対応、激戦を繰り広げることとなりました #アサルトリリィ |
The Odaiba Counteroffensive happened when senior students are gathering in Ichikawa in preparation for Retaking of Makuhari. A nestless Ultra class appeared and deployed a large scale Cave, to build a Nest.
At this moment, there are only 1st year students who are gathering for Neunwelt Tactics Camp present, so the battle became very fierce.Other than Odaiba and Ludovico, many of the Lilies who gathered there lack experience, so they split the members of Alfheim and St. Mercurius and barely secured a victory. The lilies are grouped into five squads. |
rluka |
September 7, 2021 | リリィ新聞編集室にある本や家具などは二水ちゃんの自腹ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are the furnitures in the Lily Weekly Newspaper editorial room all paid out of Fumi's own pocket
A: yes |
Hắc |
September 7, 2021 | 因ちゃんは御台場迎撃戦でどこかの戦闘に参加しましたか? #教えて二水ちゃん 詳しくは言えませんが参加してます #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Did Chinami participate in some parts of the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: Yes, though no details can be disclosed |
Hắc |
September 7, 2021 | セインツの未判明メンバーについて、せめてお名前だけでも教えてください!!!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Names of undisclosed members of Heorot Saints
A: Otake Sunao (尾竹簾). 1st-year Brave user of Saints. A Lily otaku, but also an idol Lily. With her masterful but restrained combat style, she is second to none in terms of supporting roles, thanks to her many subskills |
Hắc |
September 7, 2021 | 御台場のリリィの中で、料理があまり得意では無い方って、どなたでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 高貴な出身ですからね。料理は作ってもらうものなんだと思います。#アサルトリリィ |
Q: Odaiba Lilies who are not very good at cooking
A: Kurena, maybe. She came from a noble background, so she apparently is not one to cook by herself |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィはCHARMを使用する際にマギを消費すると思いますが、円環の御手持ちのリリィはそのマギの消費量が単純に2倍になったりするのでしょうか |
Q: Lilies consume Magi when using CHARMs, so do Circlet Bless users use twice as much Magi
A: Not as much as twice, but it's certain that they consume more than the average Rare skill users. Also, all of them have very high Magi capacities |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: More info about Maruyama Amane
A: Considered to be the grand ancestor of the combat style that combines Shukuchi and Stealth (Uber Sign's subskill), Amane is capable of vanishing and reappearing around the battlefield like a true ninja. She is also an influential figure with experience being Saints' commander and the Student Council President under her belt. Illustration coming soon™️ |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | ブーステッドスキルについて、「何を付与するか」については強化する側で操作出来るのでしょうか…?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: About Boosted skills, can the enhancement operators decide which skills to give to a Lily
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 御台場障壁防衛隊はLGコーストガードがいる今も存続していますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 防衛隊はコーストガードに統合され今は存在してません。防衛隊の主任務だった光壁システム防衛はコーストガードに引き継がれています #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: About the Odaiba Barrier Defense Squad, do they still exist now alongside LG Coastguard
A: No, they've been merged into LG Coastguard. Their primary duty of defending the Odaiba Light Barrier is carried over by the legion. |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 尾竹簾さんと仲の良いセインツメンバーと言うと、誰なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Saints members on good terms with Sunao
A: Chinami |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 御台場迎撃戦での死者数などはリリィに限定されたものなんでしょうか。もしくは一般の方々も含む数値なのでしょうか。 #教えて二水ちゃん 一般市民も含めて戦死者は0でした。伝説的な戦いであると言われるゆえんですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: About the fact that the Odaiba Counteroffensive has zero deaths, is this the statistics for Lilies only, or does it also contain civilians
A: There were zero deaths for both Lilies and civilians. The reason why it was called a legendary battle |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | お台場迎撃戦に現れた「サバイブの変種」とはレストアとは違うものなのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: About the "survived Mutant Huge" that appeared in the Odaiba Counteroffensive, is it different from a Restored?
A: No, they're the same. Huges that have survived numerous encounters and are marked as entities to be monitored are called "Survived" or "Restored". This difference comes from the variance in terminology used in Lily textbooks between regions. |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 因ちゃんの怪力は、やはり御台場のリリィらしく凄まじい努力で身につけたものなんでしょうか?
Q: About Chinami's herculean strength, is it thanks to her incredible efforts made in training like how all other Odaiba girls are
A: While indeed she must've put in a tremendous effort to go along with Odaiba's infamous training regime, such an extraordinary strength should come from her own innate physique |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 例えばグランエプレなら叶星様と高嶺様、ロネスネスなら船田姉妹と一心同体のリリィがいますが、仮にリリィオタク同士で『他ガーデンからリリィを何人か獲得できるなら』 という話題になった場合そこら辺も考慮しますか?
Q: When Lily otakus discuss about procuring a few Lilies from other gardens, do they consider about Lilies that share their hearts and mind e.g. TakaNaho, the Funada sisters
A: Yes of course. Coordination between Lilies are of utmost importance after all |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 治様の富士見橋爆破に対し英断だったとするリリィの声はなかったんでしょうか?
Q: Were there support for Haru's decision of taking down the Fujimi Bridge, praising it as an excellent move
A: Yes of course. Chihana and all the members of the 3rd squadron supported her, and not all those of Odaiba condemned her choice |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは百合ヶ丘のリリィのご友人とキャンプに行ったことはありますか?
Q: One of Fumi's hobbies is camping, so has she ever gone camping with friends in Yurigaoka. Camping in the sense of playing and having a good time, so excluding those occasions when she did combat reconnaissance with LG Sigrdrifa - that doesn't count.
A: Yes. Fumi has gone camping with a lot of friends, but in the time when she ***went with Hibari*** , she was told to bring a firestarter next time around. It was raining then, and she took a lot of time to light a fire with the branch technique that she should've gotten used to |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | ひばり様と食べたキャンプ飯はなんですか!? #教えて二水ちゃん お肉料理です。なんちゃってでしたがバルバコア的に調理しようとしましたが日羽梨様が「地面に肉をうめるとかやめて!」と仰るので普通にクッカーで作って食べました^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What did Fumi and Hibari eat then
A: Grilled meat. Fumi tried to grill it barbacoa-style, but was told off by Hibari not to bury the meat into the ground, so she used a normal cooker instead. |
Hắc |
September 9, 2021 | ' キャンプのあとに日羽梨様には無人島で生活する動画をお勧めしておきましたが、日羽梨様からは「普通のキャンプにして!」って言われました>< #アサルトリリィ |
Following the camping day, Fumi showed Hibari a video about living on an uninhabited island, to which Hibari replied "for the love of god, please make it a normal camp!" | Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | ヘルヴォルの瑤さまは、エンレイジは使用しませんよね?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does You use Brave on herself (i.e. Enrage)
A: No |
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | ノインヴェルト戦術中に一度パスを回した(魔力を込めた)人が再びパスを受けとる事は可能なのでしょうか?
Q: is it possible for a person who has already done their Neunwelt pass to receive the gay ball again
A: Yes, they can just take the ball and pass it along w/o putting in Magi again. In the occasion of baiting Huges and shaking them off of positions, this kind of switching passes without Magi input is done. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Haru's height
A: 159.3 cm |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Komachi's height
A: 160cm |
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは猫舌ですか?
Q: Can Fumi eat hot (not spicy hot, but scalding hot) food
A: No
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | き、北河原伊紀ちゃんの身長は何センチですか…?
Q: Kitagawara Inori's height
A: 154cm |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What is the decisive factor of how Kurokawa Nady Hanna can became schild of Kondou Misaka, the most popular lily among juniors.
A: Back then, nobody thought Hanna awakened Phantasm skill she is only valued as a boosted lily. Although people liked her as she is a good girl, they never appreciated her ability. But even since those time, Misaka has always been with her, so Hanna asked to tie the vow. |
rluka |
September 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
そういえば御台場とかで『ファンタズムがー…』って言われているようですが、レアスキル〈ファンタズム〉は貴重だったりするのですか? |
Q: It's usually said that Phantasm is a rare skill with the very first users being this or that girl in places like Odaiba, so is it rare?
A: Yes, it's a rare Rare skill. Yurigaoka itself ~~steals~~ gathers talented Lilies from around the world so there is quite a number of Phantasm users there, but out there there are no few gardens that have never even had a user in their histories |
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | しえらさまの身長教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん 154㎝です! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiera's height
A: 154cm
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
日羽梨様とキャンプに行ったときに『ナイフ?石から作れますよ!ロープ?現地調達しましょう!』と言ったそうですが、ちなみに二水ちゃんの当時の装備はどんな感じだったのでしょうか?どこまで現地調達するつもりでしたか? |
Q: What was Fumi's plan to equip for their trip then, and leave what to OSP
A: A fire starter device, since last time she couldn't light a fire quickly and inconvenienced Hibari. And of course food as well |
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | キャンプのお誘いは二水さんと日羽梨様、どちらからされましたか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Was it Fumi who took the initiative in inviting Hibari to camping, or was it the other way around
A: Fumi invited, but it was Hibari who first disclosed that she has an interest in camping |
Hắc |
September 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
歯医者が苦手なリリィを教えて下さい! |
Q: Lilies who hate going to the dentist
A: Hijiri and Shiori, both of whom hate seeing the dentist |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ブーステッドスキルのアルケミートレースは血液を触媒に擬似CHARMを作ることが出来ますがこれは自分の血じゃないとダメなんでしょうか? |
Q: Alchemy Trace can use blood as a medium to formulate quasi-CHARMs, but must it be the skill user's own blood to work
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
森辰姫さんはどのぐらいの期間GEHENAにとらわれていましたか? |
Q: For how long was Tatsuki imprisoned by GEHENA
A: Unknown, as Tatsuki never talks about her own past. The only known thing is that she was taken into Yurigaoka custody in the junior high school level |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
円山周様と雪様は盟友とのことですが、周様もルド女の未来様と接点はあったのでしょうか? あと出来れば、周様の名前の読み方を教えてほしいです! |
Q: Maruyama Amane is a sworn friend of Yuki, so is she also acquainted to Mirai
A: Of course. Mirai exhausted her absolute capacity in arranging the Makuhari Recapture and preparing for its rapid execution (such as destroying surrounding Caves beforehand), so there's almost no member of the operation who's not acquainted to her. |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | 北野文妙さんは本人と関係のない事情が原因で百合ヶ丘の中等部編入セレクションを受ける事が出来なかったそうですが、一体何が原因で受けられなかったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 特定の怖いご職業に親御さんが就かれてると入学できないのです>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kitano Futae (Alchemilla Girls' Academy, 1st year) was denied the right to participate in Yurigaoka's junior high school entrance qualification due to irrelevant circumstances out of her own hands. So what exactly were these circumstances
A: Yurigaoka imposes a limitation on the occupations of its examinees' families. i.e. if a girl's parents work in some certain shady businesses, then she cannot partake in Yurigaoka's exams |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | コーストガードの隊長ってどんな方なのでしょうか?
Q: What kind of person is Hirose Minato, the commander of LG Coastguard (Odaiba)
A: A very serious (i.e. rule-abiding) person, similar to Momiji. Though in Minato's case she is often regarded to be more warrior-like. Illustration coming soon™️ |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | 健康に気を使ってるリリィとかって居たりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 御台場女学校ロネスネスの井草昴様ですね。 食事や体調管理もトレーニングの一環ですと仰ってます。マディックからワールドクラスのリリィに行きつくにはこれくらいの意識が必要なんだなあと思います。 #御台場女学校 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies concerned with health and fitness
A: Igusa Subaru of LG Hronesness. She often says that diet and health management is a part of training as well. Such a mentality is necessary to rise from a Madec to a world-class Lily. |
Hắc |
September 14, 2021 | 御台場女学校のリリィがガーデンを卒業する時などに、後輩に自分のヨートゥンシュベルトを譲ったりすることはあるんでしょうか?
リリィをやめる時が来たとしても御台場のリリィは生涯戦士であり続けるのがしきたりですのでヨートゥンシュベルトは手許にあり続けます #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Do Odaiba Lilies hand down their own Jötunn Schwerts to their kouhais when they graduate.
A: While this does happen from time to time, it's not common. Besides, it's not a one-way hand-down, since the kouhai will without fail give her own Jötunn Schwert to the senpai in exchange. Even when Odaiba Lilies retire, it is a convention that they will be warriors for the rest of their lives, so they'll always have their Jötunn Schwerts at hand. |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | 一葉さんのリーダー就任以降、ヘルヴォルの悪評は払拭されつつありますか?
Q: With Kazuha's assignment as Hervor's commander, is its bad reputation being gradually improved
A: Yes. However, Cuélebre (the 2nd-ranked legion) is on a rampage streak, so as a whole the opinion regarding Herensuge isn't shifting by any meaningful degree |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | 上級生が下級生の部屋に泊まりに行くことはありますか?
Q: Do senior Lilies visit and stay for the night in the rooms of their juniors
A: Sometimes yes |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | 寺生まれのリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies born in temples
A: Takahata Masaki, her family house was also a Zen temple |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | アルケミラはどういった神話の世界観を持つガーデンなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What mythology is the basis for Alchemilla
A: Norse |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | 竹腰千華さんの着ている制服はLGローエングリンのレギオン制服ですか?
Q: Is Chihana's uniform (in the illustration) the legion uniform of Lohengrin
A: No, this is her uniform from her time as the commander of 1st-gen Alfheim i.e. what she wore in the Odaiba Counteroffensive |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | 潔癖症のリリィとか居たりするんでしょうか??? #教えて二水ちゃん 2代アールヴヘイムの槇若菜様が潔癖症ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies obsessed with cleanliness and order
A: Wakana |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | 久富木玲奈さんは追い詰められるとぬいぐるみと話すそうですが、クララのくままのように、ぬいぐるみに名前って付けているのでしょうか?
Q: When stressed, Kubuki Reina (Alchemilla, 1st year) would talk to her stuffed rabbit (image), but does she give it a name like Clara's Kumama
A: Yes. She calls it Madeleine-chan |
Hắc |
September 16, 2021 | ガンシップを持たないガーデンが任務に向かう時の移動手段はどのようにしているのでしょうか
Q: How do gardens w/o gunships send their Lilies to missions
A: By personnel transport cars or special trains |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | ルイセ・インゲルスさんは現在、特別寮で過ごしていますか?それとも一般寮ですか?
Q: Does Luise still reside in the special dorm now
A: No, she has moved to the normal dorm |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 亜羅椰さんのお料理の腕が知りたいです
Q: Araya's cooking skills. Also are there cooking practicum and survival skills classes in Yurigaoka
A: Araya's cooking skill is respectable, and her home field is creative dishes. In Yurigaoka there are cooking practicum classes, while survival is an elective subject |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 二水ちゃんってこころ様から色んな情報を買ったりしてますか?
Q: Does Fumi buy intel from Kokoro
A: No, she doesn't have that much money anyway |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 尾竹簾さんはヘオロットセインツの中だと誰と仲が良いんでしょうか?
Q: Saints members on good terms with Sunao
A: Chinami. Sunao supports Chinami's love for Haru |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | ロスヴァイセのメンバーで一般寮住みの子はいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん いませんね。全員特別寮です。あの特務レギオンは特別ですので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: LG Rossweisse members who stay in the normal dormitory
A: None, all of them stay in the special dorm, since the legion itself is special |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはサバイバル訓練は履修してますか? #教えて二水ちゃん もちろんです^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Fumi register for Survival classes
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 紗癒さんと閑さんはライバルと言っていましたが仲悪いんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Sayu and Shizu are rivals (two of the Three Princesses), so are they at each other's necks in terms of relationship
A: No, they're on good terms actually, a healthy rivalry |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 聖咲さんは寺生まれとの事ですが、遊糸先輩と同じく、見えるタイプの方ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 聖咲「あ~帰るんだ、じゃあね」 文妙「??誰と話してるの?」 聖咲「何でもないですわ。参りましょう?文妙さん」 文妙「??そ、そう?」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Being born in a temple, is Masaki also of the type that can see ghosts like Yui-paisen
A: Yes, but she accepts them > Masaki: Aah, I'll be going. See you then > Futae: Who are you talking to??? > Masaki: It's nothing. Let's go, Futae-san > Futae: ????? O-okay? |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 内田眞悠理さんと山梨日羽梨さんは親友とのことですが、二人はお互いのことをなんと呼んでいますか?
Q: Mayuri and Hibari are close friends, so how do they call each other
A: Without honorifics |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはキャンプ好きとのことですが、燻製はしたことありますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever tried smoking food in camping
A: No |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんは何も持っていない状態で森に放置された場合、何日くらいなら生き残れる自信がありますか? |
Q: If Fumi was to be thrown in to a jungle with zero tools, then how long is her confident estimation of survival
A: There's no confident estimation here, but she aims to be able to survive 60 days on an uninhabited island |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | こころ様は情報料の収入をちゃんと申告していますか?
Q: Does Kokoro properly report her income as an informant for taxing
A: She's very sus |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: The coolest CHARMs in Fumi's opinion
A: Gram or Tyrfing |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | 二水ちゃんが買うアウトドア用品は主にどこのメーカーのものを選んでますか?
Q: Which brand name is Fumi's usual choice for purchasing outdoor supplies
A: She buys from a lot of brands so no determined one, but most of them are Japanese |
Hắc |
September 17, 2021 | よくキッチンに出てくる黒光りするヤツに対して抵抗が無い方とか居たりするんでしょうか…??? #教えて二水ちゃん ゲイラヴォルの丹下朋智さんは可愛いと言ってますね...... #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Girls who can't resist cockroaches
A: Tange Honori of LG Geiravor, who calls them cute |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Araya prey on 1st-year students exclusively
A: Not exactly :ArashioTaker: |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Fumi roll gacha machines regularly
A: Yes, it's fun |
Hắc |
September 18, 2021 | 木子都々里さんが御台場迎撃戦第2部隊でどのような活躍をされていたのか、少しでいいので知りたいです!
Q: What was Totori's exploits in the 2nd squad of the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: She intricately controlled the legion so as to prevent the retreat of the general vanguard line, as well as supporting the zero-top strategy it carried out. Additionally, she alongside Touka went ahead and grouped up with Misaka, who had been solo-dueling a Gigant-class in the defense of the Nozomi bridge, and opened up an opportunity for a counterattack there. |
Hắc |
September 18, 2021 | 依奈様は高等部時点からLGアールヴヘイム入りしたってことでしょうか?
Q: Did Ena enter Alfheimr from the high school level
A: No. 1st-gen Alfheimr fought through several operations including the Koshu Retreat while being formally treated as a preparatory legion of junior high school Lilies, of which Ena was a member. Upon the members' advance into high school and the legion's official recognition as Alfheimr, Chihana once again asked her to join forces, to which Ena agreed. |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | 燈さんはハーブティーがお好きだそうですが、山暮らしをしていた関係で山菜や薬草についても詳しいのでしょうか?
Q: Tomoshibi likes herb tea, but is she also well-versed in herbs and mountain flora due to her time living around Mt. Kurama
A: Yes, she's quite knowledgeable |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
某四角い世界でクラフトするゲームをやってるリリィはいますか? |
Q: Lilies playing Minecraft
A: Chemir. In fact, she has experienced most games, actually |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What was Ageha doing during the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: She was participating in the Makuhari recapture, which began at approximately that same time |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Can Rare skills awakened on the spur of the moment change afterwards
A: No |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | 特別寮の人達ってお風呂の時間はどうなってますか?
Q: What is bathing like for the residents of the Special dorm
A: They have their own bathhouse, whose usage is separated into different time slots for different grades like the normal one |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百由様以外にも生徒から依頼されてチャームを整備する方はいらっしゃるんですか? |
Q: Are there people aside from Moyu who takes CHARM maintenance requests
A: Any Arsenal division students can do it |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | 菱田治さんが薺さんを気にかけてたのは御台場迎撃戦よりも前からですか?
Q: Has Haru been caring for Nazuna since before the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: Yes. She has been looking over Nazuna as she gradually builds up her capability as a Lily |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ロザリンデ様の出身国教えて下さい・・・ |
Q: Rosalinde Friedgunde von Otto's country of birth
A: Germany |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | 伊紀さんは一年生のリリィだと誰と仲が良いんでしょうか?
Q: With which 1st-year Lilies is Inori close to
A: She's close with people who have stayed in the special dorm. Even if they have only lived in the dorm once, she still sees them as sisters (e.g. Shiori, Kusumi, Tatsuki) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lilies with interest in tea ceremonies
A: Shiori, Momiji |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | レギオンの人数は最小単位ですと何人になるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lowest allowed member count for a legionA
A: For gardens adopting the Neunwelt tactic and setting single-Legion extermination of Gigant-class Huges as the baseline, then 9 people |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | ヘイムスクリングラでは御台場のヨートゥンシュベルトの様に、入学時にリリィに専用の銃型CHARMを渡しているそうですが、留学していた渚さんもその銃型CHARMって貰っているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Similar to Odaiba's tradition of order-making Jötunn Schwerts for its students, it seems that Heimskringla also does the same but using 1st-generation gun-type CHARMs instead. So did Nagisa also received a gun CHARM of her own when she studied there.
A: Yes, even though her period there was short-term. |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | ヨートゥンシュベルトも2本両手持ちで使うなら、円環の御手持ちじゃないと出来ないの?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: For Jötunn Schwerts, is it impossible to use two of these CHARMs at once without Circlet Bless
A: It's the latest development in 1st-gen CHARMs, so impossible to handle two at once w/o Circlet Bless |
Hắc |
September 21, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは御台場のこわーい人達を怒らせかねない発言?を良くしていますが、捕まって御台場に無理矢理連れて行かれた事とかって、なんだかんだでまだ無いのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi often makes dangerous statements that risk pissing off the scary people in Odaiba, but has she ever been captured and taken back to Odaiba
A: No. \*activating Eagle's Eye* |
Hắc |
September 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
丹羽灯莉ちゃんと梢・ウェストさんって、どういう繋がりのお友達ですか? |
Q: What brought Akari and Kozue together as friends
A: Their love of drawing |
Hắc |
September 25, 2021 | 松永先輩が最近葵ちゃんに奢らせた物について教えてください!!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What kind of food has Yui-paisen been forcing Aoi to pay for her recently
A: Expensive Chinese culinary courses |
Hắc |
September 25, 2021 | 梨璃さんは同室の閑さんに勉強を教えてもらったりするんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Shizu help Riri with studying
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 25, 2021 | 誉様と知世ちゃんって知世ちゃんが弟子入りしてから割とすぐにシュッツエンゲル結びましたか?
Q: Did Tomoyo immediately become Homare's Schilt as soon as she entered the latter's apprenticeship
A: No. The Schutzengel Oath was only exchanged in the high school level, while the apprenticeship began in junior high school. There's a time gap there |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Was Takane popular during her time in Odaiba as well
A: Yes. She handled the top's back of the Funada Reserve Squad, the world's most powerful junior high school unit |
Hắc |
September 25, 2021 | 誉様と知世さん、誰がシュッツエンゲルの契りを申し出たのですか?
「何をしょぼくれてるの知世、せっかく念願の高等部に上がれたってのに仕方ないですわね......知世、もう弟子は卒業よ......シュッツエンゲルの契りを結びましょう」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Between Homare and Tomoyo, who proposed the Schutzengel oath?
A: Homare. During Tomoyo's apprenticeship in junior high school, she made many advances on Homare, all of which were denied. It was when she was dejected because of this that Homare made her move: "What are you so down about Tomoyo, you made it into the high school of your dreams, didn't you. Ah well, it can't be helped..... Tomoyo, now you're no longer my apprentice. Let us exchange the Schutzengel oath." |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | 燈さんは常日頃から純様の髪の毛を嗅いだりしているのでしょうか??
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Has Tomoshibi always been sniffing Kiito's hair everyday
A: Everyday |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんが思う、足もとのファッションがいちばん個性的なリリィって誰でしょうか |
Q: Lilies with the most unique leg fashion
A: Yuzuriha and the followers of her style of loose socks |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは記念受験で百合ヶ丘に申し込んだと聞いたことがあるのですが、本命はどのガーデン(or学校)にいく予定だったのですか。
Q: Fumi just took the Yurigaoka entrance exam for the sake of examining (i.e. not caring about passing), so where was she actually heading
A: Nowhere else other than Yurigaoka (all-or-nothing into Yurigaoka because it's the only place she wants to enter). She didn't consider the chance of passing though |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | クエレブレの隊長がどんな方なのか知りたいです!!!!! #教えて二水ちゃん かなり厳しい方ですね。相模女子とかに居そうなタイプの方です「また人のせい?あんたにレギオンを指揮する資格なんてないわ」とかいうタイプです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Who is the leader of LG Cuélebre like
A: A strict person. She's the kind of person you'd find in Sagami, going all "Blaming someone else again are we? It's ***you*** who is lacking the quality to lead a legion" |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | 天葉様が栽培にご興味を持っていらっしゃるのはお花だけでしょうか?それともお野菜や樹木なども含めた植物全般でしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Soraha has an interest in cultivating flowers, but is she also interested in other flora (vegetables, plants) and botany as a whole
A: She prefers flowers the most, but she also likes other fields of botany and is knowledgeable in them all |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんは実力実績共に優れたリリィのようですが、ユニーク機は所持していますか?
Q: Hibari excels both in capability and achievements, so does she have a unique CHARM of her own
A: Yes, it's called Ascalon |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | 松永先輩は将棋がめっぽう強いそうですが、賭け将棋でお金を稼いでいた時期もあったりしたのでしょうか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yui-paisen is excellent in shogi, but has she earned money through betting in matches
A: Very possibly |
Hắc |
September 26, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
本日の分はここに纏めました~ おやすみなさいませー😴 |
things not to do with Yui-paisen
-talk about ghosts -carelessly mention shogi betting |
Hắc |
September 27, 2021 | ' これまでも何人もの方からご質問のあったエレンスゲ序列2位レギオンクエレブレ隊長のお名前を公開しま~す。クエレブレ隊長は1年生、松村優珂(まつむら・ふうか)さんです。厳しい方ですが容姿はかなり整ってますね。アイドルリリィと言ってもおかしくないです #アサルトリリィ |
The much-questioned about commander of Herensuge's 2nd-rank legion, Matsumura Fuuka (松村優珂). Ranked no.2 in the school, she has a refined appearance coupled with an incredibly strict personality. Her beauty can rival that of Idol Lilies | Hắc |
September 27, 2021 | 相澤一葉さんと松村優珂さんの仲は良いんでしょうか?
また優珂さんが煽りまくる方ですので>< 優珂「一葉さん、やれるもんならやってみなさいよw」
Q: Is the relationship betwen Kazuha and Fuuka good or bad
A: Terrible. And it doesn't help that Fuuka is the one constantly picking fights. > *"Kazuha-san, if you can do it then go ahead and try lmao"* (TL: the "lmao" was a part of the original quote) |
Hắc |
September 27, 2021 | @assault_lily #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんの言うアイドルリリィと、姫歌ちゃんの目指しているアイドルリリィは意味が違うものだったりしますか? |
Q: Is Fumi's idea of "idol Lilies" slightly different from what Himemeka is aiming towards
A: Fumi's "idol Lilies" are those who receive support from Lily otakus, making them being like idols. Meanwhile, Himeka's idea is that of Lilies performing idol activities, so strictly speaking there's a gap between the two definitions |
Hắc |
September 27, 2021 | 立派な大浴場があるガーデンは百合ケ丘だけですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん アルケミラや御台場女学校もかなり大きな浴場がありますよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is Yurigaoka the only place with a large bathhouse
A: Quite a few places have large communal bathhouses, actually. E.g. Alchemilla and Odaiba |
Hắc |
September 27, 2021 | エレンスゲの序列1位と2位が一年生ということは、まさか3位も一年生…なんてことあったりします?
Q: The 1st- and 2nd-ranked Lilies of Herensuge are 1st year students, so could it be the 3rd-ranked one is also a 1st year
A: No. The 3rd-ranked is Tsuboi Nanaho, a 2nd year student. She's the commander of LG Basandere, and the legion as well as herself are the peak of Herensuge's conscience |
Hắc |
September 28, 2021 | 屋根裏以外での、内田眞悠理さんと牛田琶月さんが二人でいるところの目撃情報等はございますか?
Q: Places where Mayuri and Watsuki have been spotted together aside from the Attic palace
A: The library, library's separate room reserved for members of the librarian committee, and the cafeteria |
Hắc |
September 28, 2021 | 中国地方解放戦線で何か新しい情報があればお願いします!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: New information on the Chuugoku Region Liberation Battlefront
A: The Chuugoku Liberation Battlefront is locked in a stalemate as grueling battles rage on with no end in sight. LG Sanngriðr's expedition there has been approved, but the resistance effort is already ongoing. It is centered around Kaita Hinoki (海田檜), second year student of Kyuurei Girls' Academy (Hiroshima), a local garden which is also designated as a capitulated region. In order to provide relief to Kyuurei, the entirety of Sanngriðr has been mobilized. By the way, Hinoki is a blonde girl with huge boobs. (TL: for fuck's sake Fumi, you introduced her boobs even before her personality) |
Hắc |
September 28, 2021 | ドレインを施術されているリリィっていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies who was given the Drain Boosted skill
A: Yes, there are those with that skill. One example include Onogi Sato of LG Rossweisse |
Hắc |
September 28, 2021 | 九嶺女学園の「九嶺」って調べてみたら呉市のことらしいのですが、
Q: Kyuurei Girls' Academy seems to be situated in Kure City. So do they perhaps possess warships like Ambrosia as well
A: Before its capitulation, the entire Chuugoku region, not just limited to Hiroshima prefecture, had warships in their reserves. However, their current state is unknown. On a side note, Kyuurei Lilies have a really scary dialect. "What on earth are rules of engagement, we fightin' Huges ya know" (TL: someone fix that into proper Hiroshima dialect pls) |
Hắc |
September 28, 2021 | 那賀大串は茨城のガーデンですが、ガーデンの治安って良い方なのでしょうか……?悪い方なのでしょうか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Naga Ookushi of Ibaraki a garden with poor peace and security
A: No. It's a duel-focused garden like Odaiba so its Lilies can be hotheaded, but they're definitely not uncouth |
Hắc |
September 28, 2021 | アールヴヘイムの金箱弥宙さんはカップ麺が好きだそうですが、特に好きなカップ麺は何ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Misora likes cup ramen, but which type does she specifically like
A: The type that's the same as that done by spicy ramen shops, bought at convenience stores |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Being gardens specialized in artistic fields, do Kanba and Irma hold frequent exchanges
A: Yes. And by the way, Irma's education in arts is world-class |
Hắc |
September 29, 2021 | 叶星様が呼び捨てにしている人って一葉さん以外にいますか?
Q: People who Kanaho refers to without honorifics
A: Those of the former Funada Reserve Squad. She has grown up with them after all |
Hắc |
September 29, 2021 | 瑞希さんの映画趣味について、雨嘉さんや莉芬さんはどう思っているのでしょうか?
^^;「そう、その作品が好きならこれも見ないとね!」といった感じでものすごくたくさんの作品を見させられるらしいです>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How do Yujia and Lifen see Ruixi's love for movies
A: While they regard their walking cinema encyclopedia of a sister with pride, they absolutely never disclose their favorite movies to her. "If you like that movie, then you gotta watch this as well", and so one movie would link to another, and they'd be made to watch a whole library of films |
Hắc |
September 29, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヒュージを引き摺って、投げて、ぶん殴った事のある因さんですが、流石に蹴り飛ばしたりはしてませんよね? |
Q: Chinami can drag, throw or punch Huges, but surely she doesn't kick them right
A: Oh yes the strength of her kick is top-class as well. She can easily kick off the legs of small Huges |
Hắc |
September 29, 2021 | 檜様はどんな性格の方ですか?
Q: What is Hinoki's personality like
A: Normally she is one who jokes about, so she's somewhat a fun senpai-type person, not different from Yui-paisen. However, when she gets angry she's going to be really scary, so nobody dares to look down on her |
Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' ヘオロットセインツの誇るスーパーユーティリティリリィ尾竹簾(おたけ・すなお)さんをご紹介します。 6つのサブスキルを操るスキルマスター!!!!鈴木因さんと親友で治様に思いを募らせる因さんを応援してます リリィオタクです。キャラデはほたる先生です! #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
New illustration: Otake Sunao, the super-utility Lily treasured by Heorot Saints
She provides support with her 6 sub-skills. A close friend of Chinami, she supports her love for Haru. Additionally, she's also a Lily otaku |
Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' 彼女は #御台場女学校 の生え抜きで早くからその才能と容姿で注目を集めたリリィの一人です。可憐な容姿に、おしゃれに気を遣う気質もあり”アイドルリリィ”的にもてはやされていますが、どちらかというか彼女は「リリィオタク」で自己評価はそれほど高くありません。
A Lily raised in Odaiba, from an early age she gathered much attention with her talent and appearance. With her lovely appeal and consideration to clothing and style, she often is praised as an Idol Lily, but she is more or less a Lily otaku, and doesn't look at herself with too high a regard | Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' レアスキルはブレイブでレギオン全体をサポートする働きバチ的な渋い活躍をするタイプです。CHARM捌きも手堅く正確です。 椛様を慕っていて、椛様が気にかけてる速水桂さんをライバル視してます。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
With her rare skill Brave, she takes on the role of a worker bee and supports the legion silently but steadily. Her CHARM handling is also solid and precise.
Sunao adores Momiji, and thus holds a rivalry with Katsura, who Momiji cares for |
Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' サブスキルは軍神の加護、インビジブルワン、Awakening、聖域転換、ステルス、whole orderを有します。構成が秀逸で軍神の加護以外はすべて戦闘向け特殊行動が可能になる上にマギ汚染に陥る可能性があるものを保有していないかなり理想的な構成となっています。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Her subskill composition:
-War God's Blessing (sub-Register) -Invisible One (sub-Shukuchi) -Awakening (sub-Phase Transcendence) -Sanctum Conversion (sub-Heliosphere) -Stealth (sub-Uber Sign) -Whole Order (sub-Order of This World). An excellent composition, and aside from War God's Blessing all the skills are combat-oriented and allow for special effects, all the while not being those with a risk of causing Magi contamination. Therefore, it's quite an ideal skill set |
Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' 戦術理解が高く”オフザスフィアの動き”と呼ばれる「自分がマギスフィアを持っていないときの味方のパスコースを作る動き」もハイレベルで味方のパスコースの邪魔になるヒュージを早めに片づけるなどを司令塔の指示がなくても遂行する為周りからの信頼も厚いです。 #御台場女学校 #アサルトリリィ |
Her understanding of tactics is excellent, and is capable of intricate "Off The Sphere moves" (TL: working to clear a pass course for teammates when oneself is not passing the Magi sphere). Even without command from the Command Tower, she would autonomously and swiftly take down Huges that interfere with the pass course, and thus she has gained much trust from her own legion mates | Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' 御台場迎撃戦時は中3でしたが巣無しのアルトラが大ケイブをはった若洲に因さんと取り残されましたが冷静に近くの建造物に立て籠もり交戦、生き残りました。第2部隊の天葉様のアルトラを屠ったフィニッシュショットも間近で見ています。「天葉様は私の永遠のアイドル」と発言してます #アサルトリリィ |
She was one of the few junior high school Lilies who got involved in the Odaiba Counteroffensive (then she was in 3rd year). Alongside Chinami, she was stranded on Wakasu island where the nestless Ultra-class set up a major Cave, but both of them calmly took up defensive position in nearby buildings, and made it out alive. Especially, during the 2nd squad's finish shot that decimated the Ultra-class, she managed to see Soraha's finish shot up close, and thus claims that Soraha is her eternal idol. | Hắc |
September 30, 2021 | ' リリィオタクとしてのご専門は戦術と制服です。戦術はそのままですが彼女は可愛い制服を探して全国のガーデンの制服を調べまくってます。「このガーデン、高等部はそれ程でもないけど中等部がすごくかわいい!」とか仰ってます #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
As a Lily otaku, her specialty lies in strategy and uniform design research. Nevermind the strategy focus, in regards to uniforms she has thoroughly investigated those of gardens all around Japan to look for cute ones. Quoting her, "this garden's high school uniform is just so-so, but the junior high school one is just so cute!" | Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | 百合ケ丘に芸術に詳しい子はいますか?
Q: Yurigaoka Lilies well-versed in arts
A: Shiori, she has an interest in arts and craft - she's the president of the Handicraft club |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | エレンスゲ序列2位の松村優珂さんと、序列3位の坪井七保様の関係性はどんな感じなんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 風紀委員長の七保様ですので、当然関係は良くないですね^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Relationship between Nanaho and Fuuka of Herensuge
A: Nanaho is the president of the Disciplinary Committee, so of course they're on bad terms |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | 楠美ちゃんは何色がお好きなんでしょうか?
Q: Kusumi's favorite color
A: White. Her favorite horse also has a white coat |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | 依奈様→弥宙ちゃんへのお誕生日ボイスがありましたが、お二人は仲が良いんですか?
Q: By Ena's in-game voiceline celebrating Misora's birthday, are these two going on well with each other.
A: Yes. When Ena joined 2nd-gen Alfheim, the legion members weren't truly unified, and it was Misora who supported her during this period. So they are linked by a bond of trust, rather than by something pertaining to a Schutzengel relationship |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | 金箱弥宙さんは一柳隊のようなスタイルをアンチノインヴェルトと辛口評価していますが参考にしたり称讃しているようなスタイルのレギオンはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 弥宙さんはこの表の右上の区分のレギオンを褒めがちです!マギインテンシティが高い所で戦うことがノインヴェルトの神髄とのことです^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Misora criticizes Hitotsuyanagi Squad's method of deploying the Neunwelt Tactic as "anti-Neunwelt", so in return are there any examples of Legions with styles that she praises
A: She often comments highly of legions with an aggressive and liberal style (dispersing around the upper-right half of this chart), as engaging in places with a high Magi intensity (i.e. near Huges) is the core value of Neunwelt |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | 簾ちゃんは百合ヶ丘にも入れるだけの能力を持った子だと思うのですが、天葉様を追って百合ヶ丘を目指したりはしなかったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Sunao apparently has the competency to warrant admission to Yurigaoka, so does she want to go in order to follow Soraha
A: No. Odaiba's focus on an integrated school system embeds a strong sense of belonging in its students, and thus they rarely would move to other gardens. Sunao herself may be easily admitted to Yurigaoka if she wanted, but it seems that she sees her adoration for Soraha and her dedicated battlefield as two different subjects |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | ルナティックトランサー持ちはスキルを発動すると性格が別人のようになる方もいますが、那賀大串の佐々木靖奈さんはどのようなタイプの方ですか?
Q: It's often said that LT users would have their personalities changing completely when triggering their skill, so is Sasaki Yasuna of Naga Ookushi also like this
A: Even when using LT, her personality isn't altered that much. However, it's suspected that the way she speak is the only thing that doesn't change, while her thoughts and emotions get perturbed as usual - this is seen in the fact that when triggering LT, she charges very far up forward. She would lunge into the middle of the Huges while saying "I'm taking you down~" as usual |
Hắc |
October 2, 2021 | 北河原伊紀ちゃんのお誕生日を教えてください!!
Q: Kitagawara Inori's birthday
A: Oct 31st |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | レギンレイヴ(水夕会)のレギオン衣装が見たいです!イラストとかありませんか? #教えて二水ちゃん この辺りがレギンレイヴのレギオン制服ですね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: LG Reginleif's legion uniform
A: look at photos (basically it has the black vest |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | 梅さんのユニークCHARMタンキエムにはディフェンシブCHARMの型番が割り振られていますが、どのような防御機能が備わっているのでしょうか?
