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Yamanashi Hibari

From Assault Lily Wiki

I'm the best Tactical Zone back in the world. There's no one who can beat me!

Yamanashi Hibari (山梨日羽梨) is a Lily who attends Yurigaoka Girls' Academy. She is a member of Legion Sanngriðr. Her Schild is Futagawa Fumi.

She was formerly a member of Legion Svanhvít and the Schild of Yanagisawa Ayako.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Hibari was once thought of by some people as conceited. She's since mellowed out, but she's still strong-willed and unafraid to speak her mind. She'll often brag "I'm the best Tactical Zone back in the world!", and she may be right about that, but Watanabe Akane and others are competing fiercely for the honor.

She is friends with Uchida Mayuri[6] and Hirose Minato[7], and considers Watanabe Akane her rival[8][9]. Among the members of Sanngriðr, she is especially close to Kondo Misaka who invited her into the legion[10].

Hibari is a lily otaku[11]. Her topic of interest is in Stats, which are detailed battle report recorded in CHARM. She studied the data from many legions and made the analysis of these records her life work[12].

History[edit | edit source]

Hibari was born in Kamakura[13], and her family lives in in Aobadai, a suburban neighborhood in present day Yokohama, close to Fumi's hometown. Her father is a mechanical watch designer, while her mother is a painter. Hibari herself claim she's a logical person rather than artistic like her parents[14].

She has been in Yurigaoka ever since kindergarten grade[15].

The Magi Rampancy Incident[edit | edit source]

During junior high school, Hibari became close with Yanagisawa Ayako, who would later be her Schutzengel. After Hibari advanced to high school (in 2051), she took the Schutzengel's Oath with Ayako and entered Legion Svanhvít, the legion that Ayako was in.

Later that year, Takegoshi Chihana stepped down as Sigrún. Tamura Nagi, the captain of LG Svanhvít, decided that she wanted to run in the Sigrún election. Unfortunately, it wasn't long after this that Nagi's Magi Rampancy flared up, and she became a violent person as a result. In Svanhvít's legion room, she began talking about "isolating" one of her competitors in the Sigrún election, Watanabe Akane. This left Hibari, who had a friendly rivalry with Akane, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Then, one day, Nagi suddenly attacked Akane with her CHARM while they were out in public. Nagi wasn't normally the sort of person who would lash out in anger, but her Magi Rampancy was so severe by then that she that was no longer in her right mind, causing her to take up her CHARM and wield it against Akane with killing intent.

Akane managed to avoid a lethal blow, taking the hit to her shoulder instead. When she saw blood flowing freely from Akane's shoulder, Hibari placed herself between Nagi and the other Lily. Even though Nagi was the captain of her legion, and older than she was, Hibari tried to make her stand down.

"Nagi-sama! Are you out of your mind? Drop your weapon!" Hibari exclaimed, but Nagi ignored her words. "Out of the way, Hibari! I said MOVE!" she shouted, and brought her blade down against the training CHARM Hibari had armed herself with.

"Forgive me, but I must stop you, Nagi-sama!" said Hibari. Their blades had clashed over fifty times before the members of LG Svanhvít, and other third-years, forced the two apart[16].

The End of Legion Svanhvít[edit | edit source]

The duel that Nagi and Hibari had fought caused an immediate commotion. Naturally, Nagi was put in confinement, but the student council and Conduct Board then debated what to do with her. The student council was inclined to take Nagi's Magi Rampancy into consideration, but Hibari herself spoke up during their investigation, claiming in public before the inquiry that Nagi's attack on Akane couldn't simply be overlooked.

Since Akane was her friend, it was natural of Hibari to feel that way. Akane's keen instincts had allowed her to avoid injury, but Nagi had struck with the full force of her magie, and had the blow landed just a little differently, it might well have resulted in Akane never being able to hold a CHARM again. Out of all the Lilies at Yurigaoka, it was Hibari who most of all could not forgive what Nagi had tried to do to Akane.

