Translated Assault Lily Tweets (Part 1)
This page contains tweets made by the official Assault Lily twitter account (a.k.a. Fumi-chan) that have been summarized or translated into English by members of the Assault Lily Fan Discord. They were retrieved in February 2023. The links are not guaranteed to be accessible.
The table entries are ordered by the date of the translation, not the tweet. There may be errors; check that the translation properly corresponds to the linked tweet before using it.
You can find ready-to-use reference tags for each translation commented out in the page source, below the visible text.
Date | Japanese Text | Translation | Translator |
March 19, 2020 | ' 幕張奪還戦も薄氷を踏む様なギリギリの勝利ではありました。この戦いでは百合ヶ丘以外ですとイルマ女子のイルミンシャイネスがかなりの武功を上げています。いずれお話しますね~また戦いに参加することなく世を去ったルド女の岸本マリア未来様の準備の功績も大きいものがありました #アサルトリリィ |
it was said that the preparations done by Mirai (Raimu's sister from Ludojo) played an important part in the eventual victory, but she herself passed away (fuck you GEHENA) without even being able to join in combat | Hắc |
September 26, 2020 | アサルトリリィ x フレームアームズ・ガール「六角潮季」が商品化決定!
六角潮季?誰?と思いますよね。 この名は陥落地域であります甲州(山梨県)でヒュージに襲われるとどこからともなく現れる謎の人物の名前なのです。その姿は百合ヶ丘女学院1年生六角汐里ちゃんの今は亡き妹瀬名さんに似ているという噂も...... #アサルトリリィ |
"when there's a huge attack in the now-fallen Koshu region (Yamanashi prefecture), then a mysterious character by the name of Rokkaku Shiki would appear. she's said to resemble the late sister of Shiori, Sena......" | Hắc |
November 10, 2020 | 遠藤亜羅椰さんのお家ってどこか大きな企業だったりしますか?
Araya's family
- father : philosopher. - mother : teach in art university and is a painter. She also got oil painting hobby (comment from replies : excuse to bring victims into her room) |
rluka |
November 14, 2020 | 相模女子高等女学館のことなんですが、貧困な境遇から出身した生徒も多いかと思うのですが、鎌倉府の他のガーデンと比べれば学費は比較的に安くなっているのでしょうか?それとも何らかの奨学金・支援金制度はあるのですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 相模女子やエレンスゲは不平等是正の為に学費や入学基準が引き下げられていますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
so Sagami, Herensuge (**not** Erensuge mind you) and some other gardens aim at equity for students from disadvantaged background, and thus have a lower tuition fee and entrance acceptance requirement | Hắc |
November 14, 2020 | 百合ケ丘に校則はあるのでしょうか??また二水ちゃんが思う、厳しいなと感じる校則を教えて欲しいです!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Yurigaoka has no properly stated school rulesbut rather the rules are embodied in the school's moral values and history, and the students are expected to grasp this | Hắc |
June 19, 2020 | ' この風紀委員の性格から風紀委員長とそのガーデン内の規則を司るものが一致しないことの方が多いです。百合ヶ丘女学院もそうしたガーデンの一つで学内風紀を司るジーグルーネと風紀委員長は別個に存在します。前者は内田眞悠理様、後者は岡田綺更様が現職です #アサルトリリィ |
Although, Fumi said something about there are two groups in Yurigaoka.
One is led by Mayuri, the other is Kisara (Ena’s oneesama) |
rluka |
November 18, 2020 | ' CHARMの妖精チャーミィは実は工廠科で最初に手に取る教則本の案内キャラなのです。OSチュートリアルの水性哺乳類みたいな感じでみんなに愛されています。 工廠科生徒「あ~でたーチャーミィ!懐かしー」 #アサルトリリィ |
textbook mascot of the Mechanics division"Charmy" | Hắc |
November 20, 2020 | オチまで酷い!
Hara Midori from Suiyuukai (Shiori's Legion) is basically the Araya of Suiyuukai'sbasically a gei lord who is hungry for Shiori | Hắc |
November 23, 2020 | LGヘオロットセインツの薺ちゃんのことですが、どうやら彼女が魔女などといった称号を冠しているのですが、正確になんて言う称号なのか、そしてそれを得た経緯は何だったか教えていただけますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 河鍋薺ちゃんは小さな魔術師と言われています。背が小さいので”小さな”ファンタズムで未来を読み劣勢な戦況を覆すことから”魔術師”と呼ばれるようになりました。 #アサルトリリィ |
so precisely speaking, Nazuna is termed "the smol witch""smol" because she's, well, smol | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Kusumi's possessiveness over Soraha: when Soraha apparently gets intimate in conversing with first-year students other than herself, Kusumi would sometimes get jealous and cry | Hắc |
December 9, 2020 | 楓さんのルームメイト教えてください!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Damn bourgeois ^^;;;
Kaede's family gives big donation to Yurigaoka, so she doesn't need to share her room with another girl. Not only that, her room consist of three rooms made into one. |
rluka |
December 9, 2020 | 明日お誕生日の石川葵さんが着けている猫耳装備は、ヒュージサーチャーだと聞いたことがありますが、遠藤亜羅椰さんが着けているのは同じヒュージサーチャーなのでしょうか。それとも単なるアクセサリーなのでしょうか。 #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね、亜羅椰さんのもヒュージサーチャーの一種です。#アサルトリリィ |
Araya's cat ears are also Huge detector | rluka |
April 27, 2020 | 神庭に留学してみたいですが
Digging back, Heimskringla is in Sweden, and it's famous for back zone education | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Foomy has a messy room which she vehemently deniescalling it "stacked with interview material" instead | Hắc |
February 11, 2020 | ' オルトリンデは全校リリィの投票によって選ばれる生徒総代です。一般的な学校の生徒会長に近いですね。学内政治や委員会、学級委員などを取り仕切ります。直轄レギオンはヴィーンゴールヴ。現職は山崎明伽様ですが現在負傷で戦線を離脱していまして秦祀様が代行を務めています。 #アサルトリリィ |
because Meika is still recovering from her combat injuryso in her stead Matsuri takes the position of Ortlinde | Hắc |
March 13, 2020 | ' サブスキルはレアスキルとは違い複数個覚醒可能です。 初代アールヴヘイムのメンバーの長谷部冬佳様はレアスキルヘリオスフィア持ちですがサブスキルを7つも覚醒させた世界で唯一のリリィです。彼女は別格ですが一流のリリィはレアスキル以外にサブスキルも複数持ってるものです #アサルトリリィ |
Well... there is rare case like Hasebe Touka.
Heliosphere, plus *seven* sub-skills |
rluka |
December 14, 2020 | 最強の狙撃手はおられます?
ある戦いでシューティングモードで3体連続でギガント級を撃ちぬいたことで伝説となりました。 #アサルトリリィ |
Murakami Tokiwa, snipe killed 3 Gigant in single battle
Hat trick |
rluka |
August 12, 2020 | ' ちなみにLGロネスネスのロネスネスとは御台場の世界観の基本であるベオウルフの主人公ベオウルフが葬られた鯨岬(ロネスネス)から来ています。ゆえにロネスネスのことを”岬”とリリィオタクたちは呼ぶのです。川端蛍様の岬の聖花とはそういう意味なのです。豆知識でしたー^^ #アサルトリリィ |
LG Hronesness of Odaiba is named after the cape at which the hero Beowulf in the Old English epic of the same name were cremated - *Hronesnæss* (Cape Whale) | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | only about 20 girls were passing thensince a lot of other legions were on expeditions | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Tamura Nagi, who's apparently very scary when angry since she'd bring her fists down on you | Hắc |
December 29, 2020 | ' 最終話の戦いは百合ヶ丘本校が手薄な時に強襲されたことが一番恐ろしい点です。なんでヒュージに百合ヶ丘が手薄なことが分かったのか?!それが一番の謎でもありますが、あの戦いの厳しさはここにあります。あの時残っていたリリィ達死力を全員死力を尽くし乗り越えたのです #アサルトリリィ |
right, so the Huge chose the exact time when Yurigaoka was the thinnest on its defenses due to multiple leigons being out on expedition to attack | Hắc |
December 29, 2020 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もう答えてくれてたら申し訳ないのですがアニメ五話から二水ちゃんのもってたタブレットは私物?それともレギオンに一つ備品として支給されるものなのでしょうか |
so Foomy's tablet was standard Legion supply | Hắc |
June 1, 2015 | ' CHARM解説② AC-18ダインスレイフ 直接攻撃と高火力に拘った特化型CHARM。最前線で戦うリリィから高い信頼を寄せられている。頑強で故障が少なくハードユースに耐える。 威力は大きいが扱いは簡単ではない
Dainsleif is an especially sturdy Charm for hard use and doesn't break easily | rluka |
January 5, 2021 | 水夕会やローエングリン、サングリーズルもSSSですが、同様にアルトラ級討伐経験があるのでしょうか。
one of among the many requirements for a Legion to be ranked SSS is to have at least half its members having experience in destroying Ultra-classes or Ultra-equivalent Gigant Mutants | Hắc |
January 5, 2021 | 実家に仕送りとかしているリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Matsunaga Yui has been sending part of her income (rewards for missions and kills) back home to support her impoverished family | Hắc |
September 23, 2020 | ' 新潟を守備するガーデン柳都女学館の援軍要請を受けた天葉様は百合ヶ丘の学内の反対を押し切って新潟遠征を敢行しました。それは御台場迎撃戦で共闘した天津麻嶺様や現柳都を代表するリリィ千子夕七(せんご・ゆうな)様との友情を優先した天葉様らしい決断でした。 #アサルトリリィ |
Interesting part.
So, Yurigaoka(?) is actually against sending Alfheim to Ryuuto ? But Soraha pushed through, considering Marei and Yuuna who had also fought with them in Odaiba battle |
rluka |
September 23, 2020 | ' この遠征は物議をかもしましたが2代アールヴヘイムの代表的なそして凄絶な遠征となり 御台場迎撃戦と並ぶほどの激戦として世界を震撼させることとなります。これは改めてツイートではない形でお話したいと思います! #アサルトリリィ |
And the battle itself is also compared to the Odaiba battle | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | The squad with Marei going around the place fixing and modding Charm in the middle of battle | rluka |
July 25, 2020 | ' 麻嶺様が所属する(ほとんどいませんが)新潟の守護者、柳都女学館は広大な新潟全域を1校で守るガーデンです。格付SSのLGブローズグハッダを中心に9つのレギオンで新潟各地を守っています。 #アサルトリリィ |
more from her profile
Ryuuto is covering the whole Niigata region (5th largest prefecture in Japan) alone, with only 9 Legions |
rluka |
January 9, 2021 | CHARM クルッジの主な使用者を教えて下さい!
Suzuki Chinami uses the Kuruzzi | Hắc |
January 9, 2021 | 祀さんとシルトになるはずだった嬉詩さんとはどういった経緯でシュッツエンゲルの契りを結ぶ約束をしたのか知りたいです
Uta was Matsuri's childhood friend | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | so apparently few, if any recapture operations have been carried out to the western side of Japan | Hắc |
January 9, 2021 | ' ところが現在明伽様が負傷の療養中でオルトリンデの代行を祀様がされています。本来ならヴィーンゴールヴのメンバーは行うべき役員の業務を現在は臨時的に秦祀隊(LGエイル)の所属メンバーは行っています。ヴィーンゴールヴはあくまで明伽様のレギオンですので祀様は指揮しません #アサルトリリィ |
the jobs normally done by Vingólf's member is now handled by Eir (Matsuri's legion)'s membersbut Matsuri herself doesn't take command of Vingólf | Hắc |
January 9, 2021 | charmの中で1番扱いにくcharmや、扱う人が少ないcharmってなんですか?
Ipetam, the infamous CHARM from Amatsu Heavy Industries whose usage was so difficult that its development was canceled | Hắc |
January 9, 2021 | LGローエングリンの通称は何だろう?
LG Lohengrin is called "Conquerors of the Starry Ocean" because it has so many star Lilies | Hắc |
January 9, 2021 | 御台場迎撃戦で夢結様や幸恵様、楪様たちと同じ第1部隊でご活躍された、曽野真央様がどんな方なのか教えてください!
生徒会と特にブリュンヒルデとは相容れない立場をとる方です。レアスキルゼノンパラドキサとステルスを組み合わせた神出鬼没の戦闘スタイルで知られています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Sono Manaka/Mao/something
person kinda like Shenlin elegant but holds her own moral values and goes batshit insane when encountering people she would clash with is always at conflict with the student council, especially with the Brynhildr |
Hắc |
March 24, 2020 | ' 伊東閑さんのシュバルツグレイルは凄まじい量のパターン学習と研究で、ファンタズム持ちの生み出す未来予知を戦術で可能にする試みをしているレギオンです。リリィオタクからは「かっこいい~」っていうイメージを持たれますね。実は幸恵様のアイアンサイドが似た思想を持ってます #アサルトリリィ |
Shizu is also considered a star lily
Her specialty seems to be her knowledge, and her legion is known for developing battle strategies, especially to make use of Phantasm skill |
rluka |
June 15, 2020 | ' 対する特命遊撃隊は非公式なミッションや強行偵察などを受け持ちます。全権を隊長である伊東苗陽様が委任されていて、対外遠征も基本的には隊長が生徒会長に直接許諾をうければよく、生徒会役員並みの特権を有します。苗陽様のイメージイラストは初公開で~す #アサルトリリィ |
And her sister is a boosted lily with Phantasm skill | rluka |
January 9, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
おやすみなさいませ~~ #アサルトリリィ |
Foomin... don’t go oyasumi after throwing bait like that.
SSS Legions are special. Even though there are debates if there are actually lower ranked legions equal to the SSS, but... But what!? |
rluka |
January 14, 2021 | 内田眞悠理様はシュバルツグレイブ所属ですがジーグルーネ専属のレギオンは無いんですか?
The Siegrune position has no affiliated legions, unlike the Brynhildr and Ortlinde | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | for example, Yurigaoka adopts such a system where really, really excellent Lilies can be recommended into the school. in such a case they wouldn't need to take the entrance exam | Hắc |
January 14, 2021 | 一人称が「僕」のリリィといえば美鈴様ですが、一人称が「俺」のリリィっていますか?
another known bokukko in the AL world, Date Furiru from Sagami Girls' School | Hắc |
January 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
逆に少食の子とかもいたりしますか?? |
Soraha and Tazusa are big eaters
and Shiori to a certain degree as well |
Hắc |
January 14, 2021 | 衛生兵のような、戦場での応急処置などに特化したリリィもありますか?
LG Rossweisse, the specs ops legion of Yurigaoka consisting of only enhanced Lilies is also known as a medics legion | Hắc |
January 14, 2021 | デュアルスキラーのように理論上存在しているけど確認されていないレアスキルはあるの??
Principal of Yurigaoka, Takamatsu Shiera, is said to possess a mysterious rare skill, "Amatsukami" (Heavenly Gods)what it does is shrouded in complete mystery | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Unique Charm Fragarach is designed with function to return to the user after being thrown | rluka |
January 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
同一戦場に「ファンタズム」持ちが複数いて、それぞれ「望む未来」が相違いしていると、どうなるンですかね。 やはり、チカラの強い方に引っ張られるんでしょうか。 「ココはやはり実証実験が必要じゃな!」 |
in the case of multiple Phantasm users being on the battlefield at the same time, what would happen when their desired futures conflictsuch a situation itself is very rare considering Phantasm's rarity in itself as a skill | Hắc |
February 7, 2020 | ' 楓さんは聖メルクリウスインターナショナル中等部のレギオン予備隊の世界評価で初めて百合ヶ丘を抑え最高格付けを得た時のメンバーです。その時のメンバーリストが画像のリリィ達♪ファンタズムを同時に複数扱える司令塔として楓さん、ルルディスさんはその名を天下に知らしめました #アサルトリリィ |
About multiple Phantasm users.
Kaede (during her middle school in Mercurius) and Luludis are known as Regista commander who are trained to use multiple Phantasm skill users. |
rluka |
January 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合丘学院が反GEHENA主義のガーデンになった理由などはあるのでしょうか? |
well Principal Shiera was an enhanced Lily with a tormented pastand that lead to Yurigaoka's anti-GEHENA stance | Hắc |
January 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
御台場女学校では何名か強化リリィの方がいる一方で、反GEHENA主義のメルクリウスと姉妹校提携をされているようですが、御台場女学校としてはGEHENAに対してどのような姿勢を取っているんですか? |
Odaiba is also anti-Gehena Garden. Their boosted Lily members are rescued from research labs, mostly by Akira, one of their teachers. | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | LG Glaðsheimr of Makuhari Science Girls' High Schoolachieved fame in the battle of Makuhari Recapture, the legion was led by Yoshioka Tomoha | Hắc |
January 17, 2021 | ' グラズヘイムは所属メンバーが全員”アーセナル”で自分の機体を自分で調整・保守・改造して戦闘に臨みます。百合ケ丘の戦うアーセナルは戦うこともできるアーセナルですが、グラズヘイムのそれはよりリリィに近いです。これは御台場女学校工廠科にも通じる思想です #アサルトリリィ |
Glastheim’s members are all Arsenals. They maintain and modify their own Charm. | rluka |
February 28, 2020 | ' 新館は1年生の為の宿舎です。新館寮長は伝統的に3年生が就任して下級生全体の生活を指導、風紀管理をします。現職新館寮長は初代アールヴヘイムを作った3年生林薫様。竹腰千華様の守護天使ですね。画像は1年生たち~♪ #アサルトリリィ |
Kaoru, the founder and captain of 1st Alfheim, is now the dorm master of the 1st year dorm. | rluka |
May 8, 2020 | ' 親GEHENA主義のガーデンとしては東のルドビコ、西野鞍馬山と言われたほどで鞍馬山は特に強化リリィを生み出すことに躊躇が無いガーデンでしたが、色々あって今はまともなガーデンに戻りつつあります。2年生で”縮地の申し子”古田八重様を中心に戦ってます #アサルトリリィ |
the key Lily around which Kuramayama Environments Girls' High School's tactic revolves | Hắc |
May 8, 2020 | ' この戦術は8人で行うのですがフィニッシュを8人全員で撃ちます。ノインヴェルトと比べて一人少ない分をカバーするというものなのですがここが中々難しいんですよね。そういう場面を作れるかが勝負になってきますので #アサルトリリィ |
Rokuyaon(?) tactics is interesting
Similar to Neunwelt, but using only 8 members. The finishing shot is done all members |
rluka |
January 25, 2021 | 「ハイプレス戦術」って、具体的にどういう戦術?
ヘルヴォルはこの完成を目指しています。百合ヶ丘の2代アールヴヘイムやレギンレイヴもこの戦術はサブ戦術で持ってます #アサルトリリィ |
high pressure passingwhere small Huges would be pushed back in order to secure a pass course that prioritizes aiming at the commanding Gigant-class | Hắc |
January 25, 2021 | アウニャメンディシステマス社について教えてください。語感が良くて頭に残るのでどんな会社なのか教えて頂きたいです。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Aunyamendi (?) Systemaa Spanish company that started out as a 3rd-party producer of CHARM accessories | Hắc |
January 25, 2021 | B型兵装はデュエル世代が多く亡くなった原因の1つということでしたが、やはりデュエル世代のリリィの中には忌み嫌ってる人なんかも少なからずいるのでしょうか?
the B-type armament (attachment to the Core of a CHARM, performs a limit break-esque power boost or something. gotta re-read it), which has lead to the death of no insignificant number of duel-era Liliesto the Duelers themselves, they hold the B-type armament in pride as it was an obvious thing to use in their times, something that enabled them to protect the people they hold dear, even if it would cost them their lives | Hắc |
January 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィ同士が手合わせするってことはよくあるんですか? |
back in the Duel generation 1v1 sparring between Lilies was a common thing because of the usual fight they'd engage against Hugesbut now it's very rare, outside of Odaiba at least | Hắc |
January 25, 2021 | 閑さんのシュッツエンゲルである剣持乃子様の実力はどのくらい?
Shizu's Schutzengel, Kenmochi Norikopopular among Lily otakus, she's an elegant Lily with the Register rare skill and "Promised Territory" (Testament's subskill) sub skill. a girl with both bravery and kindness | Hắc |
January 28, 2021 | 2代アールヴヘイムのことを調べていたら、天葉様のシュッツエンゲルでスーパーサブの槙若菜という方が出てきました。初めて聞く言葉なのですが、スーパーサブとは何でしょうか?
In Legion, there’s position called Super Sub.
These are members who are not included in the starter 9 members. Much like substitute players. But they also got ability like powerful attack or high speed, allowing them to change the flow of battle or help their team mates. In 2nd Alfheim, that’s Wakana (Soraha’s schutzengel), while Mai holds the position in the 1st Alfheim. |
rluka |
January 28, 2021 | 田中壱さんの新情報がなんでもいいので知りたいです!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Ichi’s Rule of This World rare skill is rank S | rluka |
January 28, 2021 | ラスバレのストーリーで、エレンスゲと百合ケ丘は政治的にあまり仲が良くないと言っていましたが、それはGEHENA関係の要因だけなんでしょうか?
Pro-Gehena Gardens (Herensuge, Ludo, Irma, etc) and Anti-Gehena Gardens (Yurigaoka, Odaiba, Mercurius, etc) usually got bad relationship.
There are also Gardens with incompatible style, such as Sagami (military) or Sakuranomori (Bushi do) |
rluka |
January 28, 2021 | ' ちなみにTZの底っていうのはリリィオタクが使う用語でTZの後ろ目にいるリリィのことを指します。 #アサルトリリィ |
Yamanashi Hibari (LG Sanngriðr) is nicknamed Wizard and is one of the top tactician in Yurigaoka. She boast about being peerless in the Bottom TZ position. Her rival is Watanabe Akane (LG Alfheim).
Bottom TZ is a term used by Lily otaku to refer to TZ who hold position close to BZ. In the current Neunwelt era, the bottom TZ are important as they usually hold the steering wheel of the Legion. Not only their strength, Lily placed in this position are expected to be able to observe the battle and apply the effective tactics to it. |
rluka |
January 29, 2021 | やっぱりリリィは鍛えてるだけあって 拳で殴るような物理攻撃も得意なんですかね?
as Lilies use Magi to engage Huges in combat, they don't necessarily all excel in combat against peoplee.g. in Yurigaoka there may be Lilies who are physically strong, and there're those who specialize in Magi control | Hắc |
January 29, 2021 | アールヴヘイムの金箱弥宇様は、一柳隊のノインヴェルト戦術を「アンチノインヴェルト」と卑下していますが、どんなところが「アンチ」なのでしょうか?また彼女の理想とするノインヴェルト戦術は一体どんなものなのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 弥宙さんの理想はヒュージの近くのマギインテンシティが高いゾーンで高速パスを回して華麗にそして速攻でマギをチャージしてギガント級を討滅する戦い方です。一柳隊は後方でのパス回しでのマギチャージから前線に一気にパス付けするのでこれが気に食わないようですねー😅 #アサルトリリィ |
Kanebako Misora, who has a special fixation on Neunwelt passingher ideal Neunwelt passing is high-speed passes in close proximity to a Huge, rapidly charging the gay ball up with the environment's high Magi intensity, and striking down the Huge in short order | Hắc |
January 29, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんの文具収集ブームはまだ続いてますか?
Shiorin and her habit of collecting stationary goodsnow she's fixated on fountain and ballpoint pens | Hắc |
January 29, 2021 | このデュランダルの解説にある「特殊な力場」について教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん 回復力場という特殊な効果を持ったものでしてスタミナを回復する効果があります。これはレアスキルにもない効果でとても注目されています。 #アサルトリリィ |
the potential field generated by the Durandal CHARM has a stamina restoration effect | Hắc |
January 29, 2021 | ノインヴェルト戦術用の弾丸ってどれくらい高価なのでしょうか? 予備で2発持ってたりしないのかな。 #教えて二水ちゃん こんな感じです。 強豪レギオンは予備弾をもって戦場に展開しますよ。格付SSSクラスになりますとヘッドライナー9名に1発ずつ所持させたりします。 |
SSS-rank legions can have one 9welt bullet for each member when they're deployed | Hắc |
January 21, 2020 | ' 舞台で、選抜隊の面々の多くがクルクルっとCHARMを回していたと思います。あれは「CHARMフリップ」とよばれるもので、強豪ガーデンのリリィは最初に教わるものです。自在に得物を扱うための練習の一種で、一流のリリィは自然に差し挟みます。 #アサルトリリィ |
the CHARM twisting motion (CHARM flip) you see in the stage plays is a basic thing taught to Lilies of powerful Gardens
in order to freely handle their weapons and as a result, it would be a habitual action for them in combat |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | so even among the Ultra-class, in the world there're 7 special-large Ultra-class Huges | Hắc |
January 29, 2021 | アクセス不可能 ちなみに7大アルトラの1体が新潟佐渡の大ネストに巣食う アルトラ級”ファーブニル”です。 #アサルトリリィ |
and one of the 7 world-class Ultras is the one in Niigata, "Fafnir" | Hắc |
March 6, 2020 | ' 叶星様は神庭のトップレギオン「グランエプレ」の隊長です。舞台 #アサルトリリィ でも語られてましたが御台場女学校から転校しすぐに隊を任されました。幕張奪還戦では補給線確保などの兵站を完璧にこなし勝利に貢献しました。智将の側面が目立ちますがリリィとしても御台場出身らしく一騎当千です |
so Kanaho joined in the Makuhari Recapture | Hắc |
February 1, 2021 | ' 楓さんが「横浜は親GEHENA派の国定守備範囲」という感じのことを話していたと思います。ガーデンには基本的にはそれぞれ絶対に守備しなければならない国定守備範囲というものが設定されています。ルド女の東京西域とかですね。 #ラスバレ #アサルトリリィ |
Yokohama area (visited in the current LB event) is a pro-GEHENA region | Hắc |
February 1, 2021 | ' ”横浜”は鎌倉府5大ガーデンの一角「シエルリント女学薗」の守備範囲です。親GEHENAガーデンの総本山ともいわれる名門ガーデンでゴスロリ制服で有名です。金沢文庫に校舎を構えています。楓さんはこのことを話していたんです。 #アサルトリリィ |
and this area is the national designated protection area of Sierlint | Hắc |
February 1, 2021 | ' シエルリント女学薗は親GEHENAで有名ですが、これまで目立った”事件”は起こしてません。エレンスゲやルド女、鞍馬山環境女子など親GEHENAのガーデンはだいたいトラブルや事件を起こしてますがシエルリントとイルマは 大きな事件を起こしてません。だから逆に怖いのかもしれませんが #アサルトリリィ |
up until now Sierlint and Irma has managed to not gather much attention because they didn't cause any public incidents, unlike Kuramayama (Tomoshibi's escape), Herensuge (destruction of last-gen Hervarar) or Ludovico (collapse of Ludovico) | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Sierlint is also famous for its massive library, part of the gothic loli appealthe library, Biblioteca (?) is said to hold the world's highest quality books related to Magi research | Hắc |
February 3, 2021 | @tos #教えて二水ちゃん
ワンタッチでフィニッシュできそうな場所にパスを出せる最高に格好いいリリィはいますか? |
all Lilies of SSS-rank legions are adept in both passing and shooting final shots | Hắc |
February 3, 2021 | ガーデンの浴場など、特定の温泉にはマギ回復促進効果がある、という話や、樟美ちゃんが相当な長湯、という話、楓さんが一柳隊で一番長湯、という話を聞いてふと思ったのですが、リリィの場合、民間人の方より長湯の傾向にあるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Kusumi often baths for a long time, but Ichi doesn'tso when Ichi tries to stay in the bath with Kusumi for longer, she'd get dizzy instead | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Mayuri lives in the attic of the 2nd year dorm | Hắc |
February 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
一柳が得意なパス順を教えてください〜やっぱり最初は梅様からですか? フィニッシュショットは誰が撃つのが定石ですか〜 |
1yanagi's 9welt passing orderusually starts with the leader or command tower so Riri, Shenlin or Kaede fires the first shot | Hắc |
February 3, 2021 | こういったルールの抜け穴を突いた実験からの救出も、ロスヴァイセの管轄なの?
ロスヴァイセの面々は対ヒュージ戦闘だけでなく対人戦闘の訓練も受けていますので...... #アサルトリリィ |
So yes, Yurigaoka-headed lab raids would be under LG Rossweisse's jurisdiction | Hắc |
February 3, 2021 | ヒュージに陥落させられた都市は各地に存在してますが、逆にヒュージから解放された都市は存在しますか?
there was a time when the Kyushu region was occupied by the Hugesbut it was successfully liberated by local Gardens | Hắc |
February 6, 2021 | #ラム乾 #教えて二水ちゃん
バレンタインの話題が出ましたが、お菓子作りが上手なリリィって誰ですか |
Number one sweets maker in Yurigaoka is Diana Koolhaas from LG Reginleiv. Boosted Lily.
Famous for having cooking battle with Kusumi. |
rluka |
February 6, 2021 | @assault_lily #教えて二水ちゃん
ルームメイトでもある剣持乃子様屋根裏に住んでいるんですか? |
There’s a ladder from Mayuri and Noriko’s dorm room to the attic.
Noriko also got a room in the attic. |
rluka |
February 6, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
楓さんは語学に長けているとのことですが、他に語学堪能なリリィはいらっしゃいますか? |
Kaede is well versed in many language (she speaks 13 languages).
Shinobu is the same or even better. Her expertise is Latin language. |
rluka |
February 6, 2021 | シグルドリーヴァの任務には対GEHENA調査も含まれていたかと思いますが、そうすると、任務の一つに強化リリィ救出が含まれているロスヴァイセとは同盟関係にあったりするのでしょうか?
ロスヴァイセの任務が対GEHENA戦闘である場合、先遣調査はシグルドリーヴァが行いますので作戦行動を共にすることは多そうですね #アサルトリリィ |
LG Rossweisse and LG Sigrdrifa both are involved in anti-Gehena missions, but they’re not allied.
Both are special operation legions working directly under the Garden. Rossweisse deal with the battle, while Sigrdrifa do recon mission. |
rluka |
February 6, 2021 | 秦祀さまのシルト候補だった山田嬉詩ちゃんについて詳しくお聞きしたいです
可憐で儚い樟美さんみたいなタイプの少女でした。 #アサルトリリィ |
Yamada Uta was known to be a sweet girl similar to Kusumi | Hắc |
February 6, 2021 | 岡田綺更様の情報を知りたいです
Okada Kisara, Ena's Schutzengel and head of the Discipline committee. peaking in sadism, she is aptly named "vampire princess", and whoever catches her sight when she's on the job is not going to get out alive
(image is Banshouya Ena, Kisara's Schilt) |
Hắc |
February 6, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
#アサルトリリィ” |
Kiito apparently has set out to spread words of the goodness of her brand of ultra-super-phenomenally-astronomically-hyper-devastatingly-spicy curry *again* | Hắc |
May 16, 2020 | 楓さんの戦術、金箱弥宙さんからはアンチノインヴェルトだ!って批判されてますけど、楓さんの戦術立案ってどんなものなんだろ🤔 今の楓さんの戦術はメルクリウス時代の華麗にファンタズムを使いこなすものではなく現実的なBZ中心の手堅い戦い方ですね。それが弥宙さんは気にくわないみたいです。楓嬢ならもっとやれるのにっていうリリィオタク特有の残念な気持ちがあるんでしょうねー #アサルトリリィ |
also on Kaede, back in her time in St. Mercury her style of commanding was a gorgeous combination of multiple Phantasm users, which of course is nice but impractical (considering how rare even one single Phantasm user is, let alone multiple). now she focuses on constructing a solid BZ | Hắc |
February 7, 2021 | @assault_lily 日本のレギオンが国外へ外征に行くことは可能ですか?やはり、外交的な問題がありますか?
Q: Is it possible for Legion from Japan to go on expedition abroad? Would there be problems related to foreign affairs?
A: First, declare the expedition. After that, wait for approval from the Garden guarding that territory. |
rluka |
February 7, 2021 | @assault_lily 回答ありがとうございます!ちなみにディアナさんって初めましてですか…? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね、ディアナ・コールハースさんは昨晩初めてご紹介しました。BZでレジスタ持ちという初代アールヴヘイム主将の千華様と同じタイプの方でとても期待されています。ロスヴァイセによってGEHENAから救出された過去を持ちます #アサルトリリィ |
Diana Koolhaas (the sweets maker from Reginleiv) is BZ position and Regista skill user, similar type to Takegoshi Chihana (captain of 1st gen Alfheim).
She’s rescued from Gehena facilities by LG Rossweisse. |
rluka |
February 7, 2021 | 対GEHENA戦闘とは一体何と戦うのですか…?
Q: What do they fight in mission against Gehena?
A: Anything standing on the way of Boosted Lily rescue operation are considered enemies. |
rluka |
February 9, 2021 | 泳げないリリィを教えてください
Kiito can’t swim… | rluka |
February 11, 2021 | アーセナルたちはみんながみんなCHARM作れるものなんですか?
それこそ百由様とかバリバリ作ってるイメージなんですが #教えて二水ちゃん |
not all Arsenals actively design and create CHARMs. the current kind of Arsenal gathering attention are those that have enough know-how to design, while also customizing their own CHARMs and fight as Lilies as well. Misora (Alfheim) and Kozue (Hronesness) are of this type | Hắc |
February 11, 2021 | ローエングリンには誰かアーセナルは所属していますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Takegoshi Chihana isn't an Arsenal, but possesses CHARM designing skill equivalent to one | Hắc |
February 11, 2021 | @assault_lily 設定資料集より、御台場迎撃戦では「巣無しのアルトラ」を討伐したと記載されていますが、どの様に倒したのでしょうか?答えられる範囲ででも教えて下さい!
Zero-top strat (i.e. AZ retreating to TZ) was used in the 9welt passing for destroying the nestless Ultra-class of the Odaiba Counterattack. the last passes were Momiji ⇒ Artea ⇒ Soraha who sneaked past the AZ to deliver the last hit | Hắc |
July 4, 2020 | ' 本日はずっと皆さんから質問を受けていたヘオロットセインツのゼロトップ戦術について解説します。難解なのでわかりにくかったらごめんなさい>< ゼロトップ戦術は元々ヒュージからの負荷が強いAZを楽にしながらフィニッシュショットを撃ち込むために考えられました #アサルトリリィ |
more on zero-top strategy
well, it is said to have the AZ retreating to TZ, but that's only the initial phase the actual process following that is a lot more complex it's detailed in this thread you guys can take a look at these charts for the flow of movement in a zero-top pass |
Hắc |
February 12, 2021 | お母様がリリィで二世リリィみたいなリリィってやっぱりいらっしゃるの?
また、そういうリリィって多かったりするのかしら… 宮崎火刈様も二世リリィ的な感じなのかしら…?
so Aoi's mother was a Lily as well
in addition to her father (Ishikawa Seiei) being an officer in the JSDF, it means that her family has had a tradition of fighting against Huges |
Hắc |
February 12, 2021 | 竹腰千華様はドSとのことですがシルトの立原紗癒さんに対してもドSなんでしょうか?
aside from Okada Kisara I've mentioned last time, Takegoshi Chihana herself is also a sadist-type.
and her Schilt, Sayu doesn't mind being boolied so they're perfect matches |
Hắc |
February 12, 2021 | 以前汐里ちゃんがインテリアグッズにハマりはじめたと言っていましたが、もう用途が謎なインテリアとか買ってきてたりしてませんか?
Shiori lately has been getting into collecting interior items, and one of the stuffs she has obtained is a small black refrigerator for energy drinks | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Soraha is a highly aggressive sideback type. and normally when delivering the finish shot of 9welt she would overlap up to the front, evading smaller Huges and shoot from the AZ (?) | Hắc |
February 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヘルヴォルが使ってるCHARMって違法なやつですか? |
previous generations of Hervarar had been recorded of using CHARMs that were strongly suspected to be illegal | Hắc |
November 5, 2020 | ' 天葉様がフィニッシュショットを撃つってますがこれが初代アールヴヘイムのブルームーンシフトの本気の再現です。現役最高のマギ保有量を持つソラ様の一撃です。自身の疲労やCHARMのダメージもあって仕留めきれませんでしたがさすがは蒼き月の御使い^0^ #アサルトリリィ出動 |
That’s the pass strategy in the old Alfheim. They name it Blue Moon Shift and usually Soraha deliver the finish shot.
In addition, she got the highest magi capacity (rivalling even boosted lily) among all currently active Lily. |
rluka |
February 14, 2021 | リリィは全員でレアスキルを持っていますか?それともない人がいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 覚醒しないままガーデンに入り、1年生の間くらいに覚醒すれば優秀な部類です。中等部で覚醒してるのが当たり前化している百合ヶ丘や御台場女学校が異常なだけです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Lily who awakened their rare skill after a year in high school are considered excellent.
Yurigaoka and Odaiba where it’s common for Lily to already awakened their rare skill in middle school is not to be used as measuring stick of what’s “normal" |
rluka |
February 14, 2021 | @assault_lily 既出だったら申し訳ないですが、関西圏の状況を詳しく知りたいです
Ambrosia Girls Academy in Kobe.
The main offensive in Kansai area |
rluka |
February 15, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
どうして森辰姫は他人のためにCHARMを作ることは一切しないですか? |
Mori Tatsuki studies as an Arsenal to make easy-to-handle CHARMs for herself, not to design CHARMs for others | Hắc |
February 15, 2021 | @assault_lily 確か天葉様も虫が苦手って何処かで聞いたような…? 天葉様は虫というよりも蜂がお嫌いです。小さいときに刺されたことがあってそれ以来苦手なのです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Soraha doesn't like bees specifically because she was stung in her childhood | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Soraha's night snacks aren't exactly "snacks" anymore. they were made by Kusumi, and can range up to hamburgers and such | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | the Lily on the cover of Arms Collection packaging boxes is Masukawa Uta of Jogashima Girls' Engineering School | Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
現役の男性リリィはいますか!?!?!!?!?!? |
the acting principal's Skiller value when he was Lily was barely 50 | Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | 次にシュッツエンゲルの契りを結びそうと噂されているペアはいたりしますか?
Although they deny it, there are topics among the Lily otaku about suspecting Ichi and Ena are going to be the next to make schutzengel vow | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | this is the unique uniform of LG Razgrizr/Hitotsuyanagi Squad. the right to design their own unique uniform is given to Legions that have earned the Holy White Lily medal, given to units that have destroyed Gigant-class Huges and larger | Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | エレンスゲなどの親GEHENAのスタンスがイマイチよく分からないのですが、
The separation between pro-Gehena and anti-Gehena Gardens are seen from how they actively put new technologies and theories from Gehena into use.
Even then, it’s not a black and white situation. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Failnaught, Kozue West's beloved CHARM has a bow mode | Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
親GEHENAだとしても入学したいという理由を知りたい!! |
about pro-GEHENA gardens.
even if the reputation of Ludojo is bound to its links with GEHENA, some girls may still aspire to join it out of admiration of the pride that before, Ludojo alone held the Tokyo battlefront and defended the capital. out of such a pride prospective students would maintain a determination to fight beyond their own capacity to protect everyone, even if it means sacrificing themselves |
Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | ' エレンスゲはマディックを多く採用しますので、リリィにはなれないけれど、故郷のみんなの為にどうしてもヒュージと戦いたいという覚悟を持った子が入学します。 #アサルトリリィ |
about Herensuge, as it adopts Madics as well, it would be the school of aspiration for girls who cannot become Lilies but still are determined to fight for their home land no matter what | Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | 立原紗癒さんや竹久央さんがかぶっているベレー帽は頭部の防御などの意味があってかぶっているのでしょうか?それとも個人の洋服の趣味ですか?
正装と言われるレギオン制服の時もかぶっているので気になりました #教えて二水ちゃん |
the berets worn by Takehisa Nakaba and Tachihara Sayu are a part of each of their respective Legion uniforms | Hắc |
February 16, 2021 | G.E.H.E.N.A.の一員になる方法って、どんな方法があるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
you can join GEHENA by a normal job application process | Hắc |
February 17, 2021 | 神庭女子には百合ヶ丘で言う北欧神話、エレンスゲで言うバスク神話のような世界観が無いように見えるのですが、そういった型にハマらないのもまた神庭女子の特色なのでしょうか?
あまりそういった世界観に影響されてないのは葵さんが通う相模女子ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Compared to other gardens such as Yurigaoka, Odaiba or Herensuge, some gardens don't have such a strong mythological basis. some of these gardens include Kanba (somewhat related to Norse mythology, but not strongly bound like Yurigaoka) and Sagami (no mythological bases at all) | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | rescuing students suffering in pro-GEHENA gardens and providing them guardianship is absolutely A-OK by the rules of Yurigaoka | Hắc |
February 17, 2021 | エレンスゲの序列二位の
LGクエレブレについてわかっている事はありますか?? (悪行、メンバー etc.)
second-rank legion of Herensuge, クエレブレ
they have a history of carrying out large-scale combat in areas that have yet to complete civilian evac, destroying buildings i.e. causing collateral damage to stop Huges. in other words, what they do only prioritize the destruction of Huges, and nothing else. thus, they're said to have the same action principle as the former Hervarar |
Hắc |
February 18, 2021 | 有名なリリィの中には「ウチのCHARMを使って下さい」みたいなスポンサー契約の様なものを結んでる方は居ますか?
また、自身の意思以外で使用CHARMを決める事はありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
there can be a kind of sponsorship where a maker would supply their CHARMs to a Lily, who uses these CHARMs only | Hắc |
February 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
若菜ー天葉ー樟美のノルンのことが気になって夜も眠れません。天葉ー樟美はアニメでちらっと見たのでなんとなくわかりましたが、若菜ー天葉と若菜ー樟美はお互いのことをどのように想っているのでしょうか。若菜ー樟美もやはりよく見る姉妹のように想いあっているのでしょうか |
while of course the 3 Nornir sisters of WakaSoraKusu are indeed like a family and they treasure each other as such, Wakana's position is more or less closer to looking over SoraKusu ~~and be all ara ara~~. also Kusumi would ask Wakana about things that're hard to discuss directly with Soraha | Hắc |
February 18, 2021 | ラスバレでも戦地に持ち込む携帯食の話題が出ていましたが、携帯食にこだわっているガーデン・レギオンといえばどこでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Sagami Girls' High School develops a variety of portable rations, and they're said to be delicious | Hắc |
February 18, 2021 | @assault_lily リリィが諸事情で自分の所属するガーデンを辞めて、一般の学校に転校するのは可能でしょうか?
It's possible for Lily to quit and transfer into regular school (not Garden)
Example is Hayami Katsura from Yurigaoka who attend non-Garden middle school in Odaiba (not the Odaiba girl academy). Although, she joined Odaiba girl academy in high school and return to be a Lily again. |
rluka |
February 16, 2021 | リリィが他のガーデンから転入してまた元のガーデンへ戻ることなどはあるのですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 可能ですよ。もちろん本人は結構たたかれると思いますが...... #アサルトリリィ |
It's also possible for a Lily to transfer into another Garden and then back again. But well, they wouldn't be accepted well | rluka |
February 16, 2021 | Original text unavailable | Circlet Breath rare skill allow dual wielding of two charms regardless of type.
The most popular are like Ena and Tishia who uses large and small size Charm in each hand, or Sachie and Shiori who uses offensive and defensive Charm. Although theoretically possible, it's difficult carry and use two large size Charm, so it's not common to have Lily who dual wield large size Charms. |
rluka |
February 19, 2021 | もうすぐ花粉の季節ですが、二水ちゃんの「鷹の目」は花粉の影響は大丈夫でしょうか。また、百合ヶ丘で花粉症のリリィはいますか?
百合ヶ丘ですと汐里ちゃんは花粉症ですね😭😢 #アサルトリリィ |
Shiorin is allergic to pollen | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Kuramata Yukiyo's candidate for Schutzengel, Sakaizawa Naru - the immovable rightside BZ of Lohengrin. excelling in physical prowess and carrying "almighty power", she's also the close friend of Chihana | Hắc |
February 19, 2021 | 各ガーデンの教導官の方々は元リリィだったりするのでしょうか?
the majority of instructors are former Lilies or Arsenals, especially in the case of combat instructors. lectures don't necessarily have to be so, however. | Hắc |
February 19, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヘオロットセインツの影の主将と評される菱田治様について何でもいいので教えてください!! |
Hishida Haru, one of the two second-year all-around geniuses alongside Takegoshi Chihana. but different from the commander of Lohengrin, Haru - the backstage commander of Heorot Saints - is hot-blooded and enthusiastic. the CHARM she uses is Caladbolg, a unique CHARM produced by Celtic Dale | Hắc |
February 19, 2021 | ブーメランみたいに投げても手元に戻ってくるcharmはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Soraha's unique CHARM, the Fragarach, has a boomerang feature | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Seike Tomoyo of LG Sanngriðr. Known for her extremely skillful swordsmanship that defies the fact that she's a Testament user (with weakened defensive barriers they normally would opt for mid- to long-range combat), her sword handling earns respect even from the 3rd-year duelists. Her Schutzengel is Imagawa Homare, the Sword Saint of the Holy School (an alias of Yurigaoka), to which Tomoyo is absolutely obedient to | Hắc |
February 19, 2021 | ' このシステムはリリィ総合支援システムの一つで、マギの浄化や増幅、B型兵装の使用のネガティブ要素の浄化を腰にある疑似マギクリスタルドライブ(メイガスコアドライブと呼びます)で行うものです。 #アサルトリリィ |
the Valkyria Skirt Magi Reincarnation System (VSMRS) is an integrated support system, and does a variety of things from Magi purification and amplification, to negating the drawbacks of the B-type armament | Hắc |
February 19, 2021 | ' 使用は各戦闘1回のみですので万能ではないですが危険な要素を除去します。御台場工廠科が基礎開発に成功し、ベルト部分に様々なアタッチメントを拡張したリリィ総合支援システムとしての完成を目指しています。 御台場のLGコーストガードのには、この装備が全員支給されています。 #アサルトリリィ |
the VSMRS can only be used once per battle so it's not perfect, but it at least decreases the dangers in combatthe basic development was done by Odaiba's Arsenal division, and they aim at perfecting it into an integrated Lily support system with possible customization to the belt part | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Lily Battlecross as a kind of protective wear. However since it also consumes Magi, practically nobody would wear a full set | Hắc |
February 20, 2021 | マギ量やスキラー数値の測定は一般の学校や病院の健康診断なんかでも行われるのでしょうか?
#アサルトリリィ |
Magi reaction and Skiller value measurement are performed in normal non-garden schools. as such, girls that do not aim to become Lilies, but still have their talent unearthed like Soraha and Matsuri were found. | Hắc |
February 20, 2021 | LGラーズグリーズとLGエイルはレギオン同盟を結んでいますが、ラーズグリーズ隊がレギオン同盟を結んでいる他のレギオンはありますでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん まだエイルとだけですが、ゆくゆくは閑さんのシュバルツグレイルとは結ぶんじゃないかなと思います。 #アサルトリリィ |
team 1yanagi has formed an alliance with LG Eir of Matsuri's, and it seems that they'll ally up with Schwartz Grail sooner or later | Hắc |
February 20, 2021 | @assault_lily 百合ヶ丘女学院に対人用の武術(空手や合気道など)を修めたリリィはいますか?
many 3rd-year students of Yurigaoka has learned some sorts of martial arts for use against human targets. | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Yamanashi Hibari's skiller value is 91 poggers. her Rare skill is Register, though she also displays some capability similar to Z. so it's hypothesized that she's the very first person in history to have awakened the subskill variant of Z, but she can't fully control it to her will, so it's only a theory | Hắc |
February 20, 2021 | @assault_lily 制服で学園を選んでいるリリィもいるのですか?
もちろんそのガーデンに入れる実力があることが前提ですが。とくに有名なのはゴスロリ制服が特徴的な金沢文庫のシエルリント女学薗は制服目当ての入学者が結構います #アサルトリリィ |
quite a lot of Lilies enter Sierlint for the uniform | Hắc |
February 20, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
#アサルトリリィ” |
Reginleif's room is beautifully arranged,and recently Shiorin came up with lighting incense in there, which is become a debate topic within the legion | Hắc |
February 21, 2021 | 個人戦闘能力が高い人が多いリリィ界隈ですが、そんな中で防御・援護能力が飛び抜けて高い、いわゆる「名アシスト」と言われるリリィって誰かいますか?
There are many Lily with great individual strength, especially in Gardens like Yurigaoka or Odaiba.
But there are also Lilies who are known to be good in support and assist. For example are Hasebe Touka, the balancer of 1st generation Alfheim, and Kanabako Misora, the sharp-tongued lily otaku central BZ of 2nd generation Alfheim. |
rluka |
February 21, 2021 | 楽器が趣味
Q: Is there any Lily who has hobby in music, or form their own band?
A: Ishikawa Aoi from Sagami is known to be skilled in playing musical instrument. Yoshizaka-sensei is also good with piano. |
rluka |
February 21, 2021 | 雨嘉さんが元々通っていたヘイムスクリングラトレードゴードについてのなにか情報を教えてください
About the Heimskringla Trädgård Garden in Sweden where Yujia's sisters are positioned.
It is the centrepoint of the European battle front, and famous for BZ education. Because the education are focused on foundation of BZ position, there are graduates from Heimskringla who tend to be defence-oriented even when placed in other positions. Nagisa from Ludovico ~~transferred to~~ were also an exchange student to this Garden, and it's quite an amazing thing. |
rluka |
February 21, 2021 | 森辰姫についてなにか教えてください〜!! #教えて二水ちゃん 戦闘スタイルは周りとの連携を考えないデュエル年代によくいたワンマンアーミータイプです。実際個人戦闘力はかなり高いです。戦うアーセナルというレベルをはるかに超えてますね。GEHENA時代のトラウマからか初対面の人への警戒心が強いですが仲良くなると沢山しゃべるタイプです #アサルトリリィ |
Mori Tatsuki has a duel generation's one-man-army style who fights alone without caring about team play with those around her.
She has great combat prowess, much beyond the usual fighting Arsenals. She is cautious to people she first met because of the trauma from when she's in Gehena, but actually talkative to people she already get along well with. |
rluka |
February 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
少し気になったので、良ければよろしくお願いします! |
Q: Talking about music knowledge, which Lily is knowledgeable in what genre of music?
Foomin is not familiar with music, but she knows Shiori likes jazz. It's probably by influence from her foster parent Yoshizaka-sensei who plays jazz piano. |
rluka |
February 22, 2021 | @assault_lily よく目にする「百合ヶ丘生抜”三姫様”」というワードですが、どのような称号(?)なのでしょうか。
the term "Three Princesses of Yurigaoka"
it is a respectful term coined to refer to Kudou Sakua, Tachihara Sayu and and Itou Shizu. all of them studied in Yurigaoka from the kindergarten years, is deeply ingrained with the spirit of Yurigaoka, and have high prospects of becoming a future member of the student council |
Hắc |
February 22, 2021 | 北河原伊紀ちゃんの人となりについて知りたいです! 教室ではどのような様子ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 情熱的な面もあって御姉様である碧乙様がスランプから落ち込んでしまった時に自らシルトになって支えたいと申し出ています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Kitagawara Inori, Enhanced Lily and class representative of Plum-class
She's somewhat similar to Shenlin: an elegant and considerate girl, but can get worked up over minor things. Usually it's a good idea to start evacuating when something catches her nerve and makes her go "Now that's odd~". Her onee-sama is Ishigami Mio, who during a stage of depression was approached by Inori. Inori wished to become her Schild and support her, and thus they became sisters |
Hắc |
February 22, 2021 | 美土莉さんと琶月ちゃんって仲良いですか?なんとなく汐里ちゃんを巡って言い争いをしてそうな印象を持ってます
Midori and Watsuki of LG Reginleif are on bad terms, as they would be constantly bickering about Shiori | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | This should have been mentioned before, the rules about establishing Legion in Garden.
There are the Instructor-approved system where students can gather their own Legion member and get it approved. Usually used in famous Gardens like Yurigaoka, Odaiba, or Mercurius where the average level of their Lily are high. Another version is Top Legion system, where the Garden choose their best into a flagship legion, such as in Herensuge, Ludovico or Kanba. Gardens using this system usually have variation in quality of their Lily. Although, with forming of LG Ironside, Ludovico seems to begin move into the next stage. |
rluka |
February 22, 2021 | グランエプレの選定基準はエレンスゲのように戦力以外の観点からの評価も含まれるのでしょうか
Kanba's selection process for legion members are famous.
Especially for Gran Eple's member selection, they managed to revive Lilies transferred from other Garden and were not performing well. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Saka Kano(?) is the AZ/TZ of LG Lohengrin.
She used to be more hot-blooded character, but after Akashi Aika, the captain of 1st generation Alfheim whom she promised to make Schutzengel vow, is lost in action, she become gloomy and has the habit saying she wants to retire. Yet, her objective of continuing to become Lily is to look for Aika. |
rluka |
February 23, 2021 | 人間はエナドリでカフェイン摂取する事で一時的に疲れを忘れますが…摂取する事でスキラー値を一時的に上昇させる〝魔剤〟てきなものはありますか?