Q: The Thần Kiếm (Mai's CHARM) is given the designation of a defensive CHARM (serial number DC-23), so what defensive function does it have
A: It is equipped with the same technology as that in the Area Defense devices, which prevent the appearance of Huge particles. While it does not have the same scale of effect as the actual devices, but at least it can chase away Small-class Huges |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の寮に最初から備え付けられている家具はベッドだけでしょうか?それとも冷蔵庫やテレビなど生活に必要なものは一通り揃っているのでしょうか
^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Are Yurigaoka dorm rooms only equipped with beds by default, or are they also furnished with basic items such as fridges and TVs
A: By default basic life necessities are equipped. Of course there's the option for Lilies to buy their own furnitures or replace the defaults with high-class items as well |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
因さんのヨートゥンシュベルトは他の方に比べてゴツい印象でしたが、やっぱり彼女のパワーに合わせてカスタムされた感じですか? |
Q: Chinami's Jötunn Schwert (image) looks a lot more rugged than that of other girls, is it custom-made to adapt to her strength
A: Yes. Jötunn Schwerts can have their forms and functionalities modified to fit the individual user's needs, so such a shape is completely adapted to her style and traits |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Why is dueling forbidden in Yurigaoka
A: It's forbidden *just because it is*. Bringing their fists down on each other sure is gonna be a problem. Actually, in a school of fine, refined and elegant ladies, who would do such a thing, right? Here is an unrelated illustration of Nagi, who would bring her fists down on you when she's angry |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is Fumi confident in dueling
A: No |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | 松永先輩は人望が薄いそうですが、松永先輩と紫苑様の関係ってどんな感じなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 遊糸「ちょっと!こんなとこに荷物置かないでよ!」 葵「あ~、それ紫苑先輩のですけど(・∀・)ニヤニヤ」 遊糸「あ~そ。紫苑ならすぐ片すでしょ」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yui-paisen seems to be an unpopular person, but how does she go on with Shion
A: She's afraid of Shion, even though the outside she still acts like a proper senior (reminder: she's older than Shion) > Yui: Hey, don't place your belongings here! > Aoi: Ah, actually these are Shion-senpai's stuff (・∀・) hehehe > Yui: Oh right. Well knowing Shion she's gonna clean these up right away anyway |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | 迎撃戦では第5部隊で奮戦したデュエル名手の
Q: More info about Oosumi Azuki, the Vice Commander and "Black Dragon" of LG Sigrdrifa
A: She is a beauty with a distinctive hair style, having her front bang set like a veil. Having an interest in the arts, for a time she planned on transferring to Irma before being stopped by Yurigaoka. Even so, she considers combat to be a form of creative activity itself, and before engaging in battle she would often comment that "this [Lily] can create an exquisite 'work of art'". It is her routine to use *kaishi* paper to wipe her CHARM after battles. |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | 天葉様が特に気に入ってるお花の種類とかってありますか?
Q: Soraha's favorite flower
A: She likes all flowers in general, but hepatica (*Anemone hepatica*) is her special favorite |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | エレンスゲの序列2位の優珂さんは同じエレンスゲのリリィからどのような印象を持たれていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How is Fuuka viewed by other Lilies of Herensuge
A: Mixed opinions |
Hắc |
October 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん 『白龍』の捺輝様と『黒龍』の梓氣様はひとつがいになりそうなイメージですが、お二人はよく共に過ごしたりしているのでしょうか? お二人は気が合いますね~ちなみにルームメイトです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: The titles of White and Black Dragons of Natsuki and Azuki give the impression that they are a couple, so do they spend much time together
A: They go along very well with each other. And they're roommates btw |
Hắc |
October 4, 2021 | 燈さんはジビエ料理が好きだそうですが特に何の肉が好きなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
When Tomoshibi said she likes bear, she means bear meat | rluka |
October 5, 2021 | ' 御台場3大レギオンの一角でレギンを統括するLGコーストガードを率いる弘瀬湊(ひろせ・みなと)様をご紹介します。御台場迎撃戦ではティシア様と共闘、多くの市民の命を救いました。セインツともロネスネスとも良好な関係を築いています。キャラデは八重樫先生です #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
**Hirose Minato** (Odaiba, 2nd year)
Commander of LG Coastguard > *Kiito has her own beliefs, as well as Momiji. Outsiders have no authority to say anything about them.* The leading figure of LG Coastguard, one of Odaiba's 3 major legions, and is also the one responsible for administering all the other legions of the school. In the Odaiba Counteroffensive, she fought alongside Tecia in the 4th Squadron, and held the defense line such that not a single civilian life was lost. Now, she maintains a good relationship with both Hronesness and Heorot Saints. Character design by Yaegashi Nan |
Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | ' ロネスネスの船田姉妹とは仲が良いですが特に初様とは合います。初様が愚痴をこぼしたりする数少ない方ですね。 初「はあ、疲れてしまいますわ」 湊「初さん、貴女の隊はまとめるのが大変そうですね。まあそれが個性だから悪いことではないのでしょうけれど(笑)」 #御台場女学校 #アサルトリリィ |
She is on good terms with the Funada sisters, espeically Ui. In fact she is one of the few people to which Ui would disclose her grumbles
> Ui: Haah, I'm dead tired > Minato: Ui-san, it's no doubt that holding your legion together is a tough business. Though since it's because of just how strong your members' individualities are, it can't be said to be a bad thing \*smile* |
Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | ' 御台場迎撃戦では第4部隊で避難民の救出、避難経路の確保に奔走しました。メルクリウスのティシア率いる第4部隊で、迎撃戦中に逃げ遅れた市民の脱出経路の確保に加え、光壁システムを超えて東京内部へ入り込もうとするギガント2体の撃滅を担当しました。
During the Odaiba Counteroffensive, she alongside the 4th Squadron carried out duties all across the battlefield, which included rescuing refugees and securing an evacuation route for them. Under Tecia's command, not only did her squadron evacuated civilians that failed to escape amidst the raging battle, they also destroyed 2 Gigant-class Huges that attempted to breach the Light barrier system to enter Tokyo's inner perimeter | Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | ' 巣無しのアルトラの討滅は至難のものでしたが、光壁突破を試みる特型ギガント級との戦いも難しいものでした。しかし彼女達はぎりぎりでこの2体を沈黙させます。1体はティシア様が1体は菘様がそれぞれフィニッシュで仕留めましたが、共にアシストは湊様でした。
The main objective of the Counteroffensive - destroying the Nestless Ultra-class - was a Herculean task, but neither was stopping the special-type Gigant-class that attempted to breach the Light barrier a simple feat. Still, the 4th Squadron managed to decimate two of the Gigant-classes just in the nick of time. One was destroyed by Tecia, while the other fell at the hands of Suzuna, but Minato assisted both of them in delivering the finish shot. | Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | ' 迎撃戦終結後、元々はヘオロットセインツのメンバー間で思想のずれが出てきます。第1部隊で戦った椛様、楪様と第4部隊で戦った湊様、菘様との間で戦術思想の大きな乖離が生まれてしまいました そこで椛様と湊様の話し合いで部隊を分けることにします。 #御台場女学校 #アサルトリリィ |
Following the Counteroffensive, a rift appeared between the then-members of Heorot Saints. It was a major disparity in tactical ideals between Momiji, Yuzuriha (1st Squadron members) and Minato, Suzuna (4th Squadron members). Eventually, it was resolved by an agreement between Momiji and Minato to divide Heorot Saints. | Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | ' ヘオロットセインツには椛様と楪様、紅様が残り湊様と菘様は湾岸警備を意味する「LGコーストガード」を結成したのです。この2隊は元々は同じ隊でしたので特に思想対立などは無く、関係も良好です。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
By this agreement, Momiji, Yuzuriha and Kurena remained in Saints, while Suzuna and Minato went on to form LG Coastguard, responsible for defending the coastline of Odaiba. As these two legions originated from the same unit, they don't hold any major conflicts in ideals, and are on good terms with each other
(TL: wasn't a conflict in ideal the reason for the split though....) |
Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | ' 湊様はパワー、テクニック、スピードとどれも一流でBZで全体を統括するリリィです。 レアスキルは円環の御手で小細工無しの強さをもちます。サブスキルに軍神の加護を有し、司令塔タスクもこなし依奈様とティシア様の中間のようなバランスのとれたスタイルを確立しています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Minato has top-class qualities in all fields of power, technique and speed, and is the Lily to take full control of the entire legion BZ.
Her Rare skill is Circlet Bless, which grants her pure raw power. In addition to her Sub skill War God's Blessing, she is also capable of performing Command Tower tasks, and thus attains a style that is a balance between Tecia and Ena. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: How does Mimi see the relationship between Matsuri and Riri (TL: brief reminder that it's a mentor-apprentice relationship)
A: Matsuri's happiness is the ultimate motive behind each and every of Mimi's actions, so if Matsuri is happy she would not hold jealousy towards the people around her. Though Mimi is absolutely vicious against those that Matsuri sees as opponents or hindrances |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is it possible to form a Schutzengel oath between Lilies separated by more than 2 years apart (e.g. 1st year-3rd year, or high school-junior high school)
A: It's not recommended, but not prohibited either. On the other hand, oaths that bridge the gap between the junior and senior high school departments are basically not possible, with one exception being both sisters working as members of the student council in their respective departments. This is an exception permitted in accordance with the special circumstances related to student council affairs. Examples include Misuzu-Yuyu and Kaoru-Chihana |
Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | 湊さんは聞き上手みたいですが、湊さんが悩みだったり、愚痴だったりを溢す相手っていらっしゃるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Minato seems to be a superb listener, but in return is there anyone for her to discuss her troubles and listen to her grieving
A: Her second-in-command, Suzuna. They're sworn friends. |
Hắc |
October 5, 2021 | 武田光未さんが祀様に心酔したキッカケはなんでしょうか?
Q: What was the reason for Mimi being head over heels for Matsuri
A: During her time in the junior high school Student Council, due to a certain event Mimi came to be cornered and severely criticized by every other members of the council. It was at this time that Matsuri, despite trembling in fear herself, stood up and faced off against the entire council to protect Mimi. At this sight, she vowed to be the shield to protect Matsuri, leading to her nickname "The Chancellor in Black", and her relationship with Matsuri now. |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | 光未様は何年生ですか?二水ッ!!!!!
Q: Mimi's current grade
A: 2nd year |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天津飯が好きなリリィを教えて下さい(`・ω・´)ゞ |
Q: Lilies that like Tenshinhan
A: Aoi. For Tenshinhan and the fried rice variant she uses Kyoto-styled sauce |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
つけるタレの種類とかも詳しくお願い致します。 |
Q: Lilies that like gyoza. Also their preferred type of sauces
A: Shiori, she loves gyoza very much. While she uses a variety of sauces, the one she likes the most is vinegar soy sauce. However, the amount of vinegar she uses is so, so very delicately small that she uses a pipet to control it |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
やっぱり立原紗癒さんとか? |
Q: Lohengrin members with the most weight behind their statements
A: Sayu and Chihana |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | 元スヴァンフヴィートの谷尻雫様って、どんな方ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What is Tanijiri Shizuku of former LG Svanhvit like
A: An artistic 3rd-year with a frank personality, highly popular with her juniors. She's also a member of the Handicrafts club. Notable for her good affinity with shortly cut hairstyles, she's an expert Duelist, as all other 3rd-year students. She's the partner to Soyogi Ataru, and also her roommate. Currently she's a member of LG Brynhildr Line |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | しえらさまと辰姫は親密な仲だそうですが、2人はお互いのことを何と呼んでいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 紫恵楽様はもの凄く優しい調子で「たつ」と呼び、辰姫さんは「しえちゃん」と呼んでます。上級生には「様付け以外許されない」 のが百合ヶ丘の掟なのですが~まあ辰姫さんならしかたないかなあって感じで許されてます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiera and Tatsuki are very close together, how do they call each other
A: Shiera calls Tatsuki "Tatsu" with a caressingly soft tone, while Tatsuki returns with "Shie-chan". In Yurigaoka it is required to address seniors with -sama, but in Tatsuki's case she's allowed to pass, due to her own circumstances |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | 近藤貞花さんが長らくLGの結成を認められていなかったのは何が原因なのでしょうか?
Q: Why did Misaka's legion formation spend a long time on the backburner before finally getting approved. She's a good person, e.g. protecting Odaiba junior high school Lilies in that 1v1 duel with a Gigant-class, providing shelter for Hibari who lost a legion to rely on, being by Hanna's side who wasn't regarded highly until her awakening, etc.
A: A good person as she may be, she didn't excel in the particular point that was the key to her rating in the garden's eyes, much like Haru of Odaiba. While she has overwhelming Dueling capability, during her time in 1st year her Neunwelt adaptability wasn't really that good, so the seat of Legion commander wasn't open for her. However, her friends in LG Sanngriðr were fixated on her taking the position, so the final approval to form the legion wasn't given for a long time. |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | 上級生には様付けする掟が無い学校は何処ですか?
Q: Gardens where the -sama honorific isn't required when addressing seniors
A: Sagami. Just -senpai is enough |
Hắc |
October 7, 2021 | 日羽梨様は、御台場迎撃戦での経験について、二水ちゃんに語ることはあるのでしょうか?
Q: Has Hibari ever told Fumi about her experience in the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: Yes. Fumi herself has been questioning as well, to obtain information from the position of a Lily otaku |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Why did Misaka stay by Hanna's side ever since before she awakened Phantasm
A: While Hanna was the kind of girl to be loved by the people around her, her rating as a Lily was low. Misaka was one of the few people who acknowledged her capability, and spent time training with her and giving advices while staying by her side |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | デッドアイモーション使いである風舞姫様が率いるブローズグハッダがSSS級に届かない理由って何なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Why hasn't LG Blóðughadda of Ryuuto been qualified for SSS rank yet
A: Primarily because reserve members outside of its headliners need to be improved both in quantity and quality - once that's fulfilled, SSS rank should be achievable. Otherwise, the legion's combat record and capability is stellar |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Sanngriðr members good at cooking
A: Touka |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはポケモン知っていますか?
Q: Does Fumi know about Pokemon
A: Yes (TL: someone localize the Pokemon names pls) |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはソロキャンに行くこともあるんですか?
Q: Has Fumi ever gone camping alone
A: Yes |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | 元スヴァンフヴィートの柳澤綾子様ってどんな方なのでしょうか?
Q: More info about Yanagisawa Ayako
A: Zenon Paradox user, she's one of the three original members who came up with forming LG Svanhvit (algonside Tamura Nagi and Mitsui Kou). A noble, wise and strong Lily, her shortcoming is that she gets easily swayed by emotions. More than anyone else, she lamented the dissolution of Svanhvit |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
初代アーヴヘルムメンバーの青木夏帆様について何か教えて下さい! |
Q: Info about Kaho, former member of 1st-gen Alfheim and current member of Lohengrin
A: The prodigious AZ member of 1st-gen Alfheim with the highest finish shot success rate, Kaho is an Enhanced Lily bearing the S-class Phase Transcendence skill. Her Schild is Hiromu. Normally she's a calm and collected person, but when acting for the sake of Chihana, her dearest friend, she can show her fervor |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lilies who excel in playing the violin
A: Aoi |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | 魔法球とかをノールックでパスするリリィとかはいるのでしょうか?
Q: Lilies that pass the Neunwelt gay ball without looking
A: Phantasm users that focus on intuition |
Hắc |
October 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
まだフルネーム明らかにされてないロスヴァイセの後藤さんと金田さんのことなにか教えて🙏 |
Q: Info about members of Rossweisse whose full names have yet to be disclosed: Goto-san and Kaneda-san
A: Goto Sakura (後藤嵯紅羅), possibly 2nd year? A very close friend of Chihana and Touka. In contrast to her beautiful appearance, she has an unyielding rebellious spirit, and is constantly quarrelling with Matsuri's clique. A Kansai-born girl, when she gets mad she'd expose her full-scale Kansai spirit "What you acting so high-and-mighty at, &$\*#$@#$". What she's actually saying is indecipherable to Fumi of the Kanto region. It may even be a wrong transcription |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Other than cooking, is Kusumi also good in making confectioneries?
A: Yes |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ファンタズムSに関して「樟美さんのファンタズムはS級に到達している」という解釈でよろしいのでしょうか? |
Q: In the Last Bullet profile card, Kusumi's skill is Phantasm S. Does that means her skill is S-rank?
A: Yes |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | 六角汐里ちゃんの好きなおにぎりの具を教えてください!!^^ #教えて二水ちゃん ねぎ味噌です! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiori's favourite onigiri taste
A: Negi miso |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘でレギオンを結成するには
2年生以上が1名、レジスタ使いが1名の2つ条件があります。 では、ヴィゾーヴニルの該当者はどなたでしょうか?
Q: The requirement to form Legion in Yurigaoka is to have at least 1 senior student and at least 1 Regista user. What about LG Víðófnir?
A: Because they are mainly a weapon test squad, they are not subject to the requirement of having senior student. Their Regista is Sakurada Rizumu, ex-member of Ichi's team during middle school. |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんの頭のリボンはいつも同じモノを着けているのでしょうか?
Q: Does Hibari always wear that ribbon, or does she has many other?
A: For Hibari, that ribbon also has a meaning of her facing a fight, so she always wear the same ribbon. But in private, she switches colour daily. |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | お酒好きの教導官っていますか?
Q: Any instructors who likes alcohol?
A: Yoshizaka-sensei |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Chemil likes horror game?
A: She's scared, but still play it nonetheless > Chemil: Gyaaaaaa!! > Luludis: Shut up and get to sleep! |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | 二水ちゃんがあまり持ってないリリィの情報とかってあったりするんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん ゴシップネタはそれほど仕入れてないですね~紅巴さんがご専門です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Are there any information Fumi can't get?
A: Gossips. Those are Kureha's specialty |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | アールヴヘイム専用のガンシップ<ナグルファル>についてですが、
他のレギオンが使うガンシップより強化された機能などがあるんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is there anything special about Alfheim's gunship, the Naglfar?
A: Each member brings 3 spare Charm, so the Gunship is big. It's also fast. |
rluka |
October 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
これから寒くなりますが自室で過ごす時に半纏を愛用しているリリィはいますか? |
Q: The weather is getting colder. Any Lily who wears hanten coat in their room?
A: Never investigated this, but Fumi wears one |
rluka |
February 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
スキラー数値が100を超えてしまった場合、どうなってしまうんですか? |
Tachihara Sayu
Her skiller value is 98, the highest Probably it's not safe to go beyond that |
rluka |
October 13, 2021 | 初代アールヴヘイムが解散した時は、リリィオタクやメディアの間でも衝撃が走ったのでしょうか?
Q: Were Lily otakus and the media shocked at the dissolution of 1st-gen Alfheim
A: Yes. Personally speaking Fumi went :WTFumi: :WTFumi: :WTFumi: :WTFumi: :WTFumi: |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Renka likes futsal, so does she join in teams of normal people (i.e. not Lilies) and play
A: She plays in teams of Lilies in the same grade as her |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは辛党ですか?甘党ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 辛いの好きなんですが、おなかが痛くなっちゃうんですよね>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Fumi like sweet or spicy stuff
A: Spicy, though it gives her a stomachache. |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
花粉症のリリィはいますか? |
Q: Lilies allergic to pollen
A: Shiori |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | ウコンバサラというCHARMはリンヌンラタエレクトロニクス社製だったりしますか?
Q: Is the CHARM Ukonvasara a product of Linnunrata Electronics
A: Yes (reminder: Linnunrata Electronics specializes in CHARMs based on Finnish mythology) |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | ナターシャさん、ステラさん、プルムさんは現在どこで活躍されていますか? レアスキルも合わせて教えていただけると嬉しいです
Q: Of Kaede and Aoi's former legion back in St. Mercury's junior high school level, there were Natasha Metter, Pullum Sibelius and Stella Elle Sasson (TL: no way to ascertain these are the correct way to spell their names). Where are they fighting now, and what are their rare skills
A: Natasha (LT) is in the Raguel Air Cavalry Division headed by Tecia. Stella (Heliosphere) is in the Michael Air Cavalry Division headed by Altea Pullum (Register) is the commander of the Remiel Air Cavalry Division |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | 夜ふかしするリリィっていますか?
Q: Are there Lilies pulling all-nighters
A: Yes, even though it's forbidden. Examples include Fumi (editing the Lily Newspaper) or Chemir (gaming) |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | 雪様は未来様や百由様、吉岡朋芭様等、幕張奪還戦絡みの友人が多い気がしますが、御台場迎撃戦の分隊同様、幕張奪還戦に関わったリリィ達も特別な絆で結ばれていたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Of the veterans that experienced the Makuhari Liberation (e.g. Yuki and her vast network of friends in this operation, such as Mirai, Moyu or Yoshioka Tomoha), are they bound by a special bond like those who went through the Odaiba Counteroffensive.
A: The Makuhari Liberation was the dearest wish of the now-3rd year students, and was also the battle to avenge Mirai who exerted beyond her own capacity to prepare for the operation and passed away before seeing it start, so its veterans are bound by a bond that's special in an entirely different way compared to Odaiba. |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | 新潟編の五話、亜羅椰さんの砲撃から始まった2代アールヴヘイムの戦闘ですが、そういえばアニメOPのサビも梅様の砲撃と共に夢結様が突っ込んでたような…もしかして初代アールヴヘイムから続く定番戦法だったりするんでしょうか?
Q: In chapter 5 of Niigata, Alfheimr's engagement began with Araya's shelling. In the anime OP as well, the combat scene started with Mai opening fire as Yuyu charges in, so is this a tradition of Alfheim's
A: More like one of the established practices in commencing combat during group battle in general, not just Alfheimr's. Shelling the Huges to push down their front line, then coordinating a diagonal charge across the battlefield allows for dispersing their attention and causing confusion. |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | 戦場で戦いを楽しめるという月詩ちゃんと辰姫ちゃんのコンビなんですが、二人の仲はどうですか??#教えて二水ちゃん 仲もいいですし、戦闘ではもの凄く合いますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Tsukushi and Tatsuki enjoy combat, but how are they around each other
A: They're on good terms, and coordinate exceptionally well in combat |
Hắc |
October 13, 2021 | 今日は何か日羽梨さまとおしゃべりしましたか? #教えて二水ちゃん はい、しゃべりましたよ。機関車が喋るアニメでどの子が好きかとかいうとりとめもない話です^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Did Fumi converse with Hibari today
A: Yes. Just an aimless discussion about their favorite character in Thomas the Tank Engine though |
Hắc |
October 14, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
本日の分はここに纏めました~ おやすみなさいませー😴 |
She also likes expensive brand fashion.
Her wardrobe consisted only of haute couture rather than prêt-à-porter. |
rluka |
October 17, 2021 | ' 【新キャラ】ヘオロットセインツの誇る3年生リリィ、円山周(まるやま・あまね)様です。レアスキル縮地とサブスキルステルスを組み合わせ神出鬼没に戦うスタイルの元祖ともいえるリリィです。デュエルに長け、忍者のように戦います。
**Maruyama Amane**
Odaiba 3rd year. Heorot Saints AZ/BZ Rare skill: Shukuchi Sub skill: Stealth With her skill composition, she is like the starter of fighting style that appear and disappear unexpectedly like a ninja. She was both the captain of Heorot Saints and student council president, but she has stepped down from both position to support her juniors. Her existence is like Saints' guardian and their trump card. One of the boosted lily rescued by Akira-sensei. Just after being rescued, she was dying from rejection of her surgery. Akira-sensei brought her to the Gehena lab in Irma for examination and while it's impossible to completely remove the modification, they managed to remove most of them, leaving only support enhancement such as Magi deterioration damper, and Magi concentration increaser. From her participation in Defence of Kasumigaura and Recapture of Makuhari, Amane is considered like a hero. Together with Yuki, she finished the boss Gigant class in Makuhari. Of course, she has good relationship with the other members participating in Makuhari operation, such as Yuki, Mirai, Yoshii Kiriko (Irma), Izue Shinobu (Yurigaoka) Amane is supportive of Haru's decision in Odaiba. > It was a difficult decision to make, but I believe evacuating those who can't fight in extreme situation is a correct decision. In the same situation, I would have taken the same choice. She lead Saints to help the local Gardens in Defense of Kasumigaura, which also involves Ageha, Nagi, and Rosalinde from Yurigaoka. It is a battle that managed to avert Ibaraki from falling into Huge's territory. During that battle, Amane works with relatively unknown Tamatsukuri Girls High School. It was from this battle that the braveries of Tamatsukuri girls became famous in Northern Kanto. |
rluka |
October 17, 2021 | ' ちなみにブーステッドスキルの除去は施術直後でないとできません。彼女の場合は運が良かったといえるでしょう。 #アサルトリリィ |
The surgery to remove enhancement can only be done in the short time period before the enhancement became fully integrated into the Lily. Amane is lucky she made it in time. | rluka |
October 16, 2021 | 鎌倉や御台場など首都圏は激戦となっていますが埼玉や群馬などの北関東はどうゆう状況になってるのでしょうか?
Q: Outside Kamakura and Odaiba, how is the situation in northern Kanto, such as Saitama or Gunma.
A: Saitama and Gunma got nests scattered all over the place like hole on cheese. It's a relatively peaceful place despite the Huge threat. In comparison, half of Tochigi are already designated as fallen. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: About Northern Kanto, where are the nests? Guessing Watarase Wetlands or Chuusenji Lake.
A: Indeed. There was an uproar because the A-class Nest in Chuusenji become identified as S-class (a nest led by an Ultra-class) |
rluka |
October 16, 2021 | 北河原伊紀さんは特別寮に一度でもいた子のことは姉妹と認識するとのことですが、鶴紗さんとの関係性はどんな感じなんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん もちろん悪くないですよ。他人と距離を保つのが鶴紗さんですので伊紀さんも距離を置きつつ今もお誕生日とか節目にだけ贈り物とメッセージを送ってるようですね。一言二言話してる二人を見たことはありますよ。鶴紗さんも穏やかに話されてました #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Inori is said to be like a sister to everyone who had been in the Special Dormitory. How about Tazusa?
A: While their relationship are not bad, both had a distance between themselves. Something like sending short message during birthday, or having short talks. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Yuki from Hronesness, Amane from Heorot Saints. So who is the Odaiba living legend from Coast Guard ?
A: Munakata Ushio. She's smol, but expert in duel. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 霞ヶ浦防衛線には那賀大串のリリィも参加していたんでしょうか?
Q: Does the Naga Ookushi academy also participate in Defense of Kirigaura ?
A: Of course. It's part of their designated defense territory. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 御台場のアキラ先生はどのように強化リリィを救いだす手腕を身につけたのでしょうか…
Q: How did Akira-sensei became expert in rescuing Boosted Lily ?
A: Akira-sensei is a powerful duellist and she had already been doing this since she's still active as Lily, so it came naturally. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 「『昴様の反省会』をサボると恐ろしい目に遭う」と以前言っていましたが
恐ろしくて夜も眠れそうにありません #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Previously it's said to not miss Subaru's review meeting?
A: Because Subaru will asks the person skipping meeting to give at least 10 things to be corrected, nothing less. She will never let you off the hook. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Any other 3rd year Lily in Sanngrizr?
A: Tokiwa is the only one |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
「聖学の剣聖」の異名を持つ今川誉様ですが、必殺技的な剣技はありますか? |
Q: Homare is known as Sword Saint of Yurigaoka. Does she has some kind of finishing move ?
A: While Homare is expert in pooling and then releasing Magi in single strike, she is not known for flashy finishing move. Instead it's because of her accuracy. She never missed a single slash or shot. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
シエルリントって、レギオンはどんな感じですか??やっぱり独自の呼称があるんですか? |
Legion in Sierlulintu are called Coven. | rluka |
October 16, 2021 | 週刊リリィ新聞は希望すれば他校でも送ってもらうことは可能でしょうか?
Q: Can people outside Yurigaoka order Weekly Lily Newspaper?
A: Of course |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | チェミルちゃんはよく夜ふかししてるようですが、授業中に寝たりしてませんか?
Q: Does Chemil often fell asleep during class?
A: Yes. Luludis often gave her warning. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | アサルトリリィの世界にもモンスターエナジーみたいな飲み物はありますか??
工廠化のリリィが徹夜の時好みそうです笑 #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does energy drink exist in Assault Lily world?
A: Miriam drank them in the anime. Fumi also often uses their service in the editorial room. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 初代・2代アールヴヘイムに所属するリリィ以外、茜様と仲の良いリリィはいますか??#教えて二水ちゃん やはり良きライバルでもある日羽梨様だと思います #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Anyone else close to Akane other than members of Alfheim?
A: Her rival Hibari. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 桂さんの料理を薺ちゃん以外のヘオロットセインツのメンバーは食べたことありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any other members of Saints who had tasted Katsura's cooking other than Nazuna?
A: Unconfirmed, but Momiji likely had tasted them. |
rluka |
October 16, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんは料理が上手だそうですが、得意料理は何ですか?
Q: What is Hibari's specialty menu?
A: Stew and boiled foods |
rluka |
October 16, 2021 | 二水ちゃんって虫食べたことありますか?
Q: Fumi-chan, have you ever eaten bugs?
A: Locust tsukudani at grandma's house is her limit. |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは、ドーナツだと何が好きですか?どんどん
Q: Fumi-chan, what kind of donut is your favourite ?
A: Chocolate glazed with whipped cream filling |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんは、ドーナツだと何が好きですか?どんどん
Q: What about Hibari's?
A: The type with crunchy dough and chocolate topping |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
🍯 |
Q: Lily who loves honey?
A: Miriam and Honori from Geiravor (the bug girl). |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 二水ちゃん今日の夕飯は何でしたか? #教えて二水ちゃん エビチリです^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Fumi-chan, what's for dinner?
A: Ebichiri |
rluka |
October 18, 2021 | 好きな寿司ネタはなんですか?
Q: Fumi-chan, your favourite sushi ingredient?
A: Engawa |
rluka |
October 19, 2021 | 各レギオンのコンセプトは様々ですが、そうしたコンセプトはメンバーを集める前から決めておくものなのでしょうか?
Q: Are base concepts for forming a legion decided before or after gathering members
A: For Lilies raised and grown in a garden from the younger years, they have spent a long time together, and thus understand each other's traits well. As a result, their legions are formed with a predetermined concept based on the commander candidate. On the other hand, legions formed by Lilies that enter from the high school level would decide their concepts based on their elected Lilies |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | 琶月ちゃんはホラーは苦手ですがお化け屋敷は大丈夫ですか?
Q: Watsuki dislikes horror stuff, so how does she do with haunted house attractions
A: No way she'd go near them. "Mimicking ghosts and such like this will actually gather paranormal activities!" or so she says |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | 琶月さんはお化け屋敷には絶対に行こうとしないらしいですが、汐里さんが誘ったらやっぱり行くのでしょうか?
汐里「琶月ちゃん、今回だけ、ね?隊のみんなもいくし、あたしもいくから」 琶月「......今回きりよ!絶対霊がいるから、汐里がそばにいてよね」 汐里「うん!」 行きますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what if Shiori invited her
A: > 🌙 : "Mimicking ghosts and such like this will actually gather paranormal activities!" > 🌊: "Watsuki-chan, at least go this time please, okay? Everyone else in the legion is going, and I'm going too" > 🌙 : "..............just this time, no more! There are definitely ghosts in there, so stick with me Shiori" > 🌊: "Yep!" so yes, she'll go |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | ジャズが好きなリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that like jazz
A: Shiori. Perhaps she took the influence from Yoshizaka-sensei, who plays jazz piano |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | 燈さんは純様と初様の遊学をストーキングした後、
一体どうやって御台場に入学したんでしょうか…? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: how did Tomoshibi enter Odaiba after stalking Kiito and Ui on their trip abroad
A: She just applied for entrance, and passed. For Lilies displaying excellency in dueling, or possess quality beyond a certain degree and are strongly determined, then Odaiba would easily accept them with open arms. |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | 六角汐里ちゃんは納豆は好きですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 結構食べてますよ。ただ凄い回数かき混ぜてますけど #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Shiori like natto
A: Yes, she eats quite a lot. Though she'd mix it a lot of times before eating |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | もし二水ちゃんがスキラー数値がとても高かったらどんなリリィを目指していましたか?
Q: If Fumi's skiller value was very high, what kind of Lily would she have sought to become
A: A TZ or BZ Command tower position, similar to Chihana, Hibari or Himari |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | 渚様の持っているグングニルカービンは他のリリィが持っているものと形状が違いますが、自分でカスタムしたものなのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん あれはグングニルカービン計画の一環で #ルド女 工廠科が百由様と共同開発した物の一つですね。柄の部分から射撃が可能な特別な機体です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: In the stage play, Nagisa's Gungnir Carbine has a muzzle at the pommel part from which she shoots. Is this something she modified by herself
A: It was a part of the Gungnir Carbine project jointly performed by Moyu and the Ludojo Arsenal Division, one of the designs produced by the cooperation. |
Hắc |
October 19, 2021 | 初代アールヴヘイムのカリスマ持ち愛華様は夢結様か他の隊員との仲は良好でしたか? #教えて二水ちゃん 明石愛華様は快活でフランクな性格で、御台場女学校の蛍様に近い感じの方です。夢結様もふくめ隊の全員と仲良しだったそうです。聖様、愛華様、天葉様のいずれかが次のオルトリンデではないかと言われていたそうですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Was Akashi Aika, the Charisma user of 1st-gen Alfheim, on good terms with Yuyu or the other legion members
A: Yes. She was a cheerful and frank person, not different from Hronesness' Hotaru. She was close with all members of the former legion, including Yuyu; it was also speculated that either her, Soraha or Hijiri would've become the next Ortlinde |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
レアスキル「円環の御手」を持つ誉様ですが、幸恵様や汐里ちゃんのように片方は防御に回してますか?それとも、両方とも攻撃機ですか? |
Q: Does Homare use one offensive and one defensive CHARM like how Shiori and Sachie, fellow Circlet Bless users, do
A: No, she uses two offensive CHARMs, befitting of her ultra aggressive specs. She doesn't rely on defense - her defense is either evasion or parry-counter |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 今川誉様の誕生日はいつですか?
Q: Homare's birthday
A: November 19th |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 半数以上が陥落している四国ですが、まだ機能しているガーデンはあるのでしょうか?
Q: Half of Shikoku region's gardens have fallen or are in capitulated territory. Are there any still functioning
A: Bizan Girls' High school of Engineering is famous as a school leading a desperate struggle there |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 六角汐里ちゃんについてですが、アニメでは夢結様に優しく助言したり、楓に少々強引に付き合わされたりと、おっとりして押しに弱そうな性格に見えたのですが、昨日の納豆の話題やCHARMすぐ壊す話など大胆な性格なようにも感じました。
どっちの方が汐里ちゃんらしいですか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Shiori seems like a gentle girl susceptible to pressure from other people, such as in the case when she gives advice to Yuyu or is approached by Kaede for borrowing the Handicrafts club's room. However, she also has a bold side, such as in her CHARM breaking tendency or her affixation in preferences. Which side is more reflective of her as a person
A: Both. In combat her intrepidity is outstanding, in preferences her fixation to her own standard is unrelenting, but otherwise in daily life she's a gentle person. |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | レギオン同盟を結ぶとき、同盟先には同格のレギオンを選ぶことが多いのでしょうか?
Q: In forming legion alliances, is it common to select an ally of similar rank to one's legion
A: Basically yes. If the capabilities of alliance legions are of levels too far from each other, then when a mixed legion is formed in case of emergency, this will lead to a decrease in combat capacity. But of course, there are cases where legions ally up simply because they're on good terms with each other, so a definitive conclusion cannot cover all cases. |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 房総半島解放戦には千葉のガーデンは参加していたのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Did Chiba prefecture's gardens participate in the Liberation of the Boso Peninsula
A: Yes |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | SSSレギオンが最も多くいるガーデンはどこなのでしょうか?
Q: Gardens with the most SSS legions
A: Yurigaoka (TL reminder: 4x SSS legions - Alfheimr, Lohengrin, Reginleif, Sanngriðr) |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | シュバルツグレイルはSSSになる可能性はありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 余裕であると思います。まだ結成してそんなに日がたってない状態でSSですので。SSSとSSの差はスカッド(全所属メンバーの質と人数)と言われてるので何人かメンバーが増えれば~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any chance for LG Schwarz Grail to go SSS
A: Easily, perhaps. They've only been formed, so for now they're SS. It is said that the difference between SS and SSS lies in the entire legion members' quantity and quality (including reserves), so if they obtain more members they may get it. |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 二水ちゃんが亜羅椰さん以外で共闘してみたい方はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that Fumi would like to fight alongside, other than Araya
A: Yui-paisen. While she's not regarded favorably at some points, otherwise her skill as a tactician is out of this world, as if guided by the gods |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | もし、二水ちゃんがどなたか二人好きな方と組めるとしたら、どなた方と組みたいですか?
Q: If Fumi could form a squad with 2 Lilies of her liking, then who would she pick
A: Araya and Kaede, if we're talking about same-grade Lilies. Araya for AZ, Kaede for TZ, Fumi for BZ is perfectly balanced, as all things should be |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 例えば房総の様に、ヒュージを根絶やしにする事が出来た地域周辺に存在していたガーデンって、その後はどうなるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What happens to gardens in areas that have been completely liberated from Huges, such as the Boso Peninsula
A: They will set their principle of operation as sending expeditions to nearby regions that have yet to be liberated. The garden will not be dissolved; besides, even if the possibility of Caves appearing has been eliminated, Huges can still arrive physically, so alert is not ceased |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 田中壱さんと伊東閑さん、同じ一年椿組で真面目な2人ですが仲が良かったり悪かったりするのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 閑さんは壱さんのことをとても評価してますね。「聡明でデュエルに優れたモダンなリリィ、代えが効かない存在でゆくゆくは当学を背負う存在」と評します。壱さんはもちろん閑さんのことを高く評価はしてますがご自身の理想リリィのスタイルが閑さんに近いので複雑みたいです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: :ShizuYawn: and :IchiTryingNotToLaugh: are two earnest members of the 1st year Camellia class, are they good with each other or not
A: Shizu regards Ichi very highly "A modern Lily with a sharp mind and excellency in dueling, she is an irreplaceable person who will one day carry Yurigaoka on her shoulders". In return Ichi also look at Shizu with high favor, though it's complex as her own ideal image of a Lily is also close to what Shizu is like. |
Hắc |
October 20, 2021 | 西郷紅さんはユニークCHARMって持っているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Saigou Kurena of Heorot Saints possess Unique CHARMs of her own
A: Yes, the Ulfberht, a CHARM specialized in slashing mode |
Hắc |
October 27, 2021 | もし百合ヶ丘の捕獲リストに入った船田姉妹が百合ヶ丘に入学してたらどうなってたと思いますか?
Q: Funada sisters are also in Yurigaoka scout list. What if they enrolled into Yurigaoka?