Ayako, Hibari's Schutzengel at the time, told her not to blame Nagi. "Her magie was out of control. Didn't you notice she'd been acting odd lately? And Akane-san, she just wants this to be over. Why don't we go, all of us in Svanhvít, and apologize to her together?" she suggested to Hibari.

Hibari wasn't convinced. "Are you saying Akane was the one in the wrong?!" she retorted. "It doesn't matter to me what Akane wants! Nagi needs to take responsibility for what she did!"

Maki Wakana, who was at that time a member of the Conduct Board, thought long and hard about the issue, but eventually decided to punish Nagi for her actions.

"We will not take action against Legion Svanhvít as a whole, but I believe Nagi-san must consider whether she is qualified to be the captain of a legion," she said. "She may be permitted to resume her captaincy in the future, but Svanhvít is asked to remit the position of their legion captain to the Brynhildr." She thus ordered Svanhvít to select a new captain.

Hibari suggested to her Schutzengel, Ayako, that she should become the captain. "Me instead of Nagi? Are you even listening to yourself?!" Ayako exclaimed. She'd predicted what would happen, and didn't want to add to the chaos. But, knowing all too well what would come next, she collapsed in tears.

Mitsui Ko, Nagi's partner and the vice-captain of Legion Svanhvít, suggested as she looked upon the weeping Ayako that they disband the legion. "Nagi was the one who brought us together. This legion was her dream," Ko said. "If she can no longer be our leader, then Svanhvít's journey ends here."

When Nagi's magie finally calmed down and she returned to her senses, she voluntarily resigned as Svanhvít's captain, while expressing the wish the legion would go on. Mozuna Noa in turn said "We should just start a new legion together, all of us, and Nagi too!" But Ko felt differently from the two of them.

"We have all lost our way," Ko said quietly. "And we must each find it again on our own. If we can pick ourselves back up, and find how to continue onward, that's when we'll fight together once more."

"I love you, Nagi... but this is where we part ways."

With those words, Legion Svanhvít—the strongest legion of the Dueling Generation—came to an end[16].

Parting Ways[edit | edit source]

Hibari was left in shock. She'd never imagined that the lengths to which she'd gone would result in Legion Svanhvít disbanding, and she struggled to accept the reality of it. "Is this my fault?" she asked her Schutzengel, Ayako.

"Yes, this is in large part because of what you did," Ayako told her. "Nagi's dream, and my own dream... they've all crumbled away. Hibari, it's time for the two of us to part ways as well."

Ayako moved to have their Schutzengel's Oath annulled, leaving Hibari in tears. "If you do that, Oneesama, I'll—" she started to say.

"Please don't call me that anymore," Ayako said to Hibari. "Cry however much you must, and then find a new life for yourself. You aren't the only one responsible for this. It's also my fault for not guiding you properly."

Ayako embraced Hibari one last time, and then departed, leaving her alone[16].

Joining Sanngriðr[edit | edit source]

After that, Hibari was a shell of her former self. The Conduct Board (Okada Kisara in particular) thought she'd been correct to do what she had, but Hibari herself no longer had a reason to fight, or even live.

Uchida Mayuri, the new Sigrún, and Kondo Misaka were both old friends of Hibari's, and they tried to support her. Hibari spent every day shut in her room, but Misaka encouraged her to fight as a Lily again. "This isn't the last anyone will hear of the amazing Yamanashi Hibari, is it?" she said.

Akane also tried to cheer up Hibari. Later, after Hibari returned to being a Lily, Akane asked to be her roommate and the two became partners.

One day, Misaka saw Hibari staring at a knife as if in a daze, and then lifting it to her throat. Misaka grabbed the knife away from Hibari and slapped her on the cheek.

"If you're throwing your life away, give it to me!" Misaka exclaimed, shaking Hibari by the shoulders as she did. "Just don't do something this stupid! I get how badly your oneesama leaving you hurt. But you can't forget, you still have friends!" Her words finally stirred the embers in Hibari's heart back to life.