またそのような存在があるなどの噂があったりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
forbidden drugs that raise Skiller value temporarily are rumored to be under research in GEHENA labs | Hắc |
February 23, 2021 | ガーデンの設立に何か条件はありますか?
各ガーデンの風紀委員はその学園の事情よりもリリィとしての正しさを重視し、風紀委員としてはガーデンではなくて”リリィとしての正義”に忠誠を誓っています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Is there any requirement to establish a Garden ?
There are many requirements, but one of the absolute requirement is the posting of the inter-Garden discipline committee. Rather than the Garden’s circumstances, the members of this committee is dedicated on holding up principles of what is right as a Lily. |
rluka |
February 23, 2021 | イタリアにはウルカヌス・インダストリー社というCHARMメーカーがあるようですが、イタリア出身、またはイタリア在住の著名なリリィはいますか?
There is an Italian-born Lily. Monica Rossi, LG Eil (Matsuri’s legion). A new generation TZ, holding position of command tower equipped with Charisma skill.
She watch over and support the relationship between Matsuri and her late schild candidate Yamada Uta, although it could be she also wants to be Matsuri’s schild herself. |
rluka |
February 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
各ガーデンのスタンダードな制服を知りたいんだ…。 百合ヶ丘はなんとかわかるけど 他のガーデンがあれ?この人のがスタンダードか?ってなっちゃって…。 御台場はどこかで燈さんが来てるのが普通の…みたいなのを聴いた覚えがあるんだけど…。 |
Example of Odaiba’s standard uniform (not those custom legion uniforms) is the one worn by student council president Tsukioka Momiji | rluka |
February 23, 2021 | カリスマ持ちの司令塔が新世代タイプのTZということですが、自分としてはカリスマ持ちがこれまで司令塔をやって来なかったのが意外です。支援と支配のスキルなら、司令塔として適任なのではないでしょうか? カリスマ持ちがこれまで司令塔をやってこなかった理由が知りたいです。
#教えて二水ちゃん カリスマ持ちが司令塔になるにはサブスキルで軍神の加護を持っていないとなれないのですが、これがなかなか現れないのです>< #アサルトリリィ |
Legion command tower with Charisma skill is called new generation TZ.
But with that skill’s ability, why aren’t they already being utilised in that position from much earlier? A Lily can mature as command tower if they have the Regista rare skill, or the sub-skill War God Blessing. Unfortunately, there are not many Charisma users who gained that sub-skill. |
rluka |
February 23, 2021 | ローエングリンは「デュエルの技術をノインヴェルト戦術に落とし込む」ことを目指しているそうですが、デュエル世代である3年生・杉浦穂澄様の他にローエングリンの中でデュエルに秀でている方って誰かいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
LG Lohengrin aims to proof duel techniques can upturn Neunwelt tactics.
Other than 3rd year Sugiura Hosumi (legend among Hawk Eye skill users). Aoki Kaho and her schild Sejima Hiromu who stands in AZ position stands out as Lily who are good in duel. But all members of Lohengrin are good in duel. |
rluka |
February 23, 2021 | レギオンにレジスタ持ちは必須であるという話は度々登場しますが、例えば指揮官としての仕事をするなら同じ俯瞰視野の鷹の目でも同じ役割はできそうなものですが、どうしてレジスタでなければならないんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん レジスタ系のスキルが持つ「ノインヴェルト魔法球保護」「パスコーステレパス能力」が司令塔に必須だからです。これは鷹の目にはない能力ですので。 #アサルトリリィ |
Why Regista skill is absolute requirement
Because other than overviewing vision (like Hawk Eye), the skill also has functions of Neunwelt Magi Sphere Protection, and Pass Course Telepath. |
rluka |
February 23, 2021 | 外征についてです。
According to report by St Mercurius, the Garden performing most expeditions in Kanto region, sending 3 legions is the most efficient. That’s why Yurigaoka also only send at most 3 legions. | rluka |
February 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ロネスネスって椛ちゃんみたいな服着てる子いないんですけど、もしかして着てるアレってロネスネスの隊服ですか? |
Hronesness members' uniform are of course their legion uniform.
In Odaiba, Hronesness is one of the three big legions, and they are responsible for maintaining public morals. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Among the Charm included with the dolls, Gram has the highest skiller value requirement.
Well, it's originally developed to match the legion of monsters that is 1st generation Alfheim |
rluka |
February 24, 2021 | 1つの作戦に最大3つと言う事?それともガーデンを同じ時期に離れて外征する部隊が最大3つと言う事?
as has been known since yesterday, the maximum number of legions sent on one expedition by Yurigaoka is 3. this is following reports by St. Mercury on the efficiency of legion no. per expedition.
of course, if the enemy's way too powerful, then more legions could be sent as well, but basically defending the Garden is a thing to consider so 3 is max normally |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | ガーデンのガードが弱まるから、同時期に参加可能な外征数も上限あったりしないの?
#アサルトリリィ |
it is the Brynhildr 's responsibility to decide the number of simultaneously-executed expeditions at any one time so as to maintain a balance with Garden defense. in that regard, sometimes even SSS-ranked legions would be limited from sortieing on large-scale operations (something they're expected to do normally) if such sorties would affect the Garden's safety. | Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | 藤田槿さんのツノみたいなやつって、ヒュージセンサーですか?
それともファッションですか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
those demon horn things that Asagao wears of course are Huge searchers as well
~~(and I thought she was a dinosaur alien all this time)~~ |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | エレンスゲ女学院の「外征」について
^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what do Yurigaoka's Lilies think of Herensuge's way of doing expeditions i.e. just barging into other schools' territories
A: 'a bunch of barbarians not understanding the manners of war', per Shinobu's words |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ヶ丘の場合一つの作戦に最大3レギオンまで投入するとのことですが、1つの作戦にSSS級のレギオンが2隊以上参加することはありますか? |
Q: are there any expeditions that enlist two or more SSS legions in the allotted 3-legion limit?
A: it's not impossible to form such expedition forces. one example would be in the forthcoming Koshu Recapture; since it's going to be a major battle, such a unit formation is entirely plausible |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | 樟美ちゃんのイペタムかレーヴァテインについてなんでもいいので知りたいです! #教えて二水ちゃん レーヴァティンはユグドラシル社第1研究開発室というエース開発集団が制作したCHARMです。史上初めて中等部時代にファンタズムに覚醒した神の子樟美さんに合わせて開発された機体です。最低起動スキラー数値が85とグラムと同レベルです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about Kusumi's Ipetam or Laevatein
A: Laevatein was developed by Yggdrasil Corporation's 1st RD Department, the ace RD unit. it was designed after Kusumi's stats herself, and has a minimum Skiller value of 85 for activation |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | @assault_lily 百合ヶ丘と友好にしてるガーデンはありますか?
Q: Gardens on good relations with Yurigaoka
A: Odaiba and St. Mercurius, both for being anti-GEHENA Gardens as well as top-class schools in their respective regions. as for Gardens further west of Japan, then there's Ambrosia - the head of the Western Japan alliance - with which Yurigaoka is also on good terms |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | 初代アールヴヘイムのメンバーは全員グラムを扱える、もしくはサブとして所有してるの?
Q: is it that everyone in the former Alfheim can use a Gram and/or possess it as a secondary CHARM?
A: all members of the former Alfheim have a Gram of their own. subsequently it has also become the specialized CHARM of all members under the Alfheim flagship, so more Grams are being produced and customized for the rest of 2nd-gen Alfheim |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
LGスヴァンフヴィート?っていうレギオンがあるらしいんですけど、初耳でした!調べてもよく分からないので教えていただきたいです💦 梵中ちゃんとあと3人くらい?いたらしいってことはわかったんですけど、、、今は誰が在籍してますか!?
Q: About LG Svanhvít with Soyogi Ataru in it, currently which member does it have?
A: LG Svanhvít has already been disbanded. Lead by Tamura Nagi, it consisted of students who now are 3rd-years, and was called "the accumulation of the Duel generation" members when it was active: Tamura Nagi (leader) Mitsui Kou Izumi Botan Soyogi Ataru Tanijiri Shizuku Yamanashi Hibari Yanagisawa Ayako Arakawa Hitomi Mozuna Noa |
Hắc |
February 24, 2021 | ' 毛綱 乃彩様は2年生。2代アールヴヘイムのジョーカーです。レアスキルにカリスマ、サブスキル狂乱の閾を持つ世界的に見てほぼいない組み合わせのスキル構成を持ち独特の戦い方をします。樟美さんがリリィのスタイル的に影響をつけた人でもあります。とてつもなくいい人です #アサルトリリィ |
Mozuna Noa, a Charisma user with Threshold of Insanity (LT's sub skill variant), a skill combination that's pretty much nonexistent in the world. She's the 🤡 of 2nd-gen Alfheim, and also influenced Kusumi in her style as a Lily | Hắc |
February 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん 百合ヶ丘は戦うアーセナルの育成に力を入れていますが、「一つのレギオンに一人はアーセナルが必要」という考え方はもっているのでしょうか。 まだそこまでの状況ではないですね。 たしかにレギオンにアーセナルを帯同させる隊はありますがまだ完全に活かせているのは2代アールヴヘイムくらいで試行錯誤の段階です。この辺は幕張科技女子や御台場女学校工廠科の方が一歩進んでます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: is it considered that each legion needs to have at least one Arsenal in Yurigaoka, which aims at educating combat-capable Arsenals?
A: no. while it's true that quite a few legions have Arsenals in them, 2nd-gen Alfheim is the only one that makes full use of their own Arsenals. as for the rest, the incorporation of Arsenals are at a trial-and-error stage, and this point is what Yurigaoka is lagging behind Odaiba and Makuhari |
Hắc |
February 25, 2021 | @assault_lily ということはその代のレジスタ持ちの人数がレギオンを作る制限要素になりうるってことですよね
Q: as each legion needs to have at least one Register user, the number of Register-using Lilies in a generation would be the limiting factor in legion formation. thus, would there be situations when the legion count of a Garden is decreased due to having few Register users?
A: other places may do things in their own way, but for Yurigaoka they actively manage their no. of Register-using Lilies, to make room for legion formation. this is also part of the reason behind Yurigaoka's habit of recruiting girls from other schools (i.e. "stealing" them) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: why are Rosalinde and Nagi always together even though they're from different legions
A: they're friends. also, Rosalinde has had a past of supporting Nagi whose Magi was unstable. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: we're all well clear on GEHENA's atrocious acts, but are there any Lilies who willingly had themselves enhanced, and is proud of their Enhance Lily heritage?
A: Morishita Miyabi of Ambrosia Girl's Academy. by her own will she chose to become an Enhanced Lily, and desired to exercise her power to save humanity |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | 3rd year student, the student council president of Ambrosia. called "the queen of Ambrosia", she's a bit chuuni and is a good friend of Oguri Hidaka. She's a close friend with the Siegrunes of Yurigaoka (Mayuri, Rosalinde, etc), possibly because her chuuni tendency goes along well with the Siegrune's job of lecturing people on political/philosophical subjects | Hắc |
February 25, 2021 | アンブロシア女学苑について質問です
Q: Ambrosia's uniform is an actual sailor outfit with anchor marks on the sleeves, so is this a garden that conducts naval battles?
A: ***Ambrosia possesses naval warships and can carry out naval operations***. However, the uniform design is because Ambrosia bases its mythological setting on the Nereids sea goddesses of Greek mythology |
Hắc |
February 25, 2021 | ラスバレの戦闘開始時ボイスで、神琳に対し夢結様が「守りは任せた」、楓さんが「わたくしたち2人で攻守は完璧」とおっしゃっていましたが、神琳さんは守備に長けたリリィなのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: some LB voice lines relegate Shenlin to the role of defense, so is she adept at defensive tasks?
A: Shenlin is proficient in the role of a Command tower based on defense |
Hắc |
February 25, 2021 | 聖メリクリウスのルルディス・ブロムシュテッドさんの中等部に率いていたレギオンは世界一の評価を得ていたとの事ですが、チェミル・フリードハイムさんの他に相模女子の石川葵さんや百合ヶ丘の楓・J・ヌーベルさんも当時のメンバーだったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Louloudis Bromshtedt's legion achieved the number-one ranking among all junior high school legions around the world, but who were its members aside from Chemir, Aoi and Kaede?
A: refer to image. also, part of the reason Yurigaoka's legion lost was that Sayu was injured and didn't join, so her points weren't counted in |
Hắc |
February 26, 2021 | ロネスネスの皆さんのスキラー数値ってどれくらいですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Skiller values of Hronesness members
A: all of them are over 90 |
Hắc |
February 26, 2021 | ワールドリリィグラフィックの編集には元リリィが関わったりしているのでしょうか?
Q: are there former Lilies in the editing board of the World Lily Graphic magazine?
A: yes there are, and Foomy wants to enter it in the future. being a "magazine" as it is, it's a proper one with columns such as strategy assessment, and special volumes focusing on specific legions |
Hắc |
February 26, 2021 | 親G.E.H.E.N.A.派ガーデンの中でも、一際目立って過激な思想を持つG.E.H.E.N.A.派ガーデンと言うと何処になるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any infamous pro-GEHENA gardens that are radical in their alignment?
A: Ludojo and Herensuge first come to mind, but the real pro-GEHENA extremist is Sierlint. on the other hand, the GEHENA faction behind the lab in Irma GIrl's High school of Fine Arts is world-famous for their conscience. aside from recommending Lilies against partaking in enhancement operations, their primary job is research in removing negative Magi |
Hắc |
February 26, 2021 | 船田純お姉さまのまだ出てない情報が聞きたいです
Q: unreleased facts about Kiito
A: during her overseas study trip around the world, Kiito (and by extension Ui and Tomoshibi) visited Vườn Suối Tiên during their stay in Vietnam |
Hắc |
February 27, 2021 | 明石愛華さんについて、人柄とかどんな人だったとか分かれば教えてほしいです。
About Akashi Aika (no image)
She is one of the 3 top AZ in 1st generation Alfheim. Rare skill is Charisma Specialised in middle range fight, combining shooting and blade attacks. A determined character who is depended by her close people. Beautiful and had been featured many times in World Lily Graphic |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | 村上常盤さんのこのお衣装がとても好きなんですけど、このお衣装はレギオン制服なのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん これはレギオン制服ですね。 常盤様は生徒会入りしてないですが、全3年生からその射撃の腕前から一目置かれる存在です。 立候補しませんでしたが出馬していたらブリュンヒルデになれたのではないかといわれています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Murakami Tokiwa is not member of the student council, but her marksmanship is recognised by the 3rd year students.
If she had put herself as candidate, she could have held position as Brunhilde. |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | イルマのLGイルミンシャイネスのメンバーの日下部蓮月さんと日下部叢雨さんは双子ですか?
お姉さんが超強気で、妹さんがお淑やかです。船田姉妹とは逆ですね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Kusakabe Rengetsu and Murasame from Iruma are twin sisters in 1st year of high school
Rengetsu the older sister has strong personality, while her sister is graceful. The opposite of Funada sisters |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | ゲヘナを物理的に潰そうとしたリリィは居ますか??しようとした場合どうなりますか? #教えて二水ちゃん #アサルトリリィ 組織全体に戦いを挑んだものは知りませんが、司馬燈さんのこういう噂話は聞いたことがあります。 #アサルトリリィ |
While there are no Lilies who ever attempted fighting the whole Gehena,
there's story like Tomoshibi who destroyed the lab who performed the boosted lily modifications on her. By the way, Tomoshibi didn't escape from the lab and fight back because of the inhumane experience done to her. She just see how Gehena can't make her any stronger anymore, so she got no more business with them and killed all the researchers there when destroying the lab. |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | 個人専用CHARMはメーカー側からあなたのCHARMを造らせて欲しいと打診があるのでしょうか?それともリリィ側からメーカーにお願いするのでしょうか?(その場合はコネが必要?)
Custom Charm are made usually by offer from the Makers, or by request from Arsenal | rluka |
February 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
前川樹奈ちゃんのことについて教えてください |
Maekawa Kina(?) is born from family who served the Itou family for generations and she is raised together with Shizu.
She is the only one who would call Shizu as Ojousama. Her rare skill in Phantasma. For personality, she can be hedonistic like Araya. Even so, she has many fans. |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | 来年はもしかしたら莉芬さんが一柳隊に加入……なんてことはありませんかね?本人はお姉ちゃんと一緒の百合ヶ丘に入学したいようですが……
If Li Fen (Yu Jia's sister) would actually come to Yurigaoka and join Hitotsuyanagi Squad, then Kaede would be able to show her true skill as commander who can make use of multiple Phantasma skill users | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Shizu and her sister Naehi had a good relationship when they're both in Yurigaoka's middle school department.
But because of family situation, they have to part way. Naehi can't be contacted and it troubles Shizu who is close to her sister. |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | 沙羅・シュタケンシュナイダーさんのことについて教えてください
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Sara Stackenschneider is half-Russian and follows Shizu fanatically.
Of course, she understand Shizu's strategies better than anyone. |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | 対人戦闘の評判が高いリリィはいますか?
例外は百合ヶ丘のロスヴァイセのような対GEHENA戦を想定しているレギオンメンバーですね #アサルトリリィ |
Basically, Lily are not trained for fighting human, so there's no standard to measure who's the Lily who performed well in fight against human.
Exception are member of Legions prepared for fighting Gehena, such as LG Rosweisse |
rluka |
February 27, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の寮の部屋はどこまで改造していいんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How much can you customise your own room in Yurigaoka?
A: As much as what you can pay |
rluka |
February 28, 2021 | @tos ロネスネスの格付けランクを教えてください。
Q: Legion rank of LG Hronesness
A: Officially their rank is S, but this became the subject of debate among Lily otakus. Combat power-wise they're worthy of SS-level, or so it is said |
Hắc |
February 28, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん 沙羅・シュタケンシュナイダーちゃんのレアスキルが知りたいです。 沙羅さんのレアスキルは”Z”です。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Sara Stackenshneider's Rare skill
A: Z |
Hắc |
February 28, 2021 | 樹奈さんと沙羅さんは閑さんのルームメイトの梨璃さんについてどう思っているんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん ^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What does Sara and Kina think of Shizu's roommate Riri
A: They have no objections as the decision of room division is given by the school, with the sights set on Shizu becoming a future member of the Student council. However considering that Sara can be jealous, she may be holding something deep inside of her |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: episodes between Wakana and Kisara (roommates)
A: Wakana was the former Head of the Discipline Committee, while Kisara is the current one. However, their interpretations of a Lily's virtues were different from each other's |
Hắc |
February 28, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
レギオンが別なおふたりが普段どのような感じなのかなあとちょっときになっちゃって…… |
Q: does Foomy and Hibari converse frequently?
A: yes. and conversations aren't just limited to tactical discussions, but also expand to subjects like notable Lilies and such, since Hibari herself is a Lily otaku as well. |
Hắc |
February 28, 2021 | LGサングリーズルの黒川・ナディ・絆華さんについて何か教えてほしいです
Q: about Kurokawa Nadi Hanna
A: 1st year Phantasm user of LG Sanngriðr. an Enhance Lily with a period living in the Special Dorm, she's one of the few good friends of Kusumi |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | リリィオタクにはいくつか種類がある、と前に教えてくれましたが、
Q: what kind of Lily otaku is Hibari
A: She specializes in tactics, and her dedication is in the analysis of Lilies' combat records. With this, she grasps the combat style of many legions. |
Hắc |
December 4, 2020 | リリィ個人のヒュージ撃退数は記録されたりするんですか?(撃墜数的な
about combat records (Stats).
it is recorded in the Magi Crystal Core of Lilies' CHARMs. information not only include kill counts and 9welt pass/shot success rate, but also the specific movement courses of the wielder Lily in combat |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | ジーグルーネなのでないとは思いますが、まさか眞悠理様こっそり図書館の本を自室の屋根裏部屋に蒐集してたりしないですよね?
自室に持ち込んでるのはお気に入りの本と画集が多いそうですよ。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: does Mayuri secretly collect the library books in her room
A: that doesn't really sound like something she'd do. after all, she's known for her superb memory and knowledge so she wouldn't take books she has read back with her. what she *does* stock up in her room are her favorite books only |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の生徒会長は原則3年生でなくてはいけないという認識は合ってますか?
オルトリンデ代行の秦祀さんは2年生ですが、次年度のオルトリンデが確定していたから代行になったのですか? なぜ3年生から代行が選ばれなかったのか気になっています。 #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are the student council president positions limited to 3rd-years only
A: no. while in the majority of cases these positions are held by 2nd and 3rd-year students, this isn't a rule in itself. e.g. Takegoshi Chihana was the Siegrune in her 1st year. Matsuri was elected the acting Ortlinde because she practically was serving as the vice president behind the Ortlinde Yamazaki Meika herself. |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天葉様の出身地ってどこですか? |
Q: Soraha's birthplace
A: Yokohama |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | 以前、眞悠理さんに万年筆のことを熱弁されたという話をしていましたが、眞悠理さんとはどういった経緯でお話することになったのでしょうか
眞悠理様はリリィオタクではないですが戦術はとてもお詳しいのでそのお話をすることがおおいですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: before, Fumi had been involved in Mayuri's enthusiastic lecture about fountain pens, but what lead to Fumi's contact with Mayuri herself?
A: she got introduced through Hibari as the medium. as for Hibari herself, she's a close friend with Mayuri, and it was Mayuri that cheered her up in her period of depression following the dissolution of the oath with her Schutzengel. while Mayuri herself isn't a Lily otaku, she's very well-versed in tactics, and that's what they usually discuss with each other |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
夢結さんの家の中はどうですか? 名門家のようないい家柄ですか?? |
Q: about Yuyu's family
A: the Shirai family is a well-known noble family, which has produced many excellent Lilies throughout its generations |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | 聖様をライバル視するアイドルリリィの泉牡丹様ってどのような方なのでしょうか?
牡丹様の方が姉御肌ですね。下級生を守るために命がけで戦って大けがをされたことがありまして今の高1世代以下の人気がとても高いです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about Izumi Botan, the idol lily who sees Hijiri as her rival
A: she's slightly tsundere-ish, which is similar to Himeka. though she also is a protective onee-sama type, who is known to have fought with all her life and get grievously injured to protect her kouhais. as a result, she's very famous among the girls in 1st year and lower |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: about Ikeda Sunao of LG Herfjötur
A: one among the top-ranking Lilies in Yurigaoka in terms of physical strength, and she sees Soraha as her rival (though Soraha doesn't think that way). though she's not the kind of rival that challenges Soraha regardless of time and place (like novel :MiliamNaruhodo: vs :KaedeFufu: ); rather, she's the type that trains hard day-in night-out to best her opponent. a Lily with an aptitude for dueling, she didn't really get the opportunity to mature her skills until entering Herfjötur |
Hắc |
March 1, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
1度リリィをやめて、またリリィになった方とかいますか? |
Q: are there any Lilies that retire once before returning to being Lilies?
A: one example is Hayami Katsura, who studied as a Lily in Yurigaoka's primary school department. following her withdrawal from Yurigaoka, she studied in a normal Tokyo high school before advancing to Odaiba Girl's High school and returning to her life as a Lily there, bearing the responsibility LG Heorot Saints' AZ |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | グランギニョル社製のC.H.A.R.Mは変形が派手なものか多いですが、社風ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: is it a common style of Gran Guignol's CHARMs to have complex and flashy transformation mechanism
A: yes it is, a style of Gran Guignol's designs |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ケ丘女学院の入試ではどれだけ能力として優秀なリリィであったとしても人格に問題があると判断した場合は不合格になったりするのでしょうか? |
Q: about Yurigaoka's entrance exams, are there situations where an otherwise excellent Lily would fail because of her personality?
A: there's a regulation similar to that. after all, Yurigaoka's student body is built around those that study from the kindergarten level, so students that enter in high school will not only be judged on their capability as a Lily, but also on their personality and family background |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | 3人以上でルームメイトになることは可能ですか?
Q: can 3 girls reside in one same room in Yurigaoka
A: that's not allowed |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | ちなみに祀様のLGエイルでのレジスタ持ちの方は誰ですか?
Q: who's the Register user in LG Eir
A: Sakurai Hazuki, who came to Yurigaoka from Hijiribashi University's Affiliated Junior high school. For her support, there's Takeda Mimi (Scales of Heaven + Blessing of the War God) taking the left side position |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | ジーグルーネのお気に入りの本ってどういうタイプの本ですか?
Q: what kinds of book does Mayuri like
A: philosophical ones |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | 山崎明伽様は現在戦線を離脱されていますが、どのくらい回復されているのでしょうか?
Q: how much has Yamazaki Meika recovered
A: it's said that she's already started rehabilitation training, so the day of her return shouldn't be far. She's been cared for a lot by Shinobu |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
眞悠理様が屋根裏部屋を探索するに至った経緯と自分の部屋にした理由を教えてください |
Q: how did Mayuri arrive at making the old dorm's attic her home
A: she found out about the existence of the attic room from an old blueprint buried away in the book storage. there were records that long ago, some curious students used this room as their dorm room, and Mayuri volunteered to search through and clean it up. added with some DIY furniture, it became her home. |
Hắc |
March 2, 2021 | レギンレイヴ(水夕会)のリリィ18名の中に、二水ちゃんと同じリリィオタク仲間はいらっしゃいますか?
Q: Lily otakus in LG Reginleif
A: Arima Mitsune, a Shukuchi user. aside from being a Lily otaku, she's also an anime/figure otaku, but this is a side she wouldn't show to others. often stylishly-dressed, she's somewhat of an idol Lily as well |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | 今川誉様の右袖についているのは校章のワッペンですか? #教えて二水ちゃん サングリーズルの部隊章です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: is that the embroidered school emblem on Homare's right sleeve
A: that's the emblem of LG Sanngriðr |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | アンブロシアは親ゲヘナの鞍馬と提携してますがアンブロシア自体は親ゲヘナですか?
また親ゲヘナの場合はルド女の様な黒い部類かイルマの様な比較的良識ある部類のどちらですか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what is Ambrosia's stance regarding GEHENA, considering that they're in an alliance with Kuramayama, an infamous pro-GEHENA garden
A: they're neutral, in a similar position to Sagami. they will adopt research results of GEHENA's as long as they don't go too far |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | エレンスゲは一葉が序列一位の権利を行使してヘルヴォルのメンバーを指名してましたが、他のレギオンに関しては序列二位のリリィから指名していくのでしょうか?それともトップ以外のレギオンは学園がメンバーを指名するのでしょうか?
Q: can other students rank 2~7 in Herensuge pick their own legion members like the first rank, or are they designated by the school
A: members are picked by the students themselves |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | もし、明伽様がオルトリンデに復帰されたら、祀様はどうなるのでしょう。
Q: what would happen to Matsuri when Yamazaki Meika makes a recovery and return to the position of Ortlinde
A: Matsuri would simply return to her old position, the President of the Class Representative Liaison Assembly (wew that's a mouthful to translate), which is basically the vice-Ortlinde. the Ortlinde position is held by school-wide election, so even Matsuri isn't assured as the next-term Ortlinde following Meika's resignation in the future. |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | 縮地の申し子こと古田八重様はやはりスキル固有技の「異界の門」を使えるのでしょうか?
と言え、縮地持ちは覚醒さえすればそれだけでものすごく速く動けるので異界の門を目指さずにサブスキルの充実を図る人の方がはるかに多いです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: can Kota Yae a.k.a. the "Blessed Child of Shukuchi" use the S-level special variant of the skill, "Otherworldly Gate"? How about Mai?
A: Yae can use it. As for Mai, her capability reaches a close level to Yae, but she can't use Otherworldly Gate just yet. However, as just the base variant of Shukuchi itself is already incredibly fast, the vast majority of its users would aim for cultivating sub skills rather than mastering Shukuchi to the level of Otherworldly Gate |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天葉様は神庭女子の造園科に興味があったりしますか? |
Q: is Soraha interested in the Gardening department of Kanba
A: of course yes. after all, her goal was not to become a Lily, but rather to go to a school specializing in gardening |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | ユーバーザインって珍しいレアスキルなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: is Uber Sign a Rare skill with few users
A: not exactly. all in all the total number of Uber Sign users aren't few, but it's a skill that's not easily integrated into Neunwelt tactics, so for gardens on the grade of Yurigaoka, there are few users there. |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘には部活など放課後に行うクラブ活動なものはありますか?(公式、非公式問わず)
ファンクラブ的な同好会みたいなもの程度でも #教えて二水ちゃん
Q: are there any ordinary clubs/circles in Yurigaoka
A: yes. a representative one is the Handicraft club headed by Shiori |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | 聖咲さんの使ってるCHARMを教えて下さい!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what is Takahata Masaki's (Yurigaoka junior high school --> Alchemilla high school. currently 1st year) primary CHARM
A: a unique CHARM named Ridill Alchemilla high school. currently 1st year) primary CHARM" "A: a unique CHARM named Ridill" Translation by Hắc.</ref> --> |
Hắc |
March 6, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん ここにも書いてあるんですが、レジスタなどのように直接にパス回しを影響したりはしないんですけど、敵の陽動や攪乱により間接的にノインヴェルト戦術を援護するというのも重宝されてるんじゃないですか? |
Q: isn't Uber Sign a valued addition to legions due to its capability in assisting 9welt indirectly (citing the Dengeki post)
A: surely it's a valued addition, but if Uber Sign is the Rare skill, then a lot of combat-related Sub skills would be needed to cover for it, so it's a hard to cultivate and apply skill |
Hắc |
March 7, 2021 | ラスバレに2代アールヴヘイムの方々の実装はあるのでしょうか?
Q: will 2nd gen Alfheim get implemented inLB
A: it depends on your support for them |
Hắc |
March 7, 2021 | 恋花様はフットサルが趣味とのことですが、他にもスポーツが好きなリリィはいますか? またガーデン内でもスポーツ活動はありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ガーデン内でもスポーツ活動はありますよ♪ 運動が得意なのは天葉様ですね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there any Lilies who like sports, like how Renka likes futsal? also are there usual sports activities in gardens?
A: yes there are sports activities. as for Lilies, Soraha is one who excels in physical activities |
Hắc |
March 7, 2021 | 史房様と明伽様はかつては同じレギオンに所属していたこともあったのでしょうか?
Q: have Meika and Shinobu ever been in the same legion
A: when Meika was the Brynhildr she fought alongside Shinobu in LG Brynhildr Line |
Hắc |
March 7, 2021 | 閑さんの家はなにをしているんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what business does the Ito family do
A: they're a huge conglomerate that does everything from military contracts to traffic infrastructure construction |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: something about Rosalinde Friedgund von Otto
A: she stays in the same room as her Schild, Ishigami Mio, in the special dorm |
Hắc |
March 7, 2021 | では、北河原伊紀さんのルームメイトは誰なんでしょうか?
Q: well, how about the roommate of Kitagawara Inori, Mio's Schild
A: Onogi Sato, first year student. she takes the central BZ position and has the Boosted skill Drain |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: being an AZ Phantasm user, does Kuramata Yukiyo use the style of speed-based Phantasm like Tazusa, Aoi or Nazuna
A: yes she does |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | more on speed-based Phantasm: it is a combination of Phantasm with high-speed attacks and movements to control the battlefield. this style is represented by Tazusa, Nazuna, Aoi and Yukiyo | Hắc |
March 7, 2021 | 御台場撃戦第1部隊に参加されていた曽野真央さんについてもう少し詳しく(交友関係とか外見とか)
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: info on Sono Mao (?) of the former 1st squad in the Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: she's a second-year student of Yurigaoka. the leader of the sorority Labyrinth that rivals the student council in terms of influence, she's a Zenon Paradox user with Stealth as the sub skill, allowing her to literally pop up out of nowhere and vanishing without a trace likewise in combat. a very gentle girl, but she has her own unique set of moral values, and will turn her gentleness upside down when facing off against someone with conflicting ideals. she is hard against the student council, specifically the Brynhildr |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: which legion is Hayashi Kaoru currently a member of
A: LG Lohengrin, the same as her Schilt Takegoshi Chihana |
Hắc |
March 8, 2021 | 以前確か、パーソナライズされたコアのデータはバックアップできないからコアが破損したらアウトみたいなお話あったと思うんですけど。日羽梨様が戦譜読んだりしてるってことは、バックアップデータの再インストールは無理でも、書き出すことは可能ってこと?
Q: it's said that a personalized core's data cannot be backed up, so when it's damaged, it's a goner for sure. still, can the data recorded in the core could be at least exported for reading?
A: yes. additionally, the core contains a function to optimize the CHARM to the user according to the combat record reading. |
Hắc |
March 10, 2021 | CHARMポッドにあるCHARMは使っているコアを入れて使うのですか?それとも専用のコアが元からついてるのですか?
Q: Are the Charm in Charm pod use exchangeable core module, or they have their own core?
A: Usually they use the interchangeable core. But the latest version 1st generation Charm can have Magi supplied directly from Lily’s ring. |
rluka |
March 10, 2021 | 相澤一葉さんが戦術・戦闘技術面でお手本や目標にしているリリィはいますか?
私の目から見るとイルマ女子の西川御巴留様にレジスタ運用のスタイルは似てると思います。基本に忠実で大崩れしない戦い方です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Aisawa Kazuha has any Lily who is her role model in tactics and battle style?
A: Fuumin will try asking her next time. But from her observation, Kazuha’s style is similar to Nishikawa Miharu from Iruma, such as her style of using Regista skill. |
rluka |
March 10, 2021 | 桂さんの中学が襲われた時って、非常用の第1世代機をかき集めて戦ったけど、その時、リリィやめてた桂さんは指輪してたの?
Q: During the Huge attack when Hayami Katsura is in middle school, she fought by gathering emergency use Charm. But at that time she has already retired from being a Lily. Does she still has her ring, or does emergency use Charm can be used without ring?
A: Emergency use Charm, installed in city area and trains, are equipped with dummy core. These can be activated by anyone with magi in their body without the need of ring. But they got limited operation time. Meanwhile the 1st generation Charm inside pods are full spec models that can have interchangeable core and receive remote energy supply. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q : Is there any Lily who is still in middle school who Fumi had attention to?
A : Quite typical, but that would be Heimskringla’s Wang Lifen (Yujia’s sister). She’s the second Lily who awakened Phantasma skill at such young age (after Kusumi) |
rluka |
March 10, 2021 | 亜羅椰ちゃんはB型兵装を希望しているそうですが、B型兵装の使用が解禁する可能性はありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Araya seems to wish for using Type-B Armaments. Can she get allowed to use it?
A: Officially, the chance is slim. But Araya likely would use it. |
rluka |
March 10, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘に来る前の雨嘉さんの外部からの評価ってどんな感じだったんでしょうか?
Q: How is the public view about Yujia before she came to Yurigaoka? Yujia valued herself lowly, but do other people also think lowly about her ?
A: Her Heavenly Scale skill does pale compared to her elder sister Ruixi's Regista and younger sister Lifen’s Phantasma, but it doesn’t mean people value her lowly. Besides, Heimskringla is a Garden focused on educating Lily in BZ position, and Yujia is trained to be the right back of the top legion, so there’s no way she is valued lightly. Heimskringla also didn’t expect Yujia to transfer away. Yujia has large coverage area where she can support her allies and provide accurate long range pass, a style similar to Hasebe Touka. In the Neunwelt era, such all-purpose BZ are important, but educating that kind of Lily usually averaged out their ability, and thus making them looks bland. |
rluka |
March 10, 2021 | 牛田琶月さんは甲斐聖山女子に良い感情を持ってないイメージなのですが、甲州撤退戦で撤退してきた元甲斐聖山の生徒との仲は険悪なのでしょうか?
Q: Ushida Watsuki (LG Reginleif) doesn’t have good opinion about Lily from Kaiseisan. Does this means she also in bad relationship with the Lilies transferring in from the Koshu retreat operation?
A: Yes. She has terrible relationship with the members of LG Geiravor (legion consisted mainly of transfer students from Kaiseisan) |
rluka |
March 11, 2021 | 高嶺様愛用のCHARM、リサナウトについてはかなり扱いが難しいとの事ですが、
その扱いづらさはどういう点に由来するものなのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: About Takane's Risanautr, it looks very sturdy and has a simple transformation function, so where exactly does its "hard to use" remark come from
A: The Risanautr focuses all of its resources on power output, where both its shooting mode and melee mode were designed with one-hit-kill strikes in mind. As a result, it's very hard to use - in order to utilize its characteristics, a Lily's raw power, as well as evasion skill/defensive barrier to protect from enemy attacks are necessary, thus it is very selective of its users |
Hắc |
March 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
CHARM デュランダルについて教えて下さい |
Q: About the Durandal CHARM
A: The representative CHARM of Gran Guignol, having its base design drafted up by the CHARM Meister - Amatsu Marei. A unique version is carried by Uchida Mayuri. Having an ultra-fast transformation function, it allows for a technical combat style involving delicate switches between ranged and slashing modes. Also, the maintenance cost for a Durandal is said to be stupidly expensive. |
Hắc |
March 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天葉様のcharmについて詳しく教えて下さい |
Q: Information about Soraha's CHARM
A: Aside from the Gram that she uses in the anime (which is a common possession of all former Alfheim members, including Yuyu and Mai - they just don't use it), Soraha possesses a unique CHARM, the Fragarach. A one-and-only CHARM designed just for Soraha by Amatsu Marei and produced by Celtic Dale Corp., it has a boomerang function where it'd return to Soraha's hand after being thrown. |
Hắc |
March 11, 2021 | 高出力砲が撃てるCHARMって結構多いんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 高出力砲砲身を装着できるCHARMなら撃つことができますが、このパーツを搭載すると起動最低スキラー数値が80前後に上がりますので装備できるリリィの数が減ります。デフォルト装備で高出力砲が載ってる機体は高級品ですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: There seems to be quite a lot of CHARMs that can mount high-power cannons
A: Basically, as long as a CHARM can mount a high-power cannon barrel, it can use this function. However, this would cause the minimum Skiller value required for CHARM activation to jump to around 80, so there are not many users. As a result, CHARMs that carry high-power cannons in their default setup are invariably high-class items. |
Hắc |
March 11, 2021 | グランギニョル製のマルテやデュランダルは変形機構が変態じみていますが、使うリリィから文句は出ないのでしょうか?Charmフリップ的な魅せ技的な部分もあって複雑になってるんでしょうか?
グランギニョル社のCHARMユーザーは非常に美意識が高く、また機体に誇りを持つ人が多いため文句はでません。^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Gran Guignol CHARMs possess some weird-ass transformation mechanisms, but are they a source of complaint from their users? Also, are the mechanisms complex because they contain something like a CHARM flip function?
A: Yes, there's such a function in GG CHARMs. As for the users, seeing that they're using something from GG, it means that they've already possess a high sense of aesthetics, and many of them are proud of their CHARMs so there're no complaints |
Hắc |
March 11, 2021 | 近々発売になる新作CHARMの中で二水ちゃんが注目しているCHARMがあったら教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any upcoming CHARMs that catch Foomy's attention
A: The Aroundight (maker: Camelot Castle), Ichi's unique CHARM used in the Ryuuto S-class nest extermination has gathered attention. It is designed to be suitable for users of Lunatic Trancer or Insanity's Threshold |
Hắc |
March 11, 2021 | 純様は居合抜刀が得意とありますが、これはフルンティングを手にしてから修得したのでしょうか?それとも他にも日本刀型のCHARMがあるのでしょうか?
Q: Kiito excels in iai-batto (unsheathing a sword and slashing in one stroke), but is this something she learned upon getting her hands on the Hrunting, or has she been using it with other CHARMs based on Japanese swords?
A: She has been practicing iai since a young age, and Odaiba Girls' Academy requirement of its students to study a martial arts allowed her to further the practice. This is also helped by the fact that each student would be given a custom made first-generation sword CHARM (Jötunn Schwert), and Kiito customized hers to an iai-capable state. |
Hắc |
March 12, 2021 | ' もう気づかれてる方もいらっしゃいますが、今日は一人保健室の先生をご紹介します。^^ 御台場女学校のガーデン常駐学校医(軍医)を務める中原・メアリィ・倫夜(なかはら・メアリィ・ともよ)先生です!キャラデはアニメにも登場した遠野捺輝様も担当されたほたるさんです #アサルトリリィ |
Nakahara Mary Tomoyo, the resident medic of Odaiba Girls' Academy's infirmary
rare skill: Eagle's Eyes, maxed out to the S-class |
Hắc |
March 12, 2021 | ' 倫夜先生は現役時アメリカのガーデン「ボストンブレイヴァーズガーデン」で活躍した元祖”戦うアーセナル”のお一人です。鷹の目S級ターゲッティングは敵の弱点が見える為デュエル年代で花形のスキルでした。アキラ先生ともある戦いで共闘してます #アサルトリリィ |
when she was a Lily, she studied in an American garden, "Boston Bravers Garden". there, she fought as one of the very first few combat-capable Arsenals, and her S-rank Eagle's Eyes ("Targeting", allowing the visualization of enemy weak points) was a treasured rare skill during the Duel generation. she also fought alongside Akira-sensei during her time. | Hắc |
March 12, 2021 | ' ただ、ガーデンの保健室の先生は通常の学校とは違って軍医としての側面を持つため、医師資格が必須です。常駐学校医に近い感じですね。百合ヶ丘ですと保健室に菅家の深いレギオンとして”表向きは衛生任務レギオン”とされているLGロスヴァイセなどがあります。 #アサルトリリィ |
anyway a brief note about the infirmary medics of schools: owing to Gardens being military institutions that also have to deal with potential death and fatal injuries on a daily basis, medics have to possess physician qualifications.
in Yurigaoka, LG Rossweisse is tightly related to the infirmary, because they are given "combat medic missions" as a forefront cover |
Hắc |
March 12, 2021 | ' 倫夜先生は生徒の人気も高いです。教養が高い方で哲学、宇宙論、神学などの引用が多いですよ。 「未来は次の世代に希望を与える人たちのものである。なんていう言葉もあるわ。貴女はこの世界を守るリリィなのだから、元気を出して?」 薺ちゃんが元気がない時にかけた言葉です #アサルトリリィ |
Tomoyo-sensei is also popular among the students. A refined and cultured (:MiliamWOKE:) person, she often cites quotes from philosophy, theology or cosmology
e.g. to Nazuna: "There's a saying that goes *'The future belongs to those who bring hope to the next generation'*. You are a Lily who protect this world yourself, right? So don't be so so down, okay?" |
Hắc |
March 12, 2021 | ' 純様にも中等部時代の荒れていた時にこう声をかけています「貴女は優しくありなさい。あなたの出会う人々は皆、困難な戦いに挑んでいるのですから。ね?純さん」と。 プラトンの言葉の引用ですね。純様は後に影響を受けたことを吐露しています #アサルトリリィ |
e.g. to Kiito who tyrannized the junior high school division of Odaiba: "You need to be more gentle. Look around you, aren't the people you've met all fighting their own wars, right? Kiito-san."
such was a citation from Platon. Kiito herself later stated that this quote shaped her development later. |
Hắc |
March 13, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の学生寮の壁って厚いですか?騒いだりすると隣に音が聞こえますか?
Q: Are the walls in Yurigaoka's dorms thick? Will sounds from one room be heard in another?
A: The walls are damn thick. Seeing that noise would be a problem when there are arguments (and such ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), the school has constructed the wall to be thick in the first place |
Hắc |
February 24, 2020 | ' そんな相模女子でしたので石川葵さんの入学にはリリィオタクならずともみんな驚きました。葵さんはご両親ともヒュージ討伐で名を馳せた英傑でいわばサラブレッドでプリンセスのように持て囃されてきた存在でしたので~ #アサルトリリィ |
From browsing the JP Wiki today...
Aoi's parents are heroes in Huge extermination. So that would imply her father is also from the era when men are still fighting in the front line isn't it. And it's his decision about having Aoi move from one Garden to another |
rluka |
March 6, 2020 | ' 紅巴さんのことは私も知ってますよ。 彼女はリリィ同士のゴシップネタに特化したリリィオタクです。百合ヶ丘のリリィの噂とかもたくさん知ってますよ^^;ちなみに私は戦術とリリィ特化型のリリィオタクです^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Of course I also know Kureha-san.
She is a lily otaku specialised in gossip between Lilies. She also knows a lot of gossips about Lily from Yurigaoka ^^; By the way, I am the lily otaku type specialised in tactics and Lily |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Info about LG Lohengrin's Tatsuno Himiko
A: Graduating from Sakuranomori's junior high school (or rather, its subdivision equivalent to that level), she came to Yurigaoka as a full-fledged Duelist. She prefers the use of Japanese CHARMs, and is called Himiko-sama for her positive and courteous demeanor, rivaled only by her beauty. Even so, she is :gay: for 坂樺埜 (however you read that name) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Who is Fumi's oshi in LG Hronesness?
A: All of the legion members are amazing top-class Lilies, but special attention is given to Fujita Asagao. Fulfilling the role of side BZ Command Tower (a brand-new strategy), her ability to command Neunwelt from that position is a sight to behold |
Hắc |
March 17, 2021 | ジーグルーネの眞悠理さんにはシュッツエンゲルかシルト、もしくはその候補はいますでしょうか!
例えばシルト候補とよく言われるのはレギンレイヴの牛田琶月さんとかですね。委員会も図書委員で同じでしたし。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is Mayuri the Schild/Schutzengel of anyone
A: There are plenty of rumors floating about, pretty much thanks to her position as the Siegrune. One particular Schild candidate is Ushida Watsuki (LG Reginleif), as she's also a librarian |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | 特務レギオンであるロスヴァイセの方々と他のレギオンのリリィが同じ戦場等で接する機会はあるのでしょうか?? #教えて二水ちゃん ありますよ~ただまあ、ロスヴァイセが展開してる戦場に居合わせるということは「訳あり」の戦闘なのでそういう時はみんないつも以上に気を引き締めますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there situations where Lilies of LG Rossweisse encounter those of other (presumably) normal legions on the battlefield?
A: yes, there's nothing stopping them. however, being on the same operation as Rossweisse means that they're there for "a certain reason", so they'll be alert nonetheless |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | 船田姉妹の西国・アジア遊学の時期・期間について教えて下さい #教えて二水ちゃん 船田姉妹が高校1年生の期間ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: when did the Funada sisters go on their study abroad
A: when they were in first year of high school. hence, they missed out on the Odaiba Counteroffensive |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | 船田姉妹の制服についてです。
個性がお二人共前面に出ていますが、こちらは御台場女学校より支給されているものでしょうか?? それともお2人の私物でしょうか?? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: the Funada sisters' uniform are supplied by the school or are they self-owned clothes?
A: they're the legion uniform unique to LG Hronesness. being the legion that represents Odaiba's ideology of strength and force, the uniform can also be freely modified. |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | @assault_lily グロッピみたいに自作のcharmを使っているリリィはいるの?
Q: are there any Lilies who use their self-made CHARMs like ~~Gloppy~~ ~~Groppy~~ Guroppi
A: Mori Tatsuki of 2nd-gen Alfheim |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | ロネスネスのメンバーのヨートゥンシュベルトのデザインが知りたいです😊
Q: any info on the designs of the personal Jötunn Schwerts used by Hronesness members
A: here is Kiito's |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | 二水ちゃんや梨璃さんは補欠合格で百合ヶ丘に入学してそこから活躍していますが、今の2年生3年生の中で、補欠合格で入学して今活躍されているリリィって誰かいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any second/third year who entered Yurigaoka by supplementary admission
A: Hayakawa Yahiro (second year) is famous. a Lily who fought in good coordination alongside Yuyu in the junior high school years, she was rumored to have entered the first-gen Alfheim. although she's a freelancer now, but her capability is sufficient to have words on the street circulating that she may enter LG Reginleif or second-gen Alfheim. such a meteoric rise to her current position from a Lily that entered through supplementary admission with a Skiller value of 51 is a story of inspiration for many. |
Hắc |
March 21, 2021 | 二人以上とシュッツエンゲルを契るのは不可能との事ですが、パートナーとシュッツエンゲル、両方を持っているリリィって居たりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: while it's impossible to have multiple Schutzengels/Schilts at once, are there anyone who are engaged in both Schutzengel Oaths and Roommate partnership
A: there's Soraha, engaged in both a Nornir sister relationship and the roommate partnership with Ena |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
司令塔以外の役割でスキル鷹の目を利用した戦術などあるのでしょうか? |
Q: aside from the Commanding tower position, are there any other tactics that make use of Eagle's Eye's capability
A: back in the Duel era, its S-rank variant was a much sought-after skill of the AZ due to the Targeting ability that allows vision of the enemy weak points |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: are Yujia's terrariums all self-made
A: yes they are |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any Lilies that are terrible at room-keeping
A: Takasuga Tsukushi of 2nd-gen Alfheim. she hates room-cleaning, so her onee-sama Akane always has to do it for her |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: how to use Phase Transcendence without collapsing
A: train it up to S-rank to prevent the state of Magi exhaustion |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | 神庭の学科はみんな自分で学科を志望して進学する形式でしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね。神庭の学科は自主選択制です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are the departments in Kanba freely selectable by the students upon entrance
A: yes, the students can select the department of their choice |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | AZで鷹の目を使いながらデュエルをするということは鳥瞰視点で自分と敵の動きを見ながらヒュージと相対するということですよね?めっちゃ難しくないですか。その戦い方を使いこなしていたリリィはいますか?
Q: isn't it very hard to use Eagle's Eye to look at the battlefield top-down while observing the Huge's weak point *and* dueling at the same time? are there any Lilies who mastered that technique
A: Sugiura Hosumi (3rd year) of LG Lohengrin. the joker of the legion, she is the legendary Eagle's Eye-wielding duelist of the generation. |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | 新潟外征の際、壱っちゃんがユニークCHARMアロンダイトを持っていくとの情報が明かされていますが、他にも新しく登場するユニークCHARMってあったりするのでしょうか……?
名前だけでも、ひとつだけでも教えていただけるとありがたいです……!!! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: it is known that in the Blitz for Niigata Liberation, Ichi used her unique CHARM Aroundight. but are there any other unique ones used in that operation?
A: it was one of the biggest battle to go down in the history of humanity's war against the Huges, so everyone in Alfheim brought their unique CHARMs. one of which was Kusumi's Laevatein |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | 清家知世ちゃんはテスタメントの防御リスクをどのような方法で克服していますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 基本は回避系ですね。楪様ほどではないですが回避をベースにしてます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: being a Testament user, how does Seike Tomoyo overcome the skill's weakness of a weakened protective Magi barrier, especially since she's dedicated to swordfighting
A: she makes use of evasion to avoid damage. while not on the same level as Yuzuriha, she still has evasive capability as her basis |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | 日羽梨様の事が気になりすぎて肩こりが治りません。助けてください。
Q: any info on Hibahiba
A: her height is 158cm |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
若菜様のことが気になります……ッ!まだ出てない情報で今出せる情報とかありますか? |
Q: any info on Wakana-sama
A: similar to her Schild Soraha, Wakana herself is quite popular. she has gathered quite the affection from Shinobu and Kisara |
Hắc |
March 22, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
#アサルトリリィ” |
Chemir buying a new controller to play ~~Monster Hunter~~ Huge Hunter | Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | B型兵装によるオーバーヒートをZで強引になかったことにする「インパクタースタイル」ですが、実際にやっている若しくはやれそうなリリィって誰かいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん インパクタースタイルはZを持ってないと成立しないのでLGロスヴァイセ伊紀さんなどのZ持ちでデュエルが得意な人しかやれませんね。未確認ですが日羽梨様もそれらしきことができることがあるそうです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about the "Impactor Style" of combat where the overheat state of CHARMs caused by the B-type Armament is forcibly reversed with the use of Z, are there any Lilies who can, or may use it in practice?
A: having the rare skill Z is the necessary condition for the Impactor style, so only duelists with the Z skill such as Kitagawara Inori of LG Rossweisse can do it. additionally, due to Hibari's unconfirmed capability similar to Z's sub skill, she seems to be able to do something similar |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
武術や拳法、素手での格闘戦が得意なリリィっているんですか?教えて!二水ちゃん! |
Q: are there any Lilies excelling in close-quarter combats such as martial arts or boxing
A: Lilies of Odaiba all possess a certain degree of proficiency in martial arts due to such subjects being required in the school. therefore, even seemingly frail and inattentive girls (e.g. Nazuna) are actually pretty damn strong physically |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | レアスキルは使い込むほどランクが上がってくものなんです? #教えて二水ちゃん 一般的にはそういわれてますね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: do Rare skills rank up with repeated use
A: yes they do |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Takane, judging from how she uses the CHARM Risanaut (famously hard to use and requires great physical strength) and her combat achievements, seems to be very strong physically, but can she match the likes of Soraha? Also is this plainly her base strength, or is it adrenaline-pumped gayness for Kanaho?