A: It’s actually Homare who recommended them, so they’ll likely join Sanngriðr. That would be a scary legion. It probably would be hard on Hibari-sama though. |
rluka |
October 27, 2021 | ' エレンスゲ女学園には7大レギオンというものが存在します。一葉さんが隊長を務めるヘルヴォル、松村 優珂さんが隊長を務める悪名名高いクエレブレ、そして代々風紀委員長が隊長を務め坪井七保様が率いるバシャンドレについては以前少しお話しましたので今日は別の隊について #アサルトリリィ |
Summary on the Herensuge 7 legions
1. Hervarar. Aizawa Kazuha. 2. Cuélebre. Matsumura Fuuka. Known to have notorious reputation. Has a strict personality, but also excellent understanding of tactics, making her known as the brain of Herensuge. 3. Basandere. Tsuboi Nanaho. Led by Herensuge’s chief of disciplinary committee. 4. Olentzaro. Shibata Rindou. Battle Arsenal legion. Rindou is close with Fuuka. 5. Galtzagorri. Tazawa Tsubaki. Legion with many boosted lily. Also got bad reputation. Tsubaki got bad relationship with Rindou. 6. Tartalo. Ooba Izumi. Scout legion. The captain is known as couple with Tsubaki. 7. Txarrantxa. Moriyama Hirari. Legion consisted of excellent but outcasted lilies. They’re known as Guerilla squad. But there’s also rumours about their real function is to watch over the other legions. |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | 九嶺のリリィの中でも百合ヶ丘のリリィと交流のある方っていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Lily from the Kyuurei garden in Hiroshima who had close relationship with Lily from Yurigaoka?
A: Kaita Hinoki has close relationship with Tomoyo. They often play together when still kids |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん というと、知世さんの出身地もその地方辺りなのでしょうか? 知世さんはたしか東京のご出身ですよ。檜様とはご実家同士が仲が良かったとのことです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: So does this means Tomoyo is from the Chuugoku region?
A: Tomoyo is most likely from Tokyo. But both their families got good relationship with each other |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | 中国地方外征参加予定ガーデンについて,一校だけでも良いので教えてください!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any other Garden who will be taking part in liberation of Chuugoku region?
A: The liberation plan is made by Ambrosia and Fukuoka Tenjin gidls academy. From Yurigaoka there is the Sanngriðr. Meanwhile, Michael, the flagship expedition Legion from Mercurius are also investigating the possibility of sending expedition mission. Misaka and Altea are friends after Odaiba. |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の補欠合格で大成したリリィはいるのでしょうか?
Q: Is there any Yurigaoka Lily who is accepted through supplementary admission (like Riri and Fumi) but managed to gain achievement on their own?
A: Hayakawa Yahiro. Like Yuyu, she is also a native from Kamakura and she entered through reserved seat for locals. During middle school she often fought along with Yuyu. She has high understanding of tactics and can play both AZ and TZ position. One of the Star Lilies. |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
主に胸部 |
Q: I can’t see it well because Shiori-chan is in the way, but is Hijiri’s Phantasm physique the same type as Aoi or Kozue? Mainly the chest.
A: Hijiri’s style as Phantasm user is technical like Kusumi. The range of her precognition is the largest in history. As for the chest, Kozue type. |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | 純様は常識人だそうですが、逆に常識がズレてるリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi previously said Kiito got common sense. So, how about Lily who lacks common sense?
A: These people. They have their unique logic and worldview. |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | 楓さんと同じ中等部予備隊にいたナターシャさんは
現在ラグエル所属という事は強化リリィなのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: About Natasha, Kaede’s former team mate during middle school who is now a member of Raquel. Does that mean she is a Boosted Lily?
A: Yes |
rluka |
October 30, 2021 | ルド女と御台場のゲヘナさんはすぐ負傷したリリィ達を強化したがるみたいですが、汐里ちゃんは対象ではなかったですか?特に対象の規準があるんですか?#教えて二水ちゃん 言われてみればたしかに......汐里ちゃんの傷は当時リリィ引退必至のレベルでしたのでGEHENAも見切ったのかもですね。彼女の復活劇は周りの仲間たちの様々な支えによる奇跡に近いですので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Gehena in the Ludo and Odaiba play is quick to suggest Boosted Lily surgery to injured Lily. So why didn’t they offer that to Shiori who is also injured? Is there any standard used to decide who will be offered modification?
A: Indeed, that’s unusual… but perhaps even Gehena gave up because Shiori’s injury would normally forced her to quit being Lily. Her miraculous recovery is thanks to the friends who support her. |
rluka |
October 31, 2021 | 雨嘉がヘイムスクリングラに残っていた場合、王家三姉妹のポジションはどんな感じで配置されるのでしょうか?
Q: If Yujia had stayed back in Heimskringla, then how would the three Wang sisters' position in a legion have been
A: If they were to be implemented into the current formation, then Yujia would be right-side BZ, Lifen be central BZ, and Ruixi be central TZ. Though if Nagisa was considered to stay as well, then the formation may have changed altogether |
Hắc |
October 31, 2021 | オルトリンデは全校生徒の投票で選出されますが、これは立候補制なのでしょうか?
Q: the Ortlinde position is selected through general election, but are the Lilies to be voted for selected through candidacy, or is it possible to just vote for anyone with the qualifications for the position
A: Candidates to the position have to be registered. Those with high popularity would be recommended to run for election. |
Hắc |
October 31, 2021 | ヘイムスクリングラでは後衛の育成に秀でているガーデンだそうですが、その中でも遠距離からの狙撃がかなり上手な方と言うと誰になるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん スウェーデンと日本人のハーフのリリィでヘリオスフィア使いです。最後方からフィニッシュショットを撃ちこむことに長けています。瑞希様のことを慕っていて”妹”候補ですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: excellent sniper in Heimskringla, which excels even in the school's environment that focuses on building a solid rear line
A: Konoka Östberg, a half-Japanese half-Swedish Heliosphere user. She excels in sniping the finish shot from the rearmost line. Adoring Ruixi, she applies to the position of being her "younger sister" |
Hắc |
October 31, 2021 | 椿組に所属していて、かつAZ適性が高いという共通点がある汐里ちゃんと壱さんですが、お二人の内、司令塔としての楓さんと相性が良いのはどちらでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Shiori and Ichi both belong to the Camellia Class, and have high aptitude for the AZ position. Which of them is more suitable under the control of Kaede as the Command tower.
A: A difficult question. Kaede's true value shines in her affinity with Phantasm users or those that fight by intuition, so Shiori may just win by a narrow difference. However, Ichi herself is also prodigious with an intuitive side, so it's hard to make any absolute assertions. This is especially true when Ichi procs Insanity's Threshold (LT's subskill), she may have better affinity with Kaede then. |
Hắc |
October 31, 2021 | 野口志奈乃さんは『那賀大串の生徒会長の一人』という説明をされていましたが、那賀大串女学園は百合ヶ丘や桜ノ杜のように生徒会長が複数人いるのでしょうか?
Q: Noguchi Shinano is said to be "a member of Naga Ookushi's student council", so does it mean that the council there also has multiple people like Yurigaoka or Sakuranomori
A: Yes. Similar to Yurigaoka, the Naga Ookushi council comprises of 3 members |
Hắc |
October 31, 2021 | 石上碧乙さまが【ガラスの天才】と呼ばれるのは挫折の連続でメンタルが安定しないからとお聞きしましたが、どんな挫折を経験されたのでしょうか……?
Q: Ishigami Mio is given the moniker "The Glass Prodigy" due to a series of failures that decimated her mental stability, but what failures were they exactly (TL: seriously is this how you ask about a girl's secret)
A: She suffered from one occasion of failing the Ortlinde election, and two occasions of losing in a duel with another girl for an onee-sama, and with that her mental stability was gone |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 今日のお昼は日羽梨さんと何を食べましたか!!!!!?!!???!!!!?!?!!!?!?!!!!!?!!?!!?
Q: What did Fumi eat today with Hibari
A: Thai hotpot |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはヘイムスクリングラに留学してみたいと思いますか?
Q: Does Fumi wish to have an exchange study trip to Heimskringla
A: Yes. Heimskringla is a world-famous garden in educating BZ Lilies after all |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 亜羅椰さんは有名なリリィの一人だと思いますが、そのプレイガールっぷりも広く知られているんでしょうか?
Q: Araya is a famous Lily, but is her predatory attitude also famous
A: Yes |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | LGレギンレイヴ(水夕会)のメンバー、熊谷さん、磯崎さん、芦原さんのレアスキルが知りたいです。
Q: Rare skills of the following Reginleif members: Konomi, Nayuru and Mika
A: Kumagai Nayuru: Brave Isozaki Mika: Heliosphere Ashihara Konomi: LT |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | Rainbow聞いてたら涙が出てきました。
そんな日、ありませんか?? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Has Fumi ever cried listening to Rainbow
A: Yes |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 壱さんの天狼と言う二つ名の由来を教えてください!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Why was Ichi given the nickname "Heavenly Wolf"
A: Ichi's fierce combat style with Insanity's Threshold is likened to that of Berserk or Úlfheðinn, and thus linked to wolves. This also includes a reference to the Sirius star (α Canis Majoris, also called "Dog Star"), and thus means "The Radiant Wolf". This name was given to her by the World Lily Graphics magazine; on the other hand, in Yurigaoka she's called "Miss Ichi" |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | カリスマ持ちの司令塔は、今後も増えていくでしょうか?
Q: Will the number of Charisma-using Command towers grow in the foreseeable future
A: Judging from the viewpoint of Neunwelt tactics theory, then yes. While stable development of Charisma into Laplace is difficult, once it succeeds, it will become quite applicable in strategies |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: New info about Sagami
A: Apparently they're preparing for the liberation of Shizuoka, which currently has been under Huge occupation, in cooperation with Alchemilla. Seems that they're determined to not join forces with Sakuranomori, which they're on bad terms with. |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | そういえば本日は日羽梨さんと昼食をご一緒したそうですが、その前後にも一緒に何か用事がありましたか?
Q: what did Fumi do with Hibari before/after lunch together
A: Hibari said she wanted to make beadwork ornaments, so they went to buy materials for it |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 二水ちゃんがカッコいいと思うリリィの二つ名を教えてください。
Q: Which Lily's nickname is cool in Fumi's opinion
A: Chihana's "The Godlike One" |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 楓さん、アニメでは汐里ちゃんにこうさく倶楽部の部室を貸してもらったりしてましたが、あの後お二人がお話しすることって増えました?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: In anime Kaede got Shiori to lend her the Handicrafts club's workshop, but have they conversed more with each other after that
A: Yes. To the point that Kaede may possibly even enter the club. |
Hắc |
November 2, 2021 | 雨嘉さんは姉妹とはよく連絡を取り合っているみたいですが、中等部時代の友人とも今でも連絡を取り合っていたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 百合ケ丘女学院受験を支持した日本人ハーフのリリィ、愛永(ナナ)・ウツソンさんとはいまも連絡取りあってると思います #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yujia still maintains contact with her sisters back at home, but how about her other junior high school friends
A: Yes (screw these katakana names) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Madeleine-chan, that rabbit next to Reina, is it a doll or a mysterious living creature that floats around her 24/7
A: It's a doll, not a mysterious thing like that dipshit Charmy |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | ピアノが弾けるリリィはありますか?
Q: Lilies that can play the piano
A: Ichi, and Yoshizaka-sensei as well |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | 二水さんは梨璃ちゃんみたいにCHARM抱いて寝たことありますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever hugged her CHARM to sleep like Riri
A: No |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘は海が目の前にありますが、休日に釣りに出かけるリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 釣りと言えば辰姫さんですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yurigaoka faces the see, but does any Lily go fishing on their day off
A: Yes. You can't talk about fishing w/o mentioning Tatsuki |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | アールヴヘイムのスーパーサブである綺更様のレアスキルって何なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kisara's rare skill
A: Zenon Paradox |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | 弥宙ちゃんのCHARMってマルテ使ってたんですか!?アニメではアステリオンでしたが、どちらの使用率の方が多いのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん アールヴヘイムが戦場に替え機を最低3機持ち込むのもあって色んな機体を使用する傾向にありますね。戦場や敵に合わせてアステリオンやマルテだけでなくいろいろ使ってます。使用率はその2機でしたらマルテの方が高いかもですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: in the anime Misora uses an Asterion, while in the LB PV she uses a Marte. Which one does she use more
A: Alfheimr members carry at least 3 backup CHARMs in combat, so they tend to diversify their selection. Depending on the situation they may use other CHARMs not limited to the Asterion or Marte. Though when looking at only those 2, then Misora tends to favor the Marte more |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | 絵が上手い子って居ますか?
Q: Lilies good at drawing
A: Honori (TL's reminder: the cockroach girl 🪳), if we're talking about Yurigaoka. sometimes she may go "Ah, a crow~" and pull out her sketchbook, but the sketching is really good |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | 亜羅椰さんと出かける機会があったらどこに行きたいですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: If Fumi was to go out with Araya, where would she go
A: Camping! |
Hắc |
November 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
竹腰千華様の身長を教えて下さい。 |
Q: Takegoshi Chihana's height
A: She's actually on the shorter side, at 153cm. It's her eminence that makes her feel taller |
Hắc |
November 5, 2021 | 日比野羽来様の誕生日はいつでしょうか?
Q: Waku's birthday
A: September 22th |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Wakana's height
A: 162cm |
Hắc |
November 5, 2021 | ヘイムスクリングラの標準制服ってどなたが着てるやつですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Which Heimskringla Lilies wear uniform close to the version standardized by the school
A: Ruixi |
Hắc |
November 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
若菜様は天葉様や樟美ちゃんに膝枕したことありますか? |
Q: Has Wakana ever had Soraha or Kusumi sleep on her laps
A: Not confirmed, but she may very well do it |
Hắc |
November 5, 2021 | 千華様はご自分の身長にコンプレックスがあったりするんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん ないと思います。「ヒュージとの戦いに体格差に何の意味が?」と涼しい顔で話されてるのをみたことがありますので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Chihana have any complexes regarding her height
A: No, most possibly. She has been seen replying "In fighting Huges, does a difference in height have any meaning?" with a cool attitude |
Hắc |
November 5, 2021 | 日羽梨さんがビーズ細工をしたがっていたとのことでしたが、日羽梨さんはビーズ細工の趣味があるのでしょうか?
Q: Hibari apears to like making bead ornaments, is it her hobby
A: Yes, alongside accessory crafting. |
Hắc |
November 5, 2021 | ガーデン内だったら逃げ込む場所がありますが、仮にガーデン外で御台場の強豪リリィの皆様を怒らせて追いかけられる ような事があった場合、二水ちゃんは逃げ切れる自信はありますか?
Q: Within Yurigaoka there's a place to hide (the editorial office under the basement of the old campus building), but what if Fumi pissed off the Odaiba Lilies outside of school and got them hot on her tail, is she confident of being able to make a safe escape
A: Yes \*procs Eagle's Eyes* |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | 樟美さんは、魚を捌くのも得意なのでしょうか?
Q: Kusumi is good at cooking, but does she also excel in gutting and preparing fishes
A: Yes, to a professional degree as well |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | 戦譜って主に誰が記録するんでしょうか?
Q: By whom is the battle record (Lily stats) usually recorded
A: Automatically by the Magi Crystal Core. Usually the extraction and analysis of this is done by Arsenals, and then passed over to the garden for storage |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | パスタが好きなリリィっていますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 汐里ちゃんのお姉さま谷口聖様がお好きですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies that like pasta
A: Hijiri. (TL note: She likes noodles in general) |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | ちなみに、日羽梨様はそうさく倶楽部に参加されたりしていますか?
Q: With this, has Hibari joined the Handicrafts club yet
A: No, but she has been touring the club, so she may join soon |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
日羽梨様のアスカロンには、B型兵装は搭載されていますか? |
Q: Is Hibari's Ascalon equipped with the B-type equipment
A: Yes |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | ゲーム好きのチェミルさんはクソゲーとかもやり込んでたりするのでしょうか?
Q: As a gamer, does Chemir also play and get stuck in games that have gathered a bad reputation of being shitty games
A: Yes. She says that even those games need to be experienced by herself for confirmation, but she doesn't go as far as getting deep into them. "As I thought, that game sucks ass~", that's usually how she goes |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | グングニル・カービン、ダインスレイフ・カービンに続いて、グラムを簡略化したカービンモデルが開発される可能性はありますか?
Q: Any plans to simplify the Gram like the Gungnir/Dainsleif Carbine
A: No, but in an internal leak from Yggdrasil Corporation earlier, the planning of mass-production models as well as upgrades to the Gram based on its combat data was revealed (TL note: no Fumi, you don't just talk about leaks of a military corporation so lightly like that. That's the kind of major incidents that make headlines) |
Hắc |
November 6, 2021 | 亜羅椰さんは油彩画が趣味とのことですが、主にどういう対象を描かれるんでしょうか?(例:風景画。)
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Araya's hobby is oil painting, so what is her subject usually
A: Her interest lies in people, so she draws a lot of portraits |
Hắc |
November 7, 2021 | 岡田綺更さんの身長っていくつですか!!!?!?!!!!!?
Q: Okada Kisara's height
A: 164cm |
Hắc |
November 7, 2021 | 千子夕七さんはお餅がお好きだそうですが、夕七さんは何をかけてお餅を食べるのがお好きなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yuuna likes mochi, so what kind of topping does she usually use
A: Roasted soybean flour |
Hắc |
November 7, 2021 | 二水ちゃん的に漢字の読みが1番難しいリリィは誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies with the hardest to read names according to Fumi
A: Kiito (純), which Fumi failed to read upon first seeing her name |
Hắc |
November 7, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは牛丼以外にも丼もの材料のストックを部屋に用意してますか?
Q: Does Fumi keep stocks of donburi ingredients in her room, aside from gyudon
A: Yes, in the Lily newspaper editorial room |
Hắc |
November 7, 2021 | 長風呂なリリィっていますか?
Q: Lilies that bath for a long time
A: Kusumi |
Hắc |
November 7, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは2段ベッドの上と下のどちらが好きですか?
Q: On a bunk bed, which position would Fumi prefer to sleep in
A: She likes to stay on top, but in the dorm she's the bottom |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 日々野羽來さまの身長は何センチですか?
Q: Waku's height
A: 154cm |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | LGロスヴァイセの後藤嵯紅羅さんは長谷部冬佳さんと仲が良いそうですが、もしかして冬佳さんのシルトであり強化リリィであるルイセさんとも関わりがあったりしますか……?
Q: Gotou Sakura of LG Rossweisse is a close friend of Touka's, so is she involved with Luise, Touka's Schild who's also an Enhanced Lily
A: Yes. She also has relations with Akane and Ena |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are pro-GEHENA gardens always paired up with an affiliated lab
A: Yes. In forming a garden, a lot of hurdles must be cleared, such that just GEHENA alone is incapable of setting up their own school. So basically labs are constructed in alliance with a school somewhere, such as Ludojo-Ludovic Lab |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 稲葉檀先生は高価な物しか身につけない高級志向な方だそうですが、食の好みに関しても高級志向なのでしょうか?
お好きな食べ物について知っていましたら教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Mayumi-sensei has a luxurious taste in clothing where she only adorns expensive items, but is she also a luxurious gourmet. Which food does she like
A: Yes. In addition to being a gourmet, her knowledge in cuisine is also diverse. Her preference isn't in any specific types of food, but rather in dishes that have perfected their intricacy |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 二水ちゃんのルームメイトはレギオンに所属していますか?
Q: Which legion does Fumi's roommate belong to
A: Details cannot be disclosed right now, but she's in a legion dealing with the Student Council |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | お笑い(番組)が好きなリリィはいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 後藤嵯紅羅様がお好きですね。意外かもしれませんが椛様もお笑いお好きです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies that like comedy TV programs
A: Gotou Sakura, and much to everyone's surprise, Momiji as well |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 仕送りのために高い戦果を求めがちな松永遊糸様は狙った獲物を取られるとキレたりしますか?
Q: Yui-paisen aims for high Huge kill counts in order to fund her transactions supporting her family, so does she get mad when she got KS'ed
A: Yes, especially when she did all the damage only to get the last hit KS'ed. > Yui: the fuuuuuuck????!!!!! That's stealing! Plunder of honor in broad daylight!" |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 朔愛さんはガンシップに乗ったことがありますか?
Q: Has Sakua ever gotten on a gunship
A: Only once, never again |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | ブリュンヒルデラインのアリツィア・リベスキンドさんってどんな方か少しでも教えてもらってもよろしいでしょうか
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Info about Arizia Libeskind of LG Brynhildrline
A: A very adorable Lily. She's a reserved girl, basically Kusumi but less timid, and her smile is just-oh-so-precious. Her combat style is power-oriented |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘のリリィは英語とかの外国語はどれくらい話せるのでしょうか?
Q: to which degree can Yurigaoka Lilies speak English or other foreign languages. And about Fumi too
A: As Japan is the most vicious region of conflict with the Huges, foreign Lilies would come here and thus have to learn Japanese. Therefore Japanese Lilies can get away with not learning foreign languages. And Fumi can't speak English |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | アーセナルってルームメイトいますか?
Q: do Arsenals live in the dorms with roommates
A: Yes, even if their roommate isn't in the Arsenal division. Examples include Araya and Tatsuki |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | 槇若菜さんと村上常盤さんは同盟レギオンの3年生かつノルンの長姉同士でシルト達の仲が良いと共通点や接点が多そうに見えるのですが、やはりこのお二人も仲が良かったりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん あ!仲いいですよー。思想や性格も似てますしね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Wakana and Tokiwa share many points in common (3rd year of their respective legions which are allied together, the eldest member of each of their three Norn sisters, their Schilds being on good terms, etc.), so are they close together themselves
A: Yes. They have similar personalities and share close ideals |
Hắc |
November 9, 2021 | あざらしとかオットセイみたいなタイプの海獣が好きな方がいたら教えてください。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that like sea mammals like seals and fur seals
A: Hibari, she likes (earless) seals |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | 弥宙ちゃんの最推しリリィ、又は最推しCHARMって何なのでしょうか?
Q: Misora's number one oshi Lily or CHARM
A: Katsura |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | 黒川・ナディ・絆奈さんはハーフっぽい名前ですが、どこの方とのハーフなのでしょうか?
Q: Hanna's name (Kurokawa Nadi Hanna) sounds half-Japanese half-foreign, so what's the other half of her bloodline
A: She's half-American |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | ヘルフィヨトゥルは積極的に外征するタイプのレギオンなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Herfjotur a legion that actively goes on expeditions
A: They're a legion that questions the meaning of fighting, so when they have decided to make a move, they will do it, regardless of opposition from other legions. Though this is different from whether they participate in all expeditions or not |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | 秦祀様率いるLGエイルについての質問ですが、外征についてはどの程度行うのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん エイルはあまり外征には参加しませんが百合ヶ丘守備範囲内のネスト攻撃には積極的です。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How often does LG Eir perform expeditions
A: Not much, but they're active in laying siege on nests within Yurigaoka's designated perimeter |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
Q: Is the Oo'iso Seabed Canyon nest within Yurigaoka's defense perimeter
A: Yes |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
サングリーズルは可変フォーメーションを採用しているとのことでしたが、やっぱり2代アールヴヘイムみたいに司令塔タスクは誉さん、知世さん、日羽梨さん、絆奈さんあたりで回してるんでしょうか? |
Q: Sanngriðr adopts a transformative formation much like 2nd-gen Alfheimr, so do they switch the Command tower task between Homare, Tomoyo, Hibari and Hanna
A: Sanngriðr has double Register, so Hibari and Luise form the main two, supported by Touka, Homare and Tomoyo |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | サルトリリィラストバレットの戦闘モーションで、
Q: In LB, Lilies would do a spinning animation when shooting their CHARMs, is is the CHARM flip often mentioned
A: Yes |
Hắc |
November 10, 2021 | 第1世代CHARMをメインウェポンとして使用してるリリィはいるのでしょうか?
Q: Lilies that primarily use 1st-gen CHARMs
A: Odaiba girls can have a 1st-gen CHARM, the Jötunn Schwert, order-made for them upon admission, but few actually treat it as their main weapon. Those like Kurena are the people who primarily use 1st-gen sword-type CHARMs |
Hắc |
November 12, 2021 | 弥宙ちゃんはクラスメイトからどんな風に思われてますか?
Q: How is Misora seen by her classmates in the Cedar class
A: She's loved by her classmates due to how she's good at caring for others, despite her attitude |
Hắc |
November 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
基本的に外征を行わないLGブリュンヒルデラインですが、何かしらの理由で例外的に外征を行うような事はありますか? |
Q: Usually LG Brynhildrline doesn't participate in expeditions, but are there any exceptions in which they would go
A: The duty of garden defense lies upon LG Schwartleite - aside from them all other legions are allowed to perform expeditions. As for LG Brynhildrline, they may make their move when the Koshu Liberation eventually takes place |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Now Kuramayama Girls' High School of Environmental Sciences has become a morally acceptable garden, but why exactly? Upon the reopening of the Kuramayama Lab, why was it inhabited by the peaceful faction of GEHENA and not the radical one.
A: Part of it was because the laboratory facilities belonging to the affiliated radical GEHENA faction was crushed, but primarily it was because their enhancement operations had resulted in many a Lily casualties. The school considered that the overdoing of enhancement is not beneficial for Lilies fighting there in the long term. |
Hắc |
November 12, 2021 | 天葉様はテラリウムやビオトープもお好きとのことですが、同室の依奈様はテラリウムがご趣味で、これはお二人の趣味・興味が偶然重なってのことでしょうか?それともどちらかがもう一方の方に影響されてのことでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Soraha likes constructing terrariums and biotopes, while Ena also has an interest in terrariums. Is this just their hobbies matching up by chance, or did one of them affect the other.
A: Originally Soraha specialized in botany, while Ena was in aquariums, but as they got along, they merge their hobbies together. As a result, now they cooperatively construct aquariums and terrariums in their dorm room |
Hắc |
November 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
シエルリントのリリィが最初に仮の名を名乗るなら真名を明かすのはいつなのでしょうか? |
Q: If Sielulintu girls introduce themselves by aliases, then when do they reveal their real names
A: When they exchange the pact of companionships (i.e. becoming legion members), they'll disclose their real names |
Hắc |
November 12, 2021 | 美土莉さんは汐里ちゃんの部屋の侵入に成功したことはありますか?
Q: Has Hara Midori ever successfully infiltrated Shiori's room
A: Yes, though she was summarily executed by Watsuki right then and there |
Hắc |
November 13, 2021 | ティシア様はかなり独特な世界観に浸っていそうですが、シエルリント入学は考えてたりしましたか?
St. Mercurius’ Holy Empress Ticia is Austrian.
If she’s from Japan, she might have enrolled in Sielulintu instead. In fact, she’s friend with Houraigyoku (alias), the student council president of Sielulintu. |
rluka |
November 13, 2021 | 静岡方面の陥落は西部から徐々に進攻されていった認識で合ってますでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね。浜名湖S級ネストから侵攻してくるヒュージよって徐々に陥落していった感じです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is my assumption correct that the Huge invasion in Shizuoka starts from the west side?
A: Yes. The invasion is done by Huge from the S-class Nest in Lake Hamana |
rluka |
November 13, 2021 | 田中壱さんはデザインの学習が趣味との事ですが、このデザインというのはどのようなジャンルのものなのでしょうか?
Q: Tanaka Ichi got interest in studying design. What is her genre?
A: Graphic design |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Yurigaoka plan on launching full force to retake Shizuoka and Koushuu after they exterminated the Oo'iso Seabed Canyon nest?
A: Yes. This is the direction from Brunhilde and Ortlinde. In the other hand, Chihana and the so-called First Generation Alfheim faction don't just plan on retaking Koushuu, but also to liberate all the territories from Kamakura to Niigata in order to secure a path from Pacific Ocean to the Sea of Japan in East Japan. This is a source of conflict with the student council about the direction of military action. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are trains protected with Area Defense system?
A: Trains are protected with transformable shielding plates, and also stocked with several emergency Charm |
rluka |
November 14, 2021 | 月詩ちゃんと茜さんにユニークCHARMはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Tsukihi and Akane's Unique Charm?
A: Akane got Táthlum, while Tsukihi got Précieuse |
rluka |
November 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
茜様はブルンツヴィークのユニーク機をお持ちとの事ですが、恋花様のCHARMと何か大きな違いとかありますでしょうか? |
Q: Akane got the unique charm version of Bruncvík. What is the difference from Renka's?
A: It's difficult to tell from the appearance, but unique Charm are usually made without consideration for mass production, so they utilise many expensive components and are set to be easy to handle for its users. |
rluka |
November 16, 2021 | 通常の3倍の速度で動けるリリィって居たりしますか???? #教えて二水ちゃん レアスキル縮地持ちなら早く動けますね。 遊糸先輩は三倍速く動けるとか、二手三手先を読んでるのよとか言ってますが三倍速くは動いてないと思います^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is there any Lily who can move three times faster?
A: Shukuchi users can move fast. Yui-senpai said she can move three times faster, or read moves 2, 3 steps ahead. But I don’t think she can actually move three times faster. |
rluka |
November 16, 2021 | いつもダイエットしているという新家和香様ですが、好きな食べ物はなにか分かりますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 甘いもの全般、そして牛丼です!!! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: About Niimi Nodoka who is always struggling with diet, what is her favourite food?
A: Sweet foods. And Gyuudon! |
rluka |
November 15, 2021 | 房総半島解放戦にて、初代アールヴヘイムと共闘経験があると言う千葉のガーデンについて、お名前だけでも良いので教えてください!!!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Garden from Chiba who fought with the first Alfheim during liberation of Boso Peninsula?
A: Hagoromo Girls High School from Chiba City. Actually, Aoi once attend this Garden. |
rluka |
November 16, 2021 | 葵ちゃんは現在名前が出ているガーデン以外に、海外のガーデンに所属していたことはありますか?
Q: Aoi attended many Garden before. Has she also been to foreign Garden?
A: She did attended other Garden yet to be introduced, but she never went abroad. |
rluka |
November 16, 2021 | 閑さんや弥宙さんも興奮すると鼻血を出すのでしょうか?
Q: Does Shizu and Misora also burst out nosebleed when excited?
A: No. Only Fumi and Kayo |
rluka |
November 16, 2021 | 外征時に野営しなければいけない場合、二水ちゃんのキャンプスキル生かされますか?アールヴヘイムなどでは樟美ちゃんが料理作ったりしますか?
Q: In case where Legion got to camp in the wild, is this the time for Fumi’s survival skill to shine? For Alfheim, this means Kusumi’s cooking skill is it?
A: Yes, Fumi can start fire with her bushcraft skills. Actually, there are many members of Alfheim who can cook. Soraha also can identify edible plants. |
rluka |
November 15, 2021 | 学食のラインナップで入学ガーデンを決めた学食マニアのリリィっていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Lily who choose which Garden to attend based on the food lineup?
A: This is unconfirmed information, but all the Garden which Aoi attended either has delicious food hall menu, or has many good restaurants in the vicinity. Nope, I’m not saying anything. |
rluka |
November 15, 2021 | シュバルツグレイルは大きな外征任務に出かけることはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ありますよー眞悠理様がいらっしゃるんで初代アールヴヘイム的な思想が根底にあり、埼玉や茨城、栃木辺りに外征することが多いです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Schwarz Grail (Shizu’s legion) also often participate in large scale expeditions?
A: Of course. They have Mayuri-sama and ideals like the first Alfheim. Their expeditions are mostly in the Saitama, Ibaraki, and Tochigi area. |
rluka |
November 15, 2021 | 描いてて不安になったので聞きたいんですけど、鶴紗って右利きですよね…?
Q: Need clarification for art. Tazusa is right-handed, right?
A: Yes |
rluka |
November 18, 2021 | 六角汐里ちゃんは私服も黒が多いんですか?? #教えて二水ちゃん 黒は多めですね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Shiori have many black clothes as well
A: Yes |
Hắc |
November 18, 2021 | 二水ちゃんと弥宙ちゃんが話すようになったきっかけって何なんでしょう?
Q: What brought Fumi into discussing with Misora
A: Through a common interest as fellow Lily otakus |
Hắc |
November 18, 2021 | 治様の好きな食べ物はなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Haru's favorite food
A: Monkfish hot pot |
Hắc |
November 18, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の学生寮の自室って冷暖房は完備されてますか?
Q: Are the dorm rooms in Yurigaoka equipped with air conditioning/heater and cooler
A: Yes. The editorial room is also equipped such |
Hắc |
November 18, 2021 | 今日11月18日はいいイヤホン・ヘッドホンの日ですが、川村楪様はもしヘッドホンが壊れた際、予備のヘッドホンなどは用意しているのでしょうか?
Q: Does Yuzuriha have backup headphones when her current one breaks
A: She has a whole lot of backups, diverse in variety as well |
Hắc |
November 23, 2020 | 江川樟美さんは料理が得意と伺ったのですが、学内や寮に生徒が自由に使える調理室や、各部屋に調理設備があるのでしょうか?
yes the dorm's furnished with a basic kitchenin each room | Hắc |
November 18, 2021 | 美土莉さんの容姿ってどんな感じですか?
琵月「部屋には入れないわよ......」 美土莉「ふふふ、そうですか、でもそう上手くいくかしら?あら?汐里さん」 琵月「え?汐里でてきちゃ」 美土莉「ふふ、嘘よ、入らせてもらいます!」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Hara Midori's appearance
A: She's beautiful in the same vein as Takane's. But her personality though :OnatsuDrink: > Watsuki: You're not coming into [my and Shiori's] room > Midori: Fufufu, well then. But will it go by your plan? Oh my, Shiori-san. > Watsuki: Eh? Shiori don't come ou- > Midori: Fufu, 'tis but a feint. Here I come in! |
Hắc |
November 18, 2021 | 最近寒くなって鍋が美味しくなってきましたが、二水ちゃんは何鍋が好きですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi's favorite kind of hotpot
A: Miso hotpot |
Hắc |
November 19, 2021 | 恋花様の好きなサッカーのリーグはどこですか?
Q: Renka’s favourite football league?
A: Premiere League |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | 知世さんはお勉強は得意なほうですか?
Q: Is Tomoyo doing well in studying?
A: Not really |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | 朝永苺さんは中等部まで百合ヶ丘にいたそうですが、百合ヶ丘に仲のいい人はいるんですか?
かつて居た方だと速水桂さんです #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Asanaga Ichigo used to attend Yurigaoka. Who is she close with?
A: Among current Lily in Yurigaoka, that would be Misora. And then, Katsura. |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | リリィってガンシップを操縦する訓練とかは受けないのですか?
Q: Does Lily got trained for piloting gunship?
A: It’s an elective subject. It’s a required subject for Arsenal. |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | 楪様の服装ってセクシー過ぎるので、椛様から何かしら注意されたりしてませんか?
Q: Does Momiji got anything to say about Yuzuriha’s sexy fashion?
A: Something like, close your buttons |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | LGレギンレイヴとLGシュバルツグレイルの仲はいいですか?
Q: Is Reginleif and Schwarz Grail got good relationship ?
A: Not bad |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
花音ちゃんが在籍している甲斐聖山の生徒会にあたるという四柱ですが、こちらどういったものなのでしょうか? |
Q: There are four pillars in Kaiseizan student council, what are they?
A: The post of student council president is run by four |
rluka |
November 19, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ローエングリンも可変フォーメーションを採用しているらしいですが、サングリーズルのように紗癒さんと千華さんのダブルレジスタを軸に他がサポートに入る形なんでしょうか? |
Q: Lohengrin also implemented transforming formation. Is their implementation similar to Sanngriðr where Sayu and Chihana acts as the axis with double Regista?
A: Yes. Double Regista with other members acting as support. But compared to Sanngriðr, Lohengrin got more balance between offence and defence. With Chinana’s presence, their formation’s level is high and evolved even further from during the time of first Alfheim. |
rluka |
November 21, 2021 | 宮本煌椋様のこと少し知りたいです
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Miyamoto Komuku is famous as the tactics maniac of Irma. After a battle, she would gather all the juniors who participate in that battle and do a review. This meeting is nicknamed Miyamoto Classroom. In that respect, she's similar to Subaru from Odaiba.
She also has a seemingly inexhaustible stamina, giving her nickname as Lily with seven lungs. |
rluka |
November 21, 2021 | 番匠谷依奈様はコスプレ趣味とのことですが衣装は自分で作っているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Ena has cosplay hobby. Does she buy her costumes or are those handmade?
A: She bought some of them, but she also made her own costumes |
rluka |
November 21, 2021 | コタツをもう出して使っている方はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Lily who already took out the kotatsu?
A: Kusumi is not good with cold weather, so she probably using them already |
rluka |
November 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
それと、もし遠距離から狙ったら威力が落ちたり…とかしちゃいますか? |
Q: Any Lily who launched finishing shot from BZ position? And does the distance reduced the power?
A: That's Tokiwa's specialty. Of course, the power will diminish with distance, but if they can put in more Magi on their own, the difference is ignorable. |
rluka |
November 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
メルクリウスにロネスネスやサングリーズルのようなレギオンいますか? |
Q: Is there any legion like Hronessness or Sanngriðr in Mercurius?
A: That would be Raguel, another offensive-oriented Legion |
rluka |
November 25, 2021 | 遠野捺輝さんは紅茶が好きとのことですが、強行偵察任務の際も紅茶を携行されるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Toono Natsuki loves tea. Does she also bring tea to recon mission?
A: Yes. She enjoys drinking tea until just before parachuting or assaulting |
rluka |
November 30, 2021 | レギオンの控室などにこたつってあるんですか?
Q: Are Legion's room equipped with kotatsu?
A: That depend on the Legion. For example, Shiori got strong principle about interior, so kotatsu is not allowed in Reginleif's waiting room. Meanwhile, Sanngrizr got kotatsu in theirs. |
rluka |
November 30, 2021 | 番匠谷依奈さんの使うCHARMはブレードモードでの戦い方に特化したものが多い印象がありますが、依奈さんは結構斬撃主体の戦い方なのでしょうか?
Q: It seems like many of Ena's Charm are specialised for slashing attack. Is that also her fighting style?
A: Ena's most compatible position are AZ and TZ, so she has many slashing moves to fight on the front line. But her real specialty is quick mode change followed by rapid continuous attack, so of course she is also good in using shooting mode. |
rluka |
November 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
B型兵装で使う、リングに貯めておいたマギを流し込むやつって、B形兵装のオーバーフローに使わずにノインヴェルトとかにマギをそのまま転用できたりするんですか? |
Q: Is it possible to directly reroute the Magi stored in B-Type Armaments' ring cartridge directly for Neunwelt?
A: Ring cartridge are connected to the Magi Crystal Core through B-Type Armaments, so to use the Magi stored, the B-Type Armaments would still need to be activated first. It can't bypass that. |
rluka |
April 14, 2020 | 「B型兵装をうまく戦闘に活かす」のがどんな感じかイメージが湧かない
B-Type Armaments are an older category of CHARM design mainly used by the Dueling Generation, before the invention of the Neunwelt. B stands for Berserk. These CHARMs use rings charged with magie to supply extra magie to the crystal core. This is called the "ring cartridge system."
A B-Type CHARM with its ring cartridge active is very powerful and can kill Large-type Huge in one hit. However, all its energy is focused on offense and the Lily wielding it will probably likewise be taken out by a single enemy attack if one hits them, so they're very dangerous to use. They also overheat quickly, after which they shut down and need to be rebooted. This lead to two battle tactics which are uncommon nowadays: the inclusion of an Arsenal in a legion to quickly reboot overheated CHARMs, and the use of the Z/Last Letter rare skill to rewind time so that an overheated B-Type CHARM can be returned to its non-overheated state. Funada Ui is one of the few active Lilies who still uses a B-Type CHARM, the Nailling. |
Letheka |
December 3, 2021 | 初代アールヴヘイム所属だった梅様にもグラムは支給されていると思いますが、どんな仕様なんでしょうか?