"Misaka... I was..." Hibari said, bursting into tears. Misaka hugged the girl tightly and asked Hibari to fight by her side. "Thank you, Misaka," said Hibari as she agreed[16].

Stage plays[edit | edit source]

Twilight of the Flowers / The Ringing Depths[edit | edit source]

During the play, Hibari asks Futagawa Fumi to take the Schutzengel's Oath with her and become her Schild, and Fumi accepts.

Combat Style[edit | edit source]

Hibari uses the Dueling Generation's style of fighting, and just like Lilies from the Dueling Generation once did, she wields a B-type Armament.

Hibari has awoken to what is most likely the subskill version of Z[17], and she can use it to return her CHARM to normal from an overheated state. As soon as it's confirmed, she will be the first Lily in history to possess the subskill version of Z. She refers to this ability by the unofficial name of "Restarigi."

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The plagiarism issue that centered on Kondo Misaka also affected Hibari, because she was drawn in a similar uniform to Misaka's. Her original key visual was never reposted by official Assault Lily accounts.
    • When talking about Hibari, Fumi often tweeted a screenshot of her cameo in Assault Lily: Bouquet instead.
    • At the AK-GARDEN 23 convention in June 2023, Hibari received a new key visual drawn by Hotaru. Much like her cameo in Bouquet, she is now wearing the standard Yurigaoka uniform with only minor alterations.
  • She has been featured in cover of World Lily Graphics magazine[18].
  • Kinoko faction[19].

Likes[edit | edit source]

  • She likes Preppy fashion style[20].
  • Her favourite animal is Chinchilla[21].
  • Her favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry cheese cake[22].
  • Her favourite bread are curry bread[23].
  • Her favourite donuts are chocolate-flavoured Old-fashioned doughnuts[24]
  • Her favourite sushi is Amaebi[25].
  • Her favourite oden is mochi kinchaku[26]. Although, she usually eat it after taking out the inside and let it cool down[27].
  • Her favourite flower is the Linaria[28].
    • In flower language, it means "Please notice this love"[29].
  • Her favourite colour is cerulean blue[30].
  • Her specialty cooking is stewed dish[31]. Fumi's favourite being stewed hamburger[32], with demi-glace sauce[33].
  • For dipping sauce in Chinese cooking, she prefers sesame to soy sauce[34].
  • She usually has bread rather than rice for breakfast[35].
  • Her best subject is biology[36].
  • Her oshi lily as an otaku is still her formal Schutzengel, Yanagisawa Ayako from LG Vingolf[37].
  • She has interest in accessory making[38].
  • She likes Earless seal[39], especially the Harp seal[40].

Dislikes[edit | edit source]

  • She hates insects, especially moths[41].
    • When an insect showed up in her dormitory room, she runs away and hide in Mayuri's attic room[42].
  • She doesn't like horror movies. Although she is fine with stories that are obviously fiction, the kind that feels realistic really scared her[43].
  • She dislike pineapple in subuta dish[44].

HibaFumi[edit | edit source]