A: It's her base physical strength. In fact, she was a former member of the Funada Reserve Squad, which could've rivaled 1st-gen Alfheim had it not been disbanded - this was another proof of her power |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | 積極的に攻撃せず、カウンターを主体とした戦い方をするリリィって居たりしますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん いったん受けてからヒュージの隙に一撃を食らわせる戦い方が得意です。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there Lilies who do not actively go out attacking, but rather focus on counters
A: Kiko Totori of LG Sanngriðr, she excels at parrying the Huges' attacks before striking a lethal blow when the opportunity arises |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | 幕張科学技術女子高等学校はB型兵装を使うみたいですが、御台場女学校と提携してるから、ヴァルキュリアスカート・マギ・リンカネーションシステムの技術も使ったりしてるんでしょうか?
Q: at Makuhari Girls' Science and Engineering High School the B-type Armament is used, but since they also cooperate with Odaiba, does it mean they also use the Valkyrie Skirt Magi Reincarnation System?
A: yes, while not all Lilies of the school use the system, a number does |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
このエンレイジを他人に施すことは可能ですかね? |
Q: can Brave's Enrage effect (when applying the skill on oneself) be used on others
A: no |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | レアスキルに覚醒して、普通の学校からガーデンに転校して来た子っていたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there any Lilies who were normal girls until they suddenly awaken to their Rare skills and as a result transfer to Gardens
A: Kikutake Renka and Tange Honori from the Lily Armored Cavalier LN |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | 長沢雪様以外で、エンレイジを使ったことがある、もしくは使えるリリィっていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies who has ever, or can use Enrage outside of Yuki
A: nobody |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | 聖橋大学附属女子高等学校は親ゲヘナ派?それとも反ゲヘナ派?はたまた中立ですか?
Q: what is the stance of Hijiribashi University's Affiliated High School towards GEHENA
A: they're more or less neutral |
Hắc |
March 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天葉様はスポーツ特に何が得意ですか? |
Q: which sport is Soraha particularly good at
A: she's good at all sports, but especially excel in ball games |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | 二水ちゃんの好きな三国志の登場人物は誰でしょうか?
Q: who is Foomy's favorite character in the *Three Kingdoms* epic
A: Xu Yuanzhi (徐元直) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Register users are required to form legions, but are there even that many of them?
A: at least when compared to rarer skills such as Phantasm, Register are indeed more common. and Yurigaoka has many Register users because it actively ~~kidnaps~~ ~~seize~~ gather talented Lilies from other schools |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | 他のガーデンでこの方の戦術憧れるなって方はいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there any Lilies in other gardens whose tactics Foomy adore
A: Lily otakus tend to look up to exotic tactics that are hard to master, so Foomy adores the flexibly transformable formations of Hronesness and Sanngriðr, as well as the zero-top tactic of Heorot Saints |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: amidst the impression of GEHENA being the bad guy planning to take over the world, are there any factions of GEHENA with a conscience
A: the part of GEHENA that cooperates with Irma Girl's High School, they're famous for being the conscience of the corporation. they primarily focus on research in the decontamination of negative Magi in Lilies |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | 今川誉様と清家知世ちゃんの出会いの経緯をお聞きしてもよろしいでしょうか…? #教えて二水ちゃん 中等部入学を果たすと上級生が指導リリィとして付くのですが、このとき天狗だった知世さんが誉様に手合わせを申し込んでぼこぼこにされたのが出会いと後のシュッツエンゲル契約のきっかけです^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: how did Imagawa Homare and Seike Tomoyo of LG Sanngriðr meet
A: when Tomoyo entered Yurigaoka through the junior high school entrance exam, she was a conceited and smug little brat. that's why she challenged Homare - the senpai Lily assigned to guide her - to a swordfight, and she was beaten to a pulp. that's how they got to know each other, and lead to them later becoming sisters |
Hắc |
March 13, 2021 | 清家知世さんはシュッツエンゲルである今川誉さんに完全服従タイプとのことですが、普段はどのような会話を交わしているのでしょうか?
誉「鬱陶しいわね、だめよ。貴女はその辺で素振りでもしてなさい」 知世「そ、そんなお姉さま~あたし邪魔しませんから!」 #アサルトリリィ |
Tomoyo: "Homare-oneesama, where are you going? Can I go along too?"
Homare: "You're being annoying you know, so just sit there. Do practice swings or something" Tomoyo: "Please onee-sama~~ I promise I'll behave~!" |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | これ、どうしても気になるので改めてもう一度… #教えて二水ちゃん 今は良識派GEHENAとの連携を持つようになりました #アサルトリリィ |
Q: following Tomoshibi's escape from containment, Kuramayama Girls' Environmental Science School gradually turned to become a proper garden (from a notorious pro-GEHENA Garden that rivaled Ludovico even), but does this mean they cooperated with virtuous GEHENA factions or they cut the ties and washed their hands
A: they now are cooperating with a good faction of GEHENA |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | 以前マディックに関しての解説がありましたが、マディックとして入学する子(例えば御台場のマディックアカデミーやエレンスゲのマディック生)はスキラー値以外で入学条件等に違いがあったりしますか?
Q: Are there difference in requirement to enrol into the Madec department other than skiller value? Also do they have different uniform?
A: There are of course variation in Madec department for each Garden, including the uniform and entrance standard. But basically, the entrance requirement is lower and there will be difference in education policy. For example, in Odaiba who has principle of no pain no gain, the training in their Madec Academy is also intense. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any rumors about Kishimoto Maria Mirai during her time
A: she was friend with Yuki of Hronesness, and gave her all in the preparation for the Recapture of Makuhari (which is shrouded in mystery unless you watch the Ludo plays :EvilCat: ). as such, Yuki fought on the battlefield of Makuhari to send her final farewell to Mirai, and see her endeavor to fruition |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
BZ重視のレギオンやガーデンで重要視されるスキルは天の秤目や鷹の目があると思いますが、他にどういったスキルが重視されますか? |
Q: in gardens or legions that emphasize the BZ position, are there any prioritzed skills other than Eagle's Eye and Heaven's Scale
A: Register and Heliosphere. especially in the case of Register, many of the BZ Register users are special Lilies |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any famous Lilies from Sierlint
A: the president of the student council is one, she goes by the nickname 蓬莱玉 (Houraigyoku, Jewel of Hourai/Penglai) |
Hắc |
March 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
タバスコぐらいなら平気だったり? |
Q: Yuyu is said to prefer spicy stuff, but which level of spicy does she like? like Tabasco-tier?
A: like Kiito, Yuyu is suspected to be deaf to spicy and hot tastes. but that doesn't mean they drink Tabasco literally |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
劇中ではみんな通称の「一柳隊」をメインで呼んでいますが、正式名称の「ラーズグリーズ」の方で呼ばれる事ってありますか? |
Q: formally Hitotsuyanagi Squad is called LG Raðgrið, but are there any cases when they're called such
A: in occasions such as ceremonies and on medal awarding events |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | 綺麗好きなリリィはいらっしゃいますか?
Q: any Lilies who are dedicated to cleanliness
A: Kusumi, who is professional-tier in cleaning (as well as other household chores) |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | 合体する特型ヒュージはいますか?
Q: any special-type Huges with the ability to combine multiple individuals into a larger one
A: there have been rumors of such Huges |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | この時、渚は王雨嘉が中等部時代に在籍していたスウェーデンの名門ガーデン「ヘイムスクリングラ トレードゴード」に留学中です💐
雨嘉の姉妹は今の在学中だから お友達だったりするのかな? そして中の人は実は1ヶ月だけバンクーバーへ留学したことがあります🇨🇦 |
Tachibana Theresia Nagisa, the genius BZ Lily of Ludojo. In her study in Heimskringla, she is a member of its representative legion, so she has been fighting alongside Ruixi as well as Lifen. Following Nagisa's declaration of returning to Japan, Ruixi tried to convince her to stay. | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: if 1yanagi squad is to be ranked, how would Foomy predict the legion rank
A: maybe AA or AAA |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | 強化リリィに希少レアスキル持ちが多いのは強化の影響ですか?
Q: many Enhanced Lilies have uncommon rare skills; is this an effect of the enhancement operations they've received.
A: more like because Lilies with uncommon rare skills get selected more as test subjects |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | 今川誉様の身長はどのくらいですか?
Q: how tall is Imagawa Homare
A: 154cm |
Hắc |
March 25, 2021 | 牛田琶月さんって身長はいくつなのでしょうか、、、?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: how tall is Ushida Watsuki
A: 161cm |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Chemir inviting Foomy to play ~~Monster Hunter~~ Huge Hunter | Hắc |
March 26, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
雪陽ちゃんと紗癒ちゃんのどちらが身長高いのか気になりすぎて本当に最近夜は寝てません。寝かせてください。本当に気になりすぎてダメです。別に何センチか知りたいんじゃないんです。よりどちらの背が高いのかが知りたいだけです。出来れば数値も知りたいけどそこまで高望みはし |
Q: who is taller between Sayu and Yukiyo
A: they're basically the same height, though Sayu is a bit taller |
Hắc |
March 26, 2021 | 遅刻しがちなリリィはいらっしゃいますか?
Q: any Lilies who often are late for school
A: Mayuri the Siegrune (how ironic). due to her room being in the attic, she isn't involved in anyone else's sleep cycle, so she can stay up all she wants |
Hắc |
March 26, 2021 | あの世界では海産物は貴重になっていそうですが、お寿司が大好物なリリィって居たりしますか?
Q: seafood has become a luxurious food item, and by extension sushi as well, but are there any Lilies who like sushi?
A: Matsunaga Yui who came from a decrepit family. She very much likes sushi, even more so if such sushi is paid by her kouhai |
Hắc |
March 26, 2021 | @assault_lily (舞台で)ルドビコの救援・(ラスバレで)エレンスゲの救援に一柳隊を行かせたけど、GEHENAのcharm使用禁止・GEHENAの接触禁止まで出している程の反GEHENAの百合ヶ丘の元にも救援要請が届いていますけど、救援要請はそういうの関係無く近くの学園に届くの?
Q: Yurigaooka is an anti-GEHENA garden to the degree that contact with GEHENA is forbidden, but still its legions have been sent to assist in pro-GEHENA schools (TFG's Ludojo support, LB's Herensuge relief, etc.). So are request for support just sent to all mobilizable gardens regardless of their orientation towards GEHENA?
A: Yes. Even if GEHENA itself is atrocious, what the Lilies face here are the Huges. Besides, in such life-and-death situations, GEHENA wouldn't be the enemy - regardless of them being criminals, it simply is not morally right to leave them to their death. |
Hắc |
March 26, 2021 | 美土莉さんの使用CHARMとレアスキルを教えてください!
Q: Hara Midori's CHARM and Rare skill
A: Rare skill: Charisma. CHARM: Nothung (Yggdrasil) |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | ゆゆ様がりり以外に弱いものって実はあったりするのかな?
foomy time
Q: aside from Riri, are there anything/anyone that Yuyu is soft to? A: Takegoshi Chihana, who Yuyu is indebted to during the first-gen Alfheim days. when talking with her, then Yuyu would soften up more than how she normally does |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
レアスキル抜きで脚の速いリリィって誰かいますか? |
Q: which Lilies are fast runners, excluding rare skills' effects
A: Soraha |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | 横浜の親ゲヘナのガーデンのリリィの未公開情報もっと知りたいです。妹が病気なんです。
あれは金沢文庫にあるガーデン、シエルリントのことを言っています。横浜はシエルリントの国定守備範囲となりますので。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: my little sister is sick, so please give unreleased info on Lilies of the pro-GEHENA garden in Yokohama or she'll die
A: that's Sierlint Girls' Academy at Kanazawa Bunko. Yokohama is its Nationally Designated Defense Area |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | 日の出町の惨劇って具体的にどの辺ですか?
横浜?東京? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: where did the Hinode-cho Tragedy happen?
A: at Tokyo |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | チャーミィは「消し方を知らない新米にたいして役に立たない情報を提示する」ってラスバレで書かれてましたが、消し方は知ってるけど敢えて残してるリリィやアーセナルは居ますか?
Q: Charmy is said to "present useless information to the newbies who don't know how to delete it", but are there any Lilies who know how to delete, and yet still leave the info about?
A: Moyu still leaves the info, but Miliam deleted them all |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | 水夕会の磯崎美花さんとはどのような方ですか?
Q: what is Isozaki Mika (LG Reginleif) like
A: a girl of very little words, though her coordination with Ushida Watsuki in the BZ is of such a high level that it's not repeatable by anyone else |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: I'm losing sleep over knowing that the Sierlint uniform is gothic loli-styled. give me a description pls before insomnia claims my life
A: it's a black-themed gothic loli uniform. also if you join in the school introduction event (public) then you can get a commemorative pocket watch |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | 日羽梨様のことが気になりすぎて夜も眠れないので何か新情報をください。
Q: more info on Hibari-sama pls I can't sleep
A: she's from Kamakura (current day Kanagawa) |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
羽来様について公開可能な情報があれば教えてほしいです! |
Q: what's Hibino Waku like
A: the very first Phatasm user of Irma Girls' High School of Fine Arts (one of Tokyo's three main gardens). a bit childish, but she's still a genius Lily who can pull off miraculous feats, true to being a Phantasm user. Alongside Sachie, Yuyu, Himari and others, she fought in the first squadron of the Odaiba Counteroffensive |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | 田村那岐様はロザリンデ・フリーデグンデ・フォン・オットー様のことは何と呼んでいますか?#教えて二水ちゃん 「ロザ」っていう愛称でよんでらっしゃいますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: how does Tamura Nagi call Rosalinde Friedgunde von Otto normally
A: she goes by the nickname "Rosa" |
Hắc |
March 28, 2021 | ' 誰かに怒られたり、詰められると長い袖を前に出して「お、お化け~」と言ってごまかします。 これでごまかさせるのは彼女の幼馴染の恋町様くらいですが^^; #アサルトリリィ |
another extension came
as a symbol of her childishness (in a cute way), when someone gets angry at Waku, she would wave her long sleeves and say "i-it's ghosty ghost~~" to try and distract the other person. though the only person on whom this works is Komachi, her childhood friend |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 六角汐里さんの「CHARM使いがとても荒いことで有名」だった時のことをもっと詳しく教えて!
Q: info about Shiori's "extremely rough" CHARM handling
A: her CHARM handling is very rough (as in freely using the CHARM to the flow of the moment with zero regard to the device). for example she is known to use CHARMs with no significant defensive properties to block attacks, or pulling the trigger while the weapon is in the middle of transforming from blade mode to shooting mode - something called "half-activated shooting". such ways of handling run the risk of causing major damage to the CHARM, and that's what Shiori is known for |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 清家知世さんのポジションはどこでしょうか?
Q: Seike Tomoyo's position in LG Sanngriðr
A: TZ, she fights from the medium position |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 半起動射撃についてもう少し詳しく教えてくださいませ!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: more info about half-activated shooting
A: for example look at the Dainsleif here, half-activated shooting is the firing action done when the blades are only slightly opened from blade mode, and not fully deployed yet. shooting in this state will cause damage to the CHARM, but it allows for quick shooting. nevertheless, this is not a recommended usage |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
Q: any gamer Lilies
A: Chemir Friedheim of St. Mercurius. She has an RGB gaming PC rig and plenty of controllers (suspected to be custom ones with many buttons) |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 二水さんと眞悠理様と日羽梨様の三人で戦術の話したりすることはありますか?
Q: does Fumi do strategy discussion with Mayuri and Hibari
A: yes |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | ' @ishii_haruna ひ!ひえ! お誕生日おめでとうございます! |
Q: any Lilies who are basically meatheads with a shoot-first-ask-later policy
A: Odaiba girls Ishii Haruna: haa? Foomy: oh shit not good |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
理由がありましたら教えて頂けると幸いです!気になります!!! |
Q: what's the reason for some gardens to adopt the Top Legion system
A: with some exceptions (e.g. Ludovico, Irma), gardens with this system are developing ones. if their Lilies were allowed to form legions freely, then there'll be legions with unbalanced strengths such that they cannot even fight, and as such the garden have to set the legions themselves. on the other hand, developed gardens with vast number of highly capable Lilies such as Yurigaoka or Odaiba adopt the Instructor Approval system, where Lilies are allowed to freely form their legions. the move from Top Legion to Instructor Approval is the pattern of a garden's development, and this is seen in Odaiba, Ludo and Irma. |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | そろそろ3月も終わりに近づき新潟外征編公開予定の春が近づいて来ましたが、新潟外征編の見所とかあったら教えてください!!!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what are there to be expected in the *Blitzkrieg for Niigata Liberation* serialization coming soon™️
A: the most climatic battle the world's history has ever seen, new Lilies from Ryuuto as well as new illustrations for 2nd-gen Alfheim girls |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 今川誉さまは「聖学の剣聖」として厳格なイメージがありますが、プライベートのご趣味などはあるのでしょうか…?
活発そうなイメージのシルトとどんな過ごし方をしてるのか気になっていて… #教えて二水ちゃん 誉「知世、あなたをみてるとねえ、苛めたくなるのよ、ふふふ」
Q: Homare's moniker "Sword Saint of the Holy School" gives her a strict impression, but does she have a liking for anything, on a personal level. how does she spend time with her Schild
A: the moniker comes from her unparalleled swordsmanship, and not from her personality; as such to her Schild Tomoyo, she displays a face of sadism. "Tomoyo~ you make me feel like teasing you, fufufu" |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 攻撃一発一発の威力がとても重く、一撃必殺で敵を仕留める事に重きを置いているような戦闘スタイルの子って居たりしますでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies with a combat style that focuses on the power of each and every hit, dishing out heavy strikes
to finish off enemies in one hit A: Suzuki Chinami of LG Heorot Saints (Odaiba), known for being a power-focused Lily |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 松永遊糸さんは霊感があるとのことですが、どのていどのものでしょうか。
遊糸「いや、いやいやいや、そこにやばい子がいるでしょ!葵」 葵「は?なんですか?冗談はやめてください先輩。さ、いきますよー」 遊糸「いや、やだ、いかない。あたしは絶対行かないんだから!」 葵「紫苑先輩お願いします!」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: to which degree is Yui sensitive to ghosts? can she see and hear them?
A: she can see and hear ghosts very clearly > Yui: nonononononono, there's a really scary girl over there, Aoi! > Aoi: what're you talking about senpai, cut out with the jokes please. come on, let's go > Yui: no, no way, not in hell I'm going. if you want me to go then kill me first > Aoi: Shion-senpai, "do it" please |
Hắc |
March 30, 2021 | 所謂パルクール的な動きが得意なリリィっていますか?
梅様や天葉様、楪様はまず得意として他にいらっしゃったら知りたいです #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any girls good at parkour aside from Mai, Soraha and Yuzuriha
A: Tsukushi |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | シエルリントの『魔女』とは何でしょうか?詳細な情報が知りたいです。
Q: what are the "witches" of Sierlint
A: the students themselves, being chuuni after all |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
マディックからリリィへ成長した者はいたりするんですか? |
Q: any examples of a Madec who developed into a Lily
A: Igusa Subaru is an example of a Madec-turned-ultra-top-class Lily |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | 安藤 鶴紗が戦犯の娘と言われていますが逆に英雄の娘と呼ばれているリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: in a similar (or rather opposite vein) to Tazusa being called "daughter of a war criminal", are there anyone called "daughter of heroes"
A: Ishikawa Aoi. her father is an officer in the JSDF, while her mother was a former Lily, i.e. born in a family with a tradition of fighting against Huges |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | 閑さんの好物を教えてください
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what does Shizu like
A: she likes tea drinking, so the teacups she use are all high-quality items. also under the influence of Takahashi Yayori in her legion (LG Schwarz Grail), she's also into collecting miniature teddy bears |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | @assault_lily #教えて二水ちゃん
燈ちゃん以外にも現地のリリィとの交流があったのか気になります |
Q: which is the furthest country in Kiito and Ui's abroad study trip, did they exchange with the local Lilies
A: the furthest countries in their trip were around Vietnam or Philippines, and of course they exchanged with the locals as well |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | これらってシエルリントにも備えられていますか?
Q: are the following witchery items available at Sierlint: candles, crystal balls, plaster skulls, incense, magic diagram, black mirror and clothes, crooked witch hat, brooms, etc.
A: yes of course. they're required even |
Hắc |
March 31, 2021 | 高橋耶依さん、名前を初めてお見かけしたような気がしますが、どんなリリィなんでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what is Takayashi Yayori of LG Schwarz Grail like
A: first year Lily, a Enkan no Mite/ Circlet Bless user. practically the mascot of the legion, she wears clothes with long sleeves (not as long as Ran's tho) and acts cutely, but on the other hand she also tries to make mature quotes and remarks |
Hắc |
January 12, 2020 | ' しかし何時からか、リリィ強化などの凶行に走るようになっていきます。GEHENAは大きい集団で強化に限っても同じGEHENAの中でも意見は分かれてます。低い強化に止めるべきという研究班もあれば、高い強化を施すべきという研究班もあるのです>< #アサルトリリィ |
foomy mentioned once that there are internal factions within GEHENA that don't like to strengthen lilies too much | Letheka |
June 11, 2020 | ' 回復特型スモールを引き付けた紅様でしたが、その間に残る市民を避難させたのは彼女の親友で、後のLGコーストガード副将となる曽我菘(そが・すずな)様でした。明日は菘様をご紹介しますねー 「おーほほほほ!死に晒せぇ~」(紅様のモノマネです) #アサルトリリィ |
also sometimes GEHENA doesn't actually present any reasons to make girls into Boosted Lilies (gravely wounding them, capturing them in the name of guardianship after their fathers are gone, etc.)
in such cases they just kidnap the girls outright, e.g. Saigou Kurena |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
プラモデルが好きなリリィはいますか? |
Q: are there any Lilies into plastic models
A: Arima Mitsune of LG Reginleif, she's a plastic model otaku. She thinks that she's properly hiding this fact, but reality says otherwise. When others point out the smell of paint thinner on her, she'll try to distract by saying it's her nail polish, but this doesn't fool anyone |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | LGサングリーズルの清家知世ちゃんは誉様の後を何かといつもつきっきりなイメージがあるのですが、同レギオン外の同級生や他ガーデンのリリィに交流があったり仲良しな子はいるのでしょうか…?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: it feels like Seike Tomoyo of LG Sanngriðr is always sticking to her onee-sama Homare, but does she have any friend outside of the legion or in other gardens
A: yes. she has a bright and frank personality, so naturally she is on good terms with many. one of which is Sayu of LG Lohengrin |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | このツイートから相模女子の松永遊糸様がすごい気になり、相模女子を調べてみたのですが松永様や片倉様、それに伊達様はあんまり裕福ではなさそうですが奨学金みたいな制度があるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 相模女子は撃破報酬が他ガーデンより高く設定されてますね。家計を助けたいという子は相模女子高等学館に行くことが多いかもですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: quite a lot of Sagami students (Yui, Shion, Date, etc.) originate from impoverished backgrounds, so does it mean the school has some sort of scholarship system
A: the tuition fee is cheaper (refer to my question earlier), and the reward for each Huge kill is also higher than other gardens. as a result, girls who want to support their families financially often choose Sagami as their school |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | シエルリントではとっても格好いい名前で呼び合う文化があるそうですが、格好いい名前って自己申告制で自分が考える物なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are the cool names in Sierlint decided and registered by the students themselves
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | LGサングリーズルの村上常盤さんにシルトはいますか?
Q: does Murakami Tokiwa of LG Sanngriðr have a Schild
A: Kondou Misaka, the dead leader of the legion |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: among Yurigaoka, Herensuge and Ludojo, which one of these adopt Madecs
A: Herensuge |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | 有馬充音さんは隠れオタということはそうさく倶楽部にははいってないんでしょうか?そうさく倶楽部といえばロザリンデさんが所属していたと思いますが彼女はどんなものを作るんでしょうか?
Q: seeing that Mitsune is a plastic model otaku, is she a member of the Handicraft club? Also Rosalinde-sama is in it too, but what does she make, exactly?
A: yes, Mitsune is a member of the Handicraft club. Rosalinde-sama is experienced in metal engraving, which she uses in making accessory items |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: who's the smartest Lily
A: it's hard to answer, but in Yurigaoka the following are known to be intellectual leaders or at least personalities with good logic and reasoning: Chihana, Shizu, Mayuri, Akane |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | シルリエントのトップレギオンや上層部って常人には理解不能なぐらい厨二ワードで日常会話をしているのですか?
Q: do the top legions or high ranking personnel of Sierlint engage in ordinary conversation using terminologies that are so chuuni they're practically alien to the layperson
A: according to rumors, they do, and it's pretty insane. aside from chuuni terminology, they also throw citations from theology and philosophy against one another in what that's supposed to be everyday talk |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | 小説の執筆をしているリリィって居たりしますでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies who are novel authors
A: Yamamoto Mirei of LG Schwarz Grail |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | エイプリルフールで梨璃や紅巴さんは簡単に騙されてましたが、他にすぐ騙されそうなリリィはいますか?
Q: are there any Lilies who are easily tricked on April's Fool, like Riri and Kureha
A: Nazuna, she's a pure and naive girl ~~must protecc hnnnggg~~. also she's easily affected by her surrounding, such as the TV shows she watch |
Hắc |
April 1, 2021 | ゲーマーリリィのメルクリウスのチェミルさんとはどこで出会ってどうやってゲームをするほど仲良くなったのですか #教えて二水ちゃん メルクリウス時代に楓さんとチェミルさんは一緒に戦ってましたのでその縁ですね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: how did Fumi come to know Chemir and play MonHun with her
A: through Kaede, as she used to fight alongside Chemir back in her junior high school days |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Lily got dominant hand when using Charm?
A: Yes. For example, Shiori was left handed. Before her injury she used larger Charm with her left arm. |
rluka |
April 2, 2021 | LGサングリーズルには「水夕会(LGレギンレイヴ)」のような通称はありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 制御不能のレギオンって呼ばれてますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: does LG Sanngriðr have a common name like LG Reginleif (Suiyuukai)
A: yes, they're the Uncontrollable Legion |
Hắc |
April 2, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘にいる強化リリィの皆さんはやはりロスヴァイセなどに救助・保護されたからここに在学してるんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 多くの子がはそうですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are Yurigaoka's Enhanced Lilies all rescued by LG Rossweisse
A: most of them were |
Hắc |
April 2, 2021 | ロスヴァイセが強化リリィを保護したり救助したりしているとのことですがGEHENAラボに襲撃したりするんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: then do they raid GEHENA labs to extract/rescue/protect Enhanced Lilies
A: if necessary, they will |
Hắc |
April 2, 2021 | LGハコルベランド?
Q: LG Hackelberg of Irma Girls' High School of Fine Arts is said to be a legion focused on individualism, but what are its members like?
A: an offensive-focused legion lead by the Enhanced Lily Kamigoori Marimo (? 神郡鞠萠). it is a student-formed legion under the Instructor Approval system, and is a collection of Lilies who share Ichinomiya (Michaela) Himari's ideal of a "free and gorgeous style of offensive combat". it was created after Himari left Irma for Ludo, and still carries on her legacy in Irma. its members include many powerful Lilies such as Higashikuze Tokuko (? 東久世徳子), a Phantasm user, and Ueda Imari, a Circlet Bless user |
Hắc |
April 3, 2021 | アクセス不可能 そちらのイメージに近いのは相模女子高等学館ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is there any Garden which would fit into the typical "delinquent school" image ?
A: Sagami is close to that image |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | アニメではノインベェルトのパス回しの順番は
その場で決めていたようでしたが 作戦の上では、何も障害が無ければこういう順番みたいなのって決まってるのでしょうか? 全て通しての順番だけでなく、この人からは絶対この人とかもあったら知りたいです! #教えて二水ちゃん 一番パターンを多く持つのが閑さんのシュバルツグレイルですが、格付け上位の強豪レギオンになるほどアドリブになりがちです。誰でもフィニッシュまで行けるからです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: In the anime, it seems like the order of Neunwelt pass is decided on the spot. But in mission, and assuming nothing is in the way, is there any order for pass? Such as this person will always pass to that person
A: It depend on the legion. Shizu's Schwarz Grail has the most pass patterns. But high ranked legions usually just ad-libbed the pass course, because everyone can deal the finishing shot |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | LGロスヴァイセは特務レギオンということもありその任務内容も特殊ですが、入るためには何かしらの条件などはありますか?
Q: LG Rossweisse are special operation legion, performing special missions. Is there any criteria to become member?
A: There's requirement for members to be boosted lily. Of course, they also prioritise the person's own willingness |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | チャーム破壊数No1って誰なんですか?(アーセナル除く
Q: Excluding Arsenals, who is the lily who broke the most number of Charm
A: Almost certainly, Shiorin |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | 田村那岐さんってシルトいらっしゃいますか?
Q: Who is Tamura Nagi's Schild ?
A: Izumi Botan from LG Reginleif. She's the only person who stayed by Nagi's side after the disbandment of LG Svanhvit. That time, Botan asked to make Schultzengel vow |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | ネストは主に海底などに存在するみたいですが、琵琶湖や諏訪湖、霞ヶ浦のような大きな湖に存在する例もあるのでしょうか。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Nest are usually located on bottom of ocean. But is it possible for a Nest to form in large lakes, such as Lake Biwa, Lake Suwa, Lake Kasumigaura
A: Yes, it's possible |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | シュッツエンゲルの契りを破棄した後、別の相手と契ることは可能ですか?
Q: Can someone make another Schutzengel vow after cancelling one? Can they do it with the same person again?
A: Yes and yes, if both party wants it |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | 格言言ったりするリリィって居てますか?
Q: Any Lily who loves to speak proverbs?
A: Ushida Watsuki from LG Reginleif |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | もう一週間以上腹痛続いたままです、助けてください
Q: More info about Kiko Totori please. Been having stomachache for a week already
A: Totori and Homare are very close friends |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | 以前一度別のガーデンに転入してから元のガーデンに戻ることが可能と言っていましたが、実際にしたリリィはいるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 結構いますよ。クエレブレにいたような~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Previously there's topic about it's possible to transfer back after transferring to another Garden, but is there any Lily who actually did that ?
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
LGスヴァンフヴィートの戦術方針はどんなものだったのでしょうか? |
Q: What is the tactical doctrine of LG Svanhvit
A: Super aggressive |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃん個人としては、攻撃的なレギオンか、カウンタータイプのレギオンとか、レギオンとしての闘い方の好みはありますか? |
Q: Personally, what kind of Legion does Fumi like? The offensive, or counter type?
A: Lily otaku usually loves the more aggressive legions. There's romance in it |
rluka |
April 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
またブーステッドスキルは自己にしか使えず他者には行使できないのでしょうか? |
Q: Ishigami Mio's boosted skill is Enhancement. Is it something like skill? Such as Z? And are boosted skill can be used to someone else?
A: Enhancement is a boosted skill, so it works similar to skills. It can upgrade sub skill into rare skill for a few seconds. Can only be applied to own self |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Yamanashi Hibari is known as sharp-tongued. Is she like that to everyone? How is she when talking to Fumi or Mayuri?
A: She’s not sharp-tongued to close friends. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 白井夢結さまと山梨日羽梨さまは鎌倉府の出身で、御台場迎撃戦で共に戦った戦友だと聞きましたが、個人的な交友はあるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yuyu and Hibari are both born in Kamakura and comrades in the Odaiba Interception. But how is their personal relationship?
A: It’s not like they’re very close with each other, but the lilies who survived Odaiba Interception all has a special bond. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | レアスキルについての質問なのですが,新種のレアスキルってそれなりの頻度で発見されていたりするのでしょうか?
また、現在発見されているレアスキルの中で最も新しいレアスキルと言うとどんなスキルになるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How often are new kind of rare skill awakens? Also, what is the newest among the currently known rare skills?
A: Talking about rare skills awakening most recently, that would be Circlet Breath. Ena and Tishia’s skill. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 都々里さんのレアスキルはなんですか?
Q: What is Kiko Totori’s skill ?
A: Heliosphere |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんがCHARMを壊してアーセナルに怒られたとき、
流石に「何もしてないのに壊れた」とか「普通に使ってただけで壊れた」とか言ったりはしてませんよね…? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: When Shiori breaks her Charm and got scolded by Arsenal, did she make excuse like “It broke even when I didn’t do anything” or “I only use it as usual but it broke”?
A: Shiori is an honest girl. She will explain it, such as “I’m using it as shield” or “I pulled the trigger mid-transformation” |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 甲州奪還戦をするとしてどのレギオンが参加すると思いますか?
Q: Which Legions will likely to participate in Koshu Retaking battle? Reginleif and Geiravor?
A: Reginleif is most likely will be participating. The student council is also putting Koshu retaking as priority, so it is likely one of the legions under the three executives will be joining. Geiravor, normally thinking, they’d also be joining. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 木子都々里様は鬼軍曹として下級生から恐れられてますが、同じレギオンメンバーの一年生の子たちからもやはり恐れられているのでしょうか…?
都々里様「ぼっさとしてないで前に上がりなさい!」 「(なんか言ってるなあ)あ~はい、わかってます、今行きます」 って感じですね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kiko Totori is known as drill sergeant and feared by the first year students. But how about the first year students in Sanngrizr?
A: The first years in Sanngrizr are fierce. They’re not afraid. > Totori: Don’t just stand there. Get over here. > (did she just said something?) Ah, okay, I hear you. Be there in a minute |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 度々CHARMを壊すらしい汐里さんですが、汐里さんの担当アーセナルってどなたなんでしょうか?
いつも修理してくれる人を探してます>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Because Shiori always breaks her Charm, does she has her own Arsenal?
A: She doesn’t have any specific Arsenal assigned to her, so she’s always looking for someone to fix it up for her. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | LGヘルフィヨトゥルについての情報が欲しいです
主に他のレギオンとの友好or対立関係について #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Tell me more about LG Herfiotur, especially their relationship with other legions.
A: Herfiotur is the named legion who is supporting the Sieglune. After Chihana retires, they have terrible relationship with LG Eir (Matsuri’s legion) so much they refuse to be deployed in the same battlefield. They have good relationship with Lohengrin, Brunhild Line, and Alfheim. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 樟美ちゃんはご実家が牧場とのことですが、競走馬にも興味があったりすのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kusumi’s family runs a ranch. Does Kusumi has any interest in racing horse?
A: Kusumi’s family runs cattle ranch so she would be knowledgeable. She’s also quite an expert in horse riding. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 以前確か眞悠理さんが、自室に屋根裏へ通じる穴を開けている、というような話をみた気がしますが……自室以外に眞悠理さんが屋根裏へ通じる通路として穴を開けている場所はありますか?
Q: There’s a hole connecting Mayuri’s room to the attic. Is there also another gates linking to that place?
A: While it is true that Mayuri made a hole connecting the attic to her room, but I don’t think there are any path connecting to the other rooms. |
rluka |
April 4, 2021 | 乃子様の趣味はなんでか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What is Noriko’s (Shizu’s oneesama) hobby?
A: Cooking |
rluka |
April 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
過去に作られたチャームの中で危険故に封印?されたチャームとかありますか? #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there any CHARMs deemed too dangerous that they were sealed away or similar
A: Kusumi's Ipetam, with part of the perceived danger of using it in practice being attributed to just how hard it is to handle, its development was cancelled |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 乃子様はお料理が趣味だと聞きましたがお料理は得意なんですか?? #教えて二水ちゃん 家庭的な料理が得意でいらっしゃいますね~(肉じゃがとか) #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kenmochi Noriko is said to have cooking as her hobby, but can she cook well?
A: she excels in making ordinary family dishes, such as nikujaga |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 来週からの履修登録してみました。
Q: which other subject to take in this timetable
A: classes in legion tactics |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Takane-sama in her memoria story was chased around by fans (in Kanba), but are there other fans outside of the school as well?
A: yes. after all, she was a part of the Funada Reserve Squad, expected to be the strongest legion in the world (to stand side-by-side with 1st-gen Alfheim had it not been for their dissolution) |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
レギオン活動、リリィ新聞作り、学園の授業などいろいろと忙しそうでニ水ちゃんがちゃんと睡眠をとれているか心配です💦8時間睡眠とれていますか? |
Q: with all her activities (legion business, Lily Newspaper, classes) filling her schedule, does Fumi take a proper 8-hour sleep everyday
A: no |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is Kanba a pro-GEHENA garden, considering that Kureha uses the Sugaar CHARM by Auñamendi Systema
A: Kanba is neutral |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 絆奈さんの戦闘スタイルってどんな感じですか?
Q: How does Kurokawa Nadi Hanna fight
A: she adopts a showy and gorgeous fighting style. she uses a lot of show-off moves, and in 9welt she occasionally do passes without looking, or delivering them with style |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 柳都外征において樟美ちゃんがイペタムではなくレーヴァティンをチョイスした戦術・戦略的理由があれば知りたいです
今後の展開にさしつかえない範囲で… #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any reason Kusumi didn't pick the Ipetam for the Ryuuto Expedition (Blitzkrieg for Niigata Liberation), and chose the Laevatein instead
A: she *did* bring the Ipetam. due to 2nd-gen Alfheim expecting the expedition to consist of long and strenuous combat, they had each member carry at least 3 replacement CHARMs (in additino to the one they have in hand), stored in the CHARM pods on the gunships |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 御台場迎撃戦ってどんな規模の戦いだったんですか?
Q: on which scale was the Odaiba Counteroffensive Battle
A: an extremely difficult battle, where a nestless Ultra-class (way, way more irritable and aggressive than one already with a nest) and an innumerable amount of a new Huge type appeared. retreat was not an option, and their extermination developed into combat of a massive scale, which also involved the evacuation of civilians at the same time, all of which had to be carried out under a time limit. facing such seemingly insurmountable odds, the five legions of the battle achieved a final victory with zero deaths, engraving their names into history |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
アニメだとノインヴェルト戦術の見学の時と梨璃の髪飾りを探してる時くらいしか話してる描写がなかったような気がするので気になりまして。 |
Q: are Yuyu and Soraha on good terms, since in the anime at least their interactions were not depicted much
A: they both were in 1st-gen Alfheim, so they still see each other as comrades |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 『考えられないくらいレベルで整備されてる』とのことなので……
Q: seeing that Mayuri and Noriko's rooms in the attic are "well-furnished and equipped to an unimaginable degree", is there a cooking space for Noriko's hobby up there
A: yes there is |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 広域エリアディフェンス装置ってどういうものなの?
ヒュージの侵入を防ぐバリアみたいなものなの? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what's the wide-area defense device set in large scale human settlements
A: simply speaking, it's a device that inhibits the formation of Caves over a large area. as such, it prevents Caves of the size that allow the passage of Gigant-class and above, so they're utilized in defending areas that must absolutely not be breached. but of course, this only works on Caves, and cannot stop Huges that arrive physically, such as by flying or marching into the defended area |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | 日羽梨様は虫に耐性ありますか?それとも苦手なタイプですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん #アサルトリリィ |
Q: can Hibari withstand bugs
A: no |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
新家和香様の名前の読み方を教えていただけますか? |
Q: how is 新家和香's name read
A: Niinomi Nodoka @FliryVorru - we got an update20 here |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: can the gunships -normally used to transport Lilies in expeditions- also perform close air support role, such as sweeping fire to mow down small-class Huges and such when the situation arises
A: yes they can |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | LGロスヴァイセは表向きは衛生任務レギオンとしていますが、強化リリィ特務レギオンとしての側面はどの程度の範囲の人達が知っているのでしょうか?
また格付けやスタッツはどうなってるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: how many people know about the actual activities of LG Rossweisse beyond their farce of a medic legion. also, what's their rank
A: their rank is SS, at least as a medic legion. as for their activities as the spec-ops legion, it's said that their ranking is a different thing altogether, among Lily otakus. as for their actual status and activity, most Lilies who have been in Yurigaoka since the younger grades know about them |
Hắc |
April 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん 時間的な制約とは具体的にどういうことですか? 敵のボスだった巣無しのアルトラは御台場にネストを作ろうとしていました。討伐が遅れればネストは完成し、討伐はより困難になります。また市民の避難が完了していない為、眼前敵の撃滅にかけられる時間に限りがありました。超困難な戦いでした #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what exactly was the "time limit" in the Odaiba Counteroffensive Battle?
A: the nestless Ultra-class was looking to build a nest in the Odaiba area, and if it was allowed to complete, then its extermination would be unfathomably more difficult than it already is. additionally, throughout the battle, the evacuation of civilians wasn't complete, so the time spent on combating the enemies at hand was also limited |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨様は虫がお嫌いとのことですが、好きな動物はいますか?カワウソが好きだったりしませんか…?
Q: Hibari-sama is said to dislike insects, but are there any animals that she likes?
A: chinchillas |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | 柳都女学館のレギオンは北欧神話の波の乙女(女巨人)由来ですが、柳都女学館は北欧神話系のガーデンなのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: seeing how Ryuuto Girl's Academy's legion names are based on the nine daughters of Aegir, is it also a school based on Nordic mythology
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | ロスヴァイセのまだフルネーム明らかになってない残りの三名のこと何か情報があれば🙏 山田早緑さんは下のお名前なんと読みますか?
Q: name reading of 山田早緑 of LG Rossweisse
A: Yamada Samidori |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: the headliner formation of 5th legion of the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: per the image. as the 5th legion was meant to face off against the nestless Ultra-class, Lilies from Naga Okushi were chosen as the legion's backbone |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ヶ丘にはユーバーザイン持ちのリリィっていないですか? |
Q: Are there any Uber Sign users in Yurigaoka
A: yes there are. Noda Ameri is one famous user. an Enhanced Lily who became an Arsenal, she's a character with much to talk about, so explanations for her will come later |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | 強化リリィは背が小さいイメージがあるのですが、これは偶然でしょうか
Q: is it just me or are Enhanced Lilies short girls
A: there are also tall girls among them~ |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | サングリーズルのルイセさんのレアスキル気になります!
Q: info on the Rare skill and Boosted skills of Luise Ingels (LG Sanngriðr)
A: bearing the nickname "Golden Wolf", her Rare skill is Register. as for Boosted skills, she uses Magi Reflector and Enhancement |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | シエルリントの世界観・モチーフとなって居る神話・伝説って何でしょうか?
厨二病の巣窟という事で神話・伝説のごった煮のような感じになっていそうですが…… #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what's the mythological basis for Sierlint? though seeing that they're the home of chuunis, it feels like it's gonna be a melting pot of all sorts of mythologies
A: Finnish mythology |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | 今取材してるリリィちゃんとかいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん LGレギンレイヴ(水夕会)不動のセントラルBZ牛田琶月さんの取材をしてます! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: who's the Lily that Foomy is interviewing
A: Ushida Watsuki, the immovable central BZ of LG Reginleif's |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | @assault_lily 虫がダメなリリィは色々いらっしゃいますが、逆に変な生き物が好きだったりペットにしてるリリィはいらっしゃいますか?
Q: a lot of Lilies are not good with bugs, but are there any who like weird animals and even keep them as pets
A: Tange Honori (from the LAC novel). she likes stag beetles the most, but is also fond of arthropods with many legs and cockroaches :RiriShocked: |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | 既出だったらすみませんが御台場迎撃戦の総指揮(各部隊の編成、役割分担等)って誰がとってたんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 当年代きっての鬼才、初代アールヴヘイム主将の竹腰千華様ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: who was the commander-in-chief overseeing all the 5 legions of the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive
A: Takegoshi Chihana, the genius of her generation that held the position of 1st-gen Alfheim's General then |
Hắc |
April 6, 2021 | エレンスゲの序列が決まるのに明確な基準というのはあるんですか?
Q: is the method of ranking Lilies in Herensuge publicized
A: no. it's a puzzle in the way it works, and how it manages to give someone like Chikaru -a veteran of the Odaiba Counteroffensive- a low ranking |
Hắc |
February 3, 2021 | シエルリントが好んで使うCHARMとCHARMメイカーはあるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん シエルリントのリリィはCHARMメーカーですとフィンランドに本社を持つメイカーズ”リンヌンラタエレクトロニクス社”の機体をよく使うそうです #アサルトリリィ |
Linnunrata Electronics is the name of the company that makes most Sielulintu Lilies' CHARMs | Letheka |
February 20, 2020 | ' 豆知識として現役最高のマギ保有量を有するリリィが天野天葉様で~す。彼女のマギの量は凄まじくマギ減退が始まったとしても相当長い期間リリィで居られるのでは?と注目されてます。現アールヴヘイムの主将ですが本当は奔放に戦った方が本領を発揮します。将来の夢はお花屋さんです #アサルトリリィ |
actually the rate of Magi deterioration is not known, and its effect also varies depending on the original Magi quantity in the first place
e.g. Soraha who holds the largest Magi reserve in all current Lilies. it is speculated that even when deterioration has set in, she can still fight for quite a long time |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんがCHARMを壊す理由の1つが盾の代わりにするですが、
Q: one of the reasons that Shiori breaks her CHARMs so often is that she uses them as shields to defend herself. however, when talking about defensive CHARMs, Shiori uses the Charlemagne, so does it mean that there are attacks that not even the defense-specialized Charlemagne cannot block
A: not exactly. the usual flow of combat is to use the Charlemagne to block attacks before switching to the other attacking CHARM for engaging in offense, but in Shiori's case, in critical situations she'll use *the attacking CHARM itself* to block and charge in, then release a counterattack with it. it's an efficient method to combine offense and defense into one slick move like that, but the CHARM will take the backlash of such a move |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんは何割くらいの確率でCHARMを壊しますか?
まずどこかは壊れて戻ってきますので^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what is the probability that Shiori breaks her CHARM
A: including all levels of damage that require maintenance, it's 100%. she always come back with a CHARM that's broken in one place or another |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 仕様による差異もあるようですが、数あるCHARMの中で基本的に耐久性が高く壊れにくい機種はどんなものがあるのでしょうか?
Q: among the CHARMs, which ones are the most sturdy and hard to break
A: Kazuha's Blutgang and Shiori's unique Tyrfing. they're exceptionally tough |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Irma Girl's High School of Arts is an art school, so which departments are Komachi, Waku and Miharu in
A: Komachi is in clothing, Waku in painting, and Miharu in pottery |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
それともCHARM破損頻度は下がってるのでしょうか? |
Q: is the probability of Shiori breaking her unique Tyrfing lower than that of other CHARMs
A: yes, thanks to its parts and material being more high-grade than the mass-produced variant. however, the maintenance is still a pain in the ass, or so it's heard to be. when the Tyrfing is under repair and Shiori uses other CHARMs, then the chance of her breaking them will skyrocket, as she claims that "their sturdiness is like toys" and piss the Arsenals off |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 汐里さんって幸恵様を参考に今の戦いかたを構築されたんですよね?
むしろかなり丁寧にCHARMを扱うリリィと言えるでしょう。汐里ちゃんが参考にしたのは片手に守備機、片手に攻撃機を装備するスタイルのみですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Shiori built her fighting style based on Sachie-sama didn’t she? I’m starting to suspect Sachie-sama is also treating her Charm roughly. How is it actually?
A: Sachie-sama is not like that. It’s even said she treated Charm with care. The only thing Shiori learned from her is about using defensive and offensive Charm in each hand. |
rluka |
April 7, 2021 | 御台場迎撃戦では第4部隊だったリーアリデルさんってどんなリリィ?レアスキルとか所属レギオン知りたいです
Q: who is Leareidel Eschenbach of the 4th legion in the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive, what's she like, what's her rare skill and her legion
A: Leareidel Eschenbach is one among the very few existing BZ Phantasm users in the world. an Enhanced Lily, it was Tecia Baumgartner who assisted her to be combat-capable again, so she's deeply respectful of her, and has vowed to fight for her. she's currently in the 5th Air Cavalry Legion "Raguel" of St. Mercury |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘には13レギオン以外のレギオンを存在しているのでしょか?
Q: are there any legions in Yurigaoka other than the main 13
A: yes, these are just the top ranking ones |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | アーセナルだけでレギオンを組むことはできますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is it possible to form a Legion consisting completely of Arsenals?
A: It’s possible in Garden with Battle Arsenal education such as Yurigaoka. For example there is LG Víðófnir, led by Shinohara Nayuki, an experimental legion consisting completely of Arsenals. |
rluka |
April 7, 2021 | ストップモーションでの暴れっぷりを見るに足癖が相当に悪どい汐里ちゃん
実戦でもCHARMやヒュージを蹴っ飛ばしたりしてるんですか…? #教えて二水ちゃん #アサルトリリィ |
Q: it can be seen in one of Shiori's older stop motion vids ^ that her leg techniques is pretty damn vicious, but does she also kick Huges and CHARMs alike in combat?
A: yes of course she does. as long as it's for the sake of destroying Huges, then Shiori doesn't care about unrefined or ugly combat styles |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは以前、各レギオン毎に推しがいると言ってましたが、百合ヶ丘のSSS級レギオンでの推しはそれぞれどなたですか?
渋めのリリィが好きな私的には例外ですが、主将の紗癒さん推しですね。御姉様である千華様の為、生徒会三役確実な栄達の道を迷いなくすてローエングリンを結成した所が一番の理由です。戦術論的にも最先端の一人ですね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Fumi said before that she has an oshi in each legion, so among Yurigaoka's SSS legions who are her oshis for each
A: for LG Lohengrin, her oshi is Tachihara Sayu, an exception to her preference of austere Lilies. this is because she abandoned an assured ascension to be one of the three student council presidents, and formed LG Lohengrin for her onee-sama Takegoshi Chihana. in addition to that, she also is on the forefront of strategy theory research |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is Kiito more of a dog or cat person
A: Foomy thinks Kiito likes dogs |
Hắc |
April 7, 2021 | 二代アールヴヘイムのメンバーが持つユニークCHARMの中で、特に面白い機能を持っているCHARMとかあったら教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: among the unique CHARMs used by 2nd-gen Alfheim, which is the one with the most interesting function
A: Vulkanus Industries' AC-30 Marmyadose, produced specifically for Araya with zero consideration for mass-production. using Phase Transcendence, it has some 4th-gen CHARM functionality as well as automatic Magi recovery, making it a very special CHARM |
Hắc |
April 8, 2021 | 乃子様と眞悠理様は仲いいですか??
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: is Uchida Mayuri on good terms with Kenmochi Noriko
A: yes, they're roommates after all. for girls in the same year, the relationship between roommates is like the Oath of Schutzengel |
Hắc |
April 8, 2021 | 六角汐里ちゃんにマソレリックを貸してあげれば防御にも使えるので流石に壊して帰還しないのではないでしょうか??? #教えて二水ちゃん マソレリックですと汐里ちゃんの攻撃重視の戦い方だと不足らしいです^^;攻めに転じた時の攻撃力を落としたくないそうなのです。まあそれで攻撃機を盾にしてからカウンターがいいという結論らしいのですが、直す側のひとは大変ですよね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: if Shiori is given the Mazu's Relic, which can be used as a defensive CHARM, then surely she won't return with it in tatters right?
A: for her ultra-offensive style, Mazu's Relic proves to be insufficient in attacking power. Shiori wants to maintain attack power when she shifts from defense to offense in a counter, that's why she concludes that it's better to use the attacking CHARM as a shield itself. but of course, the Arsenal doing the repairs doesn't want to go along with this |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: for Touseijuku alumni, do they still see each others as friends even if the gardens they eventually enter are different
A: that certainly is the case for Touseijuku alumni. this cram school doesn't just do prep courses for gardens, but it also has lectures in Lilies' virtues, so a lot of its students end up becoming discipline committee members. additionally, Touseijuku also provides seminars for the inter-garden disciplinary committee, so not only its graduates, but also frequenters see each other as fellows |
Hắc |
April 8, 2021 | @assault_lily 汐里ちゃんの戦い方は荒いですけど、他にも荒い戦い方をするリリィはいるの?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Shiori has a rough and uncouth combat style, but are there any other Lilies with a similar style?
A: Saigou Kurena of LG Heorot Saints, Odaiba |
Hắc |
April 8, 2021 | カラドボルグかドゥリンダルテの情報を教えてください!!!!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any info on the Caladbolg or Durandal (? that's a pretty strange way to write Durandal)
A: the Caladbolg has a special function in its sheath to assist Hishida Haru's special ability, which is maturing her Magi in the CHARM's sheath. it's a powerful weapon with a unique shape, worthy of being called a magical sword |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: are sleepover parties in Yurigaoka's dorms allowed
A: as long as permission from the dorm manager is given |
Hắc |
April 8, 2021 | 川村楪は犬好きですか?猫好きですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: does Yuzuriha like cats or dogs
A: she likes cats |
Hắc |
April 8, 2021 | 金狼の二つ名を持つルイセさんの戦闘スタイルはどんな感じなのでしょうか?
Q: what's the combat style of Luise Ingels, the "Golden Wolf" of LG Sanngriðr
A: her style is rising from the BZ all the way up top to deliver the finish shot. she prefers closing the distance with Huges like that |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Additional info. LG Víðófnir consist mostly of the Sugi class.