Q: Mai, who was in 1st-gen Alfheim, should also have a Gram supplied to her. How was it customized
A: In order to synchronize with Mai's combat style based on her high movement speed with Shukuchi, it was enhanced in the speed department, such as reducing components' weights |
Hắc |
December 3, 2021 | ルド女の風紀委員長、藤元・バルビナ・乙女様の情報をなんでも良いので教えていただきたいです! #教えて二水ちゃん 藤元・バルビナ・乙女様は知性も高くまじめな方ですがちょっと変わった単語を使われますね。「げろげろー」とかちょっと古いと言いますか死語といますか^^;画像は風紀委員の琴陽さん #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Info about the head of the Disciplinary Committee in Ludojo, Fujimoto Balbina Otome
A: A highly knowledgeable and diligent person, but her choice of words is not of the ordinary. Some of the lingo she uses are of the bygone era i.e. "dead lexicon" |
Hắc |
December 3, 2021 | 日羽梨様が好きなおでんの具を教えてください!
Q: Hibari's favorite oden ingredient
A: mochikinchaku |
Hắc |
December 3, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんは高頻度でCHARMを壊しますが、日用品をよく壊してしまう事はあるのでしょうか?
Q: Shiori frequently wrecks CHARMs, but does she decimate daily items on an alarming rate too
A: No. In the first place, she frequently destroys her CHARMs because her combat style is one that pushes the CHARMs to their absolute limit, not because she has urges to break them. She treats her daily items with care. |
Hắc |
December 3, 2021 | 伍人組の中で茜さんだけ学年が違いますが、どういったきっかけで仲良くなったのでしょうか?
Q: Akane is the only senior in Ichibantai's Group of 5, how did she get to join them.
A: At the kindergarten level, Lilies of different ages were all raised in the same facility, and that's were they came to each other - seniors, juniors and all. Circles like the Group of 5 are not uncommon among those raised in Yurigaoka from kindergarten. |
Hắc |
December 3, 2021 | 梅様はコーヒー好きですか? #教えて二水ちゃん お好きですね。ただベトナムコーヒーですのでとても甘いです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: does Mai like coffee
A: Yes. But it's the Bạc xỉu kind (with lots of sugar and condensed milk) so it's sweet |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Fumi want to wear a combat uniform with cape
A: Yes, much like Yurigaoka's Alfheimr or Odaiba's Saints. It's like the hallmark of the utmost top-class Lilies |
Hắc |
December 3, 2021 | 独特なルーティンを持ってるリリィって居たりしますか?
Q: Lilies with a unique routine they go by
A: Hibari |
Hắc |
December 4, 2021 | LGサングリーズルは生徒会や教導官の言うことを聞かないことから制御不能の異名を持っていますが、どういった内容の指示を無視することが多いのでしょうか?
誉「敵の首級はあげてるのだから、なにがいけないんですか?嫉妬かしら、ふふふ」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: LG Sanngriðr is often called uncontrollable because they don't listen to order from the student council or instructors. In what way are they doing it? Doing sorties without permission?
A: Not as far as sortieing without permission. But they often moved to other location during mission, and do extra extermination while returning to base. Like "Because of the urgency, we made decision on-site to exterminate the Nest" > Homare: Don't we present you the boss' head? So what's so wrong about it? Or are you jealous? fufufu |
rluka |
December 4, 2021 | 六角汐里さんのご出身はどちらですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Shiori's birthplace?
A: Yurigaoka, Kamakura |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Fumi-chan, if you become instructor, where would you choose to teach? Yurigaoka?
A: Yes, Yurigaoka. The place I don't want to go to would be Odaiba, too scary |
rluka |
December 4, 2021 | ノインヴェルト戦術のパス回しが1番早いレギオンって何処か分かりますか??? #教えて二水ちゃん 一番を決めるのは難しいですがこの辺りのレギオンはパススピードにこだわりありますね~ #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Which Legion got the fastest Neunwelt pass speed?
A: Hard to decide, but somewhere around these Legions (Hronessness, Alfheim, Heorot Saints) |
rluka |
December 4, 2021 | 福屋真亜沙様の学年と読みを #教えて二水ちゃん ! 福屋真亜沙(ふくや・まあさ)さん 1年生ですね。冗談好きの明るい性格ですが百合ヶ丘でも屈指のBZ有望株です。千華様と椛様を足して2で割ったようなスタイルのセントラルBZです。弥宙さんの良きライバルですね。現在は千華様のターンオーバーで戦ってます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: About Fukuya Maasa
A: 1st year. She has bright personality and likes to joke. One of the new emerging BZ star in Yurigaoka. Her style is like average of Chihana and Momiji, and she serves as Chihana's turnover. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: So, Sagami is not scary?
A: That one is also scary Sagami: |
rluka |
December 4, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはエレンスゲ女学園に入学してみたいですか?
Q: Fumi-chan, any interest on enrolling to Herensuge?
A: Pro Gehena Garden is a bit too much... |
rluka |
December 9, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんは陶芸が趣味だそうですが百合ヶ丘には窯があったりするんでしょうか???
Q: Shiori has interest in pottery. Does she has her own kiln?
A: Of course. It's in the crafts club. |
rluka |
December 9, 2021 | ロスヴァイセではどうやって隊長を決めているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How is the captain of Rossweise decided?
A: Rossweise are special. They usually discuss it internally in the special dorm. |
rluka |
December 9, 2021 | もうすぐ琶月ちゃんの誕生日ですが水夕会ではクリスマスパーティーとは別にお祝いをしてるのでしょうか?
Q: It's almost Watsuki's birthday. Does Reginleif members celebrate her birthday along with Christmas party, or are they having separate event?
A: They usually held Watsuki's birthday party after the Christmas party. |
rluka |
December 9, 2021 | 柳澤綾子さんにはシルトはいますか?
Q: Who is Yanagizawa Ayako's Schild?
A: *Currently* Ayako doesn't have any Schild |
rluka |
December 9, 2021 | もしも松永先輩が葵ちゃんと出会っていなかったら、松永先輩は別の誰かにご飯を奢って貰っていたと思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: If Aoi never attended Sagami, would Yui-paisen find other people to pay for her meal?
A: Yes. Almost unmistakably she'll be doing extortion. |
rluka |
December 10, 2021 | マギクラウドコントロールシステムを用いる第三世代CHARMについて(合体分離要素のあるもの)
子機側のサブのクリスタルコアを破損させた場合はメインのほうも同時に交換が必要になるのでしょうか? それとも子機側は予備をいくつか準備したりできるのでしょうか?
Q: In case of 3rd Generation Charm utilising child-core and magi cloud system, if the child-core is damaged, would the main core also need to be replaced?
A: In that case, usually it's enough to just replace the child-core. |
rluka |
December 10, 2021 | 二水ちゃんがワールドリリィグラフィックのような雑誌を買うときって、本屋に買いに行っているんでしょうか?
Q: Where did Fumi buy World Lily Graphic from?
A: It's sold in the store inside Garden |
rluka |
December 10, 2021 | 二水ちゃんってB型兵装を使ってみたいですか?私的には使用して活躍してるお姿を見たいのですが
Q: Has Fumi ever wanted to try using B-type Armaments?
A: The components mounted on the core looks cool, so of course Fumi wants to try. But likely she still can't master it. |
rluka |
December 10, 2021 | 内田眞悠理さんはたけのこ派ですか?きのこ派ですか?
眞悠理「......両方食べるけど?」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is Uchida Mayuri with the mushroom faction or bamboo shoot faction?
A: None > Mayuri: ...but I'll take both... |
rluka |
December 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
光井晃のレアスキルはなんですか? |
Q: What is Mitsui Kou’s rare skill?
A: Zenon Paradox |
rluka |
December 14, 2021 | 天津麻嶺様は気になるリリィがいるとユニーク機を作りに行くそうですが単位など大丈夫なのでしょうか?
Q: Marei spends her time wandering around Japan making unique CHARMs for Lilies she takes interest in, but is she taking her credits properly
A: Yes. The "Wandering Arsenal" as she may be, she got all her credits (i.e. for 3 years) in the first grade of high school, either by returning only during the time of exams or submitting reports in place of exams themselves. She's an excellent Lily, so it's not guaranteed that what she did was plausible for others to follow |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 強化リリィには色々な人が居ると思いますが、自分が強化リリィであると言う事を普段隠して生活されてるリリィは居ますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Are there Boosted Lilies that normally live while hiding their status
A: Yes, but that's not common. Kotopi is an example |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘女学院では儀礼で捧げ銃とかやったりしますか?
Q: Is arms-bearing for formal ceremonies practiced in Yurigaoka
A: As a whole, no. But in Herfjotur, they practice cortege, so sometimes they do this |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 莉芬さんの好きな動物はなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lifen's favorite animal
A: Marten, which she was recommended by Fumi during her visit to Yurigaoka. She thought of it as cute |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 槿さんは甘いものが好きなのに背伸びして苦いコーヒー等を飲んでいるそうですが、気を許している同級生と一緒に居る時は甘い物を結構食べたりしているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Despite her fondness of sweet stuff, Asagao often exerts herself and drink black coffee to show off. In the company of friends with whom she is comfortable though, would she loosen up and satisfy her sweet tooth
A: Yes, and she eats a lot when in the company of people she's close with |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 凄く眠いけどどうしても編集作業を進めないといけないときはどういう対策をしていますか?
Q: What would Fumi do in the case that she's dying of sleepiness despite having to do editorial work
A: Energy drink here we go |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんの好きなおでんの具はもち巾着だそうですが、猫舌な彼女はどのようにしてもち巾着を攻略しているのでしょうか?
Q: How does Hibari - who is not good with hot food - deal with her favorite oden ingredient, mochikinchaku
A: Taking the mochi out and cooling it before eating |
Hắc |
December 14, 2021 | 七大アルトラ級ヒュージの分かってる名称を教えて
Q: Names of the currently-known 7 Major Ultra-class Huges
A: Fafnir, Hræsvelgr and Jabberwock |
Hắc |
December 15, 2021 | フレースヴェルグって、現在の時点で、どこで確認された事のあるアルトラ級ヒュージなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Where has Hræsvelgr been confirmed to appear
A: Its nest has yet to be observed, but it's in the Chubu region |
Hắc |
December 15, 2021 | 梓様と治様の関係性がもっと知りたいのでおしえてください… #教えて二水ちゃん 治様、梓様、咲魅様の3人幼馴染で将来を語り合った友人でした。特に仲の良かった治様と咲魅様を一番近くで見守り支えてきたのが梓様です。船田予備隊末期に調子を崩した梓様を純様が叱責しますが治様はこれに烈火の如く怒り庇いました。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Relationship between Haru and Azusa
A: Them both and Sakumi were three friends who grew up together and looked forward to sharing the same future. Especially, it was Azusa that looked over Sakumi and Haru's intimacy. During the final days of the Funada Reserve Squad, Azusa lost her momentum and was harshly criticized by Kiito; it was Haru that ferociously stood up to protect Azusa. |
Hắc |
December 15, 2021 | 誉様がサングリーズルに入った経緯とか分かれば教えてください
Q: How did Homare enter Sanngriðr
A: Misaka, Totori and Homare were childhood friends that grew up together from the kindergarten level of Yurigaoka, and they vowed to fight together in the future. As such, they were the three progenitors of Sanngriðr |
Hắc |
December 15, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは以前、各レギオン毎に推しがいるということで百合ヶ丘のSSS級レギオンでの推しを紹介してくれましたが、SS級レギオンでの推しも知りたいです!
Q: Fumi's oshi in SS legions
A: Starting from LG Rossweisse, Ishigami Mio. Termed "The Glass Prodigy", she is a target of admiration by Lily otakus, Fumi included. Even when under the weather or when her mood swings, she still holds a unique taste in her Phantasm processing's sharpness and her aiming skill. Despite her sharp tongue, deep down she's a kind person |
Hắc |
December 15, 2021 | 他のリリィの髪型にするなら二水ちゃんはだれがいいですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 似合わないことは百も承知ですがクララさんみたいな髪型は憧れますよね>< #アサルトリリィ #ルド女 |
Q: Other Lilies' hairstyle that Fumi wants to imitate
A: (Clara) Yuuko's which Fumi admires, even though she fully acknowledges that the style doesn't fit her |
Hắc |
December 15, 2021 | 朔愛さんはジェットコースターなどの絶叫系は平気ですか?
Q: Is Sakua fine with roller coasters and thrill-inducing attractions
A: No, she stays away from them just like aircrafts |
Hắc |
December 19, 2021 | 黒川・ナディ・絆奈さんはアメリカ人のハーフとのことですが出身はどちらなんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん ボストンですね #アサルトリリィ |
Hanna is born in Boston | rluka |
December 19, 2021 | 黒川・ナディ・絆奈さんはアメリカとのハーフでボストン出身とのことですが、英語は使えますか?
普段の会話でも英語使ってたりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 普段の会話に出ることはほぼ無いですね~ #アサルトリリィ |
And she speaks English too, although she almost never use it in daily conversation. | rluka |
December 19, 2021 | ギターが弾けるリリィって居たりしますか?
Q: Any Lily who can play guitar?
A: Komomo |
rluka |
December 19, 2021 | 歌うのが苦手なリリィっていますか?
Q: Any Lily who is bad with singing?
A: Hanako |
rluka |
December 19, 2021 | 聖メルクリウスのガンシップってどんな見た目をしていますか?
Q: How is the appearance of the Ark, Mercurius’ Gunship?
A: They’re big, and have different appearance from the gunships used by Yurigaoka. Their gunships looks like airships. |
rluka |
December 19, 2021 | 漫才や落語が好きなリリィはいますか?
Q: Lily who loves comedy performance such as manzai or rakugo?
A: Momiji |
rluka |
December 19, 2021 | ヘルヴォルで怒らせると1番怖いのは誰だと思いますか?
Q: Who is member of Hervarar who is scariest when they are angry?
A: When seriously angry, Kazuha. After that, Chikaru is also scary. There’s also opinion it would be Renka, who is believed to be different person between now and back then. |
rluka |
December 21, 2021 | LGサングリーズルが外征後等に生徒会や学園の意向を無視して強行突破してきた際、ガッツリ注意されたりするのでしょうか?
Q: When LG Sanngriðr charges while ignoring command from the student council or Garden during expedition, do they get any warning?
A: For now, they got away with strict warning. But it's probably just a matter of time until they got thrown into the penitentiary cell >_< |
rluka |
December 21, 2021 | もし二水ちゃんがデュエルに長けていたらどのようなリリィを目指していましたか?
Q: If Fumi is talented in duel, which Lily would be her role model?
A: Because she's in BZ position, she wants to be like Chihana, Matsuri, or Himari |
rluka |
December 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
喫茶店巡りが好きなリリィを教えて下さい! |
Q: Lily who enjoys exploring cafe
A: Shiori |
rluka |
December 21, 2021 | 片倉紫苑様は新入生をボコボコにしたらしいのですがCHARMを使った模擬戦なのか、それともシンプルに腕っぷしが強いのか教えてください
Q: There are story about Shion beating new students. Did she do this in mock battles with Charm, or simply using strength?
A: The famous tales are about battle practice using Charm, but the episodes where she fights with her bare fist is also quite intense |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: How does civilians learn about the tactics used by Lily? Are there any textbooks covering these topics?
A: Lily otaku usually compile series of articles about tactics from World Lily Graphic into a book and study from it. |
rluka |
December 21, 2021 | お誕生日おめでとうございます。
😊😊😊 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Fumi-chan, what birthday present did you receive from Hibari-sama?
A: Necklace with chinchilla design |
rluka |
July 7, 2021 | ' こんばんは~二川です。 本日7/7は山梨日羽梨様のお誕生日でした。たくさんのお祝いツイートありがとうございます!私は汐里ちゃんに手伝ってもらいカワウソのキーホルダーを自作してプレゼントしました。日羽梨様の隊が近々外征なのでお守り代わりにと思いまして。 #アサルトリリィ |
By the way, last July, Fumi gives her handmade otter keyholder for Hibari's birthday | rluka |
December 21, 2021 | LGエイル所属である藤村龍佳さんのお名前の読み方が知りたいです。
Q: How do you read 藤村龍佳 (LG Eir) ?
A: Fujimura Ryuuka |
rluka |
December 21, 2020 | ' 今日は少しマギの回復についてお話していこうと思います。舞台 #アサルトリリィ などでもありましたが、リリィはマギを消費しつくしてしまうと回復までに休養が必要なります。睡眠やしばらく出撃しないなどが一般的なのですがマギを補給する薬物(GEHENAっぽいですね)やその他手段もあります。 |
About Magi recovery. After using up their Magi, Lily would need rest to recover. The most common methods includes sleep and taking a break from sorties, but there are also other methods like using medications to resupply Magi.
Medications are usually used for Lily who are intensely drained and on verge of collapsing, so they are being used conservatively. Among those method, one of the effective method is by soaking in hot springs with effect of promoting Magi recovery. This is also one of the reason why Kiito and Kusumi enjoys hot springs. Of course, it can't just be any hot springs. These place, called holy springs, or magi springs, are influenced by the ley lines and are known as resting place for Lily. In Kamakura, this is located within the territory of Alkemila Girls Academy. |
rluka |
December 22, 2021 | 西澤眞子さんのレアスキルはなんですか?#教えて二水ちゃん 天の秤目ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Nishizawa Mako's skill is Ten no Hakarime | rluka |
December 22, 2021 | 琶月ちゃんはどんな動物が好きですか?
Watsuki's favourite animal is Kiwi | rluka |
December 22, 2021 | 鷹の目のS級はデュエル世代AZの花形とのことですが、鷹の目S級の杉浦穂澄様もAZですか?
Q: What is the position of Sugiura Hosumi?
A: Mainly AZ, but she's flexible enough to cover the TZ and BZ, as well as left side. Despite being 3rd year, she's well adapted to catch the feel of Neunwelt tactics. |
rluka |
December 22, 2021 | ロスヴァイセに所属しているらしい金田さんのフルネームを教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Kaneda Akiho from LG Rossweise. Main position is BZ, but is skilful enough to play all positions.
Loves girls. |
rluka |
December 22, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘はファンタズム持ちリリィをたくさん獲得しているようですが、中でも13レギオンには必ずファンタズム持ちのリリィが所属しているなどありますか?
Q: Does all the 13 top legions in Yurigaoka got Phantasm user in it?
A: Many of them does. But there are also Legion like Schwarz Grail who prefer to not recruit Phantasm user. |
rluka |
December 25, 2021 | 梢・ウエストさんはイギリスのどこの出身なんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん リヴァプールですね #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Kozue West, born in Liverpool.
Soccer fans. |
rluka |
December 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
掃除が苦手な月詩さんですが、茜様や樟美ちゃんが掃除した後、何日くらいまで綺麗な状態を維持できますか? |
Q: How long does Tsukushi's room last after being cleaned up, until it became a mess again?
A: Doesn't even last a week |
rluka |
December 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
史房様ってもしかして、字書くの上手いですか? |
Shinobu is good with calligraphy | rluka |
December 25, 2021 | 御台場には純さんの激辛趣味に付いていける様な、辛い物耐性の強い方、辛い物好きな方っていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is there another Lily in Odaiba who can get along with Kiito's taste for very spicy food?
A: Saigou Kurena also likes spicy food |
rluka |
December 25, 2021 | 二水さんは一柳隊以外のレギオンだとどのレギオンに入ってみたいですか?
Q: Any other legion which Fumi thought of joining other than Hitotsuyanagi?
A: In Yurigaoka, it would be Schwarzgrail who has best understanding of tactics, and Lohengrin who held the inter-garden tactics salon. Well, not like she'd pass as member though. |
rluka |
December 26, 2021 | 花心さんは歌を歌うのが苦手だそうですが、歌が上手く無い事は自覚してしまっているタイプなのでしょうか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Hanako realize she sings badly?
A: She is well aware about how others took her singing, even though she did tried her best |
rluka |
December 26, 2021 | クリスマスパーティーで二水ちゃんがパパラッチ行為を咎められそうになった際、田中壱さんが「百合ヶ丘の風紀と倫理への〜」と発言をしていましたが、壱さんは道徳勉強会に興味があったりするのでしょうか……?
生え抜きな上に学級委員長ですからねー。百合ヶ丘の伝統や道徳に興味を持つのは自然なことだとは思います。たぶん依奈様を意識してのことだと思いますが😊 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: During the Christmas event, Ichi said Fumi's paparazzi activity is a challenge against Yurigaoka discipline and ethics. Does she has any interest in the Ethics Research Society?
A: Of course. As a Lily who has been in Yurigaoka since kindergarten, and also class representative, it came naturally that she held interest in Yurigaoka's tradition and morals. Although, Fumi believe that's also because she's thinking of Ena. |
rluka |
December 26, 2021 | 相模女子は和をベースにする桜ノ杜と険悪な関係ですが、相模女子で私服とかで和服を着る事はできますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Sagami got bad relationship with Japanese styled Sakuranomori. Does this means Sagami students can't wear Japanese traditional dress?
A: No. They know to separate that issue, so it's alright to wear Japanese clothings in Sagami. |
rluka |
December 26, 2021 | 筋トレやプロテインが好きなリリィはいますか?
Q: Lily who loves muscle training and protein drink?
A: Odaiba is famous for their training regimes, so there should be a lot of them there. |
rluka |
December 26, 2021 | 相模女子って素手喧嘩に精通したリリィが結構多いんですか?
こちらもわたしは入学を遠慮したいガーデンですね。怖いので>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is there many Sagami Lily who can do barefist fight?
A: Sagami is often said to have military style, so barehand fights are also part of their training. Another reason Fumi doesn't want to attend that Garden. |
rluka |
December 26, 2021 | いよいよ年末ですが、今年の年末はどうやって過ごす予定ですか?
Q: What is Fumi doing in the year end?
A: Cleaning up the editorial room |
rluka |
December 27, 2021 | 一柳隊で控室の大掃除とかしますか?
All Legions are cleaning up their room during the year end. | rluka |
December 27, 2021 | 工廠科のリリィのラボの大掃除は終わるまでどれくらいかかりますか?
人によっては一週間以上使いますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How about the Arsenal's year end cleaning?
A: Depend on the individual, but many of them just leave things where they are because they assume it would get taken out to use again soon anyway, so they don't take much time for cleaning. |
rluka |
December 29, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
立原紗癒さんのお部屋は、やっぱり綺麗に整頓されてるのでしょうか? |
Q: How about Sayu's room?
A: Sayu loves cleanliness, so she regularly clean her room. Yukiyo also does when she got the time. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Chemil's room?
A: Quite clean, else Luludis would scold her again. |
rluka |
December 29, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘で、大掃除を徹底的にやるレギオンはどこですか?
Q: Any Legion who are especially thorough in their year end cleaning?
A: Herfjötur, the Legion who represent Yurigaoka's history and tradition |
rluka |
December 29, 2021 | 眞悠理様は屋根裏を掃除しましたか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Mayuri's attic palace?
A: Mayuri cleans her place everyday, so there's probably not much to clean there at the end of the year. |
rluka |
December 27, 2021 | 柳都の方でご実家がお米農家の方はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Lily from Ryuuto who is from family of rice farmer?
A: Amata Hanako |
rluka |
December 27, 2021 | 牛田琶月さん、先日お誕生日でしたがプレゼント等は何を頂けたんですかね?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Watsuki's birthday gift from Shiori is chic fragrance presented in *black* metal box | rluka |
December 27, 2021 | 鶴紗ってロスヴァイセに誘われたことあったりしますか?
Q: Has Tazusa ever got invited to join Rossweisse?
A: Seeing her history of living in the special dorm and Inori's personality, she likely got invited at least once. |
rluka |
December 29, 2021 | 一柳隊以外で鶴紗さんと相性が良さそう(戦術的or性格的に)なレギオンってありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 鶴紗さんはスピード系ファンタズム持ちなので、感覚系ファンタズム持ちが居て、レジスタもしっかりしてる所が良いと思います。鶴紗さんは戦闘で周りをちゃんと見れるけど彼女の動きも理解してくれる仲間がいると輝くタイプなのでずばりローエングリンかなと思います #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any other Legion that might be a good place for Tazusa?
A: Tazusa is a speed based Phantasm user, so it's best for her to be with a composed Regista and other intuitional type Phantasm user. Even though Tazusa is aware of the situation around her, she performs best with comrades who would understand her actions. So, that would have been Lohengrin. |
rluka |
December 29, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはもし御台場女学校に入学してしまったら卒業まで生き残れる自信はありますか?
Q: Fumi-chan, would you survive to graduate as Odaiba student?
A: No |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Maijima Hiromu's favourite food?
A: Okonomiyaki |
rluka |
December 29, 2021 | LGヴィーンゴールヴの副将 柳澤綾子さんにはシルトはいないとのことでしたが、シルト候補と噂されている方はいらっしゃいますか?
シルト候補はいらっしゃらないですね...... #アサルトリリィ |
Yanagizawa Ayako also currently got no Schild candidate | rluka |
December 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ロザリンデ様は一柳隊のメンバーに例えるとどなたに一番似てますか? |
Q: Who is the closest in personality with Rosalinde in Hitotsuyanagi Squad?
A: Her frank personality and caring for juniors are like Mai |
rluka |
December 27, 2021 | ルイセさんはデンマークの中のどこのご出身ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん コペンハーゲンです #アサルトリリィ |
More specifically, Luise was born in Copenhagen | rluka |
December 29, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
日羽梨様をどう思ってる? |
Q: What do you think of Hibari-sama?
A: Senpai Lily I respect! Right now Sanngriðr is in expedition to Chuugoku region, so I pray for her safe return |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Chemir and Yuzuriha often meet up and get together, but what do they do to spend time
A: Shopping and dining |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 藤田槿様の身長はいくつですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Asagao's height
A: 153cm |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 岡田綺更さまについて、なんでもいいので新情報が知りたいです!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Info about Okada Kisara
A: She's a Boosted Lily |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 舞台LMのお写真にて祀様がデュランダルを構えていましたが、祀様のデュランダルはユニーク機ですか?
祀様のは先行量産型ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is Matsuri's Durandal a unique one made for her
A: No, it's a preliminary model. The one with a unique Durandal is Mayuri |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 紫恵楽様の好物をおしえてください #教えて二水ちゃん カルピスです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiera's favorite foodstuff
A: Calpis water |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Chemir likes hotpots, but which kind is her special favorite
A: Tomato hotpot |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 今年取材してみたいと思っているリリィはいますか?
Q: Lilies that Fumi would like to interview this year
A: Everyone in Hitotsuyanagi Squad |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | バイオリンなどの楽器の良し悪しを聴き分けたりといった、芸術への造詣の深いリリィってなると誰ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん その方面ですと楓さんや葵さんですかね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies knowledgeable in the arts, such as being able to judge a violin performance
A: Kaede or Aoi |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 楓さんと麻嶺様はCHARMメーカーのご令嬢という共通点がありますが、お二人は以前に顔を合わせた事ってあったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Both Kaede and Marei are the young mistresses of their respective CHARM makers, but have they ever met each other
A: Words on the street is that there exists a salon specifically reserved for the families of CHARM makers' proprietors, so maybe they've met there |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | お米派な汐里ちゃんや樟美ちゃんは、お餅は好きですか? #教えて二水ちゃん もちろんです^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Do Kusumi or Shiori, who prefer rice (over noodles, etc.) like mochi
A: Yes of course |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | LGサングリーズルの控室にはこたつがあるとのことでしたが、LGサングリーズルの控室ってどんな雰囲気のお部屋なのでしょうか?
Q: Sanngriðr's legion room is said to have a kotatsu, but what style is it generally
A: Chaotic. On top of the legion's lack of someone to arrange and coordinate the room's furniture, everyone has a unique personality, so they place a variety of their own stuff there. The room itself isn't messy, but there's no unity to it. |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | 楓さんの好きな馬を教えてください。
Q: Kaede's favorite horse
A: One named "Eclipse" |
Hắc |
January 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
円環の御手は片方を盾にする場合、どんな戦略がありますか? |
Q: What sort of strategy could be adopted by Circlet Bless users who use one of their CHARMs as a shield
A: Strategies that are adapted to long-stretch combat, as well as those that allow them to tank on the front line. Generally speaking firm and safe strategies |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: How is Lohengrin's legion room
A: Neatly arranged, and adorned with high-class furnishing |
Hắc |
January 2, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは一般家庭出身だそうですが、ご両親はどんなお仕事をされているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Fumi's family runs bookstore / bakery business
Then after that she goes answering parade of bread related questions |
rluka |
January 5, 2022 | スコフニュングは一般流通しているCHARMですか?
それとも央ちゃんのユニーク機になるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Nakaba's Skofnung a common CHARM model, or a unique one
A: Unique |
Hắc |
January 5, 2022 | 先程公開された写真で紅さんが持っていたCHARMはウルフバートですか?それともまた別のCHARMですか?
Q: Is the CHARM Kurena using in the upcoming stage play her Ulfberht
A: Yes |
Hắc |
January 5, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヘルフィヨトゥルはどんな戦い方をするのか知りたいです🙏 |
Q: Herfjotur's combat style
A: Speed-focused. All of its members have high movement speed, and the legion is famous for its swift assaults. Herfjotur's 9welt passes are fast, and its Lilies move around a lot |
Hắc |
January 5, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘とメリクリウスってどのような関係に当たりますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 良きライバルといった感じですね。互いに意識しあうガーデンですが協力関係にもあります #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Relationship between Yurigaoka and St. Mercury
A: Competitive rivals that acknowledge each other's capabilities, but also cooperative partners. |
Hắc |
January 5, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは亜羅椰さんとのデュエルでしたら何分間耐えられますか?
Q: In a duel with Araya, how many minutes would Fumi think she can last
A: She'd go down with the first move, so a few seconds in fact |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ナイフ形のCHARMってあるの? |
Q: Are there knife-like CHARMs
A: 1st-gen CHARMs like this |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは餅つきしたことありますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever participated in making mochi (the hammering part)
A: Yes |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | スピード系ファンタズムは単騎でヒュージを翻弄する、という印象があるのですが、例えば一柳隊なら、テレパスを介して鶴紗さんと梅様の二人駆け、というようなことも可能でしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん そういうことも可能だと思いますね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Speed-type Phantasm users give the impression of prancing around Huges all alone, but can they use telepathy to coordinate with another person in a two-prong assault, e.g. like Tazusa and Mai
A: Possible |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
森辰姫さんはやはり「ヒュージの声」が聞ける耳を持っていたためにG.E.H.E.N.Aによって強化リリィの対象にされてしまったのでしょうか |
Q: Could it be that Tatsuki was selected as a target for enhancement by GEHENA due to her ability to hear Huge voices
A: Highly probable |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | 真央様は現在どこかのレギオンに所属されていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Which legion is Sono Mao in
A: She's the commander of LG Ginnungagap, formed by members of the Labyrinth sorority |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | もし桂ちゃんが御台場に行かず百合ヶ丘に残ってたらどこのレギオンに所属してたと思いますか?
Q: If Katsura had not retired from Yurigaoka, which legion would she have gone to
A: Ichibantai, and later 2nd-gen Alfheimr no doubt. She was a close friend of Misora, and combat-wise her specs is similar to Ichi (not exactly the same tho), so surely she would've been one of a staple AZ pair |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | 二水ちゃんもやっぱりユニークCHARMとか欲しいですか?
Q: Does Fumi want a unique CHARM for herself
A: Of course yes, but such is a far-fetched dream |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | 桂さんは休日に遊びにいきますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Katsura go out on her days off
A: No. Since she wants to devote herself to battle, on days off she'd study strategies or meditate. Exceptions are when Nazuna persistently invites her |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | 御台場女学校は、アーセナルも厳しい訓練を受けるのでしょうか?
Q: Do Arsenals in Odaiba also undergo the same strict training as Lilies
A: Yes. As it is Odaiba and Makuhari's ideology to educate Arsenals as Lilies, instead of fighting Arsenals (i.e. combat being the secondary duty), those in these schools will be made to undergo the same training as Lilies. One example is Kozue |
Hắc |
January 7, 2022 | エレンスゲラボではコアの改造に注目した研究が行われているそうですが、エレンスゲのリリィの中でブーステッドCHARMを使用している方っていらっしゃったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Herensuge conducts researches that focus on modifications of CHARM's Magi crystal cores, but are there any Lilies there that use Boosted CHARMs
A: LG Galtzagorri's commander, Tazawa Tsubaki |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | マルテはどのような方が愛用にする傾向があるますか?
Q: What kind of Lilies often use the Marte
A: The Marte was developed by the 2nd Laboratory of Gran Guignol, which had a strong fixation on sharpshooting. Therefore, Lilies that excel in using shooting mode would be more prone to using it. |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | 湊さんはティルフィングR型とグングニルカービンの二刀流ですが、円環持ちの中でも結構攻撃的な戦闘スタイルなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Minato wields a Tyrfing R and a Gungnir Carbine, so is she in the more offensive-oriented side of Circlet Bless users
A: Back during the Odaiba Counteroffensive, she fought alongside Tecia in the 4th Squad, and thus was influenced by her ultra-offensive style of Circlet Bless - hence why she uses two offensive CHARMs at once. While she does have some consideration for defense when compared to Tecia, relatively to Shiori she's still more aggressive |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
立原紗癒さんは、百合ヶ丘以外にも交友関係はありますでしょうか? |
Q: Does Sayu have contacts with Lilies outside of Yurigaoka
A: She is the host of the Neunwelt Tactic Salon, and thus holds contact with many Lilies within and outside of school. Through this salon, she has had exchange with Kiito, Yuzuriha, Komuku (from Irma), etc. |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | 多田さんのお誕生日が知りたいです🙌 #教えて二水ちゃん 3/24です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiera's birthday
A: March 24th |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | ヤールングレイプルでフィニッシュショット決めるとしたら、やっぱり直接ぶん殴るんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: With the Járngreipr CHARM (Yuki's), are finish shots often nailed by directly punching
A: Punching the finish shot is common, but since it comes with a shooting mode it's also possible to fire it in |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | ローエングリンが主宰する戦術サロンって誰でも参加出来たりするのでしょうか?
Q: Can anyone join Lohengrin's Neunwelt Salon
A: No, not all of applicants can join - membership is decided by recommendation of Lohengrin members or by interviews with Chihana and Sayu. Unless an applicant has a certain degree of knowledge in [the Neunwelt] tactic they will be barred from entering |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはキャンプギアを買う時に何かこだわりがありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What is Fumi's point of focus in buying camping gear
A: To be usable in normal everyday life as well as camping, since it'd be a waste to use them outdoors only |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
今川誉様と御台場迎撃戦で知り合った方々って、今でも連絡とってますか? |
Q: Does Homare still stay in touch with her comrades in the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: Yes. It was a special battle in many ways, thus the bond between its veterans is nothing short of extraordinary. Not just Homare, but all the members of the each squadron still keep in contact with each other |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ルドビコ女学院の生き残ったリリィは現在元の何割程度いるんでしょうか。 |
Q: Following the collapse of Ludojo in *Pure Resistance: The Blade of Truth*, how much (which percentage) of its Lilies survived.
A: While many of the garden's instructors have perished, and thus it has lost its commanding structure (causing Templar Legion selection to be impossible), Lilies in the garden are still fine i.e. nobody KIA |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | 中村翼芽さんのレアスキルはなんですか?
Q: Nakamura Tsubame (LG Brynhildrline)'s Rare skill
A: Zenon Paradox |
Hắc |
January 9, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
グミが好きなリリィを教えて下さい(`・ω・´)ゞ |
Q: Lilies that like Gummy [bears?]
A: Hijiri |
Hắc |
January 11, 2022 | 最近弟に背を抜かれて煽られるのですが二水ちゃんはそういうことってありますか?
Q: Lately my brother had grown taller than me. How about Fumi?
A: My younger brother is still in elementary school. But that might happen in the future. |
rluka |
January 12, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ユーバーザイン持ちのリリィってレギオンのどのポジションに入ることが多いですか? |
Q: Which position in a legion are Uber sign users usually assigned to
A: BZ |
Hắc |
January 11, 2022 | ユーザーバインでできる事はサブスキルのステルスでも全て行うことができますか?
Q: Is all the capabilities of Uber Sign also available to Stealth (the sub skill variant)? Or is Stealth only capable of hiding
A: Stealth only allows the user to disappear. Only with the full-fledged Uber Sign can a Lily relocate her presence, or manipulate hallucinations and the senses of others. |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘女学院の渡邊茜様はフルートの演奏が趣味とのことですがヴァイオリン演奏が趣味のリリィはどなたかいらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yurigaoka's Akane has a hobby in flute performance, so then is there anyone who likes playing violin
A: Aoi |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 船田純様はカレーのスパイスにもこだわりがあるんでしょうか?
Q: Does Kiito have a strict selection quality for her curry spices
A: Yes, apparently. She's knowledgeable about them, in fact. |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
出江史房様って、説教モードに入ったら長いタイプですか? |
Q: Is Shinobu the kind to go on and on and on when admonishing someone
A: No. She says the gist of what she needs to say, and ends it. |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | ロボットアニメが好きなリリィはやっぱりアーマードキャバリアに乗りたい願望が強いんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Do Lilies that like mecha anime have a strong wish to ride an LAC
A: Perhaps. For mecha fans, the LAC is an absolute must in their bucket list. Also, Chemir likes mecha games, so she also wants to get inside an LAC |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 光の翼が出てると何か戦闘面で有利になる事ってありますか?
Q: Are there any combat benefits to emitting light wings of magi
A: Nothing in particular. However, it is a specialty of Lilies with high Magi reserves, so those with light wings are undoubtedly powerful ones. |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 初様は純様のカレー残したことって本当に無いんですか?
Q: Is it true that Ui has never even left behind a speck of curry that Kiito made for her
A: It is true. Poor Ui-sama |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | スタ○ド使えるならどんなスタ○ド使いたいですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: If Fumi could use a Stand, which one would it be
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lilies that do not accept oden eaten as side dish to rice
A: Sayu. She and Hiromu has had conflicts around something like that in convenience stores |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 妹島広夢さんは樟美ちゃんみたいにお好み焼きをおかずに白米食べたりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Hiromu eat okonomiyaki with rice like Kusumi
A: Yes |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 妹島広夢さんの好物はお好み焼きだそうですが、大阪お好み焼きと広島お好み焼き、どっちが好きなんでしょうか?
Q: Hiromu likes okonomiyaki, but which type exactly, Osaka or Hiroshima
A: Osaka. On the other hand, Sayu likes the Hiroshima variant, but this wouldn't turn into an argument between them |
Hắc |
January 12, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘の恋人である谷口聖様は麺派らしいですが、うどん、パスタ、ラーメンだとどの麺類が好きなんでしょうか?
Q: What kind of noodle does Hijiri (a noodle lover as opposed to rice) like specifically - udon, pasta, ramen, etc.
A: Udon. She likes them all, but udon takes the special spot |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | B型兵装って基本的にどのチャームでも調整したら使用可能なんでしょうか?
Q: Is the B-type Armament usable on any CHARMs with the proper calibration, or only on those specifically designed for it
A: The B-type Armament works by mounting its cartridge onto the Magi crystal core of a CHARM, so it can work on any one. Of course, CHARMs specifically designed with B-type Armament usage in mind would have better affinity |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 船田初様は辛いものが苦手らしいですがロネスネスメンバーで他に辛いものが苦手な人はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Aside from Ui, which other member of Hronesness also cannot tolerate hot and spicy stuff
A: Asagao. > "My god what the hell is this spicy shit!?" |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 2代アールヴヘイムの1年生メンバーは、二水ちゃんが紹介していたユニークCHARMのほかに、グラムを持っていたりするのでしょうか?
Q: Do 2nd-gen Alfheimr's current 1st years also have Grams of their own, aside from their unique CHARMs
A: Yes. The Gram is exclusively produced for Alfheimr members, so the current 1st years also have their own ones. In the Niigata expedition, they also brought their backup CHARMs, so the Grams were also taken along |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 強化リリィで教導官やっている人は居たりするのですか?