  • Hibari is said to have been paying attention to Fumi ever since the later's entrance to Yurigaoka[45]. This is the beginning of the HibaFumi shipping.
    • It doesn't help that the official account Fumi are fueling the shipping with statements hinting about their closeness and the possibility for both of them to engage in a Schutzengel Oath, such as mentoring Fumi in tactics, or going camping together[46][47].
  • They had went out for lunch together[48] after shopping parts for handicraft[49].
  • They have also went to sushi together[50].
  • Fumi gives valentine chocolate to Hibari[51].
  • Hibari used to call Fumi more formally as "Fumi-san"[52], but has grown close enough to just call her "Fumi" without any honorific[53].
  • Hibari gives chinchilla-shaped necklace for Fumi's birthday present[54].
  • It's speculated that Fumi almost called out "Hibari oneesama" during her birthday[55].
  • Fumi has been to Hibari's room[56] and stayed for a sleepover[57].
  • Hibari often suddenly invite Fumi to go out together, such as to art gallery[58] and then continued with going to the zoo[59].
  • During the second Sanngriðr stage play, Hibari finally made the decision to tie the Schutzengel Oath with Fumi.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. @assault_lily twitter, May 13, 2021. "Q: Hibahiba's birthday" "A: July 7th" Translation by Hắc.
  2. @assault_lily twitter, March 22, 2021. "Q: any info on Hibahiba" "A: her height is 158cm" Translation by Hắc.
  3. @assault_lily twitter, November 3, 2023.
  4. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1794741775577571693
  5. @assault_lily twitter, September 26, 2021. "Q: Hibari excels both in capability and achievements, so does she have a unique CHARM of her own" "A: Yes, it's called Ascalon" Translation by Hắc.
  6. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1365327231115923458
  7. @assault_lily twitter, February 18, 2022. "Q: Any Lily from other Garden who has good relationship with Minato?" "A: Members of the 4th squad, but especially Hibari" Translation by rluka.
  8. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1354821469411282952
  9. @assault_lily twitter, October 18, 2021. "Q: Anyone else close to Akane other than members of Alfheim?" "A: Her rival Hibari." Translation by rluka.
  10. @assault_lily twitter, August 9, 2021. "Q: To whom in LG Sanngriðr is Hibari close with" "A: She treasures all the members of her legion, but she's especially close with Misaka, who invited her when she was wandering with no place to go after LG Svanhvit's collapse" Translation by Hắc.
  11. @assault_lily twitter, February 28, 2021. "Q: does Foomy and Hibari converse frequently?" "A: yes. and conversations aren't just limited to tactical discussions, but also expand to subjects like notable Lilies and such, since Hibari herself is a Lily otaku as well." Translation by Hắc.
  12. @assault_lily twitter, March 1, 2021. "Q: what kind of Lily otaku is Hibari" "A: She specializes in tactics, and her dedication is in the analysis of Lilies' combat records. With this, she grasps the combat style of many legions." Translation by Hắc.
  13. @assault_lily twitter, March 28, 2021. "Q: more info on Hibari-sama pls I can't sleep" "A: she's from Kamakura (current day Kanagawa)" Translation by Hắc.
  14. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1624446440557940737
  15. @assault_lily twitter, May 20, 2021. "Q: was Hibahiba raised from the kindergarten level in Yurigaoka, or did she join in the (junior) high school level" "A: she has been in Yurigaoka since kindergarten" Translation by Hắc.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Assault Lily Setting Materials featuring LG Sanngrithr, pg. 14.
  17. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1374376378540322823
  18. @assault_lily twitter, January 13, 2022. "Q: Has Hibari ever been featured on a World Lily Graphics issue" "A: Yes of course, and Fumi has that issue too. The front page's title was "The Fruits of Command Tower Dueling Revitalization in Yurigaoka, Hibari's World View"" Translation by Hắc.
  19. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1392865800034283523
  20. @assault_lily twitter, June 30, 2021. "Q: Hibari's clothing style" "A: Preppy style" Translation by Hắc.
  21. @assault_lily twitter, April 6, 2021. "Q: Hibari-sama is said to dislike insects, but are there any animals that she likes?" "A: chinchillas" Translation by Hắc.
  22. @assault_lily twitter, August 8, 2021. "Q: Fumi's favorite cake type is chocolate mint, but how about Hibahiba's" "A: Strawberry cheese cake" Translation by Hắc.
  23. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1478025016445116416
  24. @assault_lily twitter, October 18, 2021. "Q: What about Hibari's?" "A: The type with crunchy dough and chocolate topping" Translation by rluka.