Arsenal faculty in Yurigaoka consist of two classes. The students are traditionally distributed by their character in research as arsenal. The Hinoki (Japanese Cypress) class got the Arsenals leaning to more orthodox researches. For example, Miliam and Moyu. Meanwhile the Sugi (Japanese Cedar) got the Arsenals leaning to more extreme and experimental researches. For example, Misora (class rep for 1st year) |
rluka |
May 18, 2020 | ' 異端な開発というのは例えば「超超大型CHARMの開発」であったり「超小型CHARMの開発」であったりします。なかには結構やばい研究もいとわないアーセナルも居るとか居ないとか。あとは戦うアーセナルとして「杉組のクラスの有志で作るレギオン」の運用とかもしています #アサルトリリィ |
Lets see if we can make big ass Charm, or really small one.
Or things you can't speak of loudly. Actually, the fact about that Arsenal legion is already mentioned before, but not named yet. |
rluka |
April 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
眞悠理様と乃子様はお互いに同室を希望したんですか?? |
Q: Did Mayuri-sama and Noriko-sama asked to be roommates?
A: Of course. Both of them are most trusted friend with full understanding of each other. |
rluka |
April 9, 2021 | ルイセさんの出身はどこですか?
Q: where is Luise Ingels' birthplace
A: Denmark |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | ルイセさんが百合ヶ丘に来てはじめて出来たお友達は誰ですか?
Q: who was Luise's first friend in Yurigaoka
A: she came to Yuriigaoka from the elementary school stage, and the first person she gotten close with was Hayami Katsura, then expected to become Yurigaoka's star. |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | もうすぐラスバレ新キャラの情報解禁ですが、二水ちゃん的に追加してほしい子はいますか?
Q: with the new info about LB's new character to be released, which Lily does Fumi wish to see in the game
A: Araya |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
LGサングリーズルと同盟関係にあるレギオンはありますか? |
Q: which legion is allied with LG Sanngriðr now
A: the 2nd-gen Alfheim |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 楓さんと辰野日美子さん、
・中等部までは百合ヶ丘外部にいた実力者 ・明るく礼儀正しい美少女 ・同レギオンの同級生に一目惚れして付き纏う ・一目惚れした相手(坂樺埜さん)の矢印はお姉様(候補)に向いている と似た所が多い印象ですが、やっぱりこのお2人は仲が良いんでしょうか?
ちょっと調べてみます! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kaede and Tatsuno Himiko (LG Lohengrin) have a lot of common points (only enter Yurigaoka from high school, being bright and courteous beautiful ladies, is :gay: at first sight for a legion member of theirs, said member is in love with their oneesama (or oneesama candidate)), so are they on good terms
A: interesting point that they share similar thought processes, so Foomy will look into it |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 毎日牛乳を飲んで身長を伸ばそうとしているリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies who drink milk daily to get taller
A: Nazuna from LG Heorot Saints, Odaiba. she drinks milk everyday in hopes of growing up into a badass Lily |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 永瀬·マルタ·のの花ちゃんの声の大きさは、いつから大きくなったのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Nagase Martha Nonoka is known for her loud voice, but since when did she get *that* loud
A: maybe since birth |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
セインツの速水桂さんがユニーク機を持つクラウ・ソラスの開発には天津麻嶺様も携わっているとのことですが二人の間には何か交流があったのでしょうか?(桂さんの百合ヶ丘初等部時代と麻嶺様が百合ヶ丘に入り浸っていた期間が被ってる?) |
Q: Katsura carries a unique variant of the Claíomh Solais (Kanaho's CHARM), which Marei engaged in developing, but do they have any relations? like Marei hung around at Yurigaoka around the time Katsura was there?
A: they do happen to talk with each other, as both went through the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
アールヴヘイムメンバーとサングリーズルメンバーは接点が薄い気がするのですが同盟するに至る経緯を知っていたら教えてください |
Q: the members of Alfheim and Sanngriðr don't seem to have that much points in common, so how did they end up allying with each other
A: they came together by the bond of those who survived the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive together |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 中原・メアリィ・倫夜先生は、鳥派だと思ってるんですけどいかがでしょう?
Q by Onose Mirai (Tomoyo-sensei's actress): Yuzuriha likes cats and Kiito likes dogs, so how about Tomoyo-sensei, is she a bird person?
A: Foomy will have Nazuna ask sensei for her (it's scary for her to visit Odaiba by herself) |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 桂さんとルイセさんが活躍された初等部ヒュージ襲撃事件は、紗癒さんの盟友だった石本光稔さんと片岡由貴子さんが亡くなられた一件とはまた別の事件でしょうか…?
Q: is the Huge attack on elementary school Lilies, which Luise and Katsura fought in while Yamashita Ayako lost her life, also the same event where Ishimoto Mitsune and Kataoka Yukiko were killed
A: yes, that was the same attack |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 茜さんなら「コンダクター」、日羽梨さんなら「魔術師」、ルイセさんなら「金狼」などカッコイイ異名を持つリリィがおりますが二川さんが憧れる異名を持つリリィって誰ですか?
Q: there are Lilies with cool nicknames like Watanabe Akane ("Conductor"), Yamanashi Hibari ("Wizard"), Luise Ingels ("Golden Wolf"), but are there any nicknamed Lilies that Fumi adores
A: in Fumi's opinion, Soraha ("Master of the Blue Moon"), Kusumi ("The Divine Child"), Chihana ("The Godly One"), Hijiri ("Yurigaoka's Lover") or Shiori ("Princess of the Immovable Sword") are cool. actually, if a Lily is given a nickname, then that means she's already badass to a degree |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | ブッシュクラフトは出来るようになりましたか?
Q: has Foomy become capable in bushcrafting
A: not yet. fire making is a pain in the ass |
Hắc |
August 12, 2020 | というわけで今日の解説はここまででーす。長くなりすぎてたので新しくまとめました!#アサルトリリィ
the only mention of bushcrafting in Fumi's tweets: she camping is her hobby, but in order to go visit and interview Lilies in fallen regions, she plans on studying bushcrafting skills | Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 貞花さんは下級生人気ナンバーワンだそうですが、シルトもしくはその候補はいますか?
Q: Misaka is the number one most popular Lily among younger girls, but does she have any Schild (candidates)?
A: she has a Schild, Kurokawa Nadi Hanna |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 御台場の他にここは怖いから行きたくないなぁってガーデンはありますか?
Q: any other gardens that Fumi is scared of and won't visit
A: Sagami, though it's not to the degree that she doesn't feel like visiting. well, there's Aoi there too so she thinks she'll be fine |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは嫌いな食べ物とかありますか?
Q: which food does Fumi not like
A: shiso |
Hắc |
April 9, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
非強化リリィで、やたら傷の治りが早いリリィはいますか? |
Q: any non-Enhanced Lilies with quick wound healing
A: Soraha, or Artair from St. Mercury |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
サングリーズル内の人間関係は良好ですか? |
Q: are the relationships between the members of LG Sanngriðr good?
A: they're well-known for their unbreakable unity |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | 燈さんはサウナ好きとの事ですが、他にもサウナが好きなリリィって居たりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there any Lilies who like sauna, like Tomoshibi
A: Kusumi, who likes long baths and also saunas. Yujia as well |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: about Yui-paisen's unparallel socks, is it because her family's so poor that she couldn't get a proper pair of socks
A: it's her ~~proof as a member of the Ten-go fleet~~ unique fashion style |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | 房総半島の住人の間では未だ初代アールヴヘイムメンバーの人気が高かったりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 神格化されてますね。地域解放を成し遂げた上に、結成時の主将を務めた林薫様(千華様のシュッツエンゲル、現ローエングリン)の出身地ですので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: is the former 1st-gen Alfheim still well-received in the Boso Peninsula
A: they're deified. it's not just because they liberated the area, but also because it's the home of Hayashi Kaoru (Chihana's Schutzengel, now in LG Lohengrin), the General of the legion when it was formed |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | 一番CHARMを壊すのは汐里ちゃんとのことですが、逆にCHARMを壊しにくいリリィといえば誰がいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 樟美さんは壊さないですね~ CHARMをフルスイングしない美学を持ってますので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: in contrast to Shiori being the destroyer of CHARMs, which Lily is the least prone to wrecking them?
A: Kusumi. her sense of aesthetics prevents her from doing full swings, even |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
アサルトリリィ初心者なのでよくわからないので教えてほしいんですけど、一柳隊に石川葵ちゃんが入るのと、楓ちゃんが相模の特選隊に入るのだったらどっちの方が活躍できそうですか?人選には特に意図はありません。戦術の幅的にどうなんでしょうか |
Q: between Kaede joining the Student Council Task Force legion of Sagami, versus Aoi joining 1yanagi Squad, which is more effective tactically speaking
A: Aoi joining 1yanagi Squad. with her and Tazusa, Kaede can unleash her full potential in commanding double Phantasm |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is the Sagami Special Commando Unit on good terms with the Student Council Task Force
A: they're not in a bad conflict per se, but Yui-paisen seems to be not fond of Naehi |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | ロスヴァイセのような対GEHENAレギオンって他のガーデンにもありますか?
Q: are there any other legions to carry out anti-GEHENA operations like LG Rossweisse in gardens outside of Yurigaoka
A: Tecia's legion, the 5th Air Cavalry Legion Raguel of St. Mercury is the model for Rossweisse |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | ルド女のシスターのように、ガーデンの教官達は戦おうと思えばヒュージと戦えますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are Garden instructors capable of fighting Huges if they want, like Ludojo sisters
A: some can still fight. especially those who are former Lilies, even though their Magi capacity have deteriorated, their CHARM handling skill is still as sharp as ever |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | 閑さんのレギオンシュバルツグレイルはよく外征するんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん シュバルツグレイルは出撃は外征、守備範囲内含めて多めのレギオンですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: does LG Schwarz Grail often do expeditions
A: taking into account both expeditions and sorties within Yurigaoka's designated defense region, Schwarz Grail does quite a lot of excursions |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
色々な学校に籍を置いた経験のある石川葵ちゃんの、1番の友達は誰ですか |
Q: Aoi had experience attending many Garden. Within those, who is her best friend ?
A: Don’t know if it’s best or not, but during middle school, Aoi and Kaede pair is the centre of their team when their reserve squad won the first place in world ranking, so it should have been something special. Moreover, they used to be roommates. |
rluka |
April 10, 2021 | 柳都女学館のリリィの中でも戦闘面で名を馳せる有名リリィというとどんな方がいらっしゃるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: in Ryuuto Girls' Academy, who are the Lilies that have made a name for themselves in battle
A: Miya'iri Fubuki (3rd year commander of LG Blóðughadda), Yoshihara Nanoha (2nd year commander of LG Hefring) who is oathed as her younger sister, and Sengo Yuuna (2nd year commander of LG Himinglæva) who is a veteran of the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive. their bravery in battle is well known across the country |
Hắc |
April 10, 2021 | よく外征に行くレギオンはどこですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: which Legions often go out on expeditions
A: LG Alfheim, the flagship expeditionary legion. owing to their position, their sorties are primarily expeditions |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | 眞悠理様の好きな料理を教えてください #教えて二水ちゃん ラタトゥイユがお好きですね。”屋根裏の宮殿”とも称される現ジーグルーネの占有スペース内のキッチンで彼女自身が作ったりしてるそうです。日羽梨様や乃子様は食べたことがあるそうです。とてもおいしいそうですよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what dishes does Mayuri like
A: She likes ratatouille. She makes it in the cooking space of her room, so-called the "Palace in the Attic". Noriko and Hibari have also had a chance at enjoying it |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
柳都女学館のLGヒミングレーヴァについて教えてください! |
Q: info about LG Himinglæva
A: the 9 legions of Ryuuto protect the entirety of Niigata prefecture, which is long but narrow. LG Himinglæva however isn't designated to any specific area of the prefecture - it's a mobile unit, meant to travel to any area to ensure the balance of strength there |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
「絶対逃げない」をモットーにしているリリィはいますか? |
Q: are there any Lilies who hold "death before retreat" as a motto
A: a lot of Odaiba Lilies hold such an ideal, and Kiito is the representative one. as stated in the stage play and elsewhere, she asserts that the abandonment of comrades is unforgivable under any and all circumstances |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | @assault_lily エレンスゲ(ヘルヴォル)って、リリィやマディック達からの評判があまりよくないですけれど、一般の人達からはどう評価されているんでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Herensuge (and Hervarar) is held in contempt by Lilies and Madecs, but how about the average person
A: the Hinode-cho Tragedy went down in history as a tremendous disaster with many lives lost due to then-Hervarar's mistakes, so of course there are normal people who despise the legion. but the current Hervarar is striving for a noble ideal, so not all criticism expand onto them |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | マディック上がりのリリィって存在するものなのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there any Madecs who have rose to become Lilies
A: yes, the most famous one is Igusa Subaru, who went from a Madec to the commander of Hronesness, one of Odaiba's three major legions. additionally, each year Herensuge raises a leader for one of its 7 legions who came from a Madec background |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | 常盤さんが生徒会長に立候補しなかったのは、もしかしてシルトである貞花さんが『制御不能のリリィ』であることが原因だったりしますか……?
Q: did Murakami Tokiwa not run for the Brynhildr seat because her Schild, Misaka, is known as "the unruly/uncontrollable Lily"
A: that may have been the case, but primarily it's because Tokiwa-sama isn't interested in taking control and guiding others. quite a lot of capable Lilies are like this, such as LG Reginleif's general, Kudou Sakua |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | 二水ちゃんのSSS級LG推しリリィの話また聞きたいです~!
あとは途中投入でどんな戦況でもきっちり仕事を仕上げる槇若菜様もジョーカーって感じで好きです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: more info on Fumi's oshis in SSS legions
A: today's spotlight is on 2nd-gen Alfheim. her oshi is Araya, who's pretty much like an idol to her. also, she adores Wakana-sama, who can take a hold of any situation she's cast into and finish it properly, like a joker card |
Hắc |
April 11, 2021 | 意地でも逃げないリリィは沢山居そうだけど、逆に「ヤバそうになったらすぐ逃げる!」って柔軟な戦いをするリリィは居るのかな?
#教えて二水ちゃん #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How about the other way around? Are there Lily who quickly escape when things get bad?
A: Sagami is a Garden with pragmatist view, so they got many Lily like that. For example, Yui would say, "Winning and losing happens all the time to a soldier. What makes a great general is to have the courage to pull back" |
rluka |
April 11, 2021 | ルイセさんにシュッツエンゲルはいらっしゃいますか?
Luise Ingels' schutzengel is Hasebe Touka | rluka |
April 11, 2021 | 外征レギオンはいずれも大物の高速討伐を得意としているようですが、
その中でも最速と言っていいスピードで知られているのはどのレギオンなのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: SSS Legions had this image of great people who are expert in finishing extermination mission swiftly. But which Legions are known to be the fastest among those ?
A: Yurigaoka's SSS Legions works quickly, but if talking about speed of finishing single battle, then Alfheim and Sanngriðr are on top. Aside from them, Odaiba's Hronessness are also quite fast. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is Soraha the kind of person who properly hands out returning chocolates on white day
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
LGコーストガードについて何か教えてください!!!!最近御台場女学校について調べていたらあまり出てこなかったので気になっています!! |
Q: info in LG Coastguard of Odaiba
A: it holds the responsibility of commanding all legions in Odaiba, in a similar position to Yurigaoka's Brynhildr. also, all of its members are equipped with the Valkyria Skirt Magi Reincarnation system |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | 「百合ケ丘の至宝」や「不動劍の姫」などの二つ名は誰がつけているんですか?何となくワールドリリィグラフィックの特集などでつけられたのかな?と思っているんですが
Q: who is responsible for giving Lilies nicknames such as "the Treasure of Yurigaoka" or "the Princess of the Immovable Sword"? is it from feature issues of the World Lily Graphics
A: if a Lily is covered by the World Lily Graphics, then such a name is definitely stuck with them |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: if Fumi is to go to a remote island with only one item to bring with her, then what will she bring
A: a fire starter |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | ルド女の序列とは何ですか
Q: "[...]Kotohi didn't have a high ranking in Ludovico", what's this ranking system?
A: Ludojo doesn't have a definite ranking system like Herensuge, but something to that sense exists by judging Lilies according to the amount of times they got selected for the top legion Templar Legion. while it's kinda unexplainable in itself, this ranking was very highly regarded back when Ludo was the leading school of Tokyo |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | 松永・ブリジッタ・佳世様のように、レアスキルを使うと性格が変わるリリィっていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there Lilies whose personality change as if they were a different person when they use their Rare skills, like Kayo-sama
A: there are very few whose personality swings like her |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
梅様って上級生にもタメ口ですか? |
Q: does Mai-sama speak with her senpais in her usual casual tone
A: she uses proper keigo |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | チェミルさんは悪魔を泣かせるゲームもやっついますか?
Q: does Chemir play Devil May Cry games
A: she plays any and all games, including them |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: how are class representatives in Yurigaoka selected
A: they're selected by voting among class members, like normal schools |
Hắc |
April 12, 2021 | 乃子様は眞悠理様の好物のラタトゥイユを作ったことはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: has Noriko-sama ever made ratatouille for Mayuri, like how Mayuri has done for her
A: no she hasn't |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
乃子様は家庭料理が得意だと聞きましたがお弁当は作ったりはするんですか? |
Q: Noriko is good with family dishes, so does she make bento
A: yes, she does frequently |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | 燈さんもルイセさんも強化されたのは幼少期との事ですが、より幼い時期に強化されてしまったのは燈さんになるのでしょうか?ルイセさんになるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: between Luise and Tomoshibi, who undergone enhancement operation at a younger age
A: Luise. In fact she's like Ran and Raimu, being an Enhanced Lily from birth |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | ワールドリリィグラフィックは月刊ですか?
Q: is the World Lily Graphics magazine published monthly? and what's its content?
A: it's a monthly publication, containing both professional and artistic contents, such as examinations of the latest tactics alongside images of Lilies on the battlefield. as such, it is a requirement for Lily otakus |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | 二代目アールヴヘイムは主将(隊長)と司令塔が分かれていますが、これには何か意味があるんですか?
Q: what's the meaning behind separating the General/leader/captain and Commander of a legion
A: the General/leader/captain (e.g. Riri, Soraha) is the leading member of the legion, while the Commander (e.g. Kaede, Ena) controls Neunwelt passes in addition to manipulating the Magi sphere with Register of Blessing of the War God |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | 夢結さまと梅さまもグラムを持ってるはずなのにどうして使ってないんでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: being members of the former Alfheim, surely Yuyu and Mai also have their own Grams, but why don't they use them
A: the selection of CHARMs is to be depended on the state of battle, oneself's condition as well as teammates' skill level. the Gram has a huge Magi output and places a heavy strain on its user's surrounding, so maybe that's why Mai and Yuyu don't use their Grams |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | 二水ちゃんが一柳隊以外の百合ヶ丘のリリィの中で仲のいい子って誰ですか?
Q: in Yurigaoka, who is Fumi on good terms with aside from 1yanagi members
A: Misora the Lily otaku and Shiori |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | 捌きや切り返しが上手く、例えば「1対1や1対多でも被ダメージをかなり抑えたり、ラージ級以上相手でも1人で足止めしたりできる程の捌きの達人」みたいな感じの人って誰かいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there any CHARM handling experts who can wield their CHARMs professionally, can fight in 1-to-1 or 1-to-many situations without taking much damage, and can hold their own alone against Huges of the Large-class and beyond to stop their advances
A: Yuzuriha (Odaiba, LG Heorot Saints) is close to such an image |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | ラスバレでグラムが解禁ということでグラムについて何か教えてください
Q: info on the Gram pls
A: the CHARM designed for 1st-gen Alfheim, its development saw the participation of Amatsu Marei. as it was made with the intention of being used by the elite few standing atop the collection of first-class Lilies, it has all-around high power but in return is hard to use. it seems the development of a succeeding version with easier handling aimed at usage by more Lilies is also starting. |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | 強豪レギオンに所属している=リリィ個人もかなり強いと解釈していいのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: is it correct to assume that Lilies in powerful legions are very powerful themselves too
A: yes, indeed. the strategies and tactics of powerful legions revolve around their main and reserve members, so each person is required to fulfill a certain role with top-class capability for their positions |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
金箱弥宙ちゃんは一柳隊の楓さん司令塔スタイルをアンチノインベルトと批判してるようですがそれでケンカになったりしないんですか? |
Q: Misora is not fond of Kaede's commanding style and even calls it anti-Neunwelt, but do they get into arguments over it
A: yes they do |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | @assault_lily 御台場女学校は「デュエル年代の教育を再評価しよう」という考え方をしていて、汐里ちゃんは「デュエル復古主義」と呼ばれているけど、「デュエル」をするメリットって有るんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Odaiba advocates for a reevaluation of the Duelist era's education, while Shiori calls for the revival of the Dueling combat style, but are there any merits to Dueling itself
A: it's not exactly Dueling like how the current 3rd year students have lived and died, but rather setting Dueling as the tactical basis and applying it into group strategy - so-called Dueling 2.0 |
Hắc |
April 13, 2021 | LGサングリーズル隊長の貞花さんは下級生人気No.1とのことですがやはり同級生からもモテモテだったりするんでしょうか?
Q: the General of LG Sanngriðr, Misaka, is highly popular among first-year students, but is she also similarly popular among the second-years? also is there anyone with whom she's especially on good terms with
A: she does well with Soraha, whose LG Alfheim is also allied with Sanngriðr. they're good friends and also healthy rivals. this is thanks to them both participating in the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: The parts for Gram are quite expensive, but is there any chance that Shiori would use it?
A: Gram is considered one of the symbols of Álfheimr at Yurigaoka; essentially, only people who have been a part of Álfheimr can wield it. However, if you're as high level of a Lily as she is, perhaps you might be able to make a requisition directly from the maker, Yggdrasil. |
FliryVorru |
April 14, 2021 | #ラスバレ の今回のヘルヴォルイベですごく気になってたシーンなんですが、日の出町の惨劇の時のヘルヴォルって、格付けSS以上だったんでしょうか?
それとも、この隊長さんが、自意識過剰だったの? あと、今のヘルヴォルの格付けが気になります!
別に名乗っても何かのルールに違反するわけではないので~ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: About the Hinode Tragedy scene from current Last Bullet event. Is Hervarar at that time actually ranked higher than SS? Or is the captain just over-confident? Also what is the current Hervarar’s rank?
A: This is just example of those people who say whatever they want. There’s no rule saying they can’t make such claim. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィオタク目線からどう思う? |
Q: Shiori-chan and Kiito seems like they can get along with each other. How is the opinion from Lily otaku?
A: Ah, yes. Shiori’s mentality also that type who acts based on guts, so both would get along well. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | レギオンで主将と司令塔を分けているのって百合ヶ丘だけなんでしょうか?
Q: Is the system of having different captain and commander unique to Yurigaoka? Herensuge and Kanba seems to not have separate roles for their Legions.
A: This depend on the Legion. For example, Lohengrin’s Sayu is the captain, as well as one of the two commanders. Meanwhile Kazuha is both the captain and commander of Hervarar. For Hronessness, Kiito holds the position as captain, while Asagao is the commander. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | LGエイルの木村雅月様について教えてください!
Kimura Kazuki, 2nd year. A boosted lily whose life is rescued by Matsuri, so she is ready to sacrifice herself for Matsuri. She has a sexy adult woman charm.
Rare skill is Z. Position is BZ. Sorry, still no illustration of her for now. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Ena has a lot of tropical fishes. Where does she kept them? And which is her favourite?
A: In her room and in Alfheim’s meeting room. Her favourite is *Protopterus annectens*, a kind of lungfish. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんの髪飾りは梨璃さんの様に何か思い入れのある品なのでしょうか?
Q: Is Shiori’s hair accessory also held special memory like Riri’s?
A: She bought a same set together with her late sister Sena. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 今日はしおりんの誕生日という事で、しおりんが直近で壊してしまったCHARMを教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: It’s Shiorin’s birthday today. What is the Charm she ruined most recently?
A: She went out on sortie bringing Triglav and return with it half destroyed. But the great thing is, she never damage the Magi Crystal Core. And despite returning with damaged Charm body, it’s not a fatal damage to the Charm. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 六角汐里さんの誕生日になりましたが、二水ちゃんは何をプレゼントするんですか〜?
^^しかも1/12スケールの大きいやつです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What present did Fumi gives Shiori for her birthday?
A: Fumi gifts Shiori with mini car miniatures Shiori likes, and it’s 1/12 scale. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 手先が不器用なリリィっていますか...
那岐「あ、あれぇ?うまく結べないなあ」 牡丹「しかたないですね~、じっとしててくださいお姉様」 那岐「うん、おねがい♪」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any clumsy Lily?
A: Tamura Nagi is clumsy and she can’t even tie her ribbon, without help from her Schild, Izumi Botan. > Nagi: Ah? Eh? It won’t get tied well. > Botan: Can’t help it can you. Now, stay still, oneesama. > Nagi: Yes. Please. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはいつも何時に寝てるんですか?
もし教官に起きてる事バレたらどうなるんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 教導官にはバレたら反省文書かされると思いますが、「バレなければどうということはない」ですね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: At what time does Fumi usually go to sleep? And what would happen to her if the teachers found out?
A: She usually went to sleep after the explanation session. If found out, she will need to write a letter of apology. But hey, nothing to be afraid of if she doesn’t get caught. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 当然牛田さんも汐里ちゃんにプレゼントを送るかと思いますが、そんな話はしてました?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What about Watsuki-chan who really loves Shiori? What did she give as present?
A: Another of Shiori’s favourite thing, which is Chinese poem. Wen Tianxiang’s “Passing Lingdingyang” written by hand and framed. Watsuki is also a national class calligrapher. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 汐里ちゃん、もしかして自分はCHARM壊してるんじゃなくて使い切ってるって思ってますか? #教えて二水ちゃん #CHARMは消耗品 汐里ちゃんに言わせると「その時最速で倒すことで救われる命や壊されることが無くて済むものがあるのなら、ギリギリの選択をするべきだとおもっています。CHARMは傷つけてしまっているので申し訳なく思っていますけど」とのことです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Could it be that Shiori never see her action as destroying Charm, instead she merely expend the Charm.
A: According to her words > I think a choice have to be made between the life that could have been saved by beating the enemy as quickly as possible, and to finish without damaging the Charm. Well, I do feel bad about ruining Charms. |
rluka |
April 14, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんの反射速度、反応速度に完全についていける速さで変形させたり撃てたりするCHARMの開発って行われていますか…?
Q: Are there any Charm with transformation speed that can match up with Shiori's reaction?
A: Shiori's unique variant Tirfing can do that. It is tuned for her. |
rluka |
April 15, 2021 | 汐里ちゃん、防御用CHARMのシャルルマーニュまで壊したりなんて……やっぱりありますか?
Q: does Shiori break even the Charlemagne, a defensive CHARM
A: Foomy has heard that even though it gets broken, at least the damage isn't so visceral |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | レギオン同盟を結んでいて隊長同士も仲の良い二代アールヴヘイムヘイムとサングリーズルですが、一年生メンバー同士の関係も良いのでしょうか?
Q: 2nd-gen Alfheim and Sanngriðr, being allied, have their leaders in a good relationship. but how about the first-year girls of both legions, are they doing well together as well
A: basically yes |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | クラスでルイセ・インゲルスさんとお話したときの印象は如何でしたか?
Q: what was Fumi's impression of Luise Ingels when she talked to her
A: a cheerful and kind girl. in their first time meeting, Luise went "Oh so you're Fumi! Nice to meet you ♪ Write up a cool article about me in the newspaper, alright~?". however, in public she speaks more formally like an actual ojou-sama |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | LGエイルの内藤羽那乃さん(様?)について教えてください!
勉強は苦手で、戦闘スタイルも猪突猛進型。 桜ノ杜の下部組織で校風が肌に合わないということで百合ケ丘に入学しました。 レアスキルはルナティックトランサー #アサルトリリィ |
Q: info about Naitou Hanano of LG Eir
A: first year student, she holds the AZ position of LG Eir. physically active, her aggressiveness matches that of Shiori, and her combat style is violent charging assault - fitting for this character, her Rare skill is Lunatic trancer. She dislikes studying, and moved to Yurigaoka after experiencing Sakuranomori's junior high school department, stating that the strict school culture there doesn't fit her |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘女学院に裁縫が得意なリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Yurigaoka Lilies good at sewing
A: Taniguchi Hijiri, the "Lover of Yurigaoka". she says that in the future she wants to join a fashion-related career, but similar to Soraha everyone wants her to take up becoming a Garden instructor |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | 琶月さんと眞悠理さんの仲良さげなエピソードとかあれば聞きたいです!
Q: any episodes about Watsuki and Mayuri's friendly exchanges
A: after they're done reading the same book, they'll discuss their thoughts together |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | 祀様って嫉妬深かったりしませんか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: does Matsuri hold strong jealous grudges
A: maybe- er I mean nothing. I don't know don't shoot me 🥶 |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | 琶月ちゃんのヤンデレ感凄いんですけど、汐里の誕生日は汐里ちゃんを独占したがってたんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Watsuki feels like an extreme yandere, so does she wish to monopolize Shiori for herself
A: yes, but since Shiorin has many friends, and LG Reginleif itself having many members, Watsuki doesn't get the chance to make things go her way |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | そういえば、汐里ちゃんのお誕生日、美土里さんはどうしていたのでしょう?
Q: also about another adorer of Shiori: what did Hara Midori do on Shiorin's birthday?
A: she tried to sneak into Shiori's room and this turned into a fight with Watsuki |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
よければ高崎さんのお名前の読み方教えてください |
Q: info about 高崎遥礼 of LG Eir
A: her name is read as Takasaki Sumire. first-year AZ member of LG Eir, her Rare skill is Law of This World combined with subskill Rainbow's Miracle (or "Orbit". get your kanji unified pls Fumi). a natural airhead girl who's very hard to harness, but her specialization in attacks has earned her a high popularity among Lily otakus |
Hắc |
April 15, 2021 | 祀様の他に嫉妬深い百合ヶ丘のリリィっていますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 祀様は嫉妬深いかどうかは分かりませんが、そういう噂を耳にするのは長谷部冬佳様ですね。 冬佳様はアイドルリリィ的な人気もあるのでやっかみで言われているところはあるかもです。ただ、彼女もちょっとだけヤンデレ気質なところはあります #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any other Lily who are prone to jealousy?
A: Well, don’t know about Matsuri-sama, but there are rumour about how Touka is that kind of character. Touka is an idol lily, so there might be people saying that as resentment. But yes, she does have yandere quality. |
rluka |
April 16, 2021 | 御台場女子の藤田槿ちゃんの頭の角みたいなのは、石川葵さんの猫耳と同じでヒュージサーチャーでしょうか…?
#アサルトリリィ |
Q: are those horn-like things on Asagao's head Huge searchers like Kotopi, Aoi and Araya
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | アールヴヘイム所属経験者である梅様もグラムは持っていたりしますか?
Q: being a former Alfheim member, does Mai have her own Gram as well
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | 誉さんと都々里さんはとても仲良しだそうですが、ルームメイト同士だったりしますか?
Today’s Sanngriðr fact
Totori and Homare are roommate |
rluka |
April 16, 2021 | ほんの少~し、ほんの少~しだけでいいから牛田琶月さんの容姿に関する情報下さい!!
Q: any info on Watsuki's appearance
A: she is a beautiful girl with dark green hair in braids |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | グラムって夢結様も使ってたのでしょうか?
Q: did Yuyu use her Gram
A: yes she did. however it was deployed into use during the time of the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive, so she didn't use it in the Koshu Evacuation |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | ヒュージサーチャーってどんな機能があるんですか?
Q: which functions do the Huge searchers have
A: they can perform early-warning detection of Huges and Caves. the same function is available on CHARMs as well, but specialized Huge searchers covers a wider range |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | LGエイル所属で生徒会執行委員をなさっている方を知りたいです!
ただ実際にはここに名を連ねていないリリィも生徒会の業務に携わっていてそれを快く思わない人もいます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: who are the official LG Eir members that also participate in the Student council executive committee
A: officially speaking, there are Matsuri, Takeda Mitsumi (?), Kimura Kazuki, Monica Rossi, and Sakurai Hazuki. However, there are other members not listed here who also take a hold of the student council works, and some see that in a positive light |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | 遊糸先輩、周りに寿司とか奢らせるようとするとのことですが回転寿司でも満足するんですか?#教えて二水ちゃん はい、満足しますよ^^ アクションドール松永遊糸先輩もご予約受付中です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yui-paisen often have others pay for her food including sushi, but is she content with conveyor belt sushi
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | 星を見るのが好きなリリィはいますか?
Q: any Lilies who like observing celestial bodies
A: Nagasawa Yuki |
Hắc |
April 16, 2021 | 木子都々里さまは見た目優しそうなのに鬼軍曹というのは優しくハードトレーニングを強いていくるタイプですか?『あと100周ですわ』みたいな?
都々里「くだらないことで訓練の手を止めることなく、ひたすら研鑽を積むべきです。次の戦いで人生最後の戦闘かもしれないのですから。リリィとはそういうものです」 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kiko Totori-sama looks kind, and yet she's known as the "Demon Sergeant". Is this because she "kindly" make her kouhais train until they puke blood
A: her soft appearance belies her demonically harsh side, similar to Odaiba's Hayami Katsura. Totori's quote "You must tirelessly maintain and accumulate upon your diligent training, without getting sidetracked by trivial businesses. It's because the very next battle could be your last - such is our lives as Lilies" |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: can Odaiba Lilies order their Jötunn Schwerts to their desire
A: yes. well, there are also cases when the design is made to fit the Lily's combat style, so the shape may not fully represent what she wishes for - nevertheless her request is prioritized. one such example is Nazuna's Jötunn Schwert, which was requested to be made in the shape of Nakaba's (pictured) |
Hắc |
April 17, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヨートゥンシュベルトは一人ひとりに合わせて開発されるとのことですが、デザインだけでなく機能も少し違ったりするんですか?剣型CHARMなので基本的な切るという所は変わらないかもですが… |
Q: are the functionalities of each Lily's Jötunn Schubert customizable like its appearance - aside from the basic slashing capability
A: a Jötunn Schwert's functionalities such as slashing or stabbing capability vary with its reach length, thickness, etc. This also reflects the Lily's combat style (focusing on speed or power and such) |
Hắc |
April 17, 2021 | 李組の3列目、上から4番目に書いてあるのは藤村龍佳さんでしょうか?
#アサルトリリィ |
Q: is the Lily marked on the 3rd column, 4th row of Plum class in this image <> Fujimura Ryuuka (LG Eir)
A: yes |
Hắc |
April 17, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは「二郎系」って言葉を聞いたことor食べたことはありますか…?
Q: Does Fumi know, or had eaten Jiro-kei before? And is there any Lily who would confidently claim they love it?
A: Of course, although Fumi had only tried the mazesoba kind. But Taniguchi Higuchi, the ramen lover of Yurigaoka, seems to love it. |
rluka |
April 17, 2021 | そういえば、ヨートゥンシュベルトって、メーカーあるんですか?
Q: what are the makers of the Jötunn Schwert
A: Celtic Dale and Yggdrasil, made for Odaiba |
Hắc |
April 17, 2021 | ' ちなみに、たまにこの2社でないメーカーにヨートゥンシュベルトの開発依頼を希望するリリィもいるそうでして、この2社でないといけないというわけではないそうです。 #アサルトリリィ |
But not limited to those two companies.
They're just the most often used, but Lily can order their Jotunn Schubert from other company too, which does happens sometimes |
rluka |
April 18, 2021 | ' ヘオロットセインツのファンタズム持ち河鍋薺さんのヨートゥンシュベルトはこんな形状です。スピードタイプの彼女なのであまりこの形状は合わないので変更するように言われたのですがどうしても竹久央さんと似た形にしたいと譲らなかったそうです #アサルトリリィ |
Nazuna's Jötunn Schwert
her combat style is speed-focused which is not suitable for this design, but she insisted on having her sword be done in the same shape as Nakaba's despite advices |
Hắc |
April 18, 2021 | ' 本日は、いままでも名前だけ出ていた百合ケ丘女学院SSSレギオン水夕会のヘッドライナー牛田琶月さんのイラストを公開で~す。 デザインは遠野捺輝様も担当されたほたるさんです。 今日はレギンレイヴの根幹をなすBZ琶月さんについてお話していきます^^ #アサルトリリィ |
**USHIDA WATSUKI** by Hotaru
LG Reginleif's BZ Rare skill: Heliosphere Sub skill: War God's Blessing (Register), Promised Domain (Testament), Awakening (Phase Transcendence), Stealth (Uber Sign) |
Hắc |
April 18, 2021 | ' 牛田琶月さんは百合ケ丘女学院生え抜きです。初等部の頃は体が弱く病気がちでうまく戦えませんでしたが汐里ちゃんに助けられてだんだんとその才能を開花させていきました。汐里ちゃんが一時甲斐聖山に転校する時には最後まで引き留めています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Ushida Watsuki was raised in Yurigaoka from the kindergarten level. in her primary school years, she was physically frail and couldn't fight properly, but thanks to Shiori's help she gradually expressed her talent. On Shiori's transfer to Kaiseizan, it was Watsuki who stayed on till the end to stop her. | Hắc |
April 18, 2021 | ' 琶月「甲斐なんてあんな低レベルなガーデンで汐里が何を学ぶのよ!?ここ百合ケ丘以外に貴女にふさわしい場所なんて無い!いまからでも遅くないわ転校を取りやめて!」 転校する汐里ちゃんを涙ながらに退きとどめようと叫んだ彼女の言葉です。 #アサルトリリィ |
Watsuki "Tell me, what can you possibly learn from a low-tier garden such as that Kai-something, Shiori!? There are no other places more fitting for you than here in Yurigaoka! Now is still not too late, cancel your transfer please"
she screamed so in tears in order to stop Shiori from transferring away |
Hắc |
April 18, 2021 | ' 甲斐で傷つき、リリィの資格なしと伝えられ百合ヶ丘に復学した汐里ちゃんに対しては誰よりも早く校門の前で出迎えこういいました。 「言いたいことはいっぱいあるけれど、今は良いわ、帰ってきてくれてありがとう。もう二度とどこにも行かないと約束して」 #アサルトリリィ |
Upon Shiori's return to Yurigaoka after being injured at Kaiseizan and declared unqualified to be a Lily, Watsuki was the very first person to welcome her at the schoolgate.
"I have way more to tell you than what I can say, but those are irrelevant now. Thank you for coming back here, and promise me you'll never go anywhere, anymore" |
Hắc |
April 18, 2021 | ' 琶月さんは汐里ちゃんが怪我の療養のため特別寮で過ごした後、一般学生寮に戻るタイミングでルームメイトになりたいと伝え、今現在もルームメイトです。琶月さんは甲斐聖山のリリィのことを恨んでいて(逆恨み?)聖山からの編入生が中心のLGゲイラヴォルのことは敵視してます #アサルトリリィ |
Following Shiori's period of staying in the special dorm for her treatment, as she returned to the normal dorm Watsuki requested to become her roommate, and both of them have been so ever since.
Additionally (because of Shiori's traumatizing experience?), Watsuki despises Lilies from Kaiseizan, and she bears animosity towards LG Geiravor, consisting mostly of Kaiseizan transfers |
Hắc |
April 18, 2021 | ' 彼女のCHARMは以前も解説しましたがミョルニール公開コンペ出展機「トールハンマー」です。 百合ヶ丘工廠科1年杉組のスター篠原 宥雪さんの手による機体です。ティルフィングに似ていて(琶月さんの希望です)パーツパージ機能と高出力砲も備えてます。こちらについては後日改めて! #アサルトリリィ |
Her Charm is Thor Hammer, a design submitted to the Yggdrasil company's public design competition for Mjolnir.
It's made by Shinohara Nayuki, the star of Sugi class (and part of that Arsenal only Legion) Like the Tirfing (as requested by Watsuki), it has part purging function like Tirfing and high powered cannon. |
rluka |
March 13, 2020 | ' 舞台 #アサルトリリィ の登場リリィですと川村楪様が現役最高クラスのリンカー持ちです。彼女はレアスキルテスタメントに虹の奇跡/whole order/Awakening/インビジブルワンを完全装備したほぼ完全無欠のリンカーです。百合ヶ丘が獲得したがるわけですね^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Still not so clear about the Linker though
One of the example is Yuzu, who has Testament, and Rainbow Path (Phantasm), Whole Order (Law of This World), Awakening (Phase Transcendence), Invisible One (Shukushi) skill composition |
rluka |
April 19, 2021 | ' 御台場女学校のヨートゥンシュベルトシルエット 今日はロネスネスからは川端蛍様の機体をお見せします。彼女は円環の御手覚醒後にもう一振り作り2本のヨートゥンシュベルトを有しています #アサルトリリィ |
two blades for Circlet Bless | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Chinami's. made to utilize her power and Magi capacity | Hắc |
April 19, 2021 | ヨートゥンシュベルトは御台場のリリィしか持ってないんでしょうか
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are Odaiba Lilies the only one to use Jötunn Schwerts
A: it's their own school culture, so outside of them nobody officially adopts the CHARM. however, if a Lily requests one to be made for them to the maker, then maybe they can get one. though, it's completely a personal CHARM so it may be hard for others to use |
Hắc |
April 19, 2021 | 牛田琶月さんは谷口聖様とは仲がいいのでしょうか?それともバチバチしていますか?昨日から琶月さんのことが気になって眠れないので、教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How is the relationship between Watsuki and Hijiri ? Are they friendly, or there’s a tension between them?
A: Watsuki wants to be number one for Shiori among their grade, so she wouldn’t act rudely against Hijiri. One of the reason might be because Yurigaoka has this tradition of Schutzengel vow between senior and junior. |
rluka |
April 19, 2021 | LGヴィーンゴールヴについて何か教えてください!#教えて二水ちゃん オルトリンデ山崎明伽様が率いるレギオンです。瞬間火力が売りのレギオンで一人一人の個性を重視します。解散してしまったLGスヴァンフヴィートの司令塔を担当した柳澤綾子様、荒川仁深様という二人を擁し3年生世代の戦い方を今に伝えるレギオンといえます。 #アサルトリリィ |
LG Vingólf is the legion under Ortlinde, Yamasaki Meika. Their main strength is instantaneous offensive power, and they also put importance in each members’ unique characteristic.
As commander are Yanagisawa Ayako and Arakawa Hitomi, from the now disbanded LG Svanhvit. They’re said to be a legion who continued the fighting style of the 3rd year generation even to this day. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any info on Tejima Komachi
A: Komachi was a member of the 2nd legion in the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive with Soraha (they were on the same side even), so they fought with much coordination and in tandem. even until now they're still on good terms, such that when Soraha visits Tokyo she'll surely visit Komachi and Momiji |
Hắc |
April 19, 2021 | 柳都のリリィ達が得意としている戦い方を教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: which combat style does Ryuuto excel in
A: their style is similar to Odaiba - they value personal bravery in combat, therefore their fighting principle is to apply the essence of the Duelist era into Neunwelt. as a result of this focus in combat, usually they only have one to two Lilies in the BZ region |
Hắc |
April 19, 2021 | (誤字があったので投稿しなおします。)雨嘉さんや、亜羅椰さん属する李組の方で、二水ちゃんが特に交流してみたい方はどなたですか?また、雨嘉さん以外ですでに交友がある方がいたら教えてくださるとありがたいです。
おそらくですが補欠でない最低点で百合ヶ丘に合格し最も百合ヶ丘らしさを求められるヘルフィヨトゥル のメンバーとして活躍してる所がリリィオタクとしては放っておけないですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: which member of the Plum class (which Araya, Yujia, etc. belong to) does Fumi want to converse with the most. also outside of Yujia, is Fumi already friend with anyone there
A: Hidari Teruka (左光加) of LG Herfjötur. barely surviving the entrance exam into Yurigaoka with the lowest passable score (not supplementary admission like Fumi or Riri), and yet she became a member of the legion that demands the utmost Yurigaoka spirit, it is this rise that captivated Lily otakus' attention |
Hắc |
April 19, 2021 | というわけで今日の解説はここまでです。
#アサルトリリィ |
Nazuna drank a herb tea mixed from a hodgepodge of god-knows-what plants and she got higher than a kite. however Tomoshibi was absolutely normal when drinking that stuff (on whatever level her line of 'normal' stands....) | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is Watsuki's huge :gay: energy towards Shiori thanks to the help she received in primary school
A: it seems so |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | 番匠谷依奈さまは熱帯魚がお好きですが、
エサのコオロギやワームのような虫は大丈夫なのでしょうか?苦手だったりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Ena likes tropical fish, but can she handle their food (crickets, worms) well, seeing that she hates bugs
A: no. she seems to be trying to use other fish food to replace crickets and worms, but in times when that's absolutely not possible, she'd ask for Soraha to feed the fish for her |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | 琶月さんはしおりんがCHARMをよく壊す事についてはどう思っているのでしょうか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what does Watsuki think about Shiori's tendency of wrecking CHARMs
A: she sees any and all things Shiori in a good light, so she thinks nothing about this |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | 朔愛さんは汐里さんの為に甲州奪還をLGの悲願として掲げるぐらい、汐里さんに思い入れがあると聞きました。
Q: Sakua is deeply attached to Shiori, to the point that she heralded liberating Koshu as the LG Reginleif's goal. so how does she think of Shiori exactly
A: She greatly cherishes Shiori's presence, such that during Shiori's rehabilitation period from her injuries, she held tea parties on Wednesday evenings every week to support her. it was the members of this tea party and the Handicraft club that formed the basis of LG Reginleif's lineup |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | 相澤一葉さんは私塾闘星塾で仲の良いリリィは居ますか?
Q: is Kazuha close with any Lilies during her time in Touseijuku
A: Omodaka Tae, now in Hijiribashi University's Affiliated High School |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | 例えばトップクラスのリリィが1人で倒せるヒュージの限界は何級ですか?
Q: which Huge class is the limit that one single top-tier Lily can kill in a solo fight.
A: experts Duelists can destroy Large-class Huges by themselves. Beyond that, the ultra-elite top-tier Dueling aces can stand against a Gigant-class to hold it in place and buy time, but killing such a Huge is impossible - it requires Neunwelt |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | LGヘルフィヨトゥルはLGエイルと同戦場での展開を拒絶するほどの仲の悪さですよね。
Q: LG Herfjötur is said to be on such bad terms with LG Eir that they refuse to be deployed to the same battlefield. Then how would Hidari Teruka (Herfjötur) do in her Plum class, which already has 5 members of Eir?
A: the Herfjötur-Eir conflict is thanks to the second-year students, so the first-year girls aren't on such bad terms |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | エレンスゲ内で、現ヘルヴォルに好意的なレギオンはありますか?クエレブレとは対立しそうですが… #教えて二水ちゃん エレンスゲの良識派レギオンLGバシャンドレとはいい関係だと思います。クエレブレとはバチバチですね^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there any legions in Herensuge that are currently in a good relationship with Hervor
A: Basandere, Herensuge's conscientious legion, is on good terms with them. Cuélebre, on the other hand, is conflicting with Hervor |
Hắc |
April 20, 2021 | エレンスゲ七大レギオンは序列上位7人が隊長になるシステムだと思うのですが、トップレギオンヘルヴォル以外も序列2~7位とレギオン名は固定なのでしょうか? あるいは序列2~7位内の変動で隊長自体に留任するのであれば、レギオン名を隊長に紐付けて引き継ぐこともありますか?
Q: are the names of Herensuge's legions, other from Hervor, bound to their positions (2nd rank~7th rank). or are the names bound to the commanders, and follow them around as they change their rank (and respective legions)
A: the names are fixed to the legion, irrelevant of the commander |
Hắc |
April 21, 2021 | 御台場での初のファンタズム覚醒者は薺ちゃんとのことでしたが、つまり現在の御台場でのファンタズム持ちは全員1年生なのでしょうか??
Nazuna is the first Phantasm skill user in Odaiba.
Which means, all their Phantasm users are now still in 1st year. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: How does Watsuki calls Shiori?
A: Just "Shiori" |
rluka |
April 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
既出だったら申し訳ないのですが、六角汐里さんと牛田琶月さんはお互いをどう呼び合っているのでしょうか? |
Meanwhile, Shiori calls her "Watsuki-chan" | rluka |
April 21, 2021 | 琶月さんの好きな食べ物を教えて下さい
Watsuki's favourite food is azuki amanattou. She always brings them with her. | rluka |
April 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
強化リリィ出身で特別寮にいた事もあるそうで、自身も所属するレギオン、サングリーズル主将で下級生人気No.1と噂の近藤貞花さんをシュッツエンゲルにもっているなどすごく濃い方に見えますが、実際どのような子なのでしょうか……? |
Kurokawa Nadi Hanna is known for her bright and innocent personality.
She lost a friend from during her time in the Boosted Lily testing facility she was part of. Her habit of kissing her pinky finger after battle is like a prayer for that friend. |
rluka |
April 21, 2021 | 林薫様ってどんな方だったのでしょうか?
同郷のリリィと言う事で、とても気になってます! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Hayashi Kaoru
Despite being a 3rd year student, she adapted well to Neunwelt tactics. She was the captain of 1st generation Alfheim during the Koushu Retreat. She is also the reason why Alfheim, which at that time consisted mostly of middle school Lilies (Kaoru and Misuzu are the only members who are in high school), can get permission from the Garden to join that emergency operation. |
rluka |
April 21, 2021 | 乃子様は梨璃と同じく途中編入ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Kenmochi Noriko (Shizu’s schutzengel) has been in Garden since kindergarten. | rluka |
April 21, 2021 | #アサルトリリィ
槇 若菜様の実力が知りたいです。天葉様のシュッツエンゲルだけあってやっぱり強いんですか? |
Maki Wakana, Soraha’s schutzengel and the joker of Alfheim, is strong as a duel generation Lily would be. In addition, like Hayashi Kaoru, she also adapts well with the Neunwelt tactic.
She is good enough to take position of legion captain. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Yuyu, Mai and Chikaru were in different squadrons during the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive. now Chikaru is in a different school, but does she still hold contact with Yuyu and Mai
A: Mai's 5th squadron committed a strategic error in the battle, and in order to recover from this blunder they carried out a defense to the death to hold back an endless surge of Huges. it was Chikaru's 3rd squadron that came to aid them, and it was in this occasion that they became friends (Fumi, you still didn't understand their *current* state of contact....) |
Hắc |
April 22, 2021 | レギンレイヴ所属のリリィで、二水ちゃんがまだ紹介していない方がいれば教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies in LG Reginleif that Fumi hasn't introduced yet
A: Ashihara Konomi, 2nd year. she holds the BZ position of the legion. Normally a very kind girl and is often involved with the kouhais, in combat however she is known to deliver extremely tricky passes and carry out unexpected movements. in other words, her style is one that neglects strategy, but she coordinates well with Shiori and Hijiri |
Hắc |
April 22, 2021 | 林薫様の性格を教えてください!
例えるならどんなリリィに近い性格なのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what is Hayashi Kaoru's personality like
A: she's like Wakana |
Hắc |
April 22, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
1番字が綺麗なのは誰ですか? |
Q: any Lilies with good handwriting
A: Watsuki, who's a nationally-famous calligrapher. also Momiji's handwriting is good |
Hắc |
April 22, 2021 | この小野木さんは、小野木瑳都さんで合ってますか? また、どのような方かわかりますか?
かなり武闘派な方ですが、明るく陽気な人でもあります。BZで非常に戦術に詳しく伊東閑さんとも仲が良いですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what is Onogi Sato of LG Rossweisse like
A: she's prone to using force, but also a bright and positive girl. as someone handling the BZ position of LG Rossweisse, she's extremely well-versed in strategy, and is a good friend of Shizu's |
Hắc |
April 22, 2021 | 琶月さんは甘納豆が好きとの事ですが、他にも和のスイーツが好物なリリィってどんな方がいらっしゃるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies who likes Japanese sweets like Watsuki and her amanatto
A: Funada Ui |
Hắc |
April 22, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
「〜っす」口調のリリィはいますか? |
Q: any Lilies with a -ssu~ verbal tic
A: Shinobu's Schild candidate, Katayama Tamaka, though only when she gets angry |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: what are Hanna's boosted skills
A: she has Regenerator |
Hắc |
April 23, 2021 | 楪様は魚全般が嫌いとの事ですが、
食べ物としてダメなのかどっちなのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん |
Yuzuriha doesn’t like fish, as food, rather as a creature itself. | rluka |
April 23, 2021 | 知世さんは百合ヶ丘中等部入学前は一般の小学校に通っていたのでしょうか?