Q: Are there former Enhanced Lilies who now work as instructors
A: Yes. Because of the bitter experiences they've gone through during their active days, many would in turn volunteer to spend their effort in raising the next generation of Lilies to come. Some of them are now in Herensuge or Ludojo |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 個人が契約しているマギクリスタルコアを持っていれば
別のCHARMに換装してすぐマギが通る感じですか? CHARMを使いこなせるかは別として #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Can a Lily pull out the Magi crystal core they've personally contracted with from their CHARM, stick it into another and turn that CHARM on immediately.
A: Yes. As long as it's the personal core, any other CHARMs can also be activated |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | やむを得ない理由でガーデンから自主退学してしまうリリィはいるのでしょうか?
Q: Are there Lilies who voluntarily withdraw from their gardens due to unavoidable circumstances
A: Yes. For example Katsura, who withdrew from Yurigaoka's primary school level out of guilt due to being unable to protect her friend Ayako |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
出江史房様は超名門の百合ヶ丘の生徒会長ということで、かなり知名度もあると思うのですが、ワールドリリィグラフィックの表紙を飾ったこともあるのでしょうか…? |
Q: Being one of the student council presidents of the ultra-prestigious Yurigaoka, has Shinobu ever been featured on World Lily Graphics issues
A: Yes of course. A world-weary person whose rise to her current position entailed overcoming countless stumbles, Shinobu's life has a story-like romance to it. Therefore, many a time has she been the focus of World Lily Graphics issues |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 蜂嫌いな天葉様ですが、蜂蜜の事はどう思っているのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What does Soraha who dislikes bee think of honey
A: She thinks it's tasty |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんもワールドリリィグラフィックの表紙になってみたいと思うことはありますか? |
Q: Has Fumi ever wished to be featured on the cover of a World Lily Graphics issue
A: Never - and a far-fetched dream in fact. |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 虫が得意なリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies well-versed in insects
A: Tange Honori of LG Geiravor, who isn't just well-versed in bugs but also loves them. Her partner Kikutake Rinka isn't particularly fond of bugs in general, except for weevils. |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 日羽梨様ってワールドリリィグラフィックの表紙を飾ったことありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ええ、もちろんありますね。その号も勿論持ってますよ 表紙のキャッチは「百合ヶ丘司令塔デュエル復古主義の結実、日羽梨の見る世界」でした #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Hibari ever been featured on a World Lily Graphics issue
A: Yes of course, and Fumi has that issue too. The front page's title was "The Fruits of Command Tower Dueling Revitalization in Yurigaoka, Hibari's World View" |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 純様と初様はとても仲が良さそうですが、喧嘩したりするんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Do Kiito and Ui ever have arguments with each other.
A: Nothing to the degree of arguments, as their dedication to each other is very strong |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはやはり自身もデュエルが得意なリリィになりたいと思ってたりしますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever wished to become a Lily excelling in duelling
A: For a period, yes |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | 二水ちゃんが今一番取材して見たいと思っている他校のリリィって、どなたでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies from other schools that Fumi wants to interview the most
A: Matsumura Fuuka, commander of LG Cuélebre (Herensuge). Includes braving all odds to contact her |
Hắc |
January 13, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
秦祀様は代行と言えども史房様と同じオルトリンデと呼ばれるほどの実力者ですが、やはり彼女もワールドリリィグラフィックで特集を組まれるほどでしょうか? |
Q: While Matsuri is only the acting Ortlinde, she still stands alongside Shinobu and co. nonetheless. As such, has she also been featured on World Lily Graphics?
A: Yes. Aside from being the acting Ortlinde, she was also one among those who entered Yurigaoka through the junior high school selection exam, which consisted purely of those with special talents. Therefore it was only natural that she was picked up in a WLG issue |
Hắc |
January 26, 2022 | 神庭に入学した叶星様と高嶺様の事をロネスネスやセインツの2年生は正直どう思ってるんですか?
Q: What is the opinion from Hronessness and Heorot Saint's 2nd year Lily about Kanaho and Takane moving to Kanba?
A: Still can't say much, but at least nobody held bad impression about them |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | 叶星様が、呼び捨てで呼ぶ条件が知りたいです〜
Q: What kind of person does Kanaho call just by their name without honorifics?
A: She kind of do that to people close to her |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | 藤嵯紅羅さんとルイセ・インゲルスさんは関りがあるとのことでしたが、どういった関係なのでしょうか?
Q: What kind of relationship does Gotou Sakura has with Luise?
A: Both are boosted lily, so they knew each other in the Special Dorm. In addition, she is close to Chihana and Touka, and even rumoured to be joining Alfheim. Of course, she's close to Touka's schild. |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | 榎本瑚桃さんはギター弾くの趣味との事ですがLGフレンの控室にはギターとアンプが置いてあったりするのでしょうか?
Q: Does Komomo got guitar or amplifier in her Legion's room?
A: Seems so |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | 汐里ちゃんは今年に入ってからCHARM壊しちゃいましたか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Still early in this year, but how much Charm has Shiori destroyed?
A: There's no heavily damaged Charm **yet**, but she already constantly bringing back medium damaged Charm, so it's going to be just a matter of time |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | 建築に造詣の深いリリィっていますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 麻嶺様とかですかねー。あとは汐里ちゃんもお好きですよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any lily with deep understanding about architecture?
A: Marei, and Shiori also shows interest |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: So, Yuyu's father runs a construction company and was involved in construction of famous Garden. Which Garden is it?
A: St. Mercurius International (the fortress city). He was also involved in constructing parts of Yurigaoka. |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | 霞ヶ浦防衛戦には那岐様も参戦されていたそうですが、その時はLGスヴァンフヴィートとして参戦していたのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Was Tamura Nagi involved in Defence of Kasumigaura as part of LG Svanhvit ?
A: Yes, it's their expedition mission. |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ラスバレないで朝のボイスで夢結様がルームメイトの祀様に朝起こしてもらったみたいに言ってるのですが?どうなんですか?また夢結さまは朝は弱いのですか? |
Q: In Last Bullet, there are morning lines where it sounds like Yuyu had Matsuri to wake her up. Did she has trouble waking up in the morning?
A: It seems so |
rluka |
January 26, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
御台場迎撃戦後に幕張が奪還されてますが、御台場迎撃戦参加メンバーも何かしらの形で参加していたのでしょうか |
Q: What are the contribution by lily who participate in Odaiba Counteroffensive, in the Makuhari Recapture?
A: Both happened almost simultaneously, so as far as Fumi can remember, nobody took part in both. |
rluka |
January 29, 2022 | 夢結様は紅茶がお好きとの事ですが、ミルクティーとストレート、どちらがお好きですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Yuyu-sama drinks it straight
(the question is straight tea or milk tea, not liquor) |
rluka |
January 31, 2022 | クエレブレについて何か知ってる事はほかにありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Captain of Cuelebre is called ~~Shana~~ Xana | rluka |
January 31, 2022 | 結局、御前(白井咲朱)のレアスキルは何なんですか?テスタメント?ユーバーザイン??
Shirai Saaya (Yuyu’s sister) is an evasion type Testament user like Yuzuriha. She’s supposed to teach that curriculum as instructor. | rluka |
February 1, 2022 | 名狙撃手の村上常盤さんには、狙撃に関して弟子のような方とかいらっしゃいますか?
Tokiwa, who is Yurigaoka’s master sniper, is not the type to take disciple. But she does show interest in Yujia. | rluka |
February 1, 2022 | 船田姉妹の呼び方が初たん純たんになったことはもう拡散したんですか?
Fumi is denying involvement in the spreading of “Kii-tan” and “Ui-tan” nickname | rluka |
February 2, 2022 | 今日はツインテールの日ですが、まだ見た目が語られていないリリィの中でツインテールの方がいらっしゃいましたら教えてください!!!
Sakua’s oneesama, Izumi Botan, is drill hair twintail character… | rluka |
February 2, 2022 | 依奈様もモテるリリィだったりしますか?
Q: Is Ena popular?
A: Of course. There are many juniors who idolized and try to imitate her Roulette style. |
rluka |
February 2, 2022 | 世界最高峰のリリィとして知られる天葉様ですが、何かリリィとしての弱点ってありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 強いて言うならBZなのに前に上がりすぎることですが、2代アールブヘイムはそこも含めて戦術に落とし込まれますのであまり問題にはなってませんね~即席レギオンで戦う時は注意が必要かもしれませんが #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Soraha is known as the highest peak in the world, Lily. Do she has any weaknesses as Lily?
A: Techinically no, but she fights a bit too far forward (if im not mistaken) |
Bryonidas |
February 9, 2022 | 桂さんってモテますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Katsura popular?
Fumi: Yes, Katsura is popular. Katsura: ……! |
rluka |
February 9, 2022 | 都々里様と誉様は同室ですが、これは元々割り振られたものなのか同室申請を出したものなのかどちらなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Totori and Homare are roommates by choice. | rluka |
February 10, 2022 | 雷が直撃した辰姫ちゃんはいない認識であってますか……?
Q: Is it true, Tatsuki got struct by lightning before?
A: She has difficult past and doesn't want to ruin the mood by talking about it. Tatsuki is delicate in that kind of thing. |
rluka |
February 10, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは、ロネスネスとヘオロットセインツどちらのレギオンに入ってみたいですか?
Q: Fumi, which between Saints and Hronessness would you like to join?
A: Saint is more fun, but talking of contribution, Fumi is BZ specialist, so she would've been able to contribute more to Hronessness who has lacking in the back zone. |
rluka |
February 10, 2022 | 河鍋薺と竹久央の仲良しエピソードください。
Nazuna and Nakaba often shares their meal | rluka |
February 10, 2022 | 円山周様には二つ名ってあるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Amane's nickname is "Shiden" (紫電), Purple Lightning | rluka |
February 10, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
松村優珂さんは休暇のときはしっかり休む派ですか。休暇も鍛錬する派ですか。 |
Q: Is Matsumura Yuuka the type who use her break time to rest or to practice?
A: She believe proper rest is needed to increase performance in the next battle, so she properly take a rest. |
rluka |
February 10, 2022 | 学校内で辰姫ちゃんと多田さんが一緒にいるところ、ふみちゃんは見かけたことありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ありますよ~ラウンジでお話されてたりしますねー #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Fumi ever saw Tatsuki and Shiera interact in the school?
A: Yes, saw them chatting in the lounge |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Any agricultural oriented Garden, which also works for things like crop improvement?
A: Kuramayama Girls High School of Environmental Science |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Kiito's opinion about Yurigaoka's bath
A: Not bad |
rluka |
February 10, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィになるのが絶望的な状態から日々のたゆまぬ鍛練で実力派へと成り上がった努力の申し子の昴様は、強化リリィをドーピングだと思って憎んだりすることはありますか? |
Q: Subaru worked hard to rise from Madec into a Lily. Does she hates those who took doping by becoming Boosted Lily?
A: No. Subaru believes in the path she took. But she also understand there are reason for those who choose the dangerous path of becoming boosted lily. This is because of her background of being a madec, and she understand many became boosted lily not by their own choice. |
rluka |
February 10, 2022 | 松村優珂さんのクエレブレはメンバー全員が強化リリィなんでしょうか?
Q: Are members of Cuelebre all boosted lily?
A: Not all, but neither is Yuuka the only boosted lily there. |
rluka |
February 9, 2022 | LGサングリーズルの木子都々里さんにはシュッツエンゲルの契りを結んだ方っていらっしゃいますか!!!?!!?!!!?
Totori still hasn't made schutzengel pledge with anyone | rluka |
February 9, 2022 | クマが好きな閑さんと燈さんとクララさんと瑤さんが話したらどうなると思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What would happen if Shizu met the other bear lovers? Tomoshibi and Clara
A: She'd be surprised because one of them loves bear in different meaning Tomoshibi: |
rluka |
February 9, 2022 | 御台場のリリィにも『変身魔法少女チャーミーリリィ』の視聴者はいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 廉さんがファンですよ。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Any fans of Magical Girl Charmy Lily in Odaiba?
A: Sunao |
rluka |
February 13, 2022 | 鶴紗さんの好きな猫の種類が知りたいです!
Q: Tazusa's favorite cat type
A: Kinkalow |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
現在の最高と謳われるテスタメント持ちは誰でしょうか? |
Q: Lilies considered to be the pinnacle of Testament users as of now
A: Those that can overcome the skill's demerit of weakened defensive Magi barrier - so Yuzuriha (evasion) or Akane (Royalguard) |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | ギリシャ神話の世界観を取り入れてるガーデンはどこですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Gardens with a mythological basis in Greek mythology
A: Ambrosia Girl's Academy in Kobe, the head of the Western Japan Coalition |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 友達が多そうな川端蛍様はバレンタインチョコをあげる数と貰う数どっちが多いですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: For Hotaru, who seems to have many friends, would she receive or give away more Valentine chocolate?
A: As she's very popular, she'd receive more |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 廉ちゃんの推しリリィは天葉様の他にもいらっしゃいますか?
Q: Does Sunao have any other oshis aside from Soraha
A: Momiji and Asagao |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | アーセナルで注目してる人、取材したい人はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Arsenals that Fumi is interested in/wants to interview
A: Quite predictably, Marei the CHARM Meister |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはセミを見たことがありますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever seen a cicada
A: Yes, though when she tried to approach it, it cried "beepbeepbeepbeepbeep" or some shit and surprised her |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | レアスキルS級に至っている人は皆スキラー数値が高いのでしょうか?
それとも、S級に至る条件として高いスキラー数値は特に関係の無いものなのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is it true that all S-rank Rare skill users have high Skiller values? Or is it that the value is irrelevant in awakening the S-rank variant of a skill
A: As of now, it is thought that a high skiller value is not a condition for reaching S-rank. However, all those that have attained such a level are without exception excellent Lilies, so their Skiller values are all above 90 |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 鈴木因さんはキャンプがお好きとの事ですが、誰かと一緒に行くことが多いのでしょうか?それともソロキャンプメインですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Chinami likes camping, so with whom does she camp the most? Or she often goes solo
A: She often camps with Sunao, whom she's a good friend of |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 汐里ちゃんにチョコを送ったら琶月さんにマークされたりしませんか?
Q: Will you get marked on Watsuki's black list if you give Shiori chocolate
A: Yes > Watsuki: *"Shiori, who did you get that chocolate from? ....... Hmm, I see. No, it's nothing"* |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘でバレンタインにチョコを一番貰うのはどなたでしょうか?
Q: People receiving the most chocolates in Yurigaoka
A: Soraha, Hijiri, Misaka and the likes |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは汐里ちゃんにチョコを渡す予定はありますか?
Q: Is Fumi planning on giving chocolate to Shiori
A: Yes, since Shiori has helped her with a lot of stuff, but she'll give the same thing as Watsuki, at the same time |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 二水さんも鷹の目のS級持ちになってみたいですか?
Q: Does Fumi want to achieve S-rank Eagle's Eye
A: Yes |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ちなみに二水ちゃんは日羽梨様にバレンタインチョコを贈る予定ありますか |
Q: Does Fumi plan on giving Hibari chocolate
A: Yes, she has helped Fumi with a lot of stuff |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 御台場で一番チョコをもらうのはやっぱり川村楪様ですか?🥺 #教えて二水ちゃん だと思いますねー楪様は学年問わずにお友達が多いですし人望も厚いので #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Is Yuzuriha the one who receives the most choco in Odaiba
A: Most likely. She has a lot of friends in all grades, and is very popular |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | バレンタインの時の長谷部冬佳さんってどんな感じなのでしょうか……?
Q: How does Touka do on Valentine? Seems like she's gonna literally implode into a black hole from jealousy
A: She really is gonna implode, but she herself receives a lot of chocolate from outside of Yurigaoka anyway, so Misaka would poke at her "You still receive a lot of chocolate anyway, right Touka?" |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 純様が「当分は糖分補給に困らなそう」とコメントしておりましたが、
ロネスネスでは純様の他に誰が多くチョコを貰うと思いますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: For valentine Kiito says "For the time being this should make carbs intake not a problem", but aside from her who else in Hronesness also receive a lot of chocolate
A: For 2nd-year Lilies, see image |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | 桂さんはたくさんチョコ貰えますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Katsura receive a lot of chocolate
A: Yes, because of just how popular she is, especially in Odaiba where her stoicity is valued |
Hắc |
February 13, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
岩下桐子さんは縫雪花さんのためにチョコ作ったりしてますか? |
Q: Does Kiriko make chocolate for Nuyuna herself
A: Yes, as she's deeply in love with Nuyuna |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | LGコーストガードのメンバーで一番チョコを貰えた人は誰ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 菘様ですね~彼女もかなり人気ありますので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: LG Coastguard member who got the most chocolates
A: Suzuna. She's quite the popular person |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | 1番改造しやすいcharmってありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: The most easily modifiable CHARM
A: Blutgang, famous for being an easily customizable CHARM. Having many optional additions, often Arsenals would compete among themselves by modifying a Blutgang to their own free will as a contest of skill and ingenuity. Such a competition is called "Blutgang contest" |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | 村上常盤さんの着ている黒い隊服は、LGサングリーズルの受勲服だったりしますか……?
Q: Is Tokiwa's black uniform the Holy White Lily Medal uniform of LG Sanngriðr
A: Yes |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | 紫ちゃんは狙撃の名手ですがケラウノス、ヨートゥンシュベルト以外にブレードモードのCHARMを使うことってありますか?
Q: Does Yukari ever use blade-mode CHARMs aside from her Jötunn Schwert
A: Almost never |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | 一柳隊で将来お酒を飲むようになったら酒癖悪そうなのは誰だと思いますか?私は夢結様だと思います
Q: Who in 1yanagi squad is gonna have a bad drinking habit when they eventually get old enough to drink
A: Shenlin, probably |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
出来れば、現在の風紀委員長所属の飛空艇団も教えて下さい。 |
Q: Is there a Disciplinary committee in St. Mercury, and if there is one, then which legion is the committee head in
A: Christa Frykberg, in Tecia's Raguel Air Cavalry Division |
Hắc |
February 14, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはティラミスは好きですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Fumi like Tiramisu
A: Yes |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What is Kondou Misaka’s rare skill?
A: Mystery. And that’s one of the reason why Sanngriðr had difficulties in getting their application approved, because despite having skiller value in the range of 90s, she didn’t awaken any known rare skill. Although, the experience during the Odaiba Counteroffensive should have awakened a rare skill. |
rluka |
August 6, 2018 | ' 【キャラ紹介】アルテア・アレッサンドリーニ メルクリウスの暴君と異名をとるAZのリリィで夢結様がライバルと認める2年生。御台場の月岡椛様とはカップルと言ってもいい間柄♪一方、実の妹レミエちゃんとは不仲です^^;御台場迎撃戦では天葉様や #ルド女 のいちか様とも共闘しました。 |
following their victory in the Odaiba Counteroffensive's 2nd Squadron, Altea offered to exchange the Minne's Oath with Momiji, and that's where the "Bride of the Tyrant" memoria name comes from | Hắc |
February 18, 2022 | 鈴木因さんの好きな物とか趣味ってなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 好きなもの:犬、猫、肉料理、オポッサム ですね。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Suzuki Chinami:
Hobby: Camping, Sports (all kind) Likes: Cats, Dogs, Meat dishes, Opossum |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | 湊さんと特に親しい他校の迎撃戦同部隊リリィってどなたなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Lily from other Garden who has good relationship with Minato?
A: Members of the 4th squad, but especially Hibari |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | 竹久央さんの特技や好物が知りたいです! #教えて二水ちゃん 央さんはこんな感じです 特技・趣味:食器集め 好きなもの:肉料理(美食家で多くの高級料理を食してきた)・チョコレート 苦手なもの:生トマト、ハト
Takehisa Nakaba
Hobby: Cutlery collection Likes: Meat dishes (loves gourmet and had tried many high class restaurants), Chocolate Dislike: Raw tomato, Pigeon |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | 御台場女学校のリリィってお肉が好きな方が多いのでしょうか?
Q: It seems like there are many carnivores in Odaiba
A: It seems so. Probably because the harsh training regime they’re known for. |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | きいた...純様は御台場の学校で海の近くにいらっしゃいますが、海に悪ふざけで落とされたりしたことはないんですか?
Q: Since Odaiba is close to the sea, has anyone ever joke by throwing Kiito into sea? Yuzu?
A: Nobody dare to do that to her. Meanwhile, Yuzu wouldn’t do something the person really dislike. |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | 依奈様は槿ちゃんのことどう思っていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How is Ena’s opinion about Asagao?
A: A comrade who survived the Odaiba Counteroffensive together. The reason why Ena didn’t invite her to urigaoka is because she understands Asagao got her own ideals as commander and she has many friends in Odaiba. Meanwhile, Chikaru has a period where she is receiving unfavourable treatment in Herensuge. |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | 椛様をアルテア様はメルクリウスの暴君と言われていますが、どんなエピソードがあったりするのでしょうか?
Q: Why did. Momiji calls Altea as St. Mercurius’ Tyrant?
A: She is very selective of who she teams with, such as saying “Sorry, but your pass can’t make use of my ability. Can you switch with someone else?”. Well, her main concern is exterminating Huge, so it doesn’t mean she had any ill intention towards the person. |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | 昴さんの反省会ですが、始まると大体どれくらいの時間拘束される事になるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん ???「反省会ってほんとうに必要かなあ~~?😳」 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Q: How long would Subaru’s review meeting last?
A: At least 1 hour, and that’s right after a battle, where everyone just want to get a rest at last. > ???: Do we really have to do this? |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | テスタメント持ちの神琳とリンカーである楓さんを比較したら、鶴紗さんとより相性が良いのはどちらだと思いますか? #教えて二水ちゃん レアスキルに着目した時は確実にリンカーの楓さんですが、高速パスを得意とし、動いてるリリィにパス付けをしがちな神琳さんと移動速度が速い鶴紗さんはノインヴェルト戦術のパス回し上の相性は楓さんよりいいかもしれませんね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shenlin got Testament, while Kaede is a Linker. Who is more compatible with Tazusa?
A: If we see from aspect of rare skill alone, then it’s Kaede. But for Tazusa who moves quickly, Shenlin’s expertise in high speed pass and directing pass to Lily on the move might be a better compatibility with Tazusa. |
rluka |
February 18, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
御台場3大レギオン所属リリィは殆どが「輝ける者たち」と呼ばれるとのことですが、殆どということは呼ばれていないリリィもいるのですか? |
Q: The three main legions of Odaiba are formed "primarily" from those of the "Radiant Ones" generation. Does it mean there are also those not of this generation in their lineups
A: The term "Radiant Ones" refers to the generation that studied in Odaiba from before the high school level (entering in kindergarten, primary or junior high school) and now are currently in the 1st-year to 3rd-year of high school. Some members (not disclosed as of yet) of these legions only entered Odaiba at the high school level and thus do not belong to this generation. |
Hắc |
February 18, 2022 | 燈さんは兎(肉)好きですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Tomoshibi like rabbit meat
A: Apparently yes |
Hắc |
February 18, 2022 | 治様も梓様のように咲魅様をサーちゃんと呼ぶこともあるんでしょうか?
さーちゃんは他のリリィが呼ぶことが多かったあだ名だそうです。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Q: Does Haru also call Sakumi "Sa-chan" like Azusa
A: No, she calls her "Sakumi" w/o honorifics. "Sa-chan" on the other hand was the nickname given by other Lilies |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃん的には昴様の反省会は参加したいですか? |
Q: Does Fumi want to join Subaru's strategic meeting
A: Yes. Subaru has a logical sense of strategy, but with a specialization in practical application, so it's a unique viewpoint that attracts Fumi's interest |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
閑さん率いるシュヴァルツグレイルは論理的な思考が得意なメンバー揃いのため、反省会が長そうですが、実際どうですか? |
Q: LG Schwartz Grail consists of members excelling in logic, so does the legion's strategic meeting also tend to get drawn out
A: Not exactly. They don't carry out meetings right after combat like Subaru, but rather hold it on the next days after each members have done their revisions and analyses. Members would exchange arguments in the legion room, and from that decide upon the direction of the next combat experiment. While they do draw out the meeting sometimes, generally they don't |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | 因ちゃんはよくキャンプに廉ちゃんを連れて行ってるとの事ですが、治様のことは連れて行ってあげてないのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 誘ってはいますが治様がなかなか同行してくれないみたいですねー治様は綺麗好きなのでキャンプは苦手なのかも~ #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Q: Chinami often goes on camping with Sunao, but don't they invite Haru as well?
A: They do invite her, but Haru wouldn't agree to go, or it seems. Maybe it's because she prefers cleanliness that she would decline camping offers |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | ヴァイオリンを弾けるリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that can play the violin
A: Aoi, with professional-tier skill |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | 弘瀬湊さんは井草昴さんとたびたび焼肉に行かれるそうですが、湊さんが好きな焼肉の部位は何ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん ”とうがらし”だそうです #アサルトリリィ #御台場TEP #御台場女学校 |
Q: Minato's favorite yakiniku part
A: Shoulder meat |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
高松姉弟はどんなお酒が好きですか? |
Q: What kind of alcoholic drinks do the Principal and the Standing Principal likeA
A: Shiera likes wine, while Kougetsu likes whiskey |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | 槿ちゃんはブラックコーヒーを毎日飲んでいるんですか?
Q: Does Asa-chan drink black coffee everyday
A: She shows off to everyone as such. Whether she actually drinks or not is a different story |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | もしも二水ちゃんが上級生からシュッツエンゲルの契りを申し込まれるようなことがあったらシュッツエンゲルの契りを交わしますか?
Q: If Fumi were to be approached by a senior to exchange the Schutzengel's Oath, would she take it
A: Yes of course |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | 舞台御台場で速水桂さんにハマってしまいました…。
好きなもの:犬、酒盗 苦手なもの:過美な物や行い です! 桂「気持ちを整えることが大切です。怒りにも喜びにも身を任せるべきではありません…平常心こそが戦いの中で最も必要な要素です」 #アサルトリリィ #御台場TEP #御台場女学校 |
Q: Katsura's hobby or favorite pastime
A: Hobby: Cooking, CHARM maintenance Likes: Dogs, shuto Dislikes: Excessively elegant articles or behaviors > *It is of utmost importance to get a hold of your emotions. It is unbecoming to let yourself be swayed in anger or joy...... It is calmness that is of the utmost importance on the battlefield* |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もし松村優珂が百合ヶ丘に所属していたらどんなリリィになっていたと思いますか? |
Q: If Fuuka has been in Yurigaoka, what kind of Lily would she've been
A: Someone like Watsuki. From upholding an unbreachable defense extends a single well-placed attack that becomes the decisive blow. |
Hắc |
February 19, 2022 | 神琳の前でマソレリックを中華鍋呼ばわりしたらどうなりますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What happens if you call the Mazu's Relic a wok in front of Shenlin
A: Expect her to bring physical punishment down on you |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 天田花心様の身長は何センチですか?
Q: Hanako's height
A: 163cm |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはGが出た時はどうしますか?
Q: What would Fumi do when encountering a G~~ehena~~ 🪳
A: Run like hell |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 二水ちゃんのご実家の店名はパン屋・本屋それぞれ別でしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Fumi's home business have a separate name for the bakery and bookstore section
A: No. Primarily it's a bakery with a book selling corner, so it's considered to be one business with one name |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 御台場女学校はお嬢様学校だそうですが、まだ語られていないだけで、ご実家が裕福な御台場リリィがいらっしゃいましたら教えてください!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Odaiba Lilies coming from a wealthy background
A: Nakaba, whose family is an ultra-high-class wealthy one |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 二水ちゃんのヘオロットセインツの推しリリィは誰ですか?
Q: Fumi's oshi in Heorot Saints
A: Haru, with her masterfully-controlled positioning and her Divine Possession that allows for world-class offensive power. Though this is an all-too-common pick for Lily otakus |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | ルナティックトランサーを持つリリーに強化リリー施術をするのは危険ですか?
Q: Is it dangerous to perform enhancement operations on LT Lilies
A: Yes, very. The success rate is quite low |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 槿様って好きなものカレーで嫌いなもの人参ってことは、まさかカレーから人参抜いてるんですか…? #教えて二水ちゃん ええ、まあ^^; ???「辛いのも人参も食べたくない!」 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Q: Asagao likes curry but not carrots, so does it mean she manually picks out carrot from her curry
A: Yes. > I don't wanna eat spicy stuff or carrots! |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | もし仮にクラスやレギオンが一緒になっていなかったとしても、憧れのリリィである楓さんとはお近づきになろうとしていたと思いますか?
Q: If Fumi hadn't gotten into the same class and legion as Kaede, the Lily that she adores, would Fumi still have tried to approach her
A: Yes. At the very least she would've gone to get her signature |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | 薺ちゃんは桂さんの部屋に入ったことはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Has Nazuna ever entered Katsura's room
A: Frequently |
Hắc |
February 20, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水さんはヘオロットセインツやアールヴヘイムのようなカッコいいマント付きのレギオン服を着てみたいですか? |
Q: Would Fumi like to try wearing a legion uniform with a cape like Heorot Saint's or Alfheimr's
A: Yes. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Has Chikaru ever been covered in the World Lily Graphics magazine
A: She hasn't made it to the cover yet, but has been covered nonetheless |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
他のレアスキルでも船田姉妹のようなリリィがいれば引き起こせるのでしょうか? |
Q: Is the Empathy phenomenon unique to LT users, or is it possible to be triggered when there are Lilies like the Funada sisters regardless of their rare skill
A: It's unique to LT users |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
初様は左手に指輪をしてるように見えるのですがただのアクセサリーですか? |
Q: Is the ring on Ui's left hand just an accessory
A: It's the Ring Cartridge used to charge up Magi for the activation of the B-type Armament |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | 松村優珂さんと柴田竜胆さんは楯の姉妹ですか?
Q: Are Fuuka and Rindou oathed as Shieldmaiden Sisters
A: No |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | アルテア様と楓さんや葵ちゃんはメルクリウス時代に関わった事ってあるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Did Altea interact with Kaede and Aoi during the latter two's time in St. Mercury
A: Yes, they did training together |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | 猫の日といえば舞台TFGで御前が戸田琴陽さんにプレゼントしていたキラキラのネコミミカチューシャ(サーチャー?)は今どうなっていると思いますか? #教えて二水ちゃん あれはどうなったんでしょうね~^^;御前の授けたものですのでただの物ではないでしょうし、なんか付喪神みたいに何か別の存在になりそうですよね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What happened to the ~~cat ear~~ Huge searcher hairband that Kotopi received in TFG
A: Nobody knows what happened to it after it got thrown away. Since it was granted by Gozen, it shouldn't have been any ordinary thing, and it may become a tsukumogami and turn into a different thing altogether' |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはとんかつはソース派ですか?醤油派ですか?
Q: What does Fumi put on tonkatsu; sauce or soy sauce
A: Sauce |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
澤瀉布さんの身長は何cmなんでしょうか? |
Q: Omodaka Tae's height
A: 162cm |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | 美土莉さんは汐里ちゃん以外の女の子も狙ったりしますか?
Q: Does Hara Midori go after other girls aside from Shiori as well
A: For now she's fixated on Shiori |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | 自作のハーブティーを飲んだ薺ちゃんは、たとえ相手が先輩だろうと酔っぱらったかの様なハイテンションで絡みに行ってしまったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: When drinking her own self-made herbal tea, would Nazuna get drunk and go at everyone (including seniors) with a high-strung behavior
A: That's not how she behaves normally, so yes, perhaps she's high on tea |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | ノインヴェルト戦術のマギスフィアをパスする際に回転をかけてマギスフィアを曲げながらパスする事って出来たりしますか?
Q: Is it possible to pass a Neunwelt gay ball after spinning in order to give it a curved trajectory
A: Yes. It's called an arch shot, a specialty of Ishigami Mio |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | LGサングリーズルの控室は各々が持ってきた色々なものが置いてあるそうですが、それぞれどんなものを持ってきてるのか知りたいです!どれか一つとかでもいいので……!
Q: LG Sanngriðr's room has the various items brought there by its members. Any info on what they are
A: Hanna brings along a large porcelain tanuki |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is the World Lily Graphics a must-have item that all Lilies have read at least once?
A: It's a must-read for all Liliy otakus, but otherwise not exactly. Still, almost everyone knows about it |
Hắc |
February 21, 2022 | ロネスネスがリリィオタクたちから岬と呼ばれるように、セインツやコーストガードにもそういった呼び名があるのでしょうか?
Q: In the same vein as how Hronesness members were nicknamed "X of the [Whale's] Cape", what motif of nickname is given to members of Coastguard or Saints
A: LG Coastguard inherits the role of defending the Light Wall system, so its members are called "X of the Radiant Wall". This reflects their role, which also equates to defending the Odaiba area itself. |
Hắc |
February 22, 2022 | 琶月ちゃんに二つ名はありますか?
Q: Watsuki's nickname
A: Thunderer |
Hắc |
February 22, 2022 | 現ブリュンヒルデの出江史房さんには二つ名ってありますか?
Q: Shinobu's nickname
A: "The White Devil", from the white trenchcoat that she wears on expeditions |
Hắc |
February 23, 2022 | 高松咬月さんはウイスキーがお好きとのことでしたが、特に好きな銘柄や飲み方何ですか?
Q: What kind of whisky does Kougetsu likes?
A: Scotch Whisky |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What is Tomoyo's position during her active years?
A: Professor used to be in TZ position |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 舞台版の西郷紅さんの胸元にはタトゥーの様なものがありますが、これは紅さんの魔術刻印なのでしょうか?
Q: The tattoo on Kurena's breast in the stage play, is that her magic sigil?
A: Yes (image updated) |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘の中等部と高等部は日常的に交流があるのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん ありますね。高等部のリリィによる指導が中等部のリリィに対してありますので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Are there any contact between the middle and senior school level in Yurigaoka?
A: There are cases such as a senior high school student is assigned as mentor for student in the junior high school |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 速水桂さんは犬が好きみたいですが、好きな犬種とかありますか?
Q: Katsura's favourite dog breed?
A: Kai Dog |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 椛様がタコ苦手な理由は味ですか?それとも見た目でしょうか…?
Q: Why Momiji doesn't like octopus?
A: It looks disgusting. |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | ミカエルとセインツは同盟関係にあり顔を合わせる機会も多いと思うのですが、性格的にも能力的にも似た部分のあるチェミルちゃんと薺ちゃんって仲は良い方なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん チェミル「やっぱり今熱いのはゾンビゲーだよ♪」 薺「そうなんだー」 #アサルトリリィ #御台場TEP #御台場女学校 |
Q: Michael and Saints are allies so they probably meet often. Are Chemil, and Nazuna who has similar skill and personality close to each other?
A: Yes. And as expected, Chemil is giving recommendation for games to Nazuna > Chemil: The current trend is zombie game! > Nazuna: Is that so... |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 叶星様と高嶺様が御台場に残っていた場合、ロネスネスに入っていたんでしょうか?
Q: If Kanaho and Takane stayed in Odaiba, will they be parts of Hronessness?
A: This is just a what-if imagination, but both have good combination with the Funada sisters, so yes, they probably will join Hronesness |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 親ゲヘナのガーデンは多数ありますが、ゲヘナがガーデンを持っていたりはしないのでしょうか??
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: There are many pro-Gehena Garden, but are there *
Garden established by Gehena themselves? A: Gehena is basically the institution who do R&D on Magi Crystal Core, so they can’t build their own Garden. Besides, there are many requirements to start a Garden. |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 任務以外でのプライベートでもみんなで出かけたりするような、仲がいいレギオンってどこでしょうか?
Q: Any Legion who are close and often go out together?
A: Saints |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
御台場迎撃戦で正気の沙汰ではない事を成し遂げた貞花さんは強化リリィですか? |
Q: Is Misaka, who performed insane feat in the Odaiba Counteroffensive, a Boosted Lily?
A: She’s not. Although it would make more sense if she were. |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 御台場一年のお茶会に上級生が参加したりすることはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 確認してるわけではないですがあるんじゃないかなって思います。セインツ内でお茶会をしたりすることもありそうですし。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場TEP #御台場女学校 |
Q: Does the senior also join Odaiba 1st year tea party?
A: Unconfirmed, but Saints also got their own tea party. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are there Legions tasked with night shift Huge watch
A: Yes. This is usually organized in rotation among Legions. |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 針を怖がるリリーを教えてください。
Q: Lily who are afraid of needle?
A: Kurena |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘にはいいお家柄の子たちがたくさんいますが、リリィではない側仕えを召し抱えている子はいないんですか?
Q: There are many rich girls in Yurigaoka, does any of them bring servant with them who is not Lily?
A: Civilians can't stay permanently in Garden, so that servant also need to be a Lily |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | リビングレジェンドである雪様の異名は御台場の鬼神、周様の異名は紫電、潮様の異名は何なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yuki was called the Demon God of Odaiba, while Amane is the Violet Lightning. What is the nickname of Ushio?
A: Magic Cannon Wizard (魔砲使い) |
rluka |
February 23, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
イルマ女子のLGハコルベランド隊長の鞠萌様の憧れのリリィはやはり日葵様ですか? |
Q: Who is the idol of Marimo from Irma's LG Hackelberg? Is it Himari?
A: Because they're of the same age, it's a bit different. But for Marimo, Himari is the Lily who showed her ideal image of legion tactics, and she promised to realize it. So, they're more like comrades. |
rluka |
February 22, 2022 | ヒュージの姫ですが、後天的になる事ってできるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 燈「なれますわよ~あたくしがそうですから~」 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Q: Is it possible to become Huge Princess after birth?
A: I don't really understand about Huge Princess myself. Oh, Tomoshibi-san, what is it? > Tomoshibi: Oh, you can. Like me. |
rluka |
February 22, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘の制服はクリーニングに出すときは指定の業者に出すことになるのでしょうか?
Q: Is there business who dealt with Garden's laundry? Don't want people unknowingly activating the tools in it.
A: Of course, and they're usually operated under supervision of Charm makers. |
rluka |
February 22, 2022 | たぬきの陶器の置物、こたつ、と和風なものが置いてあるらしいサングリーズルの控室ですが、逆に洋風/華風なものとかって置いてますか……?
Q: Kotatsu and Tanuki porcelain in Sanngriðr are Japanese. Are there also western or Chinese style items there?
A: Of course. Luise brought a big replica of Bocca della Verità |
rluka |
February 24, 2022 | bouquet 9話で役人の一人が語っていた「リリィ脅威論」について何か詳細などを教えてください。#教えて二水ちゃん いつの世にもよくある思想です。狡兎死して走狗烹らるっていうやつですね。まだヒュージをやっつけられてもいいないのに>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Details about the "Lilies as a threat" viewpoint advocated by the government officials in ep 9 of the anime
A: Just the way the world works - when the enemy is gone, then the victorious Lilies would lose their foothold in society and be promptly disposed of. Thing is, the Huges are anywhere from exterminated |
Hắc |
February 24, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは、御台場の某お茶会に参加してみたいですか?
Q: Would Fumi want to join in "that" tea party in Odaiba
A: Yes, seems fun |
Hắc |
February 24, 2022 | 祀様がブリュンヒルデに就任した場合、祀様の率いるLGエイルは、LGブリュンヒルデラインに改称するのでしょうか?
Q: If Matsuri becomes the Brynhildr, then would LG Eir be renamed Brynhildr Line
A: Yes |
Hắc |
February 24, 2022 | 御台場はあれほど多くの優秀なリリィ在籍してるのに何故SSSレギオンが存在してないのでしょうか?