  25. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1485636788030873601
  26. @assault_lily twitter, December 3, 2021. "Q: Hibari's favorite oden ingredient" "A: mochikinchaku" Translation by Hắc.
  27. @assault_lily twitter, December 14, 2021. "Q: How does Hibari - who is not good with hot food - deal with her favorite oden ingredient, mochikinchaku" "A: Taking the mochi out and cooling it before eating" Translation by Hắc.
  28. @assault_lily twitter, March 17, 2022. "Q: Hibari's favorite flower" "A: Linaria." Translation by Hắc.
  29. https://hananokotoba.com/linaria/
  30. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1532371004148043776
  31. @assault_lily twitter, October 16, 2021. "Q: What is Hibari's specialty menu?" "A: Stew and boiled foods" Translation by rluka.
  32. @assault_lily twitter, November 12, 2022. "Q: What is Fumi's favourite food by Hibari?" "A: Poached hamburger steak." Translation by rluka.
  33. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1602685066953756673
  34. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1537821516280508416
  35. @assault_lily twitter, December 4, 2022. "Q: What does Hibari prefer for breakfast, rice or bread" "A: Bread" Translation by Hắc.
  36. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1451933448256380931
  37. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1455192817119072258
  38. @assault_lily twitter, November 5, 2021. "Q: Hibari apears to like making bead ornaments, is it her hobby" "A: Yes, alongside accessory crafting." Translation by Hắc.
  39. @assault_lily twitter, November 9, 2021. "Q: Lilies that like sea mammals like seals and fur seals" "A: Hibari, she likes (earless) seals" Translation by Hắc.
  40. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1463894302535258113
  41. @assault_lily twitter, April 5, 2021. "Q: can Hibari withstand bugs" "A: no" Translation by Hắc.
  42. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1570073065761165313
  43. @assault_lily twitter, April 26, 2021. "Q: then, does Hibari also dislike horror stuff, or she outright is frightened of them" "A: she doesn't flinch one bit in the face of things that sound made-up. however, scary events that seem like real accounts do scare her" Translation by Hắc.
  44. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1507013185861087233
  45. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1334895837856481280
  46. @assault_lily twitter, September 9, 2021. "Q: One of Fumi's hobbies is camping, so has she ever gone camping with friends in Yurigaoka. Camping in the sense of playing and having a good time, so excluding those occasions when she did combat reconnaissance with LG Sigrdrifa - that doesn't count." "A: Yes. Fumi has gone camping with a lot of friends, but in the time when she went with Hibari , she was told to bring a firestarter next time around. It was raining then, and she took a lot of time to light a fire with the branch technique that she should've gotten used to" Translation by Hắc.
  47. @assault_lily twitter, September 9, 2021. "Q: What did Fumi and Hibari eat then" "A: Grilled meat. Fumi tried to grill it barbacoa-style, but was told off by Hibari not to bury the meat into the ground, so she used a normal cooker instead." Translation by Hắc.
  48. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1455202092038049804
  49. @assault_lily twitter, November 2, 2021. "Q: what did Fumi do with Hibari before/after lunch together" "A: Hibari said she wanted to make beadwork ornaments, so they went to buy materials for it" Translation by Hắc.
  50. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1485638929537634304
  51. @assault_lily twitter, February 13, 2022. "Q: Does Fumi plan on giving Hibari chocolate" "A: Yes, she has helped Fumi with a lot of stuff" Translation by Hắc.
  52. @assault_lily twitter, May 18, 2021. "In the beginning, Hibari calls Fumi as “Fumi-san”" Translation by rluka.
  53. @assault_lily twitter, May 17, 2021. "Q: how does Hibari call Fumi" "A: "Fumi"" Translation by Hắc.
  54. @assault_lily twitter, December 21, 2021. "Q: Fumi-chan, what birthday present did you receive from Hibari-sama?" "A: Necklace with chinchilla design" Translation by rluka.
  55. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1545044795856662528
  56. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1557394893529817089
  57. @assault_lily twitter, August 23, 2022. "Q: Has Fumi ever stayed overnight in Hibari's room (TL's note: it's possible to do so if the proper registration is done)" "A: Yes" Translation by Hắc.
  58. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1593999737530642432
  59. https://twitter.com/assault_lily/status/1597234904848531456