*For reasons*, Tomoyo used to go to regular elementary school before taking special entrance exam for the Yurigaoka middle school department. | rluka |
April 23, 2021 | ' 今日は先日ご紹介した牛田琶月さんの解説の続き。 彼女の使用機体であるトールハンマーのお話です。この機体は百合ケ丘女学院工廠科1年杉組篠原 宥雪(しのはら・なゆき)さんが開発しました。結果としてミョルミール公開コンペに出展されましたが目的はコンペではないです #アサルトリリィ |
Thor’s Hammer
This Charm is developed by Shinohara Nayuki from the Sugi class of Arsenal faculty. While it is displayed among the contestant, it is not made for entry into the Mjolnir design competition. It was pulled out early and sent directly to production by Yggdrasil. The basic construction of Thor Hammer is similar to Tirfing, this is based on request by Ushida Watsuki. The difference is, while Tirfing is a blade weapon (for slashing), Thor Hammer is a blunt weapon (for bonking). For shooting mode, it is equipped with high powered cannon. The transformable handle part can be set to different angles according to the user’s quirks. The handle can also be folded back for shooting while carried over shoulder. The output is equal to Tirfing. For high speed attack mode, most parts including the cannon are purged and it can transform into flail mode for fast beating attack. So far, this made Thor Hammer not much different from a Tirfing (bludgeoning edition). But the mad girls of Sugi class added one more stuff. 3.5 Gen function of remote attack units. At the tip of the Charm, are hidden 4 sub-units. Unlike pure 4th generation’s units that are controlled directly with brain waves (and caused big burden to the user), this Charm uses specially tuned Magi Cloud to control the sub units. This is also made possible because Watsuki got large Magi reserve and sub-skill of Testament. |
rluka |
April 24, 2021 | ' 柳都女学館は新潟を守るガーデンです。CHARMマイスター天津麻嶺様を輩出したことで有名ですね。 佐渡に襲来した世界7大アルトラの一角ファーブニルとの戦いで多くの犠牲を出しましたが現状それ以上の陥落地が出ていないのは彼女たちの奮闘のおかげです #アサルトリリィ |
Ryuuto Girls Academy is the Garden protecting the Niigata region. It is famous as the alma mater of Charm Meister, Amatsu Marei.
Many lives were sacrificed in the battle against Fafnir, one of the seven great Ultra-class who appeared in Sado Island. But it is also thanks to their fight that currently no territories falls into the Huge’s control after that. |
rluka |
April 24, 2021 | ' 柳都9大レギオンの中で唯一LGヒミングレーヴァのみが固定された守備地域を持ちません。彼女たちは遊撃と他の8隊の救援を担当するからです。故にLGヒミングレーヴァにはどんな戦況にも対応できる能力が求められました。本日はLGヒミングレーヴァの隊長をご紹介します #アサルトリリィ |
Among the nine legions of Ryuuto, 8 of them are assigned territory to defend.
Meanwhile, Himinglaeva is to act as mobile team who support and help the other legions as needed. Because of this function, they are expected to be able to adapt to any situation. |
rluka |
April 24, 2021 | ' LGヒミングレーヴァ隊長千子夕七(せんご ゆうな)様 麻嶺様と共に御台場迎撃戦にも参戦してます。第2部隊で巣無しのアルトラとの戦いにも参加した百戦錬磨のリリィです。御台場迎撃戦の戦友という事で天葉様にアールヴ新潟外征をお願いしに来たのが彼女です #アサルトリリィ |
Sengo Yuuna, the commander of Himinglaeva. A battle-hardened Lily who also participated in the 2nd team of Odaiba Counteroffensive together with Marei.
She is also the one who asked for help to her old comrade Soraha, which resulted in the Alfheim’s Niigata expedition. |
rluka |
April 24, 2021 | ' 性格はツンデレ気質ですが涙脆い方で仲間からは愛されるタイプの方です。柳都生徒会長を何人も輩出した千子家の中では落ちこぼれで努力と根性で9大レギオン隊長までになりました。なお柳都のリリィはスカート丈が短いことでも有名です^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Tsundere, but quick to cry so she is loved by her comrades. Considered a failure among the Sengo family who traditionally took position of student council president in Ryuuto, but she managed to take position as commander of one of the 9 legions with her hard work and persistence.
Ryuuto’s Lilies are also known for having short skirts. |
rluka |
April 24, 2021 | ' ちなみに彼女と対称的なのがLGヘヴリング隊長吉原菜乃葉様です。レアスキル円環の御手を持ち、武を尊ぶ柳都のリリィらしい方です。プライドが高く、名門の出で戦闘特化レアスキルではない夕七様のことを侮ってます。「迎撃戦での戦功がそんなに偉いわけ?」といつも絡んでます #アサルトリリィ |
Yuuna’s antitheses is Yoshihara Nanoha, commander of LG Hefring.
Her rare skill is Enkan no Mite, and she embodies the value of Ryuuto who put great value of martial prowess. She often took Yuuna lightly for being born into a famous family yet doesn’t have battle-oriented rare skill. Nanoha often challenged Yuuna, asking “Is your achievement from the Counteroffensive such a big deal?” More on Nanoha tomorrow |
rluka |
April 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
六角汐里さんのシュッツエンゲルである谷口聖さんはシルトである汐里さんのことを普段からなんて呼んでるんですか?2人っきりの時だけに呼んでるあだ名とかってありますか? |
Hijiri calls her schild as Shiorin | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Hibari address herself as “Hibari”, although sometime she also uses “atashi” | rluka |
April 25, 2021 | ' 吉原 菜乃葉様は柳都2年生。レアスキルは円環の御手。佐渡に巣食ったアルトラ”ファーヴニル”が送り込んでくるヒュージとの戦いで勇名をはせ、率いるへヴリングも精鋭揃いです。派手な華のある派手な戦い方でリリィオタクの受けも超いいです。イラスト初公開です^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Yoshihara Nanoha, 2nd year of Ryuuto Girls' Academy. Her Rare skill is Circlet Bless.
In the fight against the subordinate Huges sent to the mainland by the Ultra-class Fafnir that had rooted down on Sado island, Nanoha achieved great exploits and made a name for herself. Befitting of her status, the rest of LG Hefring that she commands is also comprised entirely of elite Lilies. Boasting a showy and flashy combat style, she is also very popular among otaku Lilies |
Hắc |
April 25, 2021 | ' 菜乃葉様はサブスキルに軍神の加護を持ちますのでへヴリングの司令塔としても機能します。依奈様や幸恵様タイプの司令塔兼任タイプの円環の御手持ちですね。片手に大型機、片手に鈍器系の機体を装備することが多いです。太刀筋を読めれても斧で仕留めるためだそうです #アサルトリリィ |
Having Blessing of the War God as her sub skill, Nanoha also acts as the Command Tower of LG Hefring. In this aspect of being a Circlet Bless-using Command Tower, she is similar to Ena or Sachie. However, her usual equipment loadout is a broadsword in one hand, and an axe in another - this allows her to finish off Huges with the axe even if her sword gets countered | Hắc |
April 25, 2021 | ' 菜乃葉様はライバルである夕七様の最大の武勲「御台場迎撃戦参戦」を評価してません。実際新潟でのへヴリングの活躍は目覚しく、彼女はワールドリリィグラフィックでも特集が組まれました。 「迎撃戦での戦功がそんなに偉いわけ。いつまで過去の功名にすがるおつもり?」 #アサルトリリィ |
Nanoha doesn't hold Yuuna's greatest achievement - her participation in the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive - in high regards. In fact, LG Hefring has had a brilliant activity record in Niigata prefecture, and Nanoha herself has also been covered in a specialized issue of the World Lily Graphics magazine.
Nanoha: "Was your participation in the Counteroffensive such a big deal? For how long do you plan on clinging to the glory of days past?" |
Hắc |
April 25, 2021 | 琶月さんと汐里ちゃんはどっちが背が高いですか?
Watsuki is taller than Shiori | rluka |
April 25, 2021 | LGヴィゾーヴニルのメンバーは篠原さんの他にどんな方がいらっしゃるのでしょうか?
特に有名な方だけでも良いので教えてください! #教えて二水ちゃん 仰木 六花(おうぎ・りっか) 滝 月白(たき・つきしろ) 茶谷 眞白(ちゃたに・ましろ) 高松 檸檬(たかまつ・れもん) 浅田 須美(あさだ・すみ) 坂倉 莉澄(さかくら・りずむ) 進来 鴇羽(すずき・ときは) 小嶋 心春(こじま・ここる) #アサルトリリィ |
LG Víðófnir, that Legion consisted of Arsenals
All from the Sugi class |
rluka |
April 25, 2021 | 琶月さんは屋根裏の宮殿には入ったことありますか?
最近の読書談義はもっぱら屋根裏の宮殿で行われてるそうです。この辺からシルト候補と噂が立ったみたいです #アサルトリリィ |
Watsuki also visits the Attic Palace and recently she and Mayuri had been chatting about books.
This is how the rumour about her being Mayuri's Schild candidate begin |
rluka |
April 25, 2021 | 眞悠理様は乃子様のことどう呼んでいるんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Mayuri's nickname for Noriko is "Noko" | rluka |
April 26, 2021 | 二代アールヴヘイムの乃彩さんのことが気になります。
Q: info on the relationships of Mozuna Noa (2nd-gen Alfheim)
A: she is a good friend of Akane in her legion, as well as with Izumi Botan of LG Reginleif. she was also the template from which Kusumi based her combat style on, so she's also close with her |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 番匠谷依奈さまが犬が苦手なのは何かきっかけがありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 小さい頃に大きい犬に吠えられてから恐怖症らしいです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: any reason for Ena's fear of dogs
A: she was barked at by a large dog when she was little, and that became a trauma for her |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | ヒュージネストが形成されやすいのは水辺とのことですが湖にネストが形成された事例はありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ありますよ。甲州撤退戦で戦ったネストも湖に作られたものでした #アサルトリリィ |
Q: it is said that nests are more easily made in areas close to bodies of water (e.g. close to the sea), but were there any examples of nests constructed in lakes
A: yes. the nest that was involved in the Koshu Evacuation was built in a lake |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 樟美ちゃんはお料理上手ですが、洋食と和食ならどっちが得意でしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 全般上手ですがどちらかと言えば洋食ですかねえ。天葉様が洋食を要求しがちだからかもしれませんが^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Kusumi is good at cooking, but is she better at Western-styled dishes or Japanese ones
A: while she's all-around capable, it seems that she's more leaning towards Western dishes. of course, this could just be because Soraha tends to ask for these though |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 全くタイプの違うアーセナルが揃っている檜組と杉組ですが、クラス単位で見た時、檜組と杉組の仲ってどんなかんじなのでしょうか?
仲が悪かったりするのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: between the Cypress and Cedar classes of the Arsenal division with their completely different style of Arsenals, are they in any case conflicting with each other
A: absolutely not. most of the Arsenals are devotedly immersed in their own researches, so conflicts and political rivalries are alien things to them. however, comparatively speaking the internal bonds of Cedar is tighter than Cypress, as seen in LG Víðófnir of the former |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはホラーは得意ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん ホラーはちょっと苦手ですね。オカルトとかは嫌いじゃないですが #アサルトリリィ |
Q: is Fumi good with horror stuff
A: no. though she doesn't dislike occultism-related things |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 日羽梨様はホラーとか苦手だったり本気で怖がっちゃうタイプですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: then, does Hibari also dislike horror stuff, or she outright is frightened of them
A: she doesn't flinch one bit in the face of things that sound made-up. however, scary events that seem like real accounts do scare her |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 博覧強記な眞悠理さんはホラーやオカルトの類って好きですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: how about Mayuri, does she like horror and occultism stuff
A: she collects data on occultism. "hmm, this looks interesting" or so she says |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 森辰姫さんの自作CHARMの名前はなんですか?
Q: what are the names of the CHARMs made by Mori Tatsuki
A: usually she leaves them "untitled" |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 小さなかわいい動物が好きなリリィはいっぱいいらっしゃいますが、虎とかライオンとか、格好良くて強そうな動物が好きなリリィっていらっしゃるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: many Lilies like smol and cute animals, but does anyone like large and powerful ones like lions and tigers
A: Araya, she likes lions |
Hắc |
April 26, 2021 | 月詩さんにもユニークCHARMはあるんでしょうか?
Q: does Tsukushi (2nd-gen Alfheim) have a unique CHARM of her own
A: yes. the Précieuses, made by Gran Guignol |
Hắc |
April 27, 2021 | 乃子様は眞悠理様ことどう呼んでいるの?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Meanwhile, Noriko calls Mayuri as Mayuri-chan
They grew up together in the same Garden |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | 一柳梨璃ちゃんがグングニル以外によく使うcharmはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ブリューナクも使いますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Other than Gungnir, what are the other Charm Riri usually use ?
A: Other than Gungnir, Riri also use Brionac |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | 初代アールヴヘイムの活動期間の大半って夢結様が中等部三年の頃で合ってますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 初代アールヴヘイムは結成時の甲州撤退戦のみが夢結様世代が中3時の戦いで、戦功の殆どは夢結様達世代が高1の時の物になりますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is it correct that 1st Alfheim's activities are mostly when Yuyu and her generation are still in 3rd year of middle school?
A: Koushuu Retreat is the only battle when Yuyu are still in 3rd year. Most of Alfheim's achievements are when Yuyu are in 1st year of high school. |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | 夢結様のシルト候補だった高畑聖咲ちゃんについて何かおしえてください!! #教えて二水ちゃん そうですねー豆知識程度のことですが、ご出身が茨城県水戸市なので茨城弁がたまーにでることがあるそうです。^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Yuyu’s Schild candidate Takahata Masaki was from Mito, in Ibaraki. So she sometime speaks with Ibaraki dialect | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What is the sturdiest Charm?
A: Probably Shiori’s custom Tirfing. We know how she fights. For mass produced Charm, maybe the Blutgang. |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
汐里ちゃんと同等か、それ以上にCHARMの扱いが荒いリリィっていますか? |
Q: Anyone else with rough way of handling Charm like Shiori?
A: Koshiba Eishin, the battle Arsenal from Jougashima Girl Technical School. But she doesn’t cause as much problem because she can fix her Charm on her own. |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | リリィは戦況などによってCHARMを使い分けると聞きますが、近接用~遠距離用まで幅広く扱えるリリィはどなたかいらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lily use different Charm according to the condition. But is there any Lily who can use wide variety of Charm from close combat to long range model?
A: Those different models of Charm are usually applied according to position in Neunwelt tactic. So Lilies who are adept in all positions usually also master the use of many types of Charm. The most famous is Hasebe Touka, who can take all position from BZ TZ AZ |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | アクセス不可能 癖がないという意味ではグングニルですね。 アーセナル的にいじりやすい、自分好みに改造しやすいという意味ではブルトガングになります #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What Charm is the easiest to use ?
A: That would be Gungnir, because it doesn’t have any special quirks. For Arsenals, Blutgang is a Charm that is easy to mods as you like. |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
一柳隊ってアニメ版(アプリ含めて)でも舞台版でも結成してそこそこでギガント級や前例のない特型ヒュージと戦ってきてますが他のレギオンも戦績に関しては同じようなものなのでしょうか? |
Q: In the anime (and game), and stage play, Hitotsuyanagi Squad defeated Gigant class or mutant Huge not long after their formation. Is there any other Legion with such kind of record?
A: Core members of S rank legions usually had went through such hell during their time in middle school. For example, the 1st Alfheim went through the Koushuu Retreat. Meanwhile, the Funada Reserve Squad from Odaiba middle school also experienced fierce battles during their 3rd year. |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんが一度でいいから使ってみたいCHARMはありますか? |
Q: Fumi-chan, what is the Charm you want to try, at least once?
A: Gram. But well, that’s impossible |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | 一葉のブルトガングは改造していないチャームですか??ここから改造できるんですか??
(使ってみたかったの!このタグ!!) |
Q: Is Kazuha’s Blutgang modified?
A: Kazuha used unmodified Blutgang, but the parts are chosen from best quality, fitting for captain of Herensuge’s top legion. Of course, there’s also possibility she will have it modified in the future. |
rluka |
April 27, 2021 | 実際グラムって故障率とか使い心地,取り回しのしやすさとかどうなんでしょね
Theみんなの憧れって感じのチャームだけど… |
Q: Continuing the question. In reality, how is the handling of Gram and its damage rating? Seems like it’s The Charm everyone idolised to use.
A: Minimum activation skiller value is 85, and 90+ is recommended for stable operation. But if you can overcome that requirement, then it’s a comfortable easy to handle Charm. It can handle shooting the high-powered cannon from half-activated shooting. There are tendency of getting damaged on the moving parts, but not so high. Sturdy. About half-activated shooting: |
rluka |
April 30, 2021 | 「朋友のブルーストライク」の背景となっている「中国地方奪回戦」について、言える範囲で教えてください。#教えて二水ちゃん 中国地方の奪還についてお話していきます 九州と兵庫以東の戦いに集中する為、中国地方からは戦略的撤退が行われた過去がありました。兵庫はアンブロシア女学苑が平定、九州も福岡天神女子、市立小倉医科女子高等学校の2強をはじめとする数校によりヒュージを撃滅しました(続く) #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about the Retaking of Chuugoku Region featured in the latest Blue Strike Companion event.
A: Because the fights are focused in Kyushu and territories west of Hyogo, human has retreated from the Chugoku region in the past. Hyogo is defended by Ambrosia Girl Academy. Meanwhile the Huge in Kyushu has been exterminated by Fukuoka Tenjin Girl Acedemy and Kogura Municipal Medical School for Girls. |
rluka |
April 30, 2021 | ' 戦略的撤退で切り捨てられた中国地方でしたがもちろん現地に残って戦っているガーデンはいくつかあります。そのガーデンと呼応する形で北からアンブロシアが南から九州ガーデン連合が中国地方の解放のために戦いを開始しました。 #アサルトリリィ |
Of course, even after the strategic retreat, there are still Gardens operating in the Chugoku region. By request of these Gardens, Ambrosia and the Kyushu Gardens begin the battles to retake that region. | rluka |
April 30, 2021 | @assault_lily 早速ですが、イベント中に『中国地方の奪還は悲願である』と語られていましたが、中国地方には強力なネストやヒュージが存在しているのですか?
Q: Is there any powerful Nest or Huge in the Chugoku region?
A: For the western Gardens who bear the mission to allow strategic retreat of lilies from the “designated territory”, improve the battle front situation east of Hyogo, and liberate Kyushu, the recovery of “designated territory” is an obligation and wish. Of course, there are powerful Huge and Nest, so half of the Chugoku and Shikoku region are designated as fallen territories. |
rluka |
April 30, 2021 | ' 中国地方奪還に関しては苦戦が報じられ、アンブロシアの生徒会長森下雅枇様が百合ヶ丘女学院の前ジーグルーネ竹腰千華様やロザリンデ様と懇意にしていたためジーグルーネ派の生徒に打診する形で百合ヶ丘女学院への援助を求めました。 #アサルトリリィ |
Regarding the retaking of the Chugoku region, Morishita Miyabi, the student council president of Ambrosia, had requested to Takegoshi Chihana and Rosalinde, so the movement in Yurigaoka to consider sending support are mainly pushed by the Sieglun faction. | rluka |
April 30, 2021 | ' 百合ヶ丘はアールヴヘイムが北伐から帰還したばかりで外征が難しく、高難度のミッションゆえ格付S以上の13レギオンのみ受託権を付与する条件で志願隊を募りました。最終的にサングリーズルが外征をすることとなっています #アサルトリリィ |
Alfheim who had just returned from expedition to the north is not in the condition to take this mission. Thus the high difficulty mission is offered to the 13 S+ ranked legions of Yurigaoka.
In the end, the Legion sent to the mission is Sanngriðr |
rluka |
April 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
秋葉原アゾンで1番行きたくないって言ってるみたいだけど、理由が知りたいです。 |
Q: Fumi-chan, why do you say Odaiba is the Garden you don’t want to go to the most ?
A: The training is really strict. They make you run until you’re out off breath then do battle practice like it’s normal thing to do. Their school motto is No Pain No Gain. Terrifying, really |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is there any standard about which Legion will be sent out in expedition in response to support request from other Garden?
A: It depend on the Garden. In Yurigaoka, this is decided by review from the three executives. Expedition legion are basically voluntary, but the candidate list are limited by the three executives and representatives of the 13 legions. More difficult missions will be handled by stronger legions. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: How about Legions the student council executives don’t have good impression of? Do they don’t get much chance to go on expedition, or do they got sent out often?
A: Well, good things don’t happen for those who shed a bad light. For example, they got sent to difficult battlefields, or only given minimal supply of spare equipments. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Odaiba's training regime is famously known to be spartan, but how about Yurigaoka's.
A: Yurigaoka's training of course is tough, but it's nowhere near Odaiba's. What they call "high intensity training" is tiring the students out 'just a little bit' (by the words of the instructors) with warm-up before engaging in combat practice, in order to closely simulate actual combat fatigue. This is why it's tough. |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | 今日は雷が凄い鳴っており、とても怖い夜なので雷に関する質問です!
Q: any Lilies who hate thunder
A: Shiori. on days with thunder she would absolutely not go out |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | 夢結様もかつてグラムを使ってたんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですよー今も所有してますよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: had Yuyu been using her Gram in the past
A: yes, she still keeps it as of now |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | 外征って、基本的には任務が終わった後はすぐに帰還しなければならないのでしょうか?
少しだけ観光したりも出来たりするのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are expedition legions supposed to RTB right after completing their missions. can they stay for a bit to play around
A: as long as they're not commanded to RTB immediately, they can stay for a shot period, or maybe mop up remaining enemies before coming back. it depends |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | 一柳隊のレギオンとしての習熟度が上がれば、夢結様や梅様もグラムを使用したりするのですか?
Q: if Hitotsuyanagi Squad's skill as a legion improves, then will Mai and Yuyu use their Gram
A: possibly |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | ヒュージネストは水辺につくられやすいとのことですが、温泉等の比較的高温の湧水があるところにも発生しやすいですか?
Q: do Huges construct nests at hotsprings or places where the water temperature is higher
A: it is thought that temperature is irrelevant to their nest construction - only the size of the water body counts |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any Lilies who are rivals to Aoi, or at least sees her as a rival
A: Hiraga Touko of Ambrosia, the school leading the ~~JR West~~ Western Japan coalition. she fought alongside Aoi during their time at St. Mercury's junior high school department, and due to their similar appearances, same Rare skill and position, they were competing rivals |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | 雨が好きなリリィは居ますか?
Q: any Lilies who likes/dislikes rain
A: Takegoshi Chihana likes drizzling rain |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | シュバルツグレイルは生徒会と仲悪いですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: is Schwarz Grail on a good relationship with the student council
A: no. they're not conflicting with any of the three positions |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
(なんか扱いが雑な気がするので) |
Q: does Fumi converse with Aoi
A: they fought together in the stage plays, so they do hold contact with each other. Fumi respects Aoi |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: anything about Hanna's room
A: a modern-style Japanese room |
Hắc |
May 1, 2021 | 最近百合ヶ丘でこの二人は契るのでは?って噂になっているリリィは居ますか?
Q: who are the Lilies rumoured as about to become Schutzengels as of late
A: see image |
Hắc |
May 2, 2021 | ' 本日ご紹介するのは柳都女学館のリリィです。 世界7大アルトラ級の一体ファーヴニルが佐渡に襲来した時に現地で撤退戦に当たったリリィ唯一の生き残り隅谷 水晶(すみたに・みき)様2年生をご紹介しますです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Sumitani Miki, 2nd year Lily of Ryuuto Girl's Academy. When Fafnir, one of the world's 7 major Ultra-class, attacked Sado Island and set up its nest there, Miki's unit in the area carried out an evacuation operation, and she was the sole survivor. | Hắc |
May 2, 2021 | ' 隅谷水晶(すみたに・みき)様は現在柳都9大レギオンの一角LGドゥーヴァの隊長を務めます。佐渡撤退戦では奇跡的に市民に被害を0にしたものの、彼女以外の生存リリィはいませんでした。犠牲になった者の中には彼女と契りを交わした”お姉様”も居ました。イラストは本日初公開です #アサルトリリィ |
Miki is currently the leader of LG Dúfa, one of Ryuuto's nine main legions. The Sado Evacuation (<-- new historical event) that her unit carried out was a miraculous victory with zero civilian deaths, but it was paid by the lives of all Lilies in her unit except for herself. Among one of those that gave their lives was her onee-sama | Hắc |
May 2, 2021 | ' 彼女は佐渡での撤退戦の最後にただ一人撤退しました。それは当時のドゥーヴァメンバーが彼女以外上級生でその意志でした。残って戦うという水晶様でしたが御姉様にこう言われます「わたしたちの戦いを、語り継ぐ人がいないとね~水晶、いま契約しようっか。遅くなってごめんね」 #アサルトリリィ |
In the ending moments of the operation, Miki was the last person to evacuate from Sado, alone. Such was a decision reached by then-LG Dúfa's members, who were her senpais. Originally Miki intended to stay and fight as well, but her onee-sama told her *"There needs to be someone to carry on the tale of our final fight. So Miki, let's engage in our oath [of sisterhood]. Sorry for holding it until such a moment like this"* | Hắc |
May 2, 2021 | ' 彼女のことを戦場に最後まで留まらなった卑怯者と断じる者もいますが彼女自身ファーヴニルの討伐に人生を捧げるつもりでいます。普段は明るい性格ですが戦闘では苛烈でどんなに弱いヒュージに相手でも全力で殲滅します。「獅子はどんな敵でも全力で戦うものです」 #アサルトリリィ |
Some may judge Miki as a coward for not fighting on until the very end, but for herself she sees the destruction of Fafnir as the ultimate battle to dedicate her life to. As such, in contrast to her cheerful personality, on the battlefield she lays bare her unrestrained raw ferocity: no matter how weak the enemy may be, she will crush them with absolute impunity. "A lion fights with all its might against any and all enemies", or so it's said | Hắc |
May 2, 2021 | ' 現LGフレン隊長榎本 瑚桃(えのもと・こもも)さんは水晶様の”御姉様”の実妹です。かつては仲の良かった二人でしたが、今の関係は最悪です。電撃ホビーウェブ連載でこの辺りの詳細はお話します。 #アサルトリリィ |
Additionally, the current leader of LG Hrönn, Enomoto Komomo, is the biological sister of Miki's onee-sama. Miki and Komomo used to be close together, but now they're separated by a gap filled with enmity. | Hắc |
May 2, 2021 | ' 柳都女学館はファーヴニルの襲来前は安定した状況でした。巣無しのアルトラとして世界中を荒らしまわっていたファーヴニルが佐渡にネストを作ってしまった事が悲劇の始まりだったのです。最も狂暴と言われたファーヴニルを討った戦いの詳細は電撃ホビーウェブ連載をお待ちください #アサルトリリィ |
Ryuuto used to be a peaceful place. However, tragedy came crashing down with the arrival of Fafnir in Sado, which had been wandering around the world wrecking havoc as a nestless Ultra-class (Ultra-class Huges w/o nests are much, much more irritable and aggressive than those that have settled down). Its decimation will be depicted in the Dengeki Hobby serialization to come | Hắc |
May 3, 2021 | チェミルさんが得意・苦手とするゲームのジャンルってなんですか?
Q; What game genre are Chemil good or bad in?
A: Chemil is good in FPS and fighting game, while not so good in simulation games. But it’s not like she hate them. Also she got scolded by Luludis for buying new games before finishing the one she already had. |
rluka |
May 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
チャーミィって何の動物なんですか? |
Q: What kind of animal is Charmy?
A: Charm fairy |
rluka |
May 3, 2021 | お風呂の時間が長いリリィはどなたですか?
Q: Any Lily who stays in bath for long time?
A: Kusumi is famous for long bath Previously answered: |
rluka |
May 3, 2021 | いっちゃんの苦手な生き物はなんですか?
気になって気になってお腹が痛いです。 #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any animal Ichi is not good with?
A: Snake |
rluka |
May 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
既出だったらごめんなさい。佐渡撤退戦っていつの戦いですか? |
Sado Evacuation happened when the current 2nd year is still in 1st year, sometime right after the Odaiba Counteroffensive | rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Ichi likes dogs | rluka |
May 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ついでにミスリードしてそうなので確認なんですけど、旧LGドゥーヴァの上級生たちって2年生だけじゃなくて3年生もいますか? |
In addition, yes, the other older members of LG Dúfa are 2nd and 3rd year students | rluka |
May 3, 2021 | 百合ケ丘等ガーデンって自動車やバイクの免許三ない運動ってあったりするんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is there movement in Gardens to have the lilies getting driving license?
A: Actually it is recommended because driving skill is useful for mobility during mission. For example, Kazuha likes motorbikes |
rluka |
May 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
隅谷水晶様に契りを交わした妹はいらっしゃいますか? |
Q: Does Miki has any junior she made vow with?
A: Not yet |
rluka |
May 3, 2021 | 琶月ちゃんと朔愛さんは仲良いですか?
Compatibility between Watsuki and Sakua (Reginleif’s captain) as lilies are very good.
As Sakua’s close aid, Watsuki perfectly supported command of the legion from back line. Sakua has a mature personality, and knew the limit to not tick off Watsuki, so their relationship is not bad. They will step ahead together when they need to protect Shiori |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | About Aoi’s uniform. This blue uniform is for the special select team members.
The other one is Sagami’s regular uniform. |
rluka |
May 4, 2021 | 今日はラーメンが大好きな恋花さんの誕生日ですが、二水ちゃんの好きなラーメンはどんなタイプのラーメンですか?
Q: Today is the ramen lover Renka's birthday. What is Fumi's favourite ramen?
A: Chige Miso Ramen |
rluka |
May 4, 2021 | チェミルちゃんやルルディスちゃんがメルクリウスのどのLGに所属しているかわかれば教えてください🙏
Q: which legion of St. Mercury is Louloudis and Chemir in
A: 1st Air Cavalry Division Michael |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: why did Yui-paisen's family become impoverished
A: in a battle where her father, a famous Huge researcher, accompanied the combat unit, he went missing. as a result, her mother had to work by herself to raise her and her brother(s). in order to help her family's economical position, she fights as a Lily to send the reward payments back home |
Hắc |
May 4, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
麻嶺様も、ちゃんと制服を着ることがあるのでしょうか!! |
Q: does Marei wear her uniform properly
A: no, but in cases where she has to (such as ceremonies), she will wear the standard uniform |
Hắc |
May 4, 2021 | チェミルちゃんの誕生日ということですが、チェミルちゃんは最近大きなモンスターを倒すゲームはされていますでしょうか!
Chemir's birthday. She's playing many kind of games, so of course she is still playing the game about hunting big monsters.
Lately there has been more type of monsters to be hunted |
rluka |
May 4, 2021 | 高等部しかないガーデンって主にどこがありますか?
Q: are there any gardens with only high school education
A: it's extremely rare for gardens to have only the high school department. most have the junior high school level, and prestigious ones have even primary school and lower departments |
Hắc |
May 4, 2021 | アーセナル兼リリィはいますが、アーセナル兼マディックは存在しているのでしょうか?
Q: there are Arsenal Lilies, but are there any Arsenal Madecs
A: the closest fit is Takegoshi Chihana, whose CHARM-developing skill rivals that of Arsenals |
Hắc |
May 4, 2021 | ' あ、ごめんなさい。そうじゃないですね。アーセナル兼マディックがいるかいないかですね。 そうですね私は聴いたことが無いですね #アサルトリリィ |
Fumi never heard of any Arsenal madec before | rluka |
May 4, 2021 | 柳都の疑似姉妹契約って「シュッツエンゲル」みたいな特別な名前ありますか?
Q: does the sisterhood system of Ryuuto have a name like Schutzengel or other
A: yes it does have a name. please wait for it's reveal > < |
Hắc |
May 5, 2021 | ' 工藤朔愛さんは三姫様と呼ばれ将来の三役を期待されているレジスタ持ちです。リリィとして必要な才能は全て備えていると言われていて百合ケ丘生え抜きの中でも特別な存在です。イラストは初公開。キャラデザは琶月さんと同じくほたるさんです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Captain of Reginleif, Kudou Sakua. One of the three princesses of Yurigaoka expected to become one of the three executives (along with Sayu from Lohengrin and Shizu from Schwarz Grail).
Rare skill is Regista Said to have all the talent required for a lily, she is special even among the lilies who graduated from the previous grade in Yurigaoka. Character design is Hotaru, same as Watsuki. |
rluka |
April 9, 2020 | 学校案内の表紙繋がりで泉牡丹様についてもなにか情報あったら教えて欲しいです!
Old record
Izumi Botan is in the 1st Squad in Odaiba Counteroffensive. She proclaimed herself rival of Taniguchi Hijiri (Shiori’s oneesama). *The Tsundere*. Famous for fighting alone and becoming distraction to let her juniors escape, so she is popular among the younger lilies. |
rluka |
May 5, 2021 | ' 彼女はリンカー要件を満たしてますが、かなりファンタズム寄りのリンカーです。特にレアスキルにレジスタを持っていてファンタズム寄りのリンカーは殆ど居ない為リリィオタクも注目しています。彼女はレギンレイヴでは聖様と和香様という二人のファンタズムと連携しています #アサルトリリィ |
Sakua fulfil the requirement to be a linker, but she leans a lot to the Phantasm side. There are not many Regista user with Phantasm leaning linker, so she is subject of attention among lily otaku.
In Reginleiv, Sakua managed to coordinate two Phantasm users, Taniguchi Hijiri and Niinomi Nodoka (both ex-members of 1st Alfheim) |
rluka |
May 5, 2021 | ' 朔愛さんの好物はヨーグルトとトマト。苦手なものはラーメン、注射、そして飛行機に乗ること。外征先にガンシップに乗ることをすごく嫌がります。どんなに遠いところに外征することがあってもまずは陸路を検討します^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Favourite food: Yoghurt and Tomato
Disliked things: Ramen, Injection syringe, Airplane She really hates riding gunship for external expedition and always look for land route alternative. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Her unique Charm is Mystletainn, a creation of Amatsu Marei and Tateishi Sato of the 1st year Sugi class. Details of it will be revealed in another chance.
Her hobby is cycling and reading. She rides mini velo bikes |
rluka |
May 5, 2021 | ずっと気になってたんですけど、麻嶺さまの好きな食べ物と趣味が気になります🙃(ミントスティック好きって聞いたことはあります)
教えて〜! #教えて二水ちゃん |
Shiori Mutou: I’ve been wondering, but what is Marei-sama’s favourite food and hobby? I heard she likes mint sticks
Amatsu Marei Favourite food: all kinds of fruits. Hobby: Charm making and DIY. She also seems to have interest in architecture. Also loves mint-flavoured sticks and often have them in her mouth. |
rluka |
May 6, 2021 | ' これが!世界的マギ研究機関にして国際企業「GEHENA」のロゴです。GEHENAは研究室ごとに思想も違うのでこのデザインをベースに研究室ごとにすこし違ったフォントや装飾を付けたりしていますよ。今回の物は最もオーソドックスなロゴです! #アサルトリリィ |
International corporation and world-class Magi research facility, GEHENA. As each lab of GEHENA's has its own ideology, they all have some variations of this basic logo, such as changing fonts or adding details. This basic variant is the most orthodox one | Hắc |
May 6, 2021 | ' 由来に関してはあまり説明されていません。一説にはマギクリスタルコアを両手で持っている状態を表しているともいわれていますが真相は定かではないです #アサルトリリィ |
The origin of the logo is not properly explained. One theory states that it represents two hands holding a Magi crystal core, but the truth is out there | Hắc |
May 6, 2021 | @assault_lily ゲヘナに勤めるまたはスカウトされるのは、リリィとアーセナル、どちらの方が多いのでしょうか?
Q: between Lilies and Arsenals, which are more oftenly scouted by GEHENA to work as their employees
A: Arsenals, by a large margin |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | 三姫様は全員、百合ヶ丘の生え抜きリリィだけど
梨璃や二水ちゃんみたいな転入組が生徒会長になる可能性は、 制度上存在しないのかな?
Q: usually the Student council positions are taken up by Lilies that grew up in Yurigaoka such as the Three Princesses. then, do students who entered midway have a chance to become a council member
A: system-wise, those who entered midway have a poor prospect of becoming the Siegrune or Brynhildr. as for the Ortlinde position, it is selected through school-wide voting, so there's still a chance for that. nevertheless, the position is still oftenly held by Yurigaoka-growns |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
マギとか関係なく、シンプルに怪力なリリィっていますか? |
Q: any Lilies who are physically strong even without Magi interference
A: Yoshioka Tomoha from Makuhari Girls' High School of Science and Technology, or Suzuki Chinami from Odaiba. known for their great physical prowess, there've been anecdotes of them flinging even Small-class Huges about in combat |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | LGヴィーンゴールヴは普段、主将の明伽様抜きで出動しているのでしょうか?
Q: does LG Vingólf usually function without the Commander Yamazaki Meika
A: indeed. while Meika's recovery is expected soon, for now the legion is in the hands of the Vice Commander-Yanagisawa Ayako and the Command Tower-Arakawa Hitomi. originally they have more than 9 members anyway, so they carry out operations normally even without Meika |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | 崩壊したガーデンのリリィが他のガーデンに身を寄せる場合、転入という形をとるのでしょうか? あるいは旧所属を名乗りつづけるのでしょうか?
ちなみに境遇が似ている明伽様とは意気投合し現在ルームメイトですよ。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: for Liliies of fallen gardens who have sought refuge in other places, will they be considered as entering the haven garden, or will they continue bearing the name of their old school
A: they'll become students of the sheltering school. one such example is Kurumatani Keine (3rd year), who was injured in the Koshu Evacuation and had to repeat one year for recovery, but still continues on as a Lily and formed LG Geiravor. because of this same situation (repeating a year because of injuries), she became close with Yamazaki Meika, and is her roommate |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | ということは中等部編入組でオルトリンデ代行してる祀様って結構すごい?
Q: in other words, Matsuri who entered in the junior high school level is pretty amazing for being able to reach the Ortlinde seat?
A: well technically, those who enter from the junior high school level is still considered as Yurigaoka-grown. however make no mistake, those who managed to be selected in this grade are all excellent and outstanding talents nominated picked by Yurigaoka's administration themselves. only those who were selected could even enter the admission judgement stage, so Matsuri herself is very amazing nonetheless |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはオルトリンデ目指したいですか?
^^;私は週刊リリィ新聞主筆二川二水として頑張りたいです^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: does Fumi want to become the Ortlinde, then
A: no. political schemes and strives are a tough thing, so the Ortlinde position is not her target. she'll just stay the chief editor of the ~~Yurigaoka Bunshun~~ Weekly Lily Newspaper |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: even among the Three Princesses expected to become prospective Student council members, Sakua shows no interest in the position, while Sayu defied her path of ascension herself (TL: because of Chihana?). that means Shizu is the only one left. so outside of the Three Princesses, are there any potential Student council candidates
A: for first-years, there are Ichi, Watsuki, Shiori and Monica who are seen as potential candidtes |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: how about second-year Lilies expected to take seats in the Student council
A: there are more candidates in the second year, since many of them earned honors on the battlefield. examples include members of the 1st-gen Alfheim and/or veterans in the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive, so many of them are considered to be worthy of the three Council presidents, or at least primary positions in the council |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | 幼少期からリリィオタクの二水ちゃん、中等部で公開セレクションが行われない理由を教えて下さい。
Q: Yurigaoka has open admission exams (where anyone with +50 skiller value can participate, regardless of nomination) for the kindergarten, primary and high school levels, but not junior high school. why is that
A: the junior high school level of Yurigaoka is where the education results from the primary school level is consolidated and concluded in actual combat - the first real battles that Yurigaoka Lilies would experience. therefore, the Lilies that enter at this stage must have some sort of assurance for their combat prowess so they can fight alongside those who have been studying from before them, and that's why only outstanding girls are invited. |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | ' 単に育成しきれなかった才能を手っ取り早く集めているのでは?という一部のリリィオタクの穿った見方も存在はします。中等部編入組の百合ヶ丘リリィは例外なく名手に成長してますので...... #アサルトリリィ |
This, however, is just the explanation provided by the school itself. Some Lily otakus critically viewed this as just Yurigaoka gathering unripe talents before anyone else could - this is proven by the fact that all Lilies entering from the junior high school level grew up to be prominent experts, without exception. | Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | 看護学校から派生したような、戦場での救護活動やマギ関連の医療を中心に学ぶようなガーデンは存在しないのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there any gardens that developed from nursing schools, and focus on educating battlefield paramedic and Magi-related medicine.
A: Kokura Municipality Girls' Medical High school, which greatly contributed in the liberation of Kyushu, is close to such a description |
Hắc |
May 7, 2021 | ヒュージの撃墜王などの戦績はございますか!? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね「リリィスタッツ」や「戦譜」とか呼ばれるデータとして管理されてます。↓で一度少しだけお話してます。 #ラスバレ のストーリーにもちょっとだけ出てきてます^^ |
Q: any combat titles for Lilies, such as Huge Slaughter Aces
A: well, such data are recorded and managed in Lily Stats and battle records |
Hắc |
May 9, 2021 | ' ギリギリのところに強いパスを出すのは御台場のリリィの特徴ですね #アサルト舞台TFG #アサルトリリィ |
it is a specialty of Odaiba Lilies to do a strong pass when the Magi sphere is at its limit | Hắc |
May 9, 2021 | ' ロネスネスの通常パス回しは殆どダイレクトで繋ぎますから超速いです。 #アサルト舞台TFG #アサルトリリィ |
Hronesness' usual passes are direct passes, so it's extremely fast | Hắc |
May 9, 2021 | ' 御前のこれはデュエル年代のリリィの戦い方ですね。 #アサルト舞台TFG #アサルトリリィ |
Gozen's combat style is that of the Duelist generation | Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | ゲヘナに穏健派っているのかな?
Q: Are there any conscientious factions in GEHENA
A: Yes. One famous example of conscientious GEHENA labs is the one in Irma Girls' High School of Fine Arts. They focus on researching techniques in purifying negative Magi accumulating in Lilies, and are opposed to unjustified enhancement operations. Even against Lilies who wish to be enhanced themselves, Irma's lab warns them of the accompanied risk of such a choice. |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | ブーステッドスキルの『エンハンスメント』ってどんな効果を持つんでしょうか
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what is the effect of the Boosted skill "Enhancement"
A: for a few seconds, it promotes the Sub-skills of a Lily into Rare skills |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | 甲斐聖山のマギクリスタル上限解放は、甲斐聖山の生徒なら誰でも使えるものですか?
Q: About Kaiseizan's Magi Crystal Limit Break technique, is it usable by everyone in that school.
A: While technically it is taught to everyone in Kaiseizan, effectively applying it requires practice. As such, the garden won't grant permission to use Magi Crystal Limit Break to those who have yet to attain a certain degree of proficiency with it. Additionally, similar to the Divine Possession technique of Sakuranomori, this skill puts a heavy strain on the user, so Lilies are instructed to not abuse it. |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | 相模女子を5大ガーデンに引き上げたという生徒会長の立花梨絵乃さんってどんなリリィなのでしょうか。なにか新しい情報ありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: About Tachibana Rieno, the Student council president of Sagami Girls' High School who carried the garden's rating with her sheer effort, allowing the school to rank alongside the other 4 major gardens of Kamakura. What kind of person is she.
A: A very scary person, she seems. Short in height, but she's a calm and composed beauty with a cold stare, enough to scare Yui-paisen into obeying her. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: What happened to Riri's friend in the Koshu Evacuation
A: she managed to evacuate safely |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
安藤鶴紗さんはドーナッツを食べる時食欲旺盛になってる印象があるんですが普段から食欲旺盛だったりしますか…? |
Q: does Tazusa normally eat a lot, like how she double-wield donuts in the anime
A: yes, because of the energy and biomass demand of Regenerator |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | 強化スキルマギリフレクター持ちのリリィはどういった戦い方が出来るようになるのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What kind of tactical options are available to Boosted Lilies with the Magi Reflector skill
A: They can deflect Huges' attacks to close the distance to melee range and strike. As for application in the Neunwelt tactic, they can bait a Huge into attacking before reflecting it, meanwhile receiving the last pass and ramming the gay ball into the Huge as the finish shot. It's an extremely powerful skill. |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
以前、御前のスタイルをデュエル世代の戦い方と言ってましたが出江さんなどのデュエル世代も複数人のリリィを相手に圧倒できるのでしょうか? |
Q: Gozen is said to fight in the style of the Duelist generation, so can Lilies of this generation like Shinobu also fight against and overwhelm multiple Lilies at once.
A: While normally combat is not expected to be carried out between Lilies (even for the Duelist generation), nevertheless their style is constructed upon the notion of fighting against many enemies by themselves alone - one-versus-many. This entails constantly staying on the move, and only focusing on one target at a time when attacking. |
Hắc |
May 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
楪様の靴下の長さが左右で違うのはオシャレなのでしょうか |
Q: is it Yuzuriha's fashion style that resulted in her having different sock lengths
A: ~~it's because she's a member of the Ten-go fleet~~ it's her style. Chemir from St. Mercury also copies this style, as she's Yuzuriha's fan. |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | 性格が荒いヤンキーな方面で有名なリリィってどういった方がおられますでしょうか?
多分、百合ヶ丘ならそういった性分を叩き直されそうな気がします #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies who are famous for delinquent-like aggressive personalities
A: Sagami girls |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | @assault_lily
舞台の話題にでてきた『下北遠征』とは何のことなのですか? |
Q: what's the Shimokitazawa Expedition mentioned in TFG
A: it was the battle that became the centerpiece of LoG |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | 祀様と澤瀉布ちゃんはどこでお知り合いになったんですか?
Q: how did Matsuri meet Omodaka Tae (Hijiribashi University Affiliated High School)
A: Originally Sakurai Hazuki in LG Eir of Matsuri's came from Hijiribashi University's Affiliated Junior High School, alongside Tae. While both of them promised to apply for Yurigaoka together in high school, Tae's injury in the examination cost her the admission, so she continued with Hijiribashi. Still, she came to visit Hazuki nonetheless, and this is when she met Matsuri |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | エレンスゲの校風に耐えられなくて他のガーデンに転校したリリィはいますか?ガーデン間の移籍は普通にあるのかな? #教えて二水ちゃん エレンスゲに行くリリィは結構戦う気持ちを優先する子が多いので校風に耐えられなくて辞める子は少ないかもですね。むしろ格上のガーデンにいってもっとレベルの高い戦いを!って感じで転校する人は居ます。ガーデン間の移籍もそこまで珍しくは無いですよ。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there any Lilies who entered Herensuge, but could not withstand the strict school culture and had to move away. also, are transfers between schools a common thing
A: Quite the contrary - being able to enter Herensuge means that such Lilies are already brimming with the determination to fight, so it's very rare to see them transferring away from the school due to not being able to withstand it. In fact, those that do transfer away to higher-ranking schools claim that the combat there is not intense enough, and they leave yet again. As a whole, transfers between gardens is not a rare thing. |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | @assault_lily #教えて二水ちゃん
質問なのですが、百合ケ丘で1人の生徒が2人のシルト、またはシュッツエンゲルを作ることは出来ますか? |
Q: in Yurigaoka, can a Lily have multiple Schilds or Schutzengels
A: In principle, the Oath of Schutzengel is a one-to-one pact. Technically speaking, it is possible for a girl to find a new Schutzengel if her current one is two years older than her and graduates, but such an occurrence is very rare |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | 船田姉妹は幼少期からガーデンで育てられていたそうですが、小さい頃から口調はあんな感じのお嬢様口調だったのでしょうか?
そもそも御台場女子自体が所謂お嬢様が多く在籍するお嬢様校だったりするのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: The Funada sisters were raised in Odaiba, but have they always been speaking in the tone of ojou-samas like that since their childhood, or were they trained into it by their school. Actually, is Odaiba an ojou-sama school even
A: Odaiba is an ojou-sama school, so they were trained into such a speaking style. Thanks to that Kiito speaks like how she does today, as in her childhood she was a very timid girl not unlike Kusumi's |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | アンブロシアに入学したという、月岡椛様の妹さんについて教えて下さい!!!
Q: info on Momiji's younger sister who entered Ambrosia
A: Tsukioka Chino. A quiet girl emanating a fearsome aura. She fights with a Duelist-like style, emphasizing on front line skirmishing. |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | マディックを志す者はシエルリントかエレンスゲのどちらかの門を叩くのが一般的なのでしょうか?その二校から選択する場合、マディックの立場から見てどのような違いがありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Would girls aspiring to become Madecs come to Sielulintu or Herensuge by default to fulfill their dreams. From the viewpoint of a prospective Madec, how are they different
A: Schools employing Madecs include Sielulintu, Herensuge, Sagami and Odaiba, so those who aim to become Madecs would go there. The point of attention when selecting school is the school style, affected by the commanding Garden. For example, in the case of Odaiba, its Madec Academy adopts a spartan, military-styled training regime. |
Hắc |
May 11, 2021 | ' シエルリントですとやはり中二病じゃなくて、ちょっとかっこいい感じの世界観に浸れますのでそういうのが好きな方がここを選びますね。エレンスゲのマディックを選ぶ人はどんなことをしてでもリリィになりたい!って気持ちが強い人ですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Meanwhile, Sielulintu is for those who want to work with a world setting that's baddass and cool ~~but not chuuni~~ (TL: how can that be not chuuni??? just look at Miaki). On the other hand, Herensuge is for those who embrace a burning desire to become Lilies, no matter the cost. | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any Lilies worthy of the nickname "ferocious hound"
A: Mayuri before being elected as Siegrune would maul to death anyone with conflicting philosophies with her, be it upperclassmen or not, so some called her the "Ferocious hound". Also, this was the nickname carried by Yoshizaka Sanagi-sensei during her time as a Lily. Uh oh, something has caught wind of Foomy and is creeping up on her |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is the maintenance of Hitotsuyanagi Squad’s Charm handled by Miriam and Moyu oneesama?
A: Yes. Basically, when a Legion got Arsenal member, that Arsenal will handle the Legion’s Charm maintenance. Moyu also helps sometimes. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | そういえば甲州撤退戦ってどこのヒュージネストから出て来たヒュージが主力だったのでしょうか?山梨は海なし県ですが、富士五湖あたりにもヒュージネストがあったりするとか…? #教えて二水ちゃん 詳しくはまた別の機会にお話ししますが仰る通りこの時は富士五湖にケイブが発生、そのままネスト化しようとしていました。あまりにネスト化のスピードが速く途中から撤退戦に移行したのです。この戦いは現在の百合ヶ丘の2,3年生にとっては苦い思い出でもあります #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Where did the Huge from Koushu Retreat came from? It’s not like there’s sea in Yamanashi. Is there Nest in the Fuji five lakes?
A: Details are for another time, but yes, Cave appeared in the Fuji five lakes and grow into a Nest. Because the evolution into a Nest happens too fast, the strategy is changed into a retreat midway. This has been a bitter memory for the current 2nd and 3rd year of Yurigaoka. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
charmのカスタマイズってメーカーとかの許可とかいるんでしょうか?また改造に資格みたいなの必要だったりするんでしょうか? |
Q: Do you need permission from the maker to modify Charm? And is there any license needed?
A: You don’t need any permission to customise and make parts change according to personal specification. These are usually done by Arsenals. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヘルヴォルの千香瑠様は百合ヶ丘の次期獲得者リストに載ったり、他校の方からも評価されており、かなりの実力者だと言うことがわかりますが、なぜ序列が低いのですか? |
Q: Chikaru is in Yurigaoka’s target list, and she also gets appreciated by other school. So why is her rank so low?
A: That’s a mystery isn’t it. But in Gardens using Top Legion system, their instructors usually got their own standard that is independent from external opinion. Chikaru got a special situation surrounding her, but if she had accepted Ena’s invitation, she could have become one of Alfheim’s members. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | シエルリントには厨二病、もといカッコイイ世界観にはあまり浸らないリリィも居るのでしょうか?
Q: Is there any Lily from Sielulintu who doesn’t share their ~~chuunibyou~~ cool and badass way of seeing the world ?
A: No. Even since the entrance, they’re already so done as to hide their true name and use alias based on flower of minerals. People who doesn’t like that kind of thing wouldn’t be there in the first place. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィオタク的観点から見て『このリリィはこのガーデンに入ったらもっと活躍できていたのに!』って思うリリィはいたりしますか? |
Q: Is there any Lily whom Lily otaku thought would have achieved more if they went to another Garden?
A: Other Lily otaku also said, if Omodaka Tae had entered Yurigaoka, she would unmistakably be in LG Eir. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | 聖橋大学附属女子高等学校はGEHENAに"一応"中立の立場を取っているとのことですが、"一応"とはどうして"一応"なのですか?
この一応というのは私の評価です。聖橋に関しては黒いうわさがあるので表向きは中立なんですがGEHENAとつながってるんじゃないかとかいろいろ言われてるのです。でも所属リリィに強化リリィは多くないです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Hijiribashi is “more or less” neutral towards Gehena. Could you be more specific about that “more or less” ?
A: That is Fumi’s personal assessment. There are dark rumours about Hijiribashi. Publicly they are neutral, but many question if they are connected to Gehena. Yet, they don’t have many Boosted Lily among their ranks. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | アーセナルとして活躍した生徒は卒業後もやはり、charmメーカーに就職したりする事が多いのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Are the Arsenals usually also go to work in Charm makers after they graduate?