Q: With all of its excellent Lilies, why hasn't Odaiba gotten a SSS legion yet
A: Because ranking is based on combat results, so it takes time to be reflected. Still, it means that for Saints or Coastguard, it's only a matter of time before they get promoted to SSS. For Hronesness, it's already exceptional for them to be ranked S with only 9 people; if they get more, then it's an instant SSS for them. |
Hắc |
February 24, 2022 | 使用するチャームは、リリィ自身で選ぶんでしょうか?それとも、支給されるんでしょうか?
Q: Can Lilies select the CHARMs they use, or is it fixed to the ones supplied to them
A: They can select their own CHARMs. However, some CHARMs may not be activatable due to Skiller value limitations, and requests for expensive ones may not be approved in the first place |
Hắc |
February 24, 2022 | 千乃さんは姉である椛さんの事は尊敬していますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Chino respect her sister?
A: Chino and Momiji's relationship is not good |
rluka |
February 24, 2022 | 純様は海がお嫌いですが、海鮮物などは食べるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Can Kiito eats seafood?
A: She only can't swim. She can eat seafood just fine. |
rluka |
February 24, 2022 | シュバルツグレイルの訓練メニューはどんな感じですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How is the practice in Schwarzgrail?
A: That legion is known as the philosophers' legion. All the members have deep understanding of the basic and finished their own subjects before starting practice with the whole members. So the group training are about confirming positions (up to centimetre accuracy) and discuss about any unfinished subject of the members. Because of such high level members, their practice time are short. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What are the difference between Specs, which is Shizu's expertise, and Stats, which is Hibari's subject?
A: Specs is like the combined ability score of a Lily. Meanwhile, Stats is the result of analysing battle record (position, pass timing, assist rate, goal rate, etc) |
rluka |
February 24, 2022 | 美土莉さんは琶月ちゃんがいない椿組の授業で汐里ちゃんに手を出したりしませんか?吉阪先生がいるから手を出せない感じですか?
Q: Because Watsuki is in another class, has Midori ever successfully lay her hand on Shiori? Albeit, there's Yoshizaka-sensei, so she probably can't.
A: Yes, Yoshizaka-sensei is very scary when she's angry. |
rluka |
February 24, 2022 | ユニークcharmが支給される条件ってあるんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What are the condition to receive unique Charm?
A: They have to be excellent Lily. For example, having killed many Huge, or being a Singularity |
rluka |
February 26, 2022 | リリィになったばかりの子でも扱いやすいCHARMはありますか?
また、その反対で扱いが難しいCHARMはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: CHARMs that even newbie Lilies can use, and the opposite
A: The Dainsleif or Gungnir. On the other hand, the Triglav has a combination function in addition to transformation, so it is hard to use by the inexperienced. |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 廉ちゃん一押しのガーデンの制服はどこのガーデンでしょうか?
Q: Garden uniform that Sunao likes the most
A: While she prefers the Odaiba uniform the most, she also likes Heimskringla's |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 三姫はみんな仲いいですか? #教えて二水ちゃん すごく仲良しって感じでもないですが互いに一目置きあう良い関係ですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Are the three first-year princesses of Yurigaoka very close
A: Not in the sense of being extremely intimate, but they all mutually respect each other |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 恋花様はラーメンを食べに行くとき、ヘルヴォルのメンバーと行くことが多いんですか?
Q: Does Renka often go eat ramen with other Hervor members
A: Yes |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | ASMR音声が巷では流行っているそうですが、水が流れる音だったり、小鳥の囀りだったり、癒される様な音声をよく聴いているリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that like relaxing ASMR, such as birds chirping or water streams
A: Kusumi |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 仮定の話なのですが、ラプラス(カリスマ)系スキル×軍神の加護のスキル構築ってBZ/TZとして見た時強いと思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Laplace/Charisma + War God's Blessing a good combination for the TZ/BZ position
A: Quite good. One example is Lemie of St. Mercury |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | トップレギオン制と教導官認可制の両方を採用してるガーデンってあったりしますか?
Q: Garden that simultaneously adopts the Top legion and Instructor Approval legion systems
A: Heimskringla. In usual times the garden goes by the Instructor Approval system with its student-formed legions. However in the occasion of difficult missions, select students will be elected into the top legion "LG Chariot Gefjon" to become Heimskringla's representative. |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 司馬燈さんは山育ちですが、海を泳ぐことは出来ますか?
Q: Tomoshibi was raised in the mountains, but can she swim in the seas
A: Yes. Her lung capacity is nothing to sneeze at |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 紫恵楽さまと辰姫は普段どんなお話をされているんでしょうか....? #教えて二水ちゃん 普通のお話されてますよ~ 辰姫「え~?!しえちゃんお寿司食べるときもあの甘い飲み物飲むの~?」 紫恵楽「え?そうよ。だってどんな食事にも合うでしょ?」 辰姫「あわないよ、絶対変^^;」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What kind of talk do Shiera and Tatsuki usually do normally
A: Something as ordinary as this > Tatsu: Eeeh, Shie-chan you drink that sweet thing [Calpis] with sushi too? > Shie: Eh, yeah? It goes with basically anything you know? > Tatsu: Nah, that's just weird ^ ^; |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 舞台見に行って気になったのですが
Q: Does Odaiba have a standard uniform? Is it close to Momiji's
A: Yes, Momiji's uniform is the closest to the standard version. Capes and coats represent members of the student council, so that's a different thing |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 松村優珂さんの一番すきな寿司ネタはなんですか?
Q: Fuuka's most favorite sushi topping
A: Urchin |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 夜露死苦や屁悪肋屠世陰津みたいに当て字を使ったレギオンってありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Legions that use delinquent and biker-style ateji for their names
A: Not confirmed, but that belongs to Sagami. Perhaps |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
縮地なしの徒競走で最速のリリィは誰だと思います? |
Q: Lilies that are fast on their feet in a race, w/o using Shukuchi
A: No definitive answer for the fastest, but Soraha and Misaka are fast. Also Nazuna |
Hắc |
February 26, 2022 | 結構いますよ。クエレブレにいたような~ #アサルトリリィ こちらの件についての調査結果です^^ 牧野美岳(まきの・みたけ)様(2年生)がこちらに相当するリリィでした。ルド女に転校、その後エレンスゲに復学してます #ラスバレ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies that left their garden once, and returned later
A: For example, Makino Mitake (2nd year) of LG Cuelebre, Herensuge. She departed the school for Ludojo once, before coming back |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | 森辰姫がヒュージの声が聴こえるとの事ですが、それで彼女を疑ってるか恐がってる人はいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 百合ヶ丘や御台場女学校のように「異能」をもってる人が普通にいる環境ですと怖がられたりしないですがそうでない所ではそういう人もいるかもしれませんね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Are there people who doubt or are scared of Tatsuki for her ability to hear Huge voices
A: In places like Yurigaoka or Odaiba where people with special abilities are abundant, no. But in other places, then some may fear Tatsuki for her ability. |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
樟美ちゃんは大きい音が苦手とのことですが紙てっぽうなんかも嫌いなのでしょうか |
Q: Kusumi dislikes large sounds, but how about paper crackers
A: She doesn't like them too, probably |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | 牧野美岳さんはなぜ一度ルド女に転校したのですか?
Q: Why did Makino Mitake transfer to Ludojo once
A: Apparently it was because she was not content with failing to become a commander of the 7 major legions. Therefore quite some people do not take kindly to her return to Herensuge |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | 牛田さんといえばトールハンマーが有名ですが、彼女はトールハンマー以外にどのようなCHARMを使用して居たことがありますか?
やはりティルフィング? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Which other CHARM has Watsuki used aside from the Thor Hammer
A: Tyrfing and Kuruzzi |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Subaru's favorite meat section for yakiniku. Is it lean meat
A: Yes |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もしかして、特別寮の部屋は一人部屋ですか? |
Q: During their time in the special dorm, Kusumi and Soraha were next-door neighbors, not roommates. Were special dorm rooms limited to one resident each only.
A: The special dorm also has single rooms. Basically its rooms are double like the normal dorms, such as in the cases of Enhanced Lilies or Rossweisse members, but there are also single rooms for Lilies living solitarily over mental health considerations |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | レミエさんは自分の事を甘やかしてくれるルルディスさんに懐いているそうですが、チェミルちゃんが可愛がられているのを見ると、いつも嫉妬してしまうのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lemie is attached to Loloudis who dotes on her, but would she get jealous over Chemir when she has Loloudis' affection
A: Yes. In fact, that's the largest problem that Air Cavalry Division 1 Michael is facing |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | 灯莉ちゃんや辰姫ちゃんみたいに知覚系の異能持ちって他にいますか?
Q: Lilies with abnormal sensory capabilities like Akari (visual) or Tatsuki (auditory)
A: Hara Midori the oddball of Reginleif. She can sense the presence of Huges or Caves through her skin |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ティシア様にはミンネの誓いを結んだ相手がいますか? |
Q: Is Tecia engaged in a Minne's Oath with anyone
A: No. > I conform to neither the Adelheid nor the Ritter role of the Minne's structure |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | 二水さんは強化リリィになってもっと戦場で活躍出来るリリィなってみたいと思いますか?
Q: Does Fumi want to become an Enhanced Lily and perform more in combat
A: No, she doesn't have the determination for that |
Hắc |
February 27, 2022 | ロスヴァイセのように任務の一部に強化リリィの保護を含むレギオンは、他のガーデンにありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Legions like Rossweisse in other gardens, which have securing and protecting Enhanced Lilies as one of their missions
A: St. Mercury's Air Cavalry Division Raguel, which was Rossweisse's model. These legions are only in powerful anti-GEHENA gardens, so naturally there aren't that many of them |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | 井草昴様と藤田槿ちゃんは寮が同室だったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Do AsaSuba reside in the same dorm room
A: Yes, they're roommates |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
逃げたドミネーターだったんですか? |
Q: Is the Maelstrom in Main story ch.2 the Dominator that escaped from Odaiba
A: Kinda like that. It escaped from Odaiba, became a Restored, transformed and made a reappearance |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | 御台場女学校のセレクションは、体力面の基準が厳しかったりするのでしょうか?
Q: Is the standard for physical stamina in Odaiba's entrance exam very rough?
A: It's one of the grading parameters, seeing that examinees will be made to run their breath out. However, even if one were to pass out early, if they managed to continuously keep their will to continue running, then Odaiba will welcome them. After all, it is mental fortitude that lies at the garden's core value. |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | 樟美ちゃんの「CHARMで敵に触れて、強い魔力を流し込んで屠る」というスタイルは、毛綱乃彩様から学んだものなんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 確認はしてませんが恐らく影響は受けていると思います #アサルトリリィ |
Q: From the latest chapter of Niigata. Is Kusumi's combat style of "touching the enemy with her CHARM, then flushing with a large amount of Magi and decimating it" something she learned from Mozuna Noa?
A: Unconfirmed, but apparently she got influenced |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | 純様と紅様は昔から親しかったとの事でしたが、
とても気になります #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kiito and Kurena were said to be long-time friends, so why wasn't Kurena a member of the Funada Reserve Squad
A: The Funada Reserve Squad's members haven't been disclosed in their entirety yet. |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | 槿ちゃんは他のガーデンで仲がいい子はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Asagao's close friends in other gardens
A: Ena |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Would Kurena be a good match for Ran when they team up in combat
A: They may be an unexpectedly good pair. Kurena is a kind person after all |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | ロネスネスの紫ちゃんはプライベートでは治様と梓様のことをちゃん呼びしているのでしょうか?
Q: In private moments, would Yukari call Haru and Azusa by -chan
A: No, being the courteous girl she is, she maintains addressing them by -sama |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | 今のところアルトラ級ヒュージ以上の存在は確認されていませんか?
Q: Creatures that rank higher than Ultra-class Huges
A: The 7 major Ultra-class Huges, invariably extremely dangerous individuals. They stand above the rank-and-file ultra-classes (even though such things are a league of themselves already) |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | セインツの梓さん、蕨さん、もう一人のメンバーはTEPでの戦いの際は何をしていたのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What was Azusa, Warabi and another member of Saints doing during TEP
A: Because of situations they were on a sortie with a subdivision of Coastguard to a different front |
Hắc |
February 28, 2022 | もし定盛姫歌さんが故郷新潟の柳都女学館に入学してたらどんなリリィになってたと思いますか?
Q: What kind of Lily would Himemeka had become if she had entered Ryuuto in her home Niigata
A: Combining her interest in Idol Lilies with the combat and valor-oriented style of Ryuuto, and thus becoming somewhat like an oddball flashy samurai |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | 倫夜先生と檀先生あんまり仲良くなさそうでしたがゲヘナにも派閥や部門みたいなのがいくつかあるんですか
Q: Tomoyo-sensei and Mayumi-sensei don't seem very fond of each other, so were there cliques and factions within GEHENA itself.
A: Yes. Under GEHENA's name there are many labs, each of which has an ideology of its own |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
一柳隊みたいに、正式名称より通称の方で呼ばれる事が多いレギオンってありますか? |
Q: Legions often called by their common name, not their official name like Hitotsuyanagi Squad
A: LG Reginleif, the name Suiyuukai is more familiar, or so it seems |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | 酔った薺ちゃんは誰に1番絡みますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 桂さん、燈さんあたりだそうです。やはり普段なかなか本音を言えない人に絡んでしまうのかも^^; #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 #御台場TEP |
Q: When drunk, who would Nazuna cling to the most
A: Katsura and Tomoshibi, those who she normally cannot open up to when sober |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | 一葉ちゃんは昔、七夕の短冊に『百合ケ丘合格』と書いていたそうですが、仮にエレンスゲでなく百合ケ丘に入学していたらどこのレギオンに所属していたと思いますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 理論派ですしハードワークを厭わないので、攻撃偏重のレギオンでバランスをとる役があってると思います。1年生が多く、攻撃に行きたがる子が多くバランスを崩しがちな祀様のエイルこと秦祀隊が合ってるかなってお思います #アサルトリリィ |
Q: On Tanabata, Kazuha used to write on her slip the wish "to make it into Yurigaoka". If she had actually passed into Yurigaoka, which legion would she have ntered
A: Kazuha prefers constructing strategies theoretically and doesn't shy away from hard work, so she may take the balancer position in a disproportionately offensive legion. Therefore, she may be suitable for LG Eir, with its many 1st-year students that tend to push into the offensive and abandon the legion's balance |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | 因ちゃんにグリグリされたクルッジは結構頑丈なCHARMですか?
Q: Is the Kuruzzi, which was grinded around by Chinami, a stury CHARM
A: Yes |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | 灯莉ちゃんと梢ちゃんはお互い独特の
Q: Kozue and Akari each has their own painting sense, what brought them together as friends
A: After seeing each other's painting, they wanted to meet face-to-face, so it's artworks that brought them together |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | 楓さん、亜羅椰さん、美土莉さん、兎愛さんのように行動がちょっと特殊な方は他にもいますか?
Q: Reincarnations of sexual desire (walking sex machines) like Araya, Kaede, Midori or Toa
A: Lohengrin's Tatsuno Himiko, who sticks to Ban Kaya like how Kaede does |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | ミカエルとセインツは同盟関係にあるそうですが、どんな経緯で同盟関係になったのでしょうか?
経緯を詳しく教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How did Air Cavalry Division Michael and Heorot Saints arrive at their alliance
A: Since both of their commanders participated in the Odaiba Counteroffensive in the 2nd Squadron |
Hắc |
March 1, 2022 | レギオン控え室で食事したり、入浴したり、寝泊まりしたりすることってあったりしますか?
Q: Is it possible to eat, take a bath or sleep over in a legion's room
A: Yes. There's the public bathhouse so usually the bath in legion rooms are not used, but they're still there just in case |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | 楓さんは爆にゅ……スタイル抜群で美人ですがワールドグラフィックリリィの表紙、または掲載されたこととかありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 聖メルクリウス中等部で予備隊格付世界一になった時にその時のメンバーと共に表紙を飾ってます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Kaede ever been covered by the World Lily Graphics magazine, or been featured on its cover
A: Yes of course she has been covered in article(s). As for cover page feature, she has been on it once alongside her St. Mercury teammates in the Junior High School Reserve Squad Ranking last year, where they achieved the world #1 place |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | ガーデンの教官になるためにはリリィとして実績を残さないといけないのでしょうか
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Must a Lily have notable combat achievements in order to become an instructor
A: Depends on the subject. Combat techniques would be harsh for instructors not having Lily experience, but subjects such as Magi theory or Tactics don't have such requirements |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | レコードプレーヤーで音楽を聴いてる人はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Anyone still listening to music on a record player
A: Shiori |
Hắc |
March 3, 2022 | 外征先で窮地に陥ったレギオンを助ける救難レギオンのようなものは存在するのでしょうか?
Q: Is there any expedition legion tasked to recovering legion member who are facing critical situation?
A: To avoid such situation, Yurigaoka has been avoiding to send lone legion into expedition. They will always send three legions. Alfheim's mission to Ryuuto is a special case. |
rluka |
March 5, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
イルマは芸術に関して強いガーデンと聞きますが、丹羽灯莉ちゃんがイルマに行っていた場合どうなっていましたか? |
Q: What would've happened if Akari had gone to Irma, a prominent garden in education in the arts
A: She may have had a good time there, perhaps. On top of being one of Tokyo's Three Pillar gardens (TL: shouldn't it be two now), Irma is also known for having the utmost highest standard of arts education, and thus is world-famous in this field. Also, students having to study a musical instrument is a unique point that sets this garden apart from Kanba |
Hắc |
March 3, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘の遠方外征は通常3隊ほどで外征するとのことですが、LGサングリーズルの外征が決定している中国地方奪還戦外征の随伴LGは決まっているのでしょうか?
Q: Then how about Sanngrizr's expedition to Chuugoku? Is there any accompanying legion?
A: Officially, that mission is acknowledged as an *reinforcement* to Ambrosia, so there are no accompanying legions. Personally, Fumi is not buying that reasoning. 😡 |
rluka |
March 5, 2022 | ルドビコ女学院のリリィで二水ちゃんの推しって誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi's oshi in Ludojo
A: Yuria. She's attractive in her style of holding back in order to observe the whole situation, and then fulfilling the critical role only when the exact moment comes |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | 水夕会にアーセナルはいますか?
ちなみに整備・修理嫌いで中々やってくれません #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Arsenals in LG Reginleif
A: Kikuchi Sayuri, 1st year Cedar class. Her specialty is in researching boost effects for the Magi crystal core, and designing Legion uniforms (which are also endowed with Magi, and thus act as a kind of defensive gear). By the way she dislikes doing maintenance work for CHARMs, so don't count on her |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Was Hibari's former Schutzengel a gentle person, or a harsh one
A: Slightly harsh |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | 桂さんはリリィとしては百合ヶ丘を去った後も、山下絢子さんのお墓参りの為に百合ヶ丘には度々訪れていたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Following Katsura's withdrawal from Yurigaoka, does she still return time to time to visit Ayako's grave
A: Ever since leaving Yurigaoka, Katsura has not returned. Even if she were to be asked about this, all she would say is "just gazing heavenwards is enough". |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | 咲魅様がもし生きていた場合のロネスネスはどういう方向に傾いていたと思いますか?
Q: In the possibility that Sakumi had lived, then how would Hronesness have changed
A: A difficult question. All that can be said is that she would not leave Haru's side, so maybe both of them would've entered Hronesness |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
イルミンシャイネスの司令塔に当たるのは誰ですか? |
Q: LG Illuminshines' command tower
A: Miharu, who is also the commander |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | そう言えば #御台場TEP でのあの反省会と並行して行われたお茶会の後、
セインツの薺ちゃん達と英さんの基礎訓練は増やされてしまったのでしょうか…? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Following the tea party that was carried out at the same time as Subaru's strategy meeting in TEP, were the basic training for the 1st-years of Saints also doubled as punishment
A: No. Subaru only has jurisdiction over the training menu of Hronesness. The school-wide training is controlled by LG Coastguard, which also handles all legions in the school. |
Hắc |
March 5, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
星座を見るのが好きなリリィを教えて下さい! |
Q: Lilies that likes observing constellations
A: Yuki' |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 槿様の頭に生えてる唐辛子は何ですか?ヒュージサーチャーでしょうか🤔
Q: What are those chili pepper-like things on Asa-chan's head
A: Huge searchers |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 城ヶ島工科女子と百合ヶ丘の工廠科は交流があるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Do the Arsenal divisions of Jougashima and Yurigaoka conduct exchanges with each other
A: Yes. After all, their ideologies in educating Arsenals are closer than that of any other gardens |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 比田井美夜受様の情報何かください
#教えて二水ちゃん 「ふふふ、おかしい。脳がわいてるんじゃないですか?」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Info about Hidai Miyazu (2nd year of LG Illuminshines, Irma)
A: Beautiful with a touch of ephemerality, but has an incredibly toxic tongue > *Fufufu, how strange. Isn't sanity boiling away from your brain?* |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 同盟関係なミカエルとセインツですが、自分の事を甘やかしてくれる人が好きなレミエさんがよく懐いているセインツメンバーっていらっしゃったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: 1st Air Cavalry Division Michael and Heorot Saints are engaged in an alliance, so is there anyone in Saints whom Lemie (who likes people pampering her) sticks to?
A: Lemie is very sensitive and is easily upsetted, so apparently she gets attached to Momiji who is delicate |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
聖橋はどこかのガーデンと共同戦線を貼ったことはあるんでしょうか? |
Q: Has Hijiribashi ever conducted a joint operation with another garden
A: No, as it basically is a garden that does not enter combat. However, LG Sekkadan of the school actively sorties with other gardens |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | ラプラス(カリスマ)は支援と支配のスキルと表現されていますが、ラプラスでも人の記憶等に干渉することはできるのでしょうか?
Q: Laplace (Charisma) is said to be a "support and control" skill, but is it capable of altering memories
A: As of current understandings, Laplace has no such capability. However, the skill has yet to be understood in its entirety, so nothing can be said for sure |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 壱さんのユニークCHARM、アロンダイトは剛性に優れたルナティックトランサー系スキル保有者向けのCHARMとの事ですが、壱さん以外が使うとしたらどなたが一番合うと思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: The Aroundight has excellent durability and is suitable for users with LT-type skills (rare/sub). So aside from Ichi, who would be a suitable user for it
A: "Yuyu and Ichi have the same [combat] style as Lilies", or so Ena has said. So Yuyu would be a good fit for it |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
鹿野苑と提携しているCHARMメーカーのヴェーダユナイテッドの本社は名前から分かる通りやはりインドですか? |
Q: The CHARM maker affiliated with Rokuya'on Girls' Academy, Vedas United Japanese Branch, is it based in India?
A: Yes. The mother firm is in India |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 汐里さんはシャルルマーニでヒュージを斬ることはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Has Shiori ever used the Charlemagne to slash at Huges
A: No. If she were to use it for offense, then she would rather ram or bludgeon Huges from the flank |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | 実家のパン屋さんでは、アンバターサンド(食パンタイプ)は売っていますか?
Q: Does Fumi's home bakery sell red bean paste sandwich with butter
A: Yes |
Hắc |
March 8, 2022 | もし一柳隊が遠征先で世界7大アルトラの一つと遭遇した場合はそのまま討伐に向かうのでしょうか?
SSSレギオンと一緒なら交戦も検討ですがやめといた方が良いと思います。🥶 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: In the occasion that Hitotsuyanagi Squad encounters one of the 7 major Ultra-class Huges in their expedition, would they directly fight it
A: If they were alone, then an immediate retreat it is, followed by a report to the garden. If they were beside a SSS legion, then maybe they would also join in fighting it, but beating a retreat is still a better option |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 茜様はホラー苦手ですがお化け屋敷なら平気ですか?
Q: Akanee hates horror stuff, but is she fine with haunted house attractions
A: Nope |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 敷地内に街があり城郭都市のようになっているガーデンはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Gardens that have the form of a walled city, with small towns within its boundaries
A: St. Mercury |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 恐竜の様な太鼓の昔に絶滅した動物がお好きなリリィっていらっしゃったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that like extinct animals of eons past
A: Chihana, who likes ancient and fictional animals |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 閑さんはアーセナルもできますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Can Shizu do Arsenal work
A: Recently she started learning it. She's a fast learner, so she apparently will get proficient in maintenance soon |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | レギオン発足の際には他のガーデンの生徒も含めた混合レギオンの正式登録は可能でしょうか?
Q: Is it possible to officially form mixed legions with students from multiple gardens
A: Such legions are only permitted in provisional cases, such as select squadrons in the stage plays, or the squadrons in the Odaiba counteroffensive |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | サングリーズル1年生のみんなはとても個性的なものを隊室に持ち込んでいますが日羽梨様は何を持ち込んでますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 日羽梨様はアウトサイダーアートがお好きなので、彼女が好きな作家さんのドキュメンタリー映画のポスターを持ち込んでるそうです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What does Hibari bring into Sanngriðr's legion room
A: As she likes outsider art, she brings along the poster art of documentaries made by artists she like |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 工藤朔愛さんに兄弟か姉妹はいらっしゃいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 彼女は下に2人妹さんがいらっしゃいますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Sakua's siblings
A: Two younger sisters |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 長谷部冬佳様は何か控室に持ち込まれたりしてますか?
Q: What does Touka keep in the legion room
A: Bonsai |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 時代劇がお好きな周様ですが、一番好きな時代劇のヒーローってどんな感じのヒーローなのでしょうか?
貧乏旗本のせがれなのか、はたまた銭投げが得意な方なのか、悲しむ人々の復習を代行する方々なのか……とっても気になります!!! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Amane likes historical drama stage plays, who is her favorite protagonist
A: The three samurais that traveled around prefectures (TL: No, I only know WW2 history, so I can't make out what this is) |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 磯崎美花さんのこと知りたいです #教えて二水ちゃん 美花さんはアイドルリリィ並みの容姿でとても目立つ方です。無表情で無口な方ですが、悲しい過去を背負ってらっしゃいます。コンビを組む同じ隊の琶月さんの幸せを密かに願い続けているリリィです。BZからフィニッシュショットがストロングポイントの超一流のリリィです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Info about Isozaki Mika
A: Taciturn and inexpressive in emotions, she has a beauty that ranks among idol Lilies, and thus attracts much attention. She has a dark and sorrowful past, and yet in the present she also silently wishes for the fruition of Watsuki -her teammate-'s happiness. Excelling in delivering finish shots from the BZ, she ranks amongst the absolute best among Lilies. |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | もし相澤一葉さんと松村優珂さんが同じレギオンに所属していたらどんな感じになると思いますか?
Q: What would happen if Kazuha and Fuuka were in the same legionA
A: Endless arguments |
Hắc |
March 12, 2022 | 周様の腕のこれは魔力刻印ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: That flower-like mark on Amane's arm, is it the remnant of her control runes
A: Yes |
Hắc |
March 13, 2022 | 卓球が強いリリィはどなたですか?
Q: Lilies excelling in table tennis
A: Kotopi, apparently |
Hắc |
March 13, 2022 | ついに柳都編完結しましたが、
Q: How much would it cost to repair Soraha's Fragarach following the Ryuuto expedition
A: Being a special Lily to Yurigaoka, she should have the CHARM repaired, but it would cost as much as making a new one altogether. After all, the Fragarach shares almost no part with other CHARMs. Rushing the production into ultra-high gear would still take a few weeks to finish the work. |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィ言えども日々の鍛練は必須です。それなら、どのガーデンにもスポーツセンターのようなトレーニングルームがありますか? |
Q: Lilies need to train everyday. So are all gardens equipped with gym-like training rooms
A: Yes |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | 二つ名は誰が決めてるのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How are Lilies' nicknames determined
A: There are various ways a Lily's nickname is determined, but the most common one is through the titles of World Lily Graphics articles where she is featured |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | 薺ちゃんはお茶会中、自分がブレンドしたもの以外のハーブティーを飲むことはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: In tea parties, does Nazuna drink anything other than the blends she made herself
A: Not that she denies drinking the stuff offered, but most of the time she enjoys her own concoction |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | 樟美さんは新潟から帰ってくる時に現地のお米は買われましたか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: When returning from the Niigata expedition, did Kusumi buy the local rice
A: She was about to buy some when the local people gave the rice to her as a present |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | 野田雨莉様についての情報をください!
ラビュリントの本部のある旧校舎跡地下階層の整備をすすめた方として有名です。私のリリィ新聞編集室もこの施設の中にあります^^ |
Q: Info about Noda Ameri.
A: Third-year student, the previous sorority master of the Labyrinth sorority. She's famous for being the promoter of renovating the old school building's underground levels, where the headquarters of Labyrinth lies. It's also where the Lily Weekly Newspaper's editorial room is situated |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
メルクリウスの飛空艇団は外征を主とするためにみんな攻撃型のレギオンだと思われますが、その中にも盾となるような守備重視の飛空艇団はありますか? |
Q: St Mercury's Air Cavalry Divisions primarily participate in expeditions so they seem to all be offense-oriented legions. Among them, are there defense-oriented ones.
A: St Mercury itself is a walled fortress, so there are no Air Cavalry Divisions for exclusively defensive purposes. In returns, divisions are deployed such that at no times would all leave the garden. Each division is formed from 3 legions, so at any time, there would be at least 27 top-class Lilies staying in the Garden to defend it. |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | 汐里ちゃんの過度なレギオンルーム改装を止めているのは誰ですか?
Q: Anyone stopping Shiori's excessive re-decorating of Reginleif's legion room
A: Sakua, she really does it well |
Hắc |
March 14, 2022 | 王家三姉妹の趣味は瑞希様は映画鑑賞、雨嘉さんはテラリウムですが莉芬ちゃんの趣味について知りたいです!
Q: About the Wang sisters. Ruixi likes movie and Yujia likes terrariums, so what is Lifen's hobby
A: She loves Yujia very much, so she also has an interest in terrariums and plants. Also she likes minerals and jewels |
Hắc |
March 17, 2022 | 日羽梨様のお好きな花を教えてください。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Hibari's favorite flower
A: Linaria. |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | 変わり者の多い1年杉組のアーセナルの中でも、最も倫理観の無いアーセナルと言うとどなたなのでしょうか?
Q: In the 1st-year Cedar class said to be full of oddball Arsenals, who is the one that's the most lacking in ethics
A: Kitou Rumi, who specializes in Magi study close to the frontier researches done by GEHENA |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | 汐里ちゃんにCHARM修理をお願いされた時の菊池沙優吏さんの反応ってどんな感じでしょうか?
沙優吏ガタッ(急に手近の物を持つ) 沙優吏「しずかに!いま取り込み中です。コンセントレーションが乱れてしまいます......」 汐里「そ、そうですかー失礼しました~」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Sayuri's reaction when Shiori comes to her requesting CHARM repair
A: > Shiori: U-uhm, excuse- > Sayuri: \*immediately grabs the nearest thing within reach* Silent please! I'm in the middle of a process, and you're gonna ruin my concentration > Shiori: O-oh. Then, please excuse me \*backs away* |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | レミエさんは椛さんによく懐いているそうですが、逆にアルテア様によく懐いているセインツのメンバーっていらっしゃるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lemie is attached to Momiji, so in return who in Saints is close with Lemie's sister Altea?
A: In the sense of having similar ideology and going along well in discussions, then Katsura |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | 速水桂さんの、【苦手なもの:過美な物や行い】とありますが、具体的にどのような物があるでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Katsura dislikes "excessively gorgeous actions and things", such as?
A: Such as spinning CHARMs around |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | 楓さんが梨璃さん絡みでライバル視しているのは閑さんとの事ですが、司令塔としてライバル視している方はどなたですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Due to being in the same room with Riri, Shizu is seen as a rival by Kaede. However in terms of the Command tower position, who does Kaede compete with
A: Kaede has a friendly rivalry with Sayu. However per Fumi's opinion, as her capability is similar to Sakua, later she may compete with her |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | ご友人が多そうな飯島恋花さまですが,クエレブレなど対立しているレギオンにもご友人はいらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん あ、ちょっと違うかもですねが、たしか神庭にはいらっしゃったはずです。 #アサルトリリィ #ラスバレ |
Q: Renka has many friends everywhere, so are there any of them in LG Cuelebre
A: No. However, she should've some in Kanba |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | 祀様が2年生の最高権力者と表現されていましたが、現時点での1年生の最高権力者はどなたになるのでしょうか
Q: Matsuri is said to be the most influential second-year Lily. Then who's the one with the most political power among the first-years
A: A difficult question, as not many of the first-years are interested in dealing with the school's politics, not even the Three Princesses (Shizu, Sakua, Sayu), neither of whom aspire for a Student Council President seat. If any, it'd be Ichi or Shizu who still participate in the Council's activities. |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
樟美さんは寒いのが苦手ですが、コタツはもう片付けましたか? |
Q: Kusumi dislikes cold weather, but has her put her kotatsu away yet
A: Not yet |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは騎手になってみたいですか?
Q: Would Fumi want to become a jockey
A: Yes, how cool would it be to be able to ride horses |
Hắc |
March 20, 2022 | エレンスゲ序列1位wのヘルヴォル隊長の相澤一葉さんwってウニのお寿司食べれますか?wヘルヴォルの隊長なんですから当然食べれますよねw
Q: Can :KAA::ZOO: eat urchin sushi, seeing she's ranked no.1 in Herensuge (spoken in Fuuka's style)
A: Seeing she's the leader of the top legion, she should be able to. Even if she dislikes it, her spirit is something else |
Hắc |
March 21, 2022 | 日羽梨様以外で二水さんのことを気にかけてくれている上級生って居たりしますか?
Q: Fumi-chan, is there any other senior who has been caring to you?
A: Totori and Chihana, mostly about tactics |
rluka |
March 21, 2022 | 髑髏の様な、ガラの悪そうな意匠がお好きなリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is there any Lily who likes evil looking symbols such as skull?
A: Sanngriðr legion emblem has skull as one of its elements. |
rluka |
March 22, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
誉様はコーヒー飲みますか? |
Q: Does Homare drink coffee?
A: It's not like she never drinks it, but she's more of a tea girl. |
FliryVorru |
March 22, 2022 | 松村優珂さんはワールドリリィグラフィックに載ったことありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Has Fuuka ever been featured in World Lily Graphic magazine?
A: She has. Legion Cuélebre does have a lot of problems, but there's no question that the team is solid, works hard, and has significant firepower. |
FliryVorru |
March 27, 2022 | 電撃新潟奪還戦の解説編にて公開されたギャラルホルンについてですが、「特定のレアスキルを持つものであればデメリット無しで戦える」とありますが、特定のレアスキルとは具体的に何を指しますか?
Q: About the Gjallarhorn which was mentioned to be "used with almost no detriments provided that the user has specific Rare skills", which Rare skills are these exactly
A: As it's currently in the testing stage, the skills are determined to be Marei's Z, and Circlet Bless as determined from Moyu's data |
Hắc |
March 27, 2022 | 御台場のリリィ達が対応に当たったキヴァタテオは厄介な性質を持っていたそうですが、御台場のリリィ達はどうやって攻略したのでしょうか?
Q: The Civatateo at Chuzenji Lake was a tough Ultra-class with some incredibly nasty properties, so how did the Odaiba Lilies dealt with it
A: Details for later, but all that can be said now is that the Odaiba Lilies delivered the finishing shot by manifesting their unique abilities as the operation was on the brink of failure. With the Funada sisters letting absolute loose of their LT, and Haru maintaining her Divine Possession to the breaking limit that they managed to deliver the finishing blow. |
Hắc |
March 27, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ヶ丘にもリバインダーというマントを着用するリリィはいますか? |
Q: Yurigaoka Lilies that wear the Rebinder cape like that of Alchemilla
A: Urabe Hiyori, 1st year Cedar class who transferred to Yurigaoka from Alchemilla. As it's incredibly hard to use, not many actually adopt it; however for AZ users who aim for speed, sometimes they would make it as an addition to their inventory |
Hắc |
March 27, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんはパンジャンドラムって知ってますか? |
Q: Does Fumi know about the Panjandrum
A: Yes [TL's note: WW2-era Royal Navy anti-installation weapon. A rocket-powered rolling drum of explosive meant to be sent rolling towards German beach fortifications at beachhead landings] |
Hắc |
March 27, 2022 | ヘルヴォルのトレーニングと御台場のトレーニングだとどっちが過酷でしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん #御台場女学校 の方がきついですね^^; 校訓が「成功は苦しみからこそ得られる」ですからね~ あ、ちなみに一葉さんはついていけると思いますよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Which training is more intense, Hervor's or Odaiba's
A: The latter, whose motto is "no pain, no gain" itself. However, perhaps :KAA::ZOO: can follow the Odaiba training |
Hắc |
March 27, 2022 | 樟美ちゃんは、卵かけご飯にこだわりがあったりしますか?
Q: Does Kusumi have any special inclinations regarding raw eggs on rice
A: Perhaps yes. She's selective about food after all |
Hắc |
March 27, 2022 | 葵ちゃんの他に、他校のリリィも含め松永先輩にご飯を奢った事のある有名リリィがいらっしゃいましたら教えてください!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Famous Lilies from other schools that have also paid for Yui-paisen's meals before
A: As she would immediately start asking for people to pay for her meals, anyone who has stood with her on the battlefield will most likely have shared the experience. One example is Matsuri who definitely has paid for her before |
Hắc |
March 28, 2022 | 苗陽様はダジャレやギャグを言ったりしますが妹の閑さんもダジャレやギャグを言ったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Naehi often coins puns and gags, but does Shizu also like them
A: Shizu doesn't use the same things as Naehi does |
Hắc |
March 28, 2022 | ティルフィング改やダインスレイフ極地仕様などの特別なCHARMは量産される事はあるのでしょうか?
Q: About the Tyrfing Kai and Arctic Region Version Dainsleif, will they have a chance to be mass-produced
A: Likely |
Hắc |
March 28, 2022 | レミエさんの好きな食べ物って何なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lemie's favorite food
A: Candies, especially karintou |
Hắc |
March 28, 2022 | 安井さんの下のお名前の読み方教えてもらってもいいですか?そのまま「りょう」さんでしょうか
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Reading for 安井諒's name
A: Yasui Ryou |
Hắc |
March 28, 2022 | 常識にとらわれない自由な戦いをするリリィはいますか?
Q: Lilies with a liberal fighting style, unbound by conventions
A: Homare (Sanngriðr), Mio (Rosweisse), Waku (Illuminshines), Lifen |
Hắc |
March 28, 2022 | 褐色の肌が素敵なリリィって梅さん以外にもいらっしゃったりするのでしょうか……?
いらっしゃいましたら、お名前だけでも良いので教えてください!!!!!!! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies with a beautiful tanned skin like Mai
A: Hirabayashi Natose (1st year, LG Reginleif) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Chemir apply the moves she uses in action games into actual combat
A: That's actually the excuse she uses when explaining why she play games to Louloudis. "To take hints from games" and such |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | リナリアの苗が出回る季節ですね!!!!!!!!!!!
山梨日羽梨さんはリナリアがお好きだそうですが、特に好きな品種や色とかってありますか?!!!??!??!!!??!?!!?!?!!!!? どれも好きな感じですか!!?!!!!!?
Q: Hibari's favorite type and color of linaria
A: All types and colors |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
千華様の好きな食べ物は何でしょうか? |
Q: Chihana's favorite food
A: Crabs |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | ユニーク機から先行量産を経て無事に量産化されたCHARMはやはり一点物のユニーク機と性能は異なるのでしょうか?
Q: For a CHARM that has successfully went through the process of unique CHARM --> pre-production prototype --> mass-production, is the one-off unique version different in terms of capability compared to the mass-produced one.