A: Yes. Many Arsenals continue to work in Charm makers. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | 鉱石や宝石が好きなリリィはいますか?
Q: Is there any Lily who likes minerals and gems?
A: Riri likes crystals. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | 舞台では初様と純様が、ラスバレでは叶星様と高嶺様がそれぞれ息ピッタリの超高速の連携をしていましたが、他にそのお2組レベルの精度とスピードで連携ができる2人って誰かいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Are there any other pair with same combination play speed as Kiito and Ui or Kanaho and Takane?
A: In Yurigaoka, those with special bond, such as Schutzengel or roommate pairs are usually like that. For example, Soraha and Ena, or Sayu and Chihana. (Fumi mistaken the kanji) |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | ラスバレやっててふと思ったのですが、ヘルヴォルのエレンスゲオーダーの制服で、恋花さまだけ中のシャツが白いのはなぜでしょ?お洒落番長だから?
恋花様曰く人と違うことはお洒落の基本らしいです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: From Last Bullet. Why is Renka the only one with white shirt for her Herensuge Order uniform? Because she’s the fashionista?
A: Yes, for fashion. She said the basic of being fashionable is to be different. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ケ丘最大の矛はアールヴヘイムだと思いますが、盾として活躍しそうなレギオンはどこでしょうか? 解答可能な範囲で理由も含めて教えてください! |
Q: Alfheim is Yurigaoka’s sword. Which Legion is Yurigaoka’s shield?
A: LG Schwertleite is Yurigaoka’s last line of defence. Basically they wouldn’t leave the assigned defence territory, but recently they have started to also deploy into location where they can return within 1 day, like Odaiba’s LG Coast Guard. Their vice captain, Tada Shiera, is famous. |
rluka |
May 12, 2021 | ' 多田紫恵楽様はLGシュヴェルトライテの副長。強化リリィ出身でレアスキルは円環の御手、特別にマギに順応しやすい血を持ちそれ故にGEHENAに囚われていた方です。御台場迎撃戦では第3部隊でジョーカーとして活躍しました。依奈様と仲が良いです。詳細はどこかで改めて^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Tada Shiera, the vice captain of Schwertleite is a Boosted Lily. Her rare skill is Circlet Breath. She was captured by Gehena because she has blood that easily adapt to Magi. She was the joker in Odaiba Counteroffensive 3rd squad.
She is close to Ena. More information will be revealed another day. |
rluka |
May 13, 2021 | 戸田・エウラリア・琴陽さんはレギオンには所属していませんが、二水ちゃんから見て彼女に合いそうなポジションはどこだと思いますか?
Q: While Kotohi isn't in any legions, if she was in one then which position would fit her the most
A: Front-leaning TZ. There's no way her tremendous attack power should be wasted, so she fits the most to the position of AZ-oriented TZ |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
オルトリンデ代理として祀様が選ばれたのにはどのような理由があるのでしょうか |
Q: What was the reason for Matsuri's selection as the acting Ortlinde
A: All of the 3 Student council presidents have a pre-determined acting position to become their backup should something happen. For the Ortlinde, the backup role is given to the President of the Class Representatives Assembly, which is handled by Matsuri. It's a proper reason for her election in place of Meika |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんの誕生日いつですか?
Q: Hibahiba's birthday
A: July 7th |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | 汐里ちゃんのレギオンルーム改装って何か進展ありましたか?
Q: any news on LG Reginleif's legion room decoration news
A: in order to match the room's thematic color, they've bought black keyboards. seems expensive |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | GEHENAをぶっ潰すみたいな反GEHENA派みたいな方々はいらっしゃるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 百合ケ丘女学院は割と反GEHENAのガーデンとしては有名ですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there anyone who are so anti-GEHENA that they're hellbent on annihilating them
A: Yurigaoka is known as a famous anti-GEHENA garden |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | 目玉焼きの塩コショウやソース、醤油みたいな感じで
Q: are there any Lilies who are very picky about food dressings
A: Aoi. |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | レギオン間の交流のお茶会などはあったりしますか?
Q: are there anything like a friendly tea party between legions
A: yes. legions that are allied together often hold tea parties (images: Alfheim, Reginleif, Lohengrin) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: in ep 8 of the anime Hijiri wears a different hair ornament compared to what she usually uses, so does she frequently change what ornament to use between normal and combat situations
A: Hijiri's hair ornaments are her trademark items, and she frequently changes them depending on her mood and fortune of the day. Though when she gets serious, she'll use the one Shiori made for her |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | 伊東閑さんの未出の情報を…なにか…教えて下さい(血涙)
Q: any info about Shizu pls, I'm crying tears of blood
A: for a time she was Chihana's Schild candidate i.e. being Sayu's rival. though Foomy thinks that Shizu is closer to Chihana in terms of style of power |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any upper limits to sub skill acquisitions
A: it's not known if Hasebe Touka's 7 subskills is the maximum limit or not |
Hắc |
May 13, 2021 | 乃子さんの未出情報を何か教えて下さい!!(血反吐)
Q: any info about Kenmochi Noriko pls, I'm horfing up blood
A: She firmly believes that people who are isolated or are facing adverse situations should be given a helping hand. It was this belief that moved her to help out Kusumi when she conflicted with Ichi in her time in junior high school, and even now she still maintains contact with her |
Hắc |
May 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィには様々なタイプのリリィがいますが、退却戦を得意とするリリィもいるのでしょうか?いるなら詳細聞きたいです! |
Q: There are many kind of Lily, but are there any who are expert in retreats ?
A: From Yurigaoka there’s Takegoshi Chihana who completed the Koushu Retreat. From Odaiba there’s Hishida Haru who delayed the countless Huge attack in order to evacuate civilians during the Odaiba Counteroffensive. To begin with, a retreat plan would demand a Lily who are excellent in war. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | リリィの勉学の実力と実技の実力はある程度比例するものですか?
Q: Are the academic and practical techniques proportionally related among Lilies?
A: Academic ability and fighting ability are not related. But Neunwelt tactic, Tactical comprehension, Position task management, Magi and magic comprehension, requires learning. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | レアスキル【ルナティックトランサー】の狂乱は、リリィごとに違いがあるのでしょうか?
Q: Is there a difference of berserk state between Lunatic Trancer users? Or is Yuyu’s berserk state the common kind?
A: It depend on the individual. But usually, they lost their mind and won’t care about their surrounding. Yuyu’s quite wild, but if they can control it well, it will just be like in an excited state. Funada sisters can expertly control their LT state. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | レギンレイヴのもうひとりのファンタズム持ち、新家和香様についてなにかお話できることはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 和香様は現レギンレイヴ、初代アールヴヘイムにも所属していた方で、スピードはあまり無いですが超パワー型のリリィです。ファンタズムを持ち超華麗な戦い方をします。おっとりした方ですこーしだけ太りやすい体質でいつもダイエットをしてますね^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: More info on Niinomi Nodoka the other Phantasm user in Reginleiv please.
A: Nodoka used to be in the 1st Alfheim before Reginleiv. She’s doesn’t have much speed and is more of a power type. She has a very beautiful fighting style as Phantasm user. An easygoing character. She gets fatter around the hips easily, so she is always in diet. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | 祀様の戦闘スタイルや実力などが知りたいです...!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Tell me about Matsuri’s style and ability.
A: Matsuri is duel-based all-rounder Lily. Despite having battle oriented Zenon Paradox skill, she stay in the BZ and boost up the legion’s overall strength. Yet, she can also move to AZ to perform finish shot. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天葉様はよく夜食にハンバーグを作ってもらっているそうですが、一体何個ぐらい食べていらっしゃるのでしょうか? |
Q: Soraha often had Kusumi cook hamburger steak for her supper. How much exactly did she ate?
A: two portion of regular size, but she also ate them with rice. Why she doesn’t get fat is a mystery. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ゼノンパラドキサ持ちは腹黒って噂は本当ですか? |
Q: Is the rumour true that Zenon Paradox users are black-hearted?
A: Ah… well, we don’t know about that! (that’s close) |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | ゼノンパラドキサみたいに「このレアスキルを持ってる人はこういう人が多いなぁ」みたいな傾向って他にもありますか?
Q: Is there any other stereotype based on skill?
A: Most Regista users has image of steady and logical character. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | 今世間ではお馬さんが流行ってますが二水ちゃんイチオシのお馬さんはいますか?
Don’t understand Uma Musume.
But Fumi-chan’s favourite is Fuu-chan |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
一柳隊で魅せ技の使用率高いのって誰ですか?やっぱり楓さんかな? |
Q: Who is the person who used most show-off techniques in Hitotsuyanagi Squad? Kaede?
A: Kaede. And Charm flip technique which are the base of such moves are learned by all Lily who grows up in Yurigaoka, so Yuyu or Mai also sometimes do such kind of moves naturally, and it looks really cool. |
rluka |
May 14, 2021 | 眞悠理さんはホラーが得意な方(?)らしいですが、ルームメイトの乃子さんはホラーは大丈夫な方ですか?
Q: Mayuri likes horror stuffs. But how about her roommate Noriko?
A: She totally hates it. |
rluka |
May 15, 2021 | レギオンに欠員(怪我や病欠等)が出た時は一時的に他レギオンやフリーのリリィをレンタル移籍の様にして補充したりするんですか?
Q: How would legions respond to times of having vacant slots (due to injuries etc). Will they temporarily borrow freelance Lilies or those from other legions.
A: Basically yes. When positions in the legion's main lineup become vacant, then they normally are filled by freelancers or Lilies from allied legions. Or the legion simply can cease sorties until the vacant members recover and make a return. This is why major legions have more than 9 members, in order to cover for situations like this. |
Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | ' レギオンの所属人数というのはとても重要な要素です。特に強豪レギオンは1戦だけ勝てばいいだけではなく連戦が前提です。外征ともなれば援軍も期待できないこともありますのでヘッドライナーだけでネスト討滅は難しいため9名以上メンバーを抱えるが普通です #アサルトリリィ |
In forming a legion, the number of members is a very important element. This is especially true for major legions, which assumes continuous engagements beyond just single battles. Their missions include expeditions, in which reinforcements shouldn't be expected, so in order to prepare for the most difficult of tasks such as destroying nests (an insurmountable objective with only a 9-person main formation), they normally would have sub-members in addition to the main 9 | Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | ' レギオン格付けもS以上とAAAの差はレギオン総所属メンバー数(スカッドって呼ばれます)が一番重要視されていると言われてますね。もともと格付け自体が外征任務の受託基準として生まれたものなのでこの辺は信ぴょう性が高いです #アサルトリリィ |
Furthermore, the most significant contributor to the gap between legions of rank AAA and S (and beyond) is the member count. The ranking system was created as a standard for granting permissions into expeditions, so in this aspect it is very credible. | Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘で1番人数の多いのはどのレギオンですか?
Q: which legion has the highest member count in Yurigaoka
A: LG Reginleif a.k.a. Wednesday Afternoon Tea Party legion, 18 members |
Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | 二水ちゃんが「今はAとかそれより下だけど、将来的にS以上になりそうだなぁ」と個人的に見込んでいるレギオンはありますか?
Q: any legions that Foomy sees a potential to develop from their current sub-A ranking to S and higher
A: LG Hackelberg of Irma Girls' High School of Fine Arts. It's only a matter of time before they ascend from AAA to S, thanks to their extremely aggressive and enchanting way in carrying out the Neunwelt tactic. Also LG Sekkadan (?) of Hijiribashi University's Affiliated High School is gathering attention for their promising growth |
Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | LGブリュンヒルデラインは過去に楓さんと亜羅椰ちゃんの獲得に失敗しているそうですがこの2人が加入していたら百合ケ丘トップクラスのレギオンになっていた可能性はありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: LG Brynhildr Line had failed to acquire Kaede and Araya in the past, but had these two joined, then would the legion have been in the top class among Yurigaoka's legions.
A: LG Brynhildr Line is already ranked SS as-is, so with Kaede and Araya maybe they would've risen to SSS |
Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | @assault_lily 回答ありがとうございます! 可能であれば追加で教えていただきたいのですが、聖橋は不戦のガーデンと言われてますが、外征などの戦闘の成績以外で格付けが上がるということはあるのでしょうか? 所属リリィの質や戦術の練度などの評価でも上がりますがそれを判断するのが外征結果なのでやはり戦わないと上がりにくいですね。聖橋の雪花団は小さい規模ですが外征に多く出てるのとこの3名が中々の強者なので評価がついてます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Hijiribashi is known as the garden that doesn't engage in combat, so are there any ways that legion rankings could rise outside of achievements in expeditions
A: Legion ranking is also affected by its Lilies' qualities and their strategic proficiency, however such parameters are qualitated by expedition results, so it's hard to improve ranking without engaging in combat. Nevertheless, despite being small Sekkadan frequently engages in expeditions, and three of their members (Iwashita Kiriko, Omodaka Tae, Kuki Nuyuna) are regarded highly |
Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | 中等部にも同様のレギオン格付けがあるんですか?
Q: Does a legion ranking system exist for the junior high school level as well
A: Yes, it's called the "Junior High School Reserve Squad Ranking". However, this ranking is done only once per academic year, so there are only 3 chances for a legion (officially speaking, "reserve squad") to be rated. If a member is injured, then that member would be excluded from rating, and this was how Yurigaoka's junior high school squad last year got their position taken by St. Mercury |
Hắc |
May 15, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘以外のガーデンで格付けSSSのレギオンはありますか?
Q: are there any SSS legions outside of Yurigaoka
A: Yes. Officially announced legions include St. Mercury's 1st Air Cavalry Division "Michael" and 5th Cavalry Division "Raguel". Odaiba's Heorot Saints is also rumored to ascend to SSS in the next ranking assessment. |
Hắc |
May 16, 2021 | 藍ちゃんや来夢ちゃんの様な産まれながらの強化リリィと
鶴紗やことぴの様な途中からの強化リリィ 産まれながらの方がより人間から離れてしまっているのかあるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Between the Boosted Lily from birth like Ran and Raimu, or those who became Boosted Lily later in their life like Tazusa and Kotohi. Is it true that those who are born as Boosted Lily are more unlike normal people?
A: Boosted Lily from birth are very rare, so we don’t know much about them. But their special characteristic is, they are not attacked by “normal” Huge |
rluka |
May 16, 2021 | リリィトピックスはワールドリリィグラフィックと比べたらとっつきやすい雑誌だそうですが、どのような雑誌なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lily Topics sounds like a more easy-reading than World Lily Graphics. What kind of magazine is it?
A: Lily Topics are more casual magazine than World Lily Graphics. For example, they once published gravure edition such as “Yuzuriha Style Special Compilation”. Meanwhile, World Lily Graphic cover topics such as tactics and latest training. |
rluka |
May 16, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
天葉様は夜食にハンバーグ2つとご飯を平らげてるそうですが、晩御飯もガッツリ食べてるんですか。 |
Q: Soraha ate two portion of hamburger for supper. Did she also eat a lot for dinner?
A: Not only that, Fumi think she ate more than anyone else. |
rluka |
May 16, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘三役には代行があらかじめ決まっているとのことですが、ブリュンヒルデ代行とジーグルーネ代行は誰なのか教えてください。 #教えて二水ちゃん 正確には有事に代行となる役職が決まってる感じなんです。ブリュンヒルデはブリュンヒルデライン副将(現在は中村翼芽様)ジーグルーネは百合ヶ丘女学院道徳勉強会主宰のヴァール職(現職は吉田鳳蝶様)が務めることとなってます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: More information of the acting position for Brynhildr and Sigrun
A: For Brunhild, there’s the vice captain of Brynhildr Line (currently held by Nakamura Tsubame). For Sigrun, it is held by the Var, secretary of the Yurigaoka Moral Study Council (currently held by Yoshida Ageha) |
rluka |
May 16, 2021 | 先程出てきた「ヴァール」について教えて下さい!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: More about that Var.
A: Yurigaoka Moral Study Council is like a study salon about the correct way of being a Yurigaoka Lily. The secretary is called Var. Sigrun are usually chosen from member of this group. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Because Sigrun usually are from this council, of course they got good relationship.
The council’s study theme revolves around things such as what is the values of righteousness for a Yurigaoka’s Lily, especially on how to engage in battle, or decisions to be made in extreme situation, rather than heavy topic such as rules for daily life. Although, of course they might also discuss about such thing. |
rluka |
May 16, 2021 | 有事の際の代行という話でしたがブリュンヒルデラインが戦闘中の際にはブリュンヒルデの代行の代行がたったりするんですか?
Q: As for Brynhildr, is there any more fallback position when Brynhildr Line is out on sortie?
A: Brynhildr Line mostly operates within the nationally designated defence perimeter so such thing doesn’t happen often. But when Brynhildr Line is out on sortie, then the acting commander is held by the captain or vice captain of LG Schwertleite |
rluka |
May 16, 2021 | 琶月さんはたけのこ派ですか?きのこ派ですか?
#アサルトリリィ |
Goddess Shiori is bamboo shoot faction, so of course Watsuki goes with her. | rluka |
May 16, 2021 | 新聞部の妻木奈摘様とお話したことはありますか?新聞部部長として週刊リリィ新聞についてどう思ってらっしゃるのか気になります! #教えて二水ちゃん ありますよ。ジャーナリズムに携わる者として共に頑張りましょうと激励されました^^リリィ新聞もすべて読んでくれているそうです!とても素敵な方ですよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Fumi ever talked with Tsumaki Natsumi, the head of Newspaper Club? What is her thought about Weekly Lily Newspaper?
A: Of course. Both of them encourage each other as fellow journalist. She also read all edition of Weekly Lily Newspaper. |
rluka |
May 17, 2021 | 渚さんはなぜヘイムスクリングラの制服を着るのですか?
Q: why does Nagisa wear Heimskringla uniform (apparently OP doesn't know about her history)
A: It's because Nagisa studied at Heimskringla. It is one among Europe's highest ranking gardens, an extremely prestigious school on the same magnitude as Yurigaoka. It was the school that Yujia went too before she came to Yurigaoka, and even now her sisters Ruixi and Lifen still continues fighting there. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any info about the 4 sub-members of Sanngriðr
A: Tetsukawa Toa (鉄川兎愛), 1st year. A Phase Transcendence user with high offensive utility, she can fight in both the centerline or sides of the AZ or TZ areas. Like Araya, she's also dangerous around cute girls |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 柳都女学館に強化リリィっているんですか!?#教えて二水ちゃん LGウズ隊長の今泉吏園(いまいずみ・りおん)様が強化リリィですね。彼女は水晶様の親友です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there any Enhanced Lilies in Ryuuto
A: Commander of LG Uðr, Ima'izumi Rion (今泉吏園). A very close friend of Miki |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 茨城最強と呼ばれる那賀大串女学園ですが、那賀大串女学園のリリィ達の基本的な戦闘スタイルってどんな感じなのでしょうか?
Q: what's the primary combat style adopted by Naga Ookushi Girls' Academy, the top garden of Ibaraki Prefecture.
A: Naga Ookushi's Lilies adopt a style similar to Odaiba's, valuing martial prowess. While they're not as hot-headed as Odaiba itself, they focus on Neunwelt methods based on Dueling techniques. |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 格付けSSSのレギオンとSSのレギオンの明確な違いって何かありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 評価基準は明確にされていませんがリリィオタクの中では、いわゆる交代枠のリリィ含めた全所属リリィ(スカッドといいます)のレベルがSSSとSSの差ではないかと推測されてます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what's the clearest difference between SSS and SS-ranked legions
A: while the ranking criteria are not clearly stated, Lily otakus predict that the difference lies in the quality of the entire legion's Lilies, including reserves |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | シュッツエンゲルの契りを破棄されることってやっぱり珍しい事なんですかね。
(question by the leader of the Hibafumi compilation doujin project)
Q: has Fumi ever heard of rumors related to girls cancelling their Schutzengel Oath. in a place full of teenage girls, obviously such cases would quickly spread into malicious rumors.... A: no, it really is a rare case |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | レギオン格付けが下がる要因は何ですか?
Q: what would cause the ranking of a legion to decrease? is it screwing up on expeditions and missions?
A: While indeed mission failures would cause a drop in ranking, the most significant reason is having members injured and/or retreating from front line combat. This is because the ranking system was created as a grading structure to filter legions joining in expeditions (e.g. in order to bar unskilled legions from killing themselves in hard missions), so the legion's quality in operations would in return be reflected in its rank. |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 初代アールヴヘイムの全盛期の時の格付けってどうだったのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what was 1st gen Alfheim's rank during its golden age
A: SSS, of course |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 二水さんは日羽梨さんとお話をいろいろされているそうですが、日羽梨さんにはなんと呼ばれていますか?
Q: how does Hibari call Fumi
A: "Fumi" |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 逆に最弱のレギオンの格付けはどのくらいなのでしょうか…?
(格付けが低いレギオンがあったら気になります!) #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what is the ranking for weak legions, then
A: Publicized rankings go from SSS > SS > S > AAA > AA > A. below that there exist B and C ranks, which are properly analyzed and rated, but not announced publicly outside of those concerned. As such, when an instructor gets news that a legion is ranked B, she would tell them "keep on trying a bit harder". By the way, there are no sub-A ranked legions in Yurigaoka |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | ラスバレのイベント内や舞台での一柳隊や他のレギオンが、結構な頻度でゲヘナ絡みの外征に関わっていたりしたけど、所謂、ゲヘナ過激派が裏にいる(と察せられる)であろう外征任務って、どんな位置付けになっているんだろう?
Q: 1yanagi Squad and other legions frequently deal with expeditions with relations to GEHENA. So in these missions that face off against so-called GEHENA's radical factions in the shadows, how are they ranked
A: If an expedition is revealed to be related to GEHENA's radical factions and determined to be highly dangerous through preliminary investigations, it will be handed over to Yurigaoka's special operations legion LG Rossweisse. In this case, it's a direct command from the garden, so normal legions are not sent in. It's meant to be done only by spec ops legions like Rossweisse and Sigrdrifa |
Hắc |
May 17, 2021 | 大きな戦場として日の出町の惨劇や甲州撤退戦、御台場を挙げられますが他にも大規模な戦闘やリリィの中で話されてる戦闘はありましたか? #教えて二水ちゃん リリィは各地で戦ってますので有名な戦いは色々ありますよ。現3年生世代の悲願を結実させた反攻作戦「幕張奪還戦」や御台場迎撃戦の裏側で行われた「海浜幕張掃討戦」茨城の「霞ヶ浦防衛戦」とそれに連なる「北浦ネスト討滅戦」などがありますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: When talking about major battles, the Hinode-cho Tragedy, Koshu Evacuation or Odaiba Counteroffensive come to mind. However, are there any other large-scale or much-discussed operations
A: As the war effort by Lilies are carried out everywhere, so many famous battles come with it. Examples include the counteroffensive that fulfilled the dearest wish of the 3rd-year students - Liberation of Makuhari; the battle carried out behind the glory of the Odaiba Counteroffensive that ensured its victory - Kaihin-Makuhari Sweeping Operation; Ibaraki Prefecture's Defense of Kasumigaura, followed by Kitaura Nest Extermination. |
Hắc |
October 14, 2020 | 百合ケ丘には一般的な制服以外の人もいますがそこは結構自由にできるのでしょうか?
Yujia wear self customised uniform.
Officially, you need award from defeating Gigant class for officially getting custom legion uniform. But even without that Yurigaoka is quite lenient about arranging uniforms. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 日羽梨様に「二水」と呼ばれているとのことですが、最初の頃は「二水さん」とか「二川さん」でしたか?
In the beginning, Hibari calls Fumi as “Fumi-san” | rluka |
May 18, 2021 | そういえば雨嘉さんの制服って莉芬さんと似てるんですけど(特にスカートとか)もしかして姉妹でお揃いになるようにカスタムしてます…?それともヘイムスクリングラにいた頃からこの制服……?
Q: Yujia’s uniform looks like Lifen’s, especially the skirt. Did they modify their uniform like that consciously as sister? Or it’s her uniform from Heimskringla?
A: Lifen really really really love Yujia very much, so she choose the same style. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
二水ちゃんは日羽梨様の事をなんて呼んでいますか? |
Meanwhile, Fumi calls Hibari as Hibari-sama | rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 強化リリィになるとスキラー値って上がるのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 上がりますね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does your skiller value increase from becoming Boosted Lily ?
A: Yes |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 柳都の9大レギオンの隊長って、基本的には二年生が勤めている物なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Are all the captain of Ryuuto’s 9 legions in the 2nd year?
A: Not all. For example, LG Hronn’s captain, Enomoto Komomo, is still in 1st year |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
シュッツエンゲルの契りって、実妹でも結ぶことはできますか? |
Q: Is it possible to make schutzengel vow with your real sister?
A: Of course |
rluka |
August 7, 2020 | 二水ちゃん 瑞希お姉様の情報ください!
好物は卵かけご飯。好きな観賞魚はクマノミです🐠 雨嘉さんのアクアリウム好きはお姉さんの影響なのかも~ #アサルトリリィ |
More info about Wang Ruixi
Favourite food is tamago kake gohan. Favourite decorative fish is Clark’s Anemonefish Yujia’s aquarium hobby is influenced by her sister. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 百合ケ丘の経営母体になってるのは、やはりグランギニョル社なんでしょうか?
Q: Is GranGuignol the parent company of Yurigaoka?
A: No. The current director, Takamatsu Shiera, led army during the Antarctic Battle. Yurigaoka’s management are basically run by the dozens of survivors from Antarctic Battle. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 瑞希様は雨嘉さんのことをどう思ってるんですか?
Q: What is Ruixi’s opinion about Yujia?
A: She felt responsible for not realising how Yujia is feeling pressured so much she choose to transfer to Yurigaoka. She really wished all three sisters could have fought together. |
rluka |
February 23, 2020 | ' 雨嘉さんのご両親は雨嘉さんの環境を変えることでリリィとしてのやり直しが出来るようにという配慮で百合ヶ丘への転校を勧めたのです。決して見捨てられたわけではないんです><ちなみに三女の莉芬さん(現中3)は雨嘉さんの事が大好きで百合ヶ丘への進学を望んでるそうですよ~ #アサルトリリィ |
Yujia’s parents recommended Yujia to go to Yurigaoka, with hope she can have a new start there. So it’s not because they abandoned her.
Lifen really loves Yujia, so she wants to go to Yurigaoka. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 今後静岡奪還のための外征が行われる時が来たら、鶴紗さんは参戦したいと思っているでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん たぶん参加すると思いますね。彼女は普段の態度とは違って根底は人情味のある方なのです、ご両親との思い出のある静岡を取り戻す戦いなら参加しない理由はないはずです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: If an operation to retake Shizuoka is executed, will Tazusa wants to join?
A: Perhaps. Unlike how she looks like, actually Tazusa got human side to herself. There’s no reason she wouldn’t want to join the mission to retake Shizuoka where she had memories with her parents. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 愛永・ウツソンさんとルイセ・インゲルスさんは何処で知り合ったのでしょうか?
Q: Where did Manae Utzon and Luise Ingels knew each other?
A: They are childhood friends, from Denmark |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are there other famous sisters other than the Wang sisters and Funada sisters?
A: The Alessandrini sisters from Mercurius’s Michael legion. The younger, Lemie, held a complex for her elder sister Altea. But lately their relationship had got better. |
rluka |
May 18, 2021 | 茶道を嗜むリリィはいらっしゃらないのでしょうか?
Q: Any Lily who are well versed in tea ceremony?
A: That would be Momiji or Touka |
rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' 吉田鳳蝶(よしだ・あげは)様は百合ヶ丘デュエル年代を代表するBZです。幕張奪還戦、霞ヶ浦防衛戦で活躍。茨城陥落の危機を救ったリリィの一人です。理知的な面と激情家の面を持ち合わせてます。 イラストは初公開。キャラデはほたるさんです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Yoshida Ageha
Captain of LG Herfjötur Rare skill: Heliosphere Yoshida Ageha is the BZ symbolising Yurigaoka's duel generation. She took part in Makuhari Recapture, and Kirigaura Defense. One of the Lily who saved Ibaraki from threat of falling to the Huge. Logical, and yet also has an emotional side of her. Character design by Hotaru |
rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' 鳳蝶様は百合ヶ丘女学院倫理道徳勉強会という百合ヶ丘の道徳を学ぶサロンの主宰を務めています。このサロン出身者から”風紀委員長”や”ジーグルーネ”が選出されますのでとても重要な勉強会になります。サロン主宰のことを”ヴァール様”と呼びますがこれは公職ではないです #アサルトリリィ |
Ageha is the secretary of Yurigaoka Academy Ethic and Moral Study Group. The study salon is very important as the Head of Public Discipline Enforcement and the Sigrun came from their members.
Secretary of this study salon is called Var, but this is not an official title. |
rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' 主宰であるヴァール職は不文律でジーグルーネにはなりませんが副会長的な立場で支えます。直近のジーグルーネは任期途中での辞任が多かったですが彼女はその全てを肯定します。ロザリンデ様や千華様が辞されたときにも「蔑むものは百合ヶ丘の道徳への挑戦とみなす」と発言しています #アサルトリリィ |
By unwritten rule, Sigrun can't become the Var, but they can be something like vice director. Recently, many Sigrun resigned early, but she accepted all of that.
Even when Rosalinde and Chihana resigned, she said that those who scorn [Rosalinde and Chihana] will be seen as challenging Yurigaoka's morality. |
rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' ヴァールの率いるLGヘルフィヨトゥルは最近称号化され継承レギオンとして認められました。彼女たちのレギオン制服は百合ケ丘女学院建学当時の制服を基にしたものでちょっと色合いが違っています。百合ケ丘の道徳と伝統を背負う覚悟を表現しているそうです。 #アサルトリリィ |
LG Herfjötur, the legion led by Var, recently became one of the special legion with name succession. Their uniform is based on the original uniform of Yurigaoka when it's established, so the colouring is different. This represent their determination to shoulder the tradition of Yurigaoka. | rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' 彼女の率いるLGヘルフィヨトゥルは御台場迎撃戦の裏側の戦い「海浜幕張掃討戦」を仕上げたリリィが所属する強力な隊で格付けはSSです。千華様のジーグルーネ辞任に関係するLGエイルとの関係は最悪で同戦場での展開を拒絶しております #アサルトリリィ |
Herfjötur is an SS ranked Legion who also took part in Kaihin Makuhari Sweeping Operation. Their relationship with LG Eir, who is related to the reason Chihana resigned from Sigrun position, is so terrible they refuse to be sent into the same operation. | rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' ちなみに鳳蝶様のシルトはローエングリンの境沢奈留様です。(奈留様のイラストが無くてごめんなさい><) お二人はレギオンは違いますがシュッツエンゲルの関係にあります。こういうケースも存在しますよ~ #アサルトリリィ |
By the way, Ageha's Schild is Sakaizawa Naru from LG Lohengrin.
Yes, a case where Schutzengel and Schild are in different Legion |
rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' また鳳蝶様の主宰する百合ヶ丘女学院倫理道徳勉強会は出席するのに試験があります^^;ちゃんと百合ヶ丘の歴史や道徳を学んでいるかチェックされるのです。合格すれば生え抜きでなくてもメンバーに加われます。画像は道徳会出席資格保有者です #アサルトリリィ |
To join the Yurigaoka Ethic and Moral Study Group, one must pass the test about knowledge on Yurigaoka history and morality. If they pass, even those who just joined in high school can join.
Pictured are some of the members: Ageha, Wakana, Mayuri, Watsuki |
rluka |
May 19, 2021 | ' 鳳蝶様の率いるLGヘルフィヨトゥルは百合ヶ丘のレギオンの重要事項を決定する会議「13レギオン代表会議」に代表を送り込める隊でもあります。この会議は大規模外征などを決定するものです。直近ではアールヴヘイム柳都外征の可否を話し合う時に召集されました #アサルトリリィ |
Herfjötur is also part of Yurigaoka's 13 Legions Representative Council, housing the top legions. The council decide on important issues, such as for large scale expedition. Recently, they decide on if to allow Alfheim's mission to Ryuuto. | rluka |
May 20, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ヶ丘にユーバーザイン持ちのリリィっていますか? |
Q: any Uber Sign users in Yurigaoka
A: Noda Ameri |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 弥宙さんはこの子も苦手ですか?
Q: Misora dislikes snake-like things including some of Ena's fish, but how about these (image in orig. tweet)
A: she seemingly doesn't have a problem with them |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
祀さん(もしや、元会員) |
Q: any of the following are members of the Ethics Research Society (I propose this name for formal adoption): Shenlin, Kisara, Shizu, Tokiwa, Matsuri
A: Kisara |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 種田正奈さんは、夢野花音さんが好意を寄せる汐里ちゃんに嫉妬しているそうですが、
牛田琶月さんは花音さんに嫉妬しているのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Taneda Seina ~~Risa~~ is jealous with Shiori because her friend Yumeno Kanon carries affections towards her. But how about Watsuki, is she jealous with Kanon over Shiori as well?
A: if they ever do meet, then surely a fierce competition is going to break out |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 金箱弥宙さんは依奈さんのアネクテンス(ヘビ)が苦手と聞きましたが、爬虫類全般がダメな感じですか?#教えて二水ちゃん 爬虫類全般苦手ですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: does Misora dislike all reptiles in general
A: yes |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もしかして、高等部入学組? |
Q: was Hibahiba raised from the kindergarten level in Yurigaoka, or did she join in the (junior) high school level
A: she has been in Yurigaoka since kindergarten |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | カレーが好きなリリィっていますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Lilies who like curry
A: *Kiiiiiito* |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 柳都のリリィが使っているCHARMについて、誰か1人の物でも良いので教えてください!
Q: info about CHARMs used by Ryuuto Lilies
A: Sengo Yuuna uses a unique CHARM, Dragvandil, following the Odaiba Counteroffensive. It has a characteristic shape |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは道徳会の試験を受けたことはありますか?
Q: Has Fumi ever taken the Ethics Research Society's entrance exam
A: Never, but she has visited the scene of exam once for an interview |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはリリィ新聞が道徳への挑戦であると受け取られずに済みましたか?
Q: did Fumi manage to get away with not having the Lily Newspaper seen as challenging Yurigaoka's morality
A: yes |
Hắc |
May 20, 2021 | 王雨嘉さんの姉と妹は、彼女が落ちこぼれと思ってしまうほど凄いんですか!?
Q: Are Yujia's sisters so terrifyingly amazing that even Yujia, being an expert sniper as she is, is seen as an outlier in the family.
A: It's just Yujia not having confidence in herself despite her prowess. At most, the only thing can be said is that her sisters possess highly sought-after Rare skills (Ruixi's Register, Lifen's Phantasm), while Yujia's stands out much less, so maybe that weighted down on her mind. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Ageha’s favourite food is mentaiko | rluka |
May 21, 2021 | 吉田鳳蝶さんと境沢奈留さんはLG違いのシュッツエンゲルですが、どのような経緯で親しくなったのでしょうか。
Q: How did Yoshida Ageha become schutzengel of Sakaizawa Runa even though they’re in different legions? Is it through Chihana?
A: Ageha knew her schild, Sakaizawa Runa, from the Ethics Research Society. Of course, Takegoshi Chihana is also a member. |
rluka |
May 21, 2021 | 現在のLGゲイラヴォルの隊長は車谷佳寧さんなのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん 怪我の回復を待ちリリィを続ける道を選んだことで留年した彼女ですが現在もLGゲイラヴォルの隊長を続投しています。メンバーをそれを望みましたし。甲州奪還を悲願に掲げてます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is Kurumatani Keine still the captain of LG Geiravor?
A: Yes. She choose to repeat another year while waiting for recovery. She is still the captain and this is also a wish from the legion members. |
rluka |
May 21, 2021 | リリィズアーマードキャバリアの操縦に長けているリリィとして有名な方っていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Any Lily who are famous for her skill in operating Lily Armoured Cavalier?
A: Tange Nohori and Kikutake Rinka from LG Geiravor are experts in operating LAC |
rluka |
May 21, 2021 | 当時の百合ヶ丘の中等部生でどなたかが怪我をされていたんですか?
Q: Who is the member who was injured during middle school?
A: Tachihara Sayu was injured. At that time, Shizu is mentally unstable, while Sakua had just move her education program from Phantasm to Regista. Sayu was expected as commander, but she can’t join because of her injuries. |
rluka |
May 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
例えばの話ですが、同学年とシュッツエンゲンの契りを結ぶためにわざと留年して相手と学年をずらせば制度上は可能なのでしょうか。やるかどうかは別として |
It is possible for a Lily to intentionally repeat another year to make oath between two lilies with the same age.
In this case, usually they propose to be in the same bedroom. |
rluka |
May 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
北河原伊紀ちゃんのどういうところがちょっとヤンデレなのでしょうか? |
Q: How is Kitagawa Inori yandere?
A: She stop caring about her surrounding when it involves her schutzengel Ishigami Mio. Mio has a tendency to get injured. When that happens, Inori would hunt down whatever caused it. |
rluka |
May 21, 2021 | ロザリンデ様がジーグルーネを辞任したのはなぜですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 謎と言われています。彼女の評価も高かったんですが突如辞任しています。一説にはロザリンデ様が千華様にジーグルーネ職を譲るために退いたのだともいわれてますが真相は不明ですね。ロザ様は面倒くさがりなので案外飽きただけかもですが^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Why did Rosalinde quit as Sigrun?
A: That’s a mystery. Rosalinde’s work as Sigrun is well appreciated. One of the theories are, she gives up the position to Chihana. Rosalinde is also known to get bored and don’t like to bother with troublesome works. |
rluka |
May 22, 2021 | クラウ・ソラス、リサナウト、シュガールのユニーク機はどなたが持ってますか? #教えて二水ちゃん クラウ・ソラスは御台場セインツの速水桂さん、リサナウトは那賀大串の野口志奈乃様、シュガールは開発に携わる城ヶ島のアーセナル湯川満月さんが持ってます #アサルトリリィ |
Q: who uses the unique versions of the Claíomh Solais, Risanaut and Sugaar
A: Claíomh Solais is used by Hayami Katsura, Risanaut by Noguchi Shinano (Naga Ookushi), and Sugaar by Yugawa Michizuki (?) (Jougashima) |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | 那賀大串の団塚英里彩さんってどんな方ですか?
那賀大串の2年生で御台場迎撃戦で盟友の皐絢の作戦ミスに何となく気づきながら止められず第5部隊の失態に繋がってしまいました。彼女はそのことを今も気に病んでいます。穏やかな性格で上品なお嬢様です。 非常に優秀なBZで戦術眼にも優れます。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: who is Danzuka Erisa of Naga Ookushi
A: Second year student. An elegant ojou-sama with a gentle personality, she is incredibly excellent in the BZ position, and possesses phenomenal tactical awareness. In the Odaiba Counteroffensive, she noticed the strategic blunder of her friend Sa'aya, but couldn't do anything to stop it and subsequently lead to the 5th Squadron's encirclement by ambushing Gigant-classes. Even to this day she still blames herself for not being able to prevent such a situation from happening. |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
CHARMが戦闘などで破損・大破した際には修理や交換になると思いますが、その辺りの費用は個人持ちでしょうか? |
Q: when CHARMs get damaged or destroyed in combat, is the cost for their repair/replacement paid for by the owner Lilies
A: it's covered by the garden |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is Kanaho's Claíomh Solais a mass-produced model (in contrast to Katsura's unique version)
A: It's a pre-mass production prototype. Following the very first CHARM (unique version), a few dozens more (30 in this case) were produced using higher quality parts before mass production is initiated, for the purpose of testing - data is collected by famous Lilies. Kanaho's Claíomh Solais is one among these 30. |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | 二代アールヴヘイムの岡田綺更さんはリリィとしてはどのような戦闘スタイルの方なのでしょうか?
Q: what is the combat style of 2nd gen Alfheim's Okada Kisara
A: Charging ahead solo serves as her basis, true to Duelist tradition. While she is also capable of performing the Neunwelt tactic, a significant proportion of finish shots are delivered by her. Her style in comfortably going forward to nail the shot, even from quite afar has attracted a solid basis of Lily otaku fans |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | 楓さんは百合ヶ丘の至宝と呼ばれていますが、高校編入してすぐに呼ばれ始めたのですか?
Q: was Kaede immediately called the "Treasure of Yurigaoka" right when she entered high school
A: Yes. It was a partly sarcastic name reflecting how Yurigaoka 'kidnapped' Kaede who was already famous as a Command tower during her time in St. Mercury, so the name immediately stuck to her when she entered. |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
汐里ちゃん大好きな琶月さんですが、彼女は汐里ちゃんがCHARMを破壊しがちなのを見てどういう感想を抱いているのでしょうか? |
Q: what does Watsuki think of Shiori's tendency of wrecking CHARMs
A: "nothing to break a sweat over. is it such a big deal?" |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | 生徒会側の人でしおりんのCHARM破壊癖を問題視している人って居たりしますか……?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: anyone from the student council seeing Shiori's CHARM-wrecking tendency as a problem
A: It's not seen as a big deal. In fact, many 3rd years of the Duelist generation fight like her, so they think of her as "a decent Lily despite the trend of her generation". Though, Shinobu being the general commander of all legions frequently receive complaints from the arsenals, so she has called Shiori out at times and remind her to be more considerate |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | 破損してしまったCHARMで、特に直す費用が高いCHARMはなんですか?
モンドラゴンやグラムなどですか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What are the CHARMs that are especially expensive to repair when they're wrecked. Is it Montdragon or Gram
A: Yes, especially the Gram which is quite expensive. Also Gran Guignol's CHARMs are basically costly as well |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: where would Kaede have gone if she hadn't been seized by Yurigaoka
A: maybe she would've continued onto St. Mercury's high school department, joined 1st Air Cavalry Division Michael, and fought alongside Aoi |
Hắc |
May 22, 2021 | 円環の御手の使い手と言えばルド女の幸恵様や百合ヶ丘の汐里さんがいますが他にも覚醒してる方はいらっしゃいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 居ますよ~そのほかの覚醒者の画像をはりますね。 円環の御手は”覚醒者に弱者なし”とされエースの証ともいわれます。AZやTZで活躍できるレアスキルでわかりやすく強力で所属レギオンではアタッキングの中核を担う存在となります #アサルトリリィ |
Q: aside from Sachie (Ludojo) and Shiori (Yurigaoka) being the poster girls linked with the image of Circlet Bless, are there any users of this skill
A: See images. Circlet Bless is considered to be the proof of an ace, that "there are no weak Lilies among its users". The skill is very powerful, allowing for combat in the AZ and TZ zone, so it comes as no surprise that its users carry the backbone of the offensive in their legions. |
Hắc |
May 23, 2021 | 質問です!
例えば土岐紅巴さんのようにアーセナル→リリィになる例はあるようですが、今まで何ら関わりのなかった一般人が急にリリィに覚醒することはあるんですか? 仮にあったとして、そのまま放置なのかガーデンに編入させられるのか、どういう扱いになるのか教えて下さい!
Q: There is people like Toki Kureha who switched from Arsenal to Lily. Is there also example of common people who suddenly awakened ability as Lily?
Also in that case, would they be left out or joining one of the Gardens? A: Of course. When they can fulfil the requirement, usually they will join one of the Gardens. Charm is just too expensive to acquire and maintain personally. One of the example is Tange Honori. |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | スキラー値が50を超えていてもリリィになるかどうかは本人の意思で決められるのでしょうか?それとも必ずどこかしらのガーデンに所属することになるのですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: When someone awakened enough potential to be a Lily (Skiller Value >50), does they become a Lily voluntarily or is it treated as obligation to join one of the Gardens?
A: Of course, it's all voluntary |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | 例えばですがスキラー数値が80を超える逸材が現れたとしてリリィになりたくないと言ってもその意思は尊重されると二水ちゃんは思いますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 尊重はされると思いますが、説得はされると思いますね。天葉様のように^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: In case someone is found with Skiller Value >80, but they don't want to become Lily, would their wish be respected?
A: Of course. Although, Gardens will try to persuade them, such as in Soraha's case |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | 千田昊苺さんについて詳しく教えてください!
Q: More about Senda Koume.
Many of the Naga Ookushi Lily in Odaiba Counteroffensive are members of LG Þrymheimr (Thrymheim). Is Koume also member of that Legion? A: Yes. After she returned from Odaiba, she is criticized for her action (refer to the replied post). But she cleaned up her reputation in the Makuhari Recapture. Her nickname is Chariot (Heavy Tank) and is famous as duel lily with powerful charging attacks. |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | 重戦車の異名を持つ千田昊苺さんは両手共に攻撃用CHARMを持つスタイルの方だそうですが、CHARMは何を使っていますか?
Q: From her nickname, sounds like Koume use two attack Charms. What are her Charms?
As user of Circlet of Bless rare skill, her Charms are Eckesachs pre-mass production model Ukonvasara personally tuned model |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
円環の御手でTZ/BZは難しいのでしょうか? 2丁拳銃型やコアを2つ搭載した出力増強型遠距離CHARM持ちとか無理なのでしょうか? |
Q: Are Circlet Bless user not fit for middle TZ and back BZ position?
Can they, for example, dual wield guns, or use double-core ultra long range Charm? A: There's Ena in TZ and Tishia in BZ for example. While it's true AZ attackers like Shiori stands out more, the users of this skill actually can shine in any position. Also: |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
藍ちゃんのcharm、モンドラゴンについて質問です。ミリアムさんが藍ちゃんのcharmをみて『ワシでも見た事がない』と呟いていましたがアーナセルのミリアムさんでも見かけないほどレアなcharmなのですか? |
Q: About Ran's Mondragón. Miriam said she never saw it before. Is it such a rare Charm that even Arsenal didn't know about it?
A: Mondragón is developed in-house by Auñamendi System with minimum external Arsenal involvement, so there's not much information about it getting out. |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | LGエイルの主将は祀様、司令塔はモニカさんですが、副将はどなたなのでしょうか?
Q: Eir's captain is Matsuri. The commander is Monica. Who is the vice-captain?
A: Takeda Mimi (武田光未). She is ready to do dirty jobs if it's for Matsuri. Most of Eir's bad relationship to others are her fault. Previous mention: |
rluka |
May 23, 2021 | 山崎明伽様もいずれオルトリンデとしての任期が到来するはずですが、次期オルトリンデ候補としてはどのような方の名前が挙がっていますか?
Q: Yamazaki Meika would eventually retire from Ortlinde position. Is there any strong candidates for her replacement?
A: Ortlinde is chosen by public vote from all students, so it will require someone with popularity. The precedent cases have always been from 2nd or 3rd year, so maybe figures such as "Yurigaoka's Lover" Taniguchi Hijiri, "Blue Moon Angel" Amano Soraha, or "The Uncontrollable Lily" Kondou Misaka. Nakamura Tsubame, who is vice-captain of Brunhilde Line and has also been acting as deputy of Brunhilde, is also a strong candidate. |
rluka |
May 24, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘一年杉組に所属しているアーセナルのうちの誰かの、まだ出ていない情報とかあったら教えてください!
Q: info about any unreleased Arsenals in the collection of eccentric students that is the 1st year Cedar class of the Arsenal division
A: Masuzawa Koto (増沢湖都), conducting research in miniaturizing CHARMs without affecting their functionality. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: has Fumi ever thought of becoming a Madec
A: nope |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | ヒュージと共存を考えてるリリィはいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: any Lilies who have thought of coexisting with Huges
A: Seems to be none. It's an extremely dangerous idea |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
エレンスゲの中で悪名高いレギオンと呼ばれるクエレブレですが、エレンスゲのなかでも飛び抜けて悪名高いのでしょうか?それともエレンスゲでクエレブレのような考えは普通ですか? |
Q: LG Cuélebre is a notorious legion in Herensuge, but are they exceptionally heinous compared to the average, or are they *the average* themselves.
A: They're exceptional cases, alongside LG Galtzagorri and LG Txarrantxa. Though this is partly thanks to the new generation Hervor not doing intrusive, undeclared expeditions into other schools' defending territories |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | 一柳隊が格付けSSSになるためには今後何が必要だと二水ちゃんは考えていますか? #教えて二水ちゃん SSS格付けを取る為には一般的にヘッドライナー(スタメン)だけでなく控えメンバーも含めた全所属リリィ(スカッドと言います)が一流でないといけないといわれてます。まずメンバー数が9ではS評価も難しいのでメンバーを増やさないといけないですかねー #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What must 1yanagi Squad do in order to work towards an SSS rank
A: In order to achieve an SSS ranking, all of a legion's members (from the 9 headliners to the reserves) must be first-class Lilies. With only 9 people, even an S ranking is difficult, so first thing to do is to increase the member count |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | ' 9人でS評価を得てるレギオンはレギオン格付けの歴史の中でも殆どありません。ロネスネスが例外なだけなんです。解散しなければ初代アールヴヘイムと伍したと評価される船田予備隊の面々が揃ってますからね #アサルトリリィ |
In the history of legion rankings, there has been almost no precedents of 9-people legions attaining an S rank. LG Hronesness is merely an outlier, thanks to it being the collection of members from the Funada Reserve Squad that could've ranked alongside 1st-gen Alfheim had it not been disbanded | Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | 聖メルクリウスのレガトゥスってなんのことなのですか? #教えて二水ちゃん レガトゥスっていうのはレギオンの隊長を表す単語の一つです。メルクリウスではレガトゥスっていうリリィが結構多いです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what is the title of Legatus in St. Mercury?
A: The term refers to the commander of a legion. There are quite many of them in St. Mercury |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | メリクリウスも、若干『仕上がってる』系のガーデンなのでしょうか?
同級生や下級生相手には「卿」って呼びかけたり「ミンネの誓い」という制度もありますので^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: is St. Mercury a school with a unique taste like Sielulintu
A: Well it certainly is unique. Students call others of equal or lower years as if they were fellow ministers, and they have the Minne's Oath system as well |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | 入ってもらえるかどうかは別として、二水ちゃんが勧誘するとしたら誰に一柳隊に入って欲しいですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 一柳隊を強化するという意味ですとAZ、TZはすでに十分戦えるメンバーがいるのでBZ雨嘉さん以外のポジションのクオリティを一段上げる補強が必要だと思います。千華様や琶月さん、弥宙さん、祀様とかを獲得出来たら底上げになるかなと思います。私は控えに回ることになりますが^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Who does Fumi want to invite to 1yanagi squad, not considering the chance of the person actually entering or not
A: 1yanagi Squad is already well-set in the AZ and TZ areas, so it is necessary to significantly improve the quality of the BZ outside of Yujia. So in the sense that invitation is done to enhance the strength of the legion, then Chihana, Watsuki, Misora or Matsuri would be ideal invites to raise the BZ's standard. Though that means Fumi will become a reserve |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | カービンと小型化は別な感じですか?
Q: are the Carbine versions of CHARMs (Gungnir Carbine, Dainsleif Carbine) different from the miniaturization efforts of Koto
A: They're different things altogether. The Carbine variants with their simplified transformation mechanism and weight reduction are meant to be used with ease even on the Lily Armored Cavalier. Meanwhile, Koto's research aim at wholly reducing the size of everything in a CHARM, including the moving parts |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | 他レギオンとの兼ね合いを考えない場合、
1つのレギオンにレジスタ持ちは何人くらいがベストとされてますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: disregarding the balance of other legions, how many Registers users in a legion would be the best
A: The bare minimum requirement for legion formation is at least 1 Register, but if there's another to be a reserve for a total of 2 Register users, then the legion's stability will be drastically improved. However, many Register users obviously will try to claim the position of Command Tower as their own's, so few would accept being treated as a reserve for turn-overs. |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
もしガーデン側からお金が貰えてるのだとしたら、それは時給ですか?それともヒュージ討伐したら報酬としてお金が貰える的なやつですか? |
Q: about Lilies' economical situations. If they receive payments from the Garden, then is it fixed-rate payment? Or is the payment based on Huge kills?
A: Basically the payments are sortie rewards and kill bonuses. For reconnaissance missions, sortie rewards are given as well |
Hắc |
May 24, 2021 | @assault_lily 報酬は任務内容で変わるの?
Q: does the reward change in accordance with the mission
A: Of course. There's a difference in bonus between killing Small-class and Gigant-class, or between surveying simple recon missions and carrying out infiltration into fallen regions |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | カービンタイプやスピード重視のCHARMにはかなりの肉抜きが施されてますが、強度とかは大丈夫なんでしょうか?
Q: Carbine-type and speed-focused CHARMs seem quite skeletal in design, so are they sufficiently robust structurally?
A: Yes, skeletal as they may be, they're designed to be able to withstand combat. As long as that combat isn't Shiori-styled |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | 木村雅月様と武田光未様はどちらも祀様に対する想いがとても強いように思うのですが、このお二人の仲はどのような感じなのでしょうか?
Q: Kimura Kazuki and Takeda Mimi both are very :gay: for Matsuri, but how are they towards each other.
A: They fight all the time. Like cats and dogs as they may be, in combat though they show unparalleled coordination |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | シルトになるのは絶対に1年生ですか?
Q: can a Lily only be engaged as a Schild when she's in the first year
A: No, she can be in the 2nd year and still get engaged |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | レギオンにはレジスタ使いが一人は必要、というのは五人レギオンが基本な神庭やエレンスゲもなのでしょうか?
Q: Legions need to have at least one Register user, so is this the same for gardens with 5-people legions like Kanba or Herensuge
A: If they aim towards using Neunwelt (Funfwelt) then yes. If not, then a Register user is not needed |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | 雷さまが苦手なリリィはどなたかいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: which Lilies don't like ~~Ikazuchi~~ thunder
A: Shiori, she hates thunder very much |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | 楽器が得意なリリィはいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 石川葵さんですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies who can play musical instruments well
A: Aoi |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | 内田眞悠理さんが主人公の幻の同人小説本なるものが存在するそうですが、こちらは再販の予定等はございますでしょうか?
Q: About the doujin novel (only known in myths and legends) with Mayuri as the MC and became the basis for many of AL characters, will it be sold again
A: Mayuri came from a fantasy novel that shaped the basis for Shiori's character, and that was the exact same book as the mythical doujin novel in question. It also contains characters that were the prototypes for Nazuna, Chemir, etc., but it won't be sold again, most likely |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | 暑さに特に弱いリリィは誰でしょうか?
Q: any Lilies who can't stand hot weather
A: Kusumi. she's not just sensitive to the cold, but also weak against high temperature as well |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | どんな楽器をされているのでしょうか?
Q: which instruments does she play
A: piano and trumpet |
Hắc |
May 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
アイドルリリィオタクなリリィオタクもいるのでしょうか? |
Q: any Idol Lily otakus
A: Of course yes. By Fumi's conjecture :SADA::MORI:is one |
Hắc |
May 26, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
樟美さんの登場シーンを見返してたんですが空葉、壱、亜羅椰などの安心できる人の傍にいる癖があるんですか? |
Q: Looking back at the anime, does Kusumi has a habit of staying near people she can feel safe with? Such as Soraha, Ichi, Araya.
A: Normally, Kusumi is timid and act more spoiled, so she does have such tendency. |
rluka |
May 26, 2021 | 何かと「喰う」と仰られる亜羅椰さんですが、実際の(そっち方面の)戦績はどれくらいなのでしょうか?
Q: Araya often says "eat". In reality, how is her score in that part?
A: A whole different level from girls of her age, says Kureha. |
rluka |
May 26, 2021 | 学生寮に普通科と工廠科の違いはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Does Lily and Arsenal stays in different dorm? Can Lily and Arsenal be roommate?
A: No difference. Araya and Tatsuki is an example of Lily and Arsenal roommate. |
rluka |
May 26, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
中等部や初等部はガーデンによっては自宅から通学する事もあるのですか? |
Q: I heard about Aoi staying in Kaede's house. Is it possible for Lily in elementary or middle school level to attend Garden from home (not staying in dorm)?
A: We're talking about their time in the middle school right? St. Mercurius itself is like a walled city, and it's possible to rent room or mansion in the city. This style is a bit different from Yurigaoka. Back then, Kaede and Aoi lives in the same mansion. |
rluka |
May 26, 2021 | 楪様のヘッドホンは公式イラストのあのヘッドホンだけですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is Yuzuriha's headphone like those in the official illustration?
A: She also has a lot more. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Continuation of introducing oshi Lilies in SSS legions, today is about Lemie Alessandrini from 1st Air Cavalry Division "Michael" of St. Mercury.
Lemie is said to be "the ultimate state of a BZ Charisma user". Despite the fact that she has frail and warped emotions due to having been compared to her elder sister Altea throughout her life, she is still an excellent BZ Lily nonetheless. Having an aura of fame much like an idol, in reality Lemie is critical and harsh towards herself. |
Hắc |
May 27, 2021 | 麻嶺さんは気に入ったリリィにCHARMを作る為ならどんな所にも向かうさすらいのアーセナルだそうですが、麻嶺さんはどんなリリィを気に入りやすいのでしょうか?
^^ #アサルトリリィ #ルド女 |
Q: Marei is a travelling Arsenal who visits Lilies of her interest to make CHARMs for them wherever they are, but what kind of Lilies can get her attention the most?
A: Those that have special distinguishing characteristics on top of being excellent in the first place. i.e. she prefers those that are excessively leaning towards one particular trait, rather than all-rounders. Of course they must also get along well with her |
Hắc |
May 27, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはどんなサブスキルに憧れてますか? #教えて二水ちゃん リリィオタクでファンタズムに憧れないものはいません! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: which sub skill does Fumi admire
A: Phantasm's (Rainbow Path) is a staple for all Lily otakus |
Hắc |
May 27, 2021 | ちなみに祀様は次期オルトリンデの座を狙ってたりしますか?
Q: Does Matsuri aim to become the next Ortlinde after Meika
A: Matsuri isn't an ambitious person, so maybe she doesn't |
Hắc |
May 27, 2021 | 祀様と鳳蝶様はレギオン同様仲がよろしくないんですか?
Q: Do Ageha and Matsuri conflict personally like how their legions treat each other
A: Ageha conflicts with Takeda Mimi from Eir, so she isn't very antagonistic with Matsuri herself. Still, that doesn't mean they're on good terms, nor do they see each other highly |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: had Takane, Kanaho and Kureha not left Odaiba, then which legion would they have entered
A: Had Takane not been injured and she stayed back in Odaiba with Kanaho, then they would've entered Hronesness. With Takane as the back of the AZ and Kanaho as bottom of TZ, Hronesness would definitely have been a SSS legion |
Hắc |
May 27, 2021 | レギンレイヴは人数が2隊分いますが2隊に分けて出撃したりもするんですか?
それとも連戦に備えてそう言ったことはしない感じですかね? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: LG Reginleif has enough manpower to form 2 squads, but do they actually sortie 2 squads at once? Or do they keep one benched to prepare for protracted battles
A: It depends on the situation. If the battle calls for two squads at once, then they'll do it. In the case of double Neunwelt, then they also will adapt to it. Or for prolonged combat, then they'll keep their reserve for the late game. |
Hắc |
May 27, 2021 | 逆に武田光未さまと仲の良い方は居ますか?
Q: Who gets along well with Takeda Mimi
A: A tough question. Precisely speaking there's Omodaka Tae (Hijiribashi), and Matsuri herself |
Hắc |
May 28, 2021 | 今日の生放送で言っていた
アーセナルだけのガーデンってどこでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what was the Arsenal-exclusive garden mentioned in today's stream
A: Jougashima Girls' High School of Engineering |
Hắc |
May 28, 2021 | レアスキルに覚醒してない人も隊に居る格付SSSレギオンってありますか?
Q: any SSS legions containing members who haven't awakened their rare skills yet
A: in a legion of a tier like SSS, there shouldn't be any unawakened Lilies |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: How is the relationship between TakaNaho and Odaiba Lilies. Are they doing well
A: They only parted ways because of the circumstances, and definitely are not in a bad relationship. Details later |
Hắc |
May 28, 2021 | レギオンの格付けって世界共通なのでしょうか?
Q: are legion ratings international, or each country has their standards
A: It's international, called World Legion Rating |
Hắc |
May 28, 2021 | 眞悠理様が狂犬と呼ばれていた時眞悠理様を止めていた人は誰ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: who was the one keeping a leash on Mayuri when she was in her Ferocious hound phase
A: Noriko |
Hắc |
May 28, 2021 | アールヴへイム以外のリリィでラスバレに実装してほしいリリィは誰ですか?
Q: any Lilies outside of Alfheim that foomy wants to see in LB
A: Yuria |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Yuria still keep contact with Hibari, who was in the 4th squadron of the Odaiba Counteroffensive with her
A: Quite possibly yes. Veterans of the Odaiba Counteroffensive are comrades in arms bound by the special link of that battle |
Hắc |
March 20, 2020 | ' 日葵様、御巴留様、羽来様、恋町様はイルマ四天王とも呼ばれていてずっと一緒に学び将来の共闘を誓っていました。特に羽来様、恋町様の二人は幼馴染で仲が良くしっかり者の恋町様が羽来様を甘やかしていました^^ #アサルトリリィ |
On the day of Himari's transfer away, Waku uttered her words of farewell in tears. Telling Himari that Ludovico Girls' Academy would be a good place to realize her ideals, she stated that Lilies like Sachie were the ones she would need. With this, Waku entrusted her wish for Himari to form a good Legion, one that she desired to be in, but could not. In response, Himari vowed to construct the best Legion she could, and with this she left Irma behind.
In Ludovico Girls' Academy where Himari arrived, she still embraced her vow and is strongly fixated with becoming the commander of her own legion. Meanwhile, Miharu, Komachi and Waku remained in Irma, and fights on in LG Illuminshines. A girl of little words, Miharu had not many things to say upon her comrade's departure, but even until now she still leaves the vice commander position of her legion empty, as if waiting for the day when Himari returns.This is the story of Himari's past, and the conflict that caused her to turn away from Irma. Not even until know does anyone know if her decision was the correct thing to do. An unwavering and firm person who in reality is gentle and kind, maybe she still torments herself for involving her friends in this turbulence, and consequently driving the once-intimate Four Pillars into irreparable fragmentation. |
Hắc |
May 31, 2021 | 例えば紅羽さんはリリィ同士の関係性を特に重視してそこを追いかけるタイプのリリィオタクかと思いますが、
ふみちゃんは全部追いかけてるイメージかなあ… |
Q: What is Kayo’s lily otaku genre?
A: Lily data otaku. Kayo is somewhere between Kureha and Shizu. Kureha is more specialised on the gossips. Meanwhile Shizu is more specialised on the specs/abilities. |
rluka |
May 31, 2021 | 日葵さんが使うマカブインはどこのメーカーが作った物なのでしょうか?
Q: Which company produce Himari’s MacBuin?
A: Celtic Dale’s 3rd department lab. They’re known for developing unique charms. |
rluka |
May 31, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
エレンスゲがかつて行っていた外征宣言なしの出撃は何が問題だったのでしょうか? |
Q: Why was it a problem when Herensuge used to do extra-territorial expeditions without declaring it in advance?
A: If a legion deploys to the territory of another garden without first notifying them of your expedition, it creates uncertainty in the local garden's operational patterns. It just makes sense for gardens to declare their expedition beforehand, since it's easier to coordinate with the local garden. Especially if the incoming garden is quite strong then the local garden will just say "Look if you want to come, just say you're gonna come!" This happens fairly often. Herensuge's problem is that they're a garden that exists and operates under the protection of the main three Tokyo gardens, so they don't have the means or ways with a Gigant class on their own. If Herensuge goes out on an expedition without declaring it to the local garden and a Gigant class appears, the local garden may have to deploy their own Lilies to rescue Herensuge's legion in the end. This is why undeclared expeditions are generally discouraged. |
FliryVorru |
May 31, 2021 | ' もちろん、エレンスゲのレギオンも2隊派遣されればギガント級をノインヴェルト戦術で倒すことも出来るのでこの理由以外に単純に戦場で荒いからというのも大きな理由なのですが^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Adding to it, if Herensuge sent at least 2 squads, they could deal with a Gigant class on their own.
So beside that problem of having to rescue them, it's mainly because undeclared expedition is adding chaos to the operation. |
rluka |
May 31, 2021 | マギディヴァイダーはCHARMの世代でいうとどれになるのでしょうか #教えて二水ちゃん あれは厳密にはCHARMというよりは御台場女学校コーストガードなどが装備するヴァルキュリアスカート・マギ・リンカネーションシステム(ベルト)と同じく「疑似マギクリスタル」をエネルギー源にしたCHARMとは別個に分割されたリリィ支援システムの一種なんです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Which Charm generation is Magi Divider categorised in?
A: To be exact, Magi Divider is not Charm. It's in a different category of support equipment, just like the Valkyria Skirt Magi Reincarnation System used by Odaiba's LG Coast Guard. They utilise Pseudo Magi Crystal as energy source. VSMRS : |
rluka |
May 31, 2021 | 千香瑠様にゲイボルグが渡った経緯について詳しく知りたいです #教えて二水ちゃん ゲイボルグは百合ケ丘滞在中の天津麻嶺様が基本設計を担当し、剣持乃子様のユニーク機として提供されました。その後正規採用機となりまして先行量産が成される際に依奈様が千香瑠様を推挙した感じですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: How did Chikaru gets her Gae Bolg?
A: Gae Bolg is originally a unique Charm designed for Kenmochi Noriko by Amatsu Marei during her stay in Yurigaoka. When the design is taken for production, Ena recommended Chikaru for getting the pre-production model. |
rluka |
May 27, 2020 | ' リリィオタクの種類⑤「デュエルオタク」 いわゆるバトルマニア、デュエルやスキル使用法、立ち回りやCHARM捌きのオタクです。たいていこのタイプのオタクは無自覚で「私はオタクじゃないです」みたいな顔をしてます^^;アルテアさんや佳世様、遠藤亜羅椰さんも当てはまるかも #アサルトリリィ |
Previously Fumi said Kayo is duel otaku, who is obsessed with fighting methods.
Araya too, but many of this genre’s otaku are in denial about being otaku. |
rluka |
June 1, 2021 | ' LGシュヴェルトライテ副長多田 紫恵楽 (ただ・しえら)様は強化リリィ出身です。御台場迎撃戦にも参戦し活躍しています。攻撃的なポジションで司令塔タスクもこなせる依奈様や幸恵様タイプの円環の御手持ちです。美しい容姿でアイドルリリィ的にもてはやされてます。 #アサルトリリィ |
**Tada Shiera**
Character design: Hotaru Rare skill: Circlet Bless Position: AZ/TZ Vice captain of LG Schwertleite. Boosted Lily. Took part in the Odaiba Counteroffensive. Like Ena and Sachie, she could do commander’s task even from attacker position. A beautiful idol lily. |
rluka |
June 1, 2021 | ' 百合ヶ丘における地域充血主義者はソロリティ「百合ケ丘女学院愛校会 ゴールデンリリウム」に入会します。この会の構成員がそのままLGシュヴェルトライテのメンバーであると言って過言ではないです。ゴールデンリリウムの紋章は隊章にもなってます #アサルトリリィ |
Lilies who share the ideology of prioritising their homeland are part of the Golden Lilium sorority. It can be said all members of this sorority is automatically member of Schwertleite and the sorority symbol is also their Legion’s emblem. | rluka |
June 1, 2021 | ' LGシュヴェルトライテ、ゴールデンリリウムの思想は極端で「外征は悪、守備範囲内のみを守れ!」というもので強豪ガーデンの中ではあまり支持されにくい考え方ですが地元出身のリリィからの一定の共感はえていました。紫恵楽様はこれをもう少し柔軟に変革したリリィなのです #アサルトリリィ |
Golden Lilium sorority has a very isolationist view. They consider performing expedition is a bad thing and that they should just focus on protecting their own land.
This is an ideology that is hard to support for powerful Garden, but many local born lilies shared their sentiment. Shiera is trying to start a revolution for more flexible mindset. |
rluka |
June 1, 2021 | ' 御台場迎撃戦にも参戦し、シュヴェルトライテのメンバーでもあった紫恵楽様は「周辺のガーデンを守ることで鎌倉府の平和を守れるのならば外征には参加すべき」という考え方を持っています。放置すれば百合ヶ丘が攻められるようなネストには外征すべきという事です #アサルトリリィ |
Shiera, who also took part in Odaiba Counteroffensive, argued that helping neighbouring Gardens will also protect Kamakura as a whole, so they should took part in expeditions for that purpose.
They should took part in expedition against Nests that if left alone would become threat for Yurigaoka. |
rluka |
June 1, 2021 | ' 彼女は依奈様や千華様と仲が良いです。また2代アールヴヘイムの森辰姫さんとは強化リリィ同士なのか親密らしいですよ~ #アサルトリリィ |
Shiera is in good terms with Ena and Chihana. She’s also close with Mori Tatsuki who is a fellow boosted lily. | rluka |
June 1, 2021 | ' 多田 紫恵楽様というお名前についてですがおそらく多くの方が百合ヶ丘理事長高松祇恵良先生との関係を気にされることだと思います。これは正確な情報ではないですが一説には祇恵良先生と同じGEHENAの実験施設にいたのが紫恵楽様らしいです #アサルトリリィ |
Regarding why her name has the same reading as Takamatsu Shiera, the director of Yurigaoka.
This is not official info, but there are theories about both of them being from the same Gehena laboratory. Which means, could it be that her Boosted Skill is also Nosferatu? Without any confirmation, Fumi can’t put it up in the Weekly Lily Newspaper. |
rluka |
March 30, 2020 | ' 以前掲載しましたレギオン分布図の中から解説らしい解説をしますね。一柳隊と反対の軸にあるレギオンLGシュヴェルトライテについてです。このレギオンは百合ヶ丘女学院専守防衛レギオンで常に百合ヶ丘女学院周辺で戦い拠点防衛、特にガーデンを守る任務を専門にするレギオンです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Going back, here’s explanation about the Home Territory First ideology.
Schwertleite and Hitotsuyanagi Squad are both defensive oriented legions. But while Hitotsuyanagi Squad moves more with their characters, such as putting focus on Yuyu and Mai’s duel skill, Schwertleite puts more focus on defensive strategies. They have the isolationist ideology that view expedition as a bad thing and all focus should be given to defend their homeland Kamakura and Yurigaoka. The more extremist group of purist who are born in Kamakura would even deny to accept Kamakura born Lily who wants to go to expedition as one of their own. This kind of ideology only appear in the stronger Gardens, because weaker Gardens can’t go to expedition to begin with. Most of the Lilies with this ideology usually has their family or friend fallen victim to attack when their territorial defence is weakened because of sending force to expeditions. While not as much as going to the extreme ideals of the purists, Matsuri is also holding the ideology of prioritising home territory because of her experience in losing her Schild candidate. |
rluka |
June 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん 鳴海・クララ・優子ちゃんもそのうちユニークcharmをお持ちになるのでしょうか… 可能性高そうですね!有望な1年生ですので #アサルトリリィ |
Q: will Clara get her own unique CHARM soon
A: highly probable. she's a promising 1st-year student after all |
Hắc |
June 3, 2021 | 御台場女学校の強豪リリィの中でも最もヨートゥンシュベルトの扱いに長けている方というと、誰になるのでしょうか?
Q: who is the most adept at handling Jötunn Schwerts among Odaiba Lilies
A: Saigou Kurena of LG Heorot Saints, who is dedicated to using blade mode in combat |
Hắc |
June 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ヘイムスクリングラはサイドポジションやBZの育成にしか力を入れているそうですが、逆にAZにしか興味ないガーデンはありますか? 御台場とかですか? |
Q: in contrast to Heimskringla that focuses on BZ or side positions' education, are there any gardens that is solely dedicated to AZ
A: In the current era of Neunwelt tactic, educating only the AZ area is very difficult. Still, there are places that possess the environment to produce excellent AZ Lilies, namely Odaiba, Ludo and St. Mercury. Basically, gardens that emphasize duel techniques or are combat-oriented |
Hắc |
June 3, 2021 | 怪力という言葉が合うようなリリィはいらっしゃいますか??? #教えて二水ちゃん 御台場の鈴木因さんですかねー^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: any Lilies that possess superhuman strength
A: Chinami (TL: she has a record of effortlessly flinging Small-class Huges) |
Hắc |
June 3, 2021 | いやいやいや待て待て待てなんだこれは。#教えて二水ちゃん 大至急教えてwww
銀髪さんは、ポニーテルの子とは仲がよろしいのでしょうか?😌 |
Q by Mutou Shiori about the photographing scene for Niigata Expedition: is the silver haired girl (yes it's you Marei why you have to avoid saying directly like this) on good terms with the ponytail one (Sengo Yuuna)
A: Of course, they're comrades in LG Himinglæva |
Hắc |
June 3, 2021 | 夕七様は「代々生徒会長を輩出した家の落ちこぼれからレギオンの隊長にまで成長した」とのことですが、
八鍬 白蓮(やくわ・びゃくれん)様です。 イラストは今しばらくお待ちくださいませ。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yuuna's family is said to have given birth to generations after generations of student council presidents except for Yuuna herself, so who's the one in that seat currently
A: Yakuwa Byakuren of LG Byrgja. illustration coming soon™️ |
Hắc |
May 27, 2020 | ' リリィオタクの種類①「リリィ個人のスペックオタク」 個々のリリィのレアスキルとスキル構成、得意CHARMや敵撃破数、果てはフィニッシュ数やショットオンターゲットなどのリリィスタッツを暗記してるタイプです。伊東閑さんとかがこのタイプですね #アサルトリリィ |
The many basic genre of Lily otaku.
1) Spec. They are interested in information about Lily's ability and data. For example their skill composition, Charm choice, kill count, finish shot count, target accuracy. (imagine sport fans who memorise and talk about the statistic of their favourite players). Example of this type is Shizu, who specialize in those specifications. 2) Personal Information. This type is more interested on the Lily as a person, such as their profile, interest. Idol lily otaku and gossip-oriented otaku such as Tokki are in this category. 3) Legion Tactics. They are interested in the aspects of Legion combat, such as strategy, formation, positioning, movements. Example is Fumi who managed to pass Yurigaoka entrance test through the Tactics Essey subject. Misora is also in this category. 4) CHARM. They are interested in all aspects of Charms, such as maker, model numbers, categories, even the factory who made spare parts such as the bolts used in Charm. Example of this type is Misora. |
rluka |
May 27, 2020 | ' リリィオタクの種類⑤「デュエルオタク」 いわゆるバトルマニア、デュエルやスキル使用法、立ち回りやCHARM捌きのオタクです。たいていこのタイプのオタクは無自覚で「私はオタクじゃないです」みたいな顔をしてます^^;アルテアさんや佳世様、遠藤亜羅椰さんも当てはまるかも #アサルトリリィ |
5) Duel. Battle maniacs. They are interested in the more individual aspects of battle, such as skill usage, forms, Charm maneuvers. Usually they don't realise they're otaku and would deny being one.
Example are Altea, Kayo (although in other tweet Fumi said she's also personal information oriented), and probably Araya. 6) Garden. They are interested in aspects of Garden, such as the rules, uniforms, emblems, legions. There are even otaku who would visit to try the Garden's cafetaria meal. 7) GEHENA. This type is interested in Gehena activities and would study reports from Gehena labs. In Yurigaoka, this type is minority and might be under watch by Rossweisse. But in other Gardens there are more of them. Reports published by Irma's Gehena lab who specialise in study of healing negative Magi contamination are especially of their interest. |
rluka |
June 4, 2021 | 柳都のLGバーラ、LGコールガの隊長さんはどんな方なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: who are the commanders of LG Bára and Kólga in Ryuuto
A: Kólga is headed by Amata Hanako (天田花心), while Bára is by Takami Asuka (高見明日香) |
Hắc |
June 4, 2021 | 鳳蝶様が生徒会の会議に参加することはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: does Ageha participate in the meetings held by the student council
A: yes. her position as the Var and commander of LG Herfjotur is like the deputy chief under the Siegrune |
Hắc |
June 4, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
今回のイベントで百由さまがお台場のリリィと仲が良いことがわかったのですが、船田姉妹のCharm作成以外にもちょくちょく足を運んだりしてらっしゃるのでしょうか? |
Q: Moyu is on good terms with Odaiba Lilies, but does she visit them often aside from the time when she made the CHARMs for LG Hronesness
A: yes, she also visits them on the occasions of joint researches with their Arsenal division |
Hắc |
June 4, 2021 | 御台場は武を重んじるガーデンだそうですが、訓練の一環として、学内に置いてリリィ同士のお手合わせとかって頻繁に行われていたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: A garden that values martial prowess, do Odaiba Lilies frequently carry out duels and matches as a part of training
A: Duels and matches are not prohibited in Odaiba. And here's a picture of Kotopi for relevance |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: In Gardens operated by Charm makers such as Herensuge and Sagami, does the students got supplied with Charm from those companies and gets the priority to use prototype models?
A: Yes. They are supplied with the company's Charms, including priority to operate prototype models in development. |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | @assault_lily #教えて二水ちゃん
仕事中に唐突に思ったんだけど双子のリリィっているんですか? |
Q: Any twin lilies ?
A: Funada sisters |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | 御台場のトレーニングはハードなことで有名で「成功は苦しみからこそ得られる」という校訓もありますが、なんとなく一葉さんの「血反吐を吐くまでがんばりましょう」に似ている気がします。
Q: Odaiba's training dogma is "no pain no gain", this sounds similar to Kazuha's principle of "lets do our best until we cough blood". Is Kazuha influenced by Odaiba's mindset?
A: It's more accurate to say that's duel generation's mindset. We can say that Odaiba, and Kazuha, got duel generation mindset. |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
やっぱりリリィオタク同士で最強のリリィ議論になったりするんですか? |
Q: Do Lily Otaku also do debate on who is the strongest?
A: The topic that cause the most conflicts. Other topics are about Legion rank and the best tactics. |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | 弘瀬湊様はどのレギオンに所属しているのでしょうか?
Q: Which Legion does Hirose Minato belongs to?
A: She's the captain of Odaiba's LG Coast Guard |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
未来様と雪様は幕張奪還戦の準備の時に出会われたそうですが、事前に参戦する学校同士で交流会などしていたのでしょうか? |
Q: It seems that Mirai and Yuki met during preparation for Makuhari Liberation. Is there any gathering event for participating schools before the operation?
A: Bigger missions such as Makuhari Liberation can't be done without several Gardens cooperating. Of course, their relationships will also grow closer. Yurigaoka and Irma holds a big role during that operation. About Yuki and Mirai : |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは百合ヶ丘入学前から、閑さんや弥宙さんのようなリリィ兼リリィオタクとは交流があったんでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 勿論ございません!私は無名のリリィオタクです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Has Fumi interacted with fellow otaku who are Lily such as Misora and Shizu even before enrolling into Yurigaoka?
A: No. Fumi is just an anonymous lily otaku back then |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | 乃子様は閑さんのことどう呼んでますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: How does Noriko calls Shizu?
A: Shizu-chan |
rluka |
June 5, 2021 | アイドルリリィの人気についても、格付けのようなものってあったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is there also ranking for idol lilies?
A: No, that's dangerous |
rluka |
June 7, 2021 | あのネコミミ型ヒュージサーチャーの製造元はCHARMメーカーですか?それともGEHENAなのでしょうか?
Q: are the cat ear-like Huge Searcher radars produced by CHARM Makers or by GEHENA
A: They are produced by CHARM Makers or (third party) CHARM accessory producers |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | 分裂する特型ヒュージは分裂した後のヒュージを倒してもそれぞれで撃破報酬を貰えますか?
こころ様にお金をいっぱい稼がせてあげたいです。 #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: about the dividing special-type Huges seen in *Schwester's Prayer*, are the clones counted as separate kills when accounting for kill bonuses?
A: Yes, each duplicate counts as one separate Huge, and the bonus is multiplied by the number of kills when all have been decimated. This was the chance for Kokoro to rake in big money |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | ヒュージサーチャーはなぜ猫耳タイプなどヘッドにつけるものが一般的なのでしょうか?
Q: why are the head-mounted variants of Huge Searchers (cat ears) more popularized. aren't there also some other types like wrist-mounted types or goggle types
A: yes, those types exist as well |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | 柳都への進学を考える子はどんなタイプの子が多く、どんな目的で進学する子が多い傾向にあるのでしょうか?
Q: Which kind of girls form the majority of those who strive to enter Ryuuto, and what is the most common reason for their choice.
A: As Ryuuto's defensive territory spans a wide region across the northern prefectures facing the Sea of Japan, Lilies who want to contribute to the liberation of areas in this region would enter this garden. It has a school culture similar to that of Odaiba, valuing martial prowess and the willpower to endure hardships, and its girls are more or less hotheads. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is it possible to form legions with Lilies from different gardens
A: no |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | お台場迎撃戦当時(強化前?)の百合亜様はどんなお人柄だったのでしょうか?麻嶺様が「雰囲気変わった?」と仰っていたのが気になって朝起きられません! #教えて二水ちゃん とても大人しい感じの方だったそうです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What was Yuria like around the time of the Odaiba Counteroffensive. In *Schwester's Prayer* Marei said that "Yuria has changed" so something should be different?
A: Seems like she was a very quiet person then |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | 先日出てきた『リリィ新聞編集室』って一体何ですか!?
Q: what on earth is the editorial room anyway. is it facility permitted to the Lily Weekly Newspaper by the school
A: The editorial room lies in the basement level of the area that used to be an old school building, which through many twists and turns of fate wounded up as territory under the control of the sorority "Labyrinth", said to be the underground counterpart of Yurigaoka's student council. As such, it is a sanctuary where the school and the student council cannot intervene easily, and ranks alongside the old dorms' attic as one of the most secretive and secure places. Interior to be publicized soon™️ |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | 桂さんの好きな食べ物はなんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん 酒盗です^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Katsura's favorite food
A: Shutou (ō_(seafood) ) |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | LGエイルのラシェル・ド・ムホーさんはフランス出身ですか?
Q: is Rachelle de Moureaux of LG Eir from France
A: yes |
Hắc |
June 7, 2021 | @assault_lily ご回答ありがとうございます!
Q: Hitotsuyanagi Squad, being LG Eir's ally, also has :KaedeSip: from France. How does she go along with Rachelle
A: In fact they were old acquaintances from when both were in France, and now that 1yanagi Squad and LG Eir are allied, they sometimes fight together. They show a high degree of coordination, and their smooth combination in Neunwelt gained the admiration of "French Connection" from Lily otakus |
Hắc |
June 8, 2021 | ' 百合ヶ丘が生んだ『ルナトラ系ノインヴェルト運用の系譜』を受け継ぐ田中壱さんの新イラストのご紹介!司令塔として育成されながらも依奈様に「貴女はAZの天稟がある」と現在のAZのセントラルにコンバートとなりました。本人は納得してませんでしたがこの外征で彼女は変わりました #アサルトリリィ |
The successor to Yurigaoka's heritage of "Lunatic Trancer-type Neunwelt application", Ichi was educated to be in the Command tower position, but at Ena's advice that she has a talented aptitude for the AZ area, she shifted to the central AZ spot. As of yet she hasn't been fully convinced of this placement, but through the Niigata expedition her opinion will change. | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | By Ena's words, Ichi is "similar to Yuyu". She isn't just capable in Lunatic Trancer-related combat thanks to one of her subskills Threshold of Insanity (LT's lower variant), but she was also fixated on the Command tower position. She wasn't convinced in being shifted to the AZ area, but through the Niigata expedition, she will awaken to a new viewpoint. | Hắc |
June 8, 2021 | ' 依奈様は壱さんに関してはとても細かくアドバイスしましたが、一時期そのことが二人の間に溝を作ってしまったみたいです><壱さんが潜在的に左利きであることを見抜いたのも依奈様でした。依奈様は最初から壱さんのことを見守ってたんでしょうね~ #アサルトリリィ |
Ena gives Ichi very close and minute advice, but for a time this created a rift between the two. Nevertheless, Ena has always been looking over Ichi's every steps since they first met - she was the one to notice that Ichi is secretly left-handed. | Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' 今日ご紹介するのは車谷佳寧 (くるまたに・けいね)様です。百合ケ丘13レギオンの一つLGゲイラヴォルを率いる3年生。甲州陥落時の甲斐聖山の生徒会長だった方で百合ヶ丘に編入しました。甲州奪還を悲願とする方です。キャラデはほたるさんです!イラストは本邦初公開! #アサルトリリィ |
**Kurumatani Keine**
Yurigaoka Girls' Academy, third year LG Geiravor's commander (TZ/BZ) Rare skill: Register Artist: Hotaru The commander of LG Geiravor, one of Yurigaoka's 13 major legions. During the downfall of Koshu, she was the president of Kaiseizan's student council, and following the event she took refuge in Yurigaoka. She holds the liberation of her homeland as her dearest wish. |
Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' 佳寧様が2年生の時に甲州撤退戦が発生。彼女は甲斐聖山の生徒会長としてできる限りのことを果たし、現地で玉砕するつもりでいました。しかしその時一緒に戦っていたメンバーはまだ若く高1や中等部のリリィも居ました。彼女は鎌倉府に撤退して甲州早期奪還論を説きます。 #アサルトリリィ |
The Koshu Evacuation and subsequent downfall occurred during her second year of high school. As the president of the student council in Kaiseizan, she did what she could to the utmost of her capability, and decided to have Koshu be the grave of her resistance to the death. However, realizing that her comrades were mostly first-years and junior high school girls, she had a change of mind and chose to evacuate to Kamakura Prefecture and fight another day. There, she advocated the recapture of Koshu for as soon as possible. | Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' しかし、これに中等部生だった夢野花音さんが反対します。『この地を護らずして、いつどこで戦うというのですか?もっとも大切なこの地を護れぬ者が、この世界を護れるとは…花音には…思えません』ほとんどの聖山生徒はこれに同調しました #アサルトリリィ |
Though, Yumeno Kanon - then still in junior high school - was the leading voice in opposition to Keine.
> *Turning your back to this land of Koshu, and yet you still have the audacity to vow to fight elsewhere? There is no way those who gave up on their precious homeland can defend anything, let alone the world....* The majority of Kaiseizan's students (70% of the student body) were in agreement with her |
Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' 佳寧様は多くを語らず、鎌倉府に撤退を敢行。心無いものからは「臆病者」とののしられました。佳寧様は数人の聖山生徒と共に百合ヶ丘に編入、LGゲイラヴォルを立ち上げています。彼女は百合ヶ丘でその力を発揮し甲州奪還の為に尽力します #アサルトリリィ |
Without much words, Keine left Koshu behind and evacuated to Kamakura Prefecture. Following her were condemnations by some, calling her a coward. Nevertheless, with a few of her Kaiseizan friends, she entered Yurigaoka, formed LG Geiravor, and exercised her power to endeavor towards the liberation of Koshu. | Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' しかしある戦いで佳寧様は大けがを負ってしまい最終学年である3年生を棒に振ってしまいます。同じ境遇だった山崎明伽様が留年してリリィを続ける決断をするのを知り彼女も同様の決断をします。マギの減退は始まってますが彼女は甲州奪還の悲願を諦めていません #アサルトリリィ |
However, in a battle that Keine participated in, she was grievously injured, causing her study in the third year to stop dead in its tracks. This was when she came to know Yamazaki Meika, who was in a similar situation as her but still decided to continue on as a Lily while repeating her last year. Thus, Keine arrived at the same decision and kept her wish of seeing Koshu's liberation alive, even though her Magi capacity has already started deteriorating | Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' 佳寧様と明伽様は意気投合し現在ルームメイトです。 佳寧様のリボンと明伽様のリボンは「誓い」をこめた揃いのものになってます。ゲイラヴォルのレギオン制服のデザインコンセプトは燕だそうです。越冬地と故郷を別にする燕に自らの境遇を重ねたのかもしれませんね #アサルトリリィ |
Keine and Meika shared their hearts and minds together, and became roommates. Their hair ribbons are of the same design, carrying the meaning of "a vow exchanged together".
Additionally, the design of LG Geiravor's uniform is based on that of the swallow (bird), the bird that departs from its home to seek refuge in the warm south during winter months. It is said that this represents Keine's situation herself. |
Hắc |
June 9, 2021 | ' 佳寧様はとても無口な方ですが、内面はお優しい方です。百合ヶ丘にきてからもゲイラヴォルを個性的なレギオンに導いています。甲州奪還という現百合ヶ丘生徒会の最重要ミッションに全力を注いでいると言えるでしょう。ゲイラヴォルについてはいずれまた! #アサルトリリィ |
Keine is a person of little words, but deep down she is also very kind. Under her guidance, LG Geiravor became a legion emphasizing in the personal traits of its members. Even now, she is still striving to the utmost of her effort in the liberation of Koshu, posted as one of the most prioritized missions of Yurigaoka's student council. | Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Banshouya Ena, the Command tower of both the 1st- and 2nd-gen Alfheim. Among Lily otakus, some call her the symbol of Alfheim, which isn't entirely wrong. Her style of Circlet Bless usage is having two offensive CHARMs at once, which was what Shiori aimed towards originally | Hắc |
June 10, 2021 | ' 依奈様は、華麗な戦い方、御台場迎撃戦で数多くの才能を開花させつつ、重要な局面を打開した功績から”プランセス”と畏敬の念をもって呼ばれています。私もワールドリリィグラフィックスで何度も特集される彼女の記事を読みまくりました^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Known for her gorgeous combat style and her various achievements in the Odaiba Counteroffensive, which consist of bringing numerous Lilies to the awakening of their powers as well as delivering breakthrough for major fronts with her 3rd Squadron, Ena was called "Princess" out of due respect. Fumi has read over and over the many articles of World Lily Graphics' special issues covering Ena | Hắc |
June 10, 2021 | ' ヒュージに一撃を加えたり、ノインヴェルトのパスを出す前にヒュージを躱すときクルッっと回る所作が彼女の特徴です。”ルーレット”とよばれる動きで、彼女を影響か円環の御手持ちはこれをよくやりますね #アサルトリリィ |
Ena's signature move is spinning when striking Huges or evading their attacks before delivering a Neunwelt pass. Called a "Roulette" move, maybe its because of Ena's influence that Circlet Bless users often perform this as well (see image). | Hắc |
June 15, 2021 | ' ファーヴニルは最強の巣無しのアルトラとして世界各地を荒らしまわったS級指定の世界7大アルトラの1体です。そのファーヴニルが佐渡にネストを営巣してしまいました。柳都の悲劇の始まりでした。 #アサルトリリィ |
Before settling down at Sado, Niigata and bringing forth tragedy for Ryuuto, Fafnir was the strongest Nestless Ultra-class history has ever seen. Having left its footsteps of devastation all around the world, it was designated an S-rank Ultra-class and stands among six other members of the 7 major Ultra-class Huges. | Hắc |
June 15, 2021 | ' 柳都の危機に夕七様と麻嶺様は百合ヶ丘の天葉様率いるアールヴヘイムの助力を請います。御台場迎撃戦で巣無しのアルトラにとどめを刺した第2部隊の友誼を頼りとしたのです。 #アサルトリリィ |
At the impending crisis befalling Ryuuto, Yuuna and Marei sought help from the second-generation LG Alfheim of Yurigaoka, led by Amano Soraha. They came to Soraha out of the comradeship between veterans of the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive's 2nd squadron, having delivered the finishing blow to the nestless Ultra-class at Odaiba one year prior | Hắc |
June 15, 2021 | ' 百合ヶ丘は重要案件の決定に関しては三役の全員一致が原則でそれぞれが拒否権を持っています。 #アサルトリリィ |
Major decisions in Yurigaoka in principle are determined through the agreement of all three presidents of the Student council, each of which carry their own right to veto. As such, seeing Alfheim embarking on their northwards expedition to Ryuuto is not easy, as all three members must be convinced. But this isn't the end of the bureaucracy, as after the three members have given the green light, *then* the matter would need to be debated and voted upon in the conference held between the representatives of Yurigaoka's 13 major legions (of which Soraha is one).
This is the hard part, as the 2nd- and 3rd-year generations in Yurigaoka and St. Mercury have sacrificed much with the downfall of Koshu. As such, it is only natural for them to see the liberation of Koshu as their dearest wish. It is ordinary in Yurigaoka for Koshu to be prioritized over Niigata, practically a foreign land. |
Hắc |
June 15, 2021 | ' ファーヴニルを討ち果たせば、新潟が救えるかもしれない。天葉様はこの状況で征くか征かざるやという状況です。 #アサルトリリィ |
In such a situation, Soraha was faced with the decision to make a move or not. If she does and manage to decimate Fafnir, then Niigata may be saved.... | Hắc |
June 15, 2021 | ' 御台場迎撃戦後に初代アールヴヘイムは解散しますが、主因は甲州撤退戦のこの場面での決断の成否に対する答えをメンバーそれぞれが迎撃戦の中で得たことで、違う道を選ぶことになったのだとリリィオタクたちは理解しています。 #アサルトリリィ |
About the dissolution of 1st-gen LG Alfheim:
In the final stage of the Koshu Evacuation, Alfheim was faced with the decision of making an advance to the nest in the area and decimating it or not. At the time, as further offensive was seen as risky, they opted to retreat, but in retrospective analysis, it was made clear that had they made the move, half of Koshu may have been saved, and the people there wouldn't have become refugees. Through the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive one year later, each of the members of the original Alfheim have found their own answer to the outcome brought forward by the decision to retreat at Koshu that day. Subsequently, their differing views caused the legion to fracture, and each member ultimately chose to walk their own path, putting an end to the legendary legion. |
Hắc |
June 16, 2021 | ' 彼女は先代ドゥ―ヴァ隊長榎本椰々(えのもと・やや)様の実の妹です。戦死した椰々様のことを英霊として尊敬する一方その戦いからただ一人逃がされた水晶様のことを卑怯者と呼び軽蔑、対立しています。仲が良かった3人でしたのでとても悲しい状況ですね>< #アサルトリリィ |
Remarked by the World Lily Graphic as "Her exceeding aggressiveness is beyond that of an ordinary Command Tower. But such is the treasure of Ryuuto, who carries the possibility of carving a new future for generations to come", Enomoto Komomo is the Commander and Command Tower of LG Hrönn. She is the biological younger sister to Enomoto Yaya, the late commander of LG Dúfa of which Sumitani Miki was also a member (and later commander).
Komomo reveres her late sister who gave her life in the Sado Evacuation as a hero, but at the same time looks down upon Miki -the sole survivor of LG Dúfa to escape Sado- as a coward and is strongly conflicted with her. A sorrowful end to the once-intimate three sisters. |
Hắc |
June 16, 2021 | ' 「戦う前から他校に助力を請うその態度が戦士にふさわしくないとあたしは言ってんのよ。」 死を覚悟した戦いを尊ぶ思想は柳都特有のもので、御台場女学校の思想にも底通した考え方です。菜乃葉様や瑚桃さんはこの傾向が強いですね #アサルトリリィ |
> *What I'm saying is, it's not becoming of a soldier to beg for help from other schools before even fighting* - Komomo
One of the traits of Ryuuto Girls' Academy is valuing the spirit of engaging in battle with the determination that it will be one's last. Among students of the school, Komomo and Nanoha are eminent as embodiment of this spirit, which shares a common basis with Odaiba Girls' Academy's ideals. Odaiba's ideal seeks after the image of the legendary warrior Beowulf, while Ryuuto carries Viking values in its culture. As such, when Ryuuto Lilies have steeled their resolution to sacrifice their lives, they will tell to each other, "Let's meet again in Valhalla". |
Hắc |
June 16, 2021 | ' 詳細は電撃ホビーウェブ連載で語られますが、瑚桃さんはこの戦いで、亜羅椰さんと意気投合します。百合ヶ丘に帰還するアールヴヘイム 瑚桃さんは亜羅椰さんにこう伝えました。 「亜羅椰、あなたと戦場を共にできて本当に楽しかった。また共に闘いましょ、それまで息災で、勇者よ」 #アサルトリリィ |
In the battle for Niigata's liberation, Komomo comes to see Araya as a kindred spirit. Following the battle as Alfheim returns to Yurigaoka, she uttered the following
> *Araya, I'm really glad to have been able to fight by your side. Let us once again stand together on the battlefield of a day to come. Stay well until then, o warrior.* |
Hắc |
June 16, 2021 | ' 柳都の思想は「困難な戦場こそが花であり、他人にそこを任せるような臆病者は戦士ではない」というものです。この考え方がファーヴニルによって追い詰められた柳都を更に危機的状況に追い込んでいくのですが......純様はこういうの好きそうですね~^^; #アサルトリリィ |
In other words, Ryuuto's ideal is *"The more arduous a battle, the more glory there is. Cowards who leave the battlefield in the hands of others do not deserve the title of 「Warrior」"*. However, this ideal also exacerbated Ryuuto's crisis, which has already been pushed into a desperate situation by Fafnir.
....Though this seems to be exactly what Kiito likes |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Ryuuto's culture seems to support proliferation of duel
A: Yes. Compared to Garden in Kanto, Ryuuto is like Odaiba. Regardless of position, all the lilies has high standard of fighting prowess. |
rluka |
June 18, 2021 | 二水ちゃんの好きなベタの品種を教えてください!!
Q: What is Fumi's favourite betta breed?
A: Fumi likes the cute fancy breeds. Meanwhile, Ena likes the giant breed, they're cute like arowana. |
rluka |
June 18, 2021 | 亜羅椰さんの好きなフルーツについて知りたいです! #教えて二水ちゃん ザクロです #アサルトリリィ |
Araya's favourite fruit is pomegranate | rluka |
June 18, 2021 | ブリュンヒルデこと出江史房さんのルームメイトはどなたなのでしょうか?
LGスヴァンフヴィート解散後にブリュンヒルデラインに参画しましたが史房様が全幅の信頼を置いています。片手をポケットに突っ込んで戦う片手CHARM使いとして有名です #アサルトリリィ |
Shinobu's roommate is Mitsui Kou, an ex-member of LG Svanhvit who joined Brynhildr Line after Svanhvit is disbanded. Shinobu put trust on her.
She has style of fighting single-handed, with one hand stuffed inside her pocket. |
rluka |
June 18, 2021 | 二水さんの好きな果物を教えて下さい!🍐
Q: What is Fumi's favourite fruit 🍐
A: Peach |
rluka |
June 18, 2021 | 秦祀様のプライベートが気になるのですが……夢結様や梨璃さん辺りから何か聞いてませんか?ご趣味とか、好きな食べ物とか。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: More about Matsuri's private side.
A: Her hobby is writing poem. Her favourite food is Namerou. |
rluka |
June 18, 2021 | ヘリオスフィアについて
「シュベスターの祈り」の再演でいちか様がヘリオスフィアの防御壁を動かしている描写がありましたが ヘリオスフィアでヒュージの攻撃を一旦受け止めた後、バリアごとヒュージに攻撃を押し戻す、といった事は可能でしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: In the Schwester's Prayer, there's scene where Ichika used Heliosphere as a moving shield. Is it possible to block attack using Heliosphere and then push it all back to the enemy?
A: Theoretically, yes. But that would require immense amount of Magi |
rluka |
June 18, 2021 | 二水ちゃんのどんな系統のゲームが得意ですか?
Fumi's favourite game genre is RPG. She's not good with actions, especially FPS | rluka |
June 19, 2021 | 電撃新潟奪還戦の第1話にて、天葉様は千子夕七様と1年ぶりの再会とありましたが、天葉様と夕七様はどのようにお互いを知り合ったのでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん 御台場迎撃戦のあたりの時期に出会ってますね!百合ヶ丘に滞在中だった麻嶺様を夕七様が迎えに来て、帰る前に御台場で行われる戦技交流会に参加することになってそのまま迎撃戦に巻き込まれた感じです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: in the Niigata novel, Yuuna is said to be reunited with Soraha after a whole year, so where did they first meet one year before the novel
A: During the time of the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive. Yuuna came to pick up Marei who was lodging in Yurigaoka, and on their way back they visited the tactics conference in Odaiba, which became the Counteroffensive as we know it. |
Hắc |
June 19, 2021 | 夢結様は美鈴様の形見を持ち合わせてましたがこういった戦死してしまった仲間の形見を持って戦い続けてる方とか居たりしますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 悲しいことですが居ます。 #ルド女 の未来様からもらったリボンをタイに仕立て直しって幕張奪還戦に臨んだ長沢雪様が代表的です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Are there Lilies who carry mementos of their deceased comrades with them as they live on fighting, like how Yuyu keeps the items reminding her of Misuzu (pendant in the anime/stage play, Dainsleif in the novel)
A: Yes. One such Lily is Yuki, who keeps the ribbon she received from Mirai (Ludovico) and modeled it into a tie (neckerchief) as she engaged in the Liberation of Makuhari |
Hắc |
June 19, 2021 | 風紀委員はガーデン間の思想を学ぶため単科塾生として所属してることが多いそうですが、例に漏れずルド女の風紀委員である琴陽さんも塾に所属していたりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Many discipline committee members of Gardens have a background of attending specialized seminars (held by cram schools such as Touseijuku) to study inter-Garden ideologies and virtues, so is Kotohi (Ludovico's disciplinary committee member) the same
A: She should be |
Hắc |
June 21, 2021 | ' 本日が誕生日の高須賀月詩さん。現アールヴヘイムの左サイドAZヘッドライナーです。樟美さんとの連携もよくアールヴヘイムの左サイドは攻撃の印象が強いのは彼女の影響が大きいです。好物はラッシー、趣味は怪談奇談、苦手なものは勉強です!^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Takasuga Tsukushi, 2nd Alfheim's left AZ headliner.
Had good coordination with Kusumi. She also left the impression on how Alfheim got strong offensive from the left side. Favourite food is Lassi Hobby is scary stories (Akane hates it though) Not good at studying (and cleaning) |
rluka |
June 22, 2021 | ついにこの日がやってきた…ッ‼
Kozue West
Phantasm user from Odaiba. She awakened her rare skill almost at the same period as Nazuna. A genius who took part in the Odaiba Counteroffensive when she was still in middle school. She gives encouragement to Nazuna who at that time hasn't show her talent yet. There is a time when Nazuna can't fight anymore because she felt inferior to her best friend Nakaba. Kozue told Nazuna, "Of course, Nazuna is not strong, actually you're weak (lolz). But I can sense something great from you. I feel like you'll achieve something in the future." |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Kawanabe Nazuna is the first Phantasm user of Odaiba. She tried to be someone dependable, but quick to fall into panic and ends up being cared by the everyone.
The contrast between how she shows great performance in battle, while clumsy in her daily life attracts many lily otaku. Speed type Phantasm user, like Tazusa. She use her skill to predict enemy movement and user her speed to dominate them. Favourite drink is herb tea. Remember the Tomoshibi tea incident: Nazuna didn't stand out, and many people even doubted her ability. It was Akira Blanton who scouted her to Odaiba. The fact that she awakened Phantasm skill proofs the result of Odaiba's educational theory. |
rluka |
June 22, 2021 | 舞台「アサルトリリィ・御台場女学校編」
鈴木因 「沈めぇ〜〜〜!」
Suzuki Chinami, the TZ of Heorot Saints. Rare skill is Charisma.
Despite not having much in speed department, she is really strong. Lily otaku often talks about how during expedition, she hold back the small class and deliver finish shot while being chased by swarm of small class. Really strong, and known to be able to throw small class. Her defensive barrier is also said to be at the level of boosted lily. Chinami respect Hishida Haru and wants to have an oath of blood with her. But Haru is interested in Nazuna, and this is the reason why Chinami is strict towards Nazuna. Well, actually Chinami also likes Nazuna, but she's tsundere. When Haru praised Nazuna, Chinami's mood would get bad and she starts looking for trouble with Nazuna. > **Chinami**: What's that move just now? Nazuna is really not paying attention to anything around her. > **Nazuna**: eh? eh? what? > **Nakaba**: Chinami is bullying Nazuna again. She's really easy to read. > **Yuzuriha**: Haru! Chinami-chan asks to be noticed too > **Chinami**: Sh, shut up |
rluka |
June 21, 2021 | クルッジの試作機ではない量産型って、もう出回っているのでしょうか?
アステリオンのように、先行量産型を愛用しているリリィがいれば教えて下さい! #教えて二水ちゃん かなり上手に使いこなしてると評判です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Is the mass-production model of Kuruzzi already in circulation? Is there any Lily famous for using the pre-production model?
A: Suzuki Chinami from Heorot Saints, and she's also good at using it. |
rluka |
June 21, 2021 | 楓さんのようにお母様がリリィだった子は他にも居ますか?
#アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any other Lily whose mother was also a Lily, like Kaede?
A: Ishikawa Aoi |
rluka |
June 21, 2021 | LGローエングリンの境沢奈留さんってどんな性格の方ですか?
Sakaizawa Naru.
Usually she is kind and gentle, but has strong conviction of her principle. She has a noble personality and respected by many people. She is also trusted by Chihana as her right hand and holds the right side BZ of Lohengrin. |
rluka |
June 21, 2021 | 楓さんはいろんなレギオンから勧誘を受けてましたけど、アールヴヘイムは勧誘しましたか?
Despite many legions trying to recruit Kaede, Alfheim is not one of them. | rluka |
June 21, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
高須賀月詩といば戦技競技会で夢結様に瞬殺されてたイメージが強いのですが、彼女もアールヴヘイムに所属してる以上は相当な実力者と考えてよいのでしょうか?あれは夢結様が強すぎるだけ? |
Q: In the sport competition episode, Tsukushi got instant-KO'd by Yuyu. But she's actually strong isn't she?
A: That event is for recreation, so they're just having fun and not going all out. If she's serious, there's not much difference in her strength compared to Yuyu. After all, she is one of Alfheim's headliner. |
rluka |
June 23, 2021 | セインツ隊長の椛様はユニークCHARMを所有していますか?