A: Yes. Generally speaking a unique CHARM has a higher budget allocated to it, in addition to being tailor-made to individual orders. Therefore it's harder to use than the mass-produced variants, but in return has better specs. pre-production prototype --> mass-production, is the one-off unique version different in terms of capability compared to the mass-produced one." "A: Yes. Generally speaking a unique CHARM has a higher budget allocated to it, in addition to being tailor-made to individual orders. Therefore it's harder to use than the mass-produced variants, but in return has better specs." Translation by Hắc.</ref> --> |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | どうすればヘルヴォルがアールヴヘイムのようなSSSレギオンになれると思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How can Hervor become a SSS legion like AlfheimrA
A: Legion ranking is based on the quality and quantity of a legion's member Lilies, their tactical proficiency and achievements. Similar to Hitotsuyanagi Squad, the obstacle on Hervor's way to rank-up is probably the member count |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | 風船ガムが好きなリリィはいますか?
Q: Lilies that like bubblegum
A: Someone in Cuelebre |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
那岐様を怒らせてしまった場合、拳骨とかで済みますか?それともボコボコにしばきたおされますか? |
Q: When Nagi is triggered, can one expect to get away with just eating punches, or will a severe knock-down beating be in store for them
A: Perhaps Nagi only plans on dishing out punches, but apparently she's way, way scarier than just that |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
桐子さんと縫雪花さんはいつから知り合っていたんですか? |
Q: Since when did Nuyuna and Kiriko came to know each other
A: They were next-door neighbors |
Hắc |
March 30, 2022 | 片倉紫苑さんと田村那岐さんだとどっちの方が怒らせるとヤバいですか?
Q: Which is more scary when angry, Shion or Nagi
A: Maybe they're the same |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | 竹久央さんの趣味は食器集めとの事ですがお茶会の時に使われたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Nakaba's hobby is collecting dining utensils, but does she use them in tea parties
A: Yes |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
王と貴族の学院と呼ばれるメルクリウスで庶民出身でありながらもその名を知らしめているリリィはいますか? |
Q: Being a school of kings and nobles, are there famous Lilies from a commoner background in St. Mercury
A: Christa Frykberg of 5th Air Cavalry Division is from such a background |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | 牛田琶月さんの好きな果物って聞いたことありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Watsuki's favorite food
A: Takoyaki |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | シュバルツグレイルの皆さんは閑さんの誕生日を祝うことはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Do Schwarz Grail members celebrate Shizu's birthday
A: Yes, since they're very tight-knit |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | どんな状況下に置かれたとしてもティータイムを大切にしているようなリリィっていらっしゃったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lily who prioritizes tea time regardless of the situation
A: Nazuna |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
今の知世さんの戦闘スタイルは、誉様の影響も受けてますか? |
Q: Is Tomoyo's current combat style affected by Homare
A: Yes of course |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | LGサングリーズルのまだ公開されてないサブメンバーについて教えてほしいです!
Q: Unrevealed reserve members of Sanngriðr
A: Imai Seira, 1st year Charisma user in the AZ/TZ position. She aimed towards studying as an Arsenal from the beginning, but with her awakening of Charisma and a lot of twists and turns, she ended up joining Sanngriðr |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | 御台場の学食は味も量も一級品だそうですが、純さんを満足させられる様な辛い料理も出していたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Odaiba's cafeteria meals rank first-class in both amount and taste, so does it mean it can prepare dishes spicy enough to satisfy Kiito's threshold
A: Yes, there's a secret menu just for her actually |
Hắc |
April 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
圧倒的なデュエル能力を持つ貞花さんは高等部に進学した当時に「デュエル年代の集大成」であるLGスヴァンフヴィートから勧誘を貰ったのですか? |
Q: With her tremendous dueling competency, when Misaka entered the high school level was she invited into Svanfvit - the grand collection of the Duelist generation?
A: While she was much respected even by Lilies of the Duelist generation (with remarks such as "of the upcoming 1st-years, there's much to see from Misaka-san"), she didn't get an invitation from Svanfvit. The reason is for another time |
Hắc |
April 9, 2022 | 御台場からの新潟外征に主力2レギオンも派遣することに、学校側に躊躇いはなかったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Odaiba alright with sending both Hronessness and Heorot Saints to Niigata?
A: That's because they still have Coast Guard. By the way, other than official members, Coast Guard also has temporary members who wants to start their own squad, but is associated to Coast Guard until then. In total, that legion got 18 members. |
rluka |
April 9, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もし一柳隊がSランク以上になり、レギオン代表会議への出席権を手に入れたとした時、隊長の梨璃さんが出られなかった場合、誰が代表として出席すると思いますか? |
Q: If Hitotsuyanagi Squad became S rank and participate in the legion meeting, who would be their representative if Riri can't attend?
A: Usually that would be Yuyu as the vice-captain, but Fumi think Mai would have been better. |
rluka |
April 9, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
仮にヘルヴォルとクエレブレが手を組んでひとつのレギオンになったらランクはいくつになると思いますか? |
Q: If Hervarar and Cuelebre joined, what would their legion's rank be?
A: The compatibility is totally terrible, but probably AA to S rank. Their total member would be 10 people, so they couldn't go beyond S rank. Cuelebre has creativity in the offensive side and tactical defence, so it would actually goes well with Hervarar who is orderly and has balanced tactics on both offensive and defensive side. |
rluka |
April 9, 2022 | 焼肉好きなリリィといえば井草昴さんですが、ステーキ好きなリリィはいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん サングリーズルの貞花様や絆奈さんが好きですよー #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Subaru loves yakiniku. Is there any Lily who loves steak?
A: Misaka and Hanna |
rluka |
April 14, 2022 | 水夕会の泉牡丹さんって髪何色ですか?
Q: Botan's hair color
A: Golden |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: About Shibata Rindou of LG Olentzaro
A: She believes that Lilies with knowledge as Arsenals should be the keystone in combat, and Olentzaro is a collection of such people |
Hắc |
April 14, 2022 | アルテア様が特に可愛がっている1年生の後輩と言うと、誰なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: 1st-year kouhais that Altea especially cares about
A: Louloudis |
Hắc |
April 14, 2022 | 上級生のリリィ、特に3年生は何であんなに恐ろしいのでしょうか?
Q: Why are the seniors, especially third-years so scary
A: They were of the Duelist generation, educated under a curriculum that placed the utmost focus on 1v1 duels with Huges. They survived the era where harsh regimes like that of Odaiba or Ryuuto were the norm, so it's only natural that they were forged differently |
Hắc |
April 14, 2022 | 秦祀様は怒る怖そうと言われますが実際怖いのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Matsuri is said to be scary when angered, is this true
A: As long as you don't do anything stupid to trigger her, then you should be fine. Just don't try it. |
Hắc |
April 14, 2022 | 以前、昔の恋花様は怖かったとおっしゃっていましたが、どんな感じの性格だったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Renka was said to be formerly a scary person. How, and in which way was she scary
A: She was one whose blood was boiling with her seemingly unbreakable ideal. Basically Kazooha |
Hắc |
April 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
エレンスゲ内外を問わず松村優珂さんを高く評価しているリリィは誰がいますか? |
Q: People who regard Fuuka highly, including those outside of Herensuge
A: As Cuelebre's strategy headed by her is a unique one carried out to the extremes, she receives support from Lilies that "like weird-ass tactics" |
Hắc |
April 14, 2022 | 樟美ちゃんの特に好きな日常漫画って、どんな内容の漫画なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kusumi's favorite kind of SoL manga
A: The one about people living peacefully in the countryside |
Hắc |
April 17, 2022 | 今年はケーキを誕生日に用意出来なくて、、来年こそはケーキを買ってお祝いしたいので 六角汐里ちゃんの好きなケーキを教えて欲しいです!^^ #教えて二水ちゃん レアチーズケーキですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiori’s favourite cake
A: Rare cheese cake |
rluka |
April 17, 2022 | イルマ女子は外征に参加することはありますか?
Q: Does Irma took part in expeditions?
A: Of course, because they’re one of the Three Garden of Tokyo. Especially LG Hackelnberg |
rluka |
April 17, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
松村優珂さん、牧野美岳さん以外のクエレブレメンバーで判明してること教えてください! |
Q: Other member of Cuelebre besides Yuuka and Mitake
A: Kagawa Makina, 1st year. Lily otaku paid attention to her skill in flexibly changing positioning and elegant Charm techniques. Fumi think she’s likely one of Yurigaoka’s target to recruit. |
rluka |
April 17, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
初代アールヴヘイムのアーセナルは誰ですか? |
Q: Who is the Arsenal of 1st Alfheim?
A: 1st Alfheim don’t have any dedicated Arsenal. Instead, Chihana perform the Arsenal jobs. |
rluka |
April 17, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
シグルドリーヴァは危険地の潜入が主な任務ですから、縮地やユーバーザインのような極秘任務向きなレアスキルのリリィが選ばれやすいのでしょうか? |
Q: The recon squad, LG Sigurdrifa is often sent to dangerous place. Does Lily with Shukuchi or Ubersign more likely to get selected?
A: Despite being recon squad, the most important criteria is duel skill. They must be able to at least deal with a special Large class on their own. So, non-combat skill users are usually disadvantaged in the selection. |
rluka |
April 17, 2022 | 山田嬉詩のこと何でもいいので教えたください
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Anything about Yamada Uta, Matsuri’s schild candidate
A: A head-turning beauty |
rluka |
April 17, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
澤瀉布さんはどんな経緯で雪花団に入ったんでしょうか? |
Q: How did Omodaka Tae joined the Sekkadan?
A: Most of the lilies who want to avoid fighting enroll to Hijiribashi. When Nuyuka made a speech in class asking to fight together, Tae is the first to answer. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Requirement to have magi light wings?
A: Big magi reserve and big magi output |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 藍ちゃんもC.H.A.R.Mを投げたりすることがあるようですが、汐里ちゃんとの違いはありますか?
Q: Ran-chan throws her Charm. Does Shiori also often use this tactic?
A: Shiori only do this kind of action with calculation, under circumstances where there is no other alternative. Meanwhile, Ran mostly follows her mood, although it seems like she also not doing it without thinking, at least in her point of view. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 日葵様とクララちゃんは今後ユニークCHARMを持つ可能性はあるんでしょうか?
クララさんもユニークを持つ可能性は十分あると思います #アサルトリリィ #ルド女 |
Q: Any chance of Himari or Clara getting their own unique charm?
A: Himari already got Macabuin, her unique Charm. Clara, there’s enough chance for her to get her own. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 荒っぽい戦い方の九嶺に対して、アンブロシアはどの様な戦い方を得意としているガーデンなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kyuurei is said to have an aggressive style of fighting. What about Ambrosia?
A: Ambrosia is known as Yurigaoka of West Japan, they have similar stance that Lily shouldn’t forget about elegance. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 山梨日羽梨さんの持つユニーク機『アスカロン』のブレイドモードは形状としては槍型ですか?剣型ですか?
Q: Is Hibari’s Ascalon a sword or spear in blade mode?
A: Like Asterion, it has multiple form. It can be sword or spear. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 近藤貞花さんは刀剣型CHARMを好んで使うとのことでしたが、ユニークCHARMはお持ちですか?
Q: Does the sword Charm loving Kondou Misaka got any unique Charm of her own?
A: As a lily marked by the duel generation, she got several unique Charms. The famous one is Sohaya no Tsurugi, made by Amatsu Heavy Industry Divine Weapon Development Division. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
都々里様もパワーが凄いそうですが、何か代表的なエピソードはありますか? |
Q: Totori is said to be powerful. Any story about it?
A: She got monstrous strength. She once grab the head of a small class Huge and slam it to the floor. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
水夕会の朔愛さんはガンシップが大嫌いだそうですが、それならどのような手段で遠征するのですか? |
Q: Because their captain can’t take gunship, how do they go to expedition?
A: Gunships are only used for mission outside Kamakura. First, Sigrdrifa is sent for recon. While waiting for result, Sakua is taking the ground route to the location. |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 朔愛さんが陸地を移動する時は他の水夕会メンバーも陸地移動なのでしょうか?
Q: Do everyone go with Sakua?
A: Some, but most of them just took the gunship later |
rluka |
April 18, 2022 | 海賊の文化が反映されたガーデンはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Garden with pirate themes?
A: Closest would probably be Ryuuto with the Viking motif |
rluka |
April 21, 2022 | CHARMメーカーに就職するとき、元アーセナルだと入社しやすかったりしますか?
Being Arsenal would be an advantage when applying for job in Charm makers. | rluka |
April 21, 2022 | 汐里ちゃんとは逆にcharmの扱いが丁寧でなかなか壊さないという方はいますか?
Unlike ~~Goddess of Destruction~~ Shiori, Kusumi fight graciously without doing full swings, so she doesn't break her Charms as often. | rluka |
April 21, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ティシア様の円環の御手はやはりラグエル団の攻撃力を彷彿とさせるような超攻撃型タイプなのですか? |
Tecia's Circlet Bless is full offensive style, just like her legion, the Raguel's style. | rluka |
April 21, 2022 | 1日お風呂入らなかったりしたら依奈様に不潔認定されますか?
Ena loves cleanliness, so she would see people who skipped bath for a whole day to be unhygienic. | rluka |
April 21, 2022 | 琶月ちゃんの前で汐里ちゃんのことチャームクラッシャーって呼んだらどうなりますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What if someone talk about Shiori's habit of destroying Charm in front of Watsuki?
A: > Do you have anything to say? Let me listen to it |
rluka |
April 21, 2022 | 工藤朔愛さんは外征では可能な限りガンシップでなく陸路を検討するとのことですが、即応性が損なわれたり、単独又は少数でのヒュージ勢力圏の突破のリスクがある等の理由で、諦めたりガーデン側から止められたりしてガンシップに乗ることもままあるのでしょうか?
Q: What if there is an emergency dispatch that requires Reginleif to sortie?
A: In case of emergency, Sakua would board the plane, but she'll be clinging to someone all the way. |
rluka |
March 24, 2022 | 二水ちゃんの神庭女子の推しリリィは誰ですか?
Q: Fumi's oshi in Kanba
A: Honma Akehi. She's a versatile BZ Lily. Lily otaku likes her understated style of positioning and her confidence about not losing a battle. |
rluka |
April 23, 2022 | 本間秋日様のことを教えてください
Akehi can be said to be the most famous graduate from Kanba middle school division. Her style is similar to Matsuri, and was also in Yurigaoka's recruitment list.
In Odaiba, she's part of the 4th Squad, fighting along with Hibari and Tecia. (new member, the previous squad list didn't mention her) |
rluka |
April 23, 2022 | まだ明かされてないヴィーンゴールヴの紹介できそうなメンバーがいたら是非おひとりでもしてほしいです
[new character] Oniki Kanatsuki of LG Vingólf, 1st year. Circlet Bless. Always tailing Arakawa Hitomi, the commander of Vingólf. | rluka |
April 25, 2022 | 央さんは私服でも帽子をかぶっていることが多いのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね、彼女は帽子被ってることおおいですねー^^ #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Does Nakaba also wears cap when not in uniform?
A: Yes, she often wears cap. |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | 薺ちゃんの苦手な食べ物はなんですか?
Q: Any food Nazuna doesn't like?
A: Never heard of any |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | 依奈様はコスプレが趣味ですけど、既製品だけでなくご自分でお洋服を作られたりもするんでしょうか?
Q: Ena has cosplay hobby and made her own costume. Does she also sew her own clothes?
A: Back during the first Alfheim, she made clothes based on Hijiri's design. Hijiri wants to do a fashion related carreer |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | 槿様の趣味のドールハウスは自分でオリジナルの物を作られたりしてますか?
また、ドールハウスを誰かに見せたりされてますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Asagao's hobby includes doll house. Does she make her own items, and who does she usually shows it to?
A: Yes. Asagao is really crafty and she usually shows her original works to Subaru and Ui. From Yurigaoka, Shiori and the art-collector Kaede showed their interested. |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | 蓬莱玉さん以外のシエルリントのリリィが知りたいです!!! #教えて二水ちゃん 1年生で注目の黒百合ノ君(くろゆりのきみ)って方がいらっしゃるそうですよ~。蓬莱玉様と仲が良いそうです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any other lily from Sierlint?
A: 1st year's 黒百合ノ君 (Kuroyuri no Kimi, Lady Black Lily). She got friendly relationship with Houraigyoku. |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | LGサングリーズルには二代アールヴヘイムの他に同盟LGはありますか?
Q: Any other legions in good relationship with LG Sanngríðr?
A: They got alliance with LG Ginnungagap. Also in good relationship with Reginleif and Lohengrin. LG Ginnugagap |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
貞花様にルームメイトおりますか? |
Q: Kondou Misaka's roommate?
A: Hasebe Touka |
rluka |
April 25, 2022 | ' 貞花様、冬佳様、千華様のお話はどこかできちんと皆さまにお伝えできると思いますので今しばらくお待ちくださいませ>< #アサルトリリィ |
As note, previously it's mentioned that Touka's roommate is Chihana. There are some suspicion about Misaka's roommate being Hibari.
Although, Misaka is the one who invited Touka to Sanngríðr, and also one of the person other than Luise who is said able to calm her down when Touka is in her jealous fit. Fumi promised to get more details about the relationship between the three of them, so please wait. |
rluka |
May 2, 2022 | 竹腰千華さんのルームメイトはどなたですか?
Q: Chihana's roommate
A: Kaho |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | ラスバレで依奈様がフィニッシュショットの時に「生まれてきたことを後悔しなさい」って言ってますがこんな口調になる時は戦いの時だけですか?
Q: When delivering finish shots, Ena would say "I'll make you rue the day you were born", but does she only speak like this in combat
A: Yes. Otherwise she's elegant in normal times |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | CHARMってとても重そうなもの(ニョルニールとかマルミアドワーズとか)から軽そうなもの(グングニルとか)までありますが、リリィの皆さんってめっちゃ筋トレしたりしてるんですか?
それともなにかマギで補助されているんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: CHARMs seem to vary wildly in weight (from seemingly heavy ones like Marmyadose or Njolnir, to lighter models like Gungnir), so do Lilies engage in muscle training just to swing the CHARMs around? Or are they supported by Magi somehow
A: Upon boot-up, CHARMs would be imbued with Magi and become substantially lighter to the touch, so no intense physical training is necessary. However, combat itself is of course demanding and harsh, so muscle training and combat exercises are all mandatory. |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | 中等部頃の史房様は長い髪ですか?短い髪ですか?
Q: Shinobu's hair length back in junior high school
A: It was as long as it is now, but the tying position of the ponytail was higher then. Before it was about the same position as Chikaru's, before descending to the current spot in her third year |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ということは、佳寧様もかつての四柱だったのですか? |
Q: The highest commanding organization of Kaiseizan, the "Seizan Four Pillars" also encompassed the student council right? If so, then Keine was also one of the big four in the school?
A: Yes. By the time of Koshu's capitulation, Keine was the head of the Four Pillars |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
流石に樟美ちゃんもコタツは片付けましたよね? |
Q: Has Kusumi put her kotatsu away yet
A: No. She just keeps it out for use without plugging in the power |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | メルクリウスのガブリエル団の団長さんってどんな方なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What is the commander of St. Mercury's 2nd Air Cavalry Division Gabriel like?
A: The commander is Lelia Inghelbrecht, 1st year. Together with her blood sister, Mirabel Inghelbrecht (2nd year, also the command tower), they handle the legion. Lelia has blond hair, and fights like the typical AZ of the Duelist era. Bonus, her sister Mirabel is an extreme siscon |
Hắc |
May 2, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん 中等部時代から明伽様の髪型は変わったりしてませんか? 明伽様はあまり変わられてないですね。もう少し長い時期もございましたが~^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Meika's hairstyle changed since the junior high school level
A: Not much, though there was a time that it was longer than now |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is Ena the possessive kind of person
A: Not much, but she may be a little bit possessive over Soraha |
Hắc |
May 26, 2022 | 二水ちゃんが好きなダービー馬はなんですか?
On another subject, Fumi's favorite race horse is Mihono Bourbon. | Letheka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What is Kotohi's hobby or favourite food?
A: Her favourite fruit is grape. Favourite drink is soda. Hobby, based on available information, visiting zoo. |
rluka |
June 17, 2022 | 琴陽さんは炭酸飲料がお好きだそうですが、何を好んで飲んでいたのか、ルド女の仲間から聞いたことってありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kotohi seems to like soda. What type is her favourite?
A: She often drinks grape and orange flavoured. There's also a citrus flavoured variant she seems to like, but it's already out of production. |
rluka |
June 17, 2022 | 一柳隊のメンバーの中でクエレブレに遭遇したら一番揉めそうなのは誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Who's the most likely to cause trouble if Hitotsuyanagi met Cuelebre?
A: Kaede |
rluka |
June 17, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
紅様は純様と凄く仲が良い印象を受けているのですが、元船田予備隊でもある彼女は何故ロネスネスに合流しなかったのでしょうか? |
Q: Kurena is very close to Kiito, so why is she in Saints rather than Hroness Ness?
A: Back during the one year Kiito went studying abroad, Kurena has been fighting with Saints. She has became an unreplaceable part and it's not a relationship she would want to throw away just like that. |
rluka |
June 17, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
初代アールヴヘイムの薫様と美鈴様や壱盤隊の茜様のように、予備隊レギオンには最低一名の保護者枠の上級生がいるイメージですが、どうして船田予備隊は上級生なしで結成できたのですか? |
Q: Seeing the case of 1st Alfheim which has Kaoru and Misuzu, or Ichi's team which has Akane, it seems to be a requirement to have senior lily in the legion. So why does Funada Reserve Squad didn't have any senior in it?
A: Yurigaoka use the system where lily are free to form their own legion as long as they can get approval from the instructors. Having a senior member is kind of an unwritten rule. Meanwhile, Reserve Squad are basically temporary legion consisting only of middle school lily, so it's still possible to form without having any senior. In addition, back then Odaiba still use the Top Legion system, where the Garden appoint who will be the legion members. In this case, their sorties would still be approved even if they're just temporary legion or without any senior member. |
rluka |
June 15, 2022 | 二水ちゃんが思う、一番豪快な戦い方をするリリィはどなたですか?
Q: Who does Fumi see as the lily with flashiest fighting style?
A: Kondou Misaka |
rluka |
June 15, 2022 | 工廠科のある学校はやはり強い学校が多いのですか?
Q: Does Arsenal faculty exist in all Garden, or only in the stronger Garden?
A: Arsenal division cost a lot of money, so only the elite gardens have them. |
rluka |
June 15, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
神庭女子の秋日様の選択している学科は何なのですか? |
Q: Which faculty in Kanba is Akehi studying in?
A: Architecture |
rluka |
June 15, 2022 | アールヴヘイムのヘッドライナーの中ではカリスマやフレイブ持ちはいないのですが、ルナトラ持ちの辰姫は普段戦闘のときあまりルナトラ使わないんですか?普通に使いますか?
Q: Alfheim didn't have any Charisma or Brave user among the headliner. Does Tatsuki still use Lunatic Trancer even without that?
A: Yes, she just use it as usual |
rluka |
June 19, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは純様と模擬戦するか純様のカレーを食べるかなら、どっちが良いですか? #教えて二水ちゃん カレーですね! 純様のカレーですがハンバーグとチーズを入れればギリギリ私でも食べられますので!^^ #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Would Fumi rather spar with Kiito, or eat her curry?
A: I'll eat her curry! Even though it's Kiito's curry, if I add hamburger meat and cheese, I should be able to manage it, somehow! |
Letheka |
June 24, 2022 | 葵さんってルド女にいた頃誰と仲がよかったのでしょうか?
Q: With whom was Aoi close during her time in Ludo
A: Clara and Asahi |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is Soraha good at cleaning or not
A: Not exactly, but Kusumi perfectly covers for it |
Hắc |
June 24, 2022 | レミエちゃんは葵ちゃんと楓さんなら、特にどちらと仲が良かったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Between Aoi and Kaede, with whom was Lemie closer
A: She was good friend with both, but each in a slightly different way (from Lemie's point of view). Kaede was the comrade with whom she developed legion strategies, while Aoi was a strong leading figure she could count on |
Hắc |
June 24, 2022 | ヘルヴォルの瑶様やルド女のつぐみちゃんもエンレイジできますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Can You or Tsugumi use Brave on themselves à la Yuki's Enrage technique
A: A difficult feat. After all, it's a risky technique, so even if they managed to pull it off, they would be out of action for a while, until they recover [from negative Magi contamination] |
Hắc |
June 24, 2022 | 相模女子の生徒会特戦隊と特命遊撃隊は仲が良いですか?悪いですか?
Q: Do the Sagami Student Council Task Force and the Special Commando Unit have any conflicts with each other
A: No, they are not in opposing positions. After all, both of them are under direct control of the Student Council |
Hắc |
June 24, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘女学院のライバル校とされているガーデンがあったら知りたいです!
地区は違いますが最近は異能持ちを多く輩出している #御台場女学校 もよく比較されてます。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Rival schools to Yurigaoka
A: Within Kamakura prefecture, there's St. Mercury. Both schools are in a healthy rivalry, such that they are called "the black Yurigaoka, the white St. Mercury" from their uniform color. Additionally, Odaiba that has recently unearthed many Lilies with unique powers also often got brought into comparisons, despite the regional difference |
Hắc |
June 24, 2022 | 紫恵楽様の趣味を教えてください
Q: Shiera's hobby
A: Calligraphy |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | ギガント級を一人で倒した
記録ってあるでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 1人で20分以上ギガント級を相手取った現サングリーズル主将近藤貞花様の「のぞみ橋の死闘」がたぶん1対1での戦闘としては最も善戦したかんじじゃないでしょうか #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any records of a Lily solo-killing a Gigant-class
A: No. The best record of a 1v1 against a Gigant-class was Misaka's 20-minute duel in the Battle of Nozomi Bridge at Odaiba |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are Soraha's best sports those that deal with running
A: Yes. She does well in all, but especially excels in running |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | 丹羽灯莉さんの出身地を教えてください...!
Q: Akari's birthplace
A: Kamakura Prefecture |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lily who is the most resistant to spicy stuff
A: Kiito |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
聖橋の桐子さんは、百合ヶ丘で例えるならどなたのような戦い方をしますか? |
Q: Analogous Lilies in Yurigaoka to Kiriko (Hijiribashi)
A: No close matches; widening the criteria there's Araya, but by a far stretch. However, she's similar to Chinami, as both are muscular power-oriented |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Nazuna almost always stick with Nakaba
A: Yes |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | 辛い物好きの一番が純様なら、一番甘いもの好きなリリィはどなたですか?
Q: Lily with the biggest sweet tooth, and how big
A: Many Lilies like sweet stuff, but the one to stand out among them all is Miliam. You don't find a Lily whose favorite food is sugar syrup and honey everyday |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
「鍛えたらだいたい解決する」と思ってるリリィっていますか? |
Q: Lilies with a belief that basically any problem can be resolved with enough training
A: Subaru |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | 一柳隊とサングリーズルが勝負したらどちらの方が軍配が上がると思いますか?
Q: If Sanngriðr and 1yanagi Squad were to square off in a duel, which one would win
A: The former is one of Yurigaoka's four SSS legions. Unless a fair amount of random variables all align together, fate is sealed |
Hắc |
July 14, 2022 | 千子夕七様と吉原菜乃葉様はどちらが身長ありますか?
Q: Who is taller, Nanoha or Yuuna
A: both are 157cm |
Hắc |
July 16, 2022 | ' 今日は城ヶ島工科女子高等学校について少し解説していこうと思います。城ヶ島工科女子高等学校は所属生徒が全員アーセナルで「戦うアーセナル教育」の元祖ともいえるガーデンです。CHARMメイカーズの共同出資で運営されていて各社の開発中CHARMのテストなども行います #アサルトリリィ |
Jougashima Technical High School for Girls. All the students are Arsenals and they can be said to be the originator of the "Fighter Arsenal" education paradigm. It is managed by joint investment from Charm Makers and perform tests for many in-development Charms.
For example, Hihiirogane International's latest model, the Kurruzi, had been tested in Jougashima even before the initial limited production. For Arsenal, this Garden is a perfect place where they can go hands on with almost all Charms including those still in development. Their Arsenals also develop their own Charm, but it ultimately culminate in one Charm as their graduation project. For a Lily who choose to become Jougashima's Arsenal, they usually already have a clear direction of what kind of Charm they want to make, so their time until graduation is used for development and testing of that Charm. These Charms are unnamed. They will get a model number as well as name when the completed unit is adopted by Charm Maker. |
rluka |
July 18, 2022 | ' 益川雅樂さんの開発機はこちらです。彼女の「リリィ」してのスタイルはファンタズム持ちの中では相当に強引で最前線での戦闘を好むタイプです。その為CHARMのはどんな状況にも対応が可能なものになってますねー。機体デザインも深井涼介さんです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Masukawa Uta's graduation research. a tacticool bullpup rifle basically.
it's rare to see CHARMs based on rifles and having a tacticool feel like this, since the majority of CHARMs are massive mecha-like gears |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
知世さんは、教導官の命令と誉様の命令がブッキングしたら、どちらに従いますか? |
Q: When an instructors' command conflicts with that of Homare, then which will Tomoyo follow
A: Homare's |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
レアスキルの鷹の目ってS級に至るとどのような事が出来るのですか? |
Q: Capability of S-rank Eagle's Eye
A: "Targeting", allowing the visualization of enemy's weak spots. In the Duel era, it was a much-celebrated skill, and thus in the current 3rd year-generation and prior Eagle's Eye users were looked up to as elite candidates. |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | LGサングリーズルの控室は各々が持ち込んだアイテムによってカオスな様相になっているそうですが、真面目なイメージのある木子都々里さんは何か持ち込んでいるのでしょうか?
Q: What did Totori, apparently serious and upright given her "Demonic Instructor" title, bring into the chaotic legion room of Sanngriðr?
A: A set of gym machines |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
また、ゲーマーリリィはリリィやレギオン活動とは特に関係なく他ガーデンの子とも対戦会的な交流とかしたりするのでしょうか? |
Q: Best combat gamer Lily in Yurigaoka. Also do they engage in dueling parties across legions and gardens
A: Apparently the best combat game enthusiast in Yurigaoka is Nagi. However her style is winning at all costs, which Tsukushi is not fond of |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | 松村優珂さんがマディックのことをどう思ってるか教えてください #教えて二水ちゃん マディックには優しく礼儀正しく接するそうですよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How does Fuuka view Madecs
A: Apparently she treats them gently and politely |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | 梢ちゃんはイギリス出身との事ですが、お料理の腕前ってどんな感じなのでしょうか?
Q: Kozue's cooking skills considering her British originA
A: W-welp, in this day and age there's frozen food and such, so no need to sweat over cooking. Cooking skills isn't everything that defines a Lily, see |
Hắc |
July 18, 2022 | 那岐様は格ゲーでファンタズムを使ってくる様な相手が居たら、リアルファイトに持ち込む様なタイプの方ですか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: When encountering an opponent (in combat games) that uses Phantasm to their advantage, would Nagi take the fight directly to the person IRL
A: Not known, but she definitely will get pissed off. > *"That's goddamn cheating!"* |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 近藤貞花さんは豪快な戦い方をするそうですが、刀剣型CHARMを好んでいるだけあってやはり白兵戦を好むタイプなのでしょうか?
Q: Misaka is known for her flashy combat style and preference of sword-type CHARMs, so does she prefer close quarter combat
A: Yes, this is one of the points that make her popular among the 3rd years |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | アステリオンとグングニルは、どちらのほうが初心者向きのCHARMなのでしょうか?
Q: Between the Gungnir and Asterion, which is more novice-friendly?
A: The Gungnir is easier to handle for new users. The Asterion on the other hand has 3 forms and can adapt to a variety of situations, but without the proper rapid transformation techniques its user would be open to attacks during form-changing, so it's not recommended for the inexperienced |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 高速変形💎💎💎といえば、
剣から斧、斧から剣に高速変形させながらヒュージを切り付けて連続攻撃するような戦い方をするリリィはいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies that can perform rapid attacks in the middle of CHARM transformation stages
A: Mayuri. Her unique Durandal with the ultra-high speed transformation mechanism was designed with her capability in mind |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 百由様と月詩さん、どちらの部屋が普段散らかっていますか?
Q: between Moyu and Tsukushi, whose room is usually more messy
A: Tsukushi's |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
10秒チャージができる栄養ゼリーをよく飲んでいるリリィとかいますか? |
Q: Lilies that often abuse instant energy jellies
A: the Arsenals |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
聖橋は不戦のガーデンと言うことは、レアスキル未覚醒の人がルド女より多かったりしますか? |
Q: Hijiribashi is a non-combative garden, so does it have more Lilies that have yet to awaken their Rare skills than in Ludojo
A: Yes. However, Ludojo was one of the three major pillars of Tokyo, so even if a portion of its Lilies has yet to awaken their Rare skills, their combat skill is nothing to scoff at - essentially Ludojo has no Lilies with subpar combat capability. Hijiribashi however is a completely different story - and LG Sekkadan (active combatants) is the outlier in that school |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 夏野菜が美味しい季節になってきましたが、二水ちゃんが好きな夏野菜は何ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi's favorite summer vegetables
A: Eggplant and zucchinis |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 六角汐里さんは福山ジャンヌ幸恵様に円環の御手の手解きを受けましたが、今でも交流がありますか?
Q: Sachie taught the ropes of Circlet Bless to Shiori, so now do they still keep contact
A: Yes. Bonus, Hijiri and Sachie are also close friends |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
雪花団の方々は、聖橋の中では最高クラスの戦力なのでしょうか? |
Q: Would that then make LG Sekkadan become the top fighting asset of Hijiribashi
A: Yes. Putting it another way, almost all of those outside of Sekkadan do not have a will to stand on the battlefield. It was in this environment that Nuyuna raised the flag of "let's fight as Lilies" and gathered the members to form the legion |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 天津麻嶺様は自分で料理するタイプですか?それとも夕七様などに作ってもらうタイプですか?
Q: Is Marei of the type that cooks by herself, or does she rely on Yuuna for cooking
A: Marei likes cooking, and her skill is quite respectable, so she does make her own dishes |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 弥宙ちゃんはカップラーメンが大好きだそうですが、弥宙ちゃんがカップラーメンにちょい足しトッピングでよく入れてる物ってあったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 普通のものときは食べるラー油系の物を入れてます^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Misora likes cup ramen, but is there anything that she often puts in as extra toppings
A: Eggs for spicy cup ramens, and chili oil for normal types |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 一柳隊と、他どこか一つのレギオンの方を誘ってBBQをするとしたら二水ちゃんならどこのレギオンを誘いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: If 1yanagi squad is to invite another legion for a BBQ party, who would Fumi invite
A: Saints, seems fun to invite them |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは普段お嬢様っぽい言葉遣いで話してみたいとか思ったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Normally does Fumi ever feel like talking in an ojou-sama style
A: A little bit. When she does it maybe she'll undo her 🍤 braid |
Hắc |
July 19, 2022 | 初代アールヴヘイムと今のアールヴヘイムだったらどっちのが強いですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Between the first-gen and current Alfheimr, which is stronger
A: This is a hotly debated topic among Lily otakus even now, so no answer |
Hắc |
July 27, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
王瑞希様はサメ映画などはご覧になりますか? |
Q: Does Ruixi likes shark movies?
A: Won’t say she likes it, but she watches them nevertheless. Fumi heard it from Lifen. |
rluka |
August 22, 2022 | ' LGハコルベランドは2年生、神郡鞠萠様を中心に結成されたイルマ女子初の自主結成レギオンです。超攻撃的なスタイルはロネスネスやサングリーズルとよく比較されます。 #アサルトリリィ #イルマ女子 #御台場女学校 |
the very first student-formed (instructor-approved) legion in Irma Girls' High School of the Arts, formed around current 2nd-year Kamigoori Marimo. It's ultra-aggressive style is often compared to that of Sanngriðr or Hronesness | Hắc |
August 22, 2022 | ' ハコルベランドの特徴はかなりロネスネスに似ていて衝撃部隊として難敵を確実に葬ることに特化しています。極めつけはフィニッシュショット直前の5トップシフトです。完全に後ろは捨てて前がかりにヒュージを蹂躙しに行きます。 #アサルトリリィ #イルマ女子 |
Hacolberand is similar to Hronesness in that it's a shock troop-legion for breaking through the Huges' formation and crushing their leader. Their signature move is the 5-top shift just before delivering a neunwelt finish shot, where the BZ is completely abandoned and the members rise forwards into the AZ zone, decimating anything in their way | Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
木乃実様は同じ水夕会にシルトがいますか? |
Q: Does Ashihara Konomi of LG Reginleif have a Schild
A: No |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘では申請すれば他学年の部屋でもお泊りできるそうですが、二水ちゃんは日羽梨さんのお部屋にお泊りしたことはありますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever stayed overnight in Hibari's room (TL's note: it's possible to do so if the proper registration is done)
A: Yes |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Has Hibari ever stayed in Fumi's room
A: Also yes. She has also visited the Weekly Lily Newspaper's editorial room |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 鈴木因ちゃんとキャンプに行ってみたいと思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Fumi want to go camping with Chinami
A: Yes. Campsite-making is perhaps where she would show her strength, literally (e.g. cutting trees and gathering logs) |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | ガーデンに校則ってあるんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Do gardens have specific school rules
A: Depends on the place. For example in Yurigaoka, no written rules exist, but other places may have them |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | イルマは教科書通りの戦いをしている、みたいな評価をされていたりしましたが、超攻撃的なハコルベランドはイルマの中でも例外とも言えるレギオンなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Irma is said to strictly follow textbook theory in combat, so is the ultra-offensive Hacolberand an exception in the school
A: Yes. Hacolberand is formed by Lilies as an antithesis to the strictly-disciplined and defensive combat style based around LG Illuminscines, which they did not want to comply to. As a result Hacolberand is indeed an exception among Irma - why they decided to become the antithesis to the school's style is a story for another time |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 高須賀月詩ちゃんは勉強が苦手とのことですが、テストが近くなると誰かに勉強を教えてもらう事はあるのでしょうか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Tsukushi dislikes studying, so when exam time comes would someone help her with preparing
A: Yes, Akanee. She's really capable in studying |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
千華様のご実家は何の職業に就いてるのでしょうか? |
Q: What does Chihana's family do
A: Her father is the CEO of a CHARM maker firm |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 梢ちゃんが好きな、得意なイギリス料理はありますか?
Q: British dish that Kozue likes/is good at making
A: Meat stew-something TL's note: Kozue can't cook |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | メルクリウスも昔は5トップを採用していたとのことでしたが、LGハコルベランド同様にかなり前がかりな戦い方をしていたのでしょうか?
Q: St. Mercury also used to use a 5-top formation, so did they also adopt a high-press combat style similar to Hacolberand
A: They were *even more* aggressive than Hacolberand |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 二水ちゃん的に、チーズ牛丼の次に好きな牛丼屋さんのメニューってなんなのでしょうか?
Q: Fumi's second favorite gyudon dish after cheese gyudon
A: Cheese oyakodon |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 今の時期は怖い話が話題になりますが、百合ヶ丘にも怪談話とか存在するのでしょうか?
Q: Horror stories in Yurigaoka
A: Yes there are, which Tsukushi is well-versed in. There are plenty of them related to the old school buildings' remnants |
Hắc |
August 23, 2022 | 二水ちゃんはドリアはお好きですか?
Q: Does Fumi like doria dishes
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 清澄白河イルマ本校防衛線に駆けつけたテンプルレギオンには、未来様や風音様は参加していらっしゃいましたか?