Q: Does Momiji, the commander of LG Heorot Saints, have a unique CHARM of her own
A: Yes. Hers is called Ame-no-Habakiri (天羽々斬), a specially-designed CHARM derived from the Futsu-no-Mitama of Amatsu Heavy Industries'. Its form is quite different from the original Futsu-no-Mitama however. |
Hắc |
June 23, 2021 | 琴陽さん以外にブーステッドスキル マギリフレクターを持っている強化リリィが居ましたら教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: aside from Kotohi, are there any Enhanced Lilies with the skill Magi Reflector
A: Luise Ingels of LG Sanngriðr, an expert in using Magi Reflector |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: things about Ageha, like her personality or her bath time
A: usually her bath time is short |
Hắc |
June 23, 2021 | 伊東閑さんの実力はどのくらいですか?? #教えて二水ちゃん 百合ヶ丘トップ13レギオンの隊長で、1年生首席候補の3姫様の一人ですからワールドクラスですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: what is Shizu's capability
A: She's the commander of LG Schwarz Grail, one of Yurigaoka's major 13 legions, and is also one of the Three Princesses (1st year candidates for positions in the student council), so of course she's world-class in terms of capability |
Hắc |
June 23, 2021 | 二水ちゃん以外のリリィオタクのリリィもTwitterやってたりしませんか?(期間限定で紅巴ちゃんとかが担当することはありませんか?)
#教えて二水ちゃん よく「は?なんでこのレギオンがS級なの?腐ってるわ~」とかツイートして批判されてます。何を言われても「何がいけないんだ!」って返してます。わたしには真似できないですね^^; #アサルトリリィ |
Q: any other Lily otakus that use Twitter outside of Fumi
A: Kanebako Misora, the Lily otaku of 2nd-gen LG Alfheim with a wicked tongue. She usually stirs up dramas on Twitter, such as tweeting *"how the hell did this legion end up S-rank, did they bribe the rating officers"* and getting bashed in return. She returns any critics at her tweets with *"and what's wrong with that!?"* |
Hắc |
June 23, 2021 | 最近は汐里ちゃんどうしてる?
Q: what's Shiori up to recently
A: Recently she has been ordering frozen moyan curry online |
Hắc |
June 23, 2021 | チェミルさんの様子はどうですか?またルルディスさんに叱られてませんか? #教えて二水ちゃん チェミルちゃんは叱られてもゲームはやめません! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: how's Chemir doing, is she getting scolded by Louloudis again
A: yes, but that can't stop her from gaming |
Hắc |
June 23, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘一年生で夢結様と対等に戦えるリリィはいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 百合ヶ丘は基本的にリリィ同士の戦いを禁じてますので正確にはわからないですが13レギオン所属のリリィなら夢結様と対等、もしくは夢結様が1年生の時と同じ程度の戦闘力だと思います #アサルトリリィ |
Q: are there first-year students in Yurigaoka who can match Yuyu equally in 1v1
A: Yurigaoka forbids dueling between Lilies so there can be no definite answer, but the 1st years of the 13 major legions can match Yuyu in strength, or at least her strength when she was in 1st year |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 柳都編についての質問なのですが、柳都外征にはアールヴヘイムのスーパーサブの3人は着いて行ってるのでしょうか?
Q: Do the 3 reserve members of Alfheim also sortie to Ryuuto in the legion's expedition there
A: Of course, they went with their full force |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 桂さんと薺ちゃんの身長を教えてぐださい
#教えて二水ちゃん #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What are the heights of Katsura and Nazuna
A: Katsura is 161cm, and Nazuna is 152cm |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 頭の回転が早く,観察力や洞察力,推理力に優れた,探偵タイプな頭のメチャクチャキレるリリィって挙げるとすれば誰ですか? #教えて二水ちゃん そうですね~百合ヶ丘なら初代アールヴヘイム主将竹腰千華様やエイルの武田光未様がこのタイプですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies with quick wits, sharp perception, excellent deduction skills like a detector-type character
A: Takegoshi Chihana, commander of 1st-gen Alfheim, or Takeda Mimi of LG Eir |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | モニカ・ロッシさんは推薦入学?それとも中等部セレクションで入学したのでしょうか?
Q: how did Monica Rossi enter Yurigaoka, through recommendation or junior high school entrance exam
A: she has been in Yurigaoka from kindergarten |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 解散してしまったというレギオン、スヴァンフヴィートの全盛期の頃の格付けについて教えてください!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: what was the ranking of the former LG Svanhvit during its prime
A: SSS. They were remarked as "the culmination of Yurigaoka's Duelist generation" |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 木子都々里さんの身長はいくつですか?
Q: Kiko Totori's height
A: 162cm |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 鈴木因ちゃんの身長が気になっています。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Chinami's height
A: 158cm |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
中等部時代には既に百合ヶ丘にいらっしゃったようですが… |
Q: was Homare born in Kamakura Prefecture
A: yes |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 桂さんは人とはあまり関わらないらしいですがお昼はいつも1人で食べているんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Katsura often refrains from dealing with other people, so does it mean she spends her lunchtime eating alone
A: She spends lunch with Momiji whom she respects, Nazuna, Nakaba and other members of LG Heorot Saints. This legion's members are very close together |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 泳ぎが苦手な方も居るようですが、逆に泳ぎが得意な方と言えば誰か居ますか?
Q: Lilies good at swimming
A: Chikaru |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Miki's favorite animal
A: Meerkats |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | 桂さんは普段薺ちゃんを気にかけてますが薺ちゃんから桂さんに話しかけることはあるんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 薺「桂さん!みてみて~CHARMフリップ!」 桂「そういう曲芸のようなのは良くないですよ」 薺「え?!」 みたいな感じで #アサルトリリィ |
Q: normally Katsura is caring over Nazuna, but does Nazuna actively seek out Katsura to talk with her
A: Yes, as normal. For example > Nazuna: Katsura-san, look at this~~ CHARM flip! > Katsura: Acrobatic tricks like that aren't good you know > Nazuna: Eeeeh??? |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | アールヴヘイムは専用のガンシップを持ってるんですか?
Q: does Alfheim have a gunship of its own
A: Yes, as it's the flagship expeditionary legion. Also LG Sigrdrifa the reconnaissance legion also has one of its own. |
Hắc |
June 24, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
泳ぎが苦手なリリィと言えば誰でしたっけオモイダセナイナー |
Q: talking about swimming, which Lilies hates being in the water? hit by a sudden episode of amnesia so can't remember
A: Eh, who was it, I don't know. Maybe someone from Odaiba, I'll hide in the editors' bunker for now 🏃♀️ 💨 |
Hắc |
June 25, 2021 | 以前、ゼノンパラドキサ持ちは拗らせてる人が多いなんて話も出てましたが、レアスキルによって「◯◯持ちはこんな人が多い」みたいなのって都市伝説レベルでもいいのであったりしますか?
Q: Previously, it's said a lot of Zenon Paradox users got complicated situations. What kind of personality is stereotypical of Phantasm users?
A: Mostly, sort of airhead, or strong-willed |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
例えば薺ちゃんみたいな現御台場の1年生と、土岐紅巴ちゃんは中等部時代に出会ったことってあったのでしょうか? |
Q: Is it possible that 1st year in Odaiba, such as Nazuna, has met with Kureha during middle school?
A: Odaiba's middle school Lily department and Madec Academy are in different facilities and they have separate training. But the possibility of Kureha sneaking into the lily department still exists. |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | 囲碁や将棋が得意な方は百合ヶ丘にいますか?先生がたでもいいので、いたら教えてください。
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Anyone good with playing shogi or igo in Yurigaoka?
A: Takekoshi Chihana and Hata Matsuri likes to play the game |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはレアスキルが鷹の目ですが使える、もしくは鍛えているサブスキルはありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 軍神の加護(レジスタのサブスキル)が欲しいですね >< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Fumi-chan, any sub-skill you want to get?
A: Blessing of War God (Regista's sub-skill) |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | 治様は翼を出せますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 治様は神宿り使用時に翼が出ますね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Haru also has magi wings
A: When she is in 神宿り (hosting gods?) mode |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | 確認されてる強化リリィのブーステッドスキル最大保持数とそのリリィを教えてほしいです。
Q: How much is the highest confirmed number of boosted skill a boosted lily can have?
A: Ooshima Suiren from LG Rossweisse has 4. It's said this is the maximum number. Having many boosted skills increase the risk of leaving negative magi residues. |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | 桂さんは休日の日はなにをしてますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: What does Hayami Katsura do in her day off
A: Zen meditation, Charm maintenance, and studying books on tactics. |
rluka |
June 25, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘にいる強化リリィにブーステッドスキルを保持していないリリィはいますか?
Q: Any Boosted Lily in Yurigaoka without any boosted skill?
A: Not in Yurigaoka |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | 燈さんは山で暮らしていた時期もあったそうですが、好きな動物とかって居たのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Tomoshibi once lived in the mountains. What is her favourite animal?
A: Bear |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | 夏の暑さが苦手なリリィはいますか?
寒いのが苦手なのは樟美さんです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any Lily who are not good with summer heat
A: Shiori doesn't like hot weather. Kusumi doesn't like cold weather. |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | 桂さんの好きな動物はなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Katsura's favourite animal
A: Dog |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | 純様の好きな動物はなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Kiito's favourite animal
A: Fennec |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | 薺ちゃんの好きな動物はなんですか? #教えて二水ちゃん ウサギですね。特にロップイヤー #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Nazuna's favourite animal
A: Rabbit, especially lob-eared rabbit |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | 菱田治さんと横山梓さんの好きな動物はなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 梓様はわんちゃん派ですね! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Hishida Haru and Yokoyama Azusa's ?
A: Haru likes owls, Azusa likes dogs |
rluka |
June 26, 2021 | ' ま、まずい><もう眠気がすごいのでこの辺で休みたいと思います。私の好きな動物はコツメカワウソです。汐里ちゃんはモルモットとハイラックス、樟美ちゃんはお馬さんでした、おやすみなさいま......スヤスヤ💤😴 #アサルトリリィ |
etc. favourite animals
Fumi: Otter Shiori: Guinea pig and Hyrax Kusumi: Horse |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Does Ageha ever took part in big campaigns like Odaiba or Koushuu?
A: During the swarm sweeping in Recapture of Makuhari, she showed a fierce fighting style unlike her usual calm demeanour. Also, during the Kirigaura Defense, she is famous of spearheading with Tamura Nagi. She is one of the representative of Yurigaoka's 3rd year heroes, so she is more than just giving big words. |
rluka |
June 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
船田うもとい、F・Uさん(御台場女子・ルナティックトランサー)はきいt……もとい妹さん(御台場女子・ルナティックトランサー)にご自身が激辛が苦手なことを隠していらっしゃいますが、妹さんの方もご自身が泳ぎが苦手なのを隠していらっしゃったりするのでしょうか? |
Q: Miss F.U from Odaiba seems to hide the fact she's tormented by her sister's super spicy curry. But does the younger sister also hides anything from her sister? Such as the fact she can't swim
A: Kiito seems to not keep any secret from Ui |
rluka |
June 27, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
薺ちゃんの特技ってなんですか? やっぱりアイスを…… |
Q: What is Nazuna's specialty? Dropping ice cream?
A: Nazuna is good at running, she's really fast |
rluka |
June 27, 2021 | ユニーク機はいずれ量産機体にすることを目指して開発されていますか?
Q: Are there plans for mass-producing unique Charm?
A: When the big Makers are involved, development of Unique Charm are usually a starting point for mass-produced model. Although there are also cases where the unit become too specialised and can't go into mass-production. |
rluka |
June 29, 2021 | 楯の乙女制度とは…?詳しくを!!#教えて二水ちゃん 楯の乙女”スキャルドメール”とはエレンスゲの理想とするリリィ像の象徴です。 そしてその理想のリリィ像「楯の乙女」の名を冠する「楯の乙女制度」こそがエレンスゲの疑似姉妹契約制度なのです。上級生と下級生で契約を結び「楯の姉妹」とよばれる関係となります。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about the "Shieldmaiden" sisterhood system of Herensuge (is this a new thing in the Mildom stream?)
A: The figure of the Shieldmaiden "Skjaldmær" is the representation of Herensuge's ideals about a Lily. And thus, the "Shieldmaiden system", bearing the name of the eponymous figure, is Herensuge's own version of sisterhood. A pair of senior and junior Lilies oathed together are thus called "Shieldmaiden sisters". |
Hắc |
June 29, 2021 | 何でヘルヴォルのメンバーは8位以下からしか選べないんですか??
Q: why can LG Hervor only choose students of rank 8 and below as its members
A: because those of rank 1~7 are the commanders of the 7 major legions themselves |
Hắc |
June 29, 2021 | エレンスゲ以外にもチャームメーカーが運営するガーデンがあるとのことですが、城ヶ島工科女子高校はやはりそうなのですか?
Q: Similar to Herensuge, there are other Gardens operated by CHARM Makers, so is Jougashima Girls' High School of Engineering also one among these.
A: No. Jougashima is operated by the common funding of several Makers, so it doesn't belong to any specific one. Though other Maker-specific Gardens do exist, such as Sagami Girls' High School (by Hihiirokane International) |
Hắc |
June 29, 2021 | 夕七さんは柳都では評価され難いと仰っていましたが、逆に夕七さんが向いていそうな、活躍出来そうなガーデンというと何処を思い浮かべますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yuuna is not regarded favorably in Ryuuto, but what would be other places that fit her character and allow her to shine more
A: Yurigaoka or St. Mercury, where tactics are emphasized and dueling isn't the sole value |
Hắc |
June 29, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
「アサルトリリィアームズコレクション」のパッケージに描かれている子たちは何処のガーデンのリリィなのでしょうか・・・? 差し支えなければ彼女たちの名前と所属ガーデンを教えていただきたいです!! |
Q: about the girls on the package of the Lily Arms Collection boxes
A: Asanaga Ichigo (girl with Tyrfing-T), Koshiba Eishin (Triglav), Masukawa Uta (Tyrfing-R). They all are affiliated to Jougashima Girl's High School of Engineering, a Garden specializing in educating Arsenals |
Hắc |
June 29, 2021 | 因様の大好物ってなんですか?
Q: what is Chinami's favorite food
A: meat, especially poultry |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: how is the Student council president of Odaiba chosen
A: by school-wide election |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん 霞ヶ浦防衛戦について教えていただけますか? 霞ヶ浦防衛戦は北浦ネストにいたヒュージが特型の巣無しのギガント級を共鳴で呼び寄せ霞ヶ浦ネストの営巣を図るのを阻止した戦いでした。 御台場セインツトップレギオン時代最後の隊長の円山周様、百合ケ丘女学院の吉田鳳蝶様、田村那岐様などが活躍された大規模戦闘です #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about the Defense of Kasumi-ga-ura
A: It was the battle aimed at stopping the construction of a nest at Kasumi-ga-ura by Huges coming from the Kita'ura nest, which had been resonating with and gathering special-type Gigant-classes. It was a major battle that saw the action of Maruyama Amane (?), the final commander of LG Heorot Saints during Odaiba's Top Legion era, as well as Yoshida Ageha and Tamura Nagi from Yurigaoka. |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: is Aoi the only child of her family
A: yes |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
やはり素振りでしょうか |
Q: what is Tomoyo's hobby, practicing sword swings?
A: Fashion stuff and dressing up |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の生徒が学内外でこのような問題を起こした場合、対応する学内の組織はどこになるのでしょうか?
Q: When a Yurigaoka Lily stirs up a dorama (e.g. Misora and her flame war), then which agency in the school will deal with the situation. is it left to the Lily's affiliated Legion
A: Disciplinary action is taken by either the Disciplinary committee or the Disciplinary Inspection Institution |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | 円山周さんは現在何年生ですか?どんな方ですか?
Q: about Maruyama Amane
A: Odaiba Girls' High school, third year. She's a quiet and kind person. One among the "living legends" of Odaiba, which are three third-year students divided into the three major legions (Heorot Saints, Hronesness and Coast Guard), one for each legion. Amane corresponds with Heorot Saints, and she is a sworn friend of Yuki, the living legend of Hronesness |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | 今川誉様の私服の趣味を教えてください
Q: Imagawa Homare's preference in clothing style
A: Gothic |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんの私服の趣味を教えてください!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q: Hibari's clothing style
A: Preppy style |
Hắc |
June 30, 2021 | 長沢雪様の趣味ってなんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 超高価な天体望遠鏡をお持ちですよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Yuki's hobbies
A: Observing celestial bodies, bonsai, and incense appreciation. She has an incredibly expensive telescope |
Hắc |
July 1, 2021 | テニスが得意だったり、テニスを趣味にしているリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
Q: Lilies who likes/is good at tennis
A: Taneda ~~Risa~~ Seina, 1st year of Kaiseizan |
Hắc |
July 1, 2021 | 戦闘センスが天才的に高い方とかいらっしゃっりします!? #教えて二水ちゃん 戦闘センスは汐里ちゃんが相当高いですね。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies with ungodly high sense of combat intuition
A: Shiori |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: If Maruyama Amane isn't part of the 9-member headliner of Heorot Saints, then does it mean they have reserves as well
A: Yes, the full legion has 13 members |
Hắc |
July 1, 2021 | 那岐様の身長はいくつですか?
Q: Nagi's height
A: 163cm |
Hắc |
July 1, 2021 | ロネスネスは超攻撃的なレギオン、セインツは攻守のバランスが取れたレギオン、コーストガードはどのような戦術を得意とするレギオンなのでしょうか?
Q: LG Hronesness' style is extreme aggressiveness, LG Heorot Saints is balance between offense-defense, then what is LG Coastguard's main tactic
A: Their primary task is defending the garden, so they have a wide variation of defensive tactics, but that isn't their only game. They place 5 Lilies in the BZ, but their positions can overlap with the front line as they move forward in combat, so their formation can change a lot in practice. |
Hắc |
July 1, 2021 | 榎本瑚桃ちゃんの身長はいくつですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Enomoto Komomo's height
A: 158cm |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: legions with exactly 9 members and no reserves like 1yanagi squad
A: LG Hronesness |
Hắc |
July 1, 2021 | レギオンは入団希望とかはできますか?
Q: can Lilies submit request to join legions instead of waiting to be invited
A: Depends on the garden, but in Yurigaoka requests to join are possible. Though the vast majority of legion entrance is by invitation |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: About Nakamura Tsubame, the deputy officer to the Brynhildr
A: Nakamura Tsubame, a Lily who sees Yuyu as her rival. She has a short temper, but is also a simple person, so she is loved by everyone around her. Having spent a long time being unaffiliated to any legions, she knows all-too-well about the world of school dramas, so upon her selection as the deputy to the Brynhildr, she was celebrated much by people around her. Personality-wise, she is like Asagao |
Hắc |
July 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
ルナティックトランサーに覚醒しやすい子の性格の特徴が知りたいです…! |
Q: distinct traits in the personality of girls who may awaken to Lunatic Trancer
A: there's not much common traits in their personalities, but it is said that Lilies fighting in the AZ will awaken LT more easily |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: any peaceful pro-GEHENA schools aside from Irma Girls' High school of fine arts
A: Kuramayama Girls' High school of Environmental Sciences, but only recently did they start to become peaceful |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: in the case of dealing with requests to join a legion, is the right to accept or decline left to the legion
A: Yes. In Yurigaoka the authority is left to the legion commander, with the exception of special legions directly under the school's command |
Hắc |
July 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
日本国内で一番エリアディフェンスが強い安全圏はどこですか? |
Q: area within Japan that has the stronkest™️ Area Defense device
A: Tokyo |
Hắc |
July 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
マディックからリリィになれた子は今までどのくらいいますか?また代表的な人物を教えてください |
Q: how many Madecs have made it to become Lilies? also any representative figures
A: Very few have managed to ascend to a Lily, perhaps only about 1/10th of all Madecs. A famous representative would be Igusa Subaru, who rose from a Madec all the way to the Command tower of LG Hronesness, one of Odaiba's 3 major legions. She's an exception among exceptions |
Hắc |
July 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
楯の乙女制度はエレンスゲでは伝統だったのですか? |
Q: is the Shieldmaiden sister system a tradition of Herensuge
A: Yes, it has been in place for a long time. Definitely not made up just a few days ago |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Mai's father, Dr. Yoshimura Shin is a world-class pillar in the field of CHARM Activation Theory. But what is this field specifically
A: It is exactly what it sounds like, theory in the activation of CHARMs. It is the most fundamental and important field in the science of Magi and CHARMs, dealing with subjects such as research in Magi contract executed through the Magi Crystal Core. CHARM Activation Theory isn't just about activating CHARMs though, as it also contributes to increasing the power output of group strategies (e.g. Neunwelt Strategy) |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lilies that are especially effective in dealing with cockroaches
A: Tange Honori of LG Geiravor doesn't dislike cockroaches at all. She often troubles people around her by saying "cockroaches actually grow more quickly when they're together, or so I heard!" |
Hắc |
July 3, 2021 | お掃除が苦手なリリィっていらっしゃいますか??? #教えて二水ちゃん やはり、2代アールヴヘイムの月詩さんですね^^;シュッツエンゲルの茜様や樟美さんが掃除しないと大変なことに......
Q: Lilies that hate room-cleaning
A: Tsukushi. Usually Kusumi or her Schutzengel Akane has to clean up for her |
Hắc |
July 3, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
先代ヘルヴォルの時代はマディックの扱いは酷いものでしたが、エレンスゲ同様、マディックを捨て駒扱いするレギオン及びガーデンは珍しくないのでしょうか? |
Q: the previous generation of Hervor was famous for its merciless treatment of Madecs, but are there any legions or gardens that use Madecs like throwaway pawns like what Herensuge did
A: No, at least not to the degree of willingly sending Madecs to their death in meat grinder operations. While indeed they cannot become Lilies, at least they can still harness Magi power to a certain degree, so they're still treasured manpower. Madecs cannot carry out the same operations as Lilies, but they can contribute in evacuating civilians or mopping up low-tier Huges, so they're still treated highly in general |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Fumi-chan, what would you do when you're really sleepy but can't sleep yet?
A: Energy drink to the rescue |
rluka |
July 4, 2021 | レアスキルは覚醒したりするのが珍しいものもあると仰ってましたがどのレアスキルが1番珍しいものに当たりますか? #教えて二水ちゃん ファンタズム、テスタメントあたりは珍しいですね。百合ヶ丘や御台場女学校にはそこそこいるように見えますがそれだけの才能が集まってるという事で他のガーデンでは一人もいないという事も珍しくないのです。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What is the most rare among the rare skills?
A: Phantasm and Testament are uncommon. Yurigaoka and Odaiba are gathering of talents, so we can see quite a number of lily with those skills, but other Gardens might not even have any. |
rluka |
July 4, 2021 | どうしてもリリィになりたくてもなれなかった子の進む道はマディックの他になにかあるのでしょうか?
Q: Is Madec the only option for those who wants to be Lily but can't?
A: If they insist on joining the battlefield. Else, there are jobs supporting Lily such as media journalist or working in Charm makers. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Any other projectile Charm like the Gae Bolg?
A: Kozue West's Failnaught |
rluka |
July 4, 2021 | 純様は毎回遠出する度に御朱印を集めてますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Kiito's hobby is travelling, and she also collect stamps from places she visit. | rluka |
July 4, 2021 | 二水ちゃんはよく夜更かししていますが、夜更かしが原因で大目玉くらったことはないんですか?#教えて二水ちゃん ないですよ。鷹の目を使って教導官に見つからなければどうという事は無いですので^^ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Fumi-chan, ever got into trouble for staying up late?
A: Nope |
rluka |
July 4, 2021 | 純様はお子さまカレーを食べたりしますか?
Q: Does Kiito ever eat kiddy curry?
A: Kiito really likes spicy curry, so, no. But Asagao likes milder curry, although not as much as to call it kiddy curry. |
rluka |
July 4, 2021 | どこの学校にも怖い先生はいらっしゃいますが、二水ちゃんが正直苦手だなーとか、怖いなーって思ってしまうような教導官っていらっしゃいますか?
Q: Any teacher Fumi is really not good with?
A: In Yurigaoka, that would be the scary Yoshizaka-sensei. Chelice-sensei is kind. Outside Yurigaoka, that would be Yoshizaka-sensei's friend, Akira-sensei from Odaiba. She would mercilessly gives heavy training menu. |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 燈さんはレアとウェルダン、どちらの方が好きですか? #教えて二水ちゃん レアですね! #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Does Tomoshibi likes her meat rare or well done?
A: Rare |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 眞悠理様の旧館寮の屋根裏部屋はかなり広いとのことですが、3部屋ぶち抜いたという楓さんの部屋とどちらが広いですか?
Q: Which is bigger, Mayuri's attic palace, or Kaede's room that is said to be 3 rooms combined?
A: Mayuri's place covers the whole attic of the old dormitory, so it's much bigger. |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
秋葉原のアゾンで二水ちゃんが御台場の制服着てましたが純様などの面々に会いに行くんですか? |
Q: In Azone Akihabara store, there's Fumi with Odaiba uniform. Does she went to meet with Kiito and the others?
A: Fumi also plans on having interview after the Odaiba stage play in August |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Akari claims to be able to see colour of Magi. Is there any other Lily with that ability?
A: Never heard of anyone else. But Lilies there are Lilies with such kind of special power. For example, Mori Tatsuki from Alfheim can hear Huge's voice. |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 二水ちゃん的に、一番行きたくない御台場の次に行きたくない、二水ちゃん的にちょっと行くのが怖いなって思えてしまうガーデンというと、何処でしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん 鎌倉府なら相模女子でしょうか。怖い人が多いみたいです>< #アサルトリリィ |
Q: What is the most scary Garden that Fumi doesn't want to go to, after Odaiba?
A: Ryuuto is similarly scary as Odaiba. For Garden in Kamakura, Sagami, lots of scary people there. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Fumi-chan, any recommended topping for gyuudon?
A: Cheese and tabasco |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Famous Lily from Sielulintu must be crazy strong yet chuunibyou aren't they?
A: Of course, Sielulintu is also one of the big 5 Garden of Kamakura, so they have many excellent Lilies. Although, all of them are chuunibyou without exception. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Is there any joint training camp in Yurigaoka?
A: Allied legions often have joint training camp. |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 柳都ってゲヘナに対してどう思ってるんですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Ryuuto's position towards Gehena
A: Super anti-Gehena |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
依奈様はアニメだと一振のチャームしか使用していませんでしたが、円環の御手保有者がチャームを2本使わないことはあるのでしょうか? |
Q: In the anime last episode, Ena fights with only one Charm. Is there also time when Enkan no Mite skill users don't use two Charms?
A: Yes. For example, during the stage play, Sachie sometime use 1 Charm and 2 Charm in another scene. |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 雪花団の九鬼縫雪花(くき・ぬゆな)さんはちょっと難しい読みのお名前をされていますが、レギオンの仲間から何と呼ばれているのでしょうか?
Q: Kuki Nuyuna from Sekkadan. Her name is difficult to read, so how does her Legion friends usually call her?
A: Yuna-chan |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘には量産型のCHARMの使い手だったり、初代アールヴヘイム専用に作られたグラムなど少数生産・ユニークCHARMなどの使い手がいますが、CHARMの分類としての使用の割合はどんな感じでしょうか?
アニメではアステリオン、グングニル使いが結構いましたので気になります #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yurigaoka adopts many kind of Charm from mass produced model to unique Charms. How is the proportion?
A: Unique Charm and pre-production models are usually only given to excellent Lilies at level of members from the 13 Legions, so the number is small. But there's almost no Lily in Yurigaoka who has never used either Dainsleif, Asterion, or Gungnir. |
rluka |
July 5, 2021 | 夢結様は観劇がご趣味のようですが、好きな作品とかありますか?
Q: Yuyu's hobby includes watching theatre. What is her favourite play?
A: Phantom of the Opera |
rluka |
July 6, 2021 | LG雪花団はまだまだ発展途上なレギオンなのにも関わらず格付けAランクだそうですが、隊長を含む3人が特に優秀な為こうなっているのでしょうか?
Q: LG Sekkadan (Hijiribashi University Affiliated High School) is an A-ranked legion despite being a developing one, is this because its 3 members including the commander are all excellent Lilies? Or is it because there are other outstanding girls in it as well
A: Sekkadan's favorable rating has to do with it having the incredibly excellent Kiriko (who declined Odaiba Girls High School's insistent invitations in favor of Hijiribashi) and Tae (who "only" failed her Yurigaoka entrance exam because of her injuries), in addition to Nuyuna (who is very solid by herself as well). Of special note was Tae, whose capacity in the BZ position is so exceedingly stellar that Yurigaoka has to admit in regret that failing her exam was a wrong thing. |
Hắc |
July 6, 2021 | 知世さんの得意な剣技のスタイルは刺突系ですか?
Q: is Tomoyo's best swordfighting style focused in stabbing
A: No, her style focuses on acrobatically gorgeous showy strokes |
Hắc |
July 6, 2021 | 恋花様が、前に所属していたレギオン バシャンドレはどのようなレギオンなのですか? 詳しく教えてください!
Q: What is LG Basandere, Renka's former legion, like
A: LG Basandere is customarily lead by generations after generations of Herensuge's Disciplinary committee presidents, and is focused on "Dueling and Orderliness". It is the peak of Herensuge's conscientious legions. |
Hắc |
July 6, 2021 | LGレギンレイヴが2隊に分かれて同時に作戦行動した場合、作戦指揮はどなたが行うのでしょうか?
Q: in the case that LG Reginleif sorties all its members as 2 squads at once, who will take the commanding post
A: Sakua, Botan and Diana. The three Register users will split up to lead the two squads |
Hắc |
July 6, 2021 | 高嶺様や叶星様って怒ることとかありますか?
Q: has Takane and Kanaho ever gotten angry at something
A: Quite possibly yes, they came from Odaiba's junior high school department after all. It's going to be hell on earth to see them angry |
Hắc |
July 6, 2021 | 槿って泳げますか?
Q: can Asagao swim
A: yes, very fast |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Sagami is known as a school of delinquents and hoodlums, so does Aoi, Yui and Shion count as the "decent" people in there
A: Aoi only entered Sagami in high school (i.e. just entered) so she hasn't been steeped in its culture yet. Yui isn't a hoodlum herself. Likewise, Shion was a former ojou-sama so she isn't ill-mannered like the rest, but she has a terrifying personality |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | ディアナさんの出身はどちらでしょうか?
Q: Where did Diana come from
A: The Netherlands |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lilies that are highly jealous
A: Touka, who is famous for her abnormal sense of jealousy and low self-perception, despite how amazing her capability is ~~(was)~~ |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
百合ケ丘以外でも大浴場でお風呂に入る文化はありますか? |
Q: are there schools outside of Yurigaoka that has a custom of using communal bathhouses
A: Odaiba and Alchemilla |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
日羽梨様の、出撃前にやるルーティーンみたいなのってありますか? |
Q: Hibari's routines before a sortie
A: fixing her ribbon, then cracking her right wrist while booting up her CHARM |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんが御台場迎撃戦第4部隊において、どのような活躍をしていたのか知りたいです!
Q: What contributions did Hibari do in the Battle of Odaiba Counteroffensive as a member of the 4th squad
A: She lead the battle as one of the several Command towers of the squad. The Commander, Tecia, is focused on dueling, so it was primarily Hibari and Hirose Minato (Odaiba) who controlled the combat from the TZ. Under her command, the 4th squad engaged in coordination precise to the seconds, and their fight secured the evacuation route for civilians. With this contribution, her tactics was praised as "One Hand of God's", and has been the topic of discussions by Lily otakus even until now |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | 占いなどスピリチュアルな方面な趣味を持ったリリィは居たりしますか??? #教えて二水ちゃん 冬佳様が占いとかお好きですよ #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies that have spiritualism-oriented hobbies such as fortune-telling
A: Touka, fortune-telling is a hobby of hers |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
映画にうるさいリリィはいますか? |
Q: Lilies who are film buffs
A: Wang Ruixi, Yujia's elder sister, is a huge film buff. Be careful of letting slip that you like movies around her, or she'll drag you into her endless film discussions. Aside from asking if you've seen this or that, she speaks of exclusive screenings at limited cinemas as if it was a common thing, and if you don't know what she's talking about, she'll remark of you disapprovingly and take the film for you to watch |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | 冬佳様がヤキモチを焼く相手はどなたでございますですか!?
Q: towards whom is Touka jealous against
A: anyone and everyone who talks with the people she holds dear |
Hắc |
July 7, 2021 | 山梨日羽梨さんの好きな食べ物ってなんですか?
Q: Hibari's favorite food
A: Chilled Chinese noodle and nuts. She dislikes hot food |
Hắc |
July 8, 2021 | 二水ちゃんが好きな映画とかあれば教えて欲しいです
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Fumi-chan, any movie you like?
A: The Usual Suspects |
rluka |
July 8, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
相模女子内でもレギオン(特選隊?)の序列はあったりしますか? |
Q: Does Sagami has any internal ranking system for their legions?
A: Outside the Special Select Squad and Special Operation Squad that are under direct command of the Garden, Sagami adopts the instructor approved system (means the Lilies can make their own legions), so there are no internal ranking system. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Lily famous for their taste for spicy food?
A: Yuyu and Kiito |
rluka |
July 8, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
松永遊糸様の長さの違うソックスは川村楪様の影響ですか? |
Q: Is Yui senpai also wearing socks with different because of Yuzuriha?
A: Could be. She's bragging like "Don't you know this is trending?". Perhaps she read that magazine with special fashion article about Yuzuriha. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Has Yuyu tried Kiito curry?
A: Of course |
rluka |
July 8, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
野球好きなリリィっていますか? |
Q: Any Lily who likes baseball?
A: Shinobu |
rluka |
July 8, 2021 | 城跡巡りが好きなリリィは居ますか
Q: Any Lily who likes visiting remains of castles?
A: Shiori likes to visit historical and architectural sites, including castles |
rluka |
July 9, 2021 | 松永隊長は「貯金」が趣味との事ですが、幾ら位まで貯めよう!とか決めているんでしょうか…?
Q: one of Yui-paisen's hobbies is saving money, but does she have a goal for saving to.
A: there's no goal, since all her saving goes to supporting her family |
Hắc |
July 9, 2021 | 二水ちゃん以外にサッカー好きなリリィっていますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 恋花様がフットサルが趣味でサッカーもお好きなはずです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies who like soccer aside from Fumi
A: Renka likes futsal, so she should like soccer as well |
Hắc |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Tejima Komachi's hobby
A: Reading. She reads quite a lot, and her favorites are history novels |
Hắc |
July 9, 2021 | 天葉様は蜂が苦手で他の虫は大丈夫とのことですが、ゴキ〇ブリなんかと出くわしても平気だったりするのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Soraha is fine with all bugs except for bees, but is she calm with cockroaches or the likes too
A: Yes. She only exclusively hates stinging insects |
Hắc |
July 9, 2021 | ロネスネスのメンバーでホラーが苦手な方はいますか?
Q: Hronesness members who dislike horror stuff
A: Asagao |
Hắc |
July 9, 2021 | 武道とかやってるリリィいますか?
Q: Lilies who studies martial arts
A: For Odaiba girls it is required, so they all learn some form of martial arts or another. But in Yurigaoka, basically a lot of people related to the Brynhildr like martial arts |
Hắc |
July 9, 2021 | 各ガーデンで自宅に帰りながら
登校するリリィっていますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: are there gardens that allow Lilies to go home instead of staying in dorms on campus
A: Depends on the garden. For places like Yurigaoka that demands all students, including locals, to stay in campus dorms, then going home is not possible, but in places like Ludojo, Lilies who live in the area can go back home and commute to school |
Hắc |
July 9, 2021 | 遊糸様は所謂「見える人」とのことですが、ある程度幽霊とのコミュニケーションや意思疎通とかはできるんでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yui-paisen can see ghosts, but can she communicate with them, to a degree at least
A: Seems like she can, even though she doesn't want to do it |
Hắc |
July 10, 2021 | 依奈様はアプリでは「グングニルカービン」と「アステリオン」、ドールでは「グラム」でノベルでは「ミミング」と「グンフィエズル」、もしくは「エインヘリャル」を使用してますが依奈様にとってお気に入りのCHARMはありますか?
Q: In the latest update, Ena uses Gungnir Carbine and Asterion. The doll version uses Gram. In the novel she uses Miming, Gunnföder, and probably Einherjar. Which is the one Ena likes the most?
A: Miming and Gunnföder |
rluka |
July 10, 2021 | アルケミートレースで作り上げた擬似CHARMは戦闘後もそのまま残り続ける物なのでしょうか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is the artificial Charm made with Alchemic Trace would be left after battle?
A: It will disappear soon |
rluka |
July 10, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
何処のレギオンに所属してましたかね? (七夕ボイスより) |
Q: Based on the Tanabata voice. Which Legion would Kazuha joins if she entered Yurigaoka?
A: Kazuha is the type of Regista user who took action with consideration about balance in offence and defence, so seems like she would fit in with Shizu's Schwarz Grail |
rluka |
July 10, 2021 | 二水ちゃんは朝はパン派ですか?ごはん派ですか?
Q: Fumi-chan, are you the type who eats rice or bread for breakfast?
A: Rice ^ ^ |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Ability-wise, what is Kanaho and Takane's position during their time in Odaiba?
A: Both are members of the Funada Reserve Squad. Kanaho acts as commander from central BZ position. Takane is lower-top in central TZ position. Like the 1st generation Alfheim, Funada Reserve Squad are known to have top-notch ability. |
rluka |
July 10, 2021 | 琴陽みたいに手当り次第に手合わせをお願いする行為を百合ヶ丘でやったら
Q: In Yurigaoka, would asking for a match from every person around like Kotohi be considered as challenging the morality?
A: Yes > < |
rluka |
July 10, 2021 | メンタルが強いリリィと言えばどなたになりますか!? #教えて二水ちゃん 御台場女学校の昴様ですね。どんな状況でも諦めないですし、苦境でもポジティブさを失いません #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Any Lily with strong mentality?
A: Subaru from Odaiba. She never gives up no matter what, and she never loses her positivism through any difficulties. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: To Fumi, what kind of person is Hotaru?
A: A balanced person. Someone with common sense. Probably like Sachie from Ludovico, or Sakua from Yurigaoka. |
rluka |
July 11, 2021 | ' 13レギオン会議は各レギオンの代表者が出席します。必ずしも隊長、副隊長とは限りません。また三役はレギオンの代表者でなくても会議には出席、発言することが許されています。 #アサルトリリィ |
The 13 Legions' meeting is attended by representatives from each legion, which aren't necessarily always the commander or vice commander. Also, the three Student council presidents also participate in the meeting and have the right to speak, even if they're not their own legions' representatives. | Hắc |
July 11, 2021 | ' 眞悠理様は天葉様と仲が良いのもありますが、麻嶺様のことも大切に思っていてのこういう行動でした。麻嶺様が百合ヶ丘に長期滞在していた時に屋根裏のDIYを一緒にした仲なのです。屋根裏の宮殿の建造に麻嶺様も関わっているのです #アサルトリリィ |
Mayuri is a good friend of Soraha, but she also holds Marei dear to her. It traces back to when Marei stayed in Yurigaoka, she made self-made furnitures with Mayuri in her attic palace - Marei contributed in its construction | Hắc |
July 11, 2021 | ' 大磯海底谷ネスト(通称大磯ネスト)は百合ヶ丘近郊のネストとしては由比ヶ浜ネストと並んで厄介な存在です。2つのネストを討滅しなければ甲州奪還に向けて後顧の憂いを残すため、まずは近郊のネストの討滅を優先すべきという意見もありました。 #アサルトリリィ |
The Oo'iso Seabed Canyon Nest (hereafter Oo'iso Nest) situated near Yurigaoka stands next to the Yuigahama Nest (the one to be exterminated in ep 12 of the anime) as dangerous entities. If both are not destroyed first, then even the much-prioritized Koshu Liberation will become a source of trouble for later, so there were opinions declaring the necessity to exterminate these nearby nests first | Hắc |
July 11, 2021 | ' 一方でアールヴヘイムは外征旗艦レギオンとしてガーデンの国定守備範囲外で戦うことを主とするレギオンです。外征は名門ガーデンが優秀なリリィを集中させるかわりに負う義務でもありますので、守備範囲内の懸念だけで外征しないことは許されないという考え方もあります。 #アサルトリリィ |
On the other hand, Alfheim is the flagship expeditionary legion with its main task being missions outside of Yurigaoka's nationally designated defense territory. For prestigious Gardens that have gathered much talented Lilies, expeditions are also a responsibility, so there are also voices stating that focusing only on matters within a garden's boundaries without going out is not acceptable. | Hắc |
July 11, 2021 | ' 今の2.3年生にとって甲州奪還というのは悲願の一つです。特に3年生にとっては美鈴様を喪った戦いですので弔い合戦として、そして最終学年としてかねるものがあるのは事実です。柳都よりも優先したいという気持ちが強いのです #アサルトリリィ |
For the 2nd and 3rd years of Yurigaoka, the liberation of Koshu is one of their dearest wishes. This is especially true for the 3rd years, who have lost their comrade Misuzu at Koshu, so a final battle there to both avenge her and mark their final year is what they've been looking forward to. Thus their inclination to prioritize Koshu over Ryuuto is very strong. | Hắc |
July 11, 2021 | ' 僅差で決まったアールヴヘイム柳都S級ネスト討滅外征の投票結果です #アサルトリリィ |
So as a result, Alfheim's expedition to Ryuuto was narrowly passed with only a single vote difference in their favor
Supporting the expedition: -Sayu -Ageha -Natsuki -Tokiwa -Inori -Shizu Against the expedition: -Shinobu -Ayako -Shiera -Matsuri -Keine Abstained: -Sakua |
Hắc |
July 11, 2021 | Original text unavailable | Following the passing of the expedition, each representative delivered their word to Soraha.
Ageha: *"It is unbecoming of a Lily to abandon what she has in times of difficulty. Soraha, you are doing the right thing. So go, it's time to show to the world what Yurigaoka's value of justice is"* Tokiwa: *"Soraha-san, go and show me a battle worthy of Yurigaoka's flagship expeditionary legion ♪ I'm waiting to see Fafnir's head on a platter"* Inori: *"I've voted in your favor. Soraha-sama, the enemy is stronger than ever, but please make it back safely."* Sayu: *"It is not befitting of Alfheim's commander to think of defeat before even engaging the enemy. Soraha-sama, I give you my utmost support. Leave the defense of Kamakura Prefecture to us, and fight to your heart's content."* Shizu: *"On top of the situation being as tense as ever, the enemy is none other than Fafnir, the most violent of the 7 Great Ultra Classes. If it was any other legions to sortie other than Alfheim, I would've objected, but knowing it's Soraha-sama, I'm sure victory will be ours. I pray for your fortune on the battlefield."* Natsuki: *"How could the expeditionary legion go without fighting? You had my vote there, ufufu. And now you owe me one."* |
Hắc |
July 12, 2021 | ' 工藤朔愛「天葉様の御志、わたくし感銘を受けました。しかし、甲州奪還を目指すわがレギオンとして賛成は表明できませんでした。棄権という半端な形が礼を失していることは自覚しております、お許しくださいませ。そしてどうかご武運を、隊としての協力は惜しみません」 #アサルトリリィ |
**Sakua**: I am deeply impressed by Soraha-sama's resolution. But our Legion who wish for taking back Koushuu can't express agreement to it. I understand my half-hearted choice of abstaining is impolite, please forgive me. And, may the best luck be with you. We will not hesitate to help.
rluka |
July 12, 2021 | 例えば13レギオン会議の際に同票で意見が割れてしまった場合、どうやって決断を下すのでしょうか?
Q: What happen in case there are equal votes in the 13 Legions meeting?
A: Then the decision will be returned to the three executives. In this case, the expedition would have got rejected. |
rluka |
July 12, 2021 | たしかに今回の会議において、シュヴェルトライテからは隊長の隈綾音様ではなく、副隊長の多田紫恵楽様が参加なさっていました。
Q: Any reason behind why Schwartleite and Sanngríðr are not represented by their captain?
A: In Shiera's case, the Legion choose someone who best represent the Legion's philosophy. In Tokiwa's case, they probably choose someone whose opinion the three executives would listen to. |
rluka |
July 12, 2021 | 一般的には学年が上がるにつれて主将なりを任されるイメージが強いのですが、意外に一年生が多いんですね? #教えて二水ちゃん 特務レギオンを除いた13レギオンレベルで1年生隊長や主将は将来の「三役」、特にブリュンヒルデとオルトリンデの条件ともいわれてますね~ですので百合ヶ丘全体でみれば1年生隊長は少ないですね。
Q: There's an image where a lily became captain after they climbed up in seniority, but there are unexpectedly many captain from 1st year.
A: Discounting the special legions, being captain for one of the 13 Legions from first year can be said as requirement to become one of the three executives in the future, especially Brynhildr or Ortlinde. So, there's actually not many 1st year students leading a Legion. |
rluka |
July 12, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
祀様ゼノンパラドキサ持ちだし・・・ |
Q: It is said Matsuri is Riri's mentor as BZ, but Riri has the tendency of rushing to the front. Is this also Matsuri's influence?
A: Matsuri herself is also a BZ that often goes to the front, so it's possible. |
rluka |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are Soraha's parents still alive?
A: Yes |
rluka |
July 12, 2021 | 千華様はメンタル大丈夫なのでしょうか?それともノルンに支えて貰っているのでしょうか?
Q: Is Chihana's mental alright? Or is she being supported by her Norn?
A: Not just her Norn, but all her comrades in Lohengrin. In addition, she's someone who became Sigrune in her first year, so this wouldn't end her just yet. |
rluka |
July 12, 2021 | もし一柳隊が格付け的に13LG会議への参加権限を得た場合、代表として選ばれるのは誰だと思いますか?
個人的な意見ですと梅様が一番いいかなとおもいます。 #アサルトリリィ |
Q: If Hitotsuyanagi Squad is also in the 13 Legions Meeting, who would have been sent as representative?
A: Someone between Yuyu, Mai, Kaede, or Shenlin. Fumi personally thinks Mai would be a good choice. |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘女学院には入学前に中学生を対象にしたオープンキャンパスのようなものはありましたか?
また校舎や寮以外で気に入っている場所はありますか? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Is there any event like open campus for middle school students before high school admission? And where is the places Fumi likes outside the campus and dormitory?
A: Yes, there is a chance to look around the Garden held a while before high school selection. Fumi's favourite places are the bath, and the editorial room |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 天葉さまは肉と野菜どっち派ですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Soraha-sama, meat or vegetable?
A: Meat! |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
一柳隊の2年生2人は今回の新潟遠征をどう思われていたのでしょう? |
Q: How is Yuyu and Mai's opinion about the Niigata expedition?
A: They both knew Soraha and respect her decision. But they pre-emptively asked Fumi to not write about it in the newspaper. |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 広域ディフェンスの観点とは具体的にはどのようなものでしょうか
Q: What is the wide area defence paradigm?
A: Wide area defence is a new dogma Shiera brought to the territorialist. Unlike the dogma of only defending their own territory, Shiera argued it is alright to send out expedition to nearby Nests that would have threatened their territory if left alone. But Niigata is too far away, so they can't give their support. |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 先日雷がゴロゴロでしたが
六角汐里ちゃんはどうしてました? #教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: There's a lot of thunder yesterday. How is Shiori?
A: Seems like she went to bed early |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 田中壱さんの実家について知りたいです!
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Ichi came from family of high-ranked government officials | rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 桂さんは料理はできますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Can Hayami Katsura cooks?
A: Yes, and she’s quite good with Japanese menu |
rluka |
July 13, 2021 | 桂さんの料理を薺ちゃんは食べたことはありますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: has Nazuna ever eaten Katsura's dishes
A: yes. Nazuna said so herself |
Hắc |
July 13, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘でルド女の黒木・フランシスカ・百合亜様並の泥臭い戦い方をするリリィは居ますか??
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Yurigaoka Lilies with a rough fighting style akin to Yuria of Ludojo
A: Totori of Sanngriðr has the closest resemblance in style |
Hắc |
July 13, 2021 | カエルが好きなリリィはいますか?
Q: Lilies who like frogs
A: Nazuna, she says that they're cute. On the other hand, Kaed dislikes frogs, saying they're not beautiful |
Hắc |
July 13, 2021 | 雷すごくて早々に布団に早々に入ってしまう汐里さんに対して、琶月さんは何か対応を取っているのでしょうか……!
Q: What does Watsuki do when there's a lot of thunder, making Shiori going to bed early
A: she stays in bed with Shiori |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | LGシュバルツグレイルの山本美玲さんのレアスキルは何ですか?
Q: Rare skill of Yamamoto Mirei (LG Schwarz Grail)
A: Heliosphere |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | カリスマが縮地とかと勘違いされるのは、やっぱり覚醒者が少ないからなの? #教えて二水ちゃん 来夢さんのケースですかね?来夢さんがカリスマの前に縮地のサブスキルインビジブルワンに覚醒したを縮地覚醒と誤認識というかんじですね #アサルトリリィ |
Q: about the occasions when Charisma awakening is misdiagnosed as Shukuchi, is it because there are few Charisma users
A: In the case that the question is about Raimu, then not exactly. Raimu awakened Invisible One (sub-skill variant to Shukuchi) before Charisma, so she was mistaken as using Shukuchi itself. |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | 夜戦を得意としているリリィっていらっしゃったりしますか?
Q: Lilies excelling in night battle
A: Natsuki. Her nighttime vision is really good so she does well in night battle |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | 御台場のリリィの中でも、特に寝相が悪い事で有名な方って二水ちゃんはご存知でしょうか?
Q: Odaiba Lilies with a bad sleeping posture (i.e. turning and tossing in bed)
A: Chinami |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | メリクリウス等レギオン隊長のことを団長って呼んでるガーデンもありますが団長って百合ヶ丘のように主将・隊長の区別は無いのでしょうか?
Q: in some gardens such as St. Mercury, some Legion leaders are called "captains", but is this commander/leader-captain naming scheme meant to carry different meanings like the Commander/Captain title in Yurigaoka legions.
A: The "Captain" title of St. Mercury is a special thing. In this garden, three legions are put together to form a "group"/"company" (TL: someone find a proper name for this), and the "Captain" title refers to those who handle all three legions in a "group"/"company". This is unique to St. Mercury |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | 薺ちゃん以外に桂さんの料理を食べた人はいますか? #教えて二水ちゃん 桂さんが百合ヶ丘時代に弥宙さんが食べてます。まだ初等部のころですが既に上手だったそうです #アサルトリリィ |
Q: Lilies aside from Nazuna who have eaten Katsura's cooking
A: Misora, when Katsura was still in Yurigaoka. Back then she was only in the primary school level, but her cooking had already been excellent. |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | ミリアムさんが大好きだという「魔法少女チャーミーリリィ」の放送時間帯とか教えて頂いてもよろしいですか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |
Q: Airing time slot for Miliam's favorite anime, Magical Girl Charmy Lily
A: Sunday morning |
Hắc |
July 14, 2021 | 百合ヶ丘の生徒会長三役の中で、最もなりたい生徒が多い役職はどれでしょうか? #教えて二水ちゃん やはり、百合ケ丘のリリィたるもの一度は戦いを司るブリュンヒルデになりたいと思うものではないでしょうか #アサルトリリィ |
Q: which position among the three Student Council presidents is the most sought-after by Lilies
A: For Yurigaoka Lilies, maybe all of them have at least once dreamed of the Brynhildr position to take control of the battlefield |
Hắc |
July 15, 2021 | 依奈さまに対する千華様の評価は、どんな感じですか?
Q: What does Chihana think about Ena-sama?
A: Quite highly, of course. Here's what Chihana said to Ena when she invited her to join Alfheimr: "While we're aiming to create the strongest possible Legion and liberate Kanto, only a Lily who can perform at a level higher than me can be entrusted with commanding Alfheimr. That means there couldn't be anyone better than you. I want you to fight along side me, Ena. " |
FliryVorru |
July 15, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
リリィオタク的に初代アールヴヘイムメンバーが同じ戦場で一堂に会する事は望まれていることですか? |
Q: Is it just one of those things that all Lily otaku really want to see the original Alfheimr members together in the same place?
A: Yeah, that's the kind of thing that gets me going. |
FliryVorru |
July 15, 2021 | #教えて二水ちゃん
立原紗癒さんの好物など教えてくれると嬉しいです!!! |
Q: Could you tell us what kind of things Tachihara Sayu really likes?
A: Yakisoba |
FliryVorru |
Date unknown | Original text unavailable | Q: Are certain kinds of Huges more likely to appear in certain kinds of locations?
A: Yeah, they do tend to appear more often in places where they have become established as a species, of sorts. Huge names are also influenced by their locations. For example, "Creciente" is a Spanish word given to this Huge who first gained a foothold in Spain then spread around the world. |
FliryVorru |
July 15, 2021 | スペインの話題が出ましたが、スペイン出身、またはスペインの方の血を引いているリリィっていらっしゃいますか?
#教えて二水ちゃん |