Q: Was Mirai and Kazane present in the Templar Legion lineup that was sent to relieve Irma in the Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Defense
A: Yes. They were members of Templar Legion sent to assist Irma then - that was also where they befriended Yoshii Kasumiko (?) of the school |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もしサングリーズルの命令違反が続いて懲罰房行きになったとき、どなたが入ることになるのでしょうか?メンバー全員一気にぶち込まれたり...? |
Q: In case that Sanngriðr's continued disobedience of orders send them to the punishment room, who would be put in there. Is the entire legion gonna be imprisoned
A: usually just the commander i.e. Misaka |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 今後、葵ちゃんや薺ちゃんが巨乳になる未来はあると思いますか?
Q: Are there any futures for Aoi or Nazuna to grow their boobs
A: Such a future is not known, but a different timeline may hold such potential |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
川添美鈴様は生え抜きですか? |
Q: Did Misuzu study in Yurigaoka from the early levels (i.e. kindergarten/elementary/etc)
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | アルトラ級の一つのフレースヴェルグは中部のどの辺りで確認されましたか?
Q: In which area of the Chubu region has Hræsvelgr, one of the 7 major Ultra-classes, been confirmed
A: The Shizuoka area |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは日羽梨さんとキャンプに行ったそうですが、その時もしかして辰姫さんとばったり遭ったりしましたか?
Q: Apparently Fumi has gone camping with Hibari in the mountains (see Tatsuki's autumn line), did they encounter Tatsuki there
A: Yes (TL: so Fumi just confirmed of her camping trip) |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | ヒュージの登場して初期段階では通常の軍隊が主だって戦闘を行っていたと思うのですが、局地的にでもヒュージを退ける事は出来たのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: It seems that when the Huges first appeared, it was the military that formed the primary response to them. Did conventional armies manage to repel the Huges, at least locally
A: As during the early stages of the Huges' invasion, only Small-class ones appeared, so conventional armies managed to push them back somehow. However this was only a very brief period |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 今日は雷でしたが、六角ちゃんはいかがお過ごしでしたでしょうか?
Q: How's Shiori doing on a thunderous day like today
A: She went back to dorm early. It was Watsuki who carried dinner there for her |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘女学院では、中等部生が将来入りたいレギオンのメンバーに会うことはできるのでしょうか?
Q: In Yurigaoka, can junior high school Lilies meet up with members of the legions that they want to join in the future
A: It's a common thing in fact. This is especially common for major legions, and the seniors themselves would also invite juniors of their interest to legion meetings and trainings |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | そういえばニョロってどのくらいの大きさですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How large is Ena's Nyoro right now
A: Approx. 43cm |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 誰と結ぶのかはまだまだ分かりませんが、レミエさんが誰かとミンネの誓いを結ぶ場合、レミエさんは騎士と貴婦人、どちらになると思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: If Lemie was to engage someone in a Minne's Oath, would she be the knight or the lady
A: The lady absolutely |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
日葵様と特に仲の良かったハコルベランドのメンバーは誰ですか? |
Q: Hacolberand members with whom Himari was close
A: Marimo and Saho |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | バッティングセンターに行ってそうなリリィって居たりしますか?
#アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies that may go to a baseball court
A: Shinobu, who likes baseball |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 弥宙さんと辰姫さんはブルトガングコンペに参加したことはありますか?
Q: Has Misora and Tatsuki ever joined in a Blutgang modification contest
A: Misora has done it before, but not Tatsuki |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | トリガーハッピーなケのあるリリィって居ます? #教えて二水ちゃん 紫さんですね^^; #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Trigger-happy Lilies
A: Yukari |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 一柳隊で3 VS 3 VS 3の模擬戦をやるとしたら、二水ちゃんは誰と誰をパートナーに選びたいですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: in a 3v3v3 matchup of Hitotsuyanagi Squad, with whom would Fumi team up
A: Depends on the opponent, but primarily Tazusa and Kaede |
Hắc |
September 1, 2022 | 二水ちゃんっ!!!(ドアを蹴破る音)
Q: Vampire-like Lilies
A: The Vampire Princess Okada Kisara, or Rosalinde and Shiera |
Hắc |
January 16, 2021 | ' つまりこの御三家以外の東京のガーデンは国定守備範囲を持っていないことになります。なので神庭女子藝術高校のように「出撃をリリィ自ら選べたり」聖橋大学付属女子高等学校のように「まったく出撃しない」という選択が可能なのです #アサルトリリィ |
Kuki Nuyuna
Birthday: April 7th Hijiribashi 1st year, captain of LG Sekkadan Rare skill: Regista Aoi's friend, and kind of similar to Riri in how she motivate her friends to fight together. Well, her info are mostly in relation to the legion. |
rluka |
September 14, 2022 | 【✨新キャラクター #牧野美岳 登場✨】
次回イベントストーリーでは、クエレブレLG所属の新キャラクター #牧野美岳 が登場✨ CVは #河瀬茉希 さんに決定!ストーリーで一部ボイスがつきます⚡ 全貌はラスバレ放送局TGSで公開予定! 次回イベントでの登場をお楽しみに⭐️
趣味:イラスト・読書 好きなもの:飴(普通のキャンディ飴)
#アサルトリリィ #ラスバレ |
When Mitake Makino was at Ludvico, she was friends with Kotopi. | Letheka |
September 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ドレインズというヒュージはマギを吸収する特性を持ちますが、生き抜くためにヒュージのマギを共喰いすることもあるのですか? |
Q: Drains (Huge) is able to absorb Magi. Does this mean there is possibility of them resorting to cannibalism to survive?
A: Such possibility are pointed out in Huge research papers |
rluka |
September 14, 2022 | クエレブレの残りのメンバーの情報が知りたいです
#教えて二水ちゃん ちょっとヤンキーっぽいですね^^; 「道を開けろってーの!クエレブレが通るんだ」 #アサルトリリィ #ラスバレ |
Q: More info about Cuelebre members
A: 5th member is Kariya Higure, 2nd year. Boosted Lily with Testament skill. She's the type who force her way through by force. Somewhat like delinquent. > Open the way! Cuelebre is here! |
rluka |
September 14, 2022 | 貞花様はホラー映画とか見ても平気なタイプですか?
Q: Is Misaka okay with watching horror?
A: She's fine |
rluka |
July 5, 2022 | 現在百合ヶ丘に所属しているリリィの中で、レギオンやソロリティ等に所属してはいないが、それなりに名前が知られているフリーのリリィっていらっしゃったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん お二人は仲が良くずっとフリーで戦っていらっしゃいます。ちなみに真様は関西のご出身。もの凄くお喋りが好きな方で、夢結様はちょっと苦手らしいです^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is there any famous freelance Lily in Yurigaoka who are not part of any legion?
A: Tominaga Shin and Hayakawa Yahiro are famous combination. Both stays are freelancer together. Shin is from Kansai and is very talkative, so Yuyu is not good with her. |
rluka |
September 14, 2022 | 富永真様はとてもお喋りな方だそうですが、どんなリリィなのでしょうか?
詳しく教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん 「ちゃんと陣形護りなさい!」と言われても「まあまあ、そんな堅いこと言わんと~」とか言ってなにも戦術的な約束事を守らないタイプです^^; 夢結様はこういうのは許せないタイプですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: More about Tominaga Shin
A: She's very talented for AZ position, but bad at following tactics. When told to keep the formation, she answers back like "Come on, no need to be so stiff". Anyway, the type that doesn't follow agreed tactics. And Yuyu is the type who can't let loose this kind of people. |
rluka |
September 14, 2022 | 列車はヒュージに襲われないような対策などしているんでしょうか? あるいは襲われることを想定して可変式装甲の採用などがあるのでしょうか?
Q: Is there anything done to make sure trains don't get attacked by Huge?
Or they're already equipped with transformable armour in anticipation of being attacked? A: They're armoured. This is especially true for trains passing through still unliberated territories. |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | 恋花様は
ごはんは たくさん たべるタイプ ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
i like this one
Q: Is, Renka, The type of, eating a lot of, rice? A: She eats a lot ^^ (a.k.a possibly yes) |
Hibari's Ribbon |
September 15, 2022 | 現在百合ヶ丘に所属しているリリィの中で、白井咲朱様に憧れていたリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Anyone in Yurigaoka who is idolised Shirai Saaya?
A: Misaka is her fans, although their fighting style are a bit different. |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | 松村優珂さんたちLGクエレブレのメンバーは一緒にご飯を食べに行ったり遊び(カラオケなど)に行ったりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does the members of Cuelebre often go to hang out together?
A: Not sure, but Fumi think they at least went dining together. After all, the legion got strong sense of unity among its members. |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | ストイックで有名な昴様ですが朝のルーティーンはあるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 彼女の朝はベッドメイクから始まりますね #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Morning routine of the stoic Subaru
A: First, make the bed. |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | 牛田琶月さん、苦手な物はありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Type of food Watsuki doesn't like
A: Sour food |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | 仮にクエレブレが親ゲヘナじゃなかったら二水ちゃんは入りたいですか?
Q: Would Fumi be interested in joining Cuelebre if they're not pro-Gehena?
A: She's interested because she is attracted in their legion's tactics. |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは最近一柳隊のメンバーとどっか遊びに行ったりした?
Q: Anywhere Fumi went to with the other Hitotsuyanagi Squad members recently?
A: They often went out together, but lately Fumi has been going shopping with Riri and Kaede. After that they eat donuts together. |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
松村優珂はコーヒー飲んだりしますか? |
Q: Does Fuuka drink coffee?
A: Yes, mostly espresso though > You don't understand. In where it came from, people put sugar into espresso |
rluka |
September 15, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘の中で1番美容に気を使ってるのは誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any lily from Yurigaoka who cares a lot about beauty?
A: Touka |
rluka |
September 26, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
茜様は、日羽梨様に「うちのシルトが可愛い」的な惚気話をすることはありますか? |
Q: Has Akane ever brag about her schild?
> Hibari: It’s okay, tell them A: Also, because it’s Tsukushi who proposed to take the oath, Akane also often said “you can’t just be passive” to Hibari. > Hibari: Wait, that’s… > Akane: She did that on purpose didn’t she ^^ |
rluka |
September 26, 2022 | LGサングリーズルはLG内でBBQやパーティー等親睦を深めるような催しをよくやっているとのことでしたが、二水ちゃんはその催しに参加したりしたことってありますか?
> Q: It seems like Sanngriðr often held barbeque party among legion members. Has Fumi ever been invited? Although, I guess normally outsiders wont get invited
> A: Fumi went there before, and gets into heated talk with Totori who has hobby of collecting camping tools. |
rluka |
September 28, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
サングリーズルがBBQなどするとき、焼肉奉行はどなたが務めているですか? |
> Q: Who cooks the meat in Sanngriðr bbq party?
> A: Totori and Tomoyo |
rluka |
September 28, 2022 | 千華様は意外と小柄とのことでしたが、紗癒さんとどちらが大きいでしょうか?
Q: Chihana looks kinda short, how does she compare to Sayu in height
A: Sayu is taller |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
鳳蝶様が卒業した後、ヴァール様の後釜になる可能性の高いリリィはいますか? |
Q: Who is slated to succeed Ageha as the Var once she graduates
A: Ageha's confidant, the current 2nd-year Ikegami Ouka of LG Herfjotur. She's said to be a likely candidate |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | LGサングリーズルのルイセさんは明るくて優しい感じの方で、金狼なんてかっこいい二つ名も持ってたりしますが、結構モテたりするのでしょうか?
Q: Luise of Sanngriðr is of the positive and gentle kind, while also having the cool moniker of "Golden Wolf", so is she popular among other girls
A: Yes, because of her personality and the cool points she shows off |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 神庭にも強化リリィはいるのでしょうか?
Q: Are there Enhanced Lilies in Kanba
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | お姉さまに完全服従で可愛いイメージがつよい清家知世さんですが、SSSのヘッドライナーらしく何か二つ名等はありますか?
Q: Tomoyo, being the completely obedient and cute Schild of Homare as she is, is also a headliner member of Sanngriðr. Does she have a nickname
A: "Mad Dog" |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 二水ちゃんが思う過ごしやすいガーデンって何処でしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 入れるかどうかは別にするのならメルクリウスは過ごしやすいと思いますね。スパルタ過ぎないですし^^あとガーデンも都市ごと要塞化されるのでとても安全です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: In Fumi's opinion, which garden is the most comfortable to be in
A: Disregarding the possibility to enter it (or lack thereof), St. Mercury gets the vote. It's not too spartan unlike most places, and the entire area is walled off in a fortified metropolis, so it's safe |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 日羽梨様がシルトにしたい後輩がいるような話は聞いたことありませんか?
そろそろシルトを作らないとなあ~的なことは仰ってましたねー。やっぱり有名なリリィですから立場的にシュッツエンゲルを結ばないというのは問題があるのかもですね~😓 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Fumi ever heard of rumors that Hibari may be eyeing a junior to engage as her Schild
A: No, at least not any rumors that deal with a specific junior. Though Hibari has been lamenting that she should have a Schild soon. As she's a particularly famous person, not being engaged to anyone would be a problem |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 葵ちゃんと薺ちゃんは、せめて(アニメやラスバレの)鶴紗か、槿様位の体格にはなれると思いますか?
Q: Can Aoi and Nazuna ever achieve the body stature of (anime/LB) Tazusa or Asagao, thus breaking free of the "90+ Skiller value with Phantasm" curse
A: Such a miracle may become a reality through the earnestness in their wishes |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 雪様の雷嫌いは汐里ちゃんほどは酷くはないですか?
Q: Is Yuki much less afraid of thunder than Shiori
A: Perhaps she's scared to the same degree even, but she doesn't show it |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 恋花様と優珂さんはどちらもファッションがお好きなようですが、趣味は近いのでしょうか?
Q: Both Renka and Fuuka are into fashion, so are their preferences similar or different
A: They're not very different, but Renka is more sensitive towards current trends. Meanwhile Fuuka doesn't just like dressing up, but is also aware of things such as mode or prêt-à-porter |
Hắc |
September 28, 2022 | 例えば槿さんは人参やピーマンが苦手ですが、昴さんは友人の料理の好き嫌いは心配するタイプですか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Subaru care about the eating preferences of her friends, such as Asagao's dislike of bell peppers and carrots
A: Yes |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | 日下部姉妹って身長はいくつですか?
Q: The Kusakabe sisters' height
A: 155cm |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | 日羽梨様は綺麗好きな方ですか? それとも多少散らかっていても気にされないタイプですか?
Q: Does Hibari prefer a clean and tidy room, or she doesn't mind a bit of messiness
A: She prefers a tidied one |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | 汐里ちゃんは作った陶器を誰かにプレゼントしたりするんですか?
Q: Does Shiori ever gift her pottery to people
A: Yes, she does it quite oftenly in fact. Just now she presented Kusumi one of her works. Also, her potteries are sought after by quite a lot of people |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | 日下部姉妹は仲良いですか?一緒に買い物などもしたりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Are the Kusakabe sisters close with each other? Like do they go shopping together
A: Yes, very very close indeed. Usually they spend their time together, including when going shopping |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん 叢雨さんはお姉さんのことをどう呼んでいますか? 「お姉ちゃん」か「れん姉」だそうです。 #イルマ女子 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How does Murasame call her sister
A: Onee-chan or Ren-nee |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | 上田伊万里さんは身長おいくつなのでしょうか
Q: How tall is Imari
A: 153cm |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | イルミンシャイネスの海七様がどのような方なのかお聞きしたいです!
とても穏やかで優しいお姉さんって感じの方です。レアスキルは円環の御手、御台場迎撃戦ではパートナーでもあります宮本煌椋様と共に第5部隊で戦ってます。イルミンシャイネスの心臓を担うリリィですね #イルマ女子 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What kind of person is Nakabayashi Kaina of Irmin Scines
A: A very gentle onee-san. Her Rare skill is Circlet Bless, and during the Odaiba Counteroffensive she fought in the 5th Squadron alongside her partner Komuku. Now she is the heart and soul of Irmin Scines |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | 独特なルーティンを持つリリィはいらっしゃいますか?
Q: Lilies with a unique routine
A: Shiori when engaging in combat would lightly spin her CHARMs, then wield her main one (right hand) in a pose towards the boss Huge, pause for a moment and then charge in |
Hắc |
September 29, 2022 | カレーを作る際、ルウを使わずにわざわざスパイスから調合して作っている様なリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies who make their own curry mixture starting from spices, not commercially available instant pastes
A: Kusumi, who has also influenced Aoi into doing so |
Hắc |
October 3, 2022 | ' 本日ご紹介するのは #イルマ女子 イルミンシャイネスの黒い妖精比田井美夜受(ひだい・みやづ)様。強化リリィ出身でテスタメント持ち。決定的な仕事ができる存在で現シャイネスのエースの一人!下級生にとても厳しい方ですね。 キャラデザは黒田bb先生! #アサルトリリィ |
Hidai Miyazu, the "Black Fairy" of LG Irmin Scines. One of the legion's top aces capable of bringing forth key breakthroughs in the most critical of situations, she's a Boosted Lily wielding Testament as her Rare skill | Hắc |
October 3, 2022 | ' 最初は無視を決め込む美夜受様に対して御巴留様は無言で練習に付き合うなどして段々と距離を縮めていきました。 最終的に美夜受様は御巴留様に心を開き、強化施術の副作用で苦しい時に頼るようになっていきます。 #アサルトリリィ #イルマ女子 |
Because of this background, Miyazu was strongly distrustful of anyone and everyone around her during her first year of junior high school - when she was adopted by Irma. It was Nishikawa Miharu who approached her to help her ease her into the school environment. At first Miyazu stubbornly paid her no heed, to which she simply stuck by the Boosted Lily's side silently (such as during training), and gradually closed the gap between them. Eventually, Miyazu opened up to Miharu, and started to rely on her during times of distress caused by the side effects of the experiments she had gone throughHowever, Miharu was the only one she opened up to. To everyone else, Miyazu keeps a cold and hostile attitude, and is especially harsh on her juniors. Frequently warning them *"keep on that disrespectful attitude and I'll smash your fucking face"*, she is often avoided. | Hắc |
October 14, 2022 | 百由様がラスバレで「研究しながらお風呂に入れる仕組みとか作れないかしら?」とか言ってるのを聞いて思ったんですが、シャワーならラボにあるということは
Q: In Last Bullet, I thought I heard Moyu say something like "I wonder if I can come up with a way to do my research while I'm in the bath," but if she just meant showering she could do that in the lab. Does Moyu-sama like to take long soaks in the bathtub? I bet her shoulders get really stiff. (Because of all the time she spends doing research, of course!)
A: Moyu-sama prefers to soak in the bathtub, yes |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | 日比野羽来さんは自由な戦い方をする方とのことでしたが、ファンタズム持ちとしては何系なのでしょうか
トリッキーにスピード系? カルテットと呼ばれた聖さんと同じテクニック系……?
戦術よりも感性を重視する典型的なファンタズム持ちです。 #アサルトリリィ #イルマ女子 |
Q: I've heard Hibino Waku doesn't fight in a rigid manner, but what category does she fall into as a Phantasm user? Does she have an unconventional speed style like Hijiri, who she was part of the Quartet with?
(The Quartet were 4 Lilies in the Odaiba Counteroffensive 1st Division who were particularly game-changing due to their flawless coordination: Hijiri, Waku, Sachie, and Yuzuriha.) A: Yes, she's the tricky sort who emphasizes skill. Like most Phantasm users, she fights with her intuition, not by adhering to tactics. |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | 梢ちゃんはお父さんの影響でサッカーがお好きだそうですが、梢ちゃんが主に応援しているのはどこの国のクラブなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: It seems like Kozue inherited her love of football (soccer) from her British father, but which club does she support the most?
A: Her hometown club (i.e. Liverpool FC) |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | ヒュージは氷点下でも活動できますか
Q: Can the Huge live in sub-zero temperatures?
A: There are a bunch of large Nests in Antarctica, so they must be able to |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
雪花団がよく共同戦線を貼るレギオンが知りたいです〜 |
Q: Which legions do LG Sekkadan (from Hijiribashi University Girls') often join forces with?
A: Usually those where Onodaka Tae has friends, so it's often LG Eir and Schwarz Grail from Yurigaoka. |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | 美夜受様は樟美ちゃんに対しどう接すると思いますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 彼女はファンタズム持ちに弱い気がするので #アサルトリリィ #イルマ女子 |
Q: What would Hidai Miyazu treat Kusumi like?
A: I'm only guessing, but I think she would be nice to her. It feels to me like she has a soft spot for girls with Phantasm. |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | 純様ってキャンプとか出来たりしますか?
Q: Is Kiito good at camping?
A: Since it's Kiito, I think she could definitely do it. |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | 緋紅様はテスタメント持ちだそうですが、百合亜様のようにリジェネレーターと組み合わせてレアスキルを使用するのでしょうか?
「ヒュージ相手に太刀筋もくそもあるかよ!パワーでねじ伏せればいいだけだってーの」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kariya Higure (LG Cuelebre) is a Testament user. Does she use her Rare Skill together with Regenerator like Yuria does?
A: I think so. Yuria-sama fights elegantly, but even among Boosted Lilies who have Testament, Higure is one of those most oriented towards brute force. Apparently she'll often charge the Huge head-on and cleave them right in two from above. "Swordsmanship? Who needs bullshit like that to beat down the Huge? All you gotta do is out-muscle 'em!" (only this one sentence to go by AFAIK, but Higure really sounds like a delinquent or something) |
Letheka |
October 14, 2022 | アニメ版、アサルトリリィの第1話で甲種撤退戦時に一柳梨璃さんと一緒だった梨璃さんのご友人の和夕ちゃんってあの後どうなったんです?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What happened to Kayuu-chan, Riri's friend that she was with during the Koshu Evacuation?
A: She wants to be a historian when she grows up, so she continued on to regular school. She's a really diligent student. |
Letheka |
November 2, 2022 | 個人的に凄い気になるのですがヒュージって食べれたりするのでしょうか?
Q: Is Huge edible?
A: I, I don’t think so… |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 今回の雨嘉さんは不調なのではなくて、上位スキルのデッドアイに覚醒し始めたのでは…?
(話せる範囲で構いません) |
From the latest event.
So Yujia possibly reached Dead Eye Motion skill. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 辰姫はアーセナルとして色々の知識持ってると思うのですが、授業のときは真面目に聞くタイプですか?それか授業以外のときに自分で色々調べるタイプですか?
Q: Tatsuki is in the Arsenal, so she must know a lot of things, right? Is she the type who diligently listen during class, or the type who learn on her own outside class?
A: She doesn't seem to be the type to seriously listen to class. So probably she just research on things that grab her interest on her own. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 恋花様はバシャンドレ隊長の七保様とはご友人なのでしょうか?
Q: Are Renka friend with Nanaho, the captain of Basandere?
A: Yes, they fought together before. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 山梨日羽梨さんは料理上手とのことでしたが、二水ちゃんは日羽梨さんが作る料理のなかで、どの料理が一番好きですか?
Q: What is Fumi's favourite food by Hibari?
A: Poached hamburger steak. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 弥宙ちゃんは、壱盤隊加入時に孤立気味だった依奈様を支えていたそうですが、今でも二人は特に仲良しなのでしょうか?
Q: When she just joined Ichibantai, Ena is rather isolated from the others and Misora is the one who supported her. Are they still close even now?
A: Yes. Although, because Misora is also a lily otaku, her feeling might be best expressed as respect. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 仮に雨嘉さんに続き莉芬さんまでも百合ヶ丘に強奪されてしまった場合、百合ヶ丘とヘイムスクリングラのガーデン間の仲って悪くなったりすると思いますか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: If after Yujia, Lifen also went to Yurigaoka. How would that affect the relationship between Yurigaoka and Heimskringla?
A: That would be an international problem isn't it ^^;; |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | どう見てもお似合いなのに中々シュッツエンゲルの契りを交わさない人って見ていてどう思いますか?
「はやく契って」って思いますね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Fumi, how would you feel about couple who are match for each other but never seem like they'll make the pledge.
A: I'd get really impatient, like "just do it already!" |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 二水さんも将来シュッツエンゲルになってみたいと思いますか?
Q: Fumi, any intention of being schutzengel?
A: Since I enrolled in Yurigaoka, of course. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんは昴様、一葉さん、煌椋様の中で訓練をつけてもらえるとするなら誰がいいですか? |
Q: Fumi, if you are to choose to do training between Kazuha, Subaru, or Komuku, who would you choose?
A: Absolutely Komuku, because she basically have the most logical training method. |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 二水ちゃんは日羽梨様から手料理を食べさせてもらったことがあるみたいですが逆に手作りの牛丼とかを食べてもらったことはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ありますよ^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: So it seems like Fumi had ate Hibari's homemade cooking before. What about the other way around, has Fumi ever serve her own handmade gyudon?
A: Yes |
rluka |
November 12, 2022 | 周りから見ると、辰姫と紫恵楽様はシュッツエンゲルになる可能性ありますか?
Q: Do people think there's chance for Tatsuki and Shiera to become schutzengel?
A: Of course. Tatsuki is usually not good with facing stranger, so she doesn't like seniors. Despite so, she is very close to Shiera. |
rluka |
November 16, 2022 | サッカー好きの恋花様ですが、贔屓してるクラブチームや国はありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Renka Arsenal fans | rluka |
November 16, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ヶ丘に雀卓が常備してあるレギオン控え室ってありますか? |
Q: Which Legion got mahjong table in their room?
A: Sanngriðr (anyone surprised?) |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 近頃冷え込んで来ましたが、松村優珂さんって寒いのや暑いのって平気なタイプですか?
Q: Is Matsumura Fuuka the type who is alright with cold or hot weather?
A: She hates cold weather |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 寒い日が続きますが、紫ちゃんはおでんがお好きとの事で、紫ちゃんの好きなおでんの具について教えてください!!!!!
Q: It's cold, and Yukari likes oden. What is her favourite ingredient?
A: Egg |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 辰姫は上級生が苦手でも紫恵楽様とは距離がとても近いのですが、紫恵楽様も辰姫への扱いが他の下級生と違うのですか?
Q: Tatsuki is close to Shiera despite not comfortable with seniors. How about Shiera? Does she treat Tatsuki differently from other junior?
A: She's much closer and casual with Tatsuki compared to with other junior. |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 壱さんや天葉様がよく食べる=樟美ちゃんが良く作る鍋は何鍋ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What is the nabe that Kusumi made, which Soraha and Ichi usually eats?
A: Usually miso nabe |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 日羽梨さんは綺麗好きとのことですが、二水ちゃんの部屋に日羽梨さんが来た時って何か言ってましたか?
たしか二水ちゃんの部屋って散らk資料が溜まってますよね。 流石にその時は片づけましたか?
編集室については「キレイにしなさい!」って言われましたが^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Hibari likes cleanliness, so did she ever commented about Fumi's room? After all, Fumi's room is ~~dirty~~ got a lot of documents scattered.
A: The one with many documents is the editorial room. Dorm room is safe. Although when Hibari visited, she told Fumi to clean up. |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | ガーデンのレギオン承認の条件を満たせず、正式承認はされていないものの自主的に活動しているレギオンはありますか?
Q: Is there any legion who is active despite not being officially acknowledged?
A: In Yurigaoka, that would be LG Ginnungagap, the legion of the Labyrinth. They're not officially registered and unranked. The members are all treated as freelance. |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 松永先輩は他のリリィのモノマネをよくやったりしているイメージがあるのですが、松永先輩は最近新ネタを仕入れたりしていましたか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん 葵「本当に知りませんからね?かちこまれても」 #御台場女学校 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yui-paisen often immitate other lily. What is her latest repertoire?
A: Lately she is mimicking Kiito's "Haa!?". But Aoi stopped her, warning her "don't come to me if she came to beat you up"
^^; |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
誉様の好きな食べ物が知りたいです〜 |
Q: Homare's favourite food
A: Mackerel dishes |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | LGギンヌンガガプは非公式なLGらしいですが、例えば同盟を組んでいるLGサングリーズルに随行LGが必要になった際、随行LGとしての登録等も行えなかったりするのでしょうか
ただ舞台ロストメモリーズの時に「夢結の単独支援出撃なら認められてしまうかもしれない」という趣旨の発言があったと思いますがレギオン単位より個人での外部出撃の方が認められやすい傾向があります。(続く) #アサルトリリィ |
Q: If LG Ginnungagap is not officially recognized, what happened if an allied legion (such as Sanngríðr) need them as companion?
A: Of course, unofficial legion can't be sent out in a sortie. But like Yuyu's case in Lost Memory, the Garden has tendency to allow personal sortie. For Ginnungagap, it's just "9 people who happens to have private sortie at the same time". Of course the system can be abused, but the availability of this loophole is the reason they never registered their legion. |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | 相模女子では上級生に「様」をつけることはあまり多くないのでしょうか?
Q: Sagami doesn't have tradition of calling senior with -sama. So how do they address their senior.
A: Usually by using "senpai". |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | チェミルさんはゲームをやってて台パンとかしたりするんでしょうか…? #教えて二水ちゃん チェミルちゃんはそういうことはしないですね。 「うわああああああ!」「ひええええ」とか声を出すことありますが^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Chemil loves games, so has she ever punched the game engine from rage?
A: She won't do those kind of things. But she did make weird voices. |
rluka |
November 19, 2022 | シャイネスでいちばん胸囲が驚異的なのってやっぱり海七さんですか?
Q: Does Kaina got the most lethal breasts in Illumine Shines?
A: Well, probably so. |
rluka |
December 1, 2022 | 恋花様なんて言ってますか? お祝いにラーメンを食べに行くと言ってますね |
Q: What did Renka say after Japan's victory to Spain
A: She's gonna go eat ramen for a celebration |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
それとも存在して無いのでしょうか? |
Q: Gardens seem to be primarily private schools in Japan and around the world. So are there national or public gardens
A: There's Sakuranomori Girls' High School right in Kamakura Prefecture. A public garden, it's one of the 5 major schools here in fact |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | アイコンタクトのみで戦術を伝え合える練度のレギオンといえばどちらでしょうか?
Q: Legions skilled enough to convey tactics by mere eye contact
A: Those whose members have spent a long time fighting alongside each other. Those like Alfheim, Heorot Saints and Hronesness have many members that have been together since their younger years, so they can shift their tactics by eye contact alone. |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | 山梨日羽梨さんがシュッツエンゲルの契りを解消された件について、周りからはあまり良い印象が無いらしいとのことですが
日羽梨様に非が全くなかったわけではないですが、それで糾弾されるのはかわいそうかなってお思います。この件の詳細はどこかでお話しできればとおもいます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: The incident wherein Hibari's Schutzengel pact was dissolved left an unfavorable impression towards her in many others. How would Fumi see the event from her point of view?
A: The actions that precipitated in the eventual dissolution was a result of Hibari's sense of righteousness, as well as the feelings and considerations she had towards her onee-sama; at least that's from Fumi's perspective. She wasn't purely innocent in this case, but receiving such condemnations from the masses around her because of it is simply going to far. |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | 日羽梨様は、朝食はパンとお米のどちらがお好きなのでしょうか?
Q: What does Hibari prefer for breakfast, rice or bread
A: Bread |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
塩崎鈴夢さんについての情報がほしいです!! |
Q: Info about Shiozaki Suzume of the Kanba Student Council Defense Squad
A: Quiet and gentle, she's slightly on the timid side |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | AZの位置でも司令塔をこなせる器用なリリィはいますか?
Q: Intricate Lilies that can handle the Command tower position from the AZ
A: It's a requirement for legions that carry out the Zero-top Strategy during Neunwelt (e.g. Heorot Saints). In this regards Katsura and Ichi are applicable |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
クロアチア戦も見ますか? |
Q: Will Fumi watch the coming Croatia-Japan game
A: Yes |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | 恋花様の好きなサッカー選手ってどなたなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Renka's favorite soccer playerA
A: The no.10 player of the team she's rooting for |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | 因ちゃんは薺ちゃん特製ハーブティーについて何か言っていますか?
Q: What does Chinami have to say about Nazuna's special herbal tea
A: > *"Eh? It's tasty, for the record. Though there are also times it feels kinda weird"* |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | 要塞化してる拠点とかあったりしますか?
Q: Any known fortified positions
A: St. Mercury International School, whose entire premise is walled off in a fortified metropolis |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | デジタル化やハイスペック機など色々時代が移り変わってますが敢えてアナログとかを好む方って居たりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 桂さんとかはそういう傾向がありますね。 アーセナルですと麻嶺様はアナログな部分も重視するタイプですね。 #アサルトリリィ #御台場女学校 |
Q: Amidst the trends of digitalization and the emergence of high-spec devices, are there any Lilies that prefer analog devices
A: Katsura has such one tendency. For Arsenals, Marei also tends to focus upon analog components |
Hắc |
December 4, 2022 | 王瑞希様はジャンプスケア多めなホラー映画はお好きでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Ruixi enjoy horror movies with a lot of jumpscares
A: She enjoys them *despite* such elements |
Hắc |
December 8, 2022 | ミリアムさんの調子は戻りましたか?
Q: How is Miliam doing these days?
A: She's recovered nicely. |
FliryVorru |
December 8, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
れんか様が特に好きなラーメンはなんですか? |
Q: What kind of ramen does Renka particularly like?
A: Really she likes just about anything. But she's really fond of ramen with a lot of bean sprouts in it. |
FliryVorru |
December 8, 2022 | 牛田琶月さんはすぐ泣いてしまうとのことでしたが、嬉しくても怒ってても泣いちゃう感じですか?
Q: It's been said that Ushida Watsuki cries easily, but does she usually cry when she is happy, or rather angry?
A: Ya know, it's more like she's just a very emotional person overall so she often shows those emotions. |
FliryVorru |
December 8, 2022 | #教えて二水ちゃん
Q: It's been said that Yuzuriha is often scolded by Momiji, but what does she do to get scolded?
A: She's usually scolded for being bad-mannered. |
FliryVorru |
December 8, 2022 | LGローエングリンの境沢奈留さんはどのような性格の方ですか?
Q: How would you describe the personality of LG Lohengrin's Sakaizawa Naru?
A: She is very kind and virtuous. She never betrays those who have believed in her, and she has the presence of mind to correct and support others who have made mistakes. |
FliryVorru |
December 8, 2022 | この前ミリアムは工房に籠ったそうでしたがロザリンデ様は大丈夫でしたか?
Q: I guess Miriam was kinda holed up in the workshop the other day, but is Lady Rosalinde all right too?
A: Rosalinde said, "Ehhh - seriously? Well, I suppose that happens!" And she changed topics on the spot. |
FliryVorru |
December 8, 2022 | 薺ちゃんはアキラ先生に拾われる形で御台場のリリィになりましたが、そういった経緯の子であろうと、御台場ではリリィとしての能力が無いと分かった時点で解雇を言い渡されてしまったりするのでしょうか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Nazuna became a Lily at Odaiba when she was personally taken in by Akira Blanton *(TL note: after her immediate family was killed by Huge and her other relatives wouldn't look after her, so for a while she was a street child who survived by begging)*, but even given those circumstances, would she have been expelled from Odaiba if she'd turned out to not have any natural talent as a Lily?
A: Although Odaiba is ruthless about cultivating their fighting force, they are also well-known to never give up on those who they accept as their students. Were any of them unable to fight as Odaiba Lilies, they would find a place for her as an Arsenal, Madec, or at another Garden. |
Letheka |
December 28, 2022 | そろそろ年越しですが、年始のLGサングリーズル控え室って大きい門松とか置いたりするのでしょうか
Q: It's almost New Year, so do Sanngriðr members place a huge-ass kadomatsu in their legion room
A: Yes. The kadomatsu even got them into trouble when it fell into the corridor |
Hắc |
December 28, 2022 | お花が好きな夕星さんですが、一番お好きな花ってなんなのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yuuzutsu's favorite flower among all those that she likes
A: Pansy |
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December 28, 2022 | 松村優珂さんは、努力でマディックからリリィになった井草昴さんに対して敬意的な感情等あったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Being a fellow Madec who also made her way to a Lily, does Fuuka hold respect towards Subaru
A: Likely. As both traced the same path of promotion, perhaps Fuuka is aware of Subaru and her rise. Furthermore, Subaru achieved her position without relying on any sorts of enhancements, so from a Madec's viewpoint that can account for even more respect. |
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December 28, 2022 | 二水ちゃんとしては、伊東閑さんが生徒会長になるとしたら、どの役職に就くと思いますか?
Q: If Shizu was to become one of the three Student council officials, then which one would she be
A: She has a possibility to be any of them, but more odds are on the Siegrune or Brynhildr posts |
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December 28, 2022 | 優珂さんの趣味の一つに多肉植物の育成とありますが、お好きな植物は何でしょうか?
Q: Fuuka's hobby is planting succulent plants, so which one does she likeA
A: *Operculicarya pachypus* (?) |
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December 28, 2022 | チェミルさんは年末年始もゲームをやってそうですか? #教えて二水ちゃん やるそうですよ~ チェミル「この時期はセールがあるし、無料配布もいっぱいあるからゲームしないとね!」 ルルディス「まだ分かってないようね」 チェミル「うわ!ルルに聞かれたやばい!><」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Chemir play games even during the New Year?
A: Yes, apparently. > Chemir: This is the time of sales and free games, so gotta play away! > Louloudis: And it seems you haven't learned your lesson yet, huh > Chemir: Uwaah Lulu it's not like what you just heard > < |
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December 28, 2022 | 井草昴様に憧れるマディックの方は多いのでしょうか?
Q: Do a majority of Madecs admire Subaru
A: There shouldn't be any Madecs who don't look up to her, and her path of rising to the top 1% of Lilies by sheer force of will and effort alone |
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December 28, 2022 | レアスキルには覚醒していないけど実力のあるリリィっていらっしゃるのでしょうか?
Q: Lilies with superb power despite not having awakened to a Rare skill yet
A: Misaka, the commander of LG Sanngriðr. With no Rare skill, she dueled against a Gigant-class and its horde of Huges for over 20 minutes during the Odaiba Counteroffensive, all by herself |
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December 28, 2022 | 純様が泳げるようになったらどうしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What would happen if Kiito learns to swim
A: That would be disastrous for investig- ah nothing |
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December 28, 2022 | 二水ちゃんのイルマ女子での推しリリィが知りたいです!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi's oshi in Irma
A: Yoshii Kasumiko and Kusakabe Murasame in LG Irmin Scines. Being the key to the eventual victory of the Makuhari Liberation, Kasumiko's most attractive points are her subtle-yet-masterful positioning style and her self-sacrificial dedication to the cause she's fighting for. Meanwhile, Murasame boasts a prodigious intuition and an utmost team-oriented mentality, both of which combine exquisitely with her Rare skill [sic] Charisma, thus becoming the most notable point for her.
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December 28, 2022 | 寒くなってカレーなどが美味しい季節ですが、天葉様が一番お好きなカレー……というか、天葉様の場合樟美のカレーは何でもお好きそうなイメージなので、樟美ちゃんが一番よく作るカレーは何カレーですか。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Soraha's most favorite curry- or rather, the sort of curry that Kusumi makes most frequently
A: During the cold seasons Kusumi apparently would make more of the types that involve roux, but by tallying the curry dishes she has made, Keema curry takes the top spot |
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December 30, 2022 | 百合ヶ丘女学院では、普通科と工廠科のリリィの間でシュッツエンゲルの契りを結ぶことはできますか? #教えて二水ちゃん もちろん可能ですよ^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Can Lilies between the Normal and Arsenal divisions form Schutzengels with each other
A: Yes |
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December 30, 2022 | 大掃除が終わらなそうなリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies whose end-of-year cleaning doesn't have any visible end in sight
A: Tsukushi maybe |